#did u like his pun alm.  Did u like it
arcstral · 4 years
               The animated bustle of the kissing booth square fell curiously in line with a marketplace. Down to the unknown throngs of people coming and going, loitering as they pleased or diving in wholeheartedly for their coveted selection of ‘wares’. The situation was enough to drive any full or partial introvert to reclusion. It is why the lord could not be more pleased when a familiar face finally rolls along, soothing the frayed medley of his nerves by their presence alone.
               "Ah! Hello, Lord Alm,” Marth greets sweetly, perhaps a hair too transparent in the realm of his gratitude at sighting someone he knew. A Valentian was no Archanean, but with none else to reach any closer, they may as well have been litter mates displaced only by a sea. “Have you come to investigate the commotion? Well.. I do suppose you’ve come for more than that, having made your stop here. I cannot reasonably refuse you.” An abashed set of the mouth betrays his slight embarrassment, though Marth quickly brushes it aside.
               As he rose from his chair with nary a grate of its legs, the graceful strides of his advancement towards the king may have already revealed his mind. His fingers took a light and butterfly hold of the Valentian’s fingers, hoisting them to his lips with the same delicacy as he might employ when laying a kiss across the knuckles of his imperial princess. Though of course, Alm was not Nyna, and such a difference marked his rare jest afterward. “I consider you a deeply respected friend, my lord. This is precisely why I cannot send you away, empty of.. Hand.” 
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wyvern-dork · 7 years
So I finished Echoes
Small things I enjoyed: *The voice acting is so impressive I love listening to it *The art is G O R G E O U S *The cutscenes hold such quality I’m stunned *The Whitewings (I’m sorry the rest of Celica’s gang you get like no EXP) *The Examine option? Alm and Celica saying cute things and bad puns and hi yes what more do I need? *That the battle animations zoom in into the environment so accurately and that the sharp parts on the units weapons cut the grasss it touchesand when it’s cold their breath steams oh my gosh *That pegasi can stand on top of castle walls and attack those below (finally) *That you can explore ancient dungeons and smash some boxes and find bread that has possibly been lying there since the beginning of time and you can just... feed it to your units. No biggie. Have some bread, Saber *The supports between the Whitewings? Catria and Est? I’m dying? *Berkut’s first cutscene? THAT IS HOW YOU INTRODUCE A VILLAIN OH MY GOOD LORD *The blacksmith is a dirty muscular lady and I kind of fainted when I first saw her because holy shiet (a generic character being a woman just doing her job and being amazing without floating around all flirtily - sign me UP for that) *The soundtrack in general is amazing, I can have “A Song for Bygone Days” on infinity repeat for days dangit and THE OPERA like I usually listen to O Fortuna and I find opera so DAMN SATISYING to listen to so uhm yes this is my jam *That the music doesn’t change from the Final Battle Music to the ordinary battle theme when you engage an enemy, it just flows on, seamlessly *That when there’s the final battle, the unit’s final speeches (I’m so weak for these to begin with) appear when you pick them for an action for the first time during that battle - makes their speeches like twice as impactful. Like I obviously choose to mow down the enemies with Palla, and then she gives her speech of determination and I’m melting
Small things I didn’t enjoy as much:  *Minerva wasn’t there--  Ahem, seriously though, I did miss having axe units, but it wasn’t a big deal at all. Surprisingly fun to not abuse axes like I normally do. *Clerics with Extreme Sway-Backs(TM) *Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nothing else that’s it bye
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