#diedre glackin
I say you should draw Diedre and Josef together being besties because what’s canon but a thing to ignore
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Diedre!!! I forgot how much I like drawing her wasdfghnj
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silastheanon · 3 years
I Can Tell That We are Going to be Friends
I did the first chapter of the fic!!!!! @professionallydeadinside
Or, you can read it below!
Josef’s hands were sweaty, something he was hyper aware of. The irrational fear of sweating so much he ruined the piece of paper in his hands was also something he was hyper aware of. 
He needed that paper, it had his locker and the combination for it on it. He did not feel like going back to the front office and asking for another paper because his nerves got the very best of him and he ruined a perfectly fine piece of paper. 
What a great first impression that would be. 
Finally, Josef came to the hallway that his locker was in, though the relief that brought him was quickly smothered and violently the killed. The hallway was crowded. But, not in a normal way. There honestly wasn’t that many people in the corridor, but they gave off such personality, took up so much space with their mere presence, it felt like everyone in the entire world had packed into the small hallway. 
At the end of the hallway, there were glass double doors, where they all must of came in from, Josef would’ve definitely noticed them, if they had been in the front office. 
There were two people talking, one a girl with long dark hair and light brown eyes, and a boy with blond hair and blue eyes, off to one side. They seemed close, like friends who’ve known each other for as long as they’ve known to walk are close. Friends that have seen each other break and get damaged, and offered a quiet refuge. 
Off to another side, there was a tall man with a beige hoodie on, the hood pulled up and the drawstrings pulled. Josef couldn’t see his face at all, and when the man pulled a hand out of the hoodie’s pocket, Josef saw that he wore gloves, despite the school being one of the few that was a decent temperature. 
Another side, another person. This one was more bulky, and he seemed to have a tattoos on him, however in the fresh hell that happened. Were they fake, did he lie about his age, did the artist not care, Josef was so fucking curious! He was wearing a tank top and green pants, and his hair was black and slicked back. He looked mean, he had a scowl on his face that didn’t show any signs of leaving, but also like he’d give the absolute best hugs. Josef really wanted to talk to him. 
A girl with her hair tugged into a ponytail was fiddling with her locker. She seemed to be having trouble, which would’ve probably been solved had she moved the lock of hair in  out. 
The doors at the other end opened, and two people walked in, a boy and a girl. The guy was wearing a blue jacket, and had ratty blond hair, and the girl had short brown hair. They looked like siblings, Josef noticed. Not because they had a similar face shape or anything, but because of the way they walked together. They walked far too close, and seemed to both be trying to step on the others shoes on purpose, though they were both acting like they weren’t. Josef didn’t have any siblings, but he imagined that’s how they acted with each other. 
The one Josef assumed was the sister ran over to the girl fiddling with her locker, hip bumped her despite the one leaning down to reach the lock, shooed her over, and began punching the code for her. The brother went over to the tall man with the hoodie and punched him squarely in his shoulder. Hoodie didn’t seem too fazed by it, and lightly hit Ratty Hair on his arm in return. 
The guy with blond hair and blue eyes looked over at Ratty Hair, and Ratty Hair flipped Blond-Blue the bird. How lovely. 
The doors opened again, and a boy with short black hair and a sweater vest above a white shirt walked in. He had glasses on, and, after quickly adjusting them, dashed over to Mean Tank Top and hugged him. Mean Tank Top’s scowl melted into an actually pleasant expression as he hugged Sweater Vest back. Josef felt like his original thought that Mean Tank Top gave good hugs was correct when Sweater Vest seemed to melt. How cute. 
A man pushed past Josef from behind him, giving him a vaguely dirty look as he passed. The man had dark hair and cold eyes. He looked mean, but not like Mean Tank Top, who was clearly at least a little nice. No, this man was something genuinely dangerous. 
He stalked over to Ratty Hair, who tensed up the moment he saw Mr. Mean. Hoodie grabbed Ratty Hair’s wrist and started to pull him away, but Mr. Mean was there before they could leave. 
Mr. Mean said something Josef couldn’t hear, having slipped partially behind a wall to hide the fight he could feel was brewing, but Mr. Mean didn’t have time to start anything. A guy with longer hair underneath a snap-back hat shoved him away from Ratty Hair. Snapback didn’t seem all that scary, if Josef had seen him any other time. He looked livid. 
Something was said, and Mr. Mean retreated back the way he came with a sneer at Josef as he passed. 
Snapback watched Mr. Mean go, before his stiff posture relaxed and he draped himself over Ratty Hair, looking like he was attempting to be a backpack or koala. Snapback wound both his arms around Ratty Hair’s neck in a lose hold, and offered one of his hands palm up to Hoodie for a high five which Hoodie softly accepted. 
Two more people walked in through the glass doors, and these were people Josef immediately knew were related. They were almost spitting images of each other, though one had a nicer look about him than the other. The one with the shifty eyes walked in like he owned the place, while what was undeniably his brother didn’t radiate quite the same energy. 
Shifty Eyes went over to Hoodie, Ratty Hair, and Snapback, while Kind Eyes went to Mean Tank Top and Sweater Vest. Ratty Hair half heartedly shoved at Shifty Eyes, Snapback still practically laying on him, while Mean Tank Top wrapped his arms around Sweater Vest’s and Kind eyes’s shoulders. 
Closely tailing the other two, there was a woman with the bottom of her face covered. She was quick to go over to Locker Lady and Sister, and she scooped Locker Lady into her arms and swung her around. Locker Lady had a huge smile on her face, contagious even from a distance, as Josef was dimly aware of a smile of his own forming. 
Yet another two walked in through the glass doors, one a very tall woman, and one a shorter boy with grease streaked on his cheeks. The tall woman had a very pretty skirt on, and a jacket tied around her neck by the sleeves. The boy had a stained white shirt on, and a slightly torn up jacket on. The boy took off at a quiet run towards Blond-Blue, who was calmly talking to the dark haired girl, and jumped onto his back. 
Blond-Blue’s face immediately broke into a huge grin as he grabbed at the person on his back and dragged him off himself and to where he could see Messy Everything. Messy Everything hugged Blond-Blue tightly, and Blond-Blue pressed a kiss to Messy Everything’s cheek. Cute.
The dark haired girl saw this and turned around to face Tall Lady, and she promptly pointed down. Tall Lady laughed softly and leaned down, which Josef realised was to give the dark haired girl a kiss. Cute. 
Josef took a deep breath and finally stepped out from the entrance to the hallway and tried to keep his eyes only on the numbers of the lockers, and not on the people that somehow were able to take up an entire room so easily. He found his locker, which was extremely close to Mean Tank Top’s locker and where he was standing with Sweater Vest and Kind Eyes. 
Josef unlocked his locker relatively easily, and shoved his backpack into it. He pulled his folded up class schedule from his pocket and sighed. 
He had a feeling this year was going to be hell. A fun hell. 
But hell. 
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Christmas at the Village?
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can we have a sorta parent's meeting the s/o's of their kids with Donna and Moreau? We've seen one with Karl and Alcina, but not them!!
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The S/O's have all met the parents now!! A milestone moment XD
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For the kiss meme, A3 with Donna and Diedre?
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Donna and Diedre have been dating for a good while now but Donna still gets surprised any time she gets kissed wasdfgjhgf
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16 with Donna and Deidre pls!
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Not exactly currently dancing but they were dancing before!!! XD
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Donna's first kiss with Diedre ended up with the two of them being so flustered that it took them a whole day to have their second kiss.
But after that, they have at least 10 kisses a day.
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Some casual Diedre and Donna!! Just them being soft,,,,
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Here comes an angsty one. What if Mother Miranda was able to mindcontrol the lords to turn against their S/O’s (or mindcontrol the S/O’s to turn against the lords)?
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Grrrr!!! Violence!!!! Angst!!!!! Pain!!!!
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Mindcontroled S/O anon here. This one could be spilt into 2 or worked into the same post. Anyway I would like to see: 1) Miranda taunting the lords as she sends their loved ones to attack them and 2) How and what will happen once Ethan, Mia and the others snap out of the mindcontrol? (This is of course if you want to)
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Healing!!!! They’re all better it’s okay!!!!! No one is hurt!!!
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buff donna just scooping her girlfriend up into her arms and carrying her around in many different ways. (her favorite way to carry her gf is over her shoulder to show off) we love a confident Donna
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Diedre has learned to accept the fact that at any time she could get scooped up by her tiny goth gf XD
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We’ve seen Karl dance with Ethan due to Alcina teaching him, but can we see the other three lords dance with their SO?
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Most of these fuckers can’t dance good for them! ASdfghjk XD 
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Donna is just *so* weak for butch women (I mean, same, sister), If a butch holds a door for her or offers her her leather jacket because it's cold outside, she immediately ASCENDS
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She is not immune.....to butch lady.....
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Does Rose have a partner yet? If not, allow me. She has a Boyfriend, Is nice, a bit of a dork and is nervous about meeting his gf's parents and their S/O's. His name is Ruben and is uncomfortable upon their first meet with Rose's parents especially as Alcina and Heisenberg are quick to spot Ruben is a normal human... gross... haha
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The other S/O's are,,,,,a bit taken aback on how normal Ruben seems to be XD
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How does Angie feel about Diedre? Is she happy Donna is finding love, or jealous and fearful that Donna might abandon her if she and Diedre get together?
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She likes her! Mostly because it gives her another way to tease Donna XD
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Diedre: Hold child gentle like hamburger
Josef: :))))))))
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Hamborger shaped,,,
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