#did he just insist on flipping the calendar mid filming
khaotunq · 1 year
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happy birthday to the most subtle actor on the planet, first kanaphan / happy one of my favourite little eclipse details day
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howsit-going-toend · 7 years
What Do YOU Want? Pt. 6
A Kwon Jiyong series ft. Kim Jiwon
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Word count: 3,500+
Summary: The most important person in the world to you can appear most often when you least expect it. But through everything, you can’t forget about you and your own happiness. Who are you happy with? Who is the best for you?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 ... Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 
(A/N: Yowza, the next part won’t be this long, I promise!! I just really loved writing this one, though this part probably contains the least amount of Jiyong thus far. As always, I hope you all enjoy it!!!)
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“For the fifth time, yes, we’ll make sure you get a wig with short black hair.”
You were nearing the end of what turned out to be a surprisingly difficult rehearsal with iKon and were responding to all questions in between your panting. All along it had been extremely entertaining and your difficulty breathing mainly came from how often you’d burst out laughing at the way the 7 men attempted to be feminine. You should have accounted for the amount of effort it would take to get these boys to dance the way girl groups do.
“Short black hair will just work the best with my face. It’s my concept.” Junhoe was insistent, as per usual, that his good looks be maintained throughout the performance and the rest of you had a good laugh whenever it was brought back up.
“We don’t even know what wigs we’re getting yet; worry instead about not looking like such a caveman with your hip thrusts!” You passed B.I. an exhausted look that read “thank you,” as everyone laughed at the leader trying to keep his members focused on their femininity.
“All right, all right, we only have ten minutes left so let’s use it wisely, guys. Show me the opening formation one more time.” You instructed as the boys tiredly made their way to their positions and stood in a variety of hip accentuating poses. With laughter evident in your voice, you did your best to continue to give them constructive feedback.
“Ok. I like it, I’m liking it. I know you’re tired and just annoyed with how nitpicky I’m being but just make sure to smile a little when you’re up on stage! This should be fun!” They each immediately forced the biggest, fakest, smiles you’d ever seen, which had you on the ground laughing at how silly it looked with each of their poses.
“You guys are the best. Let’s just run through it all the way one more time and then I’ll let you go.” They each sighed in relief while you counted off the start of “Up & Down.” You watched them move around your studio, doing their best to be graceful, while you tried your best not to laugh through the entire song like you did the past four run-throughs. You found it even funnier that they were trying so hard to get each move right; every hair twirl and every hip shake hit with accuracy, down to the point of their toes.
Once they hit their last pose, you cheered exceptionally flamboyant and jumped up and down shouting “Great job girls!! Woo!”
“Yah! Y/N, are we done now? Can we go back to being men?” To no one’s surprise, Bobby was the least excited to act girly and he knew you were teasing them all because of it. It was actually really entertaining to hear them complain, because you knew they were all having fun; even Bobby.
“Yes, yes, you all get to leave me now. But only if you curtsy on the way out.”
They groaned in unison while you crossed your arms in response and stared them down. “And here I was missing you guys. Guess no one cares that this really will be the last time I work with you. ForEVER.”
“Yah! You don’t have to be so dramatic about it and make us feel bad!” Jinhwan exclaimed,
“You’re one to talk, ‘Jinny’.” Chanwoo got a laugh out of everyone but Jinhwan who shoved his shoulder in response.
“You know we’ll see you soon, Y/N! We can all go out for a group dinner once we have a break from touring.” You gave a smile and a bow to Donghyuk. You could always count on him to make the most genuinely thoughtful comments. “I can’t wait.” You replied.
You stood by the door, giving them each a hug after they curtsied, one by one, on the way out. Well, almost all of them.
Bobby, the last in line, stood in front of you with his arms crossed, mocking the look you gave them earlier. “If you think I’m giving you a curtsy you’re crazy.” He said in defiance. You chuckled, knowing he would say something like that. “I know. I know. You’re just too cool for curtsies. Whatever!”
His look of seriousness cracked into his trademark grin, as he pulled you in for a tight hug. “Well hey, we’re supposed to leave in a few days to continue the tour and I probably won’t be able to hang out until at least mid-July, so let’s do something tomorrow night!”
“Oh definitely! Just text me; we’ll figure something out.” You had found yourself hoping you’d get to hang out with Bobby before they left, so it made you happy when he was the first to suggest it. You finished saying goodbye and waved to him and the rest of the guys as they got into their van and drove away.
While you paced back through your studio, you caught a glimpse at your calendar above your front desk. Thinking back to where you might have been a year ago on this day, you found yourself actually smiling; because though you didn’t feel as happy, you knew that you would be soon. And you would be doing it all on your own.
The following afternoon, as you observed your advanced hip hop class, you were struck with inspiration. You remembered how you used to post videos of your classes back in the states that had garnered a lot of attention through YouTube, and soon found yourself breaking for a moment in search of your camera. It had been sitting in its carrying case in the trunk of your car for longer than you’d like to admit, but your dancers all beamed with excitement the moment you brought it inside.
You spent the last thirty minutes of the class taking clip after clip of different small groups performing the week’s choreography. Everyone hit each move with top precision and the strongest facial expressions you’d seen from them yet. They all badgered you to show the videos, but you denied them. “You’ll just have to catch yourselves on YouTube tomorrow! You shouldn’t need these videos to prove you guys did amazing today; I’ll see you all next week!” They groaned while you smiled in anticipation for all the positive feedback they had no idea they’d be receiving.
Since theirs was your only class of the day, you decided to lounge out in the front room of your studio and review everything you’d filmed. You fell backwards onto the one couch, leaving your legs to dangle over the arm, as you held your camera over your body and flipped through each piece of footage.
You recorded a lot more than you thought; most of it was definitely useful, but some of it ended up being deleted due to lack of focus or moments that the music got paused. You were in the middle of groaning at the sound of your own voice while you hit delete on the first video you’d taken that day; revealing the most recent video you’d recorded the last time you used that camera.
You nearly dropped the heavy piece of recording equipment right on your face when you saw the thumbnail. You’d know that living room anywhere.
Not bothering to even blink, you reached a shaking thumb to press the button to start the video; having zero recollection to its contents.
The camera panned across a black leather couch and down to a tiled floor as your bare feet came into view, walking forward. “Doo-doo-doooo-doodoo-doooo.” You were muttering a random, made-up tune to yourself while you paced through the living room. The lighting dimmed as it adjusted to the dark room you then walked into. You felt your hands get clammy as you continued watching, your feet still the center of the shot, as you approached the edge of a bed with dark colored sheets.
And there it was; that all too familiar bright orange head of hair, turned away from the camera in a deep slumber. You watched your hand come into view as you climbed onto the bed and turned the camera to get a better look at Jiyong’s face. Your breathing stilled as his makeup-clean face that you used to wake up to every morning came into focus. 
You watched as your index finger made its way to his right cheek and poked it lightly. “Psssst…Jagi…Jagi…wake uuup.” You whispered as his eyebrows furrowed in response. He took a deep breath and let out a groan. “Nooo, let me sleep.”
“You’ve been sleeping all day though. I know it’s someone’s day off buuut I thought just maybe they’d want to spend some of it with me.” He opened his mouth, as if about to disagree, when his eyes opened to the camera in front of his face before he got out a word. “Aishh, why do you always watch me when I’m sleeping?” His voice, though clearly tired, was evident with annoyance. He reached a hand up from the blankets and wiped his face before running his fingers through his hair.
“Hey, I thought you thought it was cute… I’m sorry, jagiya.” You could tell by your voice that you were embarrassed by his unexpected reaction, while the camera dropped to the bed and focused on a corner of the room. The sound of sheets rustling filled the speakers of the camera before Jiyong’s voice was heard again in a serious tone. “Please turn that off.”
“Ok.” Your voice was small as the speakers became muffled by your hands gripping the camera once more until the video turned off; allowing you to release the breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. You remembered that day well; it was the last half of summer and Jiyong had just gotten back from being away on tour for three weeks and actually had a few days off.
You’d thought the two of you would do something together, as you’d been looking forward to seeing him again, but instead he slept. He was so exhausted, and you know that entirely justified him not spending the time with you; there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. This was just the start to a prolonged decline. If anything, this video was documentation of the beginning of the end of your relationship.
Your heart sank at the realization while you quickly turned your camera off and put it down before any tears made their way to the corners of your eyes.
He’s happy without me; I’m happy without him.
You repeated this thought to yourself several times before looking at the clock above your desk. Your stomach growled while you noticed it was nearing dinner time. You forced yourself to get off the couch and gather your things to head home as you reached for your phone.
Y/N: Hey, hey. Still want to hang tonight?
BB: Mmmm I guess
Y/N: Well, butthead, what do you want to do?
BB: Take it back, I was kidding! But I’m down for whatever. You hungry?
Y/N: Starving. Take-out at my place in 30?
BB: Down.
Surrounded by the empty boxes from enough takeout to feed a family of 4, Bobby and you sat back on your couch, rubbing your stomachs in content.
“Why did you make me eat all of that?” You whined, not even devoting the energy to moving your head to look at him when you said it.
“Take-out was YOUR idea.” He replied, also not willing to put any effort into moving.
“Mmm. Shut up and eat your fortune cookie.” You said while you reached into the nearest paper bag and threw the first cookie at him. You weren’t looking, but let out a chuckle when you heard the sound of the wrapper making contact with his chest and the fumbling of his hands trying to catch it.
With the sound of loud crunching filling the room without another word from him, you sprang your head up to look in his direction. He stopped chewing when he noticed you and started giggling; the cookie clearly on one side of his mouth, making his cheek poke out. “What?” he mumbled with his mouth full.
“Bobby, I know you didn’t just eat paper…” You reached for the other cookie while he widened his eyes mockingly and exclaimed “Yeah! Totally! I’m not that dumb, Y/N.”
“Where’s your fortune then, hmm?” You asked while you cracked your cookie open and waved the little piece of paper that was inside. He paused and looked down at his lap that was covered in blankets, Styrofoam boxes and plastic silverware; fumbling around trying to find it. About a minute later, you reached out and grabbed something off the collar of his sweatshirt and stuck his fortune to his forehead. “Found it.” He said triumphantly.
You rolled your eyes at him, and read yours out loud. “Things may seem difficult now, but it will all be worth it in the end.’ Huh, well that sounds relevant. I like it. What does yours say?”
Bobby looked down at his and smiled to himself before reading it out loud. “If you have an idea. Make it into reality; don’t let it go.” He simply nodded his head, looking pleased with his reading.
“Oh I like that one too. In fact, I have an idea. We should pull out Super Smash Bros and make a drinking game to go along with it.” You clapped your hands together, proud of your idea.
“I don’t know, Y/N. That sounds like a quick way to get…smashed.” He pulled the cheesiest grin while you threw a pillow at him and stood from the couch. “Aish. Shut up and come with me to pick up some drinks.”
Since you absolutely suck at most video games, it wasn’t long before you were drunk; especially after Bobby had the bright idea to make a rule that you have to drink every time your player unintentionally falls off the map. He knew all the right combos to use in fighting, but you managed to get him just as drunk with how often you threw items in his character’s face. That’s all you really knew to do, aside from hitting all the buttons on the controller and hoping for the best.
Before either of you knew it, 2am had arrived. Naturally, you’d both fallen over at some point in the game and continued to play while your head rested on Bobby’s knee and he partially laid over your back. Your faces hurt from how much laughing you’d been doing, coupled with the amount of booze in your systems.
“Holy shit, it’s getting late.” You declared while you both did your best to sit up.
“Yeah it is. I’ll wander out of here soon.” He said with a yawn, while you looked at him like he was crazy. There was no way you’d let him drive home like this; let alone walk the whole way at this hour.
“Ha, yeah, no you’re not. You can sleep here, I don’t mind at all.” You got up from the couch and stumbled over to your hall closet where you kept spare blankets and pillows, not allowing him to deny the invitation.
He helped you make a spot for himself on the couch, while you both gulped down some water to help clear your heads.
“Thank youuu, Y/N.” Bobby said as he pulled you in for a hug goodnight. “Anytime, punk.” You replied as you reached up on your tiptoes and ruffled his hair.
You wandered over to your bedroom and got ready for bed; throwing on an oversized shirt and a pair of boy shorts. You passed your camera bag on the ground as you went to lay down and stood still for a moment; finding yourself contemplating on looking at whatever other footage might be on that memory card.
Your slightly drunk mind was taking the wheel as you convinced yourself to kneel down and take the camera out. If that last video was the start of the bad memories, maybe there are a lot of good memories in here too.
As your mind flooded with what else could possibly be captured in that camera from your relationship with Jiyong, you heard a distinct rustling from the living room; interrupting your thought process. Without thinking, you quickly put the camera back in the bag and listened closer out your open bedroom door. You heard light groans of frustration and a lot of rustling of couch cushions, while you held in a laugh.
“Bobby.” You called, as the sounds immediately stopped now that he knew you could hear him.
“…yes?” He asked timidly, making you release your giggle. “Is that couch a little too small for you?” You didn’t even think about that; Bobby was nearly half a foot taller than you and even you had to curl up slightly when laying on that couch. “…kind of. I can just sleep on the floor though, it’s ok!”
“Bobby, do you want to just sleep in here with me?” You surprised yourself as you said those words out loud. He paused, feeling just as caught off guard by the question as you were. “…what? Like in your room on the floor?”
“No, dummy, like in my bed, with me. It’s more comfortable than that couch and it’s definitely better than the floor.”
“Are…are you sure?” Even though you were both still slightly drunk, he was hesitant to take you up on the offer. “Yes, I’m sure.” You laughed. “Now come on, I’m sleepy.”
You covered your mouth to keep from laughing too audibly when you heard him knock into the coffee table as he got up from the couch. He appeared in your doorway with a pillow and a bashful grin that he was clearly trying his best to fight off. “Hey.”
“Hey.” You laughed and said in a deep voice, mimicking him. He laughed a little too loud and made his way in as he accidentally kicked the bed frame. You couldn’t help but find his sudden shyness to be quite cute.
He walked slowly to the other side of the bed, not wanting to appear too eager. You pulled the blanket back and patted the area of the mattress beside you, while he obliged.
“You don’t have to sleep here if it makes you uncomfortable though, Bobby. I just figured it was fine since we typically end up cuddling when we drink together anyways.”
“No, no, I don’t have a problem with it! It’s just been a long time since I’ve shared a bed with someone for the night is all.” You could hear the sincerity in his voice.
You paused. “Me too, I understand where you’re coming from.” You turned towards him and propped your head up on your elbow as you got an idea. “Well, hey, let’s just talk a little more to make it easier, you know? I think we both deserve a good night’s sleep in a bed and not on that couch or my floor.” He chuckled and turned towards you, in agreement.
It’s a wonder how much more you’re able to learn about a person when you’re lying beside them in a bed, rather than anywhere else. You didn’t even have to go on a tangent, asking about where he went to middle school, whether he grew up with cable, or what his favorite fruits were; you could feel it. You felt the two of you knowing each other better just in the small conversation you shared in that moment. You both laughed as you yawned at the same time, having continued talking longer than expected. He reached over to your nightstand and turned off the lamp at your request; filling the room with darkness.
“Hey, uh, can we cuddle? Is that weird to ask right now?” You whispered after the two of you laid in silence for what felt like thirty minutes. The alcohol in your system had you craving skinship and closeness and knowing that Bobby was right there next to you was more than enough to keep you awake.  
He laughed lightly at your question. “I mean, I don’t think it’s weird. Like you said, we usually end up doing so anyways.” You felt your cheeks redden at the sound of his voice whispering to you through the darkness. Despite the amount of liquid courage still in your body, you felt yourself become the nervous one, as you buried any and all thoughts clinging to the sound of Bobby’s voice.
Making the first move, you pushed yourself over to his side of the bed and wrapped your arm across his torso, while you laid your head on his chest. He wrapped one arm around you, holding you securely to him as he let out a contented sigh. 
You felt both of your bodies completely relax in that moment, as silence engulfed the dark room. His toned body felt more like a cushion beneath you and your eyelids became significantly heavier. You smiled into his chest and allowed your eyes to close when you felt his other hand slowly move across your back, rubbing it soothingly.
“Goodnight, Bobby.” You whispered to him as you lifted your head, using your nose as a guide through the dark, and left a light kiss on his cheek before returning to lay on his chest. 
You heard his breathing hitch, making you slightly regret allowing the alcohol in your system to have you make such a bold move, but he recovered quickly with a chuckle. “Goodnight, Y/N.” A smile was evident in his voice, as he drifted off to sleep. You were enjoying laying there more than you thought you would; wrapped in Bobby’s strong arms while the alcohol on your breath and his wafted together.
The feeling of déjà vu officially sank in as the sound of his heartbeat steadily lulled you to sleep.
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