#didn't need to say that anyways sorry this isn't the sweater fic i'm REALLY sorry but I'm working on it I swear
goldafterglow · 4 years
Here to offer you some validation from a cat. It’s the highest form in the universe.
It’s been too long but I was incapacitated by the thought of Ezra cuddling with his cat and calling her “sweet girl” and that convo you made up between them 🥺 Did you know cats rub their cheeks and faces on humans to mark them as family? Ezra’s family 😭
If Din doesn’t get his act together the cat might bite and scratch you instead. They turn so quickly, what can I say.
A/N: WHAT THE FR*CK THIS IS SO CUTE I WROTE A LITTLE THING IN YOUR NAME (also agreed Din needs to square the fuck up and I’m glad you read sugar petals baby). I remember the convo, and I think Ezra has had and will continue to have a million more with his cat child. Also I did not fucking know that I think it’s rude that you would just tell me that and then walk away. I frankly don’t know anything about cats, so this is just I can’t even describe how motherfucking SOFT I am in this Chili’s tonight.
Warnings: just fluff, lots and lots of platonic/familial love, just being completely whipped for his cat, Ezra absolutely adoring his cat and talking to her ahhhh
Word Count: 667
The thing is, Ezra probably doesn’t know a ton about cats at first. When he first takes the cat in is when he really starts to do his research, but even then his focus is probably more on how to keep her alive rather than trying to understand the her - what they eat, what to do when they’re sick, how to let them heal. He won’t recognize what she’s doing at first when he’s just sitting on his cot and she comes up to him, seemingly nuzzling into his side. He of course pets her back - how could he ever resist her, resist her affection? Maybe even presses a little kiss to the top of her head if she lets him.
It’s not until later that he’s reading those chapters in his little things-to-know book, the ones trying to translate her behavior towards him in terms of body language. He’s nose-deep, fully engrossed, and as he reads over that part she seems to sense the mood shift. She seems to sense how lonely he is, how validated and loved he feels by her. How she has come to accept him as her own, take him in and mark him and something she wants to be associated with, something she wants to hold onto.
Or at least, he could swear she notices.
But he isn’t pulled away from the book until he feels her paw up next to him, slide into his lap and press her cheek into his thigh. He looks down at her with stars in his eyes, hears what she is telling him. And he puts the book away, off to the side, and starts running his fingers right at the base of her ears. He lets out his soft giggle when she presses into him, guiding his big fingers towards the exact spot she wants to be petted, and it’s almost debilitating. To be wanted. To be loved. He smiles down at her, entirely enamored, like she has given him something that no amount of shelter or milk or head scratches could ever repay. His breath condenses into love, stuck at the back of his throat and stuffing his airways.
“I often wonder what you wanted from me,” he mumbles down to her, musing out loud. He cherishes these conversations; she is often more attentive than his former companions, his human companions. Far wiser. She begins purring, eyes squeezed shut in utter bliss. “True, I do feed you. Shelter you. Keep you warm. But I’d never considered those things prerequisites for indoctrinating someone as family. I always presumed there was something greater. You seem to understand better than I do, don’t you sweet girl?” He not even sure if she’s listening anymore, his fingers like magic as he scratches her neck, keeping her preoccupied with the comfort of his reverent attention. “Yes. Perhaps it was just me that you wanted.”
She opens her eyes again, pausing to look up at him. He takes the beat of silence in stride, leaning down fear enough to press his forehead to hers.
“You’re my family,” he coos, not wanting to provoke her with the loud vibrations of his voice against her soft muzzle. His voice is shaky, quivering on the high wire at he tears his heart out of his chest and displays it to her, letting her decide if she wants to nurture it or eat it.
“My love. My all. My girl.”
She seems to understand, accepting his affection, and he melts at the acceptance. It’s extraordinary, being wanted. She has always taken care of him, never left his soul empty and longing. There is something so pure in the love he shares with her, some meek little ball of trembling fluff turned into his confidante, the best conversationalist he’s ever known. And when she rubs her cheek into his, letting him press a kiss to her fur coat, he knows she must feel the same way. He knows she loves him too.
Tags: @catfishingmorales @keeper0fthestars @1zashreena1 @blancatobarxoxo @honeyedspace @chaotic-noceur @opheliaelysia @adikaofmandalore @din-damn-djarin @mrsparknuts @girlwithanewplan @mrschiltoncat @cryptkeepersoul @dindjarindiaries @antmnwasp @teaofpeach @nopeforyou @frankiemorales @stanfordscrush @thatreclusewriter @thirstworldproblemss @buckstaposition @thepjofanqueen @wickedfrsgrl
Ppl I think might maybe want to be tagged: @mrpascals @ergotautology
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bobtheacorn · 3 years
HA! Anon from earlier here. I don’t know how I put U on the fic ask game. I meant to type Q! (About discarded scenes or storylines) Sorry about that! But thanks for answering anyway :)
You're fine, dude! I'm excited to answer any of them! xD fic ask game
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
I actually have quite a few discarded scenes from the last part of a depth of pure blue! If I get stuck writing a scene or I'm not quite satisfied with it, or not certain where it needs to go, sometimes it comes out easier if I change the POV character - so sometimes I end up with two or three renditions of the exact same scene! I usually scavenge lines and dialogue from those, but sometimes I'll write out a full scene and then just scrap it to go in another direction.
For part 3 of adobp, I wasn't sure where to start it! So I wrote about five different openings. And I wrote a scene with Cicco and Guido interacting with an OC, talking about Alberto, but I scrapped it because it was when I had "shenanigans" in the preliminary tags for the fic and I ended up going in a slightly.... darker.... direction lmao So it didn't quite fit anymore.
Also, I had been fiddling with a Luca-going-into-hibernation fic for months, I just couldn't figure out which angle to come at it from! I wouldn't call it "discarded" because I ended up integrating it into my halloween fic (which also took a much darker spin on what was originally gonna be an incredibly fluffy friendship thing...), but, in the spirit of Ciao Alberto, here's the scrapped opening under the cut:
_Last night was one of the coldest nights of the year.
Snow is falling the next morning. A dusting of it covers the ground, settled on windowsills, blown into small drifts in shaded corners. Kids bundled in jackets and scarves race around the piazza, their faces flushed with cold, their laughter loud in the quiet air. The wind from the sea blows stronger, the sky overhead a mottled grey.
For the first time in his whole life, Alberto is warm.
Massimo got him some new clothes.
Well, they’re not new.
Signora Marsigliese has a son who’s gone off to University, who left behind some clothes he didn’t want and had grown out of. Everything’s a little too big. But the sweater is soft from years of wearing and it keeps his body heat in, even if Alberto does have to turn the sleeves and the trousers up two or three times so he can walk and use his hands.
The cold has never really bothered him.
But he used to hate snow because it meant spending weeks under water.
Now he’s standing in a boat, watching it dance and fall around him and disappear into the grey waves. He slept in a bed last night, in front of a heater, with a full belly.
It’s crazy.
It’s crazy that this is his life.
"Another great catch, Alberto," Massimo chuckles, pulling in the last bit of net onto an already impressive pile of fish.
"Told you this was a great spot," Alberto says with a broad grin.
He keeps his hands busy and his head down so the heat spreading over his face isn't obvious. Massimo rarely delivers praise, but when he does so it always catches Alberto off guard. Alberto doesn't know how to respond to it without giving away how desperate he is, so he just tries to ignore it.
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agentnolastname · 4 years
Three Days of Christmas
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Washington Middleton (M!OC) x Rafael Aveiro x Bryce Lahela
Word Count: ~1900
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. Washington (the OC) belongs to the giftee. While Ethan, Rafael, and Bryce belongs to Pixelberry.
Note: This a short fic written for @homeformyheart choices potluck event. I have written this for @gamechoices-player! I'm sorry because this took so long, and I hope you enjoy reading it! Fic under the cut!
A week before Christmas
"You mean none of yours fully matches with my calendar?" Washington says with a slight frown on his face as he looks down on all the schedule cards laid down on the table. Ethan, Bryce, and Raf all sat in front of him. Ethan just nods at this while the other two shrugs, giving him a smile.
"It's not that bad! We all have a common holiday with you, and we will spend it together." Rafael says trying to ease the mood in the room. It is night anyway, and it is cold outside. A little warmth inside would definitely help in one way or another.
"Right, spend it together, but not you three at once." Sighing, Washington leans back on the couch.
Bryce immediately moves to sit beside him, 'We all know us four can't be absent from Edenbrook. They need the best staff out there, don't they?"
True enough, they already expected this. And yet, Washington can't help but feel sad. Maybe he is just feeling greedy, but it's their first Christmas together! And it needa to be spent with them altogether, which seems impossible now that only him and Ethan have the Christmas free on their calendars.
"Let's just make the most out of it, hmm?" Ethan says suddenly, making all of them nod.
"I guess it'll do." Washington shrugs, and they all laid out some plans together before they decided to call it a day.
Six days before Christmas
"Good morning, babe." Bryce greets as soon as he opens his eyes. Washington smiles at him, basking in the feeling of having a complete eight-hour sleep without feeling guilty about it.
Maybe I can sleep some more.
Bryce must've noticed his intention to slip back into sleep, which is why the man had immediately placed a quick peck on his lips, lightly tapping his cheeks in the process. Washington groans but proceeds to look at the man though, one eyebrow raised in question. Bryce laughs at him before finally reminding him of their agenda for today, "I believe we need to head into the mall, your majesty."
Washington playfully hits the latter's chest at the nickname, but he gets up anyway, heading straight into the shower. Bryce followed in after a few minutes. And together, they showered, got dressed, and left the penthouse to the mall. Hand in hand, and with happy smiles in their faces.
Maybe this isn't so bad afterall.
It really wasn't much. As always, he enjoyed going out into the mall with Bryce. The activity was very usual for the two of them, but somehow, today was a little different. Maybe it was the continuous christmas songs playing on the radio, or the cold winter air that wraps them. Whatever it is, it sure brought a smile to both of their faces. So Washington is thankful.
The day went by quickly. Before he even knew it, Bryce was leading him into the parking lot as they push a cart full of christmas decorations approaching their car. His boyfriend smiles at him, the kind of smile that is sure to make everyone swoon- him included. Then something in his brain snaps, and his eyes grew wide.
"You forgot to buy your gift!" Washington says.
"Did I? I didn't." Bryce says and shrugs.
"But I did not see you?"
"It is called a surprise for a reason, babe." Bryce chuckles squeezing his hands.
"You've got a point."
And now that the worry is dropped, the two enters the car. Finally driving off home as the sun slowly sets on the east side.
Four days before Christmas
It was once again, Washington's free day. Today he shares it with Rafael. There is really nothing much to do, but to continue decorating the tree and placing the gifts underneath it.
It didn't last long, a few hours after they both woke up, Rafael is already placing the star on top of the tree. And it is the last of the trinkets they'd have to put. Now there's only a few things missing– the gifts.
"You got your gifts already?" Washington asked looking at Raf who is smiling brightly at him as they make themselves comfortable on the floor, sitting beside the tree.
"I got it a few days ago actually." Rafael shrugs, "Can I go and get it first so we can place it under the tree now?"
"Of course, love." With this, Rafael stands and walks into their room. Only to return with four gift bags in hand. On each one hangs a gift tag with their names on it, including his own. "You got one for yourself, too?"
"Yes, I did." Rafael says as he puts them under the tree. Then he immediately return to Washington's side and wrapped his arms around the man. "How are you feeling about holidays so far?"
"Great. I have you guys, what's not to feel good about?" Washington says and smiles at the latter before he leans his head into Raf's shoulders, "How about you?"
"The same as you." Rafael says simply as casts yet another bright smile.
Together, they adore the tree that stands in their living room, now fully decorated with red and gold trinkets. For people who aren't feeling Christmassy, it looks nice. Washington thought. And just like that, they are ready for Christmas.
Two days before Christmas
"Why are you up so early?" Washington asked as he strides into their kitchen, seeing Ethan wearing his dark blue apron on, and his hands are already so busy kneeding a large dough.
Washington approaches the man, he stands beside the latter.
"To finish preparing for christmas eve," Ethan answers before he looks up meeting the younger's sleepy eyes. Ethan's eyes visibly softens, before he leans in to kiss the younger on the forehead. "why are you up so early?"
"Looking for warmth." He says truthfully and shrugs. Ethan chuckles at this.
"It's good that breakfast is already ready then." The older man says, briefly leaving the though to get a plate of food on the other counter.
"Will you eat with me?" Washington asked as the man placed the food on the island closest to him.
"No, I already ate with Raf and Bryce earlier."
Ethan just hums in response as his focus completely falls back into the cookie dough. Washington sits on the kitchen bar stool, eating what the older man had served him. It was their usual bacon and fries, but with the mash potato that he loves so much at the side.
"Are you making christmas cookies?" Washington asked as he recognized a santa cookie cutter. It's fairly new, they didn't have it before.
"Indeed, I am," The latter smiles at him. "Sienna had told me that you liked her cookies, so I'm making it all for you now."
"You're really so sweet."
"I believe the cookie deserves that compliment instead."
Chuckling, Washington returned back to eating. And the whole day was spent with Ethan just continuously preparing foods, after another. Washington helps him whenever he can. It was a fun day, all in all. Specially when Washington gets to steal a few cookies and kisses from time to time.
And no, this holiday wasn't bad at all.
Christmas Eve
Washington sighs as the last patient in the emergency room was assessed. It was nothing serious, and he was so glad that the patient was just dehydrated. So it really wasn't much. Finally, the emergency room is now empty, they can atleast take a little rest.
Heading straight into Ethan's office, he can already see his boyfriends through the glass walls. Once he enters the room, the three smiled at him, and it is only then that he noticed their clothes. The three are wearing the same christmas sweaters, and yes, even Ethan Ramsey is wearing it with a smile.
"What's all of this about?" He asked, making his way to sit at the empty chair in the middle of Raf and Bryce, facing the older man.
"Raf's gift to us. It looks good, isn't it?" Bryce said with a grin on his face, while Washington unwraps the gift Raf had handed him earlier.
"It is good," Washington says, smiling at the thought and slipping the sweater on. "Thanks, love."
"You are most welcome."
They spent a few minutes more talking with each other. And when Washington yawns, Bryce had immediately stood, looking at his clock, "I belive our shift is over now." He says, looking over the man beside him before he smiles at the other two, "Enjoy working on Christmas Eve, you two."
"My gift would be at home." Ethan suddenly says and smiles, "You two will see it first. Raf will see it in the morning when our shift is over."
"Of course."
"Take care, you two." Rafael says and stand to give each of them a peck on the cheek. Washington does the same for Raf and Ethan.
The ride home wasn't long, especially when Washington's view is of Bryce smiling widely on the driver's seat. It was a sight that can absolutely treat sore eyes. They immediately enter the apartment once they arrived, seeing the cookie jars resting on the coffee table with each their names on it. The cookies in the jars are each different. Bryce had chocolates in them since he loves it.
'I hope these will be enough to satisfy your sweet tooth. Merry Christmas.'
Both of them smiles at this, at least now they will not pester Sienna for sugar cookies. And it was a very thoughtful gift. That being said, Washington's eyes immediately went to the man happily munching on one of the cookies.
"Where's your gift?" He asked Bryce, opening his jar of cookies to do the same.
"Under the tree," Bryce paused and smiled, 'and also hanged on our door." He says pointing at their bedroom door where a mistletoe hangs.
"Did you seriously get a mistletoe for a gift?"
"Why not when it will earn me kisses?"
"You know you could just ask." Washington shrugged.
"Now, where's the fun in that?" Bryce said and the latter nods at him.
"In the morning then, so we will all be here. Now can we take a shower and rest? I'm literally so tired." Washington says and leans back on the sofa.
"Alright then."
And on Christmas morning, when Washington awoke, he finds all three of his boyfriends sleeping beside him. Ethan and Raf must have arrived a few hours earlier. Bryce stirs and smiles at Washington before he stood and got the mistletoe out of the door, placing it on top of their bed instead.
"Good morning." Bryce says and smiles, placing a tender kiss on his forehead.
"A mistletoe kiss on the forehead?"
"It will do for a while, extremes later?" He playfully said before he leans down to do the same for Ethan and Raf. "Now, we should go to work."
"You're probably right."
With this, Washington followed Bryce into the kitchen, preparing for work. And as Bryce prepares for breakfast, Washington sat in the dining room, thinking about everything that happened during the holidays. It's Christmas, and they are all together, it's the only gift he ever needs.
And despite their schedules not matching, his boyfriends were still able to find a way to spend time together. So no, this holiday isn't bad at all.
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charliesworkshop · 4 years
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Pairing: Loki x fem!Reader
Song of the day: Hurts - Something I Need To Know
Chapter warnings: angst, a lot of angst tbh, cheating if you squint, imma say abusive relationship just so there won't be any surprises
AN: Series of smutty / angsty fics inspired by songs by the band Hurts. Mostly angsty, because I'm a sucker for pain.
Reader is an Avenger with the power to create and control fire, and as they say, opposite attracts, so Loki takes interests in her.
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Loki had a lot of patience. He just didn't like to use it, not when it was about things he really wanted. In this case he wanted to know what the fuck was going on between you and him.
You've been on one date so far, if you can call watching a movie and drinking whisky in the Avnegers' Tower a date.
You've shared few kisses, stolen in those rare moment when you've been left alone, hasty and innocent, nothing more than two pairs of uncertain lips brushing against each other.
But it was enough for his heart to quicken its pace whenever he thought of your soft, warm lips on his. The memory of your taste lingering in his mind long after you've left.
He assumed everything was going well, but then you suddenly stopped texting him back, ignored all his calls, and it's been almost a week since the two of you talked.
It would be much easier if you lived in the tower, but you were politely refusing moving in every time someone suggested it, jokingly saying that you didn't pay hell of a price for your own place only to abandon it after two years.
But it wasn't that hard to find out where you lived, it only took few hours of convincing and a promise to his brother that he won't do anything stupid or irresponsible with that information, and Thor asked Stark about it.
Gathering enough courage to actually go and see you was entirely different story. He really wanted to talk, to understand why you acted like this, but on the other hand, he had no rights to violate your privacy like that.
It was eating him alive, though, the fear that he did something wrong, that he somehow offended you, was creeping underneath his skin, present in his every breath, thought, beat of his heart. He was scared he's hurt you in some way, that he made you leave him.
It took him two days to finally snap. Whatever the truth was, he needed to know, for the sake of his sanity. And it was obvious you were hiding something from him.
It was Friday evening when he decided he's ready to talk to you, he was drinking Asgardian mead Thor brought from home, going through everything he said and did around you, and he couldn't find a single reason why would you ignore him.
He was tired of suspicions, tired of wondering why.
So he ordered a cab and went to see you in your flat in Hell's Kitchen, so sure of what he's going to say, so sure...
Until you opened the doors, dressed in an oversized sweater and nothing more, your hair messy, mascara smudged around reddened eyes, eyelashes still clumped with tears that already dried on your cheeks.
And all words escaped him in a split second, his heart dropping to his stomach, heavy, drumming, aching.
"It's really not a good time," you spoked in hoarse voice, barely above whisper, but it cut through air like a whip.
"Is it... Is it because of me?" He would rip his heart out if he was the reason of your misery.
"Why...? No, no," you stammered looking everywhere but his face, "I'll explain everything, just... Tonight isn't a good time," you repeated this like a mantra, hoping that will be enough to make him go away. But the look on his face was telling you it won't work.
"Y/n, I need to know, please..." He was ready to beg you for an explanation, but then his gaze fell upon a bag lying on the floor next to a couch, overflowing with clothes.
Male clothes.
"What's going on?" His firm voice made you shudder, your shoulders slumped even more and you looked like if you wanted the ground to open and swallow you whole.
You knew he noticed, and there was nothing you could say to make things better. So you remained silent, gaze fixed on his shoes, your eyes filling with tears again.
No one was supposed to know about this, about your stupid ex who didn't want to leave your flat for weeks now. Especially not Loki.
You planned on telling him about Derek, but after you're finally free from him, after you fix the mess of this horrible break up.
"Do you... Are you in a relationship with someone else, y/n?" You could hear the hurt in his voice, how he swallowed hard, it's must have been really difficult for him to ask this.
"Not anymore... We broke up two weeks ago for good," you answered honestly, a sigh leaving your trembling lips as you looked up at him.
It was over. You couldn't hide it anymore and Loki deserved better, much better. All of his emotions were written on his pale face, paler than usual, more tired and troubled, you noticed.
You knew what's going to happen next, so his outburst didn't surprise you. But it didn't hurt less just because you were prepered.
"Two weeks...? Two weeks?!" You stepped back, watching him with fear as he stalked you, closing the gap between you two, until you had nowhere else to run, back of your legs hitting the armrest of the couch. "You want to say you were with someone else when I kissed you for the first time?! How could you...?"
He knew he was probably overreacting, and that it was the alcohol speaking, but he was angry at you. He couldn't wrap his finger around what was going on in your head at that time when he kissed you for the first time, and then the second, and then another... And you were always kissing him back, despite having a boyfriend.
"I'm sorry, Loki... I didn't want to hurt you... I just didn't know how to tell you..."
"I wanted to know the truth, it's my fault," he laughed darkly, almost histerically, clenching and unclenching his fists over and over again, trying to calm down, to build a wall between you and him, his hurt feelings, and sarcasm was his way to do it. "I can't believe I actually thought I did something wrong."
"I know you're angry, but let me explain, please..." You wanted to make him understand, but it'd be very hard without telling him all the details of your previous relationship, without admitting how fucked up it was, how much you wanted to escape it. To the point that when Loki made a move... you didn't fight it.
"What, y/n? What do you want to explain? I already know everything," he half snarled, half laughed at you, and you could feel hot tears stinging your eyes.
"I'm sorry, okay? I fucked up, I know..." your throat was tight as you fought the tears, the clearly audible crack in your voice threatening to break your ability to speak. But you swallowed the lump in your throat, bravely looked up at his face, and continued, "You have all rights to be angry, but just listen..."
"You cheated on your boyfriend with me, y/n," he interrupted you once again, and suddenly, you got angry as well, "Prove me wrong."
You knew he was right, that he was hurt by your actions, by you ignoring him for a week, you really knew and understood... But something about him not listening made you so, so angry in that moment, because he knew the feeling of being misunderstood, he knew how it it feels when no one listens, no one lets you explain.
"I didn't cheat," you snapped at him, all those bottled for weeks feelings finally finding their outlet, and you felt good and bad at the same time, but it was too late to stop, so you continued, "I can't cheat on someone who's never here when I need them. I can't cheat on someone who's just using me as a stress relief and never listens to what I want! You think you know everything..." you smiled with sorrow, your brows knitted, folding arms on your chest, "But the truth is you know nothing about me. And you definitely know nothing about him," you finished with an angry huff, unfolding your arms and walking around Loki to your doors to open them wider. "You should go."
"Y/n, I had no idea," he muttered, turning around to face you, but you've had enough, you've made your mind.
"Yeah, but you decided to judge me anyway, so go. I already told you it's not a good time," your voice was cold, firm, he never heard it before, he didn't even know you were able to sound so aggressively. "He'll be here soon to pick up his shit. I have enough problems without him knowing about you."
You were no longer looking at him, and the entire anger clouding his mind faded away when he noticed how your shoulders trembled under the weight of anger, guilt, and sadness.
"Y/n... I'm sorry... You should've told me..."
"I want you out of my house, I won't repeat myself," you threatened, glancing at him, your eyes flashing red for a second, but you managed to control the fire spreading through your veins, only your fingertips were burning, foreboding flames that were soon to burst out of your clenched fist. "Don't come here again."
He wasn't going to challenge his luck, knowing that with your powers you can easily hurt him very badly, even kill him if you really wanted. So he walked passed you, his lips pursed, as he took in the sight of your broken face.
"I'm sorry," he only said again, and then left you alone, the sound of slamming of your front doors echoing long in his ears.
So after all, he was the one who fucked things up. And only because he didn't listen.
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Tag list: @someonekeepstakingmyusernames
So... first of all, sorry it took so long, I'm struggling with a writer's block, but I really wanted to finally finish and post this. It turned out more angsty than I intended, and I promise the next parts are gonna be better. I have no one to check for mistakes and grammar errors, and I typed it on my phone, so I'm sorry if there are any. Dunno when I'll write the next part, hopefully sooner than later. I hope you enjoyed it anyway! <3
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valiantthewriter · 6 years
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@sbiderslut​ made this amazing moodboard for my most recent fic. It can be found here and on ao3. Thank you, twin <3
TW: Angst, Underage, Sexual Scenes, Did I mention angst?
Anything and Everything
“He shall never know I love him: and that, not because he’s handsome, but because he’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made out of, his and mine are the same.” -Emily Bronte
He was done for and he really should have known better than to grab the boy by the hips to pull him close. But it felt so good. So, so good.
Tony kept making that mistake. Several times over, sometimes twice in a day, and he knew there was no way he could stop now. Peter was too beautiful, too supple, too compelling. Tony would give this boy almost anything and everything.
“You love me, right?” Peter whispered, his back to Tony's front, Tony's hand lazily drawing circles on Peter's abdomen as they laid in bed. To say the least, the question took him by surprise.
His answer also took him by surprise.
“How could I not?”
“Oh god...Mr. Stark, please! Please please please!”
God save him for loving that sound.
Forget about God. Peter is now his god. His darling, golden angel that Tony has placed on a pedestal. The adoration must come with a heavy weight.
It started slowly then came all at once. Peter's shy glances, Tony's lingering hands, the way they danced around each other in the lab…
Tony was a goner from the very moment he saw Peter walk into his aunt's living room. The boy was fifteen then; he is only seventeen now.
Seventeen. Too young. Bad idea. Seventeen.
It's too late now. The fire was slow to burn at first and then it became an inferno. Tony wanted to blame it on Peter, the boy planted himself in his lap and rolled his hips. He placed his hands on Tony's chest, raked his fingernails down, and said his name with that pretty mouth. If Peter hadn't leaned down and licked Tony's slack jaw then they wouldn't have combusted.
Tony tangled a hand in Peter's unruly locks and manipulated his head so he could look him in the eye. “You're playing with fire, Pete. You sure you want this?” Tony asked, looking for a way out while simultaneously looking for a way in.
“Yes. Please, Mr. Stark. I need this, need you. I want it-” Peter's pleading was cut off by Tony kissing him a little too hard with a little too much teeth. The kiss was sloppy due to Peter's inexperience but Tony revelled in it.
Abruptly, Tony stood up, hands gripping Peter's ass as he carried him from the chair in the living room to his bedroom. Along the way he would stop to pin Peter to the wall, biting at his neck and sucking marks on whatever bit of skin he could reach. Once they finally made it to the bedroom Tony tore off his shirt and stalked to where Peter was hastily stripping on the bed.
Tony crawled onto the bed hovering over Peter, forcing the boy to lay down against the mattress. The blue duvet looked lovely against his skin.
“You ever done this before, babe?” Tony asked, licking his lips and grinding his jean clad cock against Peter's nakedness, knowing the friction probably stung a bit against the boy's sensitive flesh.
Peter blushed and looked away, clearly embarrassed. “No, Mr. Stark…” he confessed, biting his lip before turning his doe eyes to Tony.
Tony groaned at the response, grinding against Peter harder than he should,causing the teen to cry out  “Good.”
When Tony took him the first time Peter cried from the pain. Tony tried to be gentle, tried to soothe the boy and kiss his tears away.
Each tear drop tasted like a mistake. They tasted like suicide.
“Why do you still have to be with Pepper?”
“You know why.”
“You said you loved me, Mr. Stark.”
“How could I not?”
“Please, right there! Oh fuck yes!”
“That's it, gorgeous. Move those hips for me.”
Being deep inside Peter felt like heaven, like his own slice of cherry pie.
They went on a trip to Miami to have some fun and blow off some steam. Tony rented the penthouse suite in a prestigious hotel on the beach. Peter loved the view of the ocean.
“It looks amazing!! Look, Daddy! It's so blue,” Peter exclaimed, pressed against the window with the world's biggest smile on his face. Tony knew he did good picking this place with this view.
“Very blue, doll. Let's get ready for dinner so Daddy can have his dessert,” Tony teased, grabbing Peter's ass through his tight swim shorts.
Peter loved the beach. He looked like a nymph frolicking in the waves. He looked like treasure being washed onto the shore.
Tony wanted to savor this forever.
“Why do you always say that?”
“Say what, sweetie.”
“You never say you love me.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Why can't you just say it, Daddy? Why?”
“You know why.”
“I really don't. Explain it. Enlighten me.”
“Angel, you know why “
They spent most of the summer touring Europe. Peter was ecstatic to be away from May and Pepper, saying it made him feel ‘grown up.’ But Peter was seventeen turning eighteen, still too young but broken into.
Peter didn't even know that Tony robbed him, broke into his beautiful body and took more than he should have. He shouldn't have taken anything at all. The guilt came in a cycle but how could he let it weigh him down? Peter, his little prince, was busy prattling on to Tony as they walked along the Seine in Paris.
“...And I applied to Columbia so I can stay close to you,” Peter finished, looking pleased with himself as he licked at his strawberry ice cream cone.
“What honey?” Tony asked, shaking himself from his train of thought. This was his stop anyways.
“Oh, I said I applied to Columbia so we can stay together,” the boy chirped, standing on his toes to kiss Tony's cheek, leaving a sticky feeling behind.
Tony frowned, stopping to look at Peter. “Didn't we agree I would pay for MIT? That's where you belong, baby. You belong with people of your caliber,” he scolded, brushing a stray curl off of Peter's forehead.
“But...what about us? Don't you want me close?” Peter looked close to tears.
Tony moved to fix it, kissing Peter and getting his lips sticky in the process. “Sorry honey. I'm just trying to do what's best for you. Besides, I'll come visit you.”
He would, right?
Tony had Peter bent over his desk in his office. Peter stopped by for a surprise visit in a pair of denim cutoffs that attracted many stares of his employees.
How could Tony resist temptation?
So, he bent the boy over his desk, sank to his knees behind him and ate his boy out until he was sloppy and open. The boy was begging incoherently by the time Tony pushed in. Peter left looking disheveled with bruises on his hips.
No one said anything about it.
“I really don't. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you!”
“I know, baby, I know. You know how I feel for you. You know it.”
“Say it.”
“I can't.”
Well, why couldn't he?
He bought Peter a flat off campus for school. He filled it with furniture, electronics, clothes, luxuries, anything and everything he could think of. He put a picture of them from Europe on the nightstand, the one of them in Venice in the gondola that Peter insisted they take throughout the city. The bedding was blue.
He created a trust for Peter filled with more than enough money to last a lifetime.
It was time now.
“What do you mean?”
“I'm marrying Pepper.”
The world seemed to freeze in place.
“...but...what about us?”
“I'm sorry.”
“What about me?”
“I'm sorry.”
“Am I not enough?”
“If you love me then why are you marrying her?”
It was their last time. Peter didn't know, but it was their last time. The boy cried while they made love, and it was making love. Funny how the last time is also a first.
He kissed each tear. They tasted like regret. They tasted like blood.
“But I love you.”
“Come here.”
He never visited Peter. He never answered any calls. He never texted back.
But when Peter showed up out of the blue, he couldn't say no. He would do almost anything and everything for this boy.
“Do you even love her?”
“Yes or no?”
“It's complicated.”
Tony remembers their first spat very well. Peter was angry that he and Pepper were back together, that he found out through a tabloid at a newsstand. Tony understood, he really did, but it couldn't be helped. It was a necessity that he be with Pepper, or at least it felt like it. It was different than his need for Peter. Pepper was a necessity whereas Peter was the very thing that kept his heart beating.
“I really don't understand why you guys are back together. Am I not enough? I can be better, I'll do whatever you want,” the boy pleaded, honey eyes tearing up and filled with so many emotions. Confusion. Sorrow. Agony.
Tony sighed and set his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. He had been sitting in the chair for over an hour now hashing out the same thing with Peter as the younger man paced throughout the room, playing with the fraying sleeves of the blue sweater he was wearing. Perhaps the answers to their problems were hidden in the floorboards, but Tony doubted that there was an answer at all.
“Baby, I told you. It is for the public and the company. It isn't that you aren't good enough, little prince, but that she is a necessity,” he explained for the umpteenth time whilst massaging his temples. Peter was still not accepting his answer. Why wouldn't the boy just accept it?
“This isn't fair. What if I dated MJ? You'd hate that!”
Tony would.
“Why can't we just run away? Then it won't matter how old I am or anything!”
Oh, only if he could.
“You know what? I'm gonna go home.”
“I agree. You really should.”
Tony knew he was in love with Peter the moment the boy batted his long lashes at him when he was 15. He knew it was sick but he couldn't help himself. Tony was not renowned for his self-control and his genius IQ was not working in this situation.
Peter asked if he could stay late one night and Tony agreed. This was truly his first mistake, the first step on the staircase to his personal hell that would become his only sanctuary.
“Pass me the wrench, kiddo,” Tony said, holding out his hand as he worked on an engine to a car. Peter did as asked, fingers lingering for a split second and eyes full of teenage lust. This was the spark that lit the fire. He still wishes he could say it was Peter's fault.
The years passed in a series of heated glances and barely there touches that came to a head when the pretty boy fell right into his lap.
“You know you can't stay, right? Pepper is coming home in a couple hours.”
“Good. Let her see me.”
“Please, no.”
“You. Can't. Stay.”
“Are you going to throw me away again?”
“Please don't cry.”
“You were never able to give me this part of you. You never even told me you loved me.”
“How could I not, baby? How could I not?”
He didn't leave Pepper and he watched his angel drift out of his life. It was for the best; Peter deserved someone that wasn't broken like him.
He went back into the room to change the sheets, taking off the blue ones and putting the red ones on.
A year later, Tony sat down for breakfast with his wife one morning, a rare thing to happen. He smiled, she smiled, and they ate in peace.
“Do you remember Peter? The one intern you had for a few years?” Pepper asked, sipping her coffee while flipping through a magazine.
Tony felt his stomach drop to his knees. “I do.”
Of course he did.
“Well, turns out the he and Harry Osborn got together a while back and are engaged! That's so exciting. I loved that kid!” Pepper exclaimed with a big smile.
“Me too.”
How could he not?
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fluffomatic · 6 years
Master's Injury
A/N it's midnight but I wanna write another fic so I guess I'll suffer. Gus is like, low-key really smug in this and I don't know why I wrote him like that but it's too late now!
Fandom: Bakugan
Characters: Gus x Spectra
Summary: Spectra goes to brawl without telling Gus. Unsurprisingly the poor guy is worried sick. When he returns with an injury, (a small injury but why should Gus care he's hurt!) Gus makes sure he's taken care of and discovers something... interesting (THIS IS A TICKLE FIC! IF YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED OR IF IT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE THEN DON'T READ!)
Word Count : 1,313
Gus paced around the front of the ship for what seemed like hours. This isn't the first time his master had left without saying a word but it never gets easier. How long has it been? He stops and looks at the clock and sighs. "He should be back by now" he mumbles and sits down. Tapping his foot as he stares at the door just hoping Spectra will walk in soon
To his surprise that's exactly what happens
As soon Gus sets his eyes on Spectra he's immediately at his side. Where have you been Master!?" Gus asks frantically "you didn't say anything I've been worried." Gus places his hand on his shoulder "What are you my mother?" Spectra hisses and shrugs off Gus' hand. He starts to walk away and that's when Gus noticed it. Spectra had a small limp, something someone who had not known his master probably wouldn't have noticed. "Master what happened?" He turned back to Gus "what do you mean? Nothing happened." "You're limping." He stated bluntly. Spectra could feel his face heat up as he turned back around quickly. "It's nothing. I'm fine. Now get back to work."
Gus decided not to question him any further. When Spectra got into these moods he knew better then to anger him. He nodded and bowed slightly before getting back to work. Though the thought of his master never left his mind. "What happened? Why won't he tell me? He's my friend isn't he?" He sighed and continued his work with these thoughts plaguing his mind.
Spectra entered his room and immediately sat on his bed. Taking his mask and boots. Then rolled his pant leg up to examine the injury. His ankle was swollen and he had some brusing running up his leg but it looked better then how it felt. He rubbed the stress from his eyes and stood up. He hobbled to the dresser and picked out some shorts and a loose fitting sweater to change into. Helios, who had been sitting on the table next to Spectra bed, spoke up. "You should have had Gus help you" Spectra scoffed "what for? I'm fine! It barely hurts. It's probably just a sprain anyway. He has more important things to do." Helios was quiet for a bit before saying "you're embarrassed aren't you?" Spectra's face went red "W-What!? No of course not! Why would I be??" "I don't know. Why don't you tell me. You're clearly the one who's embarrassed."
Despite being in ball form Spectra swears he can see the shit eating grin on Helios' face. He looks away and sighs. "Well I... I guess I. Um shit I don't know I guess I just feel stupid okay!? I'm smarter then this! I knew not to stand there, the rocks clearly weren't stable but I did anyway and now I've got this stupid injury! How am I supposed to brawl now? We have a mission to complete." He could feel tear stinging his eyes but quickly rubbed them away before Helios noticed. "Well I was joking but um wow. I'm sorry" Helios' attitude quickly changed. Though Spectra was his master he still had a soft spot for him and truly saw him as a friend. He let his friend change and lay down. Before he could tell Spectra to care to his ankle he was out cold. Spectra was going to hate this but he needed help. And there was only one person who could.
An hour or so passed before Spectra woke up. The first thing he noticed was a pain and he quickly sat up and hissed. Then he noticed something else. Well more like some one. "Gus?" The blue haired boy was sitting next to his bed with a first aid kit. He looked at Spectra and smiled. "Nice to see you got some rest. Helios told me what happened, he's resting in the other room now, and I came to help but I didn't want to start unless you didn't want me to." Spectra blinked back at him. What harm could he do right? He trusted Gus more than anyone, though for some reason he got flustered at the idea. With a cough he nodded and said "um sure why not. It hurts like hell anyway."
With his consent Gus quickly got to work fixing up Spectra's ankle. Not much was said during that time, just a few hisses and yelps from Spectra and a couple apologies from Gus. It was over quick enough and he felt better. He gave Gus a small smile. "Thank you, Gus." Gus felt his face heat up "no problem Master! I just don't understand why you didn't ask earlier." He looked away and sighed. "I was um, embarrassed is all but I'm glad you know now. To be honest i should've known you'd find out eventually." Gus giggled and nodded.
They fell into a comfortable silence for a couple minutes. Gus' eyes trailed over Spectra's legs, looking at the bruising. His eyes trailed to his foot and an idea popped into his head. He smirked and looked back at Spectra. "You know, though I'm glad I found out what happened and I was able to help you I'm still upset you didn't tell me yourself." Spectra jolted up a bit "I-I'm sorry." Gus chuckled evily which sent a shiver up Spectra's spine. " I don't know if sorry will cut it Master" Spectra's face went red "W-What do you mean? Gus? Why are you looking at me like that?" "I just have a question. Are you... ticklish sir?" Spectra's eyes grew wide and his face got even redder. "NO! N-No um.... Of course not. Why?" Gus smirked again. "No? I think we'll have to test that."
Before Spectra could object he felt Gus' fingers flutter over his sole. He clamped his hands over his mouth, trying to suppress his giggles. "G-Gus knock it ahh! Hnngh! Knock it off!" Gus continued his assult and used his other hand to attack his other foot, earning him a small squeal. "I thought you weren't ticklish? Did you lie to me again!? Now you've asked for it!" He moved up to Spectra's sides which caused him to drop his arms and let his laughter out. "Gah! Guhuhuhus knock ihihit ohohohoff! I mehehehean it! I'm gonna kihihihill you stohohohop!!" Gus didn't respond just kept tickling his sides and stomach. His laughter grew stronger as Gus trailed up to his ribs. "AAAAAHHH NOOOHOHOHOO ENOUGH STAHAHAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEASE GUHUHUHUS IT TIHIHIHCKLES! IM SOHOHOHORRY OKAHAHAY! PLEASE!! SHIHIHIT!"
His fingers trailed back down to his thighs causing an eruption of laughter. "No can do Master Spectra. This is your punishment for leaving and then lying! Twice! But I have to admit I never knew you of all people would be this ticklish" he smiled snuggly and tickled harder. "NAAHAHAHAHA YOU ASSHOHOHOHOHOLE! STAHAHAP IHIHIT PLEHEHEHEASE AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NAAHAHAHAHA!" Gus moved back to his feet and his laughter died down just a bit. "Okay I'll stop but you have to promise me something." Spectra nodded quickly "Ohohokay okay anything! Whahahat is ihihit!? Eeehehehe! Tehehehell mehehe!!"
"You have to promise to tell me when you're leaving AND where you're going. And come to me if you get hurt. I want to make sure you're safe Spectra." He smiled at him but continued. "Ihihi've told yohohou Gus you nohohohohot my mother you do- no no nO NAHAHAHAAA STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Gus quickly dug his fingers back into his ribs causing him to thrash around. "Do you want me to keep going?" He asked smugly. "NAAAAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAP I PROHOHOHOHOMISE I PROMISE!!! GAAAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE PLEHEHEHEASE STOP!!"
He immediately stopped his attack and Spectra laid there panting. "See! Wasn't that hard!" Spectra glared at Gus. "N-never do that....again." Despite appearing angry, his voice was soft and a small smile was worn on his face.
Gus giggled "no promises."
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