baelorfinn · 8 years
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baelorfinn · 8 years
we were in screaming color
Pairing: Finn Balor x Becky Lynch
Description: In which soulmates are a thing and you see color when you’re near them bc i was bored at work lol
N/A: Guys i don’t even know. 
She sees a flicker of color as soon as she enters the gym and spots the blue mats, or she thinks its called blue, and for a split second she thinks maybe she's in love with wrestling. Fifteen year old her doesn't really understand how it works, you can't be in love with something, it has to be someone. She meets him a few seconds later and suddenly her world is so bright she has to hold on to her brother's arm. He's introducing himself as Finn and flashing them a crooked smile. Becky grins back happily, almost jumping out of her own skin. She can hardly wait until her brother is done introducing himself to stick her hand out and introduce herself. She swears the colors are more vibrant for a split second before she has to take her hand back. As her first day of wrestling school comes to an end she's positive she's one of the unlucky people that love someone that doesn't love them. While she's a bundle of nerves and smiles, he keeps his cool the whole time, no trace of having just met his soulmate. Becky tells herself it's okay, she's there to wrestle not fall in love. 
She thinks maybe she is his soulmate whenever she catches him wincing at a bad bump she takes, but then again he's just that kind of person. They've known each other for months now, and he's never once made her believe that she was his one. It's not until almost one year of knowing him that she realizes that maybe he's just good at hiding his feelings. Maybe she's been to caught up in her own feelings that she'd never noticed the small things. Him watching her with pride on his face when she mastered a move, or how he always made sure he was near by when she might need him while still keeping his distance. But really it's a phone call she hears that makes her blood rush to her face and nerves to flutter in her belly. She only catches the "She's seventeen" that she knows he's talking about her, even though technically she’s not seventeen and he just thinks that. Making her footsteps louder so he has time to wrap up his conversation, she walks towards him, bright and a little too early for conditioning. 
The color doesn't ever really fade completely, but it does fade in vibrancy. It's like having him in the back of her mind when she's not around him, and being surrounded by him when she is. He's so so angry the first time she sees in shades of grey again. He's standing in front of her, hands on his hips and a look in his eyes that tell her she's in trouble for lying to him for so long. And even though he's standing in front of her, physically okay, she has a brief moment of panic. She's heard of stories of people seeing in grey again and she doesn't want that kind of heartbreak. She doesn't think she can handle it. It's only when she sees the flash of guilt in his eyes that she realizes he has so much control over his emotions that he can shut her out. Finn knows that she knows when he takes a step closer to her and she flinches away from him. Her eyes filled with tears and her hands shake in sadness or anger, she doesn't know. "Bex-" he pleaded with her. "I'm sorry." And suddenly her world is filled with color once again, his arms wrapped tightly around her shaking form. Becky presses her face against his neck, her tears staining his shirt. "Don' ever do that again, Balor." she hiccups. 
She cries for a whole hour when he tells her he's leaving, and he holds her for just as long. Wrestling is both of their dream and she can't fault him for leaving to pursue better things. She doesn't ask him to stay, or to wait for her. And neither does he. But their unspoken words speak louder than any words they could say and so does the kiss he places on his forehead when he leaves. 
She's seen in grey for the last few years that she doesn't know if she even remembers what color looks like. It all comes flooding back when she's in the ring and suddenly she sees exactly how bright Bayley's attire is, how beautiful Sasha's hair is and how pretty her best friend looks in blue. Becky had heard the rumors around the locker room. Whispers of someone that sounded just like her soulmate. She'd refused to acknowledge them, not wanting to get her hopes up. Despite swearing they would stay in touch when he had left, they hadn't actually tried all that hard. Their careers were both taking off at the same time, and then Becky was retiring. Now they were both in the company, and it feels a little something like fate.
She doesn't have to see him or even hear him to know he's in the building. Everything is more vibrant than ever, and hes surrounding her. She's drowning in color and she almost cries at the sudden happiness. Bayley is looking at her in confusion, but Sasha and Charlotte are looking at her with knowing smiles. They think she's the last one to meet their soulmate but that's because she never bothered to tell them she's known her soulmate since she was fifteen and pretending to be older. 
She's jittery throughout the rest of the day, and the girls tease her whenever someone walks through the door, always disappointed when it's not the new guy they'd all heard about. At the end of the day Becky lingers at the center for a little longer than she usually does, a permanent smile on her face as she finally spots him. "Fancy seein' ya here." She begins to walk towards him. He's smiling back at her and she drops her bag to throw her arms around him. He watches her easily and they both take a moment to revel in the bright colors they can see within one another. "Missed ya a lot nerd." She tries to say the words flippantly but her eyes are swimming with tears and she's smiling wide. He's returning her smile and pulling away from her to get a good look at her. Twenty seven year old her is a lot less shy than eighteen year old her and so she gives him a little twirl, a mischievous glint in her eyes. He blushes and she laughs at the look on her face before looping her arms back around him. 
There isn't a day since he's joined NXT that she doesn't spend time with him. He's fallen into the role of coach and best friend easily enough. Spending time with her after their actual training to go over her move set and making fun of her need to be perfect even though he has no room to talk. It's like everything is the same as it was before and Becky doesn't know how to approach the subject of them. So she doesn't. Instead she puts a smile on her face and pretends she's okay with being just friends. The girls continuously try to broach the subject but she deflects with puns and jokes on the subject. Talking about it makes it more real than it already is. Like maybe she is doomed to have a soulmate that doesn't love her like that. 
Sometimes when they're out painting the town red with their group of friends, she catches herself staring longingly at him. Sometimes she catches him but those times are few and far between. It's like her mind is playing tricks on her. This time she definitely knows his eyes are following her as she dances against one of the locals, red hair tumbling down her back and a drink in her hand. She knows it's wrong to use the man to catch Finn's attention but she doesn't have it in her to care too much about it. It's not until the guy she's dancing with goes to get a drink that Finn makes his appearance, possessive hands gripping her hips and pulling her against him. Her heart is beating so hard against his chest that she swear he can heart it and the lights of club almost hurt her eyes with how bright they are. "I thought you didn't dance." She teases, without turning around to face him. "I don't." He replies, turning her to face him. Looping her arms around his shoulders, she sways against him. "C'on Balor I'm trying to get laid here." She wonders how much she can push him before he breaks. "I don't cock block you do I?" Becky thinks that must do it, as his arms tighten around her. And suddenly he's all around her, colors flashing almost with a red tint. She thinks maybe she pushed him to hard when he ducks his head down, lips on her hair and a whisper on his lips. "You're mine Bex." His words don't hold any kind of teasing and her heart all but explodes. "Yours." She agrees as though she's been anything but for the last twelve years. "You're mine too." He places a kiss against her neck and she has her answer. 
They don't talk about it. But there's little moments between them. Little moments that let her know that he's hers and she's his and when it's their time they'll be together for real. Sometimes he'll hold her hand or brush a kiss against her forehead. She lives for moments like those and she knows he does too. 
Becky's always thought she would have to make the first move. He's too Finn, too honorable to try anything. She's fresh off her loss to Sasha and maybe he's still feeling the adrenaline from beating Tyler when he kisses her. She doesn't reciprocate right away and it takes him pulling away from her to fully understand what he had done. He has a blush on his cheeks and he's stuttering out an apology for overstepping when she starts smiling. "Can you shut up now? I'd like to be kissed sometime this year." He's still looking at her with a blush on his cheeks that she's the one that steps closer to him and plants one on his slightly parted lips. For a moment she's worried it was all a fluke but then he's wrapping an arm around her waist and tangling the other in her newly dyed orange curls.
She's convinced fate hates her when she gets called up to the main roster and he doesn't. Finn spends a whole day assuring her that things wouldn't change between them. Not when they've only just gotten together. And for the most part things are exactly the same. Expect for the days everything is gray and she forgets what blue looks like. She's gotten better at controlling her emotions that sometimes she catches glimpses of color. Nothing is quite like when she's in Florida or NXT is on the road with them. 
They've gotten past the presence that they're not completely in love with each other that it's kind of a little ridiculous that they still have separate homes in Orlando. Becky moves in on an exceptionally sunny day and she makes him watch her set things up while he nurses a hurt ankle. "Hey." She looks up from where she placing her clothes in one of the drawers to find him grinning at her. Arching an eyebrow at him she waits for whatever he was going to say. "I love you." Is certainly not what she expected but she beams at him. Practically jumping over to where he was sitting, playing with his newest lego set, and sitting carefully on his lap. "I love ya too."
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baelorfinn · 8 years
Pairing: Finn Balor x Becky Lynch
Description: Becky doesn’t know what to do and Finn is sad.
N/A: This one just like 100% got away from me tbh. Like??? I don’t even know what this is bye. Are they together are they not together? I dont know and neither do they. read my stuff @balorbate and @dillingertye
She had to hide her signature orange hair beneath a black hoodie when she’d sneaked in with Finn earlier in the day. With the brands separated and the company actually trying to keep them apart she’d had to hide from the fans as best as she could. Finn had smiled weakly at her attempts, his eyes sad at why he was in the building in the first place. 
Becky had hardly left his side since they’d arrived, following him into one of the quieter parts of the building and sitting beside him on the crate. He wasn’t saying anything, just sitting and watching the title on his lap. Once in a while he’d bump his leg against hers and she’d return the gesture, letting him know she was there and didn’t plan on leaving his side until he gave her the okay. Her phone was blowing up with messages from their friends, knowing he wasn’t actually going to answer any of them and contacting her instead. She replied with a ‘we’re fine’ to most of them, only giving Sami and Charlotte longer replies and telling them not to worry. She could feel the excitement in the air as the show came closer to starting but all she could feel was dread in her stomach. 
His leg was shaking enough that she had to reach over and place her hand on his thigh, stopping his movements and causing him to glance over at him. “You’re makin’ me crazy.” She glanced over at him. “Shows 'bout to start.” She commented, they had a few minutes left but he was opening the show. He gave her a short nod before carefully getting off the crate and trying to hide his wince from her. Becky followed after him, taking his extended hand in hers and walking with him towards gorilla. 
There were far too many people waiting for them and if she had it her way she’d tell them to leave. Finn was far too nice for that and he simply nodded at them before taking his spot behind the curtain. Mick Foley was still talking, breaking the news to the fans. Tears began gathering in her eyes again, and this time it was Finn squeezing her hand. Giving him a teary laugh she brushed at her eyes, blinking the tears away and giving him the best smile she could.
His music hit seconds later and he was letting go of her hand to make his way towards the ring. Becky caught bright blonde hair beside her and she knew exactly who was slipping their arm around her. “Hey Char.” She greeted, bitting down on her lip as Finn spoke. “You okay?” Beckly tilted her head at the question, hair falling over her shoulder as she shrugged. All things considered she was okay, she wasn’t the one injured, but then again she wasn’t okay at all. 
Leaning against Charlotte she kept her eyes trained on the monitor. Her vision became blurry as he continued to talk, tears trailing down her cheeks as Mick takes the title from him and Finn promises to come back. Wiping at her tears almost angrily she stubbornly refused to continue crying when he would need her as soon as he stepped backstage. 
Normally she kept her public displays of affection to a minimum, their coworkers being a group of gossips, but she doesn’t hesitate in stepping towards him and clutching his hand as soon as he’s backstage. Becky hovering by his side as people pull him into conversations and wish him a speedy recovery, squeezing his hand every few minutes to remind him that she’s there. 
When she can’t ignore the way his body tenses beside her any longer, she excuses them and leads them back to where they had been sitting before his promo. “Wanna go?” She asks, hoping he says yes so they can leave. She doesn’t know what plans they have for the title, his title, and she doesn’t want to stay back and find out. 
Becky does’t expect him to give her a nod but when he does she’s quick to start walking them towards one of the exists. She’s not giving him the chance to change his mind. Pulling the hoodie over her head she ducks her head and peaks outside the door before opening it. He’s grinning at her antics and it makes her warm inside. With a quick text Sami and Charlotte, she slips behind the wheel of his rental car and begins the ride to the Hotel. 
Silence between them is usually of the comfortable kind, but she’s feeling restless as they drive to the Hotel. She doesn’t speak up though, she’s scared of saying something incentive or right down stupid. When the Hotel comes into sight she let’s out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and he looks over at her with a crooked smile. “Ya know, I don’ think you’ve ever been this quiet in yer life.” He jokes and she has to smile at that. 
“Oh hush you-” She playfully says, turning the car off and sitting in her seat in silence. Of course he has to go and break the comfortable silence with a question about Dallas. She shifts in her seat at his question, “I can drive up there tomorrow.”
She knows what it’s like to be injured and not allowed to do the thing she loves the most, so she’s not going to leave him alone to dwell on things if she can help it. “You arguin’ isn’t gonna make me change my mind, Balor so don’ even try aight?” She gives him a stern look and he gives her a sheepish smile in return. Despite his protests she can see the relief in his eyes at having her for another day. “Now let’s go, we both need sleep.”
Her voice doesn’t give him room to argue and so he begins to follow her to the hotel. They’d rented one room but neither was under the impression that they’d sleep in their respective beds. “Ya know, you can come to Dallas with me.” She mentioned casually, watching him slide their key card into it’s slot and watching the light turn green. “Watch your favorite lass kick some arse."  
It earns a little laugh from him and she feels accomplished for all of one second before he reminds her of all the appointments set up for him back in Florida. Surgery, rest, rehab and more rehab. ”’s okay, I’ll kick some arse for you.“ She replies as casually as she can, though the thought of saying goodbye fills her stomach with dread. 
Dumping their bags on the floor, because she wasn’t going to let him carry anything, she begin looking through them searching for her sleeping clothes before giving up and grabbing one of his shirts instead. "Are you going to watch Raw, 'cause I’m gonna need a drink if ya are." 
She’s walking to the bathroom when he answers her by turning the television on and cheers filling the room. Her hair goes up in a messy bun and shirt get’s replaced by one his much bigger ones. He’s sitting on the couch, a beer in hand for her and water for him when she joins him. She almost giggles at the look on his face when he sees far too much leg and her in his shirt. 
"For the record, I want ya to know this is a terrible idea.” Becky says, taking the beer from him and sitting herself on his good side. He makes a face at her and she laughs. They have an hour and a half left of Raw to go and so he watches intently and she watches him. She’s trying to catch each and everyone of his emotions, but his control is perfect and even she can’t see past the cool face he puts on. 
When the show comes to an end she’s quick to turn the television on and declare it’s time to sleep. He follows her to one of the beds after a bit of prodding and soon they’re trying to figure out exactly how they’re going to sleep. She ends up on his good side, her frame at the very edge of the bed to give him some room and her arms under head head as she watches him. The day seems to be catching up to him, and his eyes water but he won’t let himself cry again so she just scoots closer to him, intertwining their fingers together and whispering a “G'night, Finn.”
She hopes to God tomorrow will be a better day.
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