#did i get bored and write a pwp instead of studying? yes i did
disenchanted-youth · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ลางสังหรณ์ | The Sign (TV 2023) Rating: Explicit Relationships: Phaya Chadayu Kamonwipak/Tharn Wansa Raksil Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, this is just shameless smut, Morning After, phaya is whipped, and tharn is trying not to be but failing miserably, there really is nothing else to tag
“Awake?” Phaya asked, his face and neck glistening with sweat, a wide smile on his face. “I went out for a run,” he added, catching Tharn's frown, “I wanted to be back before you woke up, didn't want you to think I ran out on you.”
The morning after they have some fun again before leaving for work.
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redex-writes · 3 years
A Way Out Snip 4
I was originally going to write this as a full PWP, but I abandoned it when I decided to focus on larger projects. I might pick it back up again someday, but for now enjoy...whatever this is
(In which Leo has an oral fixation, and Vincent has a Leo fixation.)
Despite their obvious differences, Vincent really does admire Leo. He might be impulsive and hot-headed, but he’s also brave, and determined, and honestly a lot smarter than people give him credit for. During their time on the run, Vincent’s come to respect him a lot, and rely on him even more. Honestly, he’s mostly just glad that Leo seems to be coming around to trusting him again.
He just wishes that he would stop sticking things in his goddamn mouth.
It isn’t something he’d noticed before, but he’s definitely noticing now. The tension of being on the run has eased significantly since they crossed the border, and though they still aren’t out of the woods by a long shot, Vincent’s mind seems to be clearing. Instead of constantly looking over his shoulder, he’s able to watch Leo’s expressions as he talks, watch the way his hands move to emphasize his words. Instead of listening for the slightest hint of their names in strangers’ conversations around them, he finds himself listening to Leo hum quietly along with the radio, tapping a rhythm on his knee as they drive. When he would normally be hyperaware of any movement around them, his eyes track Leo’s movements when curls up against the passenger side door and yawns, staring blearily out the window when they drive through the night.
And as he starts to notice more, he realizes that Leo is always doing something with his mouth; pinching a coffee stirrer between his teeth when they stop for food at diners; twirling a toothpick between his lips (Vincent isn’t even sure where he keeps getting them); chewing on his nails and cuticles when he gets bored or nervous.
Vincent gets on his case for that last one--they spend most of their time jumping from place to place, and the last thing they need right now is for one of them to get sick. When he points this out to Leo, he narrows his eyes in the way he does when he wants to argue what he knows is a lost cause, before huffing and muttering, “Fine,” and slouching down in his seat. When Vincent next looks over a few minutes later, he’s already found a toothpick from god knows where, rolling it idly between his front teeth. Somehow, that’s almost worse.
It’s not like it’s annoying or anything. Really, the whole thing wouldn’t even be a problem if not for the fact that it draws Vincent’s attention to Leo’s mouth: his teeth, slightly visible as he chews on the end of a pen; the tip of his tongue poking out when he’s focusing; his lips that purse in irritation, or scowl in annoyance, or curl up into a wide smile when Vincent says something funny--the type of smile that makes his eyes light up, and makes Vincent’s heart beat a little faster, and--
No, nope, he is not going down that rabbit hole right now.
They need to be focused. It’s already bad enough that Vincent’s letting his guard down--that’s what he has to keep telling himself when he catches those thoughts flitting through his head. 
And somehow, Leo’s become something of a master at catching them as well. As soon as Vincent starts to feel caught up in his own head, Leo will bring him back down to earth.
“You’re thinking too much,” he says, often accompanied by a sharp tap on Vincent’s temple. Vincent will scowl and swat his hand away, but the twinkle in Leo’s eyes tells him every time that he sees right through his “tough guy” facade.
Because that’s what it is: a facade. He really feels kind of weak, especially when it comes to Leo.
Leo, with his rough laugh and big personality. Leo, with dark eyes that sparkle when the light hits them just right. Leo, with his stupid hair, with his cocky smirk, with the pencil that he won’t take out of his mouth, Jesus fucking Christ--
“Will you cut that out?” he snaps. Leo looks up at him from where he’s slouched in the passenger seat, tapping a pencil against his lower lip as he studies the map unfolded over his legs. He’s been trying to find a route to the nearest town to pick up supplies, which is great on its own; but it means that he’s been deep in thought, and has been playing with that goddamn pencil for the better part of an hour. Vincent’s eyes are trained firmly on the road, but he can see enough out of his peripheral vision to know that Leo’s been alternating between tapping his lips and biting the eraser, and it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to focus.
“Cut what out?”
“That--” Vincent waves a hand vaguely at him, “that damn pencil thing. It’s distracting.”
He sees Leo sit up, and can make out his incredulous expression out of the corner of his eye.
“Are you serious?”
Vincent doesn’t reply, and Leo stares at him for a moment before rolling his eyes, slumping down in the seat again.
“You’re a real drag, you know that?”
“Alright then, how about you drive, and I’ll do my best to be as annoying as possible.”
Leo just scoffs and crosses his arms.
They drive in silence for a few long, tense minutes. The sun is beginning to set, and Vincent’s eyes flicker to the road signs as they pass.
Leo sighs loudly, breaking the quiet. “I really don’t want to drive all night again.”
“You’re not driving. You’re sitting.”
He doesn’t argue, and that’s enough to get Vincent to glance over. He’s staring out the window, watching as the greenery zips by alongside them.
Vincent purses his lips, then sighs. “Did you see any place to stop on the map?”
“Uh--” Leo sits up, spreading the map out to read better, and jabs at a spot on the paper. “There’s a small town a few miles off the main road. I wasn’t sure whether to mention it--it doesn’t seem big enough to have much in the way of shops--”
“That’s fine,” Vincent cuts him off, glancing over at the map. “It’s starting to cloud over, and I really don’t think it’s a good idea to be driving if it ends up snowing.”
Leo’s quiet again, but when Vincent looks up at him, there’s a small smile playing across his lips.
“Snow,” he says, his voice uncharacteristically soft. “It’s been ages since I’ve seen snow.”
“Don’t get too excited. This truck isn’t exactly made for it.”
Leo shrugs, seeming a lot lighter than before. It takes a moment for Vincent to realize that he’s smiling to himself, Leo’s good mood rubbing off on him.
“Let’s get to civilization. I could use a good burger right about now.”
“Sir, yes sir,” Leo says with a smirk and a lazy salute.
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