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skeyeseb · 2 years ago
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pics from last night :3
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sochemicalpasuruu · 1 year ago
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i want to write my akmi and dihr headcanons (i already wrote this, just need to translate them into english lmao) but i have no idea how to make articles here or anything.
also i draw akmi. very slowly, since i have to visit the hospital everyday, and there is little strength left. but i will do everything so that the outcome is not to bad!
i want to talk too much about akumei oh no help me
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thejoyofviolentmovement · 28 days ago
New Video: MIEN Shares Menacing and Groovy "Empty Sun"
New Video: MIEN Shares Menacing and Groovy "Empty Sun" @MMMIIIEEENNN @theblackangels @ElephantStoneHQ @TheEarlies @goldendawnARK @FuzzClub @NoExitPR
MIEN is a psych rock super group that features some of the genre’s biggest and most accomplished artists: Elephant Stone‘s Rishi Dihr (bass, guitar, keys)  The Black Angels‘ Alex Maas (vocals, bass, guitar) The Earlies‘ John Mark Lapham (keys, samples, programming)  Golden Dawn Arkestra‘s Robb Kidd (drums)  Since the project’s inception, MIEN has been a confluence of diverse musical…
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federation-awacs · 3 months ago
CIR Z X X XXXXZZ✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️🔥🔥💥💥✂️🔥✂️🔥💥💥✂️🔥🔥💥💥🔥✂️🔥💥💥💥🔥🔥🦸✂️✂️🔥🔥💥💥💥✂️✂️
<< Cheers, I guess? Now, I got to do something to someone. >>
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comeupkid415 · 1 year ago
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Frisko dihr siele havok nevermind
Frisko dihr siele havok nevermind
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babyawacs · 2 years ago
@deutschland @bild @bundestag @bundesrat ..sssexxxbadensen sssexxxmitgliedschaft fuer..... ... immunisierte?.... waehren dihr... barrikaden aufbbbastelt? ... fuer nichtmehr rekrutie rbare 1950er reizwort trick aber die kinder glauben euch doch
@deutschland @bild @bundestag @bundesrat ..sssexxxbadensen sssexxxmitgliedschaft fuer….. … immunisierte?…. waehrendihr… barrikaden aufbbbastelt? … fuer nichtmehr rekrutierbare 1950er reizwort trick aber die kinder glauben euch doch tricksen taeuschen tarnen dass ihr verbrecher seid die angezeigt sind verursacher dassihr mit geheimdienstkoma die zivilbevoelkerung inden arsch fixkt g r a t i s als…
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debuhrbau · 2 years ago
Separator sanitation| Debuhrbau.de
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Die Sanierung des Abscheideranbieters de Buhr Bau GmbH bietet professionelle bautechnische Lösungen. Holen Sie sich dIhre Abscheidersanierung unter 02104 - 833 822 - 0.
Separator sanitation
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undeniablereckoning · 11 months ago
— i thsink
— fuschiass arw rwlaly cool :)
— i dihr know whay veryonw is bwing so mean i think youew probakly really cool too
— wgy is everyons beibf so rude :(
— did i misd sonwthing
Good question, vvhy IS everyone being so rude?
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theskyexists · 7 years ago
I didn't fix my sleep schedule bc I went back through my fic comments and it made me really happy to see so many authors happy at them but also guilty because some fics I never finished reading or commenting because I was too dissapointed with the 100 and I couldn't stand a fic not doing exactly what I wanted in that extremely sensitive state and so I quit some. So I wanna get back on that horse one day and read stuff I think I may now be able to enjoy again.
Also I reread a big part of the best adventure time fic in existence again.
And now it is once again half past 2. Fuck
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rushoreca · 6 years ago
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Цена 20000 руб Состояние: в эксплуатации не был #миксердлямолочныхкоктейлей #миксердлямолочногококтейля #миксердлямолочныхкоктелей #дихр #dihr #italy🇮🇹 #италия🇮🇹 #русхорека #rushoreca #gastreetshowsochi #gastreetshow #gastreet #gastreetshow2019 #шеф #арендаоборудованиясочи (at Sochi, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwU2l09hnDX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=56asd6frjwri
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esor-ogramira · 2 years ago
Ask me about Kae, ask me about Ellira, ask me about Lerosenn, ask me about Delros, ask me about ANY of my Fenrathae Saga characters!
The characters you can ask about:
Kaelech “Kae” Edlurios (pronounced KAI-leck and kai, main character. Ellira’s boyfriend. The Teal-Eyed Boy of Faldoria’s Prophecy. Autistic and inattentive ADHD. Please be kind to him! He’s soft and he’s gone through a lot of trauma! Oh, and don’t be mean to his girlfriend, or he will stab you with his dagger. And unlike how he is with a sword, Kae is REALLY frickin’ good with a dagger. Being Delros’s Mortal Vessel is a difficult subject for him, especially with how Delros resurrects him every time he’s killed. Be careful when asking him about his scars. It was painful for him to receive them.)
Ellira Tjelzirus (pronounced chell-ZEE-russ, major character. Kae’s girlfriend. Autistic and inattentive ADHD. Do not be mean to Kae or you will answer to her... in her dragon form.)
Lerosenn Gelvertol (Gelvertol is pronounced with a hard g, major character. Inattentive ADHD. Kae’s best friend and Ellira’s best guy-friend. Do not be mean to either Kae or Ellira, or you will answer to him... in his dragon form.)
Delros (main character. Balance Keeper of Faldoria. The Orange-Eyed Wolf of Huldarra. Very protective of Kae, as he and Kae are one and the same. Do not be mean to Kae, or you will answer to his wrath. Be careful when asking him about his encounter with Eclipsed Apprentice!Vozeo. It’s a very difficult subject for him, especially when he thinks about how he handled it. I DO encourage you to ask him about the general magic system of Fenrathae, AND The Sacred Balance of Fenrathae! It’s literally his job to teach people about The Sacred Balance of Fenrathae’s Light and Darkness!!)
Razakia (major character. Sacred Keeper of Leytovar’s Light. Goddess of The Brightened Wind. Do not be mean to Ellira, or you will answer to her wrath. Feel free to ask her about the general magic system of Fenrathae! She enjoys teaching people about it!)
Teldorrek (major character. Sacred Keeper of Leytovar’s Darkness. God of The Darkened Wind. Do not be mean to Lerosenn or you will answer to his wrath. Feel free to ask him about the general magic system of Fenrathae! He enjoys talking about it!)
Eclipsed Apprentice!Vozeo (overarching villain. I don’t recommend asking him about Kae. He gets... creepy when it comes to Kae. However, I DO encourage you to ask him about Penumbrancy, the forbidden magic of Fenrathae! He looooooooves talking about Penumbrancy! Be careful when asking him about Delros. That’s a very sore subject for him)
Untouched!Vozeo (major character, so far only really makes an appearance after... well, you’ll see when we get there in the webcomic! ;) Please be kind to him! He’s soft and feels very badly about screwing things up!)
Luternai (overarching villain. I don’t recommend asking him about Eclipsed Apprentice!Vozeo’s work ethic. That is a subject that he will rant on length about. I DO encourage you to ask him about Penumbrancy, because HE’S the one behind it all, AND he’s the master of the Eclipsed Shadows of Penumbrancy! He will gladly tell you all about it!... Except for Soul Penumbrancy. That’s MASSIVE SPOILERS for Book 1!!)
Planetary Commander Kelurion “Kel” Haltjuvei (pronounced KEH-hlu-ree-on hall-CHU-vay, main antagonist. He knows what EA!Vozeo’s capable of, so be careful about asking him to be honest about that particular Leader of the Alliance.)
General Paeldiron Calsjeres (pronounced pay-ELLE-dihr-on CALL-shur-ESS, major antagonist)
General Etjel Zaedleri (pronounced ETCH-ul ZAY-ed-LAIR-ee, main antagonist. Knows exactly what EA!Vozeo can do when he’s angry. So please be careful about asking him for his honest opinion on EA!Vozeo!)
General Dalkaen Bultjor (pronounced dahl-KANE BULL-chore, major antagonist)
Prime Penumbrancer Velitria Rel-Molsjius (pronounced vell-EE-tree-uh rell MOLE-shyus, main antagonist. Be careful with asking Kae about her. She’s... pretty sadistic towards him in certain cases. I DO encourage you to ask her about Penumbrancy and the hierarchy of the Alliance of Venrias!)
Taizaros (main antagonist. Disgraced Sacred Keeper of Daituria’s Darkness. Fallen God of the Darkened Water. I don’t recommend asking him about Seltara, The Sacred Keeper of Daituria’s Light, Goddess of The Brightened Water, or Delros. He can and will rant at length about both of them.)
Jeckalus Edlurios (pronounced yeh-KAH-hloos, Kae’s dad, minor character. Don’t ask him about Kae’s connection to Delros. Because that will lead to SPOILERS!!)
Ciltera Edlurios (pronounced sill-TEE-ruh, Kae’s mom, minor character. Don’t ask her about her son’s connection to Delros. Because this, too, will lead to SPOILERS!!)
Belvyro “Belvy” Edlurios (pronounced bell-VYE-row, row as in row a boat, Kae’s younger brother, minor character.)
Keliess “Keli” Edlurios (pronounced KEH-hlee-ESS and KEH-hlee, Kae’s deceased twin sister, major character. Don’t ask her about how she REALLY died. Because this will lead to MAJOR SPOILERS for Book 1!!)
Daielkor Tjelzirus (pronounced dai-ELLE-korr, Ellira’s first cousin, major character. Ask him about how magic works in The Universe of Fenrathae! He looooooves talking about magic!!)
The characters will answer you! I won’t do any art for their answers, but they’ll definitely answer you!
And I want you folks to get to know the characters! I’ve been working on Book 1 non-stop for over a year now, and I REALLY wanna share what they’re like so far!
Also, please reblog this. And please reblog my art when I post it! Reblogs > comments > likes! I WANT people to see my stuff!
Refs for some of the characters/images of some of the characters below the cut!
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Kae’s ref sheet
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Delros’s (old) ref sheet (currently working on the new one)
(I’m in the process of updating Lerosenn’s turnaround ref sheet, please be patient!!)
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Portrait of Jeckalus Edlurios
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Ellira’s secondary form
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Portrait of Prime Penumbrancer Velitria
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Velitria’s secondary form
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Vozeo’s (old) ref sheet
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Close-up image of Taizaros
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The Fenrathae Saga: Of Teal Eyes and Orange Lightning mock-up poster [includes Ellira (primary form), Razakia (primary form), Teldorrek (primary form), EA!Vozeo (updated look), and Luternai.]
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thejoyofviolentmovement · 2 months ago
New Video: Psych Rock Supergroup MIEN Shares Brooding and Driving "Evil People"
New Video: Psych Rock Supergroup MIEN Shares Brooding and Driving "Evil People" @MMMIIIEEENNN @theblackangels @ElephantStoneHQ @TheEarlies @goldendawnARK @FuzzClub @NoExitPR
MIEN is a psych rock super group that features some of the genre’s biggest and most accomplished artists: Elephant Stone‘s Rishi Dihr (bass, guitar, keys) The Black Angels‘ Alex Maas (vocals, bass, guitar) The Earlies‘ John Mark Lapham (keys, samples, programming) Golden Dawn Arkestra‘s Robb Kidd (drums) Since the project’s inception, MIEN has been a confluence of diverse musical influences…
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your-disobedient-servant · 4 years ago
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Another of my favourites from the correspondence book, a short one but a good one (and this one got a facsimile!).
(8. April 1747)
[Kabinettsrat] Eichel schiket Dihr den Brif zurüke. schaffe mihr 2 creützer ordre Merite [zwei Kreuze vom Orden "Pour le Mérite"] und Schike sie mihr; der alte Dessauer ist verreket. nim Dihr wohl in acht, gott bewahre Dihr!
(April 8 1747)
[Secretary] Eichel sends you the brief back. make me 2 crosses ordre Merite [two crosses of the order "Pour le Mérite"] and send them to me; the old Dessauer kicked the bucket. take care, godspeed!
Gotta love him.
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baizhufrombubupharmacy · 4 years ago
Yandere veliona part 2
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She was going to rip your clothes but bronya and her Friends was here
Bronya : subject seele should let go onii-chan
Veliona :no
Kiana :why is a boy here
Y/n:not my fault she kidnapped me !
Mei: seele let him go
Veliona :nein
Mei: don't speak deutsch
Veliona :wie geht es dihr ?
Y/n:mir geht es prima!
Kiana:oh no two hitlers
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dihrrrr · 5 years ago
A quien engaño,te extraño,
Para que miento,yo siempre te pienso,
¿Cómo llamarte amor? Si aún me tienes rencor,
A pesar de amarte ya no quiero dañarte,
Quiero hablarte pero no puedo ni mirarte,
Quiero darte rosas,cartas y amor,
Si lees este pequeño poema y sientes que no quema,
Si te hizo feliz,puedes arrancar todo de raíz,
Pero,si aún me amas,por favor ya no te vayas,
Si aún me amas ¿Por qué no llamas?,
Si hace falta lo diré,que yo aún te amo,
Que me hace falta tu calor,pero ya no tengo valor.
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bbraga772-blog · 6 years ago
A Political Landscape Brief of Denmark
     The present-day system of government in Denmark is a constitutional monarchy. The monarch, Margrethe II, is the ceremonial head of state and has been queen since 1972. Before it became constitutional, Denmark was an absolute monarchy. This changed when the Constitutional Act of the Kingdom of Denmark was signed in 1849. By the constitution, the monarch is said to be the source of executive and legislative authority. With the introduction of parliamentary sovereignty in 1901, however, the monarch is restricted in their authoritative exercise. This change in sovereignty imposed a separation of powers in Denmark with executive authority now handled by The Cabinet and its Prime Minister. With the separation of powers in effect, the duties of the monarch include vetoing bills by denying it royal assent, assigning or dismissing the Prime Minister, and giving formal consent to “Royal Prerogative” decisions made by the Prime Minister (The Monarchy Today, 2016). The government’s headquarters, the national parliament, and royal residence are found in its capital, Copenhagen.
     Populism in Denmark can be defined as nationalist; their political, social, and economic ideologies favor the interests of “the people.” Similar to other parts of Europe, there is also a strong presence of right-wing populism in its parties. Denmark has a multi-party system that includes 6-8 different political parties. The more well-known and important parties in Danish society are the Social Democrats (Socialdemokraterne) and the Danish People’s Party (Dansk Folkeparti). Socialdemokraterne, led by Mette Frederiksen (2015), was founded in 1871 with a social democratic ideology. It first entered the Folketing, the Danish Parliament, in 1884 and had the largest representation with 47 of 179 seats. The Social Democrats have had a profound influence on the Danish welfare state since the election of Prime Minister Thorvald Stauning (1924-1926, 1929-1942) and continue to work towards its solidarity (DIPD, n.d., para. 2). Dansk Folkeparti is one of the right-wing populist parties in Denmark. Other than right-wing populism, their ideologies include nationalism, national and social conservatism, Euro- and climate-scepticism, and anti-Islam. Since 1995, their plan was to protect “the country, its people, and the Danish cultural heritage” (Thulesen Dahl, 2002). Although the Social Democrats and the Danish People’s Party differ from one another, it is clear that they have the same purpose in mind: to give Denmark back to the Danish people. The ideologies that are associated with those political parties are there to separate the “real” Danish people from the “non-Danish” (i.e., immigrants, refugees, minorities).
     Human and civil rights are not only important to Socialdemokraterne and Dansk Folkeparti, but to the country as a whole. Denmark has a history of supporting and addressing rights such as freedom of expression and religion, eliminating racism, children’s rights, torture, and corporate social responsibility (DIHR, n.d., par. 1). Denmark also does an overview of the human rights situation every two years to see how those rights have developed and if there is any way they can improve. Although it seems they are handling their human and civil rights well, Denmark has an issue with those who are not from their country. Populism, in a European context, often refers to anti-immigration and xenophobia (Mudde & Kaltwasser, 2017, p. 2). A lot of the parties in Denmark, including the Social Democrats and the Danish People’s Party, do not support people entering their country. They are defined by their opposition to immigration and multiculturalism, concerned that immigrants will have an effect on national and European culture (Barlett et al., 2012, p. 13). This is the case for the general public as well; Danish people are having issues with the integration of immigrants in their society. Diversity has become one of Denmark’s weaknesses, influencing the lives of the Danish and the way their country operates.
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