#dieter is extremely homophobic
stupidfuckingwindow · 4 months
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fredrickzoller · 2 years
Mine headcanons to them:
Dieter is a proud misogynist. Like he HATES women guts. Chile he would be happy if us just disappear from Earth forever lol. Especially if womens next to Landa. But he never admit this.
Dieter is the one who has a big trouble inside him-internalised homophobia torture him and Hans always playing on this painful topic for him
Dieter is homophobic gay, Hans is chill bisexual
Hans somewhere can admit he cares about Dieter, Hellstrom? Hell, never !!!!!
But at the same time Dieter is very Vulnerable when he not trying to act tought
Landa always gives him a pet names and Dieter acts like he hates this(he lives for this low-key….)
Hans will always humiliate and mock Dieter about everything related to him, including his work, but he will do everything in his power to ensure that Dieter gets a promotion.
They both an assholes who breaks ups(if we call what they have a relationship) 2836271910101 times but always come back to each other’s bc they already dependent on each other and emotions that only they can give each other
they belong to each other’s more than they belong to hell.
Heehee! I see I must've influenced your headcanons a great deal (or we just think very much alike)! This is just me answering certain points in your list hear and rambling about my thoughts, hope that's okay! Dieter hates women so much. Naziism in general is so deeply misogynistic but he has even more piled on top of that in my hc's for him, due to his relationship with his mom and his perception of his parents' (mom and biological dad, then his mom and stepdad) relationship. He acts like he views his sister through a different lens but it's still very steeped in "I, your older brother (a man) know what's best for you." I feel like Hans admitting he cares is very much more like... well, it's more like, he knows exactly what will keep Dieter tied to him and i don't think it's inherently false, his need/want, but there's definitely the idea that he will get what he wants out of saying he "cares". Dieter's way of admitting it is being possessive and jealous, lol. I do actually have a "break-up" planned for them (as much as that's possible)! And it's like honestly the way I've written them they don't even consider themselves "together" for the first uh 6+ years so much as just conveniently hooking up. And this changes with the fic Der klaren Sterne (the one that centers around Hans visiting Dieter and his family over the holidays). I write Hans as, even from the beginning, being endlessly intrigued by what this arrangement with Dieter can offer him. Dieter on the other hand has no choice lol (well i guess to some extent he does but) but considering the trauma I've put him through, he'll deal with Hans (and especially all the sex they have) any day compared to what he's experienced with other men. I have so much good dialogue written with them that I haven't posted yet, that's like... they're terrible at communicating with each other but as the reader it expresses so much (and I think Hans at least is very capable at reading through the lines). You're right that Dieter becomes most vulnerable when he tries to be tough. Hans sees it... and loves it... but there does come a point too where he is also concerned and somewhat like... he really sees how deeply set in his ways Dieter is. For as much as Hans can manipulate him, certain things he can't change and it's like oh. 😬 The only ones I would say I differ on is Hans being "chill" re: sexuality because I do write him as EXTREMELY homophobic in the sense that he's like "omg Dieter why would you WANT to be gay, just fuck women hello they're so 🤤🤤🤤!" like he has no respect for people being mono-sexual, be it gay, lesbian or straight (i write him like this towards Francesca as well in the fics she appears in, since I hc as a lesbian. Like in the Retail AU he's just like all "uh she's too pretty to be gay and she just hasn't tried me yet 🙄") and it's like he's not even bisexual so much as opportunistic. lmao i hate him.
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missmeltycat · 4 years
Wipeout of the Hero REDUX
Years ago I wrote a Wipeout Fusion-based fanfiction which was centred around Feisar pilot Daniel Johnson and an OC. I called it Wipeout of the Hero and I was quite surprised how many people actually know me due to this fic.
The problem?
So... After many years of vomiting over the last version of Wipeout of the Hero, I felt it was high time it got a rewrite. So, gone are the Mary Sue overtones, the unrealistic plot and the awful formatting.
Without further ado, have at it.
If you REALLY want to subject your vision orbs to the original, it can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29163930
Anti-gravity racing
Future Fic
Far Future
Drama & Romance
Eventual Romance
Science Fiction 
Implied/Referenced Cheating
Adult Content
Explicit Sexual Content
Blood and Injury
Animal product use
Human genetic modification references
Homophobic insults
Tags may change as I write it.
Characters (By Team)
Daniel Johnson (Feisar) - British - Feisar’s lead pilot. A prodigy with regards to racing. He is, far and away, FEISAR's most expensive signing. He is known to have a rather large ego and is reputed to distribute scantily clad photos of himself and claims he has no idea where they came from.  His arrival pushed long-time lead pilot Carlos Beneto into the team's second position. It's been speculated that Johnson has made no secret of his obsession with Natasha Belmondo of Xios International. As such, there is another suggestion that if the championship came down to a two-way race between them, Johnson would let Belmondo win. This would, of course, be considered a professional suicide.
Carlos Beneto (Feisar) - Brazilian - Feisar’s second pilot. His position was stolen by Daniel and he hates his guts for it. He’s a sarcastic, cranky older man with a chip on his shoulder. Some say he’s had his day and should retire. He thinks they should eat a cactus.
Xavier Menendez (Feisar) - European Origin - The manager of Feisar. A man with little known about him, besides the fact that he likes to win, he likes to make money and he likes to remind people who is boss.
Rachel Prince (Feisar) - British/Welsh - A pilot-in-training. She, like Finnegan and Wendell are future pilot hopefuls in training at one of Feisar’s European education centres. She has a fear of using weapons after her trainer was injured.
Finnegan Lang (Feisar) - Irish -  A pilot-in-training. He, like Rachel and Wendell are future pilot hopefuls in training at one of Feisar’s European education centres. He has a weak stomach and even with the best pressure suits he finds racing difficult and nauseating.
Wendell Johansson (Feisar) -  Unknown origins (Orphan) -  A pilot-in-training. He, like Finnegan and Rachel are future pilot hopefuls in training at one of Feisar’s European education centres.
Nami Mishima (Van-Uber) - Japanese - Van-Uber’s second pilot. Nami is super popular with young female racing fans and a lot of young male ones too. She has been the victim of sabotage a number of times, leading rumours that her rivalry with Zala Wolff of Xios has turned dangerous. Xala denies these allegations.
Songen Grey (Van-Uber) - American - Van-Uber’s lead pilot. Songen is a Californian who practices a mystical philosophy of his own, which he calls "Gangoism". He is known as one of the most focused of pilots, able to enter a trance-like state up to three days before a race. He dislikes stress and confrontation, so prefers to avoid locker room scuffles as much as possible.
Manny Christ (Van-Uber) - American - A Michigan born race official for Van-Uber, often seen assisting Songen and Nami and making sure they get to their meetings and make their deadlines. He is a very chill person who takes things in his stride and it is rumoured Songen talked him into the ways of Gangoism.
Roberto Sergio (G-Tech) - Italian - G-Tech’s lead pilot. Sergio is a known fitness fanatic and possible womaniser as suggested from his prior relationships with several female pilots. Though, there are rumours that he has no real preferences, possibly liking all genders equally. This is unsubstantiated gossip, not that he cares. Roberto Sergio's fanatical fitness regime is known throughout the anti-grav community, and he is famed for a formidable facial strength which enables him to lift a small child simply by flexing his forehead.  
Naomi Turner (G-Tech) - British - G-Tech’s second pilot. Known for her aggressive nature more suited for the Tigron team and her personal dislike of Natasha Belmondo, Naomi Turner was racing for the junior division of the now defunct AG Systems racing team from the age of 7. She is also known for staging many protests and even suing companies and people on a whim.
Jeanette Deline (G-Tech) - British - G-Tech’s secretary. Jeanette is a self-absorbed air head who spends most of her time preening herself at her desk. She flirts with any man who crosses her path making everyone wonder how she gets any work done at all. 
Flor Deline (G-Tech) - The sister of Jeanette, Flor is a low grade G-Tech employee tasked with day care duties.
Pascale Rouser (Auricom) - German - Auricom’s lead pilot. Pascale Rouser rarely speaks, preferring to let her racing prowess speak for her. However, she has begun making frequent outbursts about the behaviour of Omarr Khumala of Tigron. Trained in anger suppression techniques by her charismatic trainer, Dieter Kohl, Rouser is rumoured to be distraught at her loss of self-control and at the example she has set her team's second pilot, Franco Gonzalez. With whom it is rumoured that she has a very close relationship with.
Franco Gonzalez (Auricom) - Spanish - Auricom’s second pilot. Franco Gonzalez met Pascale Rouser while she was touring Barcelona in the early 2150s, and they have since become one of the closest pilot partnerships in the F9000 league. While they insist they are "just good friends", a movie file circulating the college campuses of the USA, allegedly stolen from a recent "Training Tour" aboard a private yacht, would suggest otherwise.
Dieter Kohl - German - Pascale Rouser’s personal trainer. Charismatic and cool, he is skilled in anger suppression and calming therapies. There are rumours that he is more than just Pascale’s personal trainer, but so far these rumours are just that; rumours.
Damien Reeves (Auricom) - American - Franco Gonzalez’s personal trainer. Skilled at tactical strategies, as well as other valuable racing skills, Damien is known throughout the racing community as a trainer with a man with a ‘go get em’ attitude. Though, he was subject to a scandal involving three women and a crate of root vegetables which he has tried hard to shake, but has been unsuccessful. 
Paul Cheung (EG-R) - Unknown -  EG-R’s lead pilot.  EG-R Technologies is unable to supply personal background data on pilot Paul Cheung, as a high-spirited party several years ago left him with no memory of his life prior to that point. The team reserves the right to withhold further data under article XXIVB.C/34 subsection 84839D of the World Peace Council's amendment to the Universal Declaration of Sporting Rights.
Alex Reece (EG-R) - Unknown - EG-R’s second pilot. EG-R Technologies is unable to supply personal background data on pilot Alex Reece. He was held hostage during the recent European butter riots, and violence inflicted at that time has left him unable to remember key life events prior to this unfortunate incident. The team reserves the right to withhold further data under article XXIVB.C/34 subsection 84839D of the World Peace Council's amendment to the Universal Declaration of Sporting Rights.
Natasha Belmondo (Xios) - French - Xios’ lead pilot. The great great granddaughter of the famous pioneer of anti-gravity technology, former Executive Director of the F5000 Anti-Gravity Racing Commission and ‘the father of anti-gravity racing’, Pierre Belmondo, Natasha was originally signed to Auricom before defecting to Auricom. She has a lot to prove holding the Belmondo name.
Zala Wolff (Xios) - Austrian -  Xios’ second pilot. Zala Wollf joined Van-Über after being offered a place on the team's reserve list as third pilot behind Nami Mishima. She spent a number of months training with Mishima, whom she admitted, "...taught me everything I know about, well, many things." However, following an argument over a restaurant bill, Wollf was seen crying on a street corner, and the following day she left Van-Über and signed a contract with Xios International. She hasn't spoken to Mishima since then. It is rumoured she is behind the sabotage attempts on Nami’s craft.
Callista Valois (Xios) - French - Callista is the secretary and assistant to Natasha Belmondo. She is in charge of all of her appointments, interviews and personal life obligations. Usually seen tailing Natasha in a grey pencil skirt suit with beige lapels, Callista is rather demure and dislikes anyone getting too close or friendly with her ward.
Omarr Khumala (Tigron) - South African - Tigron’s lead pilot. Aggressive and formidable and committed to an aggressive racing style to match his personality, Khumala has long had a habit of "making his presence felt" during races, and when team and pilot came together, it was a match made in heaven. Khumala narrowly missed out on the pilot's championship last season thanks to the whinging Natasha Belmondo. He is very much looking forward to avenging his near miss.
Sveta Kirovski (Tigron) - Russian - Tigron’s second pilot. Allegedly, Sveta is a trans woman (Formerly a man called Ivan from a family of salt miners from Siberia), though she dislikes being outed and so denies any such rumours. She is extremely skilled in piloting the Tigron’s bull craft as her bulky, muscular frame makes it an absolute breeze. She has committed herself to at least winning the Vohl Square race, as it is her home turf.
Myima Tsarong (Piranha) - Tibetan - Piranha’s lead pilot.  Myima Tsarong previously piloted craft in the arcane world of Tibetan anti-grav racing, a strange variant on the conventional sport with an emphasis on calmness and non-violence. She has a graceful style, and boasts the highest CMGFL rating in the league, allowing her to sustain massive G-Forces. Unable to accept the millions of dollars paid to other anti-grav pilots due to her beliefs, Tsarong flies simply for the joy of controlling one of the greatest anti-gravity craft ever developed.
Jann Shlaudecker (Piranha) - German - Piranha’s second pilot. Usually quiet and thoughtful, Jann likes to take a note from Pascale Rouser’s book of only really speaking when he needs to. He has emerged as one of the most intelligent pilots on the circuit. He puts his rapid development down to his partnership with the mystical Myima Tsarong, and he has suggested he may move to Tibet for a while, "...so i can see some of this monk stuff for myself."
Lindarr Jonez (Piranha) - British - Piranha’s assistant chairwoman, Lindarr is a mysterious person with unknown origins. She deals with any meetings and contact between other teams and Piranha.
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
Nur für Frauen: Mit der SPD zum sexuellen Höhepunkt!
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/nur-fuer-frauen-mit-der-spd-zum-sexuellen-hoehepunkt/
Nur für Frauen: Mit der SPD zum sexuellen Höhepunkt!
Von Renate Sandvoß *)
(Foto: Durch Expensive/Shutterstock)
Wir wußten es: Mit dem 1. und 2. sieht man besser! Doch diesmal sind nicht die tollsten Filme und noch tolleren Nachrichten gemeint, sondern der freie Zugriff auf feministische Pornos in der Mediathek von ARD und ZDF. Und damit Frau sich freuen kann, hat die SPD in Berlin beschlossen, diese finanzkräftig zu fördern.Laut neuester Meldung steht die SPD in der Wählergunst nur noch bei 17 %. Die AfD  ist ihr mit 16 % knapp auf den Fersen. Ist das der Grund, dass diese ehemalige Volkspartei meint, durch die Finanzierung sogenannter feministischer  Pornos neue Wählerstimmen zu ergattern? Ist es die pure Verzweiflung, die die Berliner SPD zu solchen Maßnahmen greifen läßt? Oder will man damit Andrea Nahles bei Laune halten?
Was soll man nun unter „feministischen Pornos“ verstehen?  Laut SPD handelt es sich um Kurzfilme, die keine besondere Handlung haben, sondern nur aus einer Aneinanderreihung von sexuellen Handlungen bestehen. Diese Filmchen sollen dann OHNE ALTERSBESCHRÄNKUNG in der Mediathek von ARD und ZDF abzurufen sein.
Will man mit unseren Rundfunkgebühren die Pornoindustrie unterstützen? Wie wäre es da mit einem neuen Slogan:“Rundfunkgebühren zahlen ist sexy“ oder „Mit Rundfunkgebühren zum Höhepunkt“.  Da zahlt Frau doch freiwillig, oder? Dass man auf eine Altersbeschränkung verzichten will, wurde damit begründet, dass Pornos allgemein ja auch frei im Internet für jedermann zu finden seien. Sex ohne Emotionen, Wärme, Liebe, – ob das für Minderjährige so förderlich ist?
Ist bei aller Begeisterung den SPD-lern entgangen, dass es seit vielen Jahren Pornografie für Frauen gibt, die auf die Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau achtet und keine Gewaltszenen zeigt? Wo liegt denn da der Unterschied zu den „gesundheitspolitisch relevanten feministischen Pornos“ ? Wann beschließt die SPD, Schwulenpornos finanziell zu fördern, denn im Namen der Gleichstellung muß man da ja selbstverständlich gleichziehen. Schließlich sind wir nicht homophob.
Aber es ist sehr beruhigend, dass immer noch genügend Geld in den Kassen ist, um diesen Schwachsinn zu fördern. Wie wäre es damit, dieses Geld für die Förderung von etwas Sinnvollem wie z.B. Kultur oder Bildungsfernsehen auszugeben? Aber mit dem Thema Bildung hat man es ja heutzutage nicht so, denn sonst würde man wenigstens genügend Lehrer einstellen. Und unter Kultur versteht man wohl hauptsächlich Freikörperkultur.
Früher zeigte man noch Leonhard Bernstein, der die klassische Musik faszinierend erklärte, heute klammert man sich krampfhaft an die in die Jahre gekommene „Sendung mit der Maus“, die weit und breit einzige Kindersendung mit informativem und lehrreichem Charakter.  Der KIKA-Kanal benutzt die Gebühren, um Kinder auf linke Parteilinie einzuschwören und ihnen kritiklose Toleranz und Zuwendung zu den kulturfremden Versorgungsbewerbern einzuimpfen.
Verwundert es , warum heutzutage GEZ-finanzierte Filme weder von Grammy`s noch von Oskars gekrönt werden? Deutsche Filme finden auf internationalen Festivals nicht mehr statt. Verwundert es, dass Filme wie „Keinohrhasen“ oder „Kokowääh“ die höchsten Besucherzahlen zu verzeichnen haben?  Früher war Derrick ein wahrer Straßenfeger, heute verliert der Tatort massenweise Zuschauer, weil er extrem brutal geworden ist und immer wieder die politischen Probleme der illegalen Zuwanderung thematisiert, – und das extrem tendenziös auf Parteilinie getrimmt. Massenweise Billigproduktionen, sogenannte „Blödmacher“, überschwemmen den Markt im Fernsehen, im Internet, in Zeitschriften. Wo es kein Tabu mehr gibt, prägen falsche Vorbilder wie Dieter Bohlen, Daniela Katzenberger oder Farid Bang und Co. die Medien. Schaltet man den Fernseher ein, sieht man auf jedem Sender nur brutale Ballerfilme und endlose Krimiserien, in denen das Blut nur so spritzt. Will man uns auf einen bevorstehenden Krieg vorbereiten und unsere Jugend entsprechend prägen?
Es gibt also ein riesengroßes Betätigungsfeld für die SPD, wenn sie dringend ein paar Euro für eine sinnvolle Förderung ausgeben will. Doch darum geht es ihnen gar nicht. Sie fördern Brot und Spiele für das Volk, damit sie ungehindert und ungestört das Volk austauschen können. So bleibt Merkels und Macrons Treffen mit fatalen Folgen für uns Bürger kaum bemerkt.
Da berichtet man doch lieber Wochen vor dem Anpfiff zur WM über die Frisur von Jogi Löw und fragt 73 mal nach, ob Neuer nun auch wirklich wieder total fit ist. Hauptsache, der deutsche Bürger merkt nicht, wie ihm das Geld für die Rundum-versorgung der Versorgungsbewerber aus der Tasche gezogen wird. Zig Milliarden für die (niemals funktionierende) Integration und für den neuen Europäischen Währungsfond zur Förderung rückständiger europäischer Staaten, damit sie das gleiche Niveau wie Deutschland erreichen und so alle Staaten zu einem Staat Europa zusammengeschmolzen werden können. Keinen Cent mehr für die Rentner.
Früher waren wir das Volk der Dichter und Denker. Heute denke ich, dass zumindest die Regierenden nicht ganz dicht sind. Aber das Porno-Förderprogramm der SPD hat auch einen positiven Begleiteffekt: wenigstens ein Teil der Frauen schaltet nun mit einem Seufzer echter Vorfreude AFD oder ZDF ein.
Quelle: https://www.journalistenwatch.com/2018/06/05/nur-frauen-mit/
*) Renate Sandvoß ist Autorin bei Journalistenwatch. Ihre Beiträge erscheinen auch auf conservo.
www.conservo.wordpress.com       6.6.2018
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„Conservo“ ist seit 59 Jahren politisch tätig und hat dabei 25 Jahre hauptamtlich in der Politik gearbeitet. Er ist ein katholischer, fröhlicher Rheinländer, arbeitet seit 22 Jahren als selbständiger Politikberater sowie Publizist und war 21 Jahre lang freiberuflicher Universitäts-Dozent (Lobbying, Medien). Er ist außerdem Verfasser von bisher 44 Büchern und Paperbacks sowie regelmäßiger Kolumnist mehrerer Medienorgane und Blogs. conservo ist stolz au sein Vaterland und ein überzeugter Europäer – für ein Europa der Vaterländer auf christlich-abendländischem Fundament. Als (neben F.J. Strauß und Gerhard Löwenthal u.a.) Mitbegründer der Deutschen Konservativen e. V., Hamburg, und deren Chefkorrespondent spricht und schreibt er grundsätzlich auch in deren Sinn, d. h. die Meinungen von conservo entsprechen der grundsätzlichen Linie der Deutschen Konservativen e.V.
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