#dilf toji is my new brand now
hanaonesflower · 2 years
5.7k words — this is a hefty one boys :33 never thought i would be writing such an elaborate fic abt Toji since I’ve never felt this strongly about him as a character but oh MAN ever since that leak of his animation… I’ve had a change of heart 🤡🤡
。+゚ *。
Your neighbor had always been branded as the sex nuisance and rudest man on the block. Ever since he moved in, no one in the neighborhood could get a moment of peace, especially those live within a 4-houses radius from him. When his mail was mistakenly sent to your home, you learned of his honorifics, Mr. Toji Fushiguro. Toji had always been seen with 2 children, unbeknownst to you, they were his biological kids. His daughter, who seemed a few years older than his son. But you never see another parental figure around, just him and 2 kids. You sometimes notice a maroon minivan coming by and the 2 children would eagerly bolt toward it and slamming the door shut, unbothered to say goodbye to their father standing outside, waving them away. You tried your best to stay away, but it didn’t help that his master bedroom’s window was directly across from your own, not being able to see absolutely everything, mission impossible.
It would make sense that he was a single parent, or the custody parent. Because he often came home with different women when the children were away, who you could catch glimpses of them fucking on his fancy, throne-like bed. You saw the way his arms forced their way on top of hers, and how his hips seemed to always drive insanely inside of her. The first few times you’d pretend to not see anything, closing the blinds almost immediately after seeing lewdness spilling out of his window, and cranking the music up to drown out the disturbing moments. But as of lately, you haven’t been able to close your blinds, you turned down the music when you started to see lewdness spilling out of his window. You shut off the lights, so that he couldn’t see the fact that you were spying on your neighbor fucking another person on his bed. The space between your home and his was no more than 13 feet, it was close, too close for comfort. But in moments like these, you couldn’t be happier.
You found yourself sensitive watching him doing the things that he did, the way he sounded when he thrust into the woman, the way he grunted and moaned when he murmured something like “oh fuck I came”. The red mood lighting in his room illuminated his figure like a dark entity but something about it was so alluring. You stayed low on your bed, making sure no part of your body rose above the window sill, propping your head slightly with a new pillows at the foot of the bed, giving you the best view of the scene. Your fingers absentmindedly crawled towards your heat. Was it embarrassment?
Was it fear of moral scrutiny that made you stop when you were on the verge of release? Definitely.
Toji didn’t notice much about your presence as his neighbor, much less bother to speak to you. But you watched him like a hawk, peering out any window to scan his whereabouts, when his car left and when he returned, who he was with and where he might have gone to. You quickly realized it was stalking but it didn’t hurt if you didn’t deliberately cause him any harm or disturbance. But oh, you were dying to speak with him.
You didn’t want to force it, looking desperate was not fitting and you tried to avoid it at all costs but man, the way your thighs clench together when you saw the way his hips thrust so beautiful in the other women, the way they moaned out loud, the way you thought that could be you, too. You could be under him, chained to the bed, his large calloused hands roughing you up and his cock bully freely into your dripping cunt. You wanted it, so bad. So you spent your nights touching yourself to the afterthought of his sexcapades, replaying each rhythmic thrust of his hips and the praises he murmured, it felt like they were yours to hear. You were content with this, with the orgasmic release every single night without the full satisfaction of being at his mercy.
Then the mail arrived at your home, and it was under Toji’s name. It was a package more like, so you thought to return it. On your way out the door, you came to realize the house was currently vacant and he wasn’t home. You debated internally, to wait for his return before going over, just to have a moment with him, so you waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Until 3 days later when he finally pulled up to his driveway, looking handsomely haggard with a duffel bag that he swung out from the trunk. You bolted towards the door, package in hand and ran over to his porch like your life depended on it. Your hands clumsily pawed at the lock, unable to twist the simple knob and broke free from the confines of your shitty latch, haphazardly swing the door shut behind you.
He had already shut the door behind him but regardless you knocked. One. Two. Three. Three standard knocks that everyone does. You waited a while, you didn’t figure why you wanted him to swing the door open right away and scoop you up in his arms and fuck you against the wall. Such lewd thoughts in the middle of the day. But eventually the lock unlatched, and your heart skipped a thousand beats along with it. Toji appeared and your lewd thoughts have increased, they became raunchier, rougher. You did everything to hide the facial expressions.
“T-this is for you,” you said, pushing the package in front of you, towards him, with your forearms and hands wrapped around the box, “the delivery person must have left it at mine by mistake,” you felt like the sun was beaming down your neck and each bead of sweat fell like a full dumbbell onto the wooden deck, “I didn’t see that you were home so I kept it just in case people might steal your packages.” You heaved as if you came up for air from the bottom of the ocean.
He didn’t say anything at first, but sighed and said, “those fools get my packages to the wrong address all the time,” he rolled his eyes, expressing extreme annoyance. Toji reached his arms like and you flinched at them, they were huge, but he didn’t seem to notice. “But I’m glad it ended up at the house of such a pretty girl,” he smirked, “usually it’s the sweet old grans living down the street. One time the package was so heavy she wheeled it on a dolly, so adorable, I decided to give her money for the inconvenience.” How sweet. You thought.
“That’s very sweet of you,” obviously flustered from his initial remarks, you turned your head away, shying your chin away from his gaze, yours stay cemented to the blue wood panels beneath.
“Indeed it is, isn’t it?” You nodded, remained in this position. “Cute, thank you for this.” He sighed, the sigh you could only achieved by expiring from your diaphragm.
“Y-you’re so welcome!” You said, gleefully crack a smile without maintaing eye contact. You fiddled your thumbs for what seemed like forever, you needed to say goodbye, but you didn’t want to. Not when this was the closest you’ve gotten to him in 6 months. If those old grannies down the street got to him first, you were surely way behind on that line.
“Why don’t you come inside?” Huh. Pretending as if you misheard him, you slowly rotated your head back to him, locking eyes, and morphed into a genuinely confused shock. “What?” You muttered. “Why, don’t you come inside, with me?”
“I don’t want to intrude on your privacy,” every nerve in your body was blazing, energized with the flame of excitement and immenent arousal. You wanted to come inside and whore out for him, you wanted to be pinned down by his huge arms and fucked until you couldn’t speak. But modesty still can first. “Aren’t you sweet, but no. I could use some company right now, my kids are gone until next week.” You had no choice when his face was only a few inches from yours, you can smell his breath, minty. Okay, you said.
You followed behind him, shutting the door, making sure to twist it lock. He led you to the kitchen, where he set down the package on one the leather bounded chairs around his dining table. Toji grumbled noncommitally before asking if you’d like some champagne. Rule number one was to never consume any intoxicating substances at a stranger’s home. But damn, all the sexual fantasies you’ve entertained yourself with were plaguing your mind. Acting against survival instinct, yes, you said.
He poured wine into the most beautiful glass flutes you’ve ever seen. Each twirl of the liquid fell beautifully like a waterfall back down to its vortex, the champagne was fragrant, you weren’t a wine expert but couldn’t help to spot a hint of pear.
“Cheers,” he said. Your glasses clinked but not a word from you, he was sitting beside you with a one arm stationed on the back of your chair, as if slowly claiming territory with you.
It was until then that you scanned his home, it was quaint. The house was tidy for a man but littered with clutter as two kids also lived here. There was a sliding door covered behind beige curtains that you assumed led to the backyard. This house had so much warmth so it, the yellow hues settling throughout the space, warming you up from the inside.
“Why don’t you stay for dinner?” It’s dinner time already? Unaware that the yellow hues were resulted from the setting sun, the orange started to bleed through, blending itself with the yellow shades, the multitude of colors dancing on the walls, on the ceiling, on your hands and on his hair. This guy is not rude at all. You thought to yourself.
“I really shouldn’t,” you paused, wanting to say his name but unsure of which to use. “Toji, you can call me Toji.” As if he read your mind, “and yes, yes you should,” his voice low like a rumble and his breath fanned the side of your neck, he equated proximity with persuasion, and to his delight, it worked. Although stuttering, you coughed up a yes, sir and he seemed quite pleased with this development.
“I’ll be making it, you don’t have to lift a finger, why won’t you just keep me company, sweetheart?” Toji got up from his seat before pulling your arm towards the kitchen island, where he had the ingredients set up for the meal. Okonomiyaki, he said.
You fondled the ingredients in your hand, a bag of all purpose flour that was already used with the top folded down four times, large white onions, dill and cilantro with the eel sauce and Japanese mayonnaise sitting at room temperature.
Two hands grabbing you by the waist, pinching pressure and he lifted you up to the counter in one, effortless scoop. Your butt flat on the marble countertop, it was cold, so you winced – hard. Sorry, he said. He stayed out between your legs momentarily, hands firm on your wide thighs, he loved big thighs. Toji debated whether or not he should take you right there, but his stomach growled, breaking the silence. You pinched your lips together, sealing a laugh that was this close to breaking free.
Guess I should get dinner started now, he shied away. His hands left your thighs, where he was wanted and where he wanted to be. You watched as he chopped, sliced, diced, crushed and then some before the smell of that pungent eel sauce filled the air and your stomach started to growl, too. Toji said he liked to eat standing up, saying that because of his two kids, actually being about to sit down for dinner was a luxury. Toji was young, in his mid 30s at best, but fatherhood aged him in ways that was much more accelerated. He had premature crows feet, smile lines and the crinkle between his eyebrows.
The meal was mostly eaten in silence, with a few stolen glances here and there. It was unlike you to willingly enter a stranger’s home, but Toji was hot so you couldn’t be blamed. If you died here, it would have been a satisfied death.
After the dishes were washed and racked, Toji dried his hands on a piece of gray microfiber towels hung on the handle of the oven. He returned to his favorite place – your thighs –, it felt like time stopped. This time, nothing else was going to come in between the two of you. Tension was high, the air felt so heavy it could crush you. His breath and yours synced, your chests rose and fell like a dance, never missing a beat, always uniformed.
Mostly Toji was trying to admire you, standing close, leaving little room for personal space and his hands wanted to roam all over. But he could sense some hesitation within you, slowing himself down, allowing each moment to carry his movements.
“Why don’t you… stay the night?” He asked, a completely mindless question on his part, but you were completely taken aback. “Toji, sir, I have only met you today,” you choked, “it would not be a good idea for me.” Heat rose within your chest, tinnitus raging in your ears, sweat pooled at the palms of your hands.
“Are you sure it’s your first time seeing me, because I know a peeping Tom, when I see one.” His tone and facial expression became less sweet and sensual, and became more primal, possessive. The sweet smile he carried earlier vanished and replaced with a devious smirk, his eyes narrowed, his canines revealed as his upper lip jerked upward. Surely, he must have been joking, and you were clueless of his remarks.
You weren’t able to form a response that was appropriate for this, so you just giggled instead, praying for it to pass.
“Do you think I’m stupid?” You looked, wide eyed, “answer the question, sweetheart, do you — think I’m stupid.” His face inched closer and closer, although this was somehow what you wished, this time felt more sinister.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Toji,”
“Of course you do, don’t play dumb with me,” his fingertips squeezed hard around the flesh your thighs, you winced from the shooting pain, his fingerprints could very much well be imprinted on your skin. His eyes situated on your face, unmoving, unphased.
Your silence was not well received by him, he shoved his mouth on yours, subjecting you to a bruising, damning kiss that only he could deliver. Your senses paused, malfunctioned and your mind reeled insanely through the many lewd thoughts you had now playing right before your eyes. His hand found your throat, pinching and massaging the sides of your esophagus, before pulling away.
“So you’re telling you’ve never watched me?” His words were as clear as day, you froze, realizing that you, in fact, knew exactly what he was referring to. To the nights that you spent touching yourself at the dark silhouette that was him. To the nights that you couldn’t help but be a fucking pervert and gawk of that the way his hips moved and the way you wished that it was you that he fucked.
“I didn’t mean to, but I just couldn’t help myself,” you said what he wanted to hear and to your satisfaction he was happy to have heard that. His tough hands were no longer staying in one place, they glide up and down your thighs, pinching, scratching, leaving marks.
“Oh, you couldn’t help but stare at me while I was having sex with someone else? That’s new.” In one swift motion his hands hooked on the back of your knees and using his strength to toss you towards his welcoming hips. “Stay the night, and I’ll show you what you’ve been wanting.” He’s got you now, body fitted in his embrace so you leaned down to kiss him, a messy kiss, full of desperation, full of lust, full of longing. To be touched by Toji, was the greatest pleasure.
Weaving through the narrow hallway, still with your legs wrapped his waist, he swiped the box from earlier and escorted you to his bedroom. You didn’t realize how the sky was now a dark navy, the street lamps have long been turned on, the neighbors have all retreated inside their homes.
When the door closed behind you and a lock was twisted shut, that you let go of him. You scanned the room, the infamous room that you’ve spent the last 6 months wondering what it would look like. But now you were here, and your suspicions were indeed NOT confirmed. He had a normal room, and not some sex dungeon. A king bed with an exposed wooden frame, 2 feet off the ground, he had bedside tables on either side of the bed, and a nice brown rug to tie everything together. He had accent lights instead of the chandelier you somehow thought of. He didn’t have ropes and chains nailed to his wall and his bed hasn’t collapsed. (Yet). He had framed photos of his kids when they were babies, facing away from the bed.
“Tell me, what do you feel right now?” when he pressed his palm against your cheek and the other hand finding the dip in your waist. “I feel weak,” you said. “And why is that?” He only leaned down to kiss your neck but the motion startled you so bad you jumped, cornered by the side of his bed when you toppled on top of his mattress. “Because I’m at your mercy,” he lowered his lips to your ear, “indeed you are.”
He was quick, his hands ravaged your clothes, tearing them off like he’d done it a million times. Well, he had. You held no protest, allowing him to gain access to you so easily you grimaced in the face of submission. Until you were nothing but panty clad, your pussy dripping on the mattress. He lingered a while at the edge of the bed, running his eyes all around you, each gaze felt piercing, probing, but you loved it. He was fucking you with his eyes.
He palmed his cock, it was hard and throbbing and leaking out on his cream colored pants. “Do you see what you’re doing to me?” Toji exclaimed, his eyes narrowed, his breath shortened and quickened, his lips parted and his hands hungry. He rubbed his dick up and down its length, groaning as he pressed his palm down harder on it. “I’ve already known who you are, my sweet, the girl next door, always taking a peak at me when I get out of the shower,” he grinned at you as if you’ve been exposed. “Am I right? You stare at me through the shades of your window and think I wouldn’t notice?”
“I really thought I was being sneaky,” maybe it was the alcohol, or a total fluke, but you were being mischievous, and shall you say — cheeky. His expression to that wasn’t obvious, you tried to get a read on him, but the more you tried, the more mystified you became. Toji’s eyebrows weren’t exactly ones that expressed intrigue and his lips didn’t show any lust. His posture was neutral when he still grabbed you before kissing you fervently all over. Ah. Now you knew how he felt.
He was demanding, demanding of your touches, of your attention, of your presence. Toji was harsh with you, each beat of your heart tore through the silence of the room. You weren’t sure if it had gotten warmer or your body heat had just risen, either way you were damp with a sheen coat of sweat; and under the small light in the room, you glow like no other.
The highlights and contours of your curves accentuated, each dip and valley of your tits got him mesmorized the more he looked.
Toji could only find the strength to pin you down by the crook of your knees, spreading your pussy wide apart (which was drenched by the way). Toji inched closer, breathing light breezes on your clit but his arms kept you from squirming.
“H-hey, wait, I haven’t,” you wanted to say you didn’t shave, but it was like Toji read your mind when he carelessly dove in your wetness, his tongue went wild, his rhythm so erratic it was hard to predict his movements. But the sweetest part was him moaning and groaning and growling like a helpless dog against your heat, as if your body could be giving him more. He wanted more. He wanted more of those tenderness you provided him to sharply contrast his gruffness.
“This day could have come 6 months sooner,” he said after removing himself from your clit, seething through his teeth as if he resented you. He wanted to take those 6 months back, 6 months of him fucking into other holes that he wished were yours instead. Because Toji may or may not have lied about not knowing you.
You see, Toji would wrap his hand around his bulging cock as he peaked at you when you leave the shower when you forgot the shut the blinds. Even from afar, he admired the water cascading down your slippery body, your wet hair sticky to your body, the silhouette he dreamt to touch. A flimsy towel carelessly wrapped around your chest, threatening to loosen with just a single wrong move. He waited for it to drop, he waited for that towel to abruptly fall to your feet, he was betting on it. Toji couldn’t find it in him to bring that upon you, so he thought it was easier to bring home girls from the bars he frequented and wished they were you instead.
You could have been mine six months ago, sweetheart, he grumbled. He was face to face with you now, noses scraping each other as his fingers pumped themselves deep in your dripping cunt. Toji had a thing, a huge, thing, for messy make out sessions. You know, the ones where you can find spit dripping down the other person’s chin and the way you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself. Your fingers intertwined in his hair, your nails scratching his scalp softly, your lips fluttered along with his.
Why did you make me wait six months? He growled, Toji was angry, frustrated that he spent six months busying himself with his children and temporarg women to help him be distracted from you. But the more he pulled away, the bigger the force towards you became. Like a rubberband, the further you pull, the more resistance it sustains, eventually snapping back to its original structure. Toji felt an inexplicable pull towards you that he couldn’t resist.
But I’m here now, I’m here now, you said. No, you pleaded. Please don’t hate me, you thought, please don’t punished me, you said. It amazed you how you found those two lines synonymous.
Punish you? He was puzzled, although some part of him found it arousing as you might be into that kind of stuff.
You aren’t going to punish me? You asked innocently, as though genuinely hoping he wouldn’t, you didn’t mind if Toji got a little mean with you. After all, you deserved his wrath, to him, you have deprived him of what he longed for and for six months he was devoid for some actual gratification.
No, sweetie, at least not today, today I want to spend it, he said before kissing you hard on the lips that your teeth clashed, making it up to you, he said. Kissing down your neck and pinching your nipples in between his fingers while still having you clamped beneath him. Your bra was haphazardly unbuckled and your pantries hung loose at your ankle when Toji pulled it off earlier.
That’s a relief, thank you, you smiled. A really sweet and innocent smile that Toji wanted to corrupt. You’ve always had such a divine presence to you, so innocent and pure, so perfect for him to taint it. Toji wanted to see you slobbering all over his cock, the tip of it bulging in your throat and widening it with each thrust he delivered. You were drunk on it, Toji’s relentless, both in stature and strength.
When he got you in your knees, your skin met carpet and each movement pained your knees of carpet burn. But you pushed through it, taking every inch of his dick down your throat, gagging but very much enjoying this. While his hands on the sides of your head, gripping tight as he shoved his way pass your jaws and down your tight throat. You stuck your tongue out each time he bottomed out to stimulate his balls, heavy breeder balls sagging beneath his shaft. The gagging made your eyes roll to the back of your head, his vision blurred before you, but the feeling of his throbbing cock was present for each sensation. He fucked you so hard you both saw stars.
You’re so fucking good to me, sweetheart, baby yes please keep going, he moaned. Grinding further and further into your mouth. Toji’s stamina had decreased over the minutes but you had just been getting started, when his pace slowed, you pushed him further into the wall. You began pulling your head back and forth, subjecting yourself to the force and glory that was his cock, but he was helpless now, not when you took him like a champ without his help. I’m so proud of you, pretty baby, he moaned again.
“I want to make it up to you, too, Toji,” a look of pure earnest, he wanted to reward you so fucking bad. “You’re making it up to me so well, good fucking girl,” your two fingers circled your engorged clit, puffy and sore with need, missing him.
Before long, he came hard into your mouth, so much that some of spilled out to the side your mouth, and Toji kissed you, wiping it away with his tongue. “Do you like how I taste?” He asked, you nodded with your tongue out like a slut, his little slut. Toji’s cum was sweet, it tasted healthy.
“Are you sure you haven’t fucked someone before because goddamn,” you weren’t sure why Toji assumed you were a virgin but at least you could tell him that this was your first big girl blow job. “Is that so? I wouldn’t have known,” he smiled down at you, still on your knees, spread out for him gleaming up with Bambi eyes.
“You were so amazing sweetheart, come on, come to the bed.” When Toji bent down and picked you up like a bride on her wedding day and placed you down on his soft mattress. Memory foam. His blankets smelt fresh of rose detergent and eucalyptus dryer sheets. It didn’t take long for him to find his place on top of you, pumping his cock in his hand, “spread your legs,” he demanded, and you complied. Holding yourself by your knees, your legs opened wide, welcoming him in between. The girth of his cock was a godsend because oh, my, god. The drag, the friction were all better than what you’ve imagined. The feelings of your flesh rubbing together, creating overwhelming rushes of euphoria throughout both your bodies.
You didn’t notice when Toji reached into the box he’d brought up earlier and pulled out a purple rod; a vibrator. It was big, he clicked on it before it started to violently buzz. He methodically placed the silicone top of it to your clit, rolling and pressing it onto your sensitive spot and you could only convulse in a mix of pain, pleasure and little awkwardness. “I’ve been meaning to use this on myself but the perfect opportunity is just right in front of me,” he growled, changing the speed and rhythm of the vibe to compliment the thrust of his hips; his teammate. The vibration slowly started to numb your skin and Toji’s hand, but he wasn’t letting up until you squirted all over him. When your orgasm came through from the vibe, it dropped from his abs down to the white sheets, staining his Sherpa blanket but he said it was the least of his concerns. Toji like it when girls are submissive to him and you simply just melted in his hands.
“You’re perfect, you’re perfect,” he chanted, to him, you were perfect, just the best. One hand propped up on his hip from behind as if he was using it to push further into you, additional force, just what he needed. You liked the view from underneath him, you were able to bask in the sight of his ripped body, his abs toned and refined in more ways than one, the shine lingering from your juices earlier. His arms beside your heads were like rock columns, unbreakable, impenetrable. The power of his hips left yours feeling sore and bruised up.
For a moment of sheer intimacy Toji brought his hand to the top of your head, scruffing your hair before bringing it down to your temple and holding it there. Although the drive of his hips was still somewhat animalistic and inhuman, his face and voice conveyed a different message that was much softer, more sultry. Not much was spoken between you two when his cock drove in and out of your pussy but Toji was sure to announce his orgasm.
“I’m gonna cum, let me cum in this pretty little pussy of yours yeah? Please, please let me cum inside,” and who were you to deny him of that after he’d been so sincere. Toji was so polite when he begged to breed you full of his seed, he wasn’t going to take no for an answer so might as well just bite your tongue and nod. Your eyes swell when you felt the warm ropes shooting straight towards your cervix, an unmoving target for him. Toji at this point, overstimulated and frazzled, looking completely haggard with sweat dripping down his temples. His hips still rolled, although lazily at this point, just wringing out any leftover pleasure from his high. “You did a good job, you did such a good job,” he cooed in your ear before you started to feel a blurry sensation washing over you, you were falling asleep.
“I’ll take care of you sweetheart, just let go,” you weren’t sure if you were so deep into it that you believed him so easily but Toji did what he said he would. After drifting off to sleep, he managed to climb out of bed, ass naked and hung up your clothes that were scattered on the carpet. He took a velvet hook from his closet and slipped them on neatly, hanging them on the hook of his door. Toji grabbed a small rag and drenched it with warm water, running it over your body, being extra careful around your face.
The warmth rushed you further into slumber.
You didn’t mind being one of the girls he cycled through as long as you could smell him, feel him, see him and how his cock felt like heaven. But Toji thought he’d keep you for now, for a long time from now. 
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saintobio · 3 years
HWJSJEJDQHHQ I'M A MESS RN 😭 MAI MY BELOVED CAMEO & toji has my heart already plsss imagine if mc decided to push thru with the clothing line bc of toji and mai's undying support that would be so cute!!! i hope we could see them more because mc deserves to be surrounded by nice and genuine people too 😌 ps: fawk u gojo 😋💓
Anonymous said
I'm so engrossed in this fic that I genuinely felt the sheer happiness when Toji wanted to talk more about our interests. I kept on thinking that there might be some ulterior motive that's leading the convo but as soon as he widened his eyes and smiled when we shot him w that "forgot you were pushing 40" just made me feel so comforted idek 😭 until a fucking grumpy furby came in and ruined it all 😭 I love how we did that "u see this fucking face? He's satan :D" with gojo though, it felt good ⛈
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Anonymous said
toji i am in love with you ‼️ yn leave gojo pls (for now)🙏 and now we seeing some of gojo’s inner turmoil too 👀 he tryna ignore how he starting to feel
just to let you know you’re literally my favorite author on this app bc my lord the amount of DEVELOPMENT we’ve already seen in five chapters, and the way every single character has so much depth. please never stop writing 😭 please take care of yourself too 🙏 you gotta publish a book or something and you can’t do that if you don’t take time for yourself ‼️ thank you for all your efforts and incredible talent 🥰
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Anonymous said
Ok so I’m 99% sure Y/N is gonna die at the end and this makes me so sad ):
After this chapter I just want her to get closer to Toji and get the happy ever after she deserves with him and they raise Megumi together. Periodt.
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Anonymous said
Yooo this was wild. I’m all for Y/N just packing it up and being w/ Toji. He’s a fine ass dilf who cares about her and her well-being beyond her money and status. But I think that it’s really funny that Sera seems to focus only on what Gojo can do for her in terms of the materialistic sense rather than emotional. So far, he’s only been seen giving her things rather than true affection (Although that could just be because we don’t see both of their POVs that often). Not to mention the fact that Gojo doesn’t seem to love her enough to give up his money and status for her 🙃. Anyway, Gojo and his hoeish ass can go be with his beloved Sera. At this point, I’m shipping Y/N x Toji until further notice.
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Anonymous said
also.... YN seemed to be... Sick.....
- 🌸anon
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Anonymous said
AAAAAAAAAAAAA GODDAMNIT yn does NOT deserve to be treated like this 😭😭 i’m glad she found a friend in Toji, but i’m begging you to give Yn more friends she can rely on 😭😭
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Anonymous said
I love love love this series, your writing is beautiful I am in tears.
All I want is for YN to stop caring and Gojo to finally notice exactly how great she is, like everyone else sees.
BUT I hope it’ll be too late because she will already be Tojis. YN will be designing her wedding dress and she will be Megumis new step mom, and she’ll finally be loved softly. Her dad sucks, fuck his business.
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@seashellmichellee said
ngl if I were y/n I’d fucking leave Gojo for Toji WLDJAK like???? I stan a gentleman and someone who genuinely cares 😫
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Anonymous said
another great but heartbreaking update :”) canon toji is a lil uhh sus BUT SN!Toji is a sweetheart !! Imagine yn discovering what true love is really like w toji :(( he appreciates n loves her sm that he supports her dreams of being a fashion designer !! Toji eases her insecurities AND IS AN AFTERCARE KING, yn builds her own brand outside of her family while gojo and sera end up in the streets where they belong <33 in all honesty we’re in for more angst before any fluff bc you’re the author LOL
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Anonymous said
the way toji & y/n need to get together... gojo gotta look at them and be like oh fuck i messed up 💔 anyways toji+mc supremacy <3 thank you for putting it in my fav character! the way you wrote toji & mc’s interactions was SO good and so soft! you can tell toji warmed up to mc and was willing to literally protect her... he could cherish her so much better than gojo ever could 😭😭😭 can’t wait for the next chapter! you always keep us on our toes ILY for that 💗
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i am loving the toji brainrot you guys !! i’m glad you liked his introduction <33 i also enjoyed writing the zen’ins i just love them sm ?? :’) i hope toji lessened the angst for this chapter bc we are all fuming at gojo until further notice 😤
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