#didn't give you much context bc i figured your typical rqg fan could also read this
sasha 3, 15
THANK YOU BESTIE you're my favorite person forever i'm kissing you on the lips
3. [Choose a character] (so, Sasha for this) switches classes. What kind of skills would they now have, and how would it affect the game?
okay so this is a fun thing you've stumbled on because i actually have thought a LOT about sorcerer sasha! given she has. uh. mysteriously missing parents, the logistics of that work quite well and it's not a stretch lineage-wise. also, it gels really well with her backstory- maybe even works better than canon! in canon, she was exploited for her skills as a rogue, locked up and forced to do the jobs she was asked to, before being further trained as a high-society infiltrating spy/weapon. now imagine if she was a sorcerer- someone with very impressive natural abilities, a REALLY strong reason for why it was her specifically that got that treatment.
regarding the skills part of it, bloodline is a bit more complicated- i haven't thought about it too much, and while undead WOULD work quite well, i don't want its wires to get crossed with the revived-by-mr-ceiling thing? but, if, say, after that, she'd taken a level in undead sorcerer, that could work really well! (but does contradict the fun backstory thing i've got going on). another thing that fits sasha PERFECTLY is the shadow bloodline; it's got a lot of kind of rogue-like skills that fit her and her background, and the description is "you are often sullen and withdrawn, preferring to skulk at the fringes of social circles and keep to yourself, cultivating an air of mystery and majesty that is all your own" which. come on. that's literally also a description of sasha. (minus the majesty- her charisma's too low for that... oh god, sasha playing a charisma-based class would be SO badly balanced.) i could keep going on about bloodlines because oh my god, there are so many. it's insane. i have to play a sorcerer sometime. imagine the OPTIONS.
in terms of gameplay/plot, it wouldn't effect too much positively, because there'd be 2 sorcerers? like, she wouldn't be able to do anything new. when i've imagined this situation before, i came up with sorcerer specifically because i was imagining hamid would be something else and everyone would kind of switch around. (god, imagine a 2 sorcerer 2 paladin party... hell!) as a rogue, sasha's done a LOT of useful stuff; they'd be imbalanced, like they were in shoin's, and honestly? might have straight up died in kew. sad but true!
15. What’s a headcanon you think about all the time but feel you’ve never had an opportunity to share? (Again, about Sasha.)
regarding sasha specifically, i did get to talk about this one just the other day on the creating the line server, but half-chinese sasha is very close to my heart! copying some of my thoughts from that server, rq team has a habit of only mentioning character races when they're not white which is like....... :/// not great but it does let me go oh okay so there's no specifics and there is description like 'short black hair which spikes up in all directions' which ok as an asian person let me tell you my hair is spiky as fuck and its BECAUSE of my ethnicity! i always draw sasha as half-chinese and it works very well and is fun to draw/adds some diversity to your 'all the pcs' type lineups.
also, beyond that, i think it could be definitely part of why she looked up to bi ming gusset so much? (+ it's why i went with that specific ethnicity, which happened to go pretty well with her canonically being quite pale (which would contradict something like indian 😔) and her hair). like, she's half chinese, a lot of her family is white, a lot of british people in the 1800s in general are white, but then she meets someone who shares the same experiences and cultural heritage and also. like. is nice to her. regarding that though also, it still makes sense that she could be mixed because other london is CANONICALLY a fairly cosmopolitan melting pot, in 'the way that upper london isn't', which also lends some additional context to the Bad Time sasha has in upper london. #mixedsashaagenda FOREVER i will not rest until my influence can be seen in every rqg fanart THANK YOU.
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