#digitally :') ill have to share the result tho....)
gu6chan · 3 months
you have my blessing to draw sirene if you’d like
YAYYYYYYYY THANK YOU i JUST finished a drawing from last night so your timing is perfect lol
Question: she has a few different versions, is there one you'd like in particular....? 👀
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1-40 (take that)
A lot of questions as per usual, thanks for always being curious and cute @annoyinglyuniquebread!
I’ll put these under a cut as well as trigger warn you guys for mentions of mental illness, unhealthy coping mechanisms and abuse. 
Anyone who wants to, feel free to read what basically feels like my life story lol 
Here we goooo
1: Talk aboutthe first time you watched your favorite movie.
This question as well as numbers  11, 24, 28 and 38 where answered here and here
2: Talk aboutyour first kiss.
I was 7 and kissed a boy in my class behind the bushes at recess in a display of young  compulsory heterosexuality. He dumped me at a classmate’s birthday party a week later and I never looked at boys again lol
3: Talk aboutthe person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for.
This girl I met in my freshman year of college and fell hard and fast for. She clearly didn’t feel the same for me and very unceremoniously dumped me without much of an explanation, it sucked!  
4: Talk aboutthe thing you regret most so far.
That I didn’t break contact with my biological father much earlier than I did, his presence in my life made me feel like shit for way longer than I deserved and now that he’s out of my life I feel a lot better!
5: Talk aboutthe best birthday you’ve had.
l’m not actually much of a fan of birthdays and much prefer Christmas, never really liked the idea of growing up…But I guess my tenth birthday was cool. It was nice  to turn a two digit number for the first time and the pajama party I had that year was pretty sweet!
6: Talk aboutthe worst birthday you’ve had.
Well my fourth birthday sucked, it was my first birthday after my parents got divorced and I was worried my dad wouldn’t show up for the party and well…He didn’t……………….Yeah that sucked!
7: Talk aboutyour biggest insecurity.
I have many, many insecurities of different natures and can honestly not really narrow it down to one big one.
8: Talk aboutthe thing you are most proud of.
I’m proud of unapologetically being who I am despite breaking norms and societal expectations in more ways than one; as well as for standing up for others like me!
9: Talk aboutlittle things on your body that you like the most.
I like my eyes, they’re a nice shade of blue
10: Talk aboutthe biggest fight you’ve ever had.
Physical? Because I’ve never really been in a physical fight and I can’t really think of a huge verbal one either right now. Of course I’ve gotten into some arguments with my parents and stuff growing up, nothing major that I can remember though.
12: Talk aboutthe worst dream you’ve ever had.
 I rarely remember my dreams, but since I started taking sleeping pills I’ve had some really vivid and scary ones, nothing I feel like reliving by sharing though.
13: Talk aboutthe first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
Yeah, nope, not happening, too demi and reserved to share that one with the internet, sorry!
14: Talk abouta vacation.
The best vacation I’ve ever been on was the one I got from my parents as a graduation gift. They accompanied me to Amsterdam (which is a beautiful, beautiful city) to see Taylor Swift live on the 1989 World Tour! It was one of the best trips/concerts of my life and I really look forward to seeing Tay again in 180 days! 
15: Talk aboutthe time you were most content in life.
Probably in my last year of middle school, when I was like 15. It was the last year before I developed mental illness and fell into this dark, dark hole…Wow, that sounds depressing af! Sorry for being such a bummer!
16: Talk aboutthe best party you’ve ever been to.
I don’t really do parties, I prefer to hang out with my friends casually and just play video games and cook/have dinner together or whatever. We’ve had many awesome hangouts like these over the years and I can’t really pick a specific one as the best one!
17: Talk aboutsomeone you want to be friends with.
I’d love to be friends with Carrie Fisher, we’d get along famously and she seems like the kind of person you could just talk to you know? Carrie, if you can hear me up in heaven, please consider being my friend and save me a cloud to sit on next to you, cool?
18: Talk aboutsomething that happened in elementary school.
I got dumped at that birthday party, lol…No but really I don’t remember much of elementary school, except that one time a bitch stole my tamagotchi, that wasn’t cool Sally, so not cool!
19: Talk aboutsomething that happened in middle school.
My teacher surprised me by sneaking me into another school’s library so that I could join this class of strangers in meeting one of my favorite authors at the time and get my books signed as well as give her a book i’d written and exchange email addresses with her. We still emailed occasionally years later, it was dope!!
20: Talk aboutsomething that happened in high school.
I came out of the closet, that was pretty damn dope too!
21: Talk abouta time you had to turn someone down.
During my freshman year of college (wow, a lot sure did happen that year, huh?) this guy in my class basically started stalking me and obsess over me despite me repeatedly telling him I’m gay and wasn’t interested. It got pretty badly out of hand and it ended with the school suspending him after me having complained to the student council after he failed to recognize my rejections for what they were, FUCKING REJECTIONS!!! 
22: Talk aboutyour worst fear.
i’m TERRIFIED of failure in any and all forms! Don’t wanna talk about it though, it’ll probably trigger unnecessary anxiety…
23: Talk abouta time someone turned you down.
I’m too shy to ask people out so I have never really been turned down in that sense, have been dumped tho, that’s………..unfun!
25: Talk aboutan ex-best friend.
During elementary and middle school I was best friends with this guy i’d known since kindergarten, we drifted apart since we went to different high schools and haven’t really hung out since sophomore year which is too bad really because we were like siblings at one point and I’d like to have that back someday.
26: Talk aboutthings you do when you’re sick.
I try to drink a lot of tea and stay as comfortable as possible while watching something that makes me happy and distracts me from feeling badly. Like Buffy, Brooklyn 99 or F.r.i.e.n.d.s
27: Talk aboutyour favorite part of someone else’s body.
My dog’s tail is fluffy and adorable just like the rest of her! :)
29: Talk aboutwhat turns you on.
I feel like I’ve talked about this before, but open-minded people who aren’t afraid of having frank, honest conversations in which the express their opinions. Girls are beautiful and physically most parts of girls’ bodies honestly turn me on buuuut again, too awkward for this discussion on the net.
30: Talk aboutwhat turns you off.
Close-minded and bigoted people disgust me!
31: Talk aboutwhat you think death is like.
I’m not really sure, but a quote from John Green’s Looking For Alaska comes to mind: “Thomas Edison’s last words were “It’s very beautiful over there”. I don’t know where there is, but I believe it’s somewhere, and I hope it’s beautiful.”
32: Talk abouta place you remember from your childhood.
When I was younger my grandparents lived in this big, yellow house in the countryside and I remember it as this bright, warm and very positive place! It was surrounded by  a large, dark forest that my grandma used to call The Forest of Fairy Tales” and in their huge garden they had an abundance of sweet berries and I had a legit fort my grandpa had built for me at the edge of the forest. I really miss that place, almost as much as I miss my grandma!
33: Talk aboutwhat you do when you are sad.
Pretty much the same thing I do when I’m sick, I try to drink gallons of tea, stay comfy and watch something lighthearted and uplifting. Listening to Taylor Swift also helps me a lot if I feel down. The sound of her voice makes me feel at home and reminds me that things are gonna be okay, ya feel?
34: Talk aboutthe worst physical pain you’ve endured.
As a kid with cerebral palsy I pretty much grew up in hospitals and was subject to a lot of pretty painful stuff before I even turned ten, as a result my pain threshold is very high. Despite this I can’t really say breaking my wrist in a biking accident at about nine didn’t suck.
35: Talk aboutthings you wish you could stop doing.
I wish I could stop clinging to some of the more unhealthy coping mechanisms I have when it comes to my mental illness…Like I wish I’d stop starving myself and make myself sleep deprived on purpose and stuff…That’s not really healthy and I wish I didn’t cling to these things and instead could find healthier ways to deal with bad mental health situations. I’m working on this though!
36: Talk aboutyour guilty pleasures.
I don’t believe in guilt associated with interests of any kind. If I like something I like it, plain and simple!
37: Talk aboutsomeone you thought you were in love with.
This boy that sat next to me in my eighth grade math class, he was super nice and we were friends. Secretly though I was like OBSESSED with him, it was actually kinda cute. Sadly for 14 year old me I was too shy to ask him out though, which was just as well since it was clearly compulsory again and I was really crushing super hard on the cool punk girl in my social studies class who I just thought i really, really, REALLY wanted to be friends with at the time…I was too shy to talk to her too though sooo
39: Talk aboutthings you wish you’d known earlier.
That it’s okay to be both disabled and queer, the belief that you couldn’t caused me to stay in the closet (even to myself) for far longer than I needed to. you’re not “too much” just because you happen to be part of several minority groups, never forget that, kids!
40: Talk aboutthe end of something in your life.
When I was 13 I finally broke contact with my biological father and that was the end of a cycle of mental and psychological abuse. It was one of the best decision I’ve ever made and the most cathartic ending to any period  in my life so far. 
Thanks for all those questions, Bellz and sorry it took some time for me to answer them, I’ve had a busy week!
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nchyinotes · 6 years
Alt-Age: Designing Belief
May 19 2018
Thoughts: I found the first session on conspiracy theories fascinating (because I knew nothing about it beforehand, and the Trump analysis was very cool too), I liked Daniel Keller’s crypto starter kit profiles (and he was super nice, I had a great conversation with him after his talk!), and I thought Timandra put an interesting perspective to data profiling.
Trumped Up: The President and Conspiracy Theories
which conspiratorial theories are successful and which fail at explaining contemporary ?
conspiracy theory: speculative story that fashions historical/contemporary events as outcome of a conspiratorial design. often sits at odds with official story. it asks who benefits, and points the finger.
Richard hofstadter’s paranoid style:
all of history is a conspiracy
perpetuates the idea that conspiracy theories are totally other and unhinged
clinical paranoia vs paranoid style
conspiracy theorists are naive people who can’t really engage in the public sphere because they’re so irrational and ??
fredric jameson: conspiracism is often a symptom of something else
narrative is a v flawed attempt to map out the ever elusive social totality
system of overwhelmingly subjugating and repressive landscape
conclusion is wrong - it’s the faceless system of capitalism that is to blame
doesn’t take the form the left wants politics to take
lived experience of social injustice gets turned into a conspiratorial narrative
historical precedent informs the turn to conspiracy as explanation
justified fear that black people have about the way black bodies have been used and abused (ie. tuscany syphilis study) - institutional supported
ie. impotence, AIDS
—> tools of resistance used to galvanise a community - this is their social function or cultural work that they do  (tanya??)
example of popular knowledge that puts on display undecidable nature of all knowledge. exaggerated version of modes of knowing. so share a lot with legitimised forms. risks showing us how all knowledge is ever theory, and legitimacy is conferred by mystical constructions. so this binary is drawn to secure our own position.
what kind of conspiracist is trump? He seeks to target and delegitimize three targets:
particular political opponents
institutions (liberal media, federal reserve)
any knowledge that threatens his interest (climate change)
trump’s style:
not as the sustained narrative that hofstader way, but uses conspiracist fragments to highlights gaps/doubts and dispenses with necessity of evidence.
never quite takes responsibility over theories, just repeats others.
“some people say”, “many people say”
meme friendly format
uses it as one tactic to disorientate and disarm
helpful ideas:
conspiracism can be employed for ideological reasons
conspiracism is often a symptom of something else
proliferation of conspiracy theories is due in part to fact that so many actual conspiracies have been uncovered during the 20th century
problematic ideas in age of trump
conspiracy theory is a pejorative term
identity of president, at white house, legitimises
conspiracy theories are tools of resistance for historically marginalised people
trump isn’t a minority lol
arise because it is not possible to limit interpretation or safeguard knowledge
idkkkk post truth era stuff
concept of fully agential, sovereign, cartesian individual who believes with their whole body and soul
fragments enter upon a thoroughly networked sphere, so they circulate virally
belief becomes distributed and exists within the network through method of circulation
belief without believers?
for many trump supporters, believing the theory may be of little importance. what builds is the impression of a figure that isn’t beholden to elitists, who says the unsayable. mode might be most important.
to understand role of trump here:
this isn’t the first time conspiracy theories have been expressed from positions of power but the info environment is different
languages of disenfranchisement can be mimicked and appropriated
must think about trump’s conspiracy fragments within whole range of post truth tactics
we might need to rethink the nature of belief in a digital, networked era
The Nouveaux Cryptoriche: A Consumer Profile
GINI coefficient - measurement of de/centralisation, all bitcoin and ethereum stuff is actually very centralised and unequal (wealth disparity of owner of wallets, etc)
within crypto: huge gender divide, white/male/millennials
all fairly libertarian and right wing in orientation - neo liberal logic that behaviour must be incentivised economically for anything altruistic to happen (ethereum, bitcoin, ripple)
motivation through economics = neoliberal + reactionary worldview
who are the cryptorich?
richest: white men, some asian men
starter kits: caleb, priscilla, andsprei, elijah, roger
With Daniel Keller and Michael Dieter. Chaired by Natalie Kane
spiritual/magical terminology in describing technology
manipulation as neglect (malice)?
no, intention in business model to maximise profits and attention, so no not neglect because its intentional
CA = great “accident” of this business model
mindless logic that goes into all the platforms we use today, addictive nature (brains have been completely rewired in the last 15 years)
digital dependency
neglect - politics of care ?
history of the whole science and technology studies being ignored
digital mindfulness - theres a genealogy to it
cyber culture + counterculture new ageisms
subversive tactics ?
florian kramer - subversive media
angela nagel - think of alt right in terms of subcultures and critiques of subculture theory
thinking more about continuities
platform capitalism fosters these communities - reaction of no platforming them? can further radicalise + alienate them
legitimate claim at being the alt bc of the monopoly on liberal terminology  
understanding truth is based on an understanding of what non truth is or are ?
forms of behavioural economics were embedded into platform design - promoting mode of behavioural design. tracking, nudges, in the context of business propositions.
tokenising all possible economic activity, market of IOT
politics of attention - extreme edgelord ism results on 4chan
critique of behavioural dimension on platforms as being very causal
by saying these mechanisms actually work and lead to addiction, there may be a chance to launch stronger critique against platform monopoly and get them to bear more responsibility for certain dynamics we associate with them
is this a mistake, bc do we really know to what extent these mechanisms actually work?
micro targeting
distracts us from thinking through what type of longer term social issues/conflicts/antagonisms are being manifest through these types of dynamics (algorithm is revealing something that’s natural, given too much credit for this stuff)
these things work we need to regulate them vs ^
deemphasising determining role software may have in this (is ignoring the possible slippery slope tho, negligence)
targeting: sub culture of people who feel like you’re be targeted + tracked constantly by government, mental health, communities that reinforce mental illness
philosophical regulation (speculative design theory) being seen as against innovation
level of ignorance they’re trying to preserve
reinvestment of desktop as focused productivity, minimise work dimensions of mobile devices (redesign of mobiles)?
people who aren’t on social media right now aren’t shaping the cultural discourse ? - national and international influence
foam space app - decentralised proof of location, micropayment constantly for that
steem it
conspiracy vs speculative design
epistemology of reductionism
Was It Big Data That Won It?
resources diverted by govt in targeting voters - 2 types of people, bc otherwise its a waste of time (ie. already have a strong affiliation + go out to vote)
daniel scarvaloni - obamas campaign
how politics ad targeting works now - tailor messages etc
profiling, data brokers, inferred data
easily misprofiled / inferring is not loads better than chance
we’re calling everyone else the “gullible fools”, we’re not the gullible fools
problem is this model of humanity - people that can be measured, predicted, nudged in ways (more complex lab rats) vs people with whom we have to engage
Beyond Belief: Being Converted in a Post-Truth Era
digital well being strategies part of new behavioural design paradigm to deal with distraction, scandals
managing unconscious user and guiding them into habitual behaviours/habits even when it may actually be contradictory to their intentions
“conversion”: language
obfuscation is part of the business model
sleepwalking into new forms of exploitation
targeted if you share traits with other fragments of users (segregating into segments) - dominant ??? of captivation
james bridle + youtube as the great radicaliser - targeting children on youtube
UX conversion
alt right conversion
like attracts like
center for humane technology (humane tech.com)
new design politics to be articulated? realignment of tech with humanity’s best interests. who decides on what these interests will be? these structures or dependant on this type of behaviouralism.
paternalistic rather than exploitative nudging
Detecting Fake News and Misinformation: Spotting the Common Themes
fake news spreads faster than true news
creating a quality score for content, to serve to advertising platforms
creating community driven AI, automated algorithms for detecting 5 things
author credibility, publisher credibility, headline analysis, ad/media analysis, content analysis
^ how did you come up with the criteria?
“toxic content”
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