#did you see how gloriously I censored that shit.
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iceclew · 9 months ago
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I'm cracking up so much right now like....I really did it, wtf XD
First I wanted to go like "this is not my fault, this is @mechazushi's idea", but to be honest.. I had so much fcking fun with this.. ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )
The idea is just *glorious* and so fcking stupid, it's perfect again.. https://www.tumblr.com/mechazushi/754110618707066880/so-this-isnt-so-much-an-incorrect-quotes
So this was her original post, the idea sprouting, so to say :D
Credit on your brain rot, it's hilarious @mechazushi :D
The less I get done in RL - the more creative I get, it's such a horrible curse..
Should I do a split up version of this as well, I wonder..? Like..all of them in seperate pics? (¯―¯ ٥)
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taronfanfic · 7 years ago
Chapter 3
Where to start with a brand new blog is such an open-ended decision for someone as indecisive as me to make. So I’m not going to have a start. No back-story, no ‘these are my aims’, nothing. You’ll pick the basics up along the way so all I’m going to say is that I’m currently sat in Central Park and it’s gloriously sunny today. Jet lag is a bitch and I’ve been up since 5am but on the plus side I’ve seen a plethora of adorable dogs going for morning walks and an even better looking array of New York’s dog owning men. Win!
I suppose I should thank my travelling companion, David (not his real name because he’d put me on the next flight home if I did that!), for letting me tag along and see the world. He won’t be featuring much in the tourist side of this trip because he’s one of those fortunate bastards who get to travel the world and call it ‘work’. I on the other hand ditched my job last week and plan on running my savings into my overdraft and beyond. So David, when you read this later on, expect me to be asking for a loan imminently…
We’d joked about this blog being the things you don’t see on TripAdvisor, but I’m totally going to go there. No one ever posts a review about the comfort of the sofa in a 5 star hotel suite but I can let you all know that I was pleasantly surprised. Perfect length, could have done with a bit of extra width but that’s probably more noticeable when you’re lying facing David, lording it up in his king sized bed. Nope, not jealous in the slightest. I also totally stole his pillow chocolate and then denied all knowledge of there ever being two in the first place. Sorry, not sorry, but I was still ravenous even after the burger I demolished last night.
Oh my days there’s a French bulldog puppy… THERE’S TWO! Right this is me signing off to go and see if I can adopt a dog for the rest of my stay in NY. (That’s a terrible idea because I won’t be able to say goodbye when we fly down to LA, but David told me to say ‘fuck it!’ in life and go for it, so this one’s on him. Ha!)
I was thinking about signing off with my bank balance so you can watch it diminish with me, but that would get too depressing too quickly, so instead I’m going to stick with part of my blog tagline.
Below Average Dancing Queen (BADQ for short) X
“I bloody love this already!” Taron exclaimed as you showed him your first draft attempt over lunch.
“You don’t mind being mentioned?”
“No, it’s cool. Just don’t put in any details about what my work involves and I’m happy to stay as the mysterious travel companion.” He smiled as he passed your phone back to you.
“Good… I’m going to have to watch what I write about you if you’ll be reading this. No moaning about when you’ve left the bathroom in a state!” You joked.
“Hey, I can be tidy when I need to be! … Don’t censor yourself on my account though. If you want to show me any of it then great, but this is like an extension to your journal and I wouldn’t go reading that so I’m happy to leave you to it. Your blog, your experiences.”
“It was your idea though, so as long as you’re sure?”
“Y/N, it’s fine. I trust you. This is your thing now and it’s going to be great!”
“Thanks, T.”
“You’ve not called me that for years!” He beamed before taking a sip of his drink and you found yourself blushing slightly.
“It’s been years since we’ve spent this much time together.”
“I know, it’s nice though. I like having you around. It was making me reminisce this morning about how you’ve kind of drifted in and out of my life over the years, reminding me of when I first got together with Jessica and it was a bit like two for the price of one because I got an old friend back too.”
“I was wondering where you were going with the two for the price of one thing there! Could have been dodgy!”
“Cheeky threesome.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“In your dreams!”
“Oh there have been many!” He looked down to his watch. “I can’t stay for too much longer I’m afraid, my meetings start again in 10 minutes so I’ll see you back in the hotel later.” Taron stood up and placed a quick kiss to your cheek on his way out of the café. “Don’t go adopting any dogs this afternoon!” You laughed to yourself as you unlocked your phone and posted your first blog post. It was a weird feeling setting something like that free for potentially the whole world to see. Realistically a handful of strangers would stumble upon it if you were lucky but blogging fame wasn’t exactly your aim. It was just nice to have somewhere to keep your memories and photos together; and somewhere to bash out your conflicting feelings about how seriously you should be taking Taron’s flirting, especially now you knew he wouldn’t be reading it.
You spent a few hours walking the streets of New York and taking in some of the main tourist attractions. With the rest of the week ahead of you there was no need to rush so when a wave of tiredness hit you trudged back to the hotel and crashed out on the sofa for a quick nap. It wasn’t the alarm on your phone that woke you, but the feel of a blanket being placed over your body.
“Shit, sorry.” Taron whispered from above you as you sleepily opened your eyes. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“What time is it?”
“Urgh, ok. I shouldn’t sleep anymore else I won’t be tired later.” You groaned as you sat up and stretched out your arms and legs.
“You also should have slept in the bed, it’s way more comfortable… I’m going to insist on it later.”
“I’m fine.”
“So you keep saying, but I’ve never known anyone turn down a cosy spooning opportunity…” Taron replied as he turned away from you, not giving you chance to take in his expression and see if he was kidding or not. “When was your last time?”
“Spooning?” You questioned back sleepily as your mind ticked over and wondered if he was really asking about sex instead.
“Yes, spooning. Wake up, princess!”
“Hey!” You gave him your best grumpy pout as he sat back in the centre of his bed. “It’s been a while…”
“Like 6 months?”
“Is that what you count as a while?”
“Longer!? A year?” Taron questioned in surprise.
“Getting nearer…”
“What!? I told you I’ve been living under a depressing rock in Aber for way too long, I don’t know what you expect!”
“No, no. I didn’t mean it like it was a bad thing, I’m just surprised that’s all. I kinda figured you’d been on your way to being settled with someone and then it didn’t work out, hence the stuck-at-home-ness.”
“I wish! Even with the not working out part...”
“Well the men of Aber have been letting the side down leaving you on your own for so long! It’s a good job I’m here to wine you, dine you and then bring you back for a cheeky little spoon later!”
“You’re obsessed!”
“I sleep better with someone to cuddle.” Taron replied innocently. “It’ll be nice. Nothing more than that, I promise!”
“Hummm.” You didn’t give him a definite answer either way as you got to your feet and made your way to the shower. “We’ll see.”
@egerton-sweetie @amanda-tallmadge @lizziespidiepridie @leanimal90 @anantheminmyheart22 @aynsleywalker @bohemianrhapsody86
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