#diedre x matias (oc)
the-broken-truth · 2 years
If you take request for the young lords can I request the young lords seeking their s/o in there room so that they can sleep over and them waking up the there parent standing over them
(Ex: Donna's kid helping her s/o into there room and them sleeping together(not sexual legit sleep) and waking up to Angie laughing and making lewd jokes)
Sorry if this doesn't make sense
@snowflakestree - This is something I never even thought of making.
Eliza Dimitrescu + Fenrir Donovan: Eliza waited on the bed until the familiar glow of Fenrir's Flames propelled him up to the window, she opened the window and allowed him to float into the room and she wrapped her arms around him before she kissed him; he was already wearing his pajamas and she was wearing her nightgown. The two of them talked for a while before they laid down and fell asleep but their sleep was disturbed when the roar of Castle Dimitrescu's Dragoness came marching into the room with her claws out and wanting to strike Fenrir down but Eliza got in the way and explained that she asked him to come because she was having a hard time sleeping. Alcina asked her why she didn't ask her to help her sleep, but she explained that Fenrir was like a life-sized heating pad, and hugging him allowed her to sleep better. Alcina allowed Fenrir to sleep in the castle with Eliza but she was going to be keeping her eye on him.
Diedre Beneviento + Matias Vilkas: Matias walked from the cluster of shadows that materialized and smiled at the smiling girl on her bed, he walked over to her and placed his backside on the edge of her bed before the two of them began talking to each other about the day's events. Matias reached into his pajama pocket and pulled out an Insomnia Elixir and handed it to Diedre who opened the bottle and drank it before getting sleepy and the two of the laid down to fall asleep. The next morning, they were awakened by Angie's laughing voice and Donna's shocked face. Diedre explained that she had a hard time sleeping but Angie was too busy making lewd jokes that made Donna's face glow redder.
Sebastian Moreau + Cereza Kade: Sebastian called Cereza over to help him sleep because he still had nightmares about the darkness inside his heart and she arrived with the spare key that Sebastian gave her in case she needed to reach him in a rush. Cereza arrived and healed Sebastian but the healing caused her to get tired so she stayed the night over at Sebastian's Place. On the morning of the following day, Salvatore went to wake up his son and found him in bed with the woman he loved so he decided to not disturb them.
Kaleb Heisenberg + Bellatrix Brooks: Karl walked into his son's room and found him pinning his girlfriend to his bed, making the 4th Lord go red. "Am I interrupting something?" Karl asked but Kaleb began blushing and expressed that Bellatrix stayed over after he couldn't sleep and she couldn't sleep but Karl just walked out the room and expressed that he was too young for grandchildren at the moment.
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
TYL: How The Young Lords Met Their Lovers [Diedre Beneviento] [Part 2]
Summary: Diedre is looking for something for her mother when she happens upon a new shop and decided to take a look inside but will she find something more than just a gift for her mother?
It was just a normal day when Diedre decided to venture into the village to locate something for her mother, but not just anything - Diedre wanted to find her something new and amazing, however, she didn't know where to find something like that in a village as plain as this. Ever since she was a child, Diedre learned about this village like the back of her hand and knew every little thing about it - she knew that there were no stores that were interesting enough to waste her money on for a gift for her mother, but something told her to venture into the village today and take a look around and that was she was doing; it was around that time her keen ears picked up on a conversation between two people sitting on a bench.
"Did you hear about the new store that just opened up - The Shadow Streamer?"
"That's the new name of the shop that opened up? I didn't learn the name but I did happen to see the owner, he's rather tall and handsome if you ask me."
"I know - I never knew that someone could be born with white hair and indigo eyes, plus the fact he sells elixirs, cloths, and jewelry is a real turn-on."
"I might go over there and give him my number."
'The Shadow Streamer, huh?' Diedre wondered as she walked on and began wondering where this new shop could be, that's when she remembered about the old vacant spot between the buildings and began heading in that direction - sure enough, that spot was no longer vacant and in its place stood a rather small but very nice looking shop. Diedre walked over to the window and looked at the fine silk robes, bottles of colorful liquids, and lovely pieces of jewelry laying upon a roll of blue velvet; this shop must have something interesting for her mother, Diedre thought as she pushed open the door, allowing the bell to ring, letting the owner know that someone had entered his shop.
The inside of the shop of even more amazing, each wall solely dedicated to a different thing: The wall to Diedre's right was covered in bottles of elixirs and ingredients, The wall to her left was full of metals and gems, while the wall before was holding rolls of different cloths, like silk, wool, and others. That's when the door opened behind the counter and a figure walked out.
It was a man - The Owner - and the women were right; he was tall and handsome.
A head of short snowy hair with pale skin and eyes the color of a raven's feathers. He was dressed in a black regal suit and a cloak attached to his shoulder, on his arm was a sheet of white silk. He greeted Diedre with a smile - the most perfect smile she had ever seen.
"Greetings, My Lady, Welcome to the Shadow Streamer. What can I do for you today?" The Owner asked her.
"Hello, my name is Diedre and I'm looking for a gift for my mother." Diedre smiled back at him.
"An honorable feat. What kind of way is your mother?" He asked.
"My mother loves to make dolls and her own clothes, she's not really a fan of jewels like most females are." Diedre explained.
"I see. Tell me something - your mother wouldn't happen to be Lady Donna Beneviento, would she?" He asked.
"Yes, she is. How do you know?" Diedre asked.
"You bear the crest of House Beneviento on your ring - I took care to learn the House Insignias and the Masters behind them. I heard that Lady Beneviento had a daughter and I just made an assumption. It's an honor to meet you, Lady Diedre. I am Matias Vilkas, Owner of the Shadow Streamer." He bowed to her, making Diedre blush.
"No. No. Please, do not bow to me." Diedre begged him before looking away with her blush, "It's rather embarrassing."
"I understand, I shall grant that. Now, as for your gift for Lady Beneviento, I have something I think she might like." He walked over to his silks and pulled out a medium box and walked over to the counter - he placed it down and opened it, revealing multiple rolls of different colored silks and cloth. "This is my Cloth Bundle - 10 Rolls of Fine Silk and Cloth, Lady Beneviento would like this, I am sure."
"Thank you! This seems perfect. How much for it?!" Diedre asked as she pulled out her pouch.
"The Bundle is normally 1,000 Lei, but I'll give it to you for 300." Marias smiled at her.
"Really? Why are you giving it to me for so cheap?" Diedre asked.
"You're doing something for your mother and that made me very happy to hear so I don't want you to be burdened with the full cost." He explained.
Diedre blushed at him before paying him the money and taking the box before wishing Matias a good day and leaving him his shop.
"I hope to see you again, Lady Diedre." Matias called out to her.
"Oh, I'm sure you will." Diedre said with a smile before leaving out of the door.
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
TYL: Matias and Diedre Go Out
Broken Truth: My friend & the Artist behind the Young Lords Au - @snowflakestree - answered an ask for me and drew some amazing photos of the Young Lords and their lovers so I have the thought of writing what is going on in the pictures for the paw of it - starting with Matias Vilkas and Diedre Beneviento (Shadow Strings). Now, let the worlds weave together!
[In The Village - Around 2:55 At Matias' Shop]
Indigo eyes looked at the roll of crimson silk in his hands before looking for the right spot to place it upon the wall of silks; his eyes carefully scanned the wall before locating an empty space but it was rather high up - too high for him to reach on his own.
'No matter.' Matias thought as he called on the power of the shadows to rise from the pool of shadow under his cloak - a tentacle of shadow wrapped around the roll of silk and lifted it up on the air to the space before pushing it all of the way inside of the space; retreating to the confines of Matias' cloak when done. The young man sighed before his keen ears picked up on the sound of his bell that he kept on the top of the door to inform him when a customer entered his shop filled his ears. He straightened his cloak before walking out of the back and into the front.
"Welcome to The Shadow Streamer, what can I..." He paused himself when he locked eyes with familiar grey eyes and a lovely smile. "Ah, Lady Beneviento. You grace my shop again with your presence, do you need something?" Matias asked Diedre, who blushed at the name.
"Matias, I told you that Lady Beneviento is my mother, just call me Diedre; besides, we are dating." Diedre pouted, making Matias chuckle.
"You must forgive me, my darling doll, but I just wanted to see that lovely blush upon your cheeks. I'm always happy to see you of course." Matias said.
"I know you are but I wanted to know if you have anything you had to do today?" Diedre smiled at him.
"Today? I had an important client come to pick up a rather large order of elixirs and silks, along with some cotton but other than that, nothing much else is planned for the day. Why?" Matias asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well..." Diedre looked down with a blush on her face, "If you didn't have anything to work on... I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat and drink at Cereza's Bakery." She asked.
"Diedre... Are you asking me on a date?" Matias smirked and leaned into her blushing face, making her face light up red.
"Well... I... Um!" She stuttered before the man began laughing again.
"Sorry, Love. I would love to go out with you. Let me just lock up the shop." Matias said as he went to get the key from the back, leaving Diedre standing there with a red face.
[Moments Later]
Matias placed the key in his cloak pocket before turning to face his girlfriend with a smile on his face, she blushed at his charming smile before she took his arm when he offered it. The two of them began making their way to The Four Lords' Cafe and Bakery when Matias felt like someone was watching them, he turned his head and saw a group of men looking at Diedre from behind with lewd expressions on their faces. Matias glares at them before he moves his hand to grab the edge of his cloak and move it closer to Diedre, covering her bottom half, making the men look into his glaring indigo eyes - they seemed to be frightened by it because they left without a single word. Diedre noticed that Matias was looking behind him and was confused.
"Love, is something wrong?" She asked with a confused look on her face.
"No, my raven. Just making sure that none looks at what is mine." He answered before placing his hand on her back and pulling in her for a kiss, making her blush even more than before.
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
TYL: Matias Vilkas Meets Donna Beneviento For The First Time
Broken Truth: Fenrir managed to convince Alcina to allow hi to court Eliza. Can Matias do the same with Donna? Let the words weave together!!!
Matias (Bows before the two women in front of him): It's a great pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Beneviento.
Diedre (Standing beside her mother - who is silent): Matias, Mother said you did not have to be so formal.
Matias (Stands straight and smiles at Diedre): You must forgive me, My Raven, it's the way I was raised to speak when speaking to someone that is my better.
Donna (Lifts her hand in dismissal): I am not your better, Matias. I am but a simple woman. (Thinking) 'My daughter is dating a giant.'
Matias: Forgive my desrespect, My Lady, but you are the mother of the woman that I love as well as the head of a noble bloodline; I may have noble blood myself but you are still my better.
Donna: Well, do not speak to me as if I am your better. I want to knowthe real you, not the you that was groomed into obedience by the people who raised you.
Matias: I understand. Thank you, Lady Beneviento.
Donna: You are welcome. Now, come and sit; we have prepared tea and I would love to hear about yourself.
[The 3 of sit down and Donna is about to serve the tea when Matias lifts his hand and a shadow rope snakes from his sleeve and wraps around the handle of the pot, lifts the pot and serves the tea before returning the pot to were it once was and returning to where it came from.]
Donna (Looks at Matias): That was a rather interesting ability.
Matias: Thank you, I call to Shadow Manipulation - I can control any and all shadows, not matter how big or small there are; as long an there isn't too much or too little light in the room.
Diedre: That's sounds like my Puppeteer Strings.
Matias: It is something like that, but your power is based on mental capability while mine requires something in the area to operate.
Donna: I see, a truly interesting power. Matias, earlier you said that you hail from noble blood, what can you tell me about your family?
Matias: Well, My father was the one who taught me the art of the craft when it comes to making jewelry and elixirs but my mother was a seamtress and I watched her until I asked her to teach me before she passed on.
Diedre: Passed on? That means...
Matias: My Mother is no longer with me in physical form. (Looks down at the table and twirls the necklace pendant in his hands before looking at Donna and Diedre) Forgive me, it's a hard topic to speak on.
Donna: It's alright. Forigve me for bringing it up.
Matias: It's okay, for you were unaware of the situation.
Donna: Thank you. What can you tell me about your craft?
Matias: I take great pride in it. My Raven has been coming to my shop and purchasing my goods, so I think that I am doing a good job.
Donna: So you are the one Diedre got the materials from. Matias, you are a master of your craft and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
Matias (Nods): Yes. Thank you for your kind words, Lady Beneviento.
Diedre (Smiles but notices something): Mother, where is Angie?
Matias: Angie?
Diedre: My Mother's Living Doll.
Donna: She's taking a nap.
Matias: She sleeps?
Donna: She can sleep, eat, talk, anything a human can do.
Matias: I would love to meet her one day.
Donna: I shall see to it that you do. Matias, I approve of you dating my daughter, just please make her happy.
Matias (Takes Diedre by the hand): I shall do my best to try and make her the happiest woman alive.
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
TYL: The Lovers Meet The Parents Of The Young Lords [PART TWO]
Subtitle: Matias Vilkas Meets Donna Beneviento & Angie
Indigo eyes focused on the 3 boxes in the pale hands of the Owner of the Village's Elixir, Jewelry, and Cloth Shop as he walked through the misty forest up to the porch of Beneviento Manor. This young man was Matias Vilkas and today was the day he was going to meet his girlfriend's - Diedre Beneviento - family: The Second Lord of Mother Miranda - Donna Beneviento - and Donna's Living Doll - Angie.
Donna happened to be one of his number one customers - even before Diedre and he began to court each other. The 3 Boxes in his hands were something of a tribute to Donna for her Position as Lord of the Village; she was kind but rather shy around other people.
Meeting Angie would be a real treat - Matias thought to himself as he ran a hand through his short grey hair before chuckling as he knocked on the door of the massive house. He smiled and waited - it wasn't long when he heard the sounds of heels clicking, the door swung open and indigo eyes locked with the silver eyes of the Heiress of the Beneviento & Wolf Names - Diedre.
Diedre gave her boyfriend a kiss on his cheek before inviting him inside, calling out to her mother and doll that Matias was there. Angie came flying into the room and got in Matias' face, shocking him for a moment before he smiled and greeted the doll as if she was a person.
Soon, the Head of House Beneviento walked down the stairs without her veil, instead wearing an eyepatch that Matias made for her upon his lover's request.
Matias bowed to Donna before presenting her with the 3 boxes - The First containing different fabrics and silks, the second holding elixirs and scents, and the last one holding jewels that Donna could use to decorate her dolls. When Angie asked what Matias brought her, he produced a Japanese Puzzle Box from his jacket pocket and gave it to the doll, telling her that there was a prize in the box if she managed to solve it without breaking it out of anger.
Donna invited Matias and Diedre for tea to discuss the relationship and everything seemed to go well throughout the evening...except the occasional growls and grunts of Angie as she fiddled with the box in her hands.
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