#diego doa
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rico-tyrell · 1 year ago
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gaymer-hag-stan · 5 months ago
I'm here to remind people that DOA6 is free to play with these four characters in hopes that maybe if enough interest is garnered Tecmo will move its ass and greenlight a seventh entry
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deadoralivepictures · 5 months ago
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dead-or-alive-images · 2 months ago
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diegosouzalions · 11 months ago
Diego você é meio assim neutro que nem a garnet nas primeiras temporadas por que você doa parcela das tuas emoções pras diamantes tipo a mais fofa tu doa parcela pra cereja a mais alegre pra sol e etc ...?
Não, eu só sou assim mesmo
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raymenpin61 · 2 years ago
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Raymen pin come home to ewa beach better backing on home to Ewa beach his Mom Ma Home BTS DO A 5 on tell Western Ribbon Necktie soon always back home soon okay Yes Park Yoochun Hilary duff 2017 Trandy Crewmen Kirby Crying Cay Ratellite home soon okay Yes Jo in sung his again okay Come Clean Logan Lerman Dylan Everett PC over home jang eui soo memory okay Yes Wincestiel Laptop for Christmas back again okay Yes Mom Dad Joseph Lucas okay Yes Samk Dake Castrie Kintaro akiyama Hide Away Boa Kirby trandy crewmen soon okay Yes No hug okay chill out okay Danny Lim and Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee to Peachmilky and Kalo Hentrendy Will Sonny and Paul Christopher Sean Chandler Massey and Freddie SMith not Guy Wilson again okay Gay Love Crying Drama Devin Freeman Kevin Norman The Legendary Lackey GTA 5 SA Kirby Cran Miani Jo jung Suk Lee Hyun Woo Jann Lee AKira Jacky Rig Western white okay Kang Chan Jae Woo #RaymenPin #LyndaTrangDai #ReyPin #KirbyCran #MarieRose #Leifang #DOAkokoro #Jannlee #DOArig #JackyDOA #DOaAKira Lynda Trang dai Take it easy okay Christmas #AdamandJack #Aska #RaymenPinbeStrong #CastielHealed #YoungCastiel #Dylaneverett #LoganLerman #Hilaryduff2004 #ParkYoochun #Wincestiel #Westernribbonnecktie #jojungsuk #thumpsdownsamjaredleftside #GabrielxSam #Kintaroakiyama #cayratellite #RemoveTattoooff #RaymenPin #Destiel #Jangeuisoo #Joinsung #CastielandDean #DeanCastiel #RaymenPinhome #Castiel #Kanggook #Lyndatrangdai16 #CastielComeback #Leifang #UnFradednoHugSamDeanCastiel Jo in sung Miyako Edit Waitress Heart Morning Noon evening Raceruse Achayr Asian Western Gay Crying Jung Woo sung Vietnamese Double K O Hair Mod Pete Buttigieg Ginger Boy Young Gay Boyfriend Relationship anymore Chang Song Eui Lee Sang Woo Lee Hyun Woo High Society Korean vs Thai Tin and Pete Mean Saint M34nS41nt Mean x Saint Ae Whore Person Hate him SO Ji Sub Park Ki Woong Nekosen Salvation aaron shawn Ashmore Angel Song Seung-heon Gary Sinise Nichalos Cage Harvey Mike Guardianship danielxmiller Eric Angelo Vivi Nell aria usual Cory Monteith taylor kitsch Craymen Pin Slow Down Little Buddy 김현우 Bae Sung Woo Hat
DOA Male Xtreme English Korean Khmer Bobby Raecren Awake Early soon Call Your Mother Later on okay Raymen Pin Cran Meta Knight #DOA22hu34dGrandit #DOA56Crackit Just Relax Massage stay easy okay family home hawaii okay
#thumpsdownsamjaredleftsidearmcrossed No Armcrossed Left and Standing Tray to not at left not Red and Blue okay #NoBlueNecktieSamandNoRedNecktieDean Danny Lim Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee Crady Rang Roof Mech Ugly eek With that Crut Face Make him or her Brownie Brustin in Makeover Kyosuke Kagami
Sophie Monk Namie Amuro Peachmilky Remastered Hilary Duff Clark x Bruce Return Begin Superbat Superman Batman always Sad Come still home come home milky way River Flows in you SBS MBC KBS TVN JTBS JBTS Phi Viet Volume 11 JTBC I Get I get i get Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្រីង ប្រុស ពៅ 더킹2017 코미웨이
미웨이 raymen crying all day back his mom home no more Police Whore Pussy idiot no good okay Yes Hate them Swearing me anymore im gay to Joe Lucas and Uncle Waene Vance FT always a lot okay Yes always know its raymen always a lot okay Bobby Raecren Family heart memory coming back to family guardian home soon okay Yes Hate Girls anymore Jannlee rig akira jacky bayman leon gay Love Diego and Kazuya always a lot okay yes Come My Way ewa beach home 101 apartment home soon okay Ma danny bro Hp laptop my information always its mine okay Get a Grip Whore Neija Nurse Nani idiot asshole okay Ma I Like Joe and uncle waene they wanna hang out with raymen at home and khmer people at up the hill okay Yes Did not Hurt my granson young teen raymen boy you fucking asshole i said cut that fuck out you asswipe okay Achimeideh How Come Family and friends Try Raymen Pin Was Crying Wanna go Stay Home to his Family Mom and Dad Home back over soon Need Him Wanna overcome back to Ewa Beach back always Aww Poor Raymen Jenna She Miss Raymen all the time The Whole Day Month Years 5 ago 5 years ago okay😭 Poor Raymen Where Are you!. Raymen you wanna come home hurry please raymen 2017 #RaymenPin #CayRatellite #Joinsung #Parkyoochun #Sojisub #Westernribbonnecktie #Leehyunwoo #TheKing2017 #CalenderIndiehome #vivinellaria #Ewabeach101 #Raymenpinbluewhiteblad2017Mod #Jannleeandrig #akiraandjacky #GTA5Castiel is a Crut Person not allowed at no more again to with be friend okay Love to Raymen Pin Home #December312017 Roof Mech All get Enon Rainbow Resort Im 22 and From 12/31/2017 12/24/2017 Headdress Ribbon Crown First Crut 조인성 소지섭 박유천 #소피몽크 #린다트랑다이 #내길로와 #아무로나미에 #박유천 #더킹2017 #힐러리더프 #최원영 #인디락 #カムマイウェイ #조인성 #소지섭 Hate Philipines Philipino  Vietnamese Richard Luga Sachen Carfend Come home ewa beach apartment Home 101 91-1671 My Idea My deal me always 12.24.2017 Miani France DOA5lr Hit anywhere cheats Angelic 12.31.2017 22 years old Granson Family Guardian Safe home HP Laptop Red white Release Raymen Bobby Raecren Young teen
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zurniverse · 7 months ago
Teruntuk kamu, yang tersayang, Dixa.
( play this! )
Bertemu lagi di tanggal 8 September dengan tahun yang berbeda. Artinya, sekarang ada yang tumbuh lebih dewasa! Siapa coba??
Yup! Perkenalkan ini adalah kesayanganku. Dia adalah orang yang lucu dan menggemaskan. Dia adalah salah satu manusia hebat yang aku temui di dunia ini. Si cantikku yang kaki dan bahunya amat kuat. Dia mudah disayang, mudah juga untuk dibahagiakan. Dan dalam satu tahun ini, banyak yang sudah dia lalui meskipun banyak sedih dan kecewa. Dia tidak menyerah!
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"... dan sialnya, senyum dan tawa renyahmu mampu membawaku mengudara mengarungi semesta."
Sayangku, mungkin tidak hari ini semesta membawaku dalam hadir harimu. Namun, segala hal yang kamu miliki sampai hari ini adalah hal yang terbaik. Aku bangga! Dan bahagia kamu sudah tetap bernafas dan hadir di dunia ini. Terima kasih, sudah tetap kuat dan menjadi dirimu yang utuh. Menjadi kebanggaanku dan beberapa mini circlemu yang berharga. Menjadi pusat bahagia bagi beberapa orang, termasuk aku. Ayo, kita bangkit dan perbaiki lagi apa yang masih belum sesuai, kita hidup lebih lama untuk menemukan hal hal baik ya. Aku tau, tidak mudah untuk bisa menjalani. Tapi berbekal dengan niat baik, akan menjadi baik pula. Hey, aku sayang kamu! Siapapun kamu, aku akan tetap sayang kamu. Semoga kamu tidak lupa ya.
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Selamat menyambut hari ini, cintaku. Aku mengaminkan segala doa untukmu hari ini.
I love you, in every breath. ❤️
tertanda, (y)
*ini adalah foto favoritku, di mana aku bisa melihat senyum dan tawamu yang lepas dan menyenangkan.
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a-estranha · 1 year ago
Parte 15
Os dias que se seguiram após a partida de Yannick foram marcados por uma calma aparente, mas por dentro, meu mundo estava em turbulência. Cada dia era um exercício de introspecção, um mergulho profundo em mim mesma, em busca de respostas, de entendimento, de um propósito para seguir em frente.
A solidão, que antes me assustava, tornou-se minha aliada nesse processo. Foi na quietude dos meus pensamentos que pude finalmente me enxergar com clareza, confrontar meus medos, minhas fraquezas, e também reconhecer minhas forças, meus desejos mais profundos.
Passaram-se 410 dias desde que Yannick se foi, e ainda assim, o vazio que ele deixou em minha vida parece inexplicável. Cada momento, cada lembrança, cada suspiro, é como se ele ainda estivesse aqui, ao meu lado, mas ao mesmo tempo tão distante, tão irremediavelmente ausente.
Durante esse período de luto, uma verdade dolorosa se revelou para mim: apesar de ter desejado Leo, de ter me entregado a ele em momentos de fraqueza e solidão, foi com Yannick que conheci o verdadeiro amor. Foi com ele que vivi os momentos mais intensos, os sorrisos mais sinceros, as lágrimas mais verdadeiras.
Decidi, então, junto com Diego, que era hora de honrar a memória de Yannick de uma forma significativa. Foi assim que surgiu a ideia de abrir uma boate em sua homenagem, um lugar onde pudéssemos celebrar não apenas sua vida, mas também a amizade, o amor, a alegria de viver.
Mas minha jornada não se resume apenas a lembranças e homenagens. Ao longo desses 410 dias, descobri muito sobre mim mesma, sobre o amor, sobre a vida. Descobri que nem sempre podemos ficar com quem desejamos, que as circunstâncias muitas vezes nos obrigam a seguir caminhos diferentes, a tomar decisões difíceis, dolorosas.
A minha história vai deixar muitos de vocês revoltados, insatisfeitos e outros surpreendidos. Mas também vai tocar o coração daqueles que compreendem a complexidade dos sentimentos humanos, que entendem que o amor nem sempre segue um roteiro predefinido, que muitas vezes nos surpreende, nos desafia, nos transforma.
Todos somos vulneráveis, nossos sentimentos podem nos trair, nos levar a buscar conforto onde não há, a procurar amor onde só há vazio..
Aprendi que amar nem sempre significa estar bem, que nem sempre quem amamos nos faz bem, e que, às vezes, é preciso deixar partir, deixar ir, para preservar nossa própria sanidade, nossa própria felicidade.
Mas também, nunca é tarde para recomeçar, para reinventar-se, para buscar a felicidade onde ela estiver. E foi assim que Diego entrou na minha vida, não apenas como meu sócio na boate, mas como meu companheiro, meu amigo, meu confidente. Nos momentos mais difíceis, foi ele quem esteve ao meu lado, segurando minha mão, enxugando minhas lágrimas, me fazendo rir quando tudo o que eu queria era chorar.
Às vezes, o amor surge nos lugares mais improváveis, nas pessoas mais inesperadas. E foi assim que descobri que o amor pode renascer das cinzas, pode florescer onde menos esperamos, pode transformar nossas vidas de uma forma que jamais imaginamos possível.
Esta é a minha história, uma história de amor, de perda, de dor, mas também de esperança, de superação, de recomeços. Uma história que, mesmo com todos os seus altos e baixos, me ensinou que o mais importante é nunca desistir de amar, de sonhar, de ser feliz. E é isso que pretendo fazer, dia após dia, mesmo que o caminho à frente pareça incerto, mesmo que as lágrimas ainda insistam em cair, mesmo que o coração ainda doa. Porque no final das contas, o que importa é o amor, é a vida, é a capacidade de seguir em frente, mesmo quando tudo parece estar desmoronando ao nosso redor.
Por:Jéssica Dos Santos
Sempre tive preferência por textos breves que capturassem sentimentos. Esta novela representa um experimento pessoal para aprimorar minhas habilidades de escrita, visando criar narrativas mais complexas. Quero expressar minha gratidão a todos que leram minha obra, especialmente a Shelsea Paruque, cujo apoio diário me incentivou a explorar a criação de personagens e histórias, e ao Alves António Cumbe Júnior, que desempenhou o papel de editor ao fornecer valiosas opiniões para a história.
Espero por vocês na minha próxima história ❤️
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bumblingbee1 · 1 year ago
I don’t particularly like Jann Lee that much as he’s so fucking frustrating to go against, but I think even he was more deserving of the 6th DOA tournament victory than the random ass dude Diego
Which is funny because I recall being so frustrated that he didn’t even savor his victory in the fifth one…
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raymencranpin17 · 1 year ago
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Come home to ewa beach better backing on home to Ewa beach his Mom Ma Home BTS DO A 5 on tell Western Ribbon Necktie soon always back home soon okay Yes Park Yoochun Hilary duff 2017 Trandy Crewmen Kirby Crying Cay Ratellite home soon okay Yes Jo in sung his again okay Come Clean Logan Lerman Dylan Everett PC over home jang eui soo memory okay Yes Wincestiel Laptop for Christmas back again okay Yes Mom Dad Joseph Lucas okay Yes Samk Dake Castrie Kintaro akiyama Hide Away Boa Kirby trandy crewmen soon okay Yes No hug okay chill out okay Danny Lim and Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee to Peachmilky and Kalo Hentrendy Will Sonny and Paul Christopher Sean Chandler Massey and Freddie SMith not Guy Wilson again okay Gay Love Crying Drama Devin Freeman Kevin Norman The Legendary Lackey GTA 5 SA Kirby Cran Miani Jo jung Suk Lee Hyun Woo Jann Lee AKira Jacky Rig Western white okay Kang Chan Jae Woo #RaymenPin #LyndaTrangDai #ReyPin #KirbyCran #MarieRose #Leifang #DOAkokoro #Jannlee #DOArig #JackyDOA #DOaAKira Lynda Trang dai Take it easy okay Christmas
AdamandJack #Aska #RaymenPinbeStrong #CastielHealed #YoungCastiel #Dylaneverett #LoganLerman #Hilaryduff2004 #ParkYoochun #Wincestiel #Westernribbonnecktie #jojungsuk #thumpsdownsamjaredleftside #GabrielxSam #Kintaroakiyama #cayratellite #RemoveTattoooff #RaymenPin #Destiel #Jangeuisoo #Joinsung #CastielandDean #DeanCastiel #RaymenPinhome #Castiel #Kanggook #Lyndatrangdai16 #CastielComeback #Leifang #UnFradednoHugSamDeanCastiel
Jo in sung Miyako Edit Waitress Heart Morning Noon evening Raceruse Achayr Asian Western Gay Crying Jung Woo sung Vietnamese Double K O Hair Mod Pete Buttigieg Ginger Boy Young Gay Boyfriend Relationship anymore Chang Song Eui Lee Sang Woo Lee Hyun Woo High Society Korean vs Thai Tin and Pete Mean Saint M34nS41nt Mean x Saint Ae Whore Person Hate him SO Ji Sub Park Ki Woong Nekosen Salvation aaron shawn Ashmore Angel Song Seung-heon Gary Sinise Nichalos Cage Harvey Mike Guardianship danielxmiller Eric Angelo Vivi Nell aria usual Cory Monteith taylor kitsch Craymen Pin Slow Down Little Buddy 김현우 Bae Sung Woo Hat
DOA Male Xtreme English Korean Khmer Bobby Raecren Awake Early soon Call Your Mother Later on okay Raymen Pin Cran Meta Knight #DOA22hu34dGrandit #DOA56Crackit Just Relax Massage stay easy okay family home hawaii okay
thumpsdownsamjaredleftsidearmcrossed No Armcrossed Left and Standing Tray to not at left not Red and Blue okay #NoBlueNecktieSamandNoRedNecktieDean Danny Lim Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee Crady Rang Roof Mech Ugly eek With that Crut Face Make him or her Brownie Brustin in Makeover Kyosuke Kagami
Sophie Monk Namie Amuro Peachmilky Remastered Hilary Duff Clark x Bruce Return Begin Superbat Superman Batman always Sad Come still home come home milky way River Flows in you SBS MBC KBS TVN JTBS JBTS Phi Viet Volume 11 JTBC I Get I get i get Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្រីង ប្រុស ពៅ 더킹2017 코미웨이
미웨이 raymen crying all day back his mom home no more Police Whore Pussy idiot no good okay Yes Hate them Swearing me anymore im gay to Joe Lucas and Uncle Waene Vance FT always a lot okay Yes always know its raymen always a lot okay Bobby Raecren Family heart memory coming back to family guardian home soon okay Yes Hate Girls anymore Jannlee rig akira jacky bayman leon gay Love Diego and Kazuya always a lot okay yes Come My Way ewa beach home 101 apartment home soon okay Ma danny bro Hp laptop my information always its mine okay Get a Grip Whore Neija Nurse Nani idiot asshole okay Ma I Like Joe and uncle waene they wanna hang out with raymen at home and khmer people at up the hill okay Yes Did not Hurt my granson young teen raymen boy you fucking asshole i said cut that fuck out you asswipe okay Achimeideh How Come Family and friends Try Raymen Pin Was Crying Wanna go Stay Home to his Family Mom and Dad Home back over soon Need Him Wanna overcome back to Ewa Beach back always Aww Poor Raymen Jenna She Miss Raymen all the time The Whole Day Month Years 5 ago 5 years ago okay😭 Poor Raymen Where Are you!. Raymen you wanna come home hurry please raymen 2017 #RaymenPin #CayRatellite #Joinsung #Parkyoochun #Sojisub #Westernribbonnecktie #Leehyunwoo #TheKing2017 #CalenderIndiehome #vivinellaria #Ewabeach101 #Raymenpinbluewhiteblad2017Mod #Jannleeandrig #akiraandjacky #GTA5Castiel is a Crut Person not allowed at no more again to with be friend okay Love to Raymen Pin Home #December312017 Roof Mech All get Enon Rainbow Resort Im 22 and From 12/31/2017 12/24/2017 Headdress Ribbon Crown First Crut 조인성 소지섭 박유천 #소피몽크 #린다트랑다이
내길로와 #아무로나미에 #박유천 #더킹2017 #힐러리더프 #최원영 #인디락 #カムマイウェイ #조인성 #소지섭 Hate Philipines Philipino Vietnamese Richard Luga
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bigmandiego · 2 months ago
He respected Jesse for not trying to be subtle, and wasting time pretending he wasn't here for a reason. He appreciated it, because it wouldn't have fooled anyone. It wasn't as if him and Jesse were friends, in fact what he went on to talk about was a major reason why that was the case. Diego looked surprised at the question, his eyebrows slowly raising, and blinking a few times as if he was trying to register what was even being asked of him.
That was not what he'd expected, but… what did he really actually expect? "Oh," he said something bordering on a laugh in his voice, then gave a motion that was between a shrug and a head shake. "No, I didn't, really. We-- uh…" It was complicated. He hesitated, dragging a hand over his face, before speaking again, "look…" Diego stopped walking and shuffled them off to the side, out of the main eye of their peers. "Our relationship was pretty much DOA after graduation. I get it. I don't know why we stayed together. Loyalty, maybe…? Expectations." He opened his mouth like he was going to explain something else before shutting it again, and simply shaking his head. He loved Greer, he really did. And he was pretty sure Greer did care about him as well, but they probably should have ended it long before they did. Hindsight was 20/20. "No, I wasn't stepping out on her. Why?"
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The library wasn't on the way for Jesse, but it didn't matter. He'd put less than zero effort into trying to string the clues (if that's what they even were) G had been leaving together, content to write them off as empty threats. And maybe there'd been some part of his mind that thought if he didn't take this seriously, then maybe it wasn't serious. Maybe there was a very Greer-like explanation for all of it.
But it was getting harder and harder to live in that world. So, now he was going to dip his toes in this one. "I'm just going to get right to it," Jesse said as he fell into step beside Diego. There was no need for false pleasantries here. "I know and you know the part I played in your relationship with Greer." He'd never had shame in admitting it before, but it was the knowing that he hadn't been the only one that made it feel almost conversational now. "So I was wondering if, you know, you had your own fun on the side."
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inu-strider · 7 years ago
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When you love a certain series but it gets little to no good fanart
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koei-tecmo-edits · 3 years ago
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I have no time for games. Come at me with everything you’ve got.
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deadoralivepictures · 5 months ago
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dead-or-alive-images · 8 months ago
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crimsogenesis · 3 years ago
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Dead or Alive 6
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