vergils-daughter · 5 years
V and spider-demon/”Spider whispers”/English version
So I finally get english translation of one of my stories! I hope you enjoy it, because I reeeeally need motivation to write second part.
They say the number of demon species that inhabit the Spheres is infinite. It is impossible to know them all, even for someone who spent eons in their wicked kingdoms. Some may seem similar to others, but yet differ in one important way or another. One can never feel entirely secure around them, even if one considers oneself a demonologist.
Especially if you think you can control them.
 Like now.
See how the black haired man watches the fight from the balcony above, leaning against the railings. Underneath him lies a vast nave of the cathedral, one wall completely collapsed, with glass from the stained windows shattered over the floor. But the altar remains intact. Soft afternoon light drops in from a single hole in the ceiling, perfectly illuminating the battle between insect-like demons and three equally unusual characters.
A large bird with sky-blue wings and hooked beak hovers over the battlefield, spreading lightning bolts and swearwords in seemingly equal intervals. Each lightning is aimed with perfect precision. A black panther jumps around, then suddenly morphs into whirling blades, cutting through demons' chitin armors with nasty, crunching sounds.
There is also that woman - an agile warrior, wielding two flaming sabers. She is surrounded by a blue-hued aura, which seems unpierceable to demons' claws. She whirls around them with her hair loose - they must have unbound during the fight. She laughs at the demons' pathetic attempts to harm her.
Her laughter, the bird's swearing, screeching sound made by the demons, occasional roar - all those sounds enhanced by the echo of the ruined cathedral are somewhat overwhelming. The man above watches, ever vigilant, ready to intervene if needed. But he smiles, seeing that they can make it on their own.
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However, through the noise he fails to hear the silent sounds behind him. He suddenly feels his hair rise on the back of this neck and he turns abruptly, rising his cane in defense. SHE is very close now. His eyes widen in surprise, and perhaps fear, as she looms over him. She looks like a large, shining spider, with a bare woman's torso growing from where the spider's head should be. She is grey, wet and has dark, black hair covering her face.
She knocks the cane from his hand and entangles him with her long, nimble limbs. She draws him away from the railing and presses him against the ground with her full weight, causing the air to escape his lungs. Instead of a scream he releases a silent grunt. Her limbs press against his sides, making him incapable of movement. He can't wrestle out, he feels something breaking in his chest under all that pressure. He tries to reach for her face, to claw out the eyes that surely are hidden behind the curtain of black hair, but her head is beyond his reach.
A horrific smile shows her sharp teeth and long, black tongue wriggling between them. The spider woman grabs his wrists with her cold hands. She holds them above his head and leans toward his face. He feels her cold, earthly scent. Her tongue presses on his mouth. Even if he could scream and alert his companions, he would not want to part his lips.
But she knows how to make him. She thrusts one of her long claws into the man's side, causing him to moan in pain and then in one, long kiss her long, black tongue reaches into him like a tentacle, far towards the throat and beyond.
The man begins to choke and wheeze, a shudder runs through his body. His eyes run upward and turn black. The spider woman makes an impatient, barking sound and pushes harder. Suddenly, her body collapses - thin limbs retract telescopically, hands droop and turn into thin membrane, which then - just as the rest of the human part of the body - dissolves. The hind, spider section crumbles and turns to black dust. The face, which was pressed so hard against the man's face collapses gruesomely and seems to be sucked into the man's mouth, leaving but a black smear on his cheek. The long, black threads that surrounded her head so thickly now fall all around the man's face, disappear among his own hair. A moment later, there is no trace of her.
Just the man, lying motionless on the ground. All becomes silent.
From down below, someone calls. It is that woman, who just killed the last demon. She and the other two are probably wondering where their companion is.
The man blinks and slowly rises. He looks at his hands, as if he saw them for the first time. He looks at the black tattoos, that cover his whole arms and even reach his fingertips in thin lines. He adjusts his black, sleeveless coat. Another call from down below. This time its the bird, with his screechy voice.
"V, where are you for fuck's sake! You missed all the fun!"
The man walks towards the staircase leading down. He looks around the battlefield, the demon carcasses dragged around the floor, turned over sculptures, broken benches and - among it all - the three creatures, so satisfied with their doings. The woman glances at him with amusement while she cleans her blades and slides them into the scabbards. The bird sits on one of the collapsed columns. The panther stretches lazily.
The man makes a short gesture with one hand and two beasts disappear. The warrior lady raises her eyebrows.
"You did not even thank them. They performed splendidly."
"And yet it was nothing to how you fought" - V replies silently, approaching her. The woman smiles shyly and shrugs. V continues, "You were like a goddess, so natural, beautiful, strong and fearless. Watching you fight was a purest form of pleasure, one I could not resist".
The woman freezes, her cheeks slowly turning crimson. She shakes her head, partly hiding her face behind her long hair. She is not used to open compliments. V reaches out with his hand and pushes the stray hair away from her face. The woman is smaller than him, so to look her straight into eyes he needs to lean a bit.
"V, what are you..."
He does not let her finish the sentence. He presses his lips against hers, and when her mouth parts, releasing a short moan, he deepens the kiss. Her body tenses, as if she wanted to push him away, but he grabs her tight by her waist with one hand, and the second by her neck. His tongue finds its way between her teeth, touches against her tongue. This suddenly works like a switch: her body relaxes, her arms finally embrace him. V takes a few steps ahead, pushing her backwards, until her buttocks press against the altar.
He lifts her with one hand, putting her on the cold stone. She breaks her lips away from his, draws a hoarse breath. She looks deep in his shiny green eyes and is surprised by emptiness she finds, and the lack of focus. This is so unlike V, unlike what she thought it would be - and yes, she did fantasize about HIM and HER like THIS, as they spent so much time together recently - but she believed he would be gentle, slow, that he would want to taste every inch of her body.
"Why hurry, mage? Perhaps first we should..."
But he does not seem to listen. He kisses her again, hard and passionately. Hastily, he undoes the buckle of her heavy belt and lets it land heavily on the ground, together with the sabres. He puts his hand between her breasts and pushes her, forcing her to lie on her back. His hips are between her thighs and she feels his arousal through his pants, the hardness pressed against her crotch. V leans over her, reaching for the buttons of her shirt with one hand...
And then, a change happens, as if someone took off a veil. Consciousness returns to his eyes, pupils shrink in a sudden blow of fear. He takes a quick draw of air through his teeth and jumps away, like if he was burned.
"Run. Away." - He says, through his teeth clenched tightly. The woman, equally scared by his sudden reaction and confused, pulls away from the altar and tries to approach him.
"V, calm down, you were, maybe, a little rash, but I think..."
"No!" - he shouts, backing away from her. "Don't come any closer! I am not myself!"
Sudden convulsion pass through his body, black liquid drips from his nostrils, too dark to be blood. V moans and hides his face in his hands.
"For gods' sake, tell me what is going on with you" - she puts her hand on his shoulder, and to her surprise she sees him calm down immediately. As if through her touch she put a spell on him.
"Let's get away from here" - she says. "On our way you will tell me what happened."
She looks around and finds her belt and weapons by the altar. She bends over to pick it up and as her hand closes around it, suddenly she feels something is wrong. V is behaving odd, like if he was sick, but something does not fit more than anything else. Something is missing, something extremely important.
Where is his cane? He never, never goes anywhere without it.
She feels a shiver run up her spine. A frightening certainty grows in her, that the... thing... behind her is alien, dangerous and scary. She puts her hand on the scabbard.
 But it is too late.
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