#did she ever dream of storms and butterflies and deer at any point?
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snailvibes · 6 months ago
I feel like people don’t talk about Chloe’s prophetic dream stuff enough (I know why it’s because half this fan base hates bts)
#but as we’ve established yesterday night I’m before the storm’s biggest fan so fuck you im talking about it#if you believe the Rachel had powers but didn’t know it theory it’s so interesting too#cus they share that together#Max’s powers are something so obvious they of course she’d known them immediately#but with something like dreams with cryptic meanings and imagery that predict the future#or nature getting influenced by your emotions#it’s so much easier for it to slip under the radar#especially for Chloe because she had no one she could’ve talked to about them anyways#before the storm makes a point to show how isolated she felt it’s why she clung so hard to Rachel#so who the hell would she talk to about them especially when they’re so easy to dismiss as not actually prophetic or just coincidences#did she ever stop having them?#do you think she maybe gets them sometimes post the storm if you sacrifice Arcadia bay?#even her dreams that had some good stuff in it being predicted always ended up being nightmares#do you think she ever just had good prophetic dreams?#do you think if it ever clicked with her she’d be paranoid to even fall asleep cus they’d already make her paranoid enough to-#-think about it they mean anything?#did she ever dream of storms and butterflies and deer at any point?#do you think maybe that day in the bathroom before max saved her one of her last thoughts was remembering Max’s text in that one dream#where she says she’ll see her when she’s dead#it’s so fun to think about oufh before the storm I adore you sm#snails ramblings
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vixensheart · 5 years ago
How It Feels to Take a Fall
Running wasn’t something Ochako did often, really. Though there was something oddly therapeutic about the way her calves burned from the effort, how her chest heaved with each breath she took. It was grounding, in its own way. She appreciated that. Especially now, with her thoughts spinning as wildly as they were. 
She thought of before. Of her matchmaking. 
“The Chieftain has come forward requesting you as a match for the prince.” 
Ochako stared at Kayama with wide eyes, fully expecting the woman to bust out laughing any moment now. She swivelled to gawk at her parents, who both wore matching, shocked expressions. 
“Re-really?” she stammered. “Me?” 
Kayama shifted, her furs rippling in the firelight. Her lips curved into a smirk and she chuckled, low and bemused. “Yes, you. You are Uraraka Ochako, yes?” 
She nodded, dumbstruck. 
The matchmaker laughed again. “Thought so. The Chieftain has been watching you for some time, it seems. You have a good head on your shoulders, and I agree that you would be a good match for the firecracker of a prince. The Chieftain is offering the finest furs, jewelry from her own personal collection, and a raised status for your family within the village. Should you accept, the Chieftain has requested an audience with you, at sunhigh tomorrow.” 
Ochako staggered to a halt, collapsing against the trunk of the nearest tree. Her palms stung at the impact, and she breathed ragged, trembling all over. 
A match with the prince. 
She pressed her forehead into the rough bark, sucking in a breath. Of all the matches possible, of all the men in the village, this was the least she expected. Sure, Ochako knew she was a quality match; her mother had raised her with care, after all. She knew how to skin rabbits, deer, how to pluck a quail. She knew herbal remedies, how to tan hides, scrub clothes in the creek. She was strong, too; able to carry a basket laden with fruits up and down the mountains. Her family was of respectable standing in the village, but they weren’t high class. They worked with their hands, worked to help provide their fair share. 
Ochako expected, then, to be matched with someone reasonable. Someone of her class. Like, Kota. He was quiet, sure, but he was an excellent gatherer. Or perhaps Satou. They lived close together, their huts among the same cluster. Those options made sense. 
To be paired with the prince...it was unexpected. It was the highest honour. 
It was everything Ochako didn’t want. 
She slid down to the ground, collapsing onto the gnarled roots of the tree. The rough bark scratched at her back, forcing her to feel through the numbness. Her gaze drifted into the underbrush, lost. There was a lump in her throat. Ochako swallowed, but it didn’t go away. She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them tightly. 
Matchmaking was a tradition as old as the dirt their village was built on. It had purpose. It kept their village healthy, helped it flourish. It shuffled dynamics, kept her people humble. Or, that was the idea, anyway. Things were never that simple. 
Ochako was raised with this. She knew the day was coming, an ever looming presence on the horizon. Still, where once the matchmaking was an abstract concept, like the stars burning in the sky, now it was as real as the scrapes on her palms. Ochako sighed and hid her face. The worst part in all of this, was that she had no say in any of it. 
Sure, theoretically she did. She could just go in and say no. The law allowed this. But their village? Their society? They did not. Saying no to a proposed match such as this was suicide. She would be shamed, her family, outcasted. Plus, to refuse the goods and riches that came from such a pairing was stupid. Her parents worked hard to raise her; they deserved the things she could give them. 
So, she was doomed to marry the prince. The bombastic, loud, arrogant, asshole of a prince. Ochako grimaced. Okay, maybe that was too presumptuous of her. She didn’t actually know him all that well. It wasn’t like they hung out a lot, or anything. After all, he was the prince and she was well...herself. Lower tier berry picker. 
Nothing special. 
Ochako propped her chin on her knees and sighed. Well, soon she’d be the wife of the prince, she supposed. 
Echoes of howls resounded through the trees. Huh. The hunting party must’ve been out. Ochako supposed that made sense; it was early dawn when she’d started her run. And she was further out into the forest than she usually trekked...
It’s then, mid musing, that it happened. A crash, sudden and loud, sounded from the branches above her. Ochako jerked her head up in time to see a solid shape tear through the forest canopy, bouncing off limbs in its descent to the forest floor. Whatever it was, landed in a heap, a few hundred paces away from her. 
Oh, gods. What the…?
She was on her feet and creeping forward before she even registered what she was doing. Her breath lodged itself in her throat, and her heart hammered in her chest. Anxiety prickled at her skin, like pinpricks of needles. What...what if this was one of the monsters their warriors warned about?
It was common for monsters and dangerous beasts to roam the forests around their village. Their warriors spoke of them often; massive wolves with fangs thicker than a grown man’s wrist. Scaled serpents that smelled of death and decay. What if this, this...being was one of them, here to disembowel her and eat her heart?
Still, she crept closer. And gasped. 
Ochako wasn’t sure exactly what she was looking at, other than it wasn’t a what, but a who. A boy, sprawled across the forest floor, with massive, feathered wings sprouting from his back. His feathers, black, with iridescent greens shining through in the low light, were in disarray. Dirt smeared his skin, and the smock he wore was battered and torn. A single arrow shaft stuck out from his right wing, the white fletching stark against the shadows of the forest. Ochako lowered to her knees, tilting her head as she peered down at the boy. Was he...alive? She gulped. 
Only one way to find out. 
Tentatively, Ochako reached out and brushed her fingers along the boy’s neck. She pressed down on his pulse point and bit her lip. There, ever so faintly, she felt the thump thump of his pulse, beating against her fingertips. The relief that rushed through her was dizzying. She wasn’t sure what to make of the feeling, really. Only, dead bodies falling from the sky were always a bad omen, perhaps. 
Another chorus of howls rang through the trees, closer this time. Ochako felt her breath hitch. She cast a glance over her shoulder on instinct, peering into the shadows. There was no sign of movement, but the howls echoed louder and louder. Wait… Her gaze whipped to the unconscious boy sprawled before her, and the arrow sticking out of his wing. Were...were they looking for him? 
The howls drew closer. Ochako’s gaze darted about, and she bit her lip. She had no explanation for why she decided to stoop down, and hoist him over her shoulders. There was no logical reason Ochako staggered deeper into the forest, struggling to see around his massive, feathered wings. Yet she carried him as best she could through the underbrush, crossing the wide creek that cut through the forest floor and over a ridge, to a small overhang she knew was there. 
Ochako only knew of this overhang because of one unfortunate incident, years ago, when she wandered away from her mother while gathering berries. This was quite a bit farther than their berry picking crew travelled into the woods, by a few leagues. Ochako hadn’t known that, of course. She was only a young girl at the time, and had been distracted by a beautiful, emerald butterfly. It fluttered this way and that, and she’d been so enamored by the graceful insect, that she hadn’t realized her mother was gone until she’d stepped into the chilly creek and soaked her boots. 
Of course with her luck, it had started to rain at that moment, and Ochako had come to the decision to dart across the creek and run until she stumbled onto this overhang, where she waited out the storm. She’d gotten lucky; someone had the sense to bring the hunting dogs across the creek, just in case, and they’d picked up her scent. 
She hoped they didn’t do that now. 
With as much care as she could muster, Ochako lowered the boy to the ground beneath the overhang. Which admittedly, was hard to do, thanks to his wings. She didn’t want to hurt them worse than they already were. Or, at least, the one that was injured. The other wing seemed alright, but it was rather hard to tell. Regardless, she settled him on his stomach, taking care that his face wasn’t smothered, and stepped back, hands on her hips. 
Well. Now what? 
Ochako’s gaze flit back to the arrow sticking out of his wing, and she grimaced. Right, he was injured. He needed medical assistance. Ochako sucked in a breath. There was no way she could bring a strange winged boy back to her village, especially not one with one of their hunter’s arrows sticking out of him. So going to the village healer wasn’t an option. 
Luckily for her unconscious patient, Ochako knew a thing or two about healing. She rolled up the sleeves to her smock, jaw set with determination. 
Sometimes, Ochako dreamed of flying. 
She wasn’t sure how. Her memory of her dreams was always hazy; sometimes, it was as though she sprouted wings and flew like a bird. Other times, she just lifted free of the earth and drifted, higher and higher, until she was floating amidst the stars. Ochako wasn’t sure what these dreams meant, other than that they came with such intense longing, a longing that pierced her heart, like an arrow. She spoke about it, once, to a friend. 
“Do you ever have weird dreams?” she asked, pausing in her scrubbing. They were at the creek, washing their family’s clothes. Ashido straightened from her place on the rock beside her, her expression screwing into one of confusion. 
“I mean, once I had a dream that I pooped acorns. That was weird.” She tilted her head and peered at Ochako, lips pursed. “Why?” 
Ochako shrugged, lifting her garment out of the water and watching the droplets stream off the fabric. “Sometimes, I dream about floating up away from the ground. Up into the stars.” 
Ashido barked out a laugh. “Wow, that’s weird. Dreams are wild.” She plunged her arms back into the water, her tongue poking out as she scrubbed. Ochako watched as her friend worked, focused. Her short-cropped hair bounced as she bobbed up and down, up and down. It was horribly mundane, and Ochako lowered her gaze to her hands and sighed. They were red and numb, from the chilly waters. She stared at her hands and chewed on her lip. 
“Do you ever just...wish there was something more?” she said, suddenly. Ashido’s gaze was heavy as it rested on her. 
“What do you mean?” 
Ochako shrugged. She didn’t know. She just… Her stare drifted to the gurgling creek. Ochako had seen this creek so many times; she knew the way it winded, the sounds the water made as it lapped against the rocky shoreline. It was the same as it had been every day she made the trek to it, laundry basket balanced atop her shoulder. “I guess sometimes I just want to fly away from here,” she said. A low chuckle reverberated from her chest, and Ochako met Ashido’s questioning stare. “Crazy, right?” 
Ashido snorted. “Yeah. You don’t have wings, silly.” Her friend wrung out the cloth she was scrubbing with a sigh. “Besides, soon enough we’ll be matched and married. Why would you want to fly away from that?” 
Ochako didn’t have an answer for her then. She still didn’t, now, but sitting cross-legged in front of a crackling fire, staring at a boy with wings, she felt as though she was closer to the stars than she’d ever been. 
A low groan had Ochako’s heart jumping in her chest. She watched, awed, as the boy shifted beside her. His massive wings rustled, and his face pinched into a wince. He blinked, once, twice, his glassy gaze coming quickly into focus. Ochako’s breath lodged itself firmly in her throat as she watched him rise, gaze scanning the space until it found her. There was a beat where they merely stared. 
Ochako couldn’t breathe properly. She was lost, buried amidst the ever changing greenery of his gaze. So many emotions blew through him in just one breathless moment; a breeze of relief, the deafening silence of terror, the golden light of awe. Ochako witnessed it all. A sigh shuddered past her lips, and she managed a wobbly smile. “Hi.” 
The boy flinched, brows furrowing. His expressive eyes narrowed, uncertainty crackling there. “Um,” he said, voice hoarse. 
“My name’s Ochako, Ochako Uraraka,” she said. “Sorry for freaking you out and all, but you sorta...fell from the sky? And you’re hurt...I took the arrow out but I don’t think you’ll be flying for awhile. I patched it up, best I could, but um. Yeah.” She paused, rubbing at the back of her neck, face heating. Wow, she really just rambled like a dunce, didn’t she? She bit her lip, staring intently at the fire as it crackled, and seriously contemplated just sticking her head into the flames. 
“...thank you.” 
It was quiet, a wisp of a phrase, nearly lost to the popping of the fire. Ochako whipped her head up so fast she felt almost dizzy. He sat, curled practically in a ball, gaze fixed firmly on his scraped and muddy knees. His left wing was folded tightly to his back, his right extended and dragging at the dirt floor. Ochako smiled. “Of course,” she murmured. “How is your wing feeling?” 
What a question to ask. The boy fidgeted in place. His gaze darted to her, and that was when Ochako noticed the dusting of freckles across his cheeks and nose. She bit her lip, hard. Cute, she thought. 
“I-it-it’s sore,” he murmured. “B-but thanks.” There was a beat. Then, “I-Izuku.”
Ochako blinked. “Eh?” 
The boy blushed, ducking to hide behind his knees. “My-my name,” he stammered, and Ochako could have sworn he was blushing. Maybe it was just the light of the fire, playing tricks on her. 
“Call me Izuku.” 
At that, Ochako’s breath hitched. The boy, Izuku, gazed at her with such intensity, Ochako swore she could see stars dancing there in his eyes. She found herself drawing closer, her heart beating in her chest. “Izuku,” she breathed, the name rolling off her tongue. 
For the first time, Izuku smiled.
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genuflectx · 5 years ago
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Length: 8,655 words
Main Kinks: Horseplay, very light bondage, spanking, transformation
Other Warnings: Half-animals, farming, siblings (NOT incest), being poor, outdoor sex, pregnancy
(all images in aesthetic board are labeled for reuse with modification or are mine)
2/8/2020: REPOST
You re-adjusted the hefty pack weighing down your shoulders, a curse under your breath. Despite everything, despite the way the breeze gently touched the sweet grasses, and the way your staff kept you steady, you were exhausted and just… ready to go back home. The foothills were a fine place to hunt. But your game was a little more exotic, and your cause more needy than that of animal hunger. You had livestock to feed back home. There were crops to be cultivated, and family to be looked after. No, you weren’t wasting away your energy alone up here for mere venison. You were hunting for a unicorn. A live creature.
Evening was growing near, so you settled down. There was a stream below the hill, and scrubland to the east. You could set out some traps in hopes of having good breakfast, all the while reviewing the plan before nightfall.
A stone ring was laid, and you fluffed out the blankets beneath a tent. Next, you trekked to the shrubbery and set the traps. This was good land for rabbit and fox, who would become more active as the sun set. With any luck, by sunrise you could have fresh meat. And if God blessed you with a miracle, such a trap could snag a clumsy equine by the foot. You smirked humorously, knowing full well a horse’s hoof would thrash the stake from the ground before it would be discovered.
Water boiled on the pot while you slowly munched at a slice of bread and cheese, the remaining light keeping the pages of your notebook readable. You thumbed through old journal entries, searching for the last thing written; a vague outline of how to capture the mythical unicorn.
First, of course, you’d have to track it down. Tracking was important for any hunter to learn, and you’d learned it well in youth. The locals and neighbors swore up and down that something like a wild horse had been spotted here in these hills, close to the streams. There were no wild horses native to these mountains, so that was where you were starting. Then, after you’d decided upon a spot to camp, you’d spend the next few days quietly moving and searching and tracking. Looking for hoof prints, signs of scratched bark, really anything you could get. That was the hard part; actually getting visual.
And when you did finally lay eyes upon it, if at all? The outline was a little fuzzier after that. You could paralyze it, but you hadn’t the coin to afford such a weapon. And you certainly couldn’t shoot it, because that would risk it dying before you got what you wanted. A wild horse could be tamed, if you gained its trust and respect. But before that it must be captured.
The outline you’d hastily scribbled before hiking here described, vaguely, how you could possibly lure it into a false sense of security, net it down, then lasso it proper. That was the best bet. No harm would come to the magical creature. No harm but perhaps a sense of dread, which all prey animals must face when held taut by the human apex predator.
As the sun slowly recoiled below the mountains, you thought back to the last conversation you’d had, before having set off.
“You’re really going to just leave the farm to look for a unicorn? Oh, [Y/N.] You’ll be right eaten by a wolf before that ever happens!” And then your sister smacked the back of your head, like you were still a wee one.
You’d scrunched your nose, and hands flew to the air with exasperation. “Well what do you want me to do, we’re desperate! Should I sell another cow?”
She had softened.“It’s a fools errand. You know that. Fairtales.”
“…Yeah,” but you continued to pack, her eyes silently at your back until you slipped from the room.
Your sister was just looking out for you, as she always had. She was about a decade older, and herded the younger ones around in place of a proper mother. But she and your other siblings were the whole reason you were out here, sipping from a pot of boiled water. You were an adult. You could make your own decisions now. And you decided that you’d rather hope for an act of God than wait out the death of the family farm at point blank.
Something rustled in the bushes. You were still and kept quiet, but with the fire blinding your sight, you could see nothing. The brush was silent again, so you prepared to sleep. In the morning you rose to discover that your trap had snagged something. You licked your lips.
“Let’s see then,” you whispered to no one, already rather lonely.
It was a rabbit kit, caught by a foot in the snare. It was far too small and weak to do much but lay in wait to be eaten, so the foot was still in surprisingly good shape. You squatted down, and it sat frozen, breathing heavily.
“I couldn’t much eat a youngin’, now could I? Go on,” you loosened the wire, and it remained. “Go on!” You repeated, shoving its fluffy butt.
Finally the baby got the idea to leave. It hopped away as quickly as a little thing could, though you weren’t sure if it would find its way back home. Regardless of whether it found mama, or if a bird would swoop down for lunch, the child was nature’s business now. You stood and sighed. It would be more bread and cheese for breakfast, then.
You searched long and hard, never straying far from the sight of the stream. All animals had to drink, sometime. They couldn’t all derive their day’s worth of water from the food they ate. You lay on your belly, up atop a hill. A spyglass peered below, sweeping across the summer grasses and the dry bushes. So far you’d counted three deer, one badger, and a lone fox. It was rather early for foxes. You set the spyglass down and sighed.
Day one of tracking hadn’t gone as well as planned. You hadn’t even found any horse hoof prints. There were nothing but cloven hooves in the mud of the stream bank, leading this way or that. The disappointment led you to a restless, dreamless night.
In the morn you’d discovered more deer prints close to camp. One even looked to stray away, coming in to stop at the dusty embers of your dead fire in the night. Curious. You regretted not bringing a bow, now. Perhaps hunting venison would have been a better prerogative. At least you’d have something to show for your time in the foothills, once you returned home. You could see the pity in your sister’s eyes already.
However, day two had begun to turn out rather fruitful. There was something about the clear weather; something about the way butterflies drank abundantly from blooming wildflowers that felt too perfect. And it wasn’t just that. You had an indescribable gut feeling. Not the sort that one gets before a storm, but rather the gut feeling one gets upon knowing they’re mere moments from accomplishing a great task. It was a strange sense of well being.
You came upon a berry bush like in a dream. The drupelets were heavy with juice, fresh and ready to be picked. As you gnawed on a fat, ripe berry, something caught your attention. You tilted and leaned, glancing around the heavy brush here. It was hard to see, so you grabbed a handful of fruits and quietly got closer. There, down below, was a skinny gray horse, drinking from the stream peacefully.
“The rumors were true,” you whispered in awe.
Then it lifted its narrow head. You clumsily fumbled and dropped a few berries in an attempt to grab your spyglass quickly. The horse had a horn! A horn! The excitement was hard to restrain. It felt like your chest would explode outward. You accidentally crushed the berries in your fist, immediately wiping the juice on dirty trousers.
You had to work fast. You squatted low and dug, as quietly as possible, for a net inside of your sack. It had generously heavy balls on the edges, so that whatever it covered would be weighted down. You didn’t expect this to stop the unicorn from moving, but it would tangle the animal up. Once its legs were useless, you could really close in.
So it began. At first time seemed to slow; it was difficult to sneak down without much noise. But the trickle of the stream and direction of the wind helped to keep a low profile. And then it all accelerated, like a blazing wildfire. The unicorn panicked once netted, bucking and neighing wildly as it began to run. Its legs caught in the netting, and it carefully went down, its head tossing and nostrils flaring.
You made eye contact and reached a hand out, trying to look calming. “Shhh, it’s alright girl, it’s alright, just let me get you situated.”
But unicorns were not tame animals. Her eyes were dinner plates and she squirmed in the net. Her energy began to drain, so by the time you were able to get a lasso around her neck, she was already exhausted. The illusion of calmness befell her.
“There there,” you reached out again, nervously. Horses still had nasty teeth, and you did not want to lose a finger.
She snorted and shook her head, but eventually allowed you to pat her nose. You could tell she was still extremely tense, her ears cast back aggressively. While you’d not intended to make her a riding animal, you were worried that breaking her may be the only way to really calm her down. As you examined her gray, snowflake flank, she turned her head and stared you down.
She spoke. “What do you want? Let me go, or I may curse you!”
You jumped, hand to heart. Unsure that you were hearing right, you gawked and stared back silently.
The unicorn threw her head and snorted, pounding a hoof against the ground to stir up dirt. “Speak now! It’s rude not to!”
“So you did talk,” you gasped. “The fairytales never said anything about unicorns speaking! You’re intelligent then, like a man.”
She looked angry, her long tail flicking and flopping, much like a cat. “Yes. And now I want to know why you’ve captured me.”
“Unicorns grant wishes, don’t they? Your horn is magic.”
This made her pelt quiver, as if bitten by a fly. She lowered her head and curled her tail in close. “Oh please don’t cut my horn off! I will surely die if you do so! I will grant you anything, as long as you allow me to live.”
You furrowed your brows. “Oh, no- goodness, I haven’t come to take your horn, good creature. I’ve come to take you home, to my family’s farm. You’re going to help us. No one will harm you there,” you smiled, clapping. “No one believed me! My sister said this was a fool’s errand. I’ll show her.”
So she succumbed to her fate. You fashioned a nose band around her head, but left the bit out. She was surprisingly less aggressive after explaining what you intended to do, but she was still very wary. By now it was evening, but you reasoned that you may make it half way back before dark. While packing up camp you chatted.
“So, have you been captured before?” You asked.
She tugged at where she was hitched and shuffled uneasily, ignoring what you asked. “Have you lassoed a unicorn before?”
That made you smirk. “Of course not. Do you have a name?”
“I do.”
“…Well, what is it then?”
She tugged and scratched at the ground. “Beatrice, and I don’t care to learn yours. Will we go now?”
You hefted the bag up over your shoulders and nodded. As expected, you got a decent amount of walking in before having to set up camp for the night. Beatrice slept standing, occasionally waking every half hour or so. And then you rose with the sun, packed once more, and continued the rest of the way home. The unicorn, naturally, did not allow you to ride her. And considering that she was intelligent, you were a little afraid to suggest it. She walked behind you, ever vigilant.
“So,” you began. “If you’re a unicorn, why does your horn do,” you gestured weirdly around your forehead. “that?”
She rolled her eyes, ears twitching. “Why is it split? Well, why are my hooves split, or your rear, for that matter.”
You thinned your lips and kept walking awkwardly. “You do not like people.”
“Ah, then you understand me. No more questions. You will parade me around your farm, I will grant your wish, and you will release me again. I grow tired of talking,” she sighed.
You supposed that if it were you suddenly lassoed and led away from home, that you’d be rather sour, too. This was all starting to make you feel guilty. But she was magic, and you were desperate. If you could show her a good time perhaps she’d take pity. You didn’t want to risk the wrath of an angry wish-giver. She could probably kill all your cattle, if it so pleased. But you were certain that you could make her comfortable, and perhaps she’d even enjoy meeting your family. Or maybe that was all rationalization. Maybe you were just an asshole.
The tree line parted to wide, grassy fields, being grazed upon by rather scrawny cows. Some saw you from the corner of their doe eyes and lifted their nervous heads to watch. One spared a moo, and you tipped your head.
“Howdy to you, too, ladies!”
Beatrice snorted and smirked. At least you were amusing her, that was a good sign.
First stop was the stables. You wanted to get Beatrice nice and cozy before tending to your sister and siblings. She was your guest, so it was only right. You led her on in, and the other horses came to their windows curiously.
“You are going to leave me here? With common horses?” Beatrice asked snottily.
You chanced a careful pat to her neck and chuckled. “Well sure, you’re a horse! Don’t worry ‘bout the other two. Fenwick there is a young stallion, and Sable is just an old plow horse. Other than Fenwick you ought to not be bothered, and I’ll place you in the further stall.”
She snorted, lifting and lowering her head with irritation. But still, she allowed herself to be led to the back of the stable, all the while ignoring the other two excited equines.
“And now what?” She asked as you locked the door and gently removed her nose band.
“Well, now you can rest, eat some hay, have some fresh water. I’ll even see if I can scrounge up an apple or carrot, but I doubt we have any sugar. But first… gotta find my sister.”
“There’s more of you,” she stomped a hoof and backed further into the stall.
You smiled and nodded. “And won’t they be pleased with me! I’ll be back!”
You left Beatrice to her own devices, then trotted off towards the house. Oh, the look on your big sister’s face was sure to be priceless, and the younger kids would get a kick out of it, too. You were vibrating with excitement; all pent-up energy and restrained elation.
Beatrice, on the other hand, was distinctly lacking anything resembling excitement. She glanced around the stall, examining the floorboards judgmentally. As she tentatively leaned to grasp a bit of straw, one of her neighbors gave a quiet whinny. Beatrice lifted and wandered back to the window, gnawing on the hay. It was good, but not enough to really brighten her spirits.
On the other side of the stables, and only a few stalls down, was the plower. She was a heavy set draft horse, solid black but for the white stripe down her nose. Her ears faced forward as she leaned her heavy head over the stall window, big eyes blinking curiously and sniffing in vain.
“I’m not here for work, I won’t be long,” Beatrice stated. “So don’t bother to invest yourself.”
The second horse poked his head out from along her side of the stable. He was a spotted brown appaloosa, and didn’t smell like a gelding. This one was loud and rude, as all young, cocky stallions were. A mare close to his age was very interesting, so he had a wild expression, his hide twitching. Beatrice could not imagine greeting him in the pasture. She hoped her human host had no intentions of doing so, as she didn’t get along very well with normal equines.
“That’s very rude,” she sneered, shaking her head and laying her ears back.
The spotted horse stared at her dumbly for a moment. Then he went back to snorting and making noise, his body language speaking since he could not.
Beatrice just backed away into her stable, disheartened. She nibbled at the hay until voices came drifting from the door of the stable. Her ears pricked up curiously as she chewed.
“You’ll see! She’s right down here!”
A strange woman’s voice replied back, mockingly. “Oh sure, and have you found the trolls of the foothills, as well?”
You rolled your eyes, coming to Beatrice’s stall and gesturing wildly. “No! That’s stupid! Trolls don’t exist… but unicorns,” you grinned.
With a final huff your sister Abigail stomped up beside you, glaring into the stall. As soon as what she saw registered, she screamed dramatically, hands to her cheeks. She stumbled back, and you began to gloat smugly.
“It’s a… it’s a… totally normal horse!”
Your face dropped starkly. “What?”
Abigail dropped the act and crossed her arms, tapping a foot impatiently. “Really, you couldn’t have glued a sharp rock to her head? A little more effort would have been nice.”
Beatrice snorted and twitched. The unicorn was mocking you! She was actually mocking you! You could see the laughter in her pink eyes.
“You can’t see that? The horn is plain as day!”
“Enough [Y/N.] I have to cook supper. You know, something useful,” she headed for the door, then paused to add. “Why don’t you sell that thing? Wild mare looks healthy enough, if a little skinny. Least she’ll be good for something.”
As soon as she’d left, you gave Beatrice the meanest, nastiest look you’d ever conjured, as if straight from the witch’s cauldron itself. “I really ought to sell you!”
The unicorn whinnied with laughter and pranced around, feeling rather proud. “Oh, you poor thing! I feel just awful!”
Your face reddened. “Why can’t she see your horn?”
The question made her slow down, coming back to a restful stance. She considered it, before leaning to nibble at some more hay.
“Don’t ignore me, come on. I’ve treated you fair, haven’t I?”
She stared at you like a regular ol’ horse, like nothing was going on up there at all. But when she finally ground the hay into bits and swallowed, she offered an honest answer.
“I took pity on you, before. You could see my true nature, because you had a kind heart. I saw what you did for the rabbit’s kit. You let her go free, but you could have eaten her,” she toed the hay under foot, looking for something that appeared more eatable. “Since your kind are carnivores, I mean.”
That just made you more confused than ever. “You’re saying my sister doesn’t have a kind heart? Is that it?” That made you a little mad. Your sister was harsh sometimes, but she was truly a good person.
Beatrice tilted her head. “Not necessarily. She doesn’t seem to have much faith in the old world, and that suits her. Why should she see me? She has no reason.”
You drummed your fingers on the stall door, thinking hard. Maybe your family didn’t see her, but you did. That was all that mattered, right? You could get your wish, and then release her. If you just asked of her this one favor, your crops could grow fruitful and tall, and your cattle could become fat again. You’d be able to support the household you’d grown up in, now that your elder parents had passed. No one would know it was your doing, but you’d eat well. Your siblings would eat well.
“Unicorn, I want to make my wish.”
She hummed and came a little closer, but her eyes looked sad. “Then choose well. You only have one, and then you must let me go, as you promised,” she glanced down to the dirty stable floor. “And then I will go back into the world, sought by magic seekers and animal tamers alike.”
The sudden dreariness in her speech made you hesitate. Something came to mind, and you let it be asked freely. “Have any ever tried to kill you, for your horn?”
Beatrice looked back up into your eyes reluctantly, then nodded miserably. “Of course.”
Memories of when you’d caught her swam to the surface, how she had begged. You bit your lip and twiddled with a loose sting on your trousers. “And have any attempted to break you, as a real horse?”
“Oh yes, many. They are no match for me, but… once, I have been injured,” she ducked her head and pretended to sniff the hay. “Humans like to kick and swat, don’t they.”
Suddenly there was doubt. Something was telling you to take a day and think everything over, to consider your options. You leaned against the stable door and sighed heavily. “Give me this night and a day. Tomorrow evening I’ll know what to wish for.”
She nodded obediently, and you left.
Inside the little house you found your sister fast at work, cooking atop the lonely stove. She was boiling something. It smelled plainly of carrots, or fresh green beans. The family frequently ate vegetables from the market, or your poor veggie garden out back, so this wasn’t an uncommon smell. Before, you’d been tired of plain vegetables. But after having just gotten home from the wilderness, those plain vegetables were now a delightful scent. One cannot survive on bread and cheese alone.
Before you could open your mouth to compliment her, one of your young brothers rushed to tackle your leg. He was quickly followed by his twin, and the two were shadowed by a small girl of six. Being much older, stronger, and taller, the playful aggression just made you laugh. The boys hardly even made you stumble.
“Sis says you brought home a new horse!” Yelled the boy at your leg. He was trying to drag you further inside, as if unsure whether or not he was attempting to wrestle or hug.
“Horsey,” repeated the smirking girl.
You took a step and nearly tripped, then gave him a hard rub on the head. “Better let up boy, or I’ll toss ya in the fireplace!”
His twin rocked on his little heels smugly, watching you struggle. “She said you’re craaazy,” he tattled.
“Boys,” yelled Abigail from the kitchen. “That may be true, but let [Y/N] alone! And close the door already!”
They begrudgingly backed off, finally allowing you to shut the front door and come inside to settle. Since your ma and pa passed, it was up to you and Abigail to care for the little ones. Otherwise, they’d have no one else. It was rough. Abigail was already twenty-four, but had yet to marry. And as for yourself, being three years behind her, you’d yet to do any better. Nary a girl looked your way. Taking care of the children was a full-time job. It made you feel even more guilty that you had left on a goose chase, but what they didn’t know was that you actually did return with the goose.
Supper was served, and the whole time the kids chattered away. Once, there had been a time when dinner was for quiet contemplation. You and Abigail weren’t as strict as your parents. Now things were louder, and much wilder. It suited your strange family, but you still missed ma and pa. As you popped a slice of sweet carrot into your mouth, you recalled the way pa had taken your hand before passing. You remembered his cough, and his final wishes being carefully collected into a letter, directed by a shaky quill. He and ma wanted the farm to continue on, to prosper and be a source of hard work and coin. God rest their souls, you thought, and God give me clear judgment.
The kids were hard to put to sleep; Jane just didn’t want to close her eyes. She snuggled a stuffed bear and pouted until Abigail read to her. The twins, as soon as they were painstakingly forced to get cozy, fell right asleep. You blew out the candles and went to bed.
The house only had a handful of rooms; Jane and her older brothers shared a room, and you and Abigail shared a room. With a hard decision to make, you had a rough time resting. Glancing over at Abigail’s bed, and finding her fast asleep, you wandered out to sit on the porch. The stars gently flickered overhead, like a thousand white hot candles.
“The fairytales never said anything about unicorns speaking! You’re intelligent then, like a man.”
“Yes. And now I want to know why you’ve captured me.”
“Unicorns grant wishes, don’t they? Your horn is magic.”
“Oh please don’t cut my horn off! I will surely die if you do so! I will grant you anything, as long as you allow me to live.”
You shuddered and hugged yourself. She really did believe that you’d intended to kill her, at first. Beatrice had showed some trust in you, allowing your mercy and willingness to believe in magic put her at risk. She let you see her. And then you betrayed that, catching and dragging her away from the mountain. Your stomach hurt. But if you could just ask her one thing, one thing to bring life back into the farm, your family wouldn’t starve during winter. Maybe you could even sell enough surplus goods to afford books and new clothes, to send some of your siblings off trotting to school. But Beatrice…
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You were conflicted. Tired, and with a growing headache, you went back to your bed and finally fell asleep. In the morning there would be more clarity.
Everyone rose with the first light of dawn to complete their chores. Abigail milked the cow, the young ones dealt with the chickens. You hesitated at the door of the stable, but knew you couldn’t wait around forever. Taking a steadying breath of cold, sobering country air, you slowly stepped inside, as careful as the rising sun itself.
“So, what is your wish?” beckoned Beatrice upon hearing your gait.
You stopped, flexed your fingers nervously, then went to her stall. She was laying comfortably against a pile of hay, gazing up at you through the stall window. Looking into her big wet eyes helped to steel your resolve.
She blinked, impatient. “Have you decided? My, you look pale.”
You nodded silently, and came into the stall. “Yes, I think I have. But it may not be the wish you were expecting of me. If… that’s okay?”
She stood and rose a brow, her ears swiveling back, then forward again, uncertain. “What does it matter if I believe it okay? Make your wish now.”
You tightened your lips and sighed. “Here’s my wish,” you began quietly. “I wish for you to be able to travel unheeded by man, untouched by their greed. So that way, you can move freely. No one will be able to catch you and take your horn, or ride you ever again. Not unless you allow them to.”
She stood unchanged for a moment, then as if suddenly struck, her eyes widened and she tensed. “What?”
“I said-”
“No, I heard you, human. I… I heard you. Why?”
You stared down at the dirty stall floor, at your worn shoes. “Well, it’s just… my family. I see them and I think, what if that were them? What if my little sister came upon magic, and then the world meant to hurt her, just cause of that? I mean, I may not have meant to hurt you. But the things you told me,” you looked up, brows furrowed. “Hurt my heart to hear.”
She tilted her head. “And your farm? What of that?”
You scratched your neck and smiled. “I’m gonna look for more work in town. Heck, maybe Abigail could learn to cook sweets and sell em at market. I think we’ll be okay. May not have ma and pa, but we still got love.”
The young appaloosa a few stalls down whinnied and snorted.
“Ha! Yeah, and those other two horses. We’ll make it. Now you can, too!”
Beatrice thought a moment, staying rather still. She ground her teeth idly and flicked her long tail into a better position. “Last chance to change your mind.”
“No, I’m sure. That’s my wish Beatrice.”
The dappled gray unicorn smiled and gave a thankful nod. She straightened stiffly, like a dog stretching, and her black-as-obsidian horn began to glow hotly. Its brilliance encased the dark stall. The light blinded you so thoroughly that it felt as if an angel had entered the room. And for a moment you thought one did, for as the light began to dissipate and your eyes re-adjusted, there was a strange woman before you.
“Wh-what?” You stuttered dumbly.
She wasn’t all woman just yet. Her legs were still long, long horse legs, tipped in their respective hooves. Even her hands were still strange; each finger was hard and black. Her small gray ears twitched and spasmed uncomfortably, and her tail began to shrink.
“I’m changing,” she rasped.
Her knees crunched and shifted, pressing back, moving into the correct place. The strong muscle of her horse thighs receded into the hard muscles of human, mostly hairless, or as hairless as the natural human state. The bones of her hooves and her calves moved and elongated into toes, causing her to grit her teeth and flinch. And as her ears dissolved into her new skull, her tail and its respective bones seemed to be absorbed into her back and upright spine. Some matter was taken in, and some dissipated uselessly. She began to look like a normal nude woman, standing in the middle of a horse’s stall.
You gawked and stared, backing up against the door.
The nude woman blinked long eyelashes, her new lips parting. She ran her tongue along her teeth and rose her brows when they grazed the canines. A glance over her shoulder made it clear that her tail was gone, and her short gray body hair had been changed into bare flesh. Turning back, she smiled. Then she moved from foot to foot excitedly, like a prancing pony.
“I’m human! [Y/N], your wish has made me human!”
You touched your mouth and ran it down your chin, swallowing thickly. “You-your horn.”
Beatrice stopped celebrating and touched the two-pronged horn that still stuck out from her forehead. “Oh! I can fix that,” she closed her eyes and dipped her head. The horn glowed, then seemed to vanish. “There. I’m a human proper now.”
Chuckling awkwardly, you peeked around for something to hand her. “Yeah… and a naked one at that.”
Examining herself, she gave a breast a playful jiggle. “How fun! How unique! This feels so very different. Look here!” She bounced on her toes and watched her breasts and belly move with her. “Everything jumps when I jump!”
You coughed and averted your gaze, trying to be polite. Magical creatures were so aloof. “That’s um, not the sort of thing you say to someone you don’t know, ah, intimately, Beatrice.”
As if she didn’t already know that. Beatrice rolled her eyes and continued to explore her new body with awe and curiosity.
You exited the stall and snatched a saddle blanket, one that the appaloosa used. It wasn’t the best, and it was probably a little dirty, but it would cover her. Returning, you held it out.
“Here… hide yourself. You’ll need clothes if you intend to walk among people, maybe some of ma’s old dresses.”
Beatrice took it and smiled, but she didn’t wrap up. “[Y/N], I have another question for you.”
“'Bout humans?”
If she had her horse’s ears, they’d have turned back at your 'low-class’ accent. “Yes, about humans. Won’t you show me how it feels?”
You barely glanced at her from the corner of your eye, confused as to why she hadn’t covered yet. “What do you mean?”
Shifting legs, she bounced and grinned excitedly. “To be a human! To mate with a human! Truly, I have always wanted to know.”
You gawked and nearly guffawed vocally in surprise. Instead the sound caught in your throat and out came stupid sputtering. “Wh-what now!? Am I hearing things? Weren’t you just going on about how folk used to try and cut off your horn?”
She furrowed her brows and pouted irritably. “Yes. But I… always have been curious about your kind. How you walk upright, how you live in your weird little wooden cubes.”
“And… and sex.”
The human-unicorn nodded and tried to snap her fingers, but failed disappointingly. “Exactly! I’ve never met a human as tender-hearted as you, if you may call it that. If I were to mate with any, you would do well. Please. Let me thank you for your kindness.”
She took a step towards you, causing you to back out of the stall nervously. The proposition wasn’t terrible, but it certainly was embarrassing. You didn’t want to make love in the middle of a smelly stable stall, right next to two eavesdropping farm horses. Were you expected to lean her over a bale of hay? The water through? But you couldn’t bring her inside, either. The look on your sister’s face as you lead a strange, naked woman inside would be outrageous. She’d strike you down. And you definitely didn’t want her around the children, God forbid.
She stopped coming and examined the tack nearby, with a thoughtful hum. As she picked up a bit, her pink eyes sparkling, she added. “Come on then, I’ll even let you ride me.”
You covered your crotch bashfully and swallowed, unable to take your eyes away now. “Let’s go, cover up and follow me,” you whispered, as if someone could be around the stable door listening.
Beatrice, in her new, strange human body, tip-toed after you as quietly as she could muster, the blanket cast over her shoulders. Occasionally she’d giggle, like this was all a game. The horse tack tangled carefully around her wrists in her antsy hands, and she nibbled her lip with excitement looking down at it. She was never one to enjoy a human upon her back, but what could she say? After over a century of hiding in the mountains, now she could walk easily through town, as if cloaked in invisible robes. She was just so happy. There were so many possibilities ahead of her, so much to explore and see. So sure, she’d give you a ride. Just one. But first, sex.
Everyone had gone back to the house, leaving the path to the nearby woods inconspicuous and open. There would be no eyes on the two of you as you beckoned her across the way, far behind the house and any unwanted attention. The tall oak trees and thick bushes would shroud everything. You could barely see the house at all anymore.
“Now, what are the crude things your human girls say when they want to mate? Fuck me? Fuck you? Something like that? Well. You understand.”
Her bluntness made your cheeks retain a dark shade of red, but the silly way she spoke didn’t make you any less needy. As she got to her hands and knees, naked rear in the air, the blanket fell from her shoulders unceremoniously. You supposed she would be most used to this position. With the beams of morning sun glaring through thinning fog, and her dark hair cascading over her shoulders and into the dirt, you were certain your heart would stop. Beatrice was strange and old, but she was also kind and beautiful.
“I haven’t done this in a few years,” you commented, shaking down your trousers and carefully getting to your knees.
She sighed and looked back at you upside down. “Neither have I. Of course, I am most used to other unicorns. This will be so different, go on then!” She wiggled her ass.
You laughed and gave it a hard, playful smack, and she yelped. “Ah-ah, human girls can’t just take it dry. I don’t wanna hurt you now,” your hand reached lower and gently fingered around the lips. She gave another yelp, though smaller.
“I see,” she sighed, blinking long eyelashes. “That feels nice.”
You ran along the damp folds. The hair prickled your fingers and was coated with lubrication as you pressed against her clitoris. She sighed, so you knew you were on the right track. You rubbed it carefully, until she prompted you to be a little rougher.
“Enjoying yourself already,” you teased, squeezing her ass with your free hand.
“Yes, keep going.”
So you ended up swirling circles around her clit as you simultaneously stroked yourself, watching. It was a little difficult to keep the pace of both at once, but it still felt nice.
Beatrice became restless. “Stick it in already, I can sense that you want to.”
You gently squeezed your hard shaft, nearly drooling. With a quick nod you shuffled closer. She gasped when you just barely ran the tip a few times through her wet folds.
“You need it that bad, unicorn?” You asked, lightheaded.
She nodded and pushed back against your cock, letting the tip press the entrance. It had you biting your lip. Giving her ass another hard smack got a squeak out of her, and you began to slowly ease in. She inched back in turn.
“Ah,” you sighed.
She seated very easily; her pussy was almost unnervingly perfect and warm. It was perhaps a combination of slickness and magic, you thought. Or maybe you were just insanely horny and desperate, since you hadn’t fucked in forever. Could have been a sprinkle of everything.
Staying achingly still, you kneaded her soft rear and asked. “So, does it feel how you expected?”
Beatrice blinked her eyes open and thought for a moment. She hummed and moved just a little to give it a feel. “You’re not nearly as rough as unicorn stallions.”
“That… that a bad thing?”
She laughed coyly, and you could feel the vibrations in your cock. It made you shiver.
“No, but I could certainly take it. Why, here,” Beatrice grabbed the horse tack, popping the mouth piece between her teeth. It didn’t fit as neatly into the jaw of a human, but it would serve its purpose well. She slipped the headband on securely in place.
Your cheeks were beat red. “Don’t think that’s the intended purpose for that.”
She just giggled and began to jostle slowly, slipping your aching dick in and out a few inches. It had you cursing, ready to move. As you started to gyrate you took hold of the reins, giving a gentle yank. Her head was pulled back by the bit, and it seemed to excite her more. She was such a strange beast, but you certainly weren’t complaining.
You slapped her ass, which by now was tinting rather pink from your continued abuse. Then you slapped it again, and again, before thrusting hard with wild abandon. She just felt so good. Before long you got the first moan out of her, her breath coming out ragged around the bit.
“More! Rougher, come on human!” She ground out, words mumbled.
In desperation to appease her tastes you loosened the reins to reach for her wrists. She seemed surprised but willing, and cried out when you held them together against her back, pressing your weight down upon her. The bit nearly slipped from her mouth as she whined and panted, her ass jiggling with every deep thrust.
You weren’t going to last long like this. It was impossible. You let go of her wrists and slowed down to take a break, panting and sweating. She started to make up for the loss by bouncing back on your cock while you stayed still.
“Ohhh lord,” you whispered, brows furrowed. “Slow… slow down, I won’t last.”
Beatrice grinned and kept going. You yanked the reins. It craned her neck back, forcing her to lift her upper body up by her hands, or else hurt her neck.
“Oh shit, your ears,” you gasped, running your free hand down your face.
Her magic was losing its touch as Beatrice continued to unabashedly enjoy herself; her horse’s ears had unfurled from her hair. And then there came her horn, spiking out from her forehead. She was turning into her previous self.
“Don’t worry,” she comforted breathlessly, her ass smacking against your skin as she continued to ride you.
What were human legs shifted, the muscles bundling into bigger, tighter coils. The hair grew back quickly, painting her legs from the thigh down a mid-tone gray. Toes cracked and squished, and the bones moved, once again tipping her long legs with dark hooves. Beatrice just about resembled a satyr at this point.
You didn’t have much time to worry or fret over what was happening, as the warm pussy bouncing on your dick rhythmically tightened and loosened. Beatrice began to rub her cunt furiously, howling violently as she came around you.
You found yourself hissing through your teeth. “Where should I cum,” you asked quietly, holding back by just a thread.
This was a funny concept to her. Unicorns, though sentient, were much more wild when they mated. The majority of sex was purely for procreation, though it rarely bared any fruit, or else there would be many more unicorns upon the mountain. She’d never been asked where her mate should release.
So she replied. “Inside, of course! Let yourself go.”
It sounded silly with her teeth and lips still gripping the bit, but you were too far gone to find the humor in it. Instead, you let Beatrice ride your orgasm out of you. Her pussy gripped your throbbing cock as you moaned, balls tightening and unloading inside of her. She didn’t slow so you had to grasp her ass, clinging and clawing the soft flesh hard to keep her in place. With the reins dropped, she could lower her self back down, her back becoming an incline to the dirt below.
Beatrice sighed, and you caught your breath. You sat for a moment, just enjoying the warmth and the natural sound of the woods. Then, you slowly pulled out and watched the cum ooze down her leg. It dripped messily onto the damp morning soil.
“Ah, did I do all that?” You teased, spreading her lips for a better view.
She waggled her rear and dropped the bit, the beginnings of a tail stump forming from the base of her spine. “And made me lose control of my magic for a little while there. Well done!”
You helped to tidy the woman up then slipped your trousers back over your hips. As you sat peacefully in the dirt next to her nude form, you asked. “What now, unicorn?”
She stared up between the leaves, smiling. Her horse legs, ears, and horn had been hidden again. Now she just looked like a naked human woman once more. “I want to see the human world! All of it! I’ve never been given such a selfless gift, [Y/N]. And I hope I have repaid you in kind.”
“I never needed any payment. But… I had fun.”
“Do you want your ride now?” She clapped gently.
You scratched your head and gave a lopsided smirk. “Thought that was the ride?”
Beatrice tilted her head, thinking. Then she began to guffaw and bellow with a deep laughter. “No! You are a funny human!”
“Well, you’re the first to say so. Please, go explore the world. And if you ever need shelter to hide, our little farm is open to you.”
She stood up and stretched, popping her back and fingers. As she moved and twisted, she hummed. “Hmmm, [Y/N]?”
“I do so hate to ask more, but… about the clothes?”
Your eyes widened and cheeks reddened. Right! She was still extremely nude! As nude as a newborn baby. You scrambled to your feet and started to trot away. Then you stopped suddenly, turned, and called. “I’ll be right back! Stay here!” Then you ran off to the house over the hill.
The world went back to normal and the season drug on mercifully slow. You had not wanted to face winter. But soon, within a week’s time after the unicorn left the farm, there came unexpected change. You noticed less pests gnawing at tomato leaves. The stalks of beans began to wrap tightly around their sticks, springing up high and mighty were once they’d dangled pathetically. Even the wimpy apple trees bucked up, their fruits growing fat for the coming autumn harvest.
Abigail came inside from milking the cows. “I think Petunias lookin’ a bit happier lately, since she done had her calf,” she commented. “She’s started producing twice the amount of milk! Last calf didn’t give nearly as much!”
You’d been in the middle of talking to your younger siblings, who were all in amazingly good spirits. “Really now?” You commented, holding one of the twin’s wrists to keep him from smacking his brother.
“Now what’s goin’ on here?” She put her hands on her hips and gave the young ones a glare. “Rough housing again? Be nice to your brothers!”
“Um, I’m being nice,” peeped the little girl, giggling because the others got scolded.
You let him go and he stuck out his tongue. “They was just arguing about when they get to help us sell on the market, since they haven’t helped do that before.”
Abigail went to wash her hands and pursed her lips. “Right, ma and pa never did let you rascals set up the stalls. You know, I think things are lookin’ up! Why not let the buggers help this fall?”
“Really think we’ll have enough to sell?”
“Sure, maybe we’ll go on and sell the calf on the market, since she’s about weaned. Get some good coin, save for a new meat steer. Better calves next spring, better coin next fall!”
The boys clapped their hands together to beg, sending big baby eyes your way. Even their younger sister tugged at your shirt, pleading.
“So can we help? Can we pleeeeease? Please please please?”
You sighed and rolled your eyes. “Suppose if Abigail says you’re ready, bout time you learn.”
“Yay!” They all cheered, dancing around noisily.
So summer did as summer should, sun-soaking the veggies and fruit trees and herbs. The cows grazed on luscious fields of grass with a bit of hay mixed in. Chickens went on to produce large, round brown eggs, which made for delicious morning protein. And, when autumn came, you and your family went to harvest. It was a long few days of gathering; plucking, picking, leaning and crouching. By the end of it the fields were empty and your baskets were overflowing. You’d never expected to produce this much food, it turned out to be way more than your family could eat on their own. That meant you’d have plenty for market.
You had the strong plow horse pull a small cart into town, its wagon full of crates. The children sat among the goods excitedly, goofing off and chatting. They were so ready to help this year. When you arrived everyone got straight to work, though there were a few delays as the kids accidentally dropped some apples or wandered to pat the horse. But, eventually, your stall was ready to welcome customers.
The morning was chilly and long. People stopped by, pleasantly surprised by your crop. A neighboring farmer even dropped in to tip his hat, and bought an apple for his daughter. You began to rake in a fair amount of money, perhaps more than you’d ever made on market before. It was like someone was looking out for you; an angel had put a good word in.
A woman shrouded in a soft gray cloak came through the crowd and decided to glance over your produce. You could not see much of her face as she tilted her eyes down at the ripe apples and the baskets of fresh beans.
“Is that a wizard?” Whispered your younger sister quietly, pointing. She wasn’t subtle at all.
You laughed under your breath and shrugged. “Wizards got coins too,” you replied, going to greet the customer. “Hello there! See anything you like? We’ve got some nice juicy tomatoes over on the other side. What you looking for?”
The strange figure glanced up, so you could finally see her face among the shadow. Her features were still rather clouded, though her eyes were an otherworldly pink and her lashes long. A young maiden. You weren’t sure why, but you suddenly got a funny feeling in your gut. Did you know her? Perhaps you’d gone to the schoolhouse together.
“Might I have three apples, stranger? They look very sweet.”
“Have you the coin?”
She twisted and dug into a pocket hanging from her waste, then held her palm out. When you went to take the money from her she took your hand and gently turned it over. You stood, silent and confused. She poured to coins into your palm, then took her fruit. As she loosened her robe to store the apples in a larger pocket, you noticed through the gap that she appeared a few months pregnant. The cloak had been hiding her belly well up until that point.
“Thank you, I shall enjoy these! Goodbye for now, perhaps I shall see you again,” then she wiggled her fingers and mixed back into the crowd.
You stared after her, brows furrowed. A long minute went by before you felt another light tug at your shirt, only to find your litter sister.
“Um, so, was it really a wizard?” She asked, eyes bright.
You couldn’t help but smirk. She squealed as you lifted her up and poked her nose. “Oh sure was! A good and kind wizard! She bought three whole apples.”
The young girl gasped. “Girls can’t be wizards…”
“Well why not?”
That answer made her have to re-think everything. Her face scrunched. “Cause, then that’d be a witch!”
“Ahhh, I see!”
Abigail yelled at the two of you to stop goofing around. There were customers to attend to. So you sat your sister back onto her feet, gave her a pat, and re-joined the rest of your family. Perhaps the unicorn had blessed you, after all.
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18 notes · View notes
reeseoqz · 4 years ago
~ Mother watched it die every year. For at a time when the leaves twirl as dance, or those in sphere with that purple static reflectors: she may run herself along of what it was but gone away, and it was only distance till common then; say as Jupiter. 
All developed from the dot but change anyway and thru the seems; with glimpse of when the frozen lake, to now the sighted first birds among the echo of on the walls to out, and the fires less as we embrace invited horizon as the dreams return. Yet, I could not convey what spark did change in ~____until there were some friends of mine: the hallucination of bears…
Forward to revive: to think of without, gl111x00Fearoming\oeoe: would the spirits say we are settled always guided and flourish as? Even when about: it would reveal time*** Mother has turquoise while home wondered on until along the nature’s night of grace and wonder.
  If the morning cried, there I would be. My stance glowing and learn myth or two, but what of the dearest natural changes? Losing groups of the noble to vastness at those times, or withered poison left gifted or snuck about***
  Now the light thru the cloud’s noticed at noon and all til moon; maybe to the waterfall, o: life presented and fond in mind. The magenta some other lapse of sky, now shimmer rotation ! ! ! ! around the land. 
The wise healers to all, and the flourished to be of what became of me so different and quiet—they, the sighted almost time or in the morning fire, became all of what I ever,...memories, and in my heart: creaoievus
When the warmth congruent, I wanted to ask her about it—my own little change of change leading me up the hill and adjacent to the 1;^ across and thru to mother’s circle space in the distance, and the derived glee will renew her and our days divine.
When the “”((( gathered us all: there was my brother—an enthusiast of season, stay till noble, then groups travel beyond what all is to what 0. He knew there was change and up speed*** he chooses, and all of his purpose and freedom would keep our people hopeful even when it is home to return from what they call an-overflow: ‘city’, to see for themselves a sim;,,,with grateful for (;)*** or #revived.
The bears looked frightful despite awaken. How could I ease a circle?*** The woods was where it prayed and blossomed—longed for (;) and when a journal with a branded eagle was gifted to my brother. He kissed mother goodbye and disappeared beyond the hills***.
Myself where the birds sing, moving with the light.*** I wanted to remember where they hinted about, and why the bears were easing fear thru my body and mind. The cycles but myself never was aware of anything besides circles, on so on. I could have felt then, but dizzy…
h!z4oh whisper echo—vines, moody swirling whistle become. So the bears….
Hum e\ri\\ridge, still oh my, rush ‘em away you bloody shadows. j@!e02, such as that—people rebelled and rumored tumor or simply losing related, that is where. Neighbor when duration amplify^#=Jupiter then the bloom. Eh, say as so, for honest, earwax heavy that is cube. EDITronate *nothing but it was, but how if the A#3lllhm maybe to home now, ek soul drum crickets. @m<-Waving pink haired bear. 
Engage dino7 but fireflies or busy \ glitter 4&&;_ 
Erased along with berry atmosphere too…/[___~ 
<<>> until it, ugh&deer and rabbits…distanced worry.
Within; rewind =</freely see what is around it, the very thing blurry. L00kme me see the spiral cloak of morphing bloom ugh, ^2 grass near church up west hill miles on, abandon ^^^way; frenzy so re- and why have the tribes fled? ;\#;’
Color spectrum, mortal us a fools. Embrace oh the ladder,* * * would it snow?—never mind any guess,. Haunted hehq, said tweedled0=; water#&7\+ real7y own map replied, Thru and of the woods, step so lounge window to circle , re,0t;z shun   Fe-@x+j^q2e.
: 00000_&eagh^F>L>E>M>…………
up a tree/Flood@waterfall rotator7^ \^ appointment light spotted. 
cry any cry til day purple moon] 3@;\\
```                     &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^creek^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^33^3370333abandon for sister 33333737373777777700000<`0~_______00000static atmosphere, c—- soon to loom…..00000 ;;; the messages of mother.
Storm, echos and shadows. From a stranger at camp, name unknown, found on a chair in my tent, opium, spoke of but missed and matched, as the*** and when nature soul knew it would not be very long, 0h%/\convinced scissor that June when the change saw I saw for one or [^.
When I got to the open circle, up to the treehouse; old notebooks; drawings. Hallway but to where?… sincere, hm0 \ and]]\0; if to lightning near the stone manifest, awhile see—where it always is but view static to ground and around; stunned twirling ribbons of pink light.***************
Grey clothed men, demon cursing***, oh loud friction bells, and ill_ z doc stumble thru blur, of to onward see as we, fire and madness; who would? Human lasers, my family, our home… 
Thru and thru to smoke and ash. 1//e@L<. Once without mirror then hehyugh, jettison slaughter,,,,The stranger boy being thrown to the ground.
Clmderophinzym—ti;hsorthm0 or but really ladybugs, the butterflies, my friends.\\ maze mist and demon skeletons, 7llll3\=
_SPOTLi#h+uh Tachx9\; chief***. Jasmine rhuteahalL7. Huhph4fkg;&^ fire screams but not at all like this moment oh, elders bowed, tremble and gave away freedom; and yet the spirits***; what of this grief Jupiter? 
Wire supply storage, prisoners; away the doc. Oh we gone along. z3e7e7=lightning scan woods, journey vomit exhausted in the wasteland— mourning, who again…cannot.
7 ill fair fainting oh— spirits you see…but suddenly: awG, the spoken of regarding xhxhxxhhxxhxhxh, but never believed,.
toxic in storm this night, hmm So so so, darkening sky. Birdhouse pirate cannot navy, women say to shelter; this different poison blinded////. MJ0#stair if they, where is home? Dear heavens…, 
There are soldiers near path with torches. 
H1; and swords, violence and yet I was near it, just yesterday; a fold of common.
Who was wizardry, oh pinch surreal?! Chaos. e.s.t.. Where are we going?! Eye_corruption over home and yelling for retrace,. It they search; I saw the ribbon drop 0 in heart. Some stayed and knitted sharpen; circle but far and forever these. So my mother’s journals and 3/4c/keys to on move till flying lanterns. Fabric ash, awG sharp teeth %/\,;+3k’’——______——-_______————-_________————____ …tired in the void. Oh, some chemical ++ asleep***
Story harps and Heather00 proclaimed ghosts and awG’s cavalry. Tormenting, yet my papers and letters from my sister, point wheel-mech, and tobacco when.*** All till***, traveler boy with ‘swim on. ^^^ ^’awG gloom: are we to be hidden away? Silk uahhz. 
Crowds; portion appear sits beside me. It is not the poison, the more and more stranded, but future thru the hills and without song, and only us captured; frightened.
“Devils and humans do similar…”, boy Fhyejg. 
I awoke to an orange circle around the moon. He was tired, whittling, and seemingly over a spell. My eyes, this coma,…artificial, blinking lights,…ocean,…aliens. The awGs, people to skeletons with darkness and fire—they were yelling, dragging dead or alive bodies away from the water. 
We were sitting outside of a tent and my body ached, and there were scars on all over him. Fhyejg was speaking an eerie mantra and shivering then he laid up to the voided sky. Oh, mother—the comets. 
“Why do the shadows have red eyes?”
The camp moved away from the sea and into the metal land—clouds covered, vomit…
If a human in sight for put as not x but ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, awG frenzy brainwash, electricity in ears—lacking, impaired and the junkyard was indeed also once lived. 
In the distance, giant towers—the awG’s halted and the people, around twenty-five of us, were horrified, starving, poisoned, and confused. Of hidden in darkly cloak and cold—mother, mother these demons,…their rain is fusion-anger and lies. 
There were whisper sounds outside of my tent: hundreds of green spiders pausing and curious oh, follow thru gaps of structure, alone and the soldiers out of sight. Lanterns on the trees, large towers in the distant east—dim and cold; soft and eerie violins farther in path with trees closing over sky view. Nervous stomach, seizure fidget—fear and stumble with the spiders panning out now: a shut door with an imprinted animal,…….
“I would rather die!”, yelling and a thrown chair inside. I see Fhyejg huffing out the door without a glance, again muttering. Eight men were around the table in a bland grey room: name Z0 pointed to closest seating while I froze and my body shook while the eyes were fixated with the exception of a neon ostrich seated at the far end flipping thru papers, then hinting to Z0 to begin speaking. 
“We are here to help you, Ms. A4.”, he walked over to a table where a chest was opened. Z0 took out a vile of something pink, a mirror, and a butterfly that flew and then rested in the middle of the table. He brought the vile to me and it steamed with toxin mist around my body, ill ;_`=//\\\\…the man at the end snapped his fingers and I saw a flash.
“You have been poisoned on several occasions by your own.”
“Tell us where it is and the whereabouts of your mother by looking into this mirror.” The mirror was made of water. Oh, I saw home. Circle of jumble fierce words of sorcery….meadow, joy—thru the glowing and exuberant community: nobody but me while the image fades to the forest, where it was always meant to be, yet I was to reveal and convey what only is to be a myth protected by my sleeping mother. The warmth in body Y_33[[[[__________i
Uhm, “F-fuzz______
Dente titan craze, t;8feeseawhe? 
0uhL me friendz, fold awG treacherous poison, alright. 
PF; she’s the days as zapping type “ ()” )0ov540001
iuvcoohr oh flicker 000 building golden towers……..
Ch3uh!e0; witchy wall oh dear L(((
Submarine cigar and blame oh what a zap FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Lewis thru Luke 444_—— metal moth. Dim ah today tomorrow eager collapse, crying at McVm4;&
\rees eoqz 
0 notes