burr-sting · 3 years
Wren hadn’t seen Dice at all yesterday. She hadn’t wanted to. But the second she saw Dice on the street, she wanted nothing more than to spend time with her. All of the utter shit that had happened, all the fucked up things she’d done - Dice had been there for half of them, and so fuck it. Wren could be a monster with her. Why the fuck not? They were condemned anyway.
“Hey Dice,” she said, and took a few steps to cross the cobblestones. She held her shield loosely, and her knife was still tucked in her belt. “Long time no see.”
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burr-sting · 3 years
Wren downed some water from the bottle she’d been provided before filling it up again. It had been a hell of a long morning, but she finally had a fucking break, a whole hour to herself where she could just zone out and do nothing but rest and maybe get some food. She heard footsteps approaching and looked over to see Dice, who barely seemed to be breaking a sweat, dammit. She shook her head slightly and smiled. “Looking good out there,” she offered as a greeting.
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burr-sting · 3 years
Title: DVABVS PVELLIS, LAPIS VNVS (I) Synopsis: The Bloodbath isn’t over yet. Featuring: @dicerollslucky, Rosemary Bee, Lumba Jacques TW: blood, murder
All Wren could think about was getting the fuck away from Thetis. She couldn’t run in these shoes, kept slipping, kept fucking slipping on the rocks and the marble and the fucking blood. The shield was heavy and between maintaining her balance and watching her back, Wren didn’t pay any attention to where she was going. Most other tributes had left or were on the outskirts of the Cornucopia now, but apparently Rosemary and Lumba were just as stupid as Wren, and she ran right into them. Fuck. 
Dice was already done with the bloodbath, in her mind. She’d beaten Daniela out for a breastplate, which she didn’t have time to put on quite yet. She knelt down and grabbed two small knives (and honestly, damn Carol Eyre for being right about there not being any nunchucks in here). She was ready to go, to find Thetis and bolt, when her favorite redheaded tribute appeared like an explosion in her periphery. 
Wren did her best to spin and run the fuck away from the other tributes, almost smack into Dice. Thank fuck it wasn’t Thetis. “Fucking run,” she shouted, throwing her head back in the hopes of somehow indicating the girls chasing her.
Dice looked past Wren, thinking fast. This was the kind of impulsive thinking she’d been trained for, and it was showing. Without hesitation, without any critical thought whatsoever, actually- she pushed her back against wren’s and slipped a knife into her hand. They weren’t allies, but at least Dice trusted her more than the two behind her. “Running’s for cowards.” she declared, eyes narrowing as she readied her breastplate as a shield. “Square up, Wrenny!”
Oh crap. This was happening. Okay. Dice gave her a knife and Wren wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on with that, because they weren’t allies, but she lifted her shield with her left hand and gripped the knife securely with her right. She planted her feet - no more falling while fighting, especially not in these shoes where she sure as shit wouldn’t be able to get up again. 
“Shit, you ever used a knife before?” Dice realized, just a moment before the outer district girls came on full force. She hoped the answer was yes.
“Uh, threw a bunch, fought with a knife in my hand that I didn’t end up using because it was training,” Wren confessed. “Stab and go, right?”
“Same principle!” Dice started, even though it was totally different. “Just keep it in your hand-” they were getting closer “and slash, don’t swing back” and now they were on them, “and, you know, just fucking….” and Dice’s knife was buried deep in that mom from eleven’s neck. “Like that!!!” she said, not even sure if wren had seen. She might be a bit preoccupied with the girl from seven. She was tall.
So much for the fucking higher ground. Wren had to duck under her shield as she listened to the instructions Dice was giving her, half-assed and rushed as they were. She shoved her shoulder against the shield to push against Lumba and try to get her off balance, and watched as Dice stabbed Rosemary in the throat. Holy shit. “Gotcha!” Wren said, though her voice was…not confident. 
“Great!” Dice, mentor in chief, called back. “Because it’s actually not the same at all!”
“Fucking great news!” Wren shouted. She shoved again and Lumba was knocked sideways. She looked at the knife in her hand and lunged at the other tribute, trying to keep her off balance. She slashed with the knife, trying to sink it deep into Lumba’s side, but Lumba was quick and sidestepped.
Dice knelt to grab her knife, feeling for the pulse. It would really suck if Rosemary had to die slowly. And Wren was totally fine. Probably.
“Fuck!” Wren cried as she missed again.
Okay, so not fine.
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burr-sting · 3 years
Wren stared at the fucking giant-ass snake, unable to look away except for a fraction of a second to see that Dice was still standing on the other side of the little pool room. It was slithering slowly, but toward them, and all Wren had was a tiny-ass knife and that was a fucking massive snake. 
“Dice?” Wren asked, her voice shaking, not fully recovered. “What do we do?”
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burr-sting · 3 years
The bench was taken, but Wren needed to sit. She’d been standing for too long and her feet were starting to really kill her, which was funny because her feet were not going to be the only ones trying to kill her soon enough. Wren sat down, raising a half-hearted hand in greeting and resting her elbows on her knees. She was going to just rest for a second and move on, but somehow she ended up laughing, of all the fucking bodily responses. Because it was - it was funny. It was hysterical. What were the coddamn odds? 
“So,” she asked to the girl sitting next to her - Dice, she’d been told, a Career from District Four. “Come here often?”
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