#didn't even warn them about darkstripe
mixedcontents · 1 month
Since I've been so sick and injured and depressed I've been getting back into the Warriors Cats books (thanks to a loved one who got me many of them for my birthday) and I forgot how much I loved them and I was scared bc I was worried I'd go back to them and not like them or having outgrown them and it's different so different but in good ways I love the series still but I'm coming at it with a different perspective all these years later I devoured and loved the books as a kid and stuck with them as they came out through my first year of college i bought them as they came out sticking them on my to be read pile for when I was done with college and had the time and energy to devour more reading but for fun (between taking a load and a half my first year working volunteering being disabled and driving a 2+ hrs round trip five days a week sometimes more it was a lot!) And then when I got around to being able to read them I was so burnt out and my health was acting up and I needed a break so I didn't read them and by the time I felt like it and was able to again I was like oh no it's been so long i feel like i need to reread the entire series and just kinda let it go and then most of my books got ruined too and now all these years later I'm just diving back in and loving them.
That is to say as a kid I always had a thing about villians and the bad guys I just find them so interesting and complex and if well written my favorite characters (even if I don't want them to succeed) and Tigerclaw this time around I find even more intriguing like in my brain I see his grasping for ambition and power no different from any other cat in the series who wanted it at least at first. And like I imagine before fireheart joined the clan he was seeing Bluestar's grasp on her sanity slipping and getting older and I think maybe that drove him to wanting it more bc his grasp for power really did start out as him wanting to make his clan strong and safe (tho it descends into him wanting power for powers sake at the cost of everything really and then like racist shit that he jumps through hoops fo ignore when it comes to him and his descendants but I digress more than I have already) and i just see him losing his own grip on his sanity the more he grasps for power and the more power he gets but it kind of breaks my heart when he gets kicked out of the clan (for attempted murder like he did it to himself) but when he tries to get his friends to go with him and they all turn their backs on him even Darkstripe and then after when they have Darkstripe constantly watched (before he does anything to betray his clan) and we see that isolation within the clan drive Tawnypelt out later too and Darkstripe eventually joins Tigerstar and then when he's killed by Scourge Darkstripe is just so sad the only cat mourning Tigerstar really and he dies not long after and then later meets Tigerstar in the dark forest where he's been wandering alone and afraid and searching and hoping for Starclan and finally here's his friend and leader and Tigerstar turns him away (I think reluctantly maybe having no use for him but I like to think turning him away he thought his friend might find his way to starclan again) idk it just kinda breaks my heart to think how Darkstripe just wanted to be loyal and loved and a part of things and got constantly turned away and ends up as alone in death as he was in life I always hoped somehow he'd find his way to starclan and they'd forgive him and welcome him and finally he would get to be safe and warm and loved again a part of a clan again
Idk just I just always found Tigerstar and Darkstripe interesting and how Firestar (and other cats in thunderclan) really helped fulfill his own fears by isolation and mistrust and drove cats away like Tawnypelt and Darkstripe and he even says himself that their doing that is what causes it and tries to warn the elders about doing it to tawnypelt but by then it's already too late
Idk I'm only into the start of the third series but I will say that tigerstars death and Darkstripe and hawkfrost still haunt me like poor Hawkfrost I imagine his father learned his powers around the time he was becoming an apprentice and brought him to the dark forest in his dreams to teach him early on too I don't think he ever stood a chance with his father always in his ear Hawkfrost was really never more than the ghost of his father's ambition and anger haunting the lake and he died in a brutal way (though not as brutal as his father's death) but it was so poetic bc he literally kills himself with his own anger and ambition had he not tried to kill his brother finally impaling himself on the fox trap he would have lived instead of drowning in his own blood
It is heartbreaking that Hawkfrost really breaks his sister and her faith in starclan and I always wonder does that mean she'll never walk with her ancestors when she dies then? Will she walk a different place like those that believe in different ancestors or will she walk nowhere bc she believes in nothing ?
I still stand by Hawkfrost and Mothwing as two of the coolest clan names in the book
Anyways this has been a long rambling migraine fueled post to say I'm having such a good time with the series the series
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strelles-universe · 2 years
ThunderClan: Are you gonna tell your kits about their father?
Goldenflower: No
ThunderClan: *doesn't trust her*
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It's worse than that XD Goldenflower actually elected to tell them that Tigerclaw was brave and noble warrior instead of his actual crimes lmao.
"...But Bramblekit and Tawnykit have done nothing wrong, and I will not let them be punished because of Tigerclaw. I'm not even going to tell them who their father was, just that he was a powerful and brave warrior."
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
A Warrior's Destiny - Chapter 9
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(W/p)spark reaches the edge of the ravine and looks down at the camp. Silently, she jumps down the rocky slope and slips through the gorse tunnel unnoticed.
The camp is still and quiet, apart from the muted snuffles of sleeping cats. (W/p)spark quickly creeps around the edge of the clearing to Yellowfang's nest. The old medicine cat is curled on top of her mossy bedding.
"Yellowfang," she hisses urgently. "Yellowfang! Wake up; it's important!"
Two orange eyes open and glint in the moonlight. "I wasn't sleeping," meows Yellowfang quietly. She sounds calm and alert. "You came straight from the Gathering to me? That must mean you've heard." She blinks slowly and looks away. "So Brokenstar kept his promise."
"What promise?" (W/p)spark feels very confused. Yellowfang seems to know more than he did about what is going on.
"ShadowClan's noble leader promised to drive me from every Clan territory," Yellowfang replies dryly. "What did he say about me?"
"He warned us that our kits were in danger as long as we sheltered the ShadowClan rogue. He didn't say your name, but ThunderClan guessed who he was talking about. You must leave before the others get back. You are in danger!"
"You mean they believed Brokenstar?" Yellowfang flattens her ears and swishes her tail angrily.
"Yes!" (W/p)spark meows urgently. "I heard Darkstripe say you're dangerous. The other cats are scared of what you might do. Tigerclaw is planning to come back and . . . I don't know . . . I think you should go before they get here!"
In the distance, (W/p)spark can hear the yowls of angry cats. Yellowfang struggles stiffly to her paws. (W/p)spark gives her a nudge to help her up, her mind still spinning with questions. "What did Brokenstar mean when he warned us to keep a close eye on our kits?" she can't stop herself from asking. "Would you really do something like that?"
"Would I do what?"
"Would you harm our kits?" Yellowfang flares her nostrils.
(W/p)spark meets her gaze without flinching. "No. I don't believe you would ever harm a kit. But why would Brokenstar say such a thing?"
The noise of the cats is coming nearer, and with it, the scents of aggression and anger. Yellowfang looks wildly from side to side.
"Go!" (W/p)spark urges. Her safety is more important than her curiosity.
But Yellowfang remains where she is and stares at her. A calm look suddenly comes into her wide eyes. "(W/p)spark, you believe I'm innocent, and I'm grateful for that. If you believe me, then others might. And I know Bluestar will give me a fair hearing. I can't run forever. I'm too old. I shall stay here and face whatever your Clan decides for me." She sighs and sinks down onto her bony haunches.
"But what about Tigerclaw? What if he -"
"He is headstrong, and he knows the power he has over the other Clan cats - they are in awe of him. But even he will obey Bluestar."
Rustling in the undergrowth beyond the camp boundary tells (W/p)spark that the cats are almost at the camp entrance.
"Go away, (W/p)spark," hisses Yellowfang, baring her blackened teeth at her. "Don't make trouble for yourself by being seen with me now. There is nothing you can do for me. Have faith in your leader, and let her decide what happens to me."
(W/p)spark realizes Yellowfang had made up her mind. (W/p)spark touches her nose to Yellowfang's patchy fur, then creeps silently away into the shadows to watch.
Through the gorse came the cats—Bluestar first, accompanied by Lionheart. Frostfur and Willowpelt are right behind them. Frostfur races away from the troop immediately and ran toward the nursery, the fur on her tail bristling in alarm. Tigerclaw and Darkstripe stride into the clearing, shoulder to shoulder, looking grim. The others follow behind, with Ravenpaw, Firepaw, and Graypaw at the rear. As soon as she sees her friends, (W/p)spark trots out to join them.
"You went to warn Yellowfang, didn't you?" whispers Graypaw when (W/p)spark reaches his side.
"Yes, I did," (W/p)spark admits. "But she won't leave. She trusts Bluestar to treat her fairly. Did anyone miss me?"
"Only us," replies Ravenpaw.
Around the camp, the cats who had stayed behind begin to wake up. They must have scented the aggression and heard the tension in the voices of the returning cats, for they all came running into the clearing, their tails held high.
"What has happened?" one of the cats calls.
"Brokenstar has demanded hunting rights for ShadowClan in our territory!" replies Longtail loudly enough for all the cats to hear.
Meows of anger and distress rises from the crowd.
"Silence!" orders Bluestar, leaping onto the Highrock. Instinctively, the cats settle in front of her.
A loud screech makes every cat turn its head toward the fallen tree where the elders slept. Tigerclaw and Darkstripe are dragging Yellowfang roughly from her nest. She shrieks furiously as they haul her into the clearing and dump her in front of the Highrock.
(W/p)spark pushes her way through the crowd of cats as Bluestar jumps down from the Highrock. "What is going on? I gave no order to attack our prisoner."
Tigerclaw and Darkstripe instantly let go of Yellowfang, who crouches in the dust, hissing and spitting.
(W/p)spark moves to stand beside the old she-cat, crouching beside her and murmuring something to her, the other clan cats falling silent at the young warrior's actions.
Frostfur appears from the nursery and pushes her way through to the front of the Clan. "We got back in time," she meows with a gasp. "The kits are safe!"
"Of course they are!" snaps Bluestar.
Frostfur seems taken aback. "But...you are going to throw Yellowfang out, aren't you?" she meows, her blue eyes wide.
"Throw her out?" spits Darkstripe, unleashing his claws. "We should kill her now!"
Bluestar fixed her piercing blue eyes on Darkstripe's angry face. "And what has she done?" she asks with icy calm.
Firepaw holds his breath.
"You were at the Gathering! Brokenstar said she—" Darkstripe begins.
"Brokenstar said only that there is a rogue somewhere in the woods," meows Bluestar, her voice menacingly quiet. "He did not mention Yellowfang by name. The kits are safe. For as long as she is in my Clan, Yellowfang will not be harmed in any way."
Bluestar's words are met with silence, and Firepaw heaves a sigh of relief.
Yellowfang looks up at Bluestar and narrows her eyes respectfully. "I will leave now, if you wish it, Bluestar."
There is no need," Bluestar replies. "You have done nothing wrong. You will be safe here." The ThunderClan leader lifts her gaze to the crowd of cats that surround Yellowfang and meows, "It is time we discussed the real threat to our Clan: Brokenstar. We have already begun to prepare for an attack by ShadowClan," Bluestar begins. "We'll carry on with those preparations, and patrol our borders more frequently. WindClan has gone. RiverClan has given hunting rights to ShadowClan warriors. ThunderClan stands alone against Brokenstar."
A murmur of defiance ripples through the cats, and Firepaw feels his fur prickle with anticipation.
"Then we;re not going to agree to Brokenstar's demands?" meows Tigerclaw.
"Clans have never shared hunting rights before," answers Bluestar. "They have always managed to support themselves in the own territories. There is no reason why this should change." Tigerclaw nods approvingly.
"But can we defend ourselves against a ShadowClan attack?" asks Smallear's tremulous voice. "WindClan didn't manage it! RiverClan won't even try!"
Bluestar meets his old eyes with her steady gaze. "We must try. We will not give up our territory without a fight."
All around the clearing, Firepaw sees the cats nodding in agreement.
"I shall travel to the Moonstone tomorrow," Bluestar announces. "The warriors of StarClan will give me the strength I need to lead ThunderClan through this dark time. You must all get some rest. We have a lot to do when daylight comes. I wish to talk with Lionheart now." Without another word, she turns and strides toward her den, flicking her tail at (W/p)spark to follow.
(W/p)spark flicks Yellowfang affectionately with her tail before following her leader and her deputy.
Bluestar and Lionheart are sitting down when (W/p)spark enters the den. She dips her head respectfully to the two noble cats, sits down beside Lionheart, the two warriors facing Bluestar.
"I'm going to take Tigerclaw, Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw with me to the Moonstone," Bluestar tells the two and catching the look of slight disappointment in (W/p)spark's eyes, Bluestar steps forward. "I know you haven't got yet, (W/p)spark," Bluestar tells the young warrior. "I will take you next time, but I need your strength and intellect here with Lionheart."
(W/p)spark dips her head.
. . .
The cold air chills Firepaw's bones as blackness wraps itself around him. He can hear nothing, and his nostrils are filled with the musty scent of damp earth.
Out of nowhere, a brilliant ball of light flares in front of him. Firepaw ducks his head, screwing up his eyes against the glare. The light shines, dazzling coldly like a star; then it blinks out, disappearing as quickly as it comes. The darkness falls away, and Firepaw finds himself in the forest. He feels comforted by the familiar smells of the woods; he breathes in the moist green scents, and calmness flows through his body.
Without warning, a dreadful noise bursts from the trees. Firepaw's fur bristles. It is the screeching of terrified cats racing out from the bushes up ahead. Firepaw recognizes their ThunderClan pelts as they flee past him. He stands rooted to the spot, unable to move. Then came great cats, huge dark warriors, their eyes glittering cruelly. They thunder towards him, pounding the earth with massive paws, their claws unsheathed. And out of the shadows, Firepaw hears a high, desperate cry filled with grief and rage. Graypaw! Then, a chorous of wails rises up from the ThunderClan cats as they crouch over a warrior that is bathed in shadows and darkness.
Firepaw wakes, horrified. His dream vanishes, leaving his ears ringing and his fur standing on end. As he opens his eyes, he sees the face of Tigerclaw peering into the den. Firepaw leaps to his feet, instantly alert.
"Something wrong, Firepaw?" asks Tigerclaw
"Just a dream," Firepaw mumbles.
Tigerclaw gives him a curious look, then growls, "Wake the others. We leave shortly."
Outside the den, the sky glows with a new dawn, and dew sparkles on the ferns. Firepaw can tell it will be a warm day once the sun is up, but the early-morning dampness reminds Firepaw that the time of leaf-fall is not far off.
Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw quickly gulp down the herbs that Spottedleaf had given them. Tigerclaw and Bluestar sit watching them, ready to leave. The rest of the camp is still asleep.
After a few moments however, Lionheart and (W/p)spark emerge from the Warriors' Den.
The two warriors move towards Tigerclaw and Bluestar, conversing quietly.
The five cats, Tigerclaw, Bluestar, Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw, turn to face Lionheart and (W/p)spark.
"Safe journey," Lionheart meows.
Bluestar nods. "I know I can trust you both to keep our Clan safe," she answers.
Lionheart looks at Graypaw and dips his head. "Remember," he meows, "you are almost a warrior. Don't forget what I have taught you."
Graypaw looks back at Lionheart with affection. "I will always remember, Lionheart," he mews, nudging his head against the tabby's broad golden flank.
(W/p)spark takes a step forward. "Good luck," she brushes muzzles with each of her friends.
Word Count: 1978 words
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pottergotwholocked · 3 years
light in the mist thoughts so far, halfway through.
this was in the preview, but snowtuft getting his neck snapped :( i wish he would have lived somehow
i really like the dark forest cats that are being featured here, it feels like they actually have a personality (however small) thats not just "works for ashfur. was a terrible cat"
The 3 cats trying to posses bristlefrost is hilarious. It 100% feels like some kinda playground rumor
I really like the idea of getting the dark forest cats on their side just by telling them the truth, like they don't deserve to disappear entirely, even if they did bad things
Neddletail!! I love that she shows up through the barrier, i miss her.
Shadowsight literally crawls out of hell to warn the clans that everything is going be destroyed, including starclan, and their first response is "eh, we don't need them anyways"
like i get that it is a stressful situation and lots of cats have died, but almost all the leaders just resigning the trapped cats to death is awful. They might be dead, but they deserve peace, just like you would if you were dead.
FIRESTAR! ok i genuinely didn't see this coming, how did he leave starclan?I i love his sass thoughout this part though, he feels like a tired old dad that is done with all the shenanigans
Firestar killing Darkstripe by breaking his neck was such a good and dramatic scene. Like all that pent up hatred for him throughout the years in one place
so freaking glad that mistystar is on this rescue mission, please let her die. plus it would be a great plot for the next book about riverclan
graystripes gonna die isn't he...
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The text I have below is what I have summarized the book
Prologue-It gives a new reader a small glimpse about a odd group of cats. It makes it look like Tigerclaw(Tigercstar) was a cat who had honor. Gives us about how the role of leader and medicine cat are, before everything that happened in the new arcs.
Chpt. 1-When first introduced to rusty(Firestar)It looks like he's a wild cat who plays with his prey, but turns out to be a dream of a housecat. Later we're introduced to Graypaw(Graystripe) and he show's that wild cats are proud to be wild cats and don't like house cats. He also mentions Thunderclans and Shadowclans rivalry We introduced to Bluestar and Lionheart and we find out how the cat education system works. Also it mentions that the clans struggle with food
Chpt. 2-It opens to were the 1st chpt. ends. Rusty learns that life in the woods isn't easy and he admires them. Bluestar offers him a option to join because she admires that rusty is a different than other housecat, makes you think.
Chpt. 3-Before rusty leaves to meet Lionheart he say goodbye to his kitty pet friends. When he meets Lionheart he noticed that it was just them and when Lionheart told him to check they weren't alone and we met Whitestorm. After Rusty meets them they walk to thunderclans camp and rusty learns that he to not show weakness. They get to camp and rusty learns to recognize smell of cat. When Bluestar tells the clan Rusty was joining them he was challenged by Longtail. They fought during it rusty lost his collar and got his name. After that Ravenpaw says that Redtail was dead.
Chpt. 4-We're showed the way the clan treats their dead. We are told a bit about Starclan. We are also showed that some cats don't think Firestar will make a good warrior since he wasn't clan born.
Chpt. 5-We're showed Thunderclans border, 4 trees, the thunderpath sunningrocks, and snakerocks. We also learn how gatherings work. We are shown how Tigerclaw treats Ravenpaw. We are shown Firepaw's first time hunting
Chpt. 7 Firepaw meets yellowfang and they fight. He also hunts for her even though he knew he was breaking the warrior code. At the a patrol cought them.
Chpt. 8 After the patrol catches them we learn that yellowfang use to be shadowclan's medicine cat. When they get back to camp bluestar shares some news and we learn that Shadowclan drove windclan out of their territory. She also says she is taking firepaw as her apprentice and his punishment for breaking the code is for him to take care of yellowfang.
Chpt. 9 Firepaw takes care of yellowfang and she gets angry at some kits Firepsw ask why and she says bad things happen to kits when they are around her by going to get some herbs from spottedfur. Spottedfur and Firepaw had a moment when he was waiting for her to get the herbs for him. Firepaw notice everyone getting ready incase Shadowclan attacks After that he goes out and hunt for some prey with Graypaw and Ravenpaw.
Chpt. 10 The chapter begins with Firepaw talking to Yellowfang. Bluestar tells him he'll be going with Graypaw, Ravenpaw, and Tigerclaw to do a hunting assessment. Well hunting Fiepaw meets his old kitty pet friend smudge by accidentally attacking him, but stop when he recognized him and then talk to him.
Chpt. 11 When Firepaw and them get back to camp Bluestar wants to talk to Firepaw after Tigerclaw telling her about smudge. She ask him if he wanted to return to being a kittypet, but Firepaw tells her he doesn't want to go back to being a kittypet and that he likes being a clan cat. She also tells him that Tigerclaw was impressed by him. Which made me laugh. She also tells him that he, graypaw, and Ravenpaw that they were going to the gathering.
Chpt. 12 We see that the thunderclan cats have made it to the gathering. We seen the leaders of each clam.At the gathering Brokenstar told the clans he drove windclan out because they didn't want to share pray with the. We also hear Ravenpaw talk about the battle where Redtail died, but Firepaw notice Tigerclaw was looking at Ravenpaw and that Ravenpaw said Redtail killed Oakheart even though when he told thunder clan it was Oakheart who killed Redtail. Brokenstar also accused Yellowfang of harming kits and at the end Firepas rans off to warn yellowfang.
Chpt. 13 We begin with Firepaw trying to get yellowfang to leave, so the cats from the gathering don't attack her, but she said she'll stay. Bluestar tells the clan not to worry about yellowfang and get ready incase Shadowclan attacks the camp. She also says she'll be going to Moonstones to ask Starclan for guidance. We learn that apprentices go there at least once before being a warrior and she chose Firepaw Ravenpaw and Graypaw. Firepaw gets herbs from spottedleaf for the trip and Firepaw and her have a moment. After that Sandpaw wishes them good luck and was nice to Firepaw for the first time.
Chpt. 14 Bluestar Firepaw Ravenpaw Graypaw and tigerpaw head for moonstone. After going threw windclan territory and a thunderpath they made it there.
Chpt. 15 When they get there Bluestar tells Ravenpaw and Graypaw to guard the entrance and telling Firepaw and Tigerclaw to come with her into it. As they go in it there was complete darkness, but the there was the sliver moon light and Bluestar touch moonstone. She wakes up and says they need to get to camp immediately.
Chpt. 16 As they raced to camp they run into a loner named barley and he told them to go a different way since some dogs were lose and so they went but they run into a horde of rats sadly Bluestar lost her 5th life. After Firepaw wrapped Bluestar's wound they keep on heading back to camp.
Chpt. 17. When they get to the camp there was a battle going on with Shadowclan. During the battle Firepaw saw that the Deputy of Shadowclan was trying to steal the kits. Firepaw noticed that Yellowfang was protecting the kits. Sadly at the end of the battle Lionheart died and Bluestar named Tigerclaw her deputy and Firepaw heard Ravenpaw said that Tigerclaw 'Took care of Redtail'
Chpt. 18 After the battle Firepaw went to check on Yellowfang and asking her if she missed Shadowclan she said yes, but the old Shadowclan before Brokenstar. Firepaw overheard Tigerclaw talking to Darkstripe and accusing Ravenpaw of the attack on Thinderclan.
Chpt. 20 In this chapter After hearing where Tigerclaw sent Ravenpaw for hunting Firepaw told him to tell Bliestar. Ravenpaw told Firepaw that Tigerclaw killed Redtail instead of Oakheart and ask Firepaw not to tell Bluestar. Later Bluestar tells Firepaw that she only has 2 lives left not 4 and not to tell anyone. Then a Shadowclan cat stole some new kits and killed Spottedleaf and almost everyone thinks that it was Yellowfang.
Chpt. 21 Right after that Bluestar ask Firepaw to go and find Yellowfang and see if she is guilty. After seeing that Tigerclaw was convincing the clan that Ravenpaw was a traitor Firepaw decided to get Ravenpaw out of the clan before he went to find Yellowfang and telling him he'll lie to the clan saying that he died for the clan.
Chpt. 22 After heading back from where they left Ravenpaw. They followed Yellowfang's sent and when they ran into her she told them that she didn't take kits and when Firepaw and Graypaw told her about spottedleaf she was shocked. She tells them that Brokenstar makes kits train to be warriors before they were 6 years old. She also told them that the reason she was kicked out of Shadowclan because she found out that Brokenstar killed kits while training them and blamed Yellowfang for the kits' deaths.
Chpt. 23 Firepaw told Yellowfang he would convince a patrol from Thunderclan to help them to rescue the kits and Yellowfang tells him and Graypaw she'll get some cats who hate Brokenstar to help them. After getting the cats Yellowfang comes up with a plan to rescue the kits by having the cats she knew to trick Brokenstar thar they captured her and she'll singal the thunderclan patrol to attack.
Chpt. 24 After Yellowfang signaled the Thinderclan cats attacked fighting Brokenstar. During the fight Brokenstar confessed to killing Raggedstar. After finding the kits Whitestorm asked Yellowfang if she wanted to stay with Shadowclan, but Yellowfang wanted to go back to Thunderclan to become the new thunderclan medicine cat.
Chpt. 25 After coming back to the thunderclan camp with the kits Bluestar said thank them for rescuing the kits. He tells them about kicking Brokenstar out of Shadowclan and that he lied saying that a Shadowclan patrol killed Ravenpaw and a the cats that were in the attack except Yellowfang didn't questioned Firepaw about it. At the end Bluestar make him and Graypaw warriors and giving them their new names Graystripe and Fireheart and Tigerclaw threatens Fireheart
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pottergotwholocked · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
I love Grace in this new season. She's like "i still want to be together, but without being married, or living together, or hanging out constantly"
"him being in prison has made our relationship so much better" lol sure.
14 notes • Posted 2021-08-14 01:53:55 GMT
light in the mist thoughts so far, halfway through.
this was in the preview, but snowtuft getting his neck snapped :( i wish he would have lived somehow
i really like the dark forest cats that are being featured here, it feels like they actually have a personality (however small) thats not just "works for ashfur. was a terrible cat"
The 3 cats trying to posses bristlefrost is hilarious. It 100% feels like some kinda playground rumor
I really like the idea of getting the dark forest cats on their side just by telling them the truth, like they don't deserve to disappear entirely, even if they did bad things
Neddletail!! I love that she shows up through the barrier, i miss her.
Shadowsight literally crawls out of hell to warn the clans that everything is going be destroyed, including starclan, and their first response is "eh, we don't need them anyways"
like i get that it is a stressful situation and lots of cats have died, but almost all the leaders just resigning the trapped cats to death is awful. They might be dead, but they deserve peace, just like you would if you were dead.
FIRESTAR! ok i genuinely didn't see this coming, how did he leave starclan?I i love his sass thoughout this part though, he feels like a tired old dad that is done with all the shenanigans
Firestar killing Darkstripe by breaking his neck was such a good and dramatic scene. Like all that pent up hatred for him throughout the years in one place
so freaking glad that mistystar is on this rescue mission, please let her die. plus it would be a great plot for the next book about riverclan
graystripes gonna die isn't he...
16 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 18:56:11 GMT
my zukka week story is finally up! day 7 still counts as being on time right xD
Part one for now, but part 2 will be up soon-ish. It's about Sokka dealing with permanent pain in his leg after he broke it in the months after the comet. let me know what you think!
20 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 23:42:54 GMT
dan and phil stop referencing cursed fanfics challenge
22 notes • Posted 2021-02-21 21:57:05 GMT
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in wake of today’s content, i would just like to remind people that 2022 is next year...
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