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veryimportantsparkles · 1 year ago
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Okay!!! I drew this last night but it was right before bed so I waited to post it so I'd have time to write. This is a tentative design, I'm probably going to restructure that...vest? At least a little bit. Meet Dillia. Technically she's been on the blog once before, when I was working on my Johto trainer outfit...from when I would have been like TWELVE. Today's my birthday by the way, I just turned THIRTY-FIVE.
Dillia was from my original Silver version. I still have the cartridge, but the battery died at some point years ago. When Heart Gold and Soul Silver came out, I was at a point in my life where I couldn't afford to buy new games all the time, so I skipped them. For years after I was buttmad that I have a big gap in my Pokemon experience. From HGSS up until I suppose SwSh, I wasn't buying the new stuff. I'm a lot more financially stable now, but in the meanwhile all the prices on used games had been rocketing up. Well, last year Josh the Boyfriend got me a reasonably-priced legitimate copy of Soul Silver off an ebay listing he had been watching. I had to prep the file with my usual habits (get to the name rater and nickname everything, designate a world sacrifice etc) and wanted to clear out some of my gen 3 backlog (beat leaf green three times, lol, then sapphire, alpha sapphire, and emerald) before starting a new file. I have started a new file!
I had to reset like 14 times for a female Totodile, but it was important to me that I get Dillia back. When I got her the first time, I had no idea that female starters were rare. Totodiles have always simply been female to me. She's almost as beloved as Tortoise, a lifelong companion that has been with me since I was very young. I've waited so long to revive her, it's a shame. I don't have full designs for her gijinka forms yet, but I had done a rough sketch a few years ago.
Using Tortoise's timeline sketch as a guide, Dillia should have Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr forms for her original game, then after death and rebirth in the new game. I think what I want to do is give her very tame clothes in her old life (stuff I would've worn in 2001, 90s thrift store jackets and basic jeans), and punkier stuff for her new life.
I still have a lot of other art to do (champion art for the Alpha Sapphire guys, and the Emerald guys, and...my entire webcomic Laserwing...and other things...) but I wanted to get the basic idea of Dillia out to commemorate her return.
Hopefully she'll help me remember a bunch of other Silver Pokemon that have been lost to the haze of time!
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achromaticbibliophile · 6 months ago
The idea of Yuu being the White Queen to Riddle’s Red Queen is excellent, and helps further their differences for sure~
The Leech twins are about to make up for lost time and become the most overprotective siblings ever to Yuu. It’s a wonder the Scarabia plot happened at all in that setting since they’d probably try dragging Yuu to their dorm for winter break and are frantically checking the whole school when Yuu got “voluntold” by Jamil until the carpet crash lands in the Monstro Lounge. And you Know Jade was also relishing in describing to Kalim all the torment he’s plotting against Jamil for making them think they lost Yuu again…
Hopefully Rollo learned from the whole experience and his newfound sibling’s more optimistic approach to magic. He might be willing to tolerate it to see the world Yuu grew up in, but for now is satisfied to exchange letters in the meantime.
Everything with Malleus is its own fic ready to be written honestly, and this is something I had a lot of fun bouncing ideas off of with you @harzilla !
God the Deuce and Yuu non-identical twins one hits me in the heart, that’s tragic on so many levels. Poor Dillia, losing one child and worrying about the future of the other. Imagine if that was the first time Deuce heard he had a sibling and he had a panic attack after the whole mine incident, because he just realized he could have died and left his mom alone with TWO missing/dead children.
Him and Yuu bonding together, becoming such close friends and he writes to his mom all about his experiences at NRC. And Dilla swallowing her shock and wonder and trying to ignore that hope, because she’s scared to be wrong. But secretly delighted seeing how close Deuce and Yuu are and having a “what if” sort of thought.
Original post found here. https://www.tumblr.com/harzilla/760718001365549056/ohh-brain-rot-time-long-lost-sibling-au-except
Expanding on the idea. I want to thank @achromaticbibliophile for a lot of these ideas
Riddle and Yuu growing up in complete opposite lives. Riddle under strict parentage while Yuu grows up in a family similar to the Robinson's in Meet the Robinson's. A chaotic but loving family that sees failure not as a bad thing, but as a way to learn. Who finds a baby on their doorstep and adopts without hesitation. The two butting heads at first. Until the truth of Yuu being Riddle's sibling is revealed. Perhaps Yuu's hair is platinum blonde or even white. Perhaps Riddle is the Red Queen to Yuu's White Queen. Riddle who is introduced to Yuu's adopted family and it's all so chaotic, dinner nearly a food fight and afterwards he's brought into the kitchen to help make the dessert. Messing it up and he thinks it'll be another oyster sauce incident. But instead everybody cheers and ohh. It's actually okay. Yuu and him sharing the story of him messing up the tart after his overblot The family turns it into a silly joke. The dessert is missing something, why not oyster sauce? The family, having a contest to see who can create the weirdest dessert, and Riddle winning by making a traditional Queendom of Roses star gazey pie. Riddle, who finds himself laughing along with the rest of the family. Welcome to the family Riddle.
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Leona, who has always been the unfavored. Who is brought to meet Yuu's adoptive parents. Leona, who had to convince Falena not to come but instead sends a note thanking the parents for raising the third Kingscholar child. Yuu's parents shocked to see their lost child come home sporting ears and a tail and bringing home a brother. Leona, who finds himself at ease when they ask him about his aspirations, his plans for the future, he's just Leona to them.
Jade and Floyd. Who grew up with a mother who was always worried about them. Eventually learning about a third eelver who was lost to the tides. One day a kid runs up to their parents with a baby wrapped in a towel. The adults panic but the couple eventually adopt the child. Yuu who doesn't have a clue until the day they go to the coral sea to retrieve the photo and transform into an eel mer. Jade immediately separating Yuu and bombarding them with questions while Floyd keeps the others away. Jade and Floyd who drag Yuu back to NRC.
J&F: Found our lost sibling.
Azul: What?
J&F: *dumping them into a tank* Found our lost sibling.
Rollo, who hates magic. Magic lost him not one but two siblings. Rollo, who plans to rid the world of magic. The masquerade invitation to NRC. Rollo, who is shocked when the previously uninvited Prefect looks strikingly similar to himself and his deceased brother. Perhaps he sees Yuu as an even bigger motivator for his plans. Magic took his siblings from him, and if he destroys it, then magic can never take Yuu from him again. Yuu who at the end tells him that yes, magic may have separated them but magic also brought them back together and perhaps magic may allow him to see the world they grew up in.
Malleus' was expanded on a lot and is practically a fanfic in onto itself.
This idea is actually thanks to @kitsun369
The Spade family, a set of baby paternal twins. One that looks like their father, and the other who looks like their mother Dilla. The parents separate after a particularly nasty divorce. Only for the baby with dad to disappear after their father is attacked and injured. The parents, but especially Dilla spend years mourning the loss of one child. One day, Deuce overhears his mom on the phone crying to his grandmother because she's afraid something will happen to Deuce if he doesn't get on the right path. She's already mourned one child. She can't bare to mourn another. That day Deuce decides to turn his life around, he never wants to see his mom cry like that again.
Deuce who becomes friends with the prefect. They're like peas in a pod. They're each other's biggest supporters. The day they go to the White Rabbit festival and Deuce introduces his mom to Yuu, she's shocked because this child is practically the spitting image of her ex-husband when he was that young, even down to the same hair color. She doesn't want to get her hopes up but could it be?
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sofiagabrielle · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ❌SOLD ❌TED BAKER WOMEN'S FANTASIA FITTED Tee.
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ghstkatt · 8 years ago
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My favorite animated moms, celebrating all mothers all over the world , including my mom Happy Mother’s Day everyone.
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jaykore · 5 years ago
I work in a tex mex restaurant. Yes the guacamole is extra, no we don’t have black rice that’s the other Mexican food chain. It’s QUESA DILLA NOT QUE SA DILLIA. Please don’t make jokes about how you want your food mild, I hear it a billion times during my shift. You’re white we get it.
LMAO Nonnie I’m so sorry 😭 I’ve served before and people can be awful. Nonnie if you haven’t seen the “Can I Get a Box?” music video I highly recommend it ;D
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username-trademark · 7 years ago
A Hot Summer Day
Authors Note: So its been awhile since i put some writing on here, life has been weird for me and I've been uninspired. so this story is probably trash, but it was a fun practice round, so i hope you guys enjoy it. hope to be posting more stories now. Also if you catch a typo or bad grammar, feel free to say something. ill fix it.
The sun was bearing down hard that day, making even the pool hard to be out in. I was no stranger to heat waves, i lived in San Antonio for a large portion of my 20 years, but something about today felt like a miniature hell. But there was one benefit of all this, my girlfriends reaction. She was a gorgeous redhead from Vegas, with gorgeous brown eyes and soft, tan skin. Depending on the heat, she tended to take her clothes off to help, but today, as we hung out near my pool, she was totally naked.
She has some small but perky tits, a big bubble butt that i just wanted to squeeze like clay, and her pussy was deliciously puffy. I layed back in the pool, trying to relax but i couldn't keep my eyes off her which wasn’t helping me. A lustful heat was rolling over me, making me feel even hotter and really thirsty. She tipped her sunglasses down to look at me gave her usual crooked grin. “How hard ya? Like a steel beam, or like a really thick branch?” I couldn't help but twitch as she mentioned it, a reminder of my need.
“Why don't you come over here and find out?” She scoffed and sat back on her chair under a umbrella. “Hell no, your country ass might be able to take it, but as soon as the air starts working im going back inside.” I sighed. I had always been a country kid, i even had the general look. Big, lots of muscle from hard work, strong rough hands, the tan, the whole works. Add my hay colored hair and my dark eyes, not even i could argue it. But i still hated this heat, being from the country didn't fix that.
“Oh come on. Saying i like the heat because im from the country is like saying you like stripping because you lived right next to a strip club.” She laughed at that. “Hell no! You had to deal with heat even if you do hate it, even when i was 12 i ogled those sluts and loved it.” I sighed. “Come on babe, if your gonna be all naked and teasing at least help me out.” I couldn't help but plead. She looked at me curiously, a sorta sly look on her face. “Maybe… i might. Come closer to me, now.” I obeyed and got closer to the edge, closer to her and her amazing body.
She put her foot in my face. “Do you like the color?” Her nails were a soft red, and i nodded. I ran my lips along the top of her foot, and began to kiss and lick her soft feet. “Good boy. Knowing what i want, when i want it.” I began sucking on one of her toes wich made her moan a little. Normally i wasn't into this kinda thing, it did more for her then me, but i just felt so needy that even this was arousing me even more. “Damn, has your brain melted from the heat or is my good boy just that desperate to get off?” I answered with a lick and a harder suck, she simply giggled.
“This please you Rebecca?” She nodded. She hated it when people shortened her name, she claimed her full name was one for a queen. “Mmmm god your tongue is talented. Your ma teach you how to please women?” I glared at her, the obvious ‘Redneck = incest’ not too appreciated. “Your mother teach you how to be a slut?” she growled at my cheeky grin.
“Please, im a sex goddess and you know it.” I rolled my eyes but kept licking and sucking on her soft toes. “.... Hey Dillian?” I looked up at her, seeing how red her cheeks were getting. “Yes?” a cat like smile came over her lips, though her blush made it look a little sheepish. “I know we've talked about this, but does it all bother you that i'm… you know…?” i answered by moving up and giving her a hickey on her thigh, wich makes her moan and her pussy glisten.
“That your such a pervert, a bonafide slut?” She laughed. “I know you don't mind that, since you love taking advantage of it so muCH!” i gave her another hickey, this time on the other thigh, wich made her back arch and her pussy drool. “That you love it when i bite you? I definitely don't mind that.” I bit down a little harder, getting closer to her heated crotch. “Come on Re-becc-a. Say it.” She loves it when i put the extra emphasis on her name.
“Fuck, Dillian, your distracting me sto- OH G-GOD!” I was ever so lightly nibbling on her clit now, rubbing her thick thighs the entire time. She was drooling from both her gorgeous pussy and her pretty mouth. I began to lap and suck and more nibbles, making her writhe in pleasure. “D-d-dillia-n, oh f-fck your drving me razy! MWORE!”
I chuckled “Not till you say it. What should bother me babe?” I know i'm torturing Rebecca but i can't help it, her moans and twitches were so gorgeous and fun to watch. “Y-you fucking DICK! Y-you yo-you fucking slut!” I began to lick too, giving her a full body trembles. “F-uck...i… need to KNoW if… you like how… if you hate how… i tease other… guys…THERE I FUCKING SAID IT!” She was trying not to completely break, it was rather cute. But she was serious, so id better answer her.
I get up on the chair and lift her up and put her down near my lap, near my cock. “Just relax babe. Ill answer your question, but let me give your reward.” she growled. “When did you get all dominant?” Instead of answering her, i plunged her down on my extremely hard and erect cock. Her face bulged out a little in a very sexy way, as if her mind had just exploded and she couldn't perceive how horny it made her.
And one of the most adorable things she does when i'm dominant, wich admitally is not often, when she just kinda utters softly in disbelief. “Feels… so… brain no… of… fuuuck!” i couldn't help but chuckle as i forced her up and down my cock like a toy, a super hot, tight, trembling, drooling toy that was responding my every action.
“Feel good princess?” She clenched hard at me calling her ‘princess’ and she moaned out loud. “FUCK ME MOOOOOOOORE! PLEASSSS!” i think it just hit it her how hard i was fucking her. I began to slam her down harder and harder, and i felt myself throb in her. It feels incredible to do this to her, to just pleasure her like this, to drive her beyond crazy.
“You want more huh?” My fingers began to twist her nipples the way she liked and i suckled collar bone, all causing her to break into a ear destroying screech and her eyes to roll back. She quickly came over me, right as i exploded myself, not being able to handle how wonderful her clenching pussy felt.
I pulled her into my body, us both panting and sweating, no longer caring about the heat. I let my hands slowly go over her body, feeling each tremble along her skin. “Damn princess, i made you lose your mind for a second there.” She gasped, feeling my finger trace her pussy slowly. “Fuck… god i love it when your riled up. You fuck me so good.” She responded, smiling happily.
“Hey babe?” She looked up at me, snuggling against my chest. “Don't worry about the whole teasing thing. I know your mine, and mine alone. I trust you.” She blushed but smiled. “Only yours… speaking of, fuck me again?” I give her a cheeky smile.
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veryimportantsparkles · 1 year ago
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Here's the current team! Dillia, BellaBella, and Maria had their designs already but Steely, Hopscotch, and Daniel are new. I did them as lil chibis because it's faster and easier. Every one of them is a remembered, resurrected Pokemon from my old gen 2 game, except for Daniel, who was this cartridge's sacrifice when I reset the original file.
Dillia - Strong and reliable and a little bit edgy. I've always thought of the Totodile line as inherently feminine because mine was a girl, but they're still big crocodile monsters. She's tough and ready to fight, hanging at the back of the party to step in if the others can't win a battle.
BellaBella - The most reliable Vine Whipper in early Johto where everything else just has Tackle. A battle prodigy who walks fearlessly into danger; sometimes her confidence gets her into trouble. She seems pretty and ladylike but has bad table manners. Bella and Dillia are both messy eaters and everyone else thinks it's gross.
Maria - Easygoing and forgiving, waited very patiently to reach the name rater when I accidentally gave her a boy's name at first. Enjoys jogging at night. Thinks she should do something new with her hair but never decides on a style.
Steely - I remembered having a Pidgeot with Steel Wing but couldn't recall a name, so 'Steely' is a half-remembered resurrection. He doesn't remember much of his previous life, but he's pretty sure he always lived a happy, uncomplicated existence. He likes battles and strives to get better at them, but doesn't come off as an aggressive guy.
Hopscotch - I absolutely knew I had a Jumpluff in my champion team but that he was useless. I just needed someone who could use Flash and he was terrible in battle. He also didn't have a nickname...that I can remember. Hopscotch is content with a life on the sidelines but I'm a better trainer now (and moveset options are much better in 4th gen) and I might be able to pick a moveset that brings out his full potential.
Daniel - I got my Soul Silver cartridge used, and its original owner was apparently named Daniel. He last saved his game in the middle of Union cave, with a Bayleef and 4 underleveled catches. I shuffled those Pokemon into my Platinum cart and left Soul Silver with one resident, a Slowpoke named for Daniel. In my new file, I've recaught him.
Edmond's namesake left behind a fully completed game. Edmond grew up in the shadow of someone who knew what he was doing. Daniel...might have been a little kid? Or simply someone who quickly got bored with Pokemon. Additionally, most of my 'world sacrifice' Pokemon have some kind of unhappy memory from being deleted then reformed. But in this Soul Silver run, my entire team is made of resurrected Pokemon from a dead Game Boy cartridge, so that's not special. Plus, this time I picked a Slowpoke, a species well known for experiencing pain on a five second delay.
So I think Daniel might not have noticed I deleted him? I'm dreading the day he figures out what happened but for now he seems to be a happy enough kid. This team of longtime companions have reunited and their task is to carry young Daniel up through to the championships to honor his sacrifice and stabilize the world. I hope they can raise him well.
I gave him a jacket modeled after his namesake's starter Bayleef, as sort of a protective charm to carry him through. Maybe I'll choose to trade that Bayleef back in to keep him company? I don't know, I have options.
And a side note: I don't remember what my original 6th Pokemon was, in the slot Daniel is occupying. I think it MIGHT have been a Magmar, but I'm not sure. I'm just going to play through the game and see if anything jogs my memory.
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sofiagabrielle · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: TED BAKER WOMEN'S FANTASIA FITTED Tee.
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leanpick · 7 years ago
Dillian Whyte dismisses Joseph Parker's criticism of his 'smack talk' and vows to inflict a 'smack down' | Boxing News
Dillian Whyte dismisses Joseph Parker’s criticism of his ‘smack talk’ and vows to inflict a ‘smack down’ | Boxing News
By Richard Damerell
Last Updated: 26/07/18 3:39pm
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Whyte accused Parker’s camp of making excuses before their fight
Whyte accused Parker’s camp of making excuses before their fight
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aocfr · 7 years ago
Journal de Dillia
Journal de Dillia
J’étais un enfant quand ils sont apparus pour la première fois dans le ciel de la nuit. Au début, il y avait trois lumières distinctes. Pas tout à fait les plus brillants dans le ciel, mais elles étaient assez brillantes. Ma mère m’a dit qu’elles étaient un signe des dieux, que...
Retrouve l'article complet en suivant ce lien: https://goo.gl/aUzdVZ
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aoc-blogger · 7 years ago
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game-refraction · 7 years ago
Ashes of Creation Highlights New Video and Lore Journal
Ashes of Creation Highlights New Video and Lore Journal
Intrepid Studios has been hard at work developing Ashes of Creation for fans. This week we wanted to send you an update on some of the history in our world. What better way to get into the rich history than the tale of a child growing up with the vast changes on Verra. The city of Dünheim is home to Dillia, the teller of our tale. Learn from Dillia’s journal about the exodus from the city and the…
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racheldenisnefeke · 8 years ago
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Dillia by racheldenisnefeke featuring clear glasses
Long sleeve top, €105 / LE3NO oversized denim jacket, €34 / J.Crew blue pants, €87 / Hollister Co. lace up shoes, €39 / Sole Society vegan purse, €39 / Bling Jewelry fake engagement ring, €31 / Clear glasses, €3,33 / Urban decay eyeliner, €18
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veryimportantsparkles · 1 year ago
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I recaptured two more of my old Silver team. I remember BellaBella because she was an extremely solid teammate. Like I never paid attention to the Bellsprout line in 1st gen but their availability early on in 2nd meant I ended up giving her a chance and sticking with her. Bellsprout's your best option if you didn't pick Chikorita.
The name theme for most of my female Pokemon in Silver was 'repeating names.' Why? At around that time, Toonami was showing Sailor Moon versus the Amazoness Quartet, and they all have repeating names. I thought they were neat characters. That's it, that's the whole reason. So aside from Dillia, who was named before I decided on that theme, most of the girls are named shit like BellaBella the Bellsprout.
Maria is one of the exceptions! I discovered this neat new Pokemon called a 'Mareep' and caught it, and named it 'Mario' because the letters were the same. It was a little later that I realized I caught a girl, so her name got changed to Maria. Otherwise her name probably would've been MariMari or something like that. I considered when I brought her back that she could be named Marioa or Mari@ but we're getting too high concept there. She's Maria!
For some reason these designs came out fast. The idea was to dress them like 90s girls, but in different fashion genres.
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sofiagabrielle · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: TED BAKER WOMEN'S FANTASIA FITTED Tee.
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