#digital discom
sohebwork · 1 year
Digital Discom is an online platform for Solar Plants, Solar Pump, Solar Invertors, Solar Batteries, Solar Lights, Solar Parts, Energy Auditing, Energy Management, IR Thermography, Carbon trading, Harmonic Audit, Power Quality Audit etc. for all categories of Consumers (Industrial, Domestic, Agricultural, Commercial). Our ecommerce platform provides best in class service providers and features like products comparison, timely delivery, installation, maintenance etc.
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pinkthick · 8 months
Just answer Via
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Summary: "I understand you're upset, Octavia. But I love you more than anything. Please don't shut me out like this. I'm begging you."
Notes: Mind you, I didn’t watch Helluva Boss yet. (Just watched 3 episodes but the Goetia family got my heart so I needed to write something. 😭) Again, there is a bit of self-harm so um yeah. Enjoy
Warnings: Blood and Self-harm(cutting), Hurt No Comfort
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A Octavia lay on her bed, ignoring the incessant buzzing of her phone. Messages and calls from her father flooded her notifications. She couldn't bear to listen or respond; the pain was too fresh. Stolas, on the other hand, found himself alone in bed, tears streaming down his face as he sent desperate apologies to his daughter.
He was drowning in regret. His perfect starfire, how could he hurt her? Tears cascaded down his face as he lay in bed, haunted by the distance between him and his beloved daughter. Desperation fueled his fingertips as he composed messages, pouring his heart out in a digital plea for forgiveness. The room echoed with his cries as he poured his emotions into each desperate attempt to connect with his daughter.
Octavia, however, was resolute in her decision to shut him out. She couldn't bear the disappointment and pain that seemed to accompany Stolas wherever he went. And fuck him. She didn’t need him. And dad Stolas sure as hell didn’t need her.
"Via, my love, please hear me out. It's all a terrible misunderstanding," Stolas pleaded in a shaky voice through a voice message, his vulnerability exposed.
But Octavia just tossed and turned in her bed, drowning out the incessant buzzing of her phone with a pillow over her head as more of his messages were coming in.
"I understand you're upset, Octavia. But I love you more than anything. Please don't shut me out like this. I'm begging you." He clutched his phone tightly, fighting back his own tears, but to no use. "I know I've been a fool, but you are my world. I would never willingly hurt you. And Blitzo—he doesn't mean more to me than you do. I never left you for him," he sobbed into the phone as he fervently composed one apology after another.
She didn’t want to entertain his attempts to explain himself. That was what she was telling herself over and over. In truth, she knew that if she allowed herself to listen, she might be swayed by his words. That were probably lies. All he did was lie.
Stolas' voice cracked with emotion as he spoke “You're my little girl, and I can't bear the thought of losing you. Please, let me make things right. I don’t want to spend an eternity without you, Via.” I’m so sorry my baby.
Stolas continued to call, each ring intensifying her frustration. Unable to endure the constant intrusion any longer, she seized her phone and, fueled by anger and disappointment, hurled it with all her might against the wall. The shattering impact silenced the incessant ringing and buzzing, providing a momentary respite.
The room fell into an eerie quiet, broken only by the sounds of her sobs. Her chest was heaving with a mixture of anger and relief as she glared at the broken pieces scattered on the floor.
She just..stood there. Breathless even. The moonlight streamed through the shards, casting an eerie glow that seemed to mirror the shattered fragments of her own emotions. She couldn’t take her eyes off the glinting shards—they suddenly seemed sharper, more defined.
The pain sometimes provided a twisted solace. Not always. But sometimes it did.
She bent down to pick up the scattered remnants of her phone. As she started to gather the broken pieces, a small shard embedded itself in her hand. There was a brief pause, but Octavia's expression remained stoic. It didn’t feel bad. It didn’t feel — enough.
Examining the shard in her hand, she felt an odd sense of detachment and she calmly removed the shard, and a slow trickle of blood began to stain her hand. The black droplets fell, but she continued cleaning up.
The room felt colder and despite the discomfort, a strange tranquility settled over her as she gazed at the glistening blood on her hand.
But it wasn’t enough. She needed more.
Stolas paced around his trashed room, frustration boiling over. "Damn it, Octavia! Why won't you let me explain?" he muttered to himself, fists clenched. The shattered remnants of his belongings lay scattered on the floor. His attempts to reach Octavia only led to the voicemail now "Blocked me, hasn't she?" Stolas seethed, resentment simmering beneath his feathers. He felt abandoned, misunderstood.
Stolas couldn't contain the turmoil within him any longer. With a guttural scream, he hurled a crystal vase across the room again, the shattering sound punctuating his frustration. “Satan forbid I try to be happy for once!” he growled, his fists now indiscriminately demolishing everything in his path. He knocked over a grand bookshelf, sending leather-bound tomes crashing to the ground.
His anger manifested in every strike, every shattered item a reflection of the shattered connection with his daughter. Stolas grabbed another vase, memories of happier times with Octavia flashing before his eyes. With a furious yell, he sent it flying, watching it disintegrate against the wall. "Stella, you wretched fiend!" he spat, resentment fuelling his rampage. He tore down curtains, the rich fabric torn to shreds in his hands.
The contents of drawers spilled onto the floor as Stolas overturned a dresser, the crash punctuating his fury. He kicked at the debris, uncaring of the damage inflicted upon his once-stylish attire.
Why wasn’t he allowed to be happy?
Stolas's rampage came to a sudden halt as his eyes fell upon a small, damaged frame. He bent down, trembling hands carefully picking up the remnants of a drawing — Octavia’s drawing. "No—no, no, no!" Stolas gasped, horror etched across his face as he cradled the fragile piece in his hands. The once-pristine frame lay shattered, and the drawing bore the scars of his unchecked fury.
A choked sob escaped him as he traced the lines of Octavia's childish strokes. "Not this drawing—oh, fuck," he whispered, guilt and regret intertwining in his voice. Stolas hastily searched for tape, his hands shaking as he fumbled through.
With a watery chuckle, he found the tape and delicately began piecing the frame together, his movements careful, as if mending this small drawing could somehow mend the larger wounds. As the drawing took shape again, albeit marred and fragile, Stolas looked at it through tear-filled eyes. The crayon depiction of a happy family seemed to mock him as he gently wiped away a tear that threatened to stain the paper.
I would never hurt her.
But you did.
Stolas settled onto the debris-laden floor, clutching the repaired drawing against his chest. Tears welled in his eyes as he gazed at the innocent depiction of a happier time. Silent sobs racked his frame as he whispered to the drawing, "My baby... my starfire," with a trembling hand, he reached for his phone.
He scrolled through his messages and soon the cruel reality struck. Octavia's name remained devoid of any response — what did he expect really?
Desperation etched across his features, Stolas dialed Octavia's number once again. The familiar tone of voicemail filled the air, echoing the emptiness of his heart. He clutched the phone, tears streaming down his face, as he whispered brokenly, "Please, Octavia, just talk to me." Stolas pressed a hand to his chest, as if physically trying to ease the ache within. "I've messed up," he admitted through choked sobs, his vulnerability laid bare. “I know I did, Via.”
Gasping for breath between sobs, Stolas's trembling hands scrolled through his contacts. After a moment of hesitation, he scrolled down to 'Stella.' A deep inhale preceded the press of the call button, the phone ringing.
Then, against his expectations, a begrudging voice answered on the other end. "What do you want now, Stolas?" Stella's tone dripped with irritation, a testament to the strained dynamic between them.
Stolas hesitated, his voice catching in his throat before he managed to stammer, "Stella, please, it's about Octavia. I need to talk to her." His desperation clung to his words.
A heavy sigh on the other end hinted at Stella's exasperation. "How many times do I have to say it? Octavia doesn't want to talk to you. Is that so hard for you to grasp?" The blunt truth struck Stolas like a blow, and he felt the weight of his actions press down on him.
He didn’t know what to say but Stella's voice turned colder, cutting through the strained air. "Was the sex worth it?" she asked as Stolas felt a knot tighten in his stomach.
His words stumbled as he tried to justify himself, "It wasn't just about that, Stella. I needed something more, something that made me feel alive."
A bitter laugh escaped Stella's lips, a sound tinged with both anger and disbelief. "Alive? You chose momentary pleasure over your daughter's happiness. What kind of father does that?"
A simmering anger brewed within Stolas as he clutched the phone as he retorted, "What kind of mother does what you do? All you ever did was show her off to your friends—you never cared for her! I don't even know if you love her!"
Stella's voice, now laced with a mix of anger and hurt, responded, "Don't turn this around on me. You're the one who shattered our family for some demon's affection. I did my best for Octavia, and I won't let you blame me for your mistakes."
Stolas, undeterred, retorted, "Your best? She needed both of us, Stella. We both failed her. You were more concerned with appearances than being there for Octavia. Don't pretend you're innocent in all of this."
A bitter laugh echoed through the phone as Stella responded, "But where is she now, Stolas? Is she staying with you?" The question hung in the air, a cruel reminder that Octavia had chosen to distance herself from her father in the wake of his mistakes. Stolas felt a lump forming in his throat, the weight of the truth pressing down on him. He glanced around the shattered room, now devoid of any semblance of the life he had once known. "No, she's not with me," he admitted, his voice carrying a defeated tone.
Stella's laughter persisted on the other end, a sound that grated against Stolas's ears. "Of course she's not with you. Why would she want to be? You've made your bed, Stolas, and now you have to lie in it."
A heavy silence settled between them, and Stolas struggled to find the right words. "I... I messed up, Stella.”
No shit.
"I'm going to check up on my daughter since you probably disturbed her night with your calls," Stella declared, her voice stern and resolute. The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, leaving Stolas with a sinking feeling that he had pushed Octavia further away.
"Stella, please—" Stolas began, his plea interrupted by the decisive click of the call ending. He stared at his phone in silence, the dim glow of the shattered room casting shadows over his disheveled appearance.
Octavia stealthily made her way to the kitchen, ensuring that her mother or uncle were not present. And they weren’t, thank Satan. She cautiously opened drawers, her search focused and deliberate. Her hands sifted through the utensils until she found what she was looking for – a cold, gleaming knife tucked away among the ordinary cutlery. Octavia's gaze lingered on the blade, reflecting the moonlight that streamed in through the window.
Via found herself descending onto the cold kitchen floor, the knife held loosely in her hands. Conflicted emotions swirled within her, a storm of pain, anger, and confusion. Her own mind was a battleground, torn between the yearning for control and the dread of succumbing to old habits. She traced the edge of the knife with her fingers, contemplating the scars that adorned her past.
The temptation to cut again clawed at her again. It would be so simple. Peaceful even.
She closed her eyes, taking a shuddering breath. She just felt numb thinking about her insignificant existence. Her parents didn’t want her. They needed a heir and they got one. She realized that no matter what she’ll do, her life will atone to nothing. The only time the emptiness was filled was when the slits from her wrists were open and blood poured down her arms.
Memories of Stolas flooded her mind. She couldn't escape the vivid recollections of his face, a mix between concern and disappointment, every time he discovered the evidence of her self-harm. His eyes mirrored the pain he felt for her, a silent plea for her to find solace without resorting to self-destruction. My beautiful girl. My beautiful miracle girl. Why would you do that to yourself?
He always asked the same questions.
Octavia could almost feel Stolas' gentle touch as he cleaned her wounds, his hands moving with a tenderness that belied the frustration and sorrow etched on his face. His gentle touch, the careful application of bandages, his tears for her.
Lucifer knows, one of them had to pretend to care .
The knife felt heavier in her hand for some reason. She didn’t.. set out to do this tonight. Gripping the knife tightly, she steeled herself for the familiar dance with pain. She held her breathe as she pressed the blade against her skin, tracing lines that mirrored the scars of her past.
It was always fascinating. Hypnotizing. And before Octavia really understood what her body was doing, the knife was squeezed tightly in her fist and was cutting again. The pain was sharp and sudden, but faded as soon as the beautiful red started to run. She never realized how beautiful blood could be. The color was bark and painful but soothing at the same time. Stunning.
It’s scary. She shuttered to think of what Stolas would think of her if he knew she had intentionally cut up her arm again. Blood isn’t comforting, she knew that.
What did she really do?
Stolas summoned a hologram of a little Octavia. The ethereal form glowed softly, capturing the innocence and purity of his daughter in happier times. The miniature figure stood before him, her eyes wide and curious.
"Why are you crying, Daddy?" the holographic Octavia asked, her voice a sweet echo from the past. Stolas looked up, his tear-streaked face met with the spectral image of his daughter, a painful reminder of the joy he had inadvertently traded for fleeting moments of pleasure.
He struggled to find words, the lump in his throat making it difficult to speak. "I'm sorry, my starfire," he whispered, reaching out as if to touch the hologram, only to grasp at the emptiness.
The holographic Octavia tilted her head, her innocence contrasting starkly with the broken reality surrounding them. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked, confusion clouding her ghostly features. Stolas shook his head, his heart aching at the notion of his little girl blaming herself. "No, no, my love. Daddy made some mistakes, and I hurt you. I hurt us," he confessed, his voice trembling.
"Can't you fix it, Daddy?" she asked, her small form glowing with hope.
"I'll do everything I can to fix it, my precious. Daddy promises," he vowed to the ethereal image.
A gentle, playful giggle emanated from the holographic Octavia, her form shifting to mirror an older version of herself. "You're still embarrassing as fuck, Dad," she quipped, her tone filled with a teasing familiarity that sent a wave of relief through Stolas.
He was stunned and looked up from his tear-stained hands, and his eyes widened at the sight of the hologram transforming into an older, more mature Octavia. The glow of the projection illuminated the room, casting an ethereal light on the wreckage. A tentative smile played on Stolas's lips as he took in the image of the holographic Octavia, her features reminiscent of the daughter who had distanced herself from him. "Via, my dear, I... I miss you," he admitted, his voice carrying a mix of longing and regret.
The holographic Octavia, now resembling the older version who had grown distant, rolled her eyes playfully. "You've got a lot of making up to do, old man," she said, her tone softening as she reached out, the glow of her hand brushing against Stolas's cheek — but he didn’t feel it.
He wished he could feel it.
"I'm so sorry, Octavia," Stolas began, his voice heavy with remorse. "I never meant to hurt you. I've made terrible choices, and I've hurt you. I just want you to know that I love you, more than anything."
The holographic Octavia regarded him with a mixture of warmth and skepticism. "You messed up big time, but you’re lucky I love you too." she responded and Stolas melted before her.
As their interaction deepened, Stolas found himself immersed in the illusion, the holographic Octavia's laughter and responses feeling so authentic that, at times, he forgot she was merely a projection. So Stolas allowed himself to believe that the hologram before him was his actual daughter.
Stella burst into the kitchen, her eyes widening in shock as they fell upon Octavia, blood running down her arms. Anger and concern clashed on Stella's face, her expression darkening. "What the fuck, Octavia? You're cutting yourself again?" The words were sharp, a mix of frustration and worry. Octavia felt a pang of guilt and shame. She stammered, searching for words that could explain the inexplicable.
"Mom, I—" but before she could finish, Stella's voice cut through, more forceful this time. "I can't believe you're doing this again. Fuck, we need to clean up before anyone sees, especially my brother." As Stella moved towards Octavia, a mix of urgency and irritation, Via instinctively tried to shield her actions. "No, I can handle it myself," she protested weakly.
Stella, however, wasn't having it. "Handle it yourself? Look at you, bleeding all over the damn place. We don't have time for your bullshit. Now, give me that knife, and let's clean you up." She hesitated but she did give the knife to her mother.
As Stella examined the wounds, Octavia winced, and a cry escaped her lips. "It hurts!"
"Stop acting like a baby," Stella snapped, her tone harsh. "This is your mess, and you're going to clean it up.” Her mother retorted, her voice stern as she led Octavia towards the sink. The moonlight painted a macabre scene as Stella started cleaning the wounds, Via started to watch as her blood fell to the bottom of it and mixed with the water until it turned pink and pooled around the drain.
Stella, frustration etching her features, demanded an explanation as she asked, "Why did you do it? You stopped doing this awhile ago." Octavia, still sniffling, looked up at Stella and whispered, "You know why." Her mother’s eyes softened briefly, a mix of sympathy and exasperation in her gaze. "He's not worth it. Doing this to your body isn't worth it." she insisted, reaching for a cloth to start cleaning Octavia's wounds.
Via, her voice shaky, responded, "I can't... I can't get his face out of my head.” As Stella dabbed at the cuts, Octavia winced "Why can't you see that you're worth more than whatever he did?" Stella pressed, frustration tingeing her words. "Cutting yourself won't make the pain go away. It only adds to it." Octavia, tears streaming down her face, struggled to find a response.
Stella, her hands continuing to move methodically to clean Octavia's wounds, couldn't hide the frustration in her voice. "Now stop feeling sorry for yourself. You can't waste a pretty face like you have," Stella remarked, her words sharp and tinged with frustration. "You can't be pathetic like him."
Octavia, still sniffling, met Stella's gaze, her eyes reflecting a tumultuous sea of emotions. "Why did he choose him over me?" she asked, her voice tinged with a vulnerability that echoed through the room. "The Imp?" Stella clarified, pausing for a moment. Octavia nodded, prompting Stella to scoff. "Because he's a fucking moron who gets crazy over a dick," she retorted, her disdain evident in her tone.
The truth in Stella's words hung heavy in the air, a bitter acknowledgment of the absurdity that had fractured their family "You're better than this, Octavia. You're worth more than someone who would choose... that, over his own daughter. Don't let his colossal mistake define your worth."
Octavia, her voice heavy with pain and resentment, confessed, "I hate him. He promised he would never leave me, but he didn't even bat an eye when he had the chance."
Stella, finishing up and turing off the water, frowned at Octavia's raw confession. "As I said, he's a fucking pathetic old gay—"
"Mom," Octavia interrupted, her tone pleading. "I just wanted him to love me more than he loves Blitzo."
Stella's expression hardened briefly, a flicker of anger in her eyes. "His name doesn't even deserve to be in your mouth," she asserted as she continued "You're his heir, Octavia, and he should have put you first. I don't care about his reasons; abandoning you was inexcusable."
Octavia looked down, her mind a battlefield of conflicting emotions. "I thought I meant more to him," she admitted, her voice a mere whisper.
Stella's tone grew more unbearable as she patted Octavia's head with a forced semblance of affection. "You're a fool for thinking that," she remarked, her words a cold reminder of the harsh reality they were grappling with. Octavia, looking up at her mother, felt a surge of frustration and yearning for understanding.
She opened her mouth to speak, but Stella cut her off. "Now, we had a great heart-to-heart talk, but you need to clean up here. We'll talk tomorrow," she declared, her abrupt shift in demeanor signaling the end of their conversation. As Stella stood up, leaving Octavia on the kitchen floor, she stopped in the doorway, her gaze lingering on her daughter "I don't think I need to tell you that you need to wear shirts with long sleeves the next few weeks?" she remarked.
"No, Mom," Octavia replied, her eyes downcast as she reached for a towel.
“Great! Now chop-chop," she declared as Via nodded, her movements mechanical as she began the task of cleaning up the blood from the floor. The room seemed to blur as a vivid memory transported her to a moment years ago, a time when Stolas had bandaged her wounds.
Octavia sat on the bathroom floor, tears streaming down her face, her arms marked with fresh cuts. Stolas knelt beside her, gently cleaning the wounds with a tenderness that seemed incongruent with the pain etched on his face.
"I'm sorry—" Via began to apologize, but Stolas, his eyes welling up with tears, cut her off with a quiet intensity. "You don't need to apologize for this," he insisted, his voice a mix of sorrow and genuine concern.
He pressed his forehead to hers, a tender moment that spoke of a father's love grappling with the pain of seeing his daughter in such a state. "I just wish you'd stop doing this."
She just continued to scrub at the floor.
The holographic Octavia, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, suggested, "How about we go to dinner this Friday at that new local place? Just you and me, Dad." Her proposal hung in the air “Just like old times.”
A surge of joy mixed with sorrow filled Stolas's heart as he tried to reach out and touch her, only to be met with the intangible glow of the hologram. Frustration etched his features as the realization dawned upon him. "You're not... real, Via," he admitted —to himself.
The holographic Octavia simply smiled, her expression retaining a gentle warmth. Which wasn’t real. It was only in his head.
A profound sadness gripped him as he realized that this connection, no matter how comforting, was merely a mirage—a fleeting illusion that couldn't replace the tangible presence of his estranged daughter.
In a moment of despair, Stolas clenched his fists, his vision blurred by fresh tears. "I'm so sorry, Via," he whispered, the sincerity of his remorse echoing in the quiet room. He raised his hand and swiped through the holographic projection and the radiant image flickered, and Octavia's form began to dissipate like mist in the wind.
Stolas cried out, a raw and anguished sound as he sank to his knees, the weight of the real world crashing down on him once more. But the sudden ring of Stolas's phone shattered the heavy silence in the room, jolting him up. Hope flickered in his eyes as he fumbled to retrieve the device, a desperate anticipation that maybe, just maybe, Octavia was reaching out.
However, as he glanced at the caller ID, disappointment and frustration welled up within him. It wasn't Octavia; instead, the name "Blitzo" blinked on the screen. Stolas hesitated, his thumb hovering over the answer button.
He chose to not to answer though, letting the call go to voicemail.
Oh, Via..
As he glanced out of his own window, the moonlit sky seemed empty. Stolas knew, more than ever, that he needed Octavia.
Octavia, sat by her window and her arms now bandaged, her gaze was fixed on the distant horizon. The city lights twinkled below, reflecting in her eyes, yet the flicker of resentment lingered. She convinced herself that she no longer needed Stolas. The night sky stretched above her, mirroring the vast expanse of the void that had replaced the warmth of their connection.
Separated by physical and emotional distance, father and daughter found themselves gazing at the same sky, yet the chasm between them seemed insurmountable.
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melanie-ohara · 11 months
It's a Long Way to Peridea
Part II - Bait
Smut warning - it gets real spicy!
Read it on AO3 here!
Sabine wasn't sure how long it took Shin to come crawling back to her door. Meditation made it difficult to keep track of time, and the featureless cell didn't help. With the ship in hyperspace, even the rumble of the engines was a constant. Eventually, the day's events caught up to her and she felt the wave of exhaustion sweep her away. The bed barely deserved the name: a single slab of flat metal with no pillow or covers that offered so little comfort she might as well sleep on the floor. Sabine stretched out on it anyway. She missed the loth-cat - even if it didn't curl up with her, its snuffles and purring was a lot more comforting than the unbroken silence of the brig.
Sabine slept, but wasn't sure for how long. It wasn't the soft click of the slats on the window sliding partially open that woke her, but the certainty she was being watched. She didn't need to look to know she'd see wide, pale-blue eyes watching her. Sabine was lying on her back and stretched lazily, like she was still sleeping. She didn't need her eyes to see Shin - she would be standing a step back from the door, leaning forwards to spy on her with that oh-so-enticing lost animal expression on her face. Shin knew that, much like Ahsoka, her Master would not approve of this… fascination. The idea made Sabine smile, but she quickly hid it. Shin thought she was spying, and this would be much more fun if she didn't know Sabine was aware of her presence.
She wished they'd at least taken the cuffs off so she could sleep, it made unclipping her trousers much more difficult. Clearly, someone was aware of the Ghost crew's proclivity for daring escapes, even if that had been Ezra's field more than hers. Sabine thought about pushing her trousers down her thighs, to give her admirer a look at her skin, but quickly decided that if Shin wasn't going to make a move then she wasn't going to reward her. She had to open her legs a little more to work the chunky imperial cuffs into her waistband and the angle left one hand dangling uselessly, but it was worth it to hear the barely perceptible hitching of breath across the room. She disguised her self-satisfied chuckle with a mumble of pleasure as she touched one finger against herself through her underwear. The sensation was dulled by the fabric, but she was planning on taking her time while she was being watched. Slowly, she started to rub her middle finger back and forth, pressing down just enough to feel a tingle of arousal grind through her senses. She wished Shin could see how her wetness made her underwear cling, indistinctly outlining her pussy. She wondered if she was blushing yet, and the idea of Shin's sharp face glowing with embarrassment and excitement only served to turn her on more. Sabine remembered how Shin had looked at her neck like she wanted to bite her, and pressed her head back against the metal to expose her throat for her.
Sabine imagined Shin opening the door and storming inside. She wouldn't stop. Her fingers moved faster, and she pressed a second digit against her pussy through the fabric. Her hips lifted into the sensation, and she overextended the motion for Shin's benefit. Sabine worried it might be too much, that Shin wouldn't believe she was that excited already, but she heard nothing from the other side of the door. That made her wonder if Shin even touched herself, and then her head was filled with the idea of teaching her how. She could sit behind her on her bed, arms and legs wrapped around her slim, athletic frame, taking her hands and gently guiding them down her body and introducing her carefully to all the places that enhanced the feeling - from her throat to her tits and then down over that taut stomach and between her thighs.
Impatient for more feeling, Sabine rushed to get her hand inside her underwear. The elastic waistband of her briefs pushed down on the cuffs but the discomfort of the metal digging into her waist was enticing in its own way, and Sabine let out a soft moan. She didn't exaggerate it for Shin this time. She wanted her to hear what real pleasure sounded like from her lips - and now that she could touch herself properly, she could give her voyeur all she could want. The stupid restraints meant she couldn't use the heel of her hand against her clit the way she normally preferred, but she could show Shin that another time. Instead, she ran two fingers up and down along her slick folds and humped her hips into them. With her eyes closed, she imagined her fingers were Shin's tongue as she inexpertly but eagerly tasted her. If she had a hand free she could take her by the hair - roughly, of course, she could tell Shin didn't want to learn gently - and teach her some technique, but for now she would have to be content with the mental image of her surprisingly soft blue eyes looking up at her as she licked.
Sabine wished she could get out of her underarmour. Focusing all her attention on her pussy was infuriating when more than anything she wanted Shin's hands and mouth and teeth elsewhere on her body. Or maybe, she thought, she could use the Force. She imagined Shin focusing until she felt her throat constrict, and let out an involuntary gasp of excitement. Her mind wandered, exploring the erotic potential of the Force, and almost absent-mindedly she felt the tip of one finger press inside her. The ideas she had made her more determined than ever to fully connect with the Force - if only so she could pin Shin in place so she couldn't even wriggle as Sabine gave her orgasm after orgasm with her fingers and tongue until she was an overstimulated mess.
Sabine moaned again at the image of her enemy sprawled out on ruined bedsheets, her pussy raw and red from cumming too many times to count, and pushed a second finger inside herself. The hard, almost painful stretch made her cry out until she bit her lip to stifle the sound. It was too much too soon, but given what Sabine was imagining doing to Shin she thought she deserved to see her suffer a little discomfort too. She slowed her pace a little to adjust, but soon sped up again until the sound of her slick fingers pumping in and out of her pussy started to fill the tiny cell. Sabine knew Shin would be able to hear it, and the thought only spurred her on. Fighting in the Alliance had got her used to masturbating quick and quiet in crowded starships, and the illicit thrill of getting to put on a show only intensified the pleasure and within seconds she was close.
So much for taking it slow, she thought, surprised how quickly she had brought herself to the edge. Picturing Shin defeated and begging for more - for her - had really had an effect on her. She could pull back, slow her fingers, and show Shin how to edge herself for when she relived this guilty peep show back in her bunk, but self-control had never been a skill she possessed and instead she sped up. Her back arched and she lifted her ass off the metal, twisting slightly to angle her hips towards the door. She wanted Shin to have the best view possible when the thought of her finally made Sabine cum.
The wave hit and Sabine clenched, her muscles squeezing down and gripping hard onto her fingers. Her eyes fluttered closed and she let out a couple of short, hard breaths as the electric pulse of a hard orgasm shot through her nerves.
"Oh, Shin…" she heard herself gasp. She hadn't meant to: the orgasm had overwhelmed her senses and she could barely think - at least, not about anything other than the girl on the other side of that door, watching her grind on her fingers. Her muscles gave out and she fell flat again on the bed as her eyes snapped open and immediately found Shin. They locked eyes for a half-second as Sabine panted with satisfaction, and then she was gone. Sabine heard a thud and in her still-dazed state hoped she'd made Shin fall over in shock, and then quick footsteps as she rushed away down the hall. Sabine held back her laughter until she was sure the other woman was out of earshot, and then finally rolled onto her back and allowed herself a giggle. Perhaps it was cruel, she thought as she freed her hands from her restrictive underwear and wiped her wet fingers on her trousers, but Shin had started it. If she hadn't stabbed her on Lothal the way she did, maybe neither of them would be so intrigued by the other.
Shin ran from the brig with a desperate ache between her legs. She had felt it before, but never this strong and never this demanding. Sabine had felt it too, but rather than push it down the way Shin instinctively believed was right she had… attended to it. Shin knew she shouldn't have watched, but found herself rooted to the spot until Sabine had broken the spell by crying out her name like a lover would.
She made herself stop running. Her head hurt from where the shock of eye contact had made her slip forwards and bang her forehead on the door, and she rubbed it distractedly. The Mandalorian had been thinking about her while she touched herself, Shin had felt it through the Force. She couldn't read her mind, only sense her intent, but what she got from her was frightening: there was a possessiveness Shin couldn't understand from an enemy, a desire to have her in a way that didn't involve lightsabers or those irritating blasters Wren waved around. It was carnal, and vicious, and alien, and she felt it too. When she saw Sabine's neck she wanted to feel skin against her teeth, hard enough to bruise - not to hurt her, just to mark her. To mark her as hers. While she had been watching her writhe and gasp and think about stripping Shin's clothes, she had wondered where else she could sink her teeth, what other parts of Sabine's body she could claim. The urge had frightened her then, but now it made her want to rush back to the brig and let herself in.
Meditation wouldn't be enough tonight. Shin palmed the door release button and called her lightsaber to her hand before it had even closed behind her, and the projectors had started up by the time it was ignited. There were scans of Mandalorians in the archives, and now she had Wren's armour it wasn't long before the holo in front of her was the spitting image of the prisoner she couldn't stop thinking about. She would practice all night if that's what it took - as long as she needed to be able to beat the infuriating, smirking devil and quell her inexplicable need to be close to her, to feel her hands grip her and tangle in her hair and touch their lips together and -
Shin struck out with raw howl, and felt the force feedback of holographic beskar under her blade.
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junipergreenenergy · 1 month
Harnessing Wind Energy | Juniper Green Energy
Harnessing Wind Energy : The India Imperative
In a global context dominated by concerns about climate change and a growing emphasis on sustainability, India is making significant strides toward a more environmentally friendly future. The nation has set an ambitious target of achieving 500 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy by 2030, with a substantial portion, 140 GW, expected to come from wind power. This commitment positions India as a trailblazer on the global stage
. The growth in India's wind power capacity has been remarkable, reaching around 43 GW in March 2023, a significant leap from a mere 1.2 GW in 2000. This accomplishment of harnessing wind energy, has propelled India to the fourth position globally in terms of installed wind capacity Preently, wind power constitutes about 10% of India's total installed capacity and a substantial 25% of its overall renewable capacity.
India's aspirations are high, with approximately 11 GW of wind projects currently under construction. The government plans to award around 10 GW of wind projects annually, starting from the fiscal year 2024, to meet the ambitious target of 500 GW of renewable capacity by 2030. The overarching goal is to fulfil nearly 50% of the country's electricity needs through renewable energy sources by 2030, ultimately achieving a net-zero economy by 2070
A key strategy driving India's wind energy expansion is the integration of wind and solar power. Many states with high wind potential also have abundant solar resources, such as Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Gujarat. This synergy allows for greater benefits, with wind-solar hybrid projects capable of achieving a capacity utilization factor (CUF) of up to 65%, compared to the 20%-40% CUF of standalone projects
When considering the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), wind power emerges as the second most competitive renewable energy source, with costs ranging from INR 2.8 to 3.3 per kilowatt-hour (kWh). This is approximately 40% lower than the current landed grid tariff to consumers. Wind-solar hybrid projects fall within a similar price range, positioning themselves between standalone solar and wind sources. Wind-solar hybrid projects, when combined with battery storage, provide an appealing approach for ensuring continuous power supply. Although the cost of batteries remains a challenge currently, it is anticipated that by 2026, as battery prices decrease, these solutions will become more competitive, with LCOEs ranging from INR 3.8 to 4.2 per kWh
Harnessing the wind energy industry is expected to receive a significant boost with the shift away from the reverse auction regime. The Ministry of Power's recent announcement replaces reverse auctions with a "Single Stage, Two Envelope, closed bid basis," providing the necessary impetus to the wind industry. However, despite the impressive expansion of India's wind capacity, domestic manufacturing capacity still lags. The government's plan to auction around 10 GW annually underscores the need to ramp up domestic manufacturing and enhance support systems such as logistics, digitization, analytics, and skilled manpower.
With demand for wind power coming from various sectors, including central, state, and commercial and industrial procurement, it is estimated that India will witness the commissioning of 70-80% of new wind capacity auctioned in the next five years. This demand is crucial for distribution companies (DISCOMs) that require a consistent power supply for efficient planning. To ensure grid stability, a mix of renewables and other sources, including energy storage systems (ESS), is required. Recent auctions for 1 GW of round-the-clock projects indicate pricing ranging from INR 3.99 to 4.27 per kWh, with the majority projects integrating renewable energy with thermal sources. As ESS costs decline, it is expected that more round-the-clock projects relying solely on renewable energy will further boost wind installations.
India's commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2070 requires a comprehensive shift away from coal generation toward renewable energy, with wind playing a critical role. Initiatives aimed at repowering—which entail swapping out outdated parts for more modern turbines—will improve project economics and accelerate the expansion of wind installations in India. Additionally, the expected increase in Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) targets, reaching up to 30% by FY25 and 43% by FY30, will further bolster demand growth. Long-term prospects for India's wind industry remain strong as the country transitions to competitive, low-carbon technologies that promote sustainable growth and a cleaner, greener future.
About us
Juniper Green Energy is an independent renewable energy power producer and operator of solar, wind and hybrid power projects with significant experience in conceptualizing, building, and developing renewable energy assets. The company is part of the AT Group which has an asset portfolio worth of approximately US$2.5 billion with global investments in renewable energy, residential & commercial real estate, hospitality etc. The Group has been building utility scale renewable energy projects in India since 2010 and built and owned Orange Renewable, a 1GW renewable energy platform in the past.
Juniper Green Energy, based out of Delhi NCR, commenced operations in October 2018. The business has experienced rapid growth, and it presently has an operational portfolio of about 1GW with an under-construction capacity of 1.5 GW and a development pipeline of close to 5.5 GW of solar, wind and hybrid projects. The company has end-to-end internal competencies in EPC and O&M services for its renewable projects.
Phone No. 01244739600
Address. 18, Institutional Area, Sector 32, Gurugram, Haryana 122001
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cdbrainrecords · 1 month
八神純子* = Y. Junko* - 夢見る頃を過ぎても (LP, Album)
Vinyl(VG+) Sleeve(VG+) Insert(VG+) / コンディション 盤 : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディション ジャケット : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディションの表記について   [ M > M- > VG+ > VG > G+ > G > F > P ] レーベル : Discomate – DSF-8011 フォーマット : Vinyl, LP, Album 生産国 : Japan 発売年 : 05 Feb 1982 Includes inner sleeve with printed lyrics. Recorded & mixed Oct.-Dec. 1981 at Epicurus Mixed using JVC DAS-90 digital audio system ジャンル : Funk / Soul,…
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digitaldicom91 · 9 months
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digitaldiscom11 · 11 months
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nnjzz · 1 year
SAMEDI LE 08.07.2023 ( le DERNIER de la " saison " ? ) ] MULAN SERRICO PETROL FOR FOOD TOLERANCE ZERO FRIPONNES DE PORC au Café de Paris 158, r Oberkampf M° Ménilmontant P.A.F. 6€ 20:15 portes 20:54 action ! https://www.facebook.com/events/1023009138683142
MULAN SERRICO Chansons en français de Grenoble (Alpes) depuis 2011. Introspectif, humoristique et distant. Une sorte de crooner mid-fi chaloupé voire "dansant". Textes sur des sujets plus ou moins engagés. Voix,synthés et boîte à rythmes.De l'émotion plein les mollets.Boss du label Stochastic Releases (Tan, Binary Digit, MACON...) Il ne jouera que des nouveaux morceaux et pas cet album: https://stochasticreleases.bandcamp.com/album/ligences-et-partage ni celui-ci https://mulanserrico.bandcamp.com/album/transi " que des nouveaux morceaux. pas de rappel." Mulan Serrico est l'anagramme de Nicolas Murer - actif aussi sous d'autres alias avec des projets divers et riches en surprises tels que MACON, MAURER et / ou SPOR TRANQUIL. En 2016 à l'occasion de la sortie de l'album DISCRET chez SDZ Records, Le Drone écrivit : " SDZ sort Mulan Serrico de derrière les fagots, et c'est toutes les boites à rythme pétées du monde entier qui s'en retrouvent transfigurées. Avec la lose et la haine de soi comme horizon (ça va souvent ensemble), le Grenoblois Mulan Serrico nous arrive en parallèle de ses nombreux projets annexes (Macon, Maurer, Spor Tranquil sur son propre label Stochastic Releases) avec ce Discret, EP roide pour ravers décharnés. Une litanie de complaintes comme dépouillées de leur spleen, un chant qui couine plus qu'il ne croone, et qui croule sous les coups de butoir d'une minimal wave technoïde : vous l'aurez compris, on est effectivement pour les bienfaits de "l'autodénigrement et de l'autorédemption".
PETROL FOR FOOD pse / fin / fr / us Association occasionnelle entre le Palestinien Dirar Kalash et le Franco-Finno-Américain Erik Minkkinen... Les deux se sont déjà croisés en plusieurs occasions, ont enregistré un album-cassette ensemble et ont même partagé l'affiche d'un Non_Jazz survenu il y a quasiment exactement DIX ans ( ! ), le premier joauit solo cette fois-là et le second officiait dans le duo NOYADE... (si cela vous dit -  je peux vous envoyer le flyer d'époque sur demande expresse ! ) Guitare / électronique // violon... Et plus si affinités. https://mid-daymassageparlor.bandcamp.com/album/petrol-for-food-petrol-for-food-mmp-014
Dirar Kalash is a musician and sound artist whose work spans a wide range of musical and sonic practices within a variety of compositional and improvisational contexts. His performative and compositional approaches to instruments, techniques, and aesthetics are highly political as they challenge dichotomies, hierarchies, and binary logics of new/old and west/east as tools of cultural imperialism and hegemony. The methods he uses are based upon his research into the intersections and relationships of music and sound with other contexts such as language, architecture, mathematics, visual arts and further social and human sciences. His regular solo and collaborative performances include but are not limited to audio-visual performances, free jazz groups, electro-acoustic ensembles, analog electronics ("experimental / noise"), and solo piano and oud projects. https://www.dirarkalash.info/ https://albayan.bandcamp.com/
Erik Minkkinen ( " qu'on-ne-présente-plus " mais on va le présenter quand même un petit peu ) : le " non-guitariste "et sound-artist aussi obssessionnel qu'inventif et surpenant à travers ses différentes émanations, solo / en groupe / tel projet collaboratif ponctuel... ( ANTILLES, SISTER IODINE, MINITEL, DISCOM, FREE AS A VIRGIN BEE... )  Agitateur de l'underground parisien, voire hexagonal via les projets précités ainsi que d'autres initiatives mémorables tel le PLACARD ( headphone music festival ), Büro,... ..
https://scumyrearth.bandcamp.com/album/erik-minkkinen-eating-or-not-and-leaving-by-force-a-tribute-to-antoine-boutes-les-morts-rigolos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOsDqV4all4
TOLERANCE ZERO Gauthier Royal, dans la continuation / continuité de son projet solo mouvant (autant dans les monikers que dans les structures musicales ou non-musicales), perpétuellement et sans fausse modestie de défier la routine, choisit de s'équiper d'un nouveau partenaire de scène, Hendrik Hegray, artiste conceptuel underground, connaisseur patenté des codes sociaux de la région Île-de-France et possesseur d'un looper de K7s et d'une guitare, dans la volonté d'arpenter des territoires connus, bien définis, mais d'une manière différente: la noise musique (terme qu'ils abhorrent mais qui s'avère parfois bien pratique), et non-dance expérimentale. Première mondiale pour ce nouveau projet du nom de Tolérance Zéro. https://premiersang.bandcamp.com/album/le-troisi-me-sein
NB / notons au passage une " actu " discographique brûlante concernant l'un des membres du duo ( celui dont les initiales sont HH ) : la publication d'un nouveau LP de son " projet " Z;B. AIDS, sur un tout nouveau, tout frais label parisien, L'EAU DES FLEURS... https://eaudesfleurs.bandcamp.com/album/for-franz FRIPONNES DE PORC est un monstre pluri-céphale et " à géométrie variable " avec néanmoins à son coeur un noyau plus ou moins " dur ", qui persiste / qui s'accroche ( tant bien que mal ). Free-form freakeries ou bien. "FRIPONNes de POrc exxiste encoreIls sont tout vieux et à moitié mort c'est COOL)))Ils ont encore leurs instruments tout pourrave Guitare TCHoo TCHOO et tout le bordel amplifié même pas analogiquec'est de plus en plus naze au niveau du jazze  ))) " Il y aura un(e) JEUNE ( ou PLUS ? ) " quand même " ... .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbdjZWkTsJ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuhQnyJ6oF0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjdU3nOSm_8&t=72s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E70Cimh6Iks
Fly - CL
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deeplearn20-blog · 5 years
Best Coaching Institute For ESE/IES & GATE By DeepLearn
In today’s competitive training, DeepLearn is created with a purpose to provide an easy Online access of education to all the section of students across India. Which offers Best Coaching in all major courses such as GATE, PSU, IES/ESE, DISCOM/TRANSCO/ GENCO with Online Coaching for all Engineering Aspirants. It is one of the Best Coaching Institute For GATE, ESE/IES, PSUs.Deep Learn is an online learning platform where students can access a wide range of courses for personal growth and competitive examinations. At Deep Learn, we are committed to providing high quality & accessible education by partnering with India’s premier educational institutions and universities. Through openness & spirit of community, we continuously strive to empower our users to achieve big.  Now Let us understand what is GATE ?Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India entrance Examination conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, and Roorkee).The GATE Score/Rank is mandatory for admission into and/or financial assistance to Master’s programs and direct Doctoral programs in Engineering/Technology/Architecture in IISc, IITs and other prestigious Institutes / Universities in India. Some of the PSUs which use GATE score for providing jobs include BARC, BHEL, IOCL, HPCL, NTPC, Powergrid, NHPC etc. The GATE score reflects the relative performance level of the candidate in a particular subject. GATE score is valid for THREE years. What Is ESE/IES Exam ?UPSC ENGINEERING SERVICES (ESE): Indian Engineering Services remains the most sought-after career for the engineering graduates in India. An all India level competitive examination, called Engineering Services Examination (ESE) is conducted every year by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for recruitment to the Indian Engineering Services. The examination constitutes a two stage written examination followed by an interview.The candidates who get selected for ESE, enjoy a very high respect and stature in the society. The various services in which recruitment is made through ESE include Indian Railways, Central Engineering, Central Water Engineering, Border Roads Engineering, Indian Defense Service of Engineers, Indian Ordinance Factories, Central Power Engineering, Indian Naval Armament Service, Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Indian Telecommunication Service, Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing etc. Unlike regular engineering exams, ESE & GATE Exam Preparation requires an Organised and in-depth understanding. It's only possible by opting a good coaching institute that can help Engineering Aspirants to Crack ESE & GATE exam easily.  In this Digital/Online course for ESE & GATE (450+ hours of Online Classes), the subjects are covered by eminent faculty of ACE Engineering Academy on DeepLearn platform. This course is primarily designed for GATE and other Competitive Exams like ISRO, BARC along with UGC-NET aspirants. This online course is also designed keeping in view of Cracking interview and Placement of service and product based companies. We also provide exclusive doubt clearing sessions through Online and Offline.  Study Materials - At Deep Learn, we partner with India’s best institutions & work with them on technology integration and production to produce high quality content. Currently, we have partnered with ACE Engineering Academy to make courses for ESE, GATE and PSUs. Which provide best quality study material, designed by the expert faculty panel having experience of more than 18 years. Postal Coaching or Distance Learning Package delivered to you @ your Doorsteps. Which comes with 22+ Theory Books, Subject wise & Chapter wise(Relevant Synopsis Theory with Examples) as per ESE/IES & GATE syllabus Test Series - GATE Exam take place in Online Mode, so it's very important to the students to associate with same GATE exam environment by opting Online Test Series. That's when DeepLearn brings you the best GATE Online Test Series to advance your GATE Exam Preparation. This Online Test Series has a perfect blend of topicwise, subjectwise, part syllabus and full syllabus tests for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science, Production, Instrumentation Engineering. Along with giving you an experience of exact GATE Question Paper pattern. LET'S Get You Started With A COURSE, Choose your course according to your preference and your target. We will help you to achieve. Please visit us @ https://www.deep-learn.in/#/index To get detailed insights into how to prepare for GATE exam click on the video link - https://bit.ly/2SksJC3
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bharatlivenewsmedia · 2 years
Maharashtra: Over Rs 53,000 cr of MSEDCL bill amount paid online
Maharashtra: Over Rs 53,000 cr of MSEDCL bill amount paid online
Maharashtra: Over Rs 53,000 cr of MSEDCL bill amount paid online The Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited on Friday said 54 per cent of bills and 72 per cent of the bill amount for 2021-22 were paid through digital means, a feat made possible due to constant efforts taken to encourage people to adopt such means. The state-run discom said consumers get discount of 0.25 per…
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digitaldicom91 · 10 months
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parmindersachdeva · 4 years
India's Finance Minister unveils COVID-19 Relief Package's first set of measures:
After 50 days of the national lockdown, India's Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the first set of relief measures under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan on Wednesday. The 'Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan' was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a nationally televised speech last Wednesday as an opportunity to turn the CoronaVirus crisis into achieving economic self - reliance. This 'Abhiyan' announced by PM Modi will be India's COVID-19 relief pack of Rs. 20 crores and the movement has already received praise from the World Bank. The World Bank has also approved a $1 billion fund to aid India's fight against this pandemic.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced that the first set of measures under this package will focus on small businesses, non-bank lenders and power distribution companies.
As the focus would be on the preservation and strengthening of small businesses, the Finance Minister has announced several steps that would be taken to ensure this. Sitharaman announced that collateral-free loans up to the value of Rs 3 lakh crore will be introduced for MSMEs. This loaning fund will be backed by the central government. In the same stride, for stressed MSMEs, liquidity support of up to Rs 20,000 crore will be provided through subordinate debt.
Additionally, the definition of MSMEs would also be revised and potentially include more businesses than it did before. Also, a fund of funds will be set up for MSMEs with growth potential. This fund of funds will work as equity support for these MSMEs and the value of the fund will go up to Rs 50,000 crore. Similarly, the EPFO support, which is provided by the central government, will be extended for 3 more months and will be available till the end of August.
For Non-bank lenders, many of whom provide work for customers at the very bottom of the pyramid, the Finance Minister has announced two schemes under which the government will provide full and partial guarantees on investments in debt securities supplied by these non-bank lenders.
The first one is a special liquidity scheme. This liquidity scheme will be of value up to Rs 30,000 crore and will include NBFCs, housing financiers and others. Any investment made under this liquidity scheme will be fully guaranteed by the government.
While the first scheme focuses on investment-grade non-bank lenders, the second scheme will support smaller institutions like microfinance companies. Sitharaman announced that the government will expand its Rs 45,000 crore partial credit scheme. The scheme will be extended to cover the primary issues of lower-rated NBFCs. This scheme will also have the government's backing as the government plans to provide a 20 per cent first loss guarantee for investment in such securities. Besides, lower-rated and unrated securities will also find a cover of relief under this scheme.
The imposed lockdown and the restricted and limited economic movement has led to a huge slump in the revenues of power distributor companies. Finance Minister Sitharaman stated on Wednesday that the power distribution companies presently owe Rs 94,000 crore to power producers and transmission companies. Sitharaman announced that public sector companies - Power Finance Corporation Ltd. and REC Ltd., will provide loans of up to Rs 90,000 crore to the power distribution companies so that they can pay their dues to power producers and transmission companies.
Under this loan scheme, the loans will be backed by the state guarantees. There will be certain conditions associated with these loans. Some of which are Digital payments facilities for consumers, plans to minimize financial and operational losses and liquidation of outstanding dues of state governments. According to experts, this scheme will help in short-term liquidity issues of power discoms and will help in bringing more discipline to their payment pattern.
This scheme will also help in providing relief to consumers. The presentation slide during the announcement showed this statement - “Central public sector generation companies shall give a rebate to discoms, which shall be passed on to the final consumers.”
These first set of measures will also include relief for some real estate projects registered under the Real Estate Regulatory Authority. All real estate projects under RERA which were expiring on or after 25th March will get an extension of six months. Sitharaman announced that these real estate developers would have the ability to invoke the ‘force majeure’ clause and extend the registration process and completion dates by six months. Many real estate projects have been stalled due to the pandemic and the imposed lockdown, so this measure comes as a major relief to developers.
Another major part of the announcement was that there has been an extension in the due date of filing tax returns. Also, there has been reductions in the rates for tax deducted at source and tax collection at source.
Announcements made on Wednesday were only the first few sets of relief measures under the Covid-19 relief scheme. Hopefully, more good news is to be expected from the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ scheme.
Parminder Sachdeva
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vignaniasacademy · 4 years
25-04-2020 Current Affairs & Daily News Analysis
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Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore
PM Modi launches Swamitva scheme on Panchayati Raj Divas
On the occasion of National Panchayati Raj Day 2020 (April 24), PM Modi launched Swamitva Scheme.
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About: The Swamitva scheme which is launched in pilot mode in 6 states helps to map rural inhabited lands using drones and latest survey methods. The scheme will ensure streamlined planning, revenue collection and provide clarity over property rights in rural areas. This will open up avenues for applying for loans from financial institutions by the owners. Disputes related to property would also be settled through the title deeds allotted through this scheme.  Source : PIB (Polity & Governance) Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore
National Panchayati Raj Day on 24 April
Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu extended his greetings on the occasion of National Panchayati Raj Day (April 24). On the occasion, Panchayati Raj Ministry conferred Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) Award to Baramulla district in Jammu and Kashmir.
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About: Ministry of Panchayati Raj commemorates 24th April of every year as the National Panchayati Raj Day, as the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 came into force on this date, thus institutionalizing the Panchayati Raj. Awards: On this occasion, Ministry of Panchayati Raj awards the best performing Panchayats/States/UTs across the country under various categories namelyDeen Dayal Upadhyay Panchayat Sashaktikaran Puraskar (DDUPSP), Nanaji Deshmukh Rashtriya Gaurav Gram Sabha Puraskar (NDRGGSP), Child-friendly Gram Panchayat Award (CFGPA), Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) Award and e-Panchayat Puraskar (given to States/UTs only). This year, due to lockdown, awards under only three categories viz. Nanaji Deshmukh Rashtriya Gaurav Gram Sabha Puraskar (NDRGGSP), Child-friendly Gram Panchayat Award (CFGPA) and Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) Award have been finalized.  Source : All India Radio ( Polity & Governance ) Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore
On the occasion of National Panchayati Raj Day 2020 (April 24), PM Modi launched a unified e-GramSwaraj Portal and mobile application.
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About: The e-GramSwaraj will help in preparing and executing Gram Panchayat Development Plans. It will ensure real time monitoring and accountability and is a major step towards digitization down to the Gram Panchayat level.  Source : All India Radio ( Polity & Governance ) Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore
MOBILE BSL-3 VRDL LAB - First mobile Lab for COVID19
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated through videoconference a mobile virology research and diagnostics laboratory (MVRDL).
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About: The mobile lab namely “Mobile BSL-3 VRDL Lab” has been developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), together with ESIC Hospital, Hyderabad, and the private industry. The mobile lab will be helpful in carrying out diagnosis of COVID-19 and in virus-culturing for drug screening, convalescent plasma-derived therapy, comprehensive immune profiling of patients towards vaccine development and early clinical trials specific to Indian population. The MVRDL is the combination of a bio-safety level (BSL)-3 lab and a BSL-2 lab.  Source : PIB ( Health ) Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore WORLD MALARIA DAY 2020 World Malaria Day 2020 is being celebrated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on April 25 with the theme ‘Zero malaria starts with me’.
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About: World Malaria Day was established on April 25 in 2007 by the 60th session of the World Health Assembly, WHO's decision-making body. Prior to it, Africa Malaria Day was held on April 25, which began in 2001, one year after the Abuja Declaration was signed by 44 malaria-endemic countries at the African Summit on Malaria. The day was established to provide "education and understanding of malaria" and spread information on "year-long intensified implementation of national malaria-control strategies.  Important Info : “Zero malaria starts with me” On World Malaria Day 2020, WHO joins the RBM Partnership to End Malaria in promoting “Zero malaria starts with me”, a grassroots campaign that aims to keep malaria high on the political agenda and mobilize additional resources for malaria prevention and care.The “Zero malaria” campaign, first launched in Senegal in 2014, was officially endorsed at the African Union Summit by all African Heads of State in 2018.  Source : WHO ( Health ) Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore DRAFT ELECTRICITY ACT(AMENDMENT) BILL 2020 Ministry of Power has released draft Electricity Act(Amendment) Bill 2020 to amend the Electricity Act, 2003 to introduce key Reforms in the Power Sector.
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Major amendments proposed in the Electricity Act are as follows: Direct Benefit Transfer: It is proposed that tariff be determined by Commissions without taking into account the subsidy, which will be given directly by the government to the consumers. Establishment of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority: A Central Enforcement Authority headed by a retired Judge of the High Court is proposed to be set-up with powers of the Civil Court to enforce performance of contracts related to purchase or sale or transmission of power between a generating, distribution or transmission companies. Establishment of adequate Payment Security Mechanism for scheduling of electricity: It is proposed to empower Load Dispatch Centres to oversee the establishment of adequate payment security mechanism before scheduling dispatch of electricity, as per contracts. Strengthening of the Appellate Tribunal (APTEL): It proposes to increase the strength of APTEL to 7 apart from the Chairperson so that multiple benches can be set-up to facilitate quick disposal of cases. It is also proposed to further empower the APTEL to enforce its decisions. National Renewable Energy Policy: It is proposed to provide for a policy document for the development of electricity from renewable sources of energy. A minimum percentage of purchase of electricity from hydro sources of energy is to be specified by the Commissions. Cross border trade in Electricity: Provisions have been added to facilitate and develop trade in electricity with other countries. Franchisees and Distribution sub licensees: Distribution Companies may engage Franchisees or Sub-Distribution Licensees to distribute electricity on its behalf in a particular area. However, it will be the DISCOM which shall be the licensee.  Source : PIB ( Economy) Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore
In order to raise awareness of the role of the representatives and delegates of the Member States to the United Nations, the UN General Assembly has proclaimed 25 April as International Delegate’s Day.
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About: International Delegate’s Day marks the anniversary of the first day of the San Francisco Conference, also known as the United Nations Conference on International Organization. The 2020 International Delegate’s Day is special for two reasons.First, 25 April 2020 is the first time that International Delegate’s Day is observed. In 2019, the General Assembly proclaimed 25 April as International Delegate’s Day. Second, the 2020 observance also marks the milestone 75th anniversary of the San Francisco Conference, an event that laid the foundations of the United Nations.  Important Info : Background: San Francisco Conference On 25 April 1945, delegates from fifty countries came together for the first time in San Francisco.Coming together after the devastation of the second world war, their aim was to set up an organization that would restore world peace and impose rules on the post-war world order.This conference lasted for two months. Two months after the first meeting, on 26 June 1945, the Charter of the United Nations was signed by representatives of the 50 countries that attended the conference.Poland, which did not have a government at the time of the conference, signed the charter later, hence bringing up the number of the Founding Member States to 51.  Source : United Nations ( International Relationals ) Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore
World Immunization Week 2020
World Immunization Week is being celebrated this year with the theme “#VaccinesWork for All.”
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About: World Immunization Week is celebrated annually in the last week of April (24 to 30 April). It is a global public health campaign which aims to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease. Immunization is one of the most successful and cost effective health interventions. However, nearly 20 million children are still unvaccinated and under-vaccinated worldwide. The theme this year is #VaccinesWork forAll. The campaign focuses on how vaccines as well as the people who develop, deliver and receive them are vaccine champions by working to protect the health of everyone, everywhere.  Important Info : Given that WHO has designated 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, WHO will highlight nurses and midwives for their crucial role as early vaccine champions for new parents and parents-to-be.  Source : WHO ( Health ) Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore DEVANAHALLI POMELO Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL), which operates the Kempegowda International Airport (KIA), is cultivating the Devanahalli Pomelo fruit under its CSR programme ‘Namma Ooru’, thereby giving it a fresh cultivation push.
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About: The Devanahalli pomelo is a variety of the citrus fruit pomelo (Citrus maxima) of the family Rutaceae. It is exclusively grown in the region around Devanahalli taluk of Bangalore Rural District. it is locally known as chakkota. It is protected under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act (GI Act) 1999 of the Government of India.  Source : The Hindu ( Economy ) Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore MY BOOK MY FRIEND CAMPAIGN Union HRD launched the #MyBookMyFriend campaign on social media on the occasion of World Book and Copyright Day (23 April).
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About: The #MyBookMyFriend campaign will run for the next 7 days. Under this campaign the Union HRD Minister urged all the students to read books of interest in addition to course books during the time of lock down and share with him about the book which they are reading at the moment using #MyBookMyFriend on social media. Union HRD minister appealed to various Union Ministers and prominent personalities on social media by tagging them to join the #MyBookMyFriend campaign. Source : PIB ( Education ) Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore Contact Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Enroll for Foundation Course Enroll for General Studies Integrated Course Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Discounts on IAS coaching fee in Bangalore Pioneer IAS Coaching institute in Bangalore Contact Vignan IAS Academy Enroll For IAS Foundation Course from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Read the full article
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judgemyride · 5 years
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Hi Abi I'll just start w you .You are a bit "caught behind " here mostly because your stirrups are too long and so they don't offer the support to the rest of your position to maintain proper balance. Now I will discuss what a DDFT is. It's the initials for a very serious and generally recurrent soft tissue injury called Deep Digital Flexion Tear . Or in other words ..the large tendon that attaches to the foot at the navicular bone .I'm NOT a vet But that is my understanding . I hope you are staying well under any guidelines set by a radiologist in terms of the demands put on the compromised limb and get occasional re check both clinical and via ultra sound technology Nemo looks like a very sweet horse and I'm sure you want to avoid re injury .In other words what ever Nemo "used " to be able to jump really isn't his therapeutic level of safe work now .Soft tissue injuries happen for a myriad of reasons .bad footing ,bad shoeing ,an unfortunate step ,over jumping or just plain bad luck .There isn't always something specific to point to .However once one occurs the expectation on what the horse should do needs to be amended .No horse comes back MORE ATHLETIC or sounder than before the injury and time is not a cure . Though rest is required after a serious injury .There are many therapies out there that take place at the time of injury Stem Cell therapy .I RAP ,shock wave etc. Most generally work to a point and perhaps speed recovery ..to a point . .If I were you (and I assume you have spoken to your vet ) give Nemo an easy life .What ever her used to do ..expect less .Jump less frequently and a bit lower .You can still have fun with him .but to ask for exercises on how to make him exert himself harder over the jumps is wrong headed thinking in my opinion . Perhaps his jumping "style " is a com-pensation for residual discom-fort , limb shortening or other ways he';s working to protect himself from re injury .So my advice is take care of him .Ice boot him after every ride ( or at least after you jump him ) and take it easy ,be kind and help him stay sound . Guest Judged by Kevin McGinn https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlR2P3nuls/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u9niopnh5ipb
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