#did you drunkenly cry in the tub after she broke up with you??
psychoticgirl · 3 years
ferrific replied to your post: “Loki on his knees in front of Sif...”
Whatever else gets tossed our way by the show (and honestly I’m not feeling mobiusxloki but actively nope out of LokixSylvie) THEY GAVE US THE FIRST NEW SIFKI CONTENT IN SEVEN YEARS AND SEVEN MONTHS
@ferrific lmaooo not that we’ve been counting but my crops are watered my skin is clear I can live off this for another 7 years thank yoooouuu
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svnflowervol666 · 5 years
Before You Go (Harry Styles x fem!Reader)
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Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: angst
Author’s Note: This was based on a request to write a bit about Harry based on the song Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi! I switched up the context a bit to give it a happy ending like the anon requested, but I hope you all still enjoy regardless. This was a ton of fun for me to write, so thank you anon for sending it my way! Let me know what you all would like to see next from me! Take care and tpwk.
The night before Harry left for tour was meant to be a peaceful night in with his girl. They were supposed to enjoy a home-cooked meal that they prepared together and spend the rest of the evening loving on each other before Harry left for his three-month-long tour. Somewhere along the line, an argument had broken out and it escalated to the point where they were both shouting some of the nastiest and most heartbreaking things to each other that they’d regretted as soon as the words left their mouth. They said things that would take a long time to forgive each other for, and it did. Both Harry and Y/N went to bed without saying “I love you,” something that they swore a thousand times to never do.
In the morning, she didn’t even bother telling him goodbye. Harry was made to see himself out on his own while she refused to even acknowledge his presence at their bedroom door when he was telling her he had to leave for the airport. His heart never truly stopped hurting. He texted her every once in a while just to let her know he had made it to whichever city he was headed to. She always opened them immediately, so he knew she was at least eager to hear of his safe travels. Each night, at exactly 10pm London time where their shared home was, she’d receive a call from Harry. He wanted to talk to her, but she never answered. Harry figured out after the fourth or fifth call that he’d inevitably end up talking to a voicemail machine instead of his lover (if that’s what she even considered herself to be anymore), but he did it anyway. Every nightly voicemail consisted of Harry telling Y/N about his day and about how he was sorry for the things that he said that night and how he wished she’d at least pick up the phone so he could hear her voice. She never did. And that broke Harry even more.
From her end, she’d spent the first few weeks without Harry wallowing in her own sorrows. No one saw her aside from her closest friend who had to force her out of bed and make her take a shower and eat a real meal that wasn’t popcorn and an entire bottle of wine. It felt like a breakup, but she knew it wasn’t. At least she hoped it wasn’t. It was clear from Harry’s nightly voicemails that he still cared about her and wanted to sort through all that was said the night before he left, but she just couldn’t find it in herself to pick up the phone.
She was embarrassed. The things that happened that night were things she wished she could bury and never think about for the rest of her life, but they haunted her every time she saw his name a contact photo illuminate her phone screen. Harry didn’t deserve someone who shouted at him the things that she shouted, and he certainly didn’t deserve someone that couldn’t even pick up the phone when he called to apologize and say goodnight.
More time passed. Y/N had slowly started to communicate more with Harry. Sure, it was only once every few days to let him know that she was at least doing alright, but this something was better than nothing. He still called every night and she still hadn’t found the courage to answer. It wasn’t until one particularly rough night that Harry was finally able to hear his girl’s voice after all of this time that he’d been touring the world without her.
She had had a little spa day for herself at home, treating herself to one of the expensive face masks that Harry had bought her for Valentine’s Day whilst soaking in a tub filled with her favorite bath fizzy. After letting her skin turn wrinkly and the water go lukewarm, she hopped out and reached for her favorite body butter. She worked it into her sore muscles, giving herself her own massage of some sort. When she reached the aching heel of her foot, she paused. There, faded but still visible, was the smiley face tattoo that Harry had given her when they had gotten tipsy one night during a vacation in Mexico. Harry had a matching one on the bottom of his big toe (she had drunkenly insisted that they both give each other tattoos so they looked like a proper couple). The happy memory resonated deep in her belly and made her feel sick. How could she have let their relationship come to this? How could she have just let him quite literally walk out on her without talking through their fight?
Harry’s call came like clockwork, and as expected, Y/N didn’t answer. But what Harry didn’t know was that while she normally waited until morning to listen to what he had to say to her that night, she picked up her phone immediately after getting the notification that she had a voicemail this time. His voice sounded tired and exhausted, meaning it must have been extremely late wherever he was (she cursed herself internally for forgetting where he told her he was in his last voicemail). The first half of his message was typical, letting her know how the show went and that he was sticking by his promise to drink more water while he was on the road. It was the last half of his message that stuck out to her, that made her heart shatter even more than it had when she’d seen the tattoo on the bottom of her foot.
“I know I hurt ye’ bad, but... I just....... Is there somethin’ I could have said before I left tha’ would’ve made all of this go away? Fuck, Y/N. I should have made you talk t’ me. I shouldn’t have just walked out. I’m sorry, baby. Anyways, I’m off t’ soundcheck now. I’m guessin’ you’re probably in bed too or you just don’t wanna talk t’ me still which is fine too. Good night.... I love you.”
Before she could even comprehend what she was doing, her fingers had pressed the redial button and she heard Harry’s voice in real time. She felt adrenaline course through her veins when he spoke her name through the tiny speaker of her cell phone.
“Harry,” her voice broke up through the salty, wet tears that streamed down her cheeks.
“Y/N,” Harry repeated more seriously this time, “’s everything alright? Talk t’ me.”
“I’m so sorry, Harry,” her tears flowed freely now as sobs wracked through her body and made her soul ache.
“Baby, ye’ gotta breathe. Come back t’ me, yeah? Just focus on your breathing.”
Even from halfway across the globe and in a completely different time zone, Harry was able to calm her down. Quite frankly, Harry would have done anything to hear his lover’s voice again, but this certainly wasn’t how he’d pictured she’d sound after all this time. He knew his crew was waiting on him back in the arena where he was doing a practice run of the show, but he couldn’t care less. 
“What’s goin’ on?” he asked once he heard her sobs subside into soft whimpers.
“I...,” she paused as if what she was about to tell Harry would hurt her physically.
“I need to see you. I’m ready to talk.”
She shifted uncomfortably in the airplane seat as it landed smoothly on the landing strip. Out of all of her years on this earth, she didn’t think she had ever been this nervous. The conversation she was about to have with Harry was one that was months in the making, and she had no idea how she was going to react once she finally saw him with her own two eyes instead of through posts on instagram and twitter. She had no idea how she was going to react when she was finally able to touch him again, or if he didn’t want to touch her again. The thought had crossed her mind that he might end things with her while she was out here, but she knew deep down that it was just her anxiety getting the best of her. Harry told her he loved her every night and put so much effort into letting her know that he still wanted to make things work with her, so she tried her best to hold her bearings and remain in one piece.
As the plane rolled to a halt, she realized Harry was waiting for her smack dab in the middle of the tarmac. He was bundled up in a hoodie and sweatpants and she could make out his oversized pearl necklace despite being several yards away from him. She didn’t need to be closer to him to see that he looked tired and unlike the way he did when he smiled and pranced about on stage each night. Maybe he had been taking this fight just as harshly as she was.
Y/N felt her heart beat in her ears as the steps automatically lowered themselves onto the ground to allow her to exit the plane. The cool air hit her in the face as she made her way down with her small suitcase filled with enough clothes for a few days in tow. Harry was looking directly at her as she descended the plane, but she couldn’t do the same. It wasn’t until she standing right in front of him that she lifted her head up from where she had been staring at her feet that she finally made eye contact with the green-eyed creature that she’d called her lover for years now.
Nothing was said, only a bone-crushing hug was shared between them as they reuinited. It was too windy to hear the sobs that escaped from both of their lips, but they each knew the other was crying due to the way the other’s chest heaved with each breath. They were as close as they possibly could have been. She had her head tucked into his neck while he burried his face in her hair, and they stood idle in the center of a busy airport in a foreign country. It didn’t matter to them, though. All of these weeks spent wondering how the other felt whilst being too scared to confront the other about it had whithered away into nothing. They were back with each other, and they knew they’d be alright.
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Dick Grayson x Older!reader ch 2 [2/2]
The next morning was hell for Y/n first she wakes up with a splitting headache in one of the guest rooms of Wayne manor, she felt her stomach churn trying figuring out how she gotten there...when Alfred entered the room.
"Oh miss Y/n you're awake..." the girl winced feeling her head pulse in her ears "Alfred...How did I?" the old man frowned obviously disappointed and put some clothes down for her, the h/c recognized them as Dick's "Go take a shower and meet Master Bruce downstairs, he has matters to discuss with you." Alfred said sharply the H/c swallowed hard as she went into the room's adjoining bathroom,
after getting cleaned up Y/n nervously made her way downstairs to the den where Bruce and Dick were waiting for her both were pretty tense as she appeared in the archway. Bruce motioned for her to sit on the love-seat next to Dick who was looking at anywhere else but her, While his foster father cleared his throat. 
"So, I've been told you had a rather interesting night." Bruce said jarringly keeping his sharp eyes on her, Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach as she tried to find her voice only for Bruce to speak up again. "How long?" he asked eyes narrowed the h/c shivered at his cold tone. 
"I got the fake ID from some dude, my friend Lacy..." the rave haired man frowned and put his hand up "We'll talk about that in a moment, I'm talking about Batman and Robin." Y/n blanched realizing she must've ran into one of them while she was drunk and called them by their real name.
"Oh, that...This is gonna be anti-Climatic, But I've known since I was thirteen." She said nonchalantly both Bruce and Dick both gawked at her stunned she shrugged. "You guys aren't very subtle,Robin gets a broken wrist, Dick has a broken wrist...Batman takes a cane to the face by Riddler and Bruce has a broken nose and a poorly concealed black eye."
 She pointed out with a shrug as the adoptive father and son flushed thinking they had hidden it so well. "Though... I'll give you props, I was a whisker away from reporting you to CPS before it clicked..." A long tense pause filled the air before being broken by Bruce coughing.
"Yes, I suppose that would hard to miss...have you said anything to anyone about this?" 
"And why's that?"
"It's not my business, why should I ruin your life for a few fifteen minutes of fame?"
With all that said Bruce decided to move on to a more pressing matter "Dick would you leave the room? Y/n and I have adult matters to discuss." Dick blinked and looked between his adoptive father and friend obviously confused. "Adult matters? I'm three years younger then her! what--" the h/c girl sitting next to him grabbed his hand and shot the raven haired boy a look that begged him to listen.
Dick huffed and stomped out of the room and when they were sure he was gone. Bruce gave Y/n a look a concern father could muster "Dick told me what happened with Blaine, I'm sorry Y/n..." The h/c haired girl let out a shaky breath and ran a hand through her hair.
 "I should be the one apologizing there's no excuse for-" the raven haired man wasn't having it. "It was irresponsible, but not your fault... You were heartbroken and vulnerable, which leads me to the current matter." He cleared his throat unsure of how to approach this.
"I've noticed you've been sickly the last month or so, have you and Blaine been active?" She didn't have to answer the look she was giving Bruce was enough to confirm his suspicions. "I had Alfred leave a test in the guest room..did you use it?" Y/n nodded biting her lip, unbeknownst to either of them Dick was listening in on the conversation, His mouth felt dry as the seconds ticked by in what seemed like hours, Y/n spoke up.
"It was negative." Dick felt like a huge weight had just been lifted off his back, He heard Bruce sigh in relief before speaking... "is another reason for your symptoms?" Y/n explain how it was probably PMS mixed stress from exam week and amenorrhea caused by her birth control pills, apparently it's pretty common to get the symptoms mixed up for pregnancy.
 She apologized again Bruce told her it was fine just as long that she was alright. "Also give up the ID..." Dick heard Y/n sigh and assumed she had her wallet on her. "...and the other one." Bruce huffed the h/c sucked her teeth "thank-you, Audrey Hepburn and..Judy Garland?" the billionaire questioned "Hey what can I say, I have love for the classics." Y/n joked Bruce didn't find the humor in it just hummed before letting her leave. 
Y/n and Dick were at her place watching TV occasionally the boy's eyes would wander to Y/n's lips...then down towards her chest she was wearing his black v-neck East 39 shirt and teal swim shorts, damn she looked good in his clothes....
he swallowed hard before awkwardly turning back to the TV if she moved or turned to look at him. "Dick is everything alright?" the h/c asked concerned glancing at him in her peripheral, Dick's ears turned red "Uh...it's j-just this movie gets me all the time." he stuttered trying to sound sad.
Y/n looked at him funny "We're watching Corner Gas??" she said bemused the boy looked at the screen and saw Hank baking to death in a snowsuit telling Brent how to fix an air conditioner. 
Dick felt his stomach churn what the hell was he supposed to say?! *hey...I don't want to like freak you out, but you drunkenly kissed me last night! and I want to know what was up with that?!* But told her he was still angry that she had gotten drunk and hid the fact that she knew about Batman and Robin,y/n apologized again which frustrated Dick more.
She could get in big trouble anyone ever found out that kiss he sighed, and fell back on to her bed..."Dude you're laying on my bra.." The older girl pointed out the boy yelped and rolled off her bed, Causing Y/n to giggle at his flustered face.
 before asking if he wanted to go get some pizza and two of them pretty much the day together talking and catching up on things, when it was time for Dick to go home Y/n dropped him off. "Thanks Dick." the raven haired boy leaned into the driver-side window to look at the h/c girl curiously.
"For what exactly?" he asked wondering for last night or today in general? "For being here." without thinking she leaned over to the younger teen and kissed him...Before Dick could respond Y/n recoiled and looked horrified as he gawked at her "I-.." She couldn't say anything and drove out of the manor's driveway, leaving a red face flabbergasted Dick behind. 
When she was far away from the manor the e/c eyed pullover and started slamming her head against the steering wheel. "Stupid,stupid,Stupid!.." She berated herself, Why did she do that? Y/n wanted to feel disgusted she wanted to be ashamed of herself, But she couldn't she'd been denying it for god damn long...She was in Love with Richard Grayson.
Adopted son of Bruce Wayne and boy wonder of Gotham! At first it was subtle Dick was always clingy, protective and affectionate towards her and he felt like a little brother to her! And Then one day he wasn't...she wasn't sure when it happened, maybe it was when she noticed he was getting taller or his voice was getting deeper but, at some point her feelings started changing. 
the awkward little boy she use play Mario bros. with or debate whether or not Batman could kick Iron-man's butt was growing into a very strong, determined man...
At first she felt gross and ashamed for being attracted to a boy three years her junior, So when Blaine started showing false interest in her Y/n seize to opportunity to try and make those feelings go away and for time it worked...or so she thought!
Her stomach felt like ball of prickly ice when she heard Dick was dating Zatanna, the h/c couldn't stop feeling jealous and avoided Dick when she could but being his...well nanny, not matter how much Dick insist she's his tutor.
Something always came up; Dick broke his arm on patrol and needs a scribe for homework. Alfred's on vacation or sick and someone needs to take care of the manor's up keep, there was no staying away! and now she's probably ruined their friendship! 
Y/n debated whether to go back to manor and try to apologize or just go home and cry into tub of (fav Ice-cream/froyo) she looked at the dash clock 21:42 both Batman and Robin were on patrol...So, there was no going back with a forlorn sigh Y/n started her car and went home...to wallow in her misery.
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I had to have been about 18 or 19. I know I wasn't 21 yet, and a few months prior I had gotten out of a relationship. He took me to a Red Lobster for our first date and hit on the waitress. I know that sounds like an over told cliché but, that literally happened. I laughed it off, still trying to figure him (and myself) out. He was extra lively that night and I didn't realize until later that he was stark drunk. Like, really drunk. And on other substances as well. I dated him anyways. He was tall and built and had a motorcycle. He hit on me a lot at work and I always fought off his advances, thinking he was a player and I just didn’t have time and energy for that. But, I played basketball with him and the guys at the park. I wasn't good, but they always invited me. One summer day my friend Hunter, invited me to the river with him and Billy. I brought a girl friend and we spent the day out there swimming. My friend told me it was clear both of the guys were into me. Hunter crossed a line, right in front of Billy, when he dunked me under and clearly copped a feel. I was annoyed with it. Here I was, caught in the middle of this. I decided I was going to go for one of them since I didn't have anything better to do and it had been a minute since my last breakup. I knew they were both a little on the wild side and I weighed my options before choosing Billy. I didn't particularly want to be tied down by anyone, but I wanted to try something anyways. That’s how I ended up on that date. 
I knew Billy’s stepdad personally. He was a sheriff that was contracted to my workplace and ran security. He talked to me every single night for hours while I worked. I had heard stories about Billy’s drug addict mother but he never brought it up to me, I just put two and two together. Soon, I was at Billy’s house every night and they became my adopted family. I was never really public about anything, but I would disappear and that’s where I would go. Wasn't long after that I realized Billy had an extensive drinking and substance abuse problem which I chose to ignore(!!!!!!!). I would go over to his place, hang out upstairs with Billy doing you guess what and when he would get too drunk and pass out, I would be left wide awake and alone. I would wander downstairs to grab a sprite and end up watching tv on the couch with his Dad. His dad also ran security for the school behind their house, so some nights i would take their two large English mastiff’s and run the nightly perimeter check with his Dad. We would check the doors and make sure the whole school was locked up, shoot some hoops and walk back. 
This type of thing went on for a while. I would say I was with Billy for two or maybe three months, tops. I never let Billy get too close to my family, or told many people about anything that went on. You could probably say i used him just as much as he used me. I wasn't big into labels, they intimidated me. Plus, nothing was permanent and neither was I. I killed some time, used the hot tub at his house, and put up with the rug burns on my back from the pool table. It was good when it was good, but when it was bad, it was bad. A lot of times, he didn't know when to stop in many ways and would get completely incoherent, uncontrollable and unreasonable. He was very tall and heavy, and oftentimes, I just couldn’t wrangle him when he was like that. You cant reason with someone who doesn't have the mental capacity to think straight because they are under the effect of the drugs and alcohol. He was unstable all the time. I never knew which Billy I would get and it kept me on edge all the time. One night he picked me up and I could tell as soon as we started driving, he was under the influence. He swerved and his eyes were closing as he drove but he wouldn't pull over and let me drive. I begged him to and started to panic, wondering if I should tumble out at the next stop sign. Reluctantly he eventually let me take over. I ran to the drivers side and had to pull him out but he was so heavy. I climbed into the drivers seat and adjusted the seat and mirrors while he drooled and passed out in the passenger seat.  He drove a big Tahoe and at the time I didn’t even have a car, so I wasn’t used to it. It felt like driving a large bus around and I felt so tiny I had to scoot the seat all the way up. I slowly drove him home and he couldn’t even get into the house and upstairs. That’s when his problem started getting really bad. I worried what other danger he might put me in and not tell me.
One time, I did almost the worst thing you could do to a motocycle. I dropped it. He left me standing there with it while he went inside and when he came out it was lying on the ground with a scratch mark on the side. It was incredibly heavy but he was so pissed off it didn’t matter. We really hadn’t been dating long but he took me back to his hometown to visit his birth father and the rest of his family. I remember thinking how odd it was. We weren’t serious and it felt like I was being paraded in to be judged or something. It’s okay, I was judging his dad and family too.
Of course, we all have our own history and he broke down and told me about his longtime girlfriend before me. She lived with them and was pregnant. Ended up losing the baby far into term. I had a suspicion that it was lost to drug use. But I wasn’t sure. I found a photo of her once, clearly very pregnant. She was shorter than me and blonde and covered in fake tan, I think. We had simularities but we weren’t the same style at all. It seemed to really effect him. I felt sorry for him. I empathized too much. I saw people’s backstories and allowed it to influence me.
We got into a lot of fights. I knew how to pick my battles with him. I would put up with whatever I had to until he was sane enough to think logically. A lot of the time, I just couldn’t get through to him. He was a recluse and didn’t hang out much with people. One time we were invited to one of Hunter’s house parties. I was having fun but Billy was getting more and more tanked into oblivion. He started acting weird with me and yelling at me to go outside so I did. He began to yell at me on the front porch and cause a scene. He told me he knew what was going on. That there was something going on between Hunter and I. He was trashed but trying to get into his Tahoe and drive away. Hunter came out and tried to fix things but he just made it much, much worse. It was like arguing at a brick wall. It didn't get you anywhere. I’m ashamed to say he made me leave the party with him and drove me home drunk. When we got to his place, we continued to argue and I knew there was no resolving it until he was sober (if ever he would be). I don't know what I ever thought would come from this. 
We went to have a game night at a friends house one night. He got drunk and i was afraid he would embarrass me there. Which he did. He went outside for some “air” (he didn't smoke). I walked up behind him while he was sitting on the back porch steps and saw that his phone was open and he was messaging someone. “Not much baby what are you doing”. I questioned him about it and he told me it was his little cousin. This man must think I'm a goddamn fool, I thought. Like, he’s actually saying this and thinking I'll believe it. So i let him think i believed it until could safely cut it off - which was never. Anyways, I eventually got my point across. And then he retaliated. He showed up drunk at my place. Banging on the front door and unfortunately, my mom opened up when I told her not to. My mom had never seen or talked to him before, I kept it that way on purpose. After a couple seconds my mom figured out he was w a s t e d. He was crying and apologizing and humiliating himself. He told my mom he would marry me and got down on one knee. It makes me both sad, and laugh thinking about it now. Sad because i feel bad for him, laugh because of how stupid it was. But it was also one of the most embarrassing moments of my entire life. I never wanted my mom to know I had dated him. He begged me to come back with him and she chased him out with a bloody broom. He drunkenly drove off before she called the cops, but not before I took one look at her and got in the Tahoe with him. I guess, I did it because i was embarrassed and couldn't stand to have the conversation with my mom that would follow what she just saw. I would rather have died. I kept my mom out of most of my life, I wasn't about to have that can of worms opened up now. He didn't make it far. We argued and yelled and he swerved and pulled over in the front yard of his friends house.
His friend was older and dating my sister who was living with him at the time. He was pretty responsible and owned a house. Right after this escapade, I ended up moving in with them and renting a room, I also got a car and my shit together. Except that following me moving in, I ended up having to kick his ass for beating up my sister in a domestic dispute I barged in on when I broke in through a window. I wrote about on my old blog. But that's a whole other story. Anyways, we pulled into the house and I ran out of the car and towards the house before Billy could stop me. His friend came out and physically stopped him before he could follow me. He was a big guy though and out of control at this point, so two people from next door came out and held him back. I was so humiliated that night. I couldn't even go home. I crashed at their house once Billy was under control and escorted out. Billy met me a few days later to talk. He was sober at this time. We sat there in awkward silence with each other until he began to tell me there was no way in hell we could ever be together. He told me we both knew how this was going to end. He said I was too good for him and that he was trash and I would go on to do big things and that he only held me back. Yeah, I cried. Because I couldn't fix him. I was in the midst of trying to figure my own issues out and getting lost in fixing another so I didn't have to deal with my own, but I didn't know it didn't work that way. You cant do that. You can only fix yourself. And I got a feeling his closet of issues wasn't going to be opened and addressed anytime soon. 
His step dad never brought it up to me. I was happy that he never discussed it when he was security at my work. I didn't want to talk about it, but told me I was too good for Billy and he pushed me back into school. Some things never change. I still ran into Billy at work on occasion. But I avoided him. I heard he was even more of an alcoholic and eventually might have gotten a DUI. He would go out to his car and shotgun warm beers to keep his buzz all day. One day he approached me in the cooler at work when i asked him to move a large box for me. He made a comment about my boobs and i could tell he was fucked up. He asked for a hug and i told him no. I told him I was going back to Arizona and he laughed and told me I didn’t have a reason to. I didn't react. I already had the plane ticket booked. He didn’t know me at all, he didn't know anything about me. I just walked away. But later I went to the bathroom and cried. That's where Ben found me. I had just gotten done crying and decided that would never happen again. I would flip my script. I told Ben a little about what happened with Billy, but I filtered it all and left specific things out of the story.
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