#dick Grayson snuck the teen Titians into Gotham
onceabluemoonthoughts · 4 months
Sometimes I wonder what Gothamites think of the different Robins.
This kind of spiralled from Gotham Tok on my fyp all the time, so here’s how I see the progression of how Gotham sees its Dark Knight and Boy Wonder’s:
Pre-Robin Batman:
“Batman isn’t real”
“Batman’s a cryptic”
“Batman is a concept made up by the Gotham PD to scare off criminals”
They don’t believe he’s real. The only people who have actually seen him are hospitalised or in prison, or mentally deranged enough that no one would even believe them.
Enter Dick Grayson:
“What do you mean you saw colour… in the Gotham sky? You mean the red tint every night?”
“Batman and Robin on the paper? No that’s definitely staged. Why would there be a child running around in a leotard, and what, do you think Batman is human?”
They don’t believe again. But they see him grow up, they see meta’s in Gotham led by him. And they accept maybe Robin is an actual person running around with the bat that… might be a person, I mean he has ‘man’ in the same but who knows?!
Enter Jason Todd:
“What do you mean Robin got younger? I thought Robin was in San Francisco now.”
“There’s actual candid shots of the bat and the bird now… maybe it is more than a wives tale.”
First clear pictures on the paper and on the news. People start to actually believe both Robin and Batman exist. But they also knew Robin was in san Fransisco, and taller than 4”10.
Enter Tim Drake:
They don’t notice a single difference between the extremely short 16 year old Jason, and the 13 year old Tim. Goons do however notice the kid wears more armour now and has trousers… good for him.
Enter Stephany Brown:
Any civilians that actually saw her thought it was a costume and a badly picked one, dressing up as a vigilante in Gotham is waiting for someone with a bone to pick.
Enter Damian Wayne:
“Is… robin shorter again… and since when does he stab criminals?”
They once again can’t get a clear picture of Robin. He’s always in the shadows! And he’s fast. Also multiple villains swear he can sound like all sorts of different people. Why can he sound like Amanda Waller?! Goons continuously shit their pants when he just decides to fuck with them and sound like whatever villain they were hired by.
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