antirepurp · 5 months
it is remarkable how digimon cyber sleuth makes something as mundane as menuing a fun activity you look forward to doing like that's one hell of a feat to accomplish and they just did it
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manga-b · 2 years
Digimon lore!
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3pitechsolutions · 2 years
Dremel 3D Printer Software | 3PI Tech Solutions
The Dremel DigiLab 3D45 3D Printer is a great choice for engineers, product designers, or educators.Start printing right out of the box with the Dremel Digilab 3D45 3D Printer. 
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seventeenlovesthree · 1 month
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The three audio dramas for "Digimon Adventure 02 - The Beginning" have been posted to the forum of digisoul.net. An English translation of the dramas can be found on The DigiLab!
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kazarinn · 10 months
A translation of the three audio dramas that were distributed during the first three weeks of Digimon Adventure 02 THE BEGINNING‘s theater run (October 27-November 16, 2023), featuring short stories with the movie’s characters.
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navi-sakura · 2 months
Lol, that's what the local Futaba said after Ryuji called the other thieves after his Soul and Mind got separated from his body, and he was now walking around the real world as living Data while his "meat suit" Alternate you words, was checked in to a Sketchy hospital for coma that was run by the company who created Eden, because apparently it's a known issue that some Digimon like eating people. Ryuji was also basically kidnapped by a private detective who wanted to use his new abilities as a Data-Hybrid to research the company who made Eden Because it's very hard to keep someone out who can use computers as doorways so long as its connected to the internet. Joker literally went, wasn't even gone for a week, when the news hit. Though I think hanging around Joker affected Ryuji because he got Six!!!! Digimon partners, though once Alternate you got into the digital world, it was worse, practically got a full ass Compendium of Digimon. I have no idea how alternate you feed them all as she doesn't have as reliable access to Digilabs like Ryuji. Joker was quite happy with his Singular Digimon partner Lunamon though
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Eh, better not to question it. I'm pretty good, after all.
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All of that sure does sound wild, though.
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Ren told me to tell yes if the Prison cell is Blue to let you know that is the Velvet Room, the Cognitive version of the Digilabs... also to not trust the Igor in the chair because it's an impostor and to help the twins as much as you can their great...
( What do you mean their Lavenza spilt into two? What the hell, Ren? What... Why are my thoughts being recorded?) - Digital Ryuji
(Oh great, he has to deal with that too.)
... Anyway. Uh. Thanks, Ryuji! I wasn't gonna trust that guy anyway, because I have never seen a shadier person (entity?) in my life.
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crystalelemental · 1 month
My first time playing a Digimon game has begun with Cyber Sleuth. I'm pretty early in, around Chapter 3, but preliminary thoughts.
It's neat! I like it.
The main combat system is interesting, in that there are two layers of type effectiveness. The prominent, and more impactful, distinction is the Virus, Vaccine, Data triangle. Data beats Vaccine, Vaccine beats Virus, Virus beats Data. These are x2 multipliers. Then there's the elemental types: Plant, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Electric, Light, and Dark. I know they all have a type they're good against and a type they're bad against, and I do not have them all worked out. I think I know it? I'm pretty sure Water -> Fire -> Grass is a cycle, Electric -> Wind -> Earth is a cycle, and Light and Dark are reciprocal. But the signifier is color, and Light and Wind look a lot alike so I think I get tripped up on which is which. Anyway, the element matchup is 50% bonus or 25% reduction. These two can stack, so if you have a Plant Data type attack a Water Vaccine, they take 3x damage. It's not too complicated, and a lot of the time it's just neutral damage, but it can seriously mess with you. Particularly in boss fights. Bosses are really tanky, and a lot of the key to victory is a positive matchup that can be a little hard to predict. Given Memory limits, you likely only have like 5 'mons at a time, and there are...a few combinations and possibilities needed for any specific fight. The main takeaway is, it takes a bit.
Collecting Digimon is...interesting. You scan them in battle, up to 200%, and can create them in the lab at 100% scan. When you do make one, it resets scan to 0, so you can repeat the effort with another of the same. The lower the stage, the more you scan per encounter, and if you get two at once it counts twice. Most of what I encounter is 25% or 20%, which is 8 or 10 encounters to max. The reason for 200% is mostly statistics. As I understand it, getting to 200% is +5 to stats, which includes the elusive ABI. More on that in a bit. The system is fine, but it is somewhat poisonous to me in particular. I am going to stop at every juncture, going "I haven't seen that one!" and forcing the 200% issue. Which means progress has been notably slow. You might think "You can find most of this stuff later, and you know backtracking through areas for quests is a thing." This does not stay my hand, regrettably. It's not a serious problem, it's only a problem for me because of my particular brain worms.
The DigiLab also has the Farms, which I haven't had much play with, but I sure figured out the Search mechanic. Basically, ten Digimon can be set up in a farm and given a collective command to accomplish a particular goal, be it training (more on that later), development of equipment, or searching for cases or items. I've only really done search. Digimon will come with a sort of nature that works similar to Pokemon, in that one stat goes up by a bit, but no stat goes down in compensation. There are two, however, that are specific to the farm: Builder and Searcher. They, predictably, improve what you can do with those commands. There are also items available, as early as now I think, that can alter that nature, which is just great. I also haven't been able to do much with this, but you can apply items to your Digimon and the farms that improve stats or conditions. There's a lot going on, but it's fairly straight-forward.
Now the big one: evolution. This is the most interesting mechanic of the game right now, at least for me. Digimon evolve based on level and stat considerations, typically with the most demanding being ABI and CAM. CAM is easy. Camaraderie is increased by 1 every battle you're in, and can be increased by feeding items to them. It can go down with training of sufficient intensity, but given the ease of increasing it, it's not a big deal. ABI is the real nasty one. When you evolve or de-evolve, it goes up, with greater increases for higher tier 'mons and a higher level at time of evolution. Basically, you are expected to go up and down various paths, exploring what you get and learning new moves as you go, collecting into a final form you like. I haven't run into this one, but my wife got hit pretty hard by ABI in her playthrough so I know more about it than I likely should.
Anyway, you may have noticed "de-evolved." This is what makes this game neat. You can evolve, but if you don't like the form you got, or just want to go back and explore a different path, you can revert to a previous form. As part of this, you have a list of inherited moves learned from your various evolutions taken, and can combine skills from across different Digimon into your desired final state. For example, I chose Palmon as my starter. Palmon is Plant Data, and for most of its evolutions, would remain Plant and/or Data. But you can shift around. An early evolution branch is MudFrigimon, which is Earth type. I decided to pursue Earth type to get some coverage before jumping back to my desired plants. Doing this increases not only ABI, but your max level. Your level caps fairly low, forcing an evolution to make progress, and if you do so and revert back, you can reach a higher level. This is sometimes necessary to hit certain stat thresholds for other evolutionary paths. It's complicated, but fairly easy to follow.
Now, about ABI. This is something I learned incidentally helping my wife figure out how to reach 80 ABI for a particular 'mon she wanted. Apparently, ABI dictates Bonus Stats, which are essentially Pokemon EVs, but you have actual control over them. By training on the farm, you allocate bonus points to the stat you're aiming to train, and with the maximum of 200 ABI, you can achieve 150 bonus points. Which is a lot, as it turns out. 200 ABI doesn't feel reasonable outside of severe grinding, but should you achieve it, that's what you have in store. But the short, basic functioning for anyone not digging into the systems still remains: you want to evolve and de-evolve your digimon frequently, carrying over the best combination of skills for your desired role.
Story-wise, the game is decent thus far. I am, again, very early, so I can't comment too much. I like Yuuko a lot. Kyoko is fun but desperately needs to button her shirt holy shit. Nokia will grow on me, I can feel it. I have no particularly strong feelings about Arata. The situation with the Eaters is pretty engaging, and what's going on feels tense. I know some bits and pieces from my wife's playthrough, but a lot of it is missing, so looking forward to see how things connect.
But forget all that nerd shit! Time to talk about what's most important: favorite Digimons!
As stated, I started with Palmon. This is because I loved it, but also I did see Lilamon from my wife's playthrough. I adore that one and will be heading down that path. I understand there is a Lillymon too. Considerations will be made.
Nyaromon and Wanyamon are adorable, but then again, they are kitties. This is to be expected.
I kinda like the look of Elecmon. It's not a favorite, but it's cute. Otamamon is in a similar basket. I kinda just vibe with the concept.
Armadillomon was adorable, if kinda whatever in battle.
Current favorite thus far is Lunamon. Cute Water rabbit, absolutely adore that creature. Though Biyomon was also incredibly cute.
My current team rotates too much to say I've really landed on anything to run long-term. Which is...hard for me to gauge my feelings on. On the one hand, I do think things like Pokemon and Nexomon are nice, having a clear first stage that you can be relatively certain will still be appreciated by its final stage. Digimon wildly swings around in quality of its 'mons, to the point I can go from something really cute to butt-ugly in one evolution. Which is. Difficult. It reminds me vaguely of the only time I played Shin Megami Tensei, and felt like all the cute ones I liked were garbage too quickly and I had to run through phases of stuff I didn't care about to get what I wanted. I'm a bit more flexible about it now but it's still annoying sometimes. I'm rolling with it though, unless they're like. Really bad. I can't think of the name of any, but there are a handful that I really do not like.
Overall having a good time so far! Will continue to update when more progress is made.
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thebusinessmagnate · 2 months
Aylon and Thomas: Chef-Crafted Extra-Creamy Plant-Based Dairy-Free Ice Creams at Eclipse Foods
Do you like eating Ice Cream? That creamy, cold, velvety, sweet, deliciousness? Yes, count me in, please! I am a huge sucker for Ice Creams. Be it tubs, pints, single serves, scoops, cones, bars, bonbons, cakes, chocolates. The different flavors and ingredients in Ice Creams are an added tasty indulgence, taking this cold dessert to another level. 
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Don’t come at me but, I would love an Ice Cream scoop, maybe two or three more scoops, any day and at any time! 
I recall how I spent my childhood summers licking off the melting Choco-Bar on my hands after a long day at the park, it’s both a fond memory, and the taste of this delicious cold dessert will always be a cherished feeling and moment. 
In this era, there are many people, mostly in the newer generation (Gen Alpha), who seem to have an increased case of being lactose-intolerant. The condition ‘lactose intolerance’ occurs due to the digestive system losing its capability to produce enough lactase enzyme, to break down and digest lactose – a sugar that is found widely in milk and dairy products. Abdominal pains, diarrhea, nausea, and bloating are some of the main side effects of being lactose intolerant, and unfortunately also losing the ability to consume dairy products.  
Additionally, with growing global environmental concerns requiring people to be more sustainable and eco-friendly, the market trends and consumer preferences drive the food and beverage manufacturing industry to shift toward being more inclusive of ‘veganism’ and plant-based food products in their meals, while also considering how the generation is becoming more lactose intolerant as well. 
To also save our dairy-producing animals like cows, buffalos, sheep, and goats, the inclusive idea of manufacturing and producing plant-based food and beverage products sustainably is the new strategy adopted for clean, green, free, safe, and healthy consumption. This way our planet and its inhabitants can be protected, preserved, and conserved. 
Therefore in this article, we will be sharing deep insights into an American company – Eclipse Foods, co-founded by Aylon Steinhart and Thomas Bowman in 2019, in California, USA. This company specializes in Ice Cream that is manufactured and produced by using Corn, Cassava, Rapeseed, and Potato – for a chef-crafted, extra-creamy, plant-based, and dairy-free that is a delicious, safe, vegan, and healthy indulgence for all. 
The Two Taste Buds Behind Eclipse Foods’ Ice Creams – Aylon and Thomas:
The two co-founders who together started and established Eclipse Foods are – Aylon Steinhart and Thomas Bowman. 
Aylon Steinhart is the Chief Executive Officer at the company and is also a vegan entrepreneur from Berkeley. Aylon has put in a lot of effort in consulting, encouraging, advising, and convincing companies and start-up businesses in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) sector like Kellogg’s and Heinz, to be more inclusive of alternative protein solutions. Aylon holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of California – Haas School of Business. The co-founder started his career as a Startup Analyst/Writer at Vator, a Software Analyst at Digilabs Pro, a Corporate Account Manager at AT&T, a Founder and CEO at Photopaz, Co-founded and became Marketing Director at BrideBox, a Senior Advisor at The Good Food Institute, a Y-Combinator, and lastly in the year 2019 co-founded and established Eclipse Foods with Thomas Bowman. 
Thomas Bowman is the Chief Technology Officer at the company and is an award-winning chef from Chicago, totaling 16 Michelin Stars and twice nominated for a James Beard Award. Thereafter Thomas started to focus on product development and food science. Here, he created some of the best-selling plant-based food products at JUST. 
Sharing a passion for food, Aylon and Thomas set out together to integrate culinary strategies with food technology. Making food and beverage products that are safe and healthy, while also making impactful choices in protecting the planet we all call home, the co-founders succeeded in manufacturing and producing a protein alternative solution that is vegan and consumable by all, and delivered Ice Creams that are extra-creamy, dairy-free, plant-based, and GMO-free. 
About Eclipse Foods:
Eclipse Foods Ice Creams is “not another pint of frozen plant milk. We dug in and mimicked milk’s creamy molecular structure and functionality using plants like corn, cassava, rapeseed, and potato”. 
To put an end to industrial animal agriculture, Eclipse Foods has successfully manufactured and produced animal-free products as your favorite dairy treat. 
On a mission “to create a more sustainable, healthy, and humane food system with plant-based products that taste better and do better for people, animals, and the planet”, the company acts as the change we have all been craving. 
Co-founded by Aylon and Thomas in the year 2019, in Alameda, California, USA – Eclipse Foods “tastes great, does good” through Ice Creams that are chef-crafted, dairy’s lick-a-like, and an appetite for the better. 
The company retails its Ice Cream delicacy in 4 convenient formats. Bonbons. Pints of different dairy-free flavors, 3-Gallon Tubs,  Soft Serves, and Single Serve Cups. “Doing our part, one pint at a time”, Eclipse Foods drives toward a sustainable future with eco-friendly practices and initiatives. Reduced consumption of water, reduced land space, and decreased production of greenhouse gases have helped the company hugely in overcoming the detrimental strategy of using conventional dairy-produced methods and products. As a result, Eclipse Foods’ Ice Creams sees 65% fewer emissions than dairy, which means that over 190,509 metric tons of CO2 is reduced and over 15 million gallons of water is saved. 
Acknowledging as the “next massive plant-based food company revolutionizing the 500 billion dollar dairy sector”, Eclipse Foods has raised 60 million+ from investors like Y-Combinator, Forerunner Ventures, Chairman of Beyond Meat, and more. The company promises that “Anything dairy can do, Eclipse can do better”.
Visit More : https://thebusinessmagnate.com/aylon-and-thomas-chef-crafted-extra-creamy-plant-based-dairy-free-ice-creams-at-eclipse-foods/
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jasapembutanwebsite77 · 4 months
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Murah, WA 087756285008 Harga Pembuatan Website Wordpress Batu
LIANDA DIGILAB Jasa Pembuatan Website Profesional, Mudah dan Tepercaya. Wujudkan desain website profesional untuk bisnis impian yang mudah dikelola. Dapatkan paket pembuatan website sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda. 1. Dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan pembeli 2. Bisa diakses kapanpun dan dimanapun 3. Menjangkau pasar seluas-luasnya 4. Bisa meningkatkan penjualan Perum PANCA GARDEN, Blok A8 Desa DOLOPO, Kec. DOLOPO, Kab. MADIUN JAWA TIMUR, INDONESIA 0877-5628-5008
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Terbaik, WA 087756285008 Jasa menejemen sosial media Kediri
Layanan Media Sosial kami memberi Anda kemungkinan untuk terhubung dan berbagi informasi yang mengarah pada peningkatan kesadaran merek, produk, atau layanan. Kami akan menyesuaikan strategi Manajemen & Pemasaran Media Sosial yang dirancang khusus untuk merek dan audiens Anda. Anda akan mendapatkan program sosial yang didukung dan dikelola sepenuhnya, perencanaan (dan pembuatan konten), jangkauan blog, dan distribusi video di antara layanan lain yang bertujuan untuk menarik pelanggan baru dan meningkatkan profitabilitas Anda. Pilihlah lianda digilab yang telah dipercaya banyak pengusaha segera dapatkan promonya sekarang!! hubungi WA 0877-5628-5008 Perum PANCA GARDEN, blok A8 desa DOLOPO, kec DOLOPO, kab MADIUN JAWA TIMUR, INDONESIA 0877-5628-5008
Jasa menejemen sosial media Kediri
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jewelfuji · 7 months
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3pitechsolutions · 2 years
Dremel 3D Printer – The Ultimate 3D Printing Solution for Home and Professional
3PI Tech Solutions (3PI) is the licensee of the Dremel DigiLab offer Dremel 3D Printers and all of the supplies, training, and service you need to get started.
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rippin-r-us1 · 7 months
Creating a top 10 list of 3D printers for 2024 without including resin printers requires focusing on the variety and advancements within the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) market and beyond. This list will cater to a range of needs, from hobbyist and educational use to professional and industrial applications. Here are the top 10 FDM 3D printers of 2024, based on their performance, features, user reviews, and innovation:
Top 10 3D Printers of 2024
1. Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle
Ideal for: Professionals and industries
Features: Dual extrusion, air manager, material station, high reliability
2. Prusa i3 MK4
Ideal for: Hobbyists, educators, and professionals
Features: Open-source, auto-calibration, speed, noise reduction
3. Creality Ender-6
Ideal for: Hobbyists and small businesses
Features: Semi-enclosed chamber, core-XY structure, great value
4. MakerBot Method X Carbon Fiber Edition
Ideal for: Industrial applications
Features: Carbon fiber reinforcement, heated chamber, precision extruders
5. LulzBot TAZ Pro
Ideal for: Professionals seeking versatility
Features: Dual extrusion, large build volume, high print quality
6. FlashForge Creator Pro 2
Ideal for: Beginners and educators
Features: Independent dual extruders, reliability, affordability
7. BCN3D Epsilon W50
Ideal for: Professional and industrial use
Features: Large build volume, dual extrusion, industrial-grade parts
8. Anet A8 Plus
Ideal for: Budget-conscious hobbyists
Features: Large build volume, upgradable, affordable
9. Dremel DigiLab 3D45
Ideal for: Educators and professionals
Features: High reliability, easy to use, great support materials
10. Sindoh 3DWOX 1
Ideal for: Office and educational settings
Features: Enclosed build chamber, low noise, cartridge filament system
Choosing the Right 3D Printer
Selecting the right 3D printer from this list depends on several factors:
Purpose and Application: Whether for hobbyist, educational, or industrial purposes, choose a printer that aligns with your primary needs.
Build Volume: Consider the size of the prints you plan to make. Larger build volumes offer more flexibility for projects.
Material Compatibility: Depending on your projects, ensure the printer supports the materials you intend to use, including specialty filaments for industrial applications.
Ease of Use: For beginners and educational settings, user-friendly interfaces and reliable customer support are key.
Budget: Prices vary widely, from affordable models for hobbyists to more expensive, professional-grade printers. Balance cost with the features and quality you need.
The 3D printing landscape in 2024 is diverse, offering something for everyone, from beginners to advanced users. The top 10 FDM 3D printers listed above represent the pinnacle of current technology, showcasing the advancements that make 3D printing more accessible, versatile, and capable than ever before. Whether you're a hobbyist looking to bring your ideas to life, an educator shaping the next generation of makers, or a professional manufacturing prototypes, there's a 3D printer out there to meet your needs.
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kazarinn · 2 months
Dream Eater Guide — Dream 7: Snow White’s Mirror
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Download: MEGA | Google Drive Read online: MangaDex Project page and more information
Maiko Ochi is an honor student and a member of her school's disciplinary committee, while her crush, Haruomi Yasaka, is a delinquent who repeatedly flouts the rules...which means every time he messes around, it's her job to be harsh on him, and her strict personality prevents her from expressing her actual feelings! Unable to even have a proper conversation with him, Maiko gets help from Marin and Bakuo, who give her "Snow White's Mirror": a mirror that can help guide her through her actual feelings. But will that be enough to get Maiko to open up and be more sincere on her own?
I mean, the mirror wasn't actually Snow White's, but never mind that.
This was the last chapter to be included in a volume, hence the "The End" at the end, but there were two more chapters that were published in RunRun, so those will be coming up next! They're some of my personal favorites, so I was very insistent on not letting those slip by. We did obtain the original magazines and are doing our best to process the scans, but given that magazine scans are some of the most difficult sources to work with (let alone ones that are thirty years old!), it may take a while and we may not be able to get it quite up to par with the digital scans. Thank you for your understanding 🙇
On the other hand, we probably won't be putting out another manga release this month, since August 1 is coming, and...well, if you know about what I do on The DigiLab, you'll know exactly what that means 😅 But we do plan on picking up the pace again after that's done, since our members (myself included) have managed to square away a lot of things that were being a little obstructive. So hopefully we won't be going as slowly as only one chapter a month again 💦
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pixelaart · 8 months
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Digilab WordPress Theme + Installation Service + License
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