#did the flu do something to my skills how did it skyrocket
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drh-j3kyll · 2 months ago
Bro is NOT playing chess 💀💀
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I was dying with the flu when making this sorry if it's messy 🤩
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da-at-ass · 5 years ago
What the trans people are going through right now that’s different
I want to share a trans person’s perspective on enduring an international concurrent social, political, and medical crisis. This isn’t for any reason other than the fact that I’m a trans man who switched testosterone types in the middle of this whole crisis, and I realized that very fact has been impacting me in ways I never expected. So, I’m sharing one aspect of being trans during the quarantine.
By the way, this is my experience as a trans man, and a lot of other trans people experience being trans differently than I do. Feel free to reblog with your experiences, no matter whether you identify as trans or not.
I identified as cis once.
I switched testosterone types--this means for me that I went from injections to a topical gel. There are a lot of different types of testosterone and I don’t understand them all--for the most part, I think that trans men typically only take testosterone, and I don’t know what the exceptions might be. It’s actually very scary, the mystery, because when I found out I couldn’t inject anymore, I didn’t know what to do.
I couldn’t inject anymore because of two factors:
1: I’d started a series of allergy shots in February that lasts a year, with two shots every other day of antiallergens of increasing dosages. If that sounds like a cross between some sort of mutant serum and an increasing immunity to iocaine powder, you are correct good sir. I have been experiencing basically a needle a day since February and that wouldn’t be too bad, since they’re like diabetic shots or flu shots, rather quick and inconsequential very tiny needles that only go skin deep, and my partner can administer them.
No, the problem is, since 2016 I’ve been administering testosterone injections to myself and--oh, I’m sorry, did I not give a needle trigger warning? Yeah, here’s number 2 ahead of time--
2: Coronavirus happened in the middle of those allergy shots and skyrocketed my medical trauma, and life hasn’t been carrying trigger warnings, guys, and I’ve basically had to learn new coping skills to deal with it.
So yeah anyway, my testosterone injections are intramuscular. which means a 1 inch needle. Oh wait, did you know they can run out of those at the pharmacy? If they do, then I have to use a 1 and a half inch needle or a 1 and a quarter inch needle, and try to poke it only 1 inch into my leg or just.... you know, go all the way in, it’s my choice.
Except I can’t look at it while I’m doing it, and I stopped being able to keep my hand steady two months ago. I stopped being able to poke the needle into my own skin a month ago. The reason is, well.... as a trans person, I’m injecting a testosterone-oil substance that has to go intramuscular and absorb over the course of 2 weeks, so I inject a 2 week supply at once, at the instruction of my doctor. It absorbs into my body over the course of 2 weeks. It leaves a big lump in my thigh, since I injected into my thigh. I’d alternate legs, and alternate areas of the thigh, because you can’t re-use the same spots week after week. Your muscle tissue won’t like it and it’ll stop absorbing,. and it also gets tender, so you have to keep moving it around.
Of course, I have PTSD about sharp needles... from something way in my past. I didn’t know how bad it was until the combo of all the constant allergy shots and the huge medical crisis constantly waging on media and whenever I leave the house. I just stopped being able to poke the needle in a month ago. I couldn’t do it to myself anymore. Testosterone makes me feel complete in a way I didn’t before, but I couldn’t put a needle in me because it felt like self harm because the trauma got that bad. So I stopped.
And I asked my doctor to prescribe me a topical gel.
And so basically I had to reset my body’s way of absorbing testoserone in the middle of COVID... and then JK Rowling had to tweet about trans people yesterday.
So that’s what it’s been like.
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chippyskylark · 5 years ago
get to know: chippington ‘chip’ skylark the third. 
chip skylark finds himself the third of his name. his grandmother lifts the small child into her arms, cooing that she loves her little chippy to the moon and back. she’s the first in the family to call him chip, and the name sticks better than junior or chippington does. he knows his grandfather and father wish he’d just ride out chippington like they did, but honestly it gets too confusing and chip has always felt way more like him. only his grandma and mom can call him chippy though, and he blushes every time. 
he comes from a line of musically inclined men. his grandfather, the first chippington skylark, found himself the frontman of a joropo band back in his home of venezuela. chippington skylark and the noah’s arkestra found themselves playing any bar or party that would allow them, and soon they rose to popularity in caracas, and even went on to play shows in the second home of joropa (colombia) and other countries and cities in the region. chippington the second would expand on his father’s budding fame, finding himself popular on the latin charts for adopting the sounds of salsa as that became popular. chip falls in love with the music of his grandfather, finds comfort in the strum of the guitar and the folk tales he weaves with his lyrics. chip is even more amazed by his father, the master performer. he’s inspired by the way a band of horns and percussion can fill the room with such lively music, as his father sings songs of love and lust all while looking charming as ever in the process. it’s decided before chip can even properly learn how to form his own sentences that he would be a man of the music as well. 
chip doesn’t mind that his life was laid out for him already, not really. he loves music, finds himself beating the timbale and shaking a pandeiro anytime he accompanies his dad to work. chip’s only real concern is what path would he follow? his grandfather and father had already accomplished so much, who could he possibly be if not stuck in their shadow? in his younger years, he had no real answer for this question. just knows that he loves the stage. 
chip primarily stayed with his mother in new jersey. she thought it best to keep him from the hectic lifestyle his father lead, urging that he should be allowed a normal life and childhood. chip, however, had other plans. he was only eight years old when he first hit the stage. it was a local talent show and he’d begged and pleaded with his mother to let him sing; she finally gave in and he performed ahora te puedes marchar. along with singing the upbeat luis miguel song, chip had also done his best to choreograph a little dance to go along with his performance. the audience loved him, eating up his floppy hair and bright smile almost as much as they were awed by his talent. 
chip’s life became nonstop performing since that moment. entering any talent showcase he could find, hoping to continue to impress crowds and make everyone dance and fall in love with him and the music he sang. his father couldn’t be more pleased with how well every audience received his son’s gifts. if you dig on the internet enough you can find a few videos of a little chip joining his father onstage to sing and dance his father’s famed music with him. don’t play it in front of him though, he’ll look away and blush the second you start going ‘awwwww’. 
chip begins to incorporate more american pop songs in his showcase entries. it makes sense, it’s the music everyone around him listens to and as much as audiences love watching him dance bachata and salsa they seem to connect with his performances better when it’s in a language they can understand. he has no negative feelings about it, even to this day. he has no negative feelings about most things, his words and thoughts drowning in positivity and optimism because he prefers to look at the brighter side of all things. 
he’s thirteen when he gets discovered by a label executive. the initial meeting for the board of executives of his future label was the most nerve wracking experience of chip’s life at that point. chip knows he can wow an audience, it’s the one thing he knows for sure he’s good at. but something about this initial meeting deciding his fate makes his stomach turn. he’s sure he’s going to be sick before it, afraid that he’s going to puke the entire time he rides up to the top floor in the elevator. chip gets through it though, showing off every skill in his arsenal: he’s singing, he’s dancing, he’s playing guitar, he’s interacting with faces in the room, he’s switching between languages easily, and he’s working that smile. 
it goes without saying that the label is impressed and chip gets signed almost immediately. everything else from then on moves pretty quickly for him. he focuses almost all his energy on recording an album as quickly as he can. songs are presented to him daily, and he’s given a team focused with constructing an image for him. he never strays from what’s put before him, even if he’d want to sing a different song than the one he learned the day before, or if he’s not sure he wants to do this particular piece of choreography. chip is honestly just so happy for the opportunity he hardly bats an eye. 
his rise to fame is just as fast and hard to wrap his head around. he would never call himself an overnight sensation, too many years of long hard work went into it, but that’s what the news anchors call him. his first single debuts on the bubbling under of the hot 100, but after significant radio push and some televised appearances it skyrockets to the top ten of the billboard charts. seemingly out of nowhere he’s music’s newest obsession and he couldn’t be more excited. he goes from singing at neighbor’s birthday parties to mall tours and sold out venues. his parents pull him out of school and set him up with a tutor, and well, the rest of his childhood dies right along with that decision. 
he’s a pop phenomenon and he, at first, couldn’t be happier. his first album goes multi platinum and he performs at almost every award show you could think of. hell, there’s even people walking around wearing the same stupid red hat and hoodie combo his team made his signature look. but the being followed by paparazzi and chased by fans starts to become a little too much to handle a little too soon. he won’t complain though, he’s doing what he loves. 
chip still loves performing and singing, but his label has complete control of every aspect of his image and sound. and while that was cool when he was a teen, he’s desperate for some more control and creative (and financial) freedom. 
he’s not mad at the teeny bopper image he’s cultivated. where most people would try to distance themselves from the type of music he made early in his career he never openly rips on it, even in his adulthood. while it’s not the music he’d want to make now, he knows that music is important to his fans. just because something isn’t his favorite doesn’t mean he’s going to ruin it for someone else, he’d never disappoint someone like that. 
chronic people pleaser!!!! he literally can not function or cope with the knowledge that something he did could be upsetting someone else. even if the task you give him comes at great personal sacrifice to him, he’ll do it with a smile. He just wants everyone to be happy, even if right now, he’s not the happiest. 
Now that he’s a grown man he’s struggling with what’s his next move musically. He’s already done something no one else with the skylark name has been able to do: break american radio, and his grandfather and father couldn’t be more proud of his success. but he finds himself yearning for the freedom and maturity their music possesses. he’s certain he still wants to make pop music at this point, he’s just struggling with how to make it more adult and what new things he can experiment with. 
Re-released his first and second album with some of the more popular songs stripped down and sung in spanish. it’s his labels idea of compromising on the fact that he wanted to make music that represented all parts of who he is as a person. also has like one or two latin pop songs that crushed the charts worldwide, the success of those songs made his label discuss the validity of him doing a full latin album like he’d been requesting for years. that album never came. 
practically scandal-less. He’s dated his fair share of pop stars and models, but those break ups always end amicably and none of his former partners have ever had anything negative to say about him. the media wanted so badly to run a “bad boy” thing with him but they just can’t, he’s such a good boy. 
when he was fourteen he did a campaign for those stupid singing tooth brushes. my shiny teeth and me follows him everywhere now, and you know what, he’s not even mad about it, he sometimes jokes that song is more popular than a lot of his actual serious music.  go king! teach the youth proper dental hygiene!
his concerts are always so much fun. Again, so inspired by his dad as a performer so he always goes all out. He gives 110% every time no matter what. Is he tired? Of course. Does he need a nap? Definitely. Has he gone on stage ten minutes after puking his guts out because of a flu? Yeah….it was still a good show though, you couldn’t even really tell he was sick! 
struggling HARD with anxiety. large crowds of people around him start to freak him out, and even though most would think he should be used to it, he’s been mobbed by too many groups of fans to ever be used to it. he’s no stranger to hiding out in the back of an empty store for a second to get away. he’s always embarrassed when his management has to kick everyone else out the store and lock the doors for his sake, but if it helps...it helps. 
help him w his anxiety? so mayhaps a friend, a confidante? also an actual therapist yep. 
chip’s big struggle is how to move forward without disappointing his fans so maybe a fan that he becomes friendly with that can yanno remind him that most of them will love him no matter what. or at least serve as a reminder of why he does this. 
if y’all got characters that wanna roast the shiny teeth guy i won’t be opposed. he’s also so nice he probably wouldn’t be too bothered so that’s frustrating and fun 
fellow musicians always
friends who either have no clue who he is or don’t care would be real nice
anything at all. also always down for angst as always. 
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conceitedclarington · 6 years ago
Rooftop Rendezvous || Berrington
Date: February 19th, 2018
Location: Target
Starring: Hunter Clarington & Scarlett Berry, @scarlettsberry
Notes:  Scarlett takes Hunter up to the roof of the warehouse for some platonic alone time.
Warnings: None
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett would be lying if she told you she’d stopped thinking about the night she’d spent with Hunter before Valentine’s day. She was already lying to herself and pretending it didn’t happen even though it’s all she could think about when she was alone in her room at night. She’d be lying if she said he wasn’t the one she was picturing when she spent the night with his sister. If she were being one hundred percent honest she had really planned to never see Hunter again if she could help it. She was ashamed of herself and of how far she’d let Hunter in. She clearly couldn’t be trusted alone with him and with her feelings- so she figured with him being occupied with his new boyfriend, she could slip right into the shadows and ghost herself away and he’d never even realize she was gone. Unfortunately, he had other plans and she couldn’t bring herself to say no to him.
Which is why she found herself on the way to meet up with Hunter after her shift at Starbucks, her camera bag and two drinks from work in tow. She figured if she was going out with her friend she might as well work on her assignments for her photography class as well. With a soft sigh of relief to be done with the day, she made her way back to the pharmacy, knowing the man would be done with his own shift very soon. Leaning onto the counter of the pharmacy, she rung the bell to get Hunter’s attention. “Excuse me, you got anything for a good time?” She teased with a smirk, adjusting the camera bag over her leather jacket.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter spent the day meandering through his job, mostly trying his best to ignore Rachel’s complaints about how something something on Broadway and he just tuned her out so he could focus on his work. He was so immersed in his work and finishing up for the day that he hadn’t even heard the little bell ringing. When he heard Scarlett’s voice from the other side of the counter, his ears perked up and a bright smile made its way onto his face. The two were twins but he knew could easily pick out his friend’s voice over her sister’s. “Hey, Red,” he made his way over to the counter and greeted her with a wink. “I can hook you up with some gummy bear vitamins and one of the stickers we give to the kids who come in for flu shots,” he teased right back. They shared a little laugh before he shook his head. “I’m just finishing up; I’ll be out in a sec.”
In less than five minutes Hunter came out wearing a peacoat over his collared shirt and he was ready to go. “Is that coffee for me?” he asked with a knowing smile, pointing to the coffee in her hands. “Or are you looking to stay up all night wired on caffeine?” When he took the proffered coffee from her and they started making their way out of the store, Hunter took a sip and hummed a pleased noise. “Mm, you remembered my coffee order.”
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett chuckled softly as Hunter offered gummy vitamins and stickers, rolling her eyes at how dumb he was before she patiently waited for him. When he came out from the pharmacy out of his uniform, she gave him a once-over and smiled. “Lookin’ sharp, hotshot.” She giggled, handing over the coffee. “Of course I remember your coffee order.” She said, getting close to him, invading his space as she looked up at him with her dark eyes, biting on her lip. “I know you like it double dirty.” Her tone was extremely suggestive and almost too sexual as she mimicked the way he tried to tease her whenever he came to see her for coffee, letting her middle and index finger walk up his chest slowly before flicking the bottom of his cup.
As the girl pulled away from Hunter with a soft laugh, she nodded her head towards the back of the store rather than the exit. “You ready? I have actual photography assignments to do and I know where I want to shoot today before the sun goes completely down.” Scarlett reached for Hunter’s hand, naturally. The girl had no boundaries. She led him through the store, throwing a wink at Hunter’s sister as they passed through the electronics department before taking him off to the back.
Hunter Clarington:
“I always clean up nice,” Hunter replied when she complimented him and then even came well within his personal space. “I think we both know you like it dirty, too.” With a playful laugh he nudged at her, both aware of their coffee lingo. Even if Scarlett got “too close” to him, he never felt that way around her. He already knew that she was just the flirty type and she liked to tease him even though he was in a steady relationship with Blaine. It was amusing rather than off-putting and Hunter really liked the dynamic they shared as friends.
Hunter followed the girl out the back of the store and when Scarlett mentioned wanting to take photos before sunset, he checked his phone for the time. They still had a few hours before the sun went down but they had to hurry since sunset was still relatively early as it usually was during the winter months. “Alright, cool; want me to drive? You can give me directions or if it’s easier for you to take your car-- whatever. I’m flexible.” Hunter volunteered, giving Scarlett a slight shrug as he took another sip from his dirty latte.
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett raised her eyebrows as she giggled. “Did you park back here?” She asked once they were inside the warehouse part of the store.“We aren’t going anywhere.” She said, leading him down a ways before they came upon a door that lead to a staircase. “C’mon,” she nodded towards the upstairs.
She led him up the stairwell before coming to a door that was locked with a padlock. “Hold this, please.” She handed Hunter her coffee before slipping her hand into her pocket to pull out a paperclip and a bobby pin, squatting down to be face-to-face with the lock. Biting on her lip, it only took her about thirty seconds to pick the lock before she stood up with a smug look on her face as she opened the door to the roof. “After you,” Scarlett said, taking her coffee back.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter had been following Scarlett almost blindingly that he hadn't even paid attention to the fact that she was leading him to the warehouse out back and not to the parking lot. He didn't say anything and continued to follow her as they came upon the staircase and a locked door at the top. “Um,” he took Scarlett’s coffee and held it at her request, watching with curiosity as she proceeded to pick the lock. With it picked, the padlock fell to the ground with a heavy thud and he was duly impressed. “Whoa, Red, you’ve got some skills,” he chuckled as he walked through the door that led them to the roof. “I didn't even know a place like this existed…” He said, mostly to himself as he took a look around and took in the view. Everything as far as the eye could see was covered in a thin blanket of white from the snow they'd had the night before.
He walked out to the edge of the roof, getting as close as he could to the view. “So you wanted to take pictures of the landscape? Or is this just the backdrop to all the portraits you'll be taking of me?” he laughed, his breath coming out in thin, puffy clouds. “Are you going to take photos of me and submit them to GQ for their ‘Handsomest Man’ consideration?”
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett gave a smug look and a shrug when Hunter expressed that he was impressed by her skills. “I think you’ll be surprised to learn that I’m good at a lot of things.” She said, following him out onto the roof. “Especially things that are bad or illegal. I was sort of a problem child in my adolescence.” The girl laughed softly as she followed Hunter towards the edge to look out and over, sucking in a deep breath of the frigid air before letting it out.
Raising her eyebrows at the man’s cocky words, Scarlett couldn’t help but laugh and roll her eyes. “Yeah, I’m going to take photos of you to skyrocket your career and then move to Nebraska to start my life over in Omaha- maybe I’ll meet a nice fuck-buddy there.” The girl mumbled almost bitterly as the comment brought back memories of Danny.  Shrugging it off, chuckling again. “Sorry-- inside joke with myself about how people use me.” She rolled her eyes once again before setting her bag down in a spot that wasn’t soaking wet before digging out her camera, leaving her coffee next to the bag as well. “Self-deprecation is my thing.” Scarlett smiled up at Hunter as she slipped the strap around her neck, turning the camera on. “I need to shoot some perspective shots-- which, that’s kind of my thing. And I need to play with silhouettes-- which I will be using you for.” She smiled at him, biting on her lip. “If you’re okay with being in my presentation?”
Before even giving Hunter a chance to answer, she snapped a candid of him as she giggled softly. “I don’t think your shadow will get you into GQ, babe.”
Hunter Clarington:
“You, a problem child? No way,” Hunter laughed, as he crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a fake skeptical look before grinning. When Scarlett made a little inside joke for herself, Hunter wondered exactly what it was about but didn’t think it was the time or place to bring it up. “I would’ve never thought you were a problem child-- just like I wouldn’t ever think a woman with such a high caliber of snark and abrasiveness would ever use self-deprecation as a coping mechanism.” He gave her a little nudge then, letting her know that it didn’t matter to him one way or another if she had to use her little jokes to protect herself and her feelings.
He sipped his coffee as he watched her take her camera out of her bag and slip the strap over her neck. With the camera in her hands she looked very comfortable and in her element. Suddenly she was snapping a picture of him, unannounced, and he clicked his tongue. “Hey, no fair; I wasn’t even posing,” he complained with smile on his face. “I happen to think I have a pretty striking profile-- even as a silhouette--” Hunter turned his face to the side and lifted his chin just a bit for the woman to take his photo. “Maybe these photos will make you famous one day.”
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett laughed as Hunter feigned surprise that she had been a problem child or that her defense mechanism was self depreciation. She liked that he felt he knew her well enough to use that kind of sarcasm because it made her laugh. “Shut the fuck up.” She shook her head with a fond smile.
“Hey, way fair— candids are the best.” She mocked his tone as she played with the settings of her camera for a moment. As her brown eyes lifted to him, she couldn’t help but shake her head again, still smiling. “You love getting attention so much— it’s so funny.” She teased him, taking a step back and moving so the sunshine would be blocked by Hunter to make him seem darker before she snapped a few photos— it very clear that the woman was serious about photography. She instructed him to turn around so she could get a shot of him looking off towards the sunset. “Or, you know, I just really want a picture of your ass.” She teased, snapping a few more. With a soft sigh as she looked through some of the shots, Scarlett shrugged. “I dunno, I mean, I don’t know that I necessarily want to be famous. But it would be nice to be recognized for my talents.” The girl explained.
Letting the camera hang loose around her neck as she stood next to Hunter, looking off at the sunset as well. “I’m not good at many things. Anything really— except photography. I know that I’m good at this.” She nodded, looking up at him and giving a slight one-shouldered shrug. “My ex stole my pictures and used them for his personal gain.” She confessed after a long moment of silence. It seemed that if there was any type of silence between her and Hunter she was liable to spill her memories- which she didn’t like. It was dangerous. “He didn’t give me any credit and I didn’t have them copyrighted because, well, he was my boyfriend and I’m an idiot.” She chuckled, shaking her head before lifting the camera up to take a few shots of the landscape in front of them. “So now he’s got modeling contracts and I’m in Minnesota.”
Hunter Clarington:
“I think you of all people should know how much I love attention,” he smirked. Hunter did as he was instructed to do, striking a pose or acting natural whenever Scarlett demanded it, wanting to be as cooperative as possible. When she was seemingly finished taking a set of shots and looked at her camera, he looked at her and observed her for a moment. He wished that he had a camera himself so he could snap a candid of her; he was almost fascinated at how at peace she seemed with that camera in her hands.
As Hunter had half-expected, not prying for information made the girl feel like she could open up to him. He wasn't surprised when the origin of her self-deprecation was her ex-boyfriend, Danny, once again. “Theft is theft, regardless if you had them copyrighted or not,” he pointed out, though he knew there was very little that could be done now if Danny was already a successful model. “So what if the loser has a modeling contract with ‘Boys R Us’? When you breakout onto the scene because of your amazing photos-- especially of me-- you'll be the one signing contracts because everyone will want you as their photographer.” Hunter looked at Scarlett and gave her a reassuring smile. “One asshole isn't going to stop you from getting what you want-- whether you're an idiot or not.”
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off of her face as Hunter spoke about Danny and how insignificant his triumph was compared to where she would be going in life. It made her feel good inside to hear someone talk so highly of her and to be so encouraging-- it wasn’t something she was used to since she’d moved away from home. “Shut up,” She chuckled, almost blushing. “My dads are pretty much the only ones of my family and friends who really support me in this. Rachel loves me and she likes my pictures -- mainly because she doesn’t have to pay for headshots.” Scarlett snickered softly, shaking her head. “But she can’t quite grasp why I don’t want to be the tap-dancing-broadway-twins with her. Nevermind that I can’t carry a tune in a bucket.” The girl rolled her eyes before snapping a couple more photos, looking around, she noticed the way the snow piled on the ledge of the building and she got an idea.
Getting down on her knees on the freezing cold roof, she brought the camera up to her cheek, being sure to focus on the snow while the city scape stood as a blurred silhouette in the back, the sunset painting the background shades of pink and orange. She took a few more photos than probably necessary before she knew she’d definitely got the shot she wanted. Getting up off the ground with a soft laugh, wiping at her now wet clothes. “And that shot is what will give me an A-plus grade.” She said with a smug look as she looked at the taller. “Sorry, hotshot. Your shot will be secondary.” She chuckled, shivering at the way the wind whipped around her body, feeling cold worse than before.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter listened and rolled his eyes as he pictured the annoying twin yammering on and complaining in her usual fashion. He watched as Scarlett got down in the snow for the sake of her photo and in the process got her clothes all wet. “Yeah, maybe I'm the hotshot but you're going to freeze getting down in the snow like that, dumbass,” Hunter reprimanded, taking the coat off of his back and draping it over the girl. Even if he thought she was foolish for getting her clothes wet and risked catching a cold, he admired that she went to such lengths. It showed how passionate she was for her work, even if it was just for her classes.
“Lemme see those pictures; I wanna see how great they are if they're worth catching pneumonia over,” Hunter said, approaching Scarlett and hovering within her personal space to see the pictures. He didn't bother to let her remove the camera strap off of her and instead stood closely, only a few inches away from her. He waited and looked through the photos she just took and a smile crept its way onto his face as she scrolled through them. “Wow, Red, these are really pretty,” he said, still looking down at the little digital display on the back of Scarlett’s camera. “Tell me what grade you get back when you submit that picture of me; I’d like to be able to tell people I actually have an A-plus silhouette,” he joked.
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett chuckled at Hunter’s pneumonia comment as she looked through her photos, not really noticing that the man was leaning over until she could feel his warmth invading her space. “Hey!  No, no. You can see these when and only when they’re printed.” She giggled, playfully shoving the man away. “Thanks, though.” She muttered, taking the compliment. With a satisfied sigh, Scarlett let her camera hang around her neck, smiling at Hunter. “Thanks for coming up here with me, Hunt.” She said, nibbling on her lip as she looked at her company.
The girl took another deep breath before coughing gently, reaching into her pocket for her inhaler to take a puff. “The cold isn’t my friend.” She said with a chuckle as she put it away. Shuffling her feet a little and tugging Hunter’s coat tighter around her. “So, like,” she started, looking at the taller. “What else do friends do? Because I usually fill this silence with sex so I can’t have things happen like the ice cream shop.” Scarlett laughed apprehensively at herself as she shrugged. “How...how are things with the Professor?”
She crinkled her nose a little. “I don’t really care about him. But like, I guess I don’t not care about you or something.” Scarlett said, looking away from Hunter towards the sunset again, going over to the edge of the building.
Hunter Clarington:
With amusement at Scarlett for not wanting him to see the photos she took, Hunter took a step back with a quiet chuckle. He sipped at his coffee as he looked out at the sunset, not particularly perturbed by the quiet. It was never uncomfortable with Scarlett even if they weren’t talking; he liked her company regardless. When she thanked him for accompanying her to take photos, he gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. It was rare to see her being cordial without her usual sass and he appreciated her genuinity. “Sure, anytime I’m free and want some company when you take photos, just call me up. I can appreciate the scenery or provide you with a muse for your photography.” He watched her take a puff from her inhaler. “Maybe next time we’ll go when it’s warmer so the weather doesn’t irritate your asthma.”
Taking another sip of his coffee and letting it warm his insides now that he wasn’t wearing his coat, Hunter laughed along with Scarlett’s comment about usually having sex to fill the silence. “It’s okay-- I can do the talking,” he insisted, though having her open up about herself wasn’t as bad as she made it out to be. “Things with me and Blaine have been pretty good. We went on a date the other day; he suggested miniature golf, which was fun.” He started out, pausing for just a moment as images of the night of their date flashing in the back of his mind. A sly smile made its way onto his face as he pictured Blaine’s naked body in his bed and he chuckled softly. “Uh, I’d definitely say we’re making pretty good progress. He and I had a lot of… fun.”
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett’s jaw was already set after she asked about Blaine, not caring one bit to hear about anything Blaine and Hunter were doing together. Not that she was jealous-- it was just the mere thought of that hobbit made her eyes want to roll so far back into her head that it almost hurt. Just like when he told her they went mini-golfing. “Jeez,” She snorted, shaking her head. “Could he be any gayer?” Scarlett laughed, looking at back at the taller listening as he continued.
When Hunter suggested that he and Blaine had had sex, she bit back the urge to vomit in front of him and instead just settled on another eye-roll and a sound of disgust. “Gross.” She raised an eyebrow, her forehead wrinkling. “You actually fucked that muppet?” She shook her head once again, crossing her arms. “He didn’t strike me as the easy type.” She insulted the Anderson twin out loud, like a knee-jerk reaction. Chewing on the inside of her lip, she raised her eyebrows, looking at her friend. “So? Was he any good?” She asked, almost as if she cared.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter knew he ought to be coming to his boyfriend’s defense. Scarlett was his friend but Blaine was his boyfriend now and those insults wouldn’t do, no matter how jaded and mean he knew she could be. Still, he was apprehensive to straight-out warn her and her insults even if he was acutely aware of her general distaste for the younger man. “We don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to,” Hunter suggested, his expression unreadable as he set his cup of coffee down and shoved his too-cold hands back into his pockets. “There are other things we can talk about besides each other’s sex lives. But, to answer your question: yeah, he was great.”
Thinking it would be a good idea to change the subject instead to continue talking about Blaine, Hunter thought about something else to talk about. No ideas were coming to mind but luckily he was saved by the bell as his phone chimed in his pocket. Hunter fished out his mobile phone and let out an audible groan when he saw who was calling. He briefly showed the girl the lit-up screen with the name DAD at the top in all caps.
“Dad, I'm at work right now so this isn't really a good time,” Hunter greeted as he answered the phone. He turned away from his friend slightly as his father's grave and serious voice came in through the other line.
“Hello to you too, son. I just wanted to talk to you once more about my offer. You and I both know it's not too late--"
“Save it; I've told you before that I'm not interested.”
“Come to your senses and just think about this! At least your sister, however rebellious she's become due to your horrendous example as an older brother, has chosen an honorable career. You're just a disappointment.”
There it was. Hunter scrunched his eyes shut for a moment as he processed what his father was telling him.
“Hunter? Are you still there?”
“Yeah,” Hunter nearly growled through gritted teeth. “I'm less than a year away from getting my degree so I'm not changing careers. Stop calling me about this.” Without letting his father reply, he hung up.
Hunter felt the frustration and shame coiling itself into a tight and heavy knot in his stomach. The hairs on his back stood straight up as he all but fumed with anger before he took a running start and kicked his half-finished coffee across the roof. The hot liquid spilled out and splashed all around, melting the ice as it hit the asphalt. Some of it got onto his pants but Hunter was too upset to care in that moment.
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett felt slightly guilty when Hunter suggested that they didn’t have to talk about Blaine. She was supposed to be his friend and that meant talking about his boyfriend...nicely. With a heavy sigh, Scarlett looked at him. “I’m not nice, you know that. I-I don’t want you to not-“ She was doing her best at an apology when Hunter’s phone rang. Raising her eyebrows at the way the man groaned, she was curious as to what that was about.
The girl didn’t make any effort to act like she wasn’t listening to Hunter’s conversation and her brow furrowed at the tension that seemed to perch onto his shoulders. She could tell by the tone he used when speaking to his father that the two’s relationship must be strained to some extent. When Hunter hung up the phone and kicked his coffee, she felt herself tense up a little bit at the sudden movement. Biting on her lip, Scarlett wasn’t sure what to do- she wasn’t good with emotions and consoling.
The silence was deafening for the brief moments she attempted to find what to say. “Well, that sounded like it went well. How’s Pops?” She rolled her eyes at herself. Great start. Stepping closer to her friend, she ran her hand up his back to gently squeeze at his shoulder. “Loosen up there, Hunt. You’re gonna pop a blood vessel.”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter tensed for a moment when Scarlett approached him. When she ran her hand up his back, he felt the warmth penetrating down to his skin and he relaxed if only slightly. “I’m-- I'm fine,” he insisted half-heartedly. He turned into the woman's touch and when he faced her, his brows turned up into an apologetic look. “Sorry you had to be here for that; I didn't mean to spoil the mood or to get so upset… sometimes my father just gets under my skin.” After that conversation Hunter no longer felt cold, his blood close to boiling and his face hot to the touch as his anger bubbled just below the surface.
He pursed his lips and wondered if he should divulge any further information. He wasn't sure Scarlett even wanted to hear it. When they were just fuck buddies they kept emotions out of their lives; they talked a little here and there after a playful romp in bed but nothing quite so serious. The only people that really knew about his fragile relationship with his father were the members in his immediate family.
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett shook her head as her brow furrowed deep, keeping her hand on the taller’s shoulder before running it down his chest to rest it there. “Hey, no, don’t apologize. I already ruined the mood by being mean, you owed me one.” She attempted to joke to make him smile. Nibbling on her lip gently, she curled her fingers around his coat a little to hold onto him and keep him close. Her brown eyes gazed up at him. “C’mon, spill. Talk to me, we’re friends.”
Scarlett encouraged Hunter to talk because she wanted a chance to prove to him that she could be there for him in the same way he had been there for her. She had already failed at listening about his boyfriend, she needed to prove herself.
Hunter Clarington:
When Scarlett joked with him, he smiled but just barely. It seemed like if anyone could ruin his day, all they had to do was get his father on the phone for a short two-minute call. His phone rang again and the same capital letters lit up on the screen. Hunter took this opportunity to decline the call and silence his phone before putting it back in his pocket. Just getting another call from the man had Hunter getting riled up again.
“I just-- I--" he exclaimed, unsure how to even begin. His hands were at his sides, balled up into tight fists. Scarlett was his good friend and he knew he could tell her anything. She might have something snarky to say but he trusted her. “My father didn’t want me to do this whole pharmacy thing. He wanted me to enlist in the army or go to college to become an officer,” he explained, knowing the short version would make a better story. “I've always wanted to travel and my father is a military man himself; he wanted me to follow in his footsteps. I didn't.”
Just thinking about the phone call and being reminded of his father's offer had Hunter chewing on the inside of his lip. Usually the man was calm and collected-- very rarely ever visibly angry-- but this struck a nerve with him. It made him blow up and yell and want to punch his father in the face. “He’s been trying to get me to move back home. He's bribed me with the money to do all the travelling I want to do… but only if I come home and enlist. Only after I've served my time in the army; that's at least four years active duty and then another four in the reserves before I can even begin to think about travelling freely and doing whatever I want.”
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett listened to Hunter, letting the information he was giving settle in. She’d often wondered what his home life was like and it was obviously unhealthy and it was blatantly clear to her that he and his father butt heads. A wrinkle settled in her forehead as she observed the man in front of her, letting her eyes fall down his body to his fists. Every part of him was visibly tense. It made her heart ache for him, she didn’t like seeing him that way. She didn’t like imagining him going off to join the army either, the thought made an irrational fear flare up inside of her briefly. “The army? That’s stupid, no.” She shook her head, frowning.
Her hands lifted from his chest and she reached to touch his hands, slowly attempting to coax them out of fists. “Hey,” her voice was soft as she tugged him a little closer. “Come here.” Scarlett pulled the man into a hug, slipping her arms around his neck and holding him tight.
The girl wasn’t sure what to say, having just learned that she hated Hunter’s father- she didn’t have anything nice to say about him, that's for sure. “Don’t even worry about him. You’re so close to reaching your goal— yours. He’s probably just jealous because you are doing something he never could or never did. I doubt his dream was to go into the army, his dad probably pressured him into it. He didn’t have the balls to stand up to him and follow his own path.” She explained, rolling her eyes as she pulled back from the hug just enough to look up into his eyes- their faces just an inch apart. “You just...you need to follow your heart and keep doing things that make you happy. Whether it be pharmaceuticals or dropping everything and traveling the world or becoming some sort of free spirit who lives in the mountains and doesn’t bathe.” Scarlett chuckled. Biting down on her lip, she gave a little shrug as her voice softened. “For what it’s worth, I’m proud of you, Hunt.”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter’s hands released their tight grip when Scarlett gently touched them. He all but melted into her embrace and he let out a heavy sigh. Wrapping his arms around her slender waist, listening to her words and letting them sink in. It was true that so far Hunter has been making his own pathway for the future instead of following the one his father laid out for him. When Scarlett pulled back to look at him, he stared deep into her eyes. Her words resonated with him.
Follow your heart.
I’m proud of you.
Hunter quirked a little smile and chuckled, feeling the faintest blush kiss his cheeks. It felt really good to hear someone say they were proud of him. While Hunter never felt he needed reassurance or validation from anyone— especially since his parents weren’t offering any— hearing those words warmed his heart. “Thank you,” he told her, his voice quiet. He wrapped his arms around her again and held her tightly, nuzzling his nose against her. “I appreciate you a lot, y'know.” Hunter was whispering in her ear, speaking softly even though they were the only two people on the rooftop.
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett smiled to herself as she could see the way the taller blushed ever so slightly at her words, thinking he was cute. She was happy that she could be the one there for Hunter-- she was the one who made him feel better. Even though it was not the time, she couldn’t help but feel a bit smug that she was the one Hunter was sharing with. Not Blaine. Her eyes fluttered closed when he nuzzled against her and she chuckled, leaning into him and tightening her arms around his neck to hold him closer.
“Mmm, I know.” She teased, chuckling gently before turning her head to press her lips against his cheek, the kiss was anything but friendly. It was slow and intimate despite being just a kiss on the cheek. Leaning her head against his, she exhaled slowly, feeling her heart beating in her throat. “I’m always here for you, Hunt.” She whispered, being the one to nuzzle against him this time. If anyone were to see them together, it would be blatantly clear to anyone with eyes that the two definitely had a chemistry between them that was dangerous- especially when one of them had a significant other.
When the intimacy of the moment started getting to Scarlett a little, the tension building inside of her, she pulled back only a tiny bit to look up at him again, clearing her throat. “I mean, you-you’re like...my best friend, you know?” Scarlett shrugged one shoulder, the corner of her lips quirking upwards.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter found comfort in the feeling of closeness and this intimacy with his friend. Knowing that he could count on Scarlett to be there for him when he needed it was almost a relief; he felt a great weight lifting off of his shoulders as Scarlett held him and whispered in his ear.
The moment Scarlett pulled back, Hunter immediately recognized that she was getting uncomfortable. He chuckled, aware that such a tender and sweet moment went against her typical nature. At least he knew she was actually capable of feelings, despite her constantly preaching she didn’t want to touch any sort of feelings with a ten-foot pole. “You’re my best friend, too,” he told her, nodding. “You can always count on me, too-- For anything. You don’t have to pretend with me; you can be honest.” He hoped that by telling her this, it would help to break down those walls she’d built up around her. He wanted to be someone she could trust wholly and actually be herself without worrying about ever getting hurt again. She needed someone like that in her life and Hunter wanted to be that person.
He pressed a kiss to her forehead and offered her a genuine smile. Hunter might’ve been an arrogant asshole at times but he had his moments where he could actually be nice and comforting.
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett smiled at him when he told her she was his best friend, rolling her eyes and chuckling softly. “Hunter Green, you are so gross.” She teased him, wrinkling her nose as he kissed her forehead, something flipping in her stomach. “I told you that you were going to love me, I warned you.” Scarlett giggled once more before shaking her head and pulling back from him, raising her eyebrows and clearing her throat once more. “The Hobbit wouldn’t appreciate you falling in love with me on the rooftop here, babe.” She teased further, winking as she turned away from him to, letting her hand drag down his arm and linger at his hand as long as possible before she let their hands part and she went over to pick up her coffee and take a sip.
“And you can count on me for anything, too.” Scarlett shrugged, looking back at him. “I mean, I’m sure I’ll tease you about something but I’ll always care or whatever.” A small grin tugged at her lips as she looked at the man in front of her, shaking her head. “You know, hotshot, you’re really different from any guy I’ve ever met.”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter laughed and shook his head when she accused him of being in love with her. “You’re ridiculous,” he said, smiling at her. He loved spending time with Scarlett and being her friend was great. So far he hadn’t had any trouble juggling a friendship with her and a romantic relationship with Blaine; he didn’t see any reason why either of the two needed to stop. Another chuckle fell from his lips when she teased him, her fingers dragging down his arm leaving tingles across his skin. He licked his lips when Scarlett turned her back and he was aware of the way the girl made him feel. They had slept together a number of times before and it was almost like a fond memory Hunter liked to think about; she had an amazing body and their time together was full of fun. But Hunter was in a relationship and he truly did see a future together with Blaine. He liked Blaine a lot and it was different from his relationship with Scarlett. There was no romantic future with Scarlett because she didn’t do any sort of committed relationships.
But that was okay; Hunter felt he was lucky to have Scarlett as a good friend.
“I don’t mean to brag-- well, yes, I do-- but I’m not quite like other guys out there,” he told her as he neared her, glancing down at the camera she treasured so much. “I’d like to think I’m a gentleman with a badass streak.” With the shrug of his shoulders Hunter laughed again, aware he probably sounded slightly cockier than usual but he knew he could do so around Scarlett. He knew she didn’t need to be impressed so he could be honest about how arrogant he really was.
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett chuckled as Hunter got closer to her, looking up at him as he bragged about himself shamelessly-- it was one of the things she found most endearing about the other. His ability to talk himself up and be so goddamn cocky was something that she liked, it made her smile. Hunter made her smile-- a lot more than anyone else ever had. Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. “Of course you mean to brag, you’re so full of yourself, Green.” She joked looking up at the man fondly.
“You are very arrogant -- but badass? What have you done that is anywhere close to badass?” She asked with a quirk of her eyebrow. “Rebelling against Daddy doesn’t count.” The shorter said, raising her camera to catch her friend off guard in a photo, chuckling again. “I will agree that you’re a gentleman, though. You’re a very sweet guy, it’s almost gross.” Scarlett glanced down, nibbling on her lip a she thought over the few small things Hunter had done for her over the course of their relationship-- things that might’ve been small to others but were big to her. He was always very caring towards her even though they got on each other’s nerves. “You’ve showed me that many times.”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter shrugged again when it was pointed out he hadn’t exactly done anything very badass. For the most part, Hunter followed the rules and despite rebelling against his father, he didn’t have a problem with authority. But then again, usually he was the authority. “Okay, so perhaps I haven’t done anything illegal but I think it’s within my character,” he mused aloud, his eyes crinkling up as he tried to smile for Scarlett’s picture but she was quicker than him. He clicked his tongue but laughed along with her when she chuckled. When she noted that he was a gentleman and that she almost found it gross, it occurred to him that they were very different individuals. Where he was very polite, she was crass. Where she was adventurous and sometimes erratic, he was calculated and planned things out sometimes even to a T.
“We both know of the two of us, you’ll probably more badass than me,” he pointed out, “And I clearly have the better manners so we should just team up. I’ve said it before but we make an awfully amazing team together, right?” The thin layer of snow crunched under his shoes. Hunter knew talking so openly about their friendship might make Scarlett uncomfortable but he hoped that if he kept talking and continued to reaffirm the strength of their relationship, Scarlett would just open up more and more as time went on.
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett chuckled softly when Hunter claimed it was within his character to do something illegal. She figured that consisted of driving five miles over the speed limit and nothing else— thought she figured challenging him could be fun. She could probably be the bad influence in his life he needed to dip his toe into something illegal. “Stick with me, kid, I’ll have you doing illegal things in no time.” She winked, the wheels already turning in her head.
“Yeah, I guess we make a pretty good team.” She admitted though the uncomfortable feeling nestled inside her stomach warned her against it. Scarlett let her camera rest around her neck, turning it off now that the sunset was lowering. The air between them was too comfortable for her liking and the tension between them was almost suffocating on her end. She loved and hated it all at the same time- like it was a drug. “I appreciate you coming up here with me.” She said before her eyebrow quirked. “You know, technically this is against the rules and we’re not supposed to be up here. Next time I’ll take you someplace more off limits. We’ll get you wanted for trespassing in no time.” She winked at him before going for her camera bag to slip the equipment into safety.
Hunter Clarington:
A gentle laugh fell from Hunter’s lips and despite the little puffs of air he breathed, he felt warm all throughout. Everything with Scarlett always felt like some sort of adventure; she was unpredictable. Hunter might even go so far as to say she was dangerous and that fact excited him. “Ooh, wanted for trespassing-- I might as well go buy my leather jacket now.” He joked along, thinking how breaking the rules just a little bit had rewarded the both of them with the wonderful view and a good time together. “But if next time is anything like this, I’m definitely in.”
With Scarlett putting away her camera equipment and the two of them getting pretty chilly with the winter Minneapolis air whirling around them, it was about time for them to leave. Hunter wanted to warm himself up whether that meant going back inside or heading for his car. “What're you going to do now? Head on home since you're finished taking pictures?”
Scarlett Berry:
As Scarlett settled her bag on her shoulder, she looked at Hunter for a brief moment as she mulled over his question of what she was going to do now. Call your sister and pretend it’s you when she goes down on me was the thought that first passed through her mind but she neglected to share that with him. She didn’t know how the other would feel about her trading him in for his sister essentially and she didn’t know exactly how to break the news to him. “Oh, I dunno.” She shrugged, letting out a soft sigh. “I probably should head home if I want to stay out of trouble-- but we both know I don’t exactly know how stay clear of that.” Scarlett chuckled as she started to head towards the ladder they’d used to get to the roof. Turning towards him, she raised an eyebrow. “You have a date tonight?” She asked before beginning the trek downstairs.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter chuckled at the girl’s comment about staying out of trouble. It seemed more often than not she was in the mood of looking for trouble. He thought about his own evening plans and remembered that Blaine was working a closing shift tonight. “No plans,” he replied with a soft sigh, “but I should be studying since it's a weekday. I can't exactly stick it to my father if I fail out of class, right?” Hunter wanted to do well in his life as a proverbial “fuck you” to his dad; he wanted to continue down his chosen path.
“Maybe the next time I'm not busy and you're not looking to hook up, we can hang out?” Hunter offered, eyebrows rising in a hopeful expression. They touched back down to the ground level and Hunter offered to walk Scarlett to her car.
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett chewed on the inside of her cheek as they reached the end of the stairs. Her reflexes wanted to invite herself over to his place but she knew that if she went to his place they would absolutely have sex and she felt it would make her look desperate. Scarlett was a lot of things but outwardly desperate wasn’t one of them. When Hunter spoke up and suggested they hang out again, the girl nodded once. “Yeah, of course.” She said, slipping her hands into the pockets of Hunter’s coat, that she was still wearing. “If you need help studying or whatever I could help with that, too, I guess.” She mentioned with a shrug, praising herself internally for holding back the usual suggestive tone she might’ve used two weeks ago.
When Hunter offered to walk her to her car, she smiled to herself, glancing down at his hand before taking it just as she did earlier. There was an odd tension in the air to her that she wasn’t quite sure what to do with. On one hand, she was just as comfortable with Hunter as she had been but on the other it was weird to just be friends with him. She didn’t know how to be friends-- she didn’t know boundaries. “You never really stop with the being a gentleman thing, do you?” She asked once they reached her car. Scarlett appreciated the caring gesture from Hunter no matter how itchy it made her. “I can’t say anyone has ever walked me to my car before.”  Biting on her lip, she leaned back against the driver’s side door and looked down at their hands for a moment before lifting her gaze to Hunter’s. She felt weird- knowing they should end their time together here for the day but also not quite ready to let go.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter’s hand fit effortlessly into Scarlett's and the warmth from their connection vastly contrasted to the sharp bite of the chilly Minnesota wind. It made Hunter feel warmer.
“I'd like to think that despite my usual asshole tendencies, I was brought up with manners and being a gentleman to people I actually care about comes naturally.” Hunter gave a little shrug of his shoulders as he stood across from her, connected only by their hands. He looked forward to another day of spending time with his friend, having found himself feeling good despite an unwanted phone call from his father. Scarlett was just gifted with the ability to make him feel better in seemingly any situation and it was very welcomed. “Go ahead and hold onto my coat; you'll catch a cold if you keep playing in the snow like that.” He gave her a little playful nudge and winked as he chuckled. “I hope you ace your class with those pics.” Being exposed to the cold without a coat wasn't great but he was headed to his car after this anyhow so he didn't mind if she kept his coat for a day or so.
“I had a lot of fun doing this, Red.” He smiled at her and let go of her hand. He took a half-step closer to her, unsure if a hug might be too much for her. A hug almost also felt like it might be too little. So instead, Hunter placed his hand on her arm and smiled at her. He settled for just a gentle squeeze of her arm-- a small gesture just to remind her that he was there for her. “I'll text you later, alright? This is just the first of many excursions, after all.” Reluctantly, Hunter took a step backwards, away from her. He gave a little wave goodbye and turned to leave.
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett didn’t comment when Hunter mentioned caring about her, the words making her stomach twist ever so gently. Chuckling softly as she nudged him back. “I was already keeping it-- looks better on me anyway.” She grinned at him before letting out a soft sigh, nodding her head. “I had a good time, too. I guess being friends with you isn’t so awful.” The shorter teased, watching carefully as the weird air seemed to affect Hunter just a bit as well, it made her laugh softly when he squeezed her arm and took a step back. She found it amusing.
“Hey Hunt, friends are allowed to hug and stuff, yeah?” She said just loud enough for him to hear after he turned to leave. “I mean, I don’t know from experience but that’s what people do, right?” A small grin settled on her lips as she gently bit down on the bottom one again. Maybe she wouldn’t be so sexually forward with him anymore but he was an idiot if he thought she wasn’t still getting affection from him- not only did it make her feel good but pissing of The Professor would just be icing on the cake.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter stopped in his tracks when he heard the girl call out to him. He turned around, looking pleasantly surprised. “Yeah? A friendly hug isn't too mushy for Miss Badass?” he teased, taking long strides back over to her and pulling her into a warm hug. He held onto her for a few moments, the scent of her perfume and the way she just felt invading his senses. He rubbed her back before finally letting go, feeling a lot better about how he was saying goodbye to her for the day. “Alright,” he said with a grin, waving at her again. “See you.”
Scarlett Berry:
Scarlett chuckled softly, shaking her head as Hunter came closer to her. “Shut up before I change my mind.” She said, letting the taller pull her close. She relished in feeling of being close to him for the few moments of their embrace. She didn’t care too much for the way she felt in that moment and she briefly thought about never seeing him again after this night because she wasn’t sure if she could deal with this weird relationship they had together-- it was so far from her comfort zone. She closed her eyes and breathed him in for a moment before their hug came to an end. “See you,” Scarlett replied with a soft sigh, waving at him as he walked towards his car. She watched him, nibbling on her lip, as to make sure he made it safely before getting into her own car.
As Hunter drove away, Scarlett let out a soft groan and let her forehead fall against the steering wheel. She felt itchy again and she wanted to shake it off. Scarlett knew that if she went home feeling the way she was feeling she would just end up calling Danny and making an ass out of herself. Instead, she pulled out her phone and made a call. Smiling to herself when the familiar voice picked up, she started her car. “Al!  Hey gorgeous, what’re you doing tonight?”
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shadeofazmeinya · 8 years ago
bear with me here- so gavin screws up a lot right? like the heist is going great, but then oops, wasnt watching my back, now the cops know where we are- oh were escaping, great let me just shoot- oh thats a flare gun not a pistol, etc, so they spend HOURS just running, jack nearly drowns when they go for jet skis, michael gets shot in the shoulder, jeremy rolls his ankle, gavin gets a lovely gash down his arm, until finally, with lots of explosives, they get back to base, and theyre all (1/?)
beaten up and tired and soaked and fucking PISSED at gavin. geoff rips him a new asshole with a lecture, ryan growls and swears and adds on, michael and jeremy are LIVID but in the cold shoulder way, and jack is pointedly ignoring everyone in favor of just going the fuck home. gavins just shell shocked, ashamed, and so fucking guilty, so he just takes it all. geoff gives him the rest of the night to have EVERYTHING from the heist wiped (2/?)
("they know about like four of our safe houses now, those better be burned to the fucking ground-"). everyone leaves, and gavin sets up to work, freezing and wet with a soaked towel on his shoulders. the heatings turned off (everyone else left) and so is the light, so he hunkers down with a hot mug of coffee. it takes him like an hour before he breaks down crying because hes tired and cold and in pain and he FUCKED UP SO BAD and thats the worst of it, hes so SCARED theyre gonna kick him out(3/?)
he does everything he can as fast as he can, double and triple checking (because in his state he fucks up a Lot, the screen is blurry and his eyes burn) because like hell is he fucking up his one chance at redemption. but geoff doesnt come in next day, or any of the others- resting, taking the day off. geoff actually thought gav had gone home, felt bad when he woke up but still not enough to call and check on him. unfortunately gavin is a moron and doesnt notice time passing, doesnt notice (4/?)
the day slip by until its the day after, and hes ALMOST done with this huge one man job, halfway through checking everything, eyes bleary and hes shivering and REALLY cold, and his head HURTS, and everything aches and he doesnt know when he started that dry cough but he HAS TO FIGHT THROUGH IT, when ryan comes in. gavin fucking jumps out of his seat, and ryan immediately feels bad because god he looks just like the last he saw him but worse, like hes dead on his feet (5/?)
he feels bad when he tells gavin geoff will be around in a few minutes, worse when gavin FREAKS THE FUCK OUT, pulling his hair and shaking so badly and mumbling incoherent panic, and then geoff does come in, sees gavin in this STATE, and he feels terrible, and gavins practically begging for just a little more time, he was almost done, and geoff tells him its ok, hes not mad, really, you can have more time, and geoff leaves thinking gavin hasnt been here the whole time, not quite knowing (6/?)
how bad his lad is doing until he hears a crash from gavins office and gavins just shaking on the floor, had gotten up just a little too fast (he claims, really hes just so weak he cant stand without collapsing) and geoff rushes over and hes burning up but shivering, and gav is practically delusional with fatigue because like hell did he think to actually eat or sleep or drink something other than coffee or redbull, and he cant fucking BREATHE because hes coughing so bad and sobbing (7/?)
because its all just so fucking much, and geoff is just holding him and trying to ask WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED and gavin finally tells him everything, but geoff is confused because today isnt thursday, its friday? and gavin is confused because that cant be right, but it is and geoffs worry fucking skyrockets and he feels SO BAD. and oops, sleep deprivation means lowered immune systems, and so do unchanged bandages, and gavin trys to stand but he barely manages before geoff has to catch him (8/?)
but gavin just KEEPS INSISTING hes fine and geoff has to slowly pick apart the situation as he drives gavin home, carries him into bed, gets him food and water and MAKES HIM finish it before resting, and every new bit of information sends a knife into his heart. and turns out oops, gavin has the flu, and geoff is Not letting him alone in this state so he calls the others to tell then the situation. and next he knows gavin is coughing and hacking up phlegmy shit, (9/10)
and OOPS TURNS OUT ITS PNEUMONIA but the crew is still on high alert, he cant take gavin to the hospital, so he calls ryan who calls jeremy who calls michael who calls geoff who calls jack and theyre all on gavs apartment trying to take care of him with what they have and gavin, in his state, feels HORRIBLE because hes causing them trouble, fucked up again, but they tell him NO WERE WORRIED DONT DO THAT AGAIN, and gavin still does it but thats the worst time by far (10/10)
FUCK YEAH THIS IS MY SHIT!!!! I love all of this yes. poor gavvers. he doesn’t always take the blame, doesn’t always feel guilty for his mistakes. but when he does. when he does it is immense and painful and gavin will do anything and everything to make it up to them. his health doesn’t matter to them right now, his skills do and his hacking does so thats whats he’s going to do
but the others assure him, later when they see the extent of damage he’s done to himself, that they aren’t truly mad. they aren’t going to kick him out, they all still want him, need him, there with them. and they all help gavin get well, silently agreeing to make sure it never gets this bad again
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