#diaval lugosi
halonicheart · 3 months
Late Night Spirits
A/N: The gposes in this post have nothing to do with the fic, I have simply placed them here so that readers know what the characters look like. Diaval (dark purple hair) and Alois (minty hair) are both my ocs that I have been working on behind the scenes and I wanted to share just a slice of their story together for the moment. Also keep in mind Diaval goes by he/they pronouns and you can shove it if there is an issue with that.
Summary: Diaval comes across Alois making cocktails in the middle of the night. The two share a drink over idle chit chat that turns more intimate.
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As of late, sleep had become more a foreign concept to Diaval. The stress of recent events slowly began to chip away at their mental fortitude and all that was left now was the skeletal remains. Though, now that they think about it, it was a dubious notion at best to insinuate they were ever entirely mentally sound... He was certainly better off than this. Diaval stares at his now spindly hands, the loss of weight being another result of the onslaught of dreadful occurrences that had befallen the scions. They were constantly on edge, waiting for the next series of head pains, aches and that voice spouting some nonsense of gates, throwing them wide or some such. Diaval would most certainly throw something, a nice brick at whoever this person was, knock them out clean. Oh how he revels at the thought of giving this mysterious menace a piece of his mind, making them pay for all the restless nights Diaval spent sitting in front of a messy vanity, staring at the ever growing bags beneath his eyes. 
A heavy, forlorn sigh escapes their lips as they lightly touch the hollows of their cheeks. They look more ghoulish by the day, they fear. Were it under any other circumstance, it would have been a charming notion but at this current time it was a harsh reminder of how neglectful they had been with their own well being. Diaval became so desperate for sleep at night that he contemplated casting a sleep spell on himself, the dilemma of that is a spell induced sleep is not truly resting the body, rather it was more a dormancy akin to sleep. Aether would not be replenished and there was no guarantee that Diaval would wake up at the proper time, if at all without the help of an outside force. Most nights he would simply lay down, smother his face into the pillow until exhaustion finally hit him, other nights well… were sleepless. This was one such night, concluded as they stood abruptly, nearly tipping over their stool. Diaval grabs a robe that was abandoned on the floor, thick and warm, and throws it on without a hint of grace. Maybe a sip of Spirits will help, might as well take advantage of the rather hefty arsenal of booze that was kept here. 
As they make their way down the dark hallways of The Rising Stones, their ears catch the sound of someone singing. Another restless soul it would seem, it was the first time Diaval heard this songbird, laced with a warm loving cadence as it echoed softly through the halls. It took them by surprise when they finally reached their destination to find none other than Alois, lost in own song as he skillfully put together some kind of cocktail with his eyes closed. Diaval tip toes closer, as to not startle him. They quietly hop onto the bar, waiting for Alois to finish his tune. When the final note trails off, Diaval begins to clap, effectively startling the poor man. “Oh my apologies! Oh I am so sorry I didn’t meant to-” 
Alois immediately hushes Diaval. “No, no it’s quite alright I just uh.. Was too caught up in my own world… it seems. I should be a bit more mindful of my surroundings.” He says as he rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment. “I.. didn’t wake you did I?” He sighs in relief when Diaval shook his head. “Oh thank the Heavens…” Something somber takes over his normally light hearted expression, he gazes into glass before offering it to Diaval instead of taking a swig himself. 
“...oh… thank you… but?” Alois hushes him once more before going back to mixing another drink. Diaval watches him for a beat before taking a hearty sip of a surprisingly sweet drink. “I… didn’t know you could sing.” They say barely above a whisper, they partly wonder if Alois even heard him but the eventual shrug of the man’s shoulders suggests he was most certainly heard. 
“I just prefer to keep it to myself and a very select few if I can help it. I uh, I’m not that great of a singer anyways…” There was a sweet blush painting his cheeks. “Self taught and all, if you could call singing non stop every night since you first learned to speak as such.”  
Diaval chortles softly. “I certainly would… I think you sing quite well, you have quite the talent. Why not quit the scion life and become a bar singer?” It was meant as a light hearted joke, but the harsh grimace Alois’ face tells him it didn’t land. “I-I.. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to offend!” They were ready to high tail it back to their room with all the mistakes they had been making tonight. 
The other man sighs sadly but offers a reassuring smile nonetheless. “It’s alright. I just.. I don’t like the idea of monetizing hobbies of mine… I fear I would lose interest in them. I’ve only got so many luxuries just for myself.” Alois swirls his now finished cocktail. What takes Diaval by surprise is the way he nearly chugs back the entirety of it. 
“Is mixology another hobby of yours…?” Diaval says as they try not to openly stare at Alois’ bobbing Adam's apple. “A man of many secrets you are…” Terribly humble as well. 
Alois places the nearly empty glass to the side before shrugging once more. “Recently took it up… still a bit rusty but this concoction is likely the best thus far… although it is a touch tangy.” That much didn’t bother Diaval, they preferred their drinks sweet over strong. “Enough about my hobbies for now, what’s keeping you up? I don’t mind lending an ear.” It was painfully obvious Alois didn’t like talking about himself for prolonged periods of time. For as long as Diaval has known him now, it has become startlingly apparent that they don’t know entirely much about him. A shame really, the two of them get on rather well or at least he thinks they do. It would be nice if he could open up to them just a little more… 
“Likely similar reasons to yours… down one too many scions… disembodied voice calling out to me and the others… existential dread… the fear I will never be rid of these dark circles… as you do…” They hoped that the last bit was more lighthearted than it sounded. “... fear of…” They rub their thighs together, wondering if they should really say what’s truly been eating at them the most. With another sip, Diaval throws caution to the wind and looks over at Alois as a deep frown pulls at the corners of his lips. “.. of being left behind…” 
This clearly took Alois by surprise. He hops onto the bar right next to Diaval with a worried look on his face. “Left behind…?” 
They nod once. “Yes.” They had known the others for some time now but they only truly joined the fray not too terribly long ago, there was still much that happened when they were not around and no one seemed keen on sharing the details. It wasn’t as if he was going to demand the others give him every last miniscule detail, they all had a right to privacy but it bothered him deeply when it felt as though pertinent information was being kept from him… as if he didn’t belong. “Mayhap if I had that silly little echo nonsense I would feel more… secure?” Diaval knew that would change little, more so when there were several amongst their ranks who were very much Echoless and seemed to belong more than he did. “It’s… hard to articulate the feeling properly. The more that happens the more I feel myself drifting somewhere far from everyone else… they all went through so much together… So where does that place me?” They know they all care for him, but they can’t shake the feeling of being an inadequate ‘hero’ of Eorzea. “I worry I’ll find myself alone… in a sense… while the others are off somewhere I can’t quite reach.” He abandons the last bit of his drink, placing the glass somewhere out of sight so he can wring his hands. 
Alois wanted to give him some kind of proper encouragement but he came up empty. Sadly, he can relate to the sentiment. Make no mistake, he knows he is a capable enough person but he’s also aware enough to know that he is not as capable as the heroes of Eorzea, and moreover, The Warriors of Light. They all played a role, even Alois and Diaval, and it is no small role… but the credit and praise will sooner fall on the more known faces than it would each either of them. It was not as if either of them were in this for fame or glory, but the recognition would be nice all the same. Something tangible to solidify they did belong amongst this band of fools trying their damndest to fight for a better tomorrow. Still, he can’t just leave Diaval to stew in his misery. “You… you won’t be alone.” He starts off a bit stiff but clears his throat with a renewed sense of bravado. “To tell you the truth I… I feel the same at times… so should you ever find yourself drifting… I’ll be drifting with you so you won’t be alone. Neither of us will be alone.” Alois’ smile is so painfully tender it makes Diaval’s heart surge into his throat.
“... how cheesy is that…” Diaval tries not to laugh too hard when Alois makes an odd strangled noise and blushes. “... thank you…” He smiles back at the man. The two stare at each other quietly for much longer than Diaval would have liked. While the smile never left Alois’ lips, Diaval started to switch and squirm under his gaze. “Don’t-!” They turn away, hiding behind their hands. “Don’t stare at me like that… especially when I haven’t done my makeup!” 
Without missing a beat, or reading the room, Alois pipes up. “You’re still so pretty though!” He leans in a bit closer causing Diaval to panic a little. “Really! With or Without you’re lovely!” 
“That’s not-!” Diaval turns to hiss at Alois, not realizing just how close he is and nearly bumps their noses together. The words die on their tongue, a strange pitched noise coming from his sealed lips. Something stormy behind to brew in Alois’ eyes, they seemed to glaze over just a touch. When it became too much for him to bear, Diaval lightly shoves him by the shoulder. After a mumbled apology from the man, Diaval speaks with a shaky voice. “Flattering… as that is… I’m afraid that this… lovely… face is looking more cadaverous by the second. I worry one day I’ll look into the mirror to see a specter… Ah-! Speaking of-!” They blindly reach for their glass, sip the remaining liquid and smile. “Thank you for the drink… and for your support…” 
Alois being ever the humble man insists it was nothing, his pleasure even. “I meant what I said… it wasn’t some passing whim. If you really do find yourself left behind… I’ll always be around.” He says with another storm behind his tender gaze. 
Diaval gulps before hopping off the bar. “I believe you!” He says nervously. “I should.. I best head back to bed… attempt to get some kind of rest…” They scurry just a bit aways, nearly tripping on their robes.
“Careful! We can’t have you getting yourself hurt now!” Alois says as he slides off and turns to clean up the mess he left behind. “Sweet Dreams… Diaval.” He throws one last smile over his shoulder before focusing back on cleaning. 
Diaval stands there like a gaping fool, staring at the wide expanse of Alois’ back as he works in almost silence. If they listened carefully, they could hear the softest hum of the same tune from before. They think over how Alois admitted he feels the same, how he opened up just a little more of his heart. Diaval is aware Alois can be a bit much, yet with all his almost silly faults… he was a good man. “... Alois…” He calls out to him. The man gives out a louder hum. Diaval doesn’t say anything at first. They find themselves standing right behind the man. “... if.. If I can’t sleep… Could we share another drink together? Mayhap… even a song or two…” 
Alois gives a throaty laugh as he wipes down a glass. “I would be more than happy to.” He was about to turn towards Diaval, but he nearly drops the now spotless glass as he feels the others wrap their arms around him, he can feel when Diaval just slightly nuzzles their face into his back. Looking over shoulder, he can see the other’s eyes are closed. Had Diaval remained quiet for just a moment longer, Alois would have lost himself counting the curls and waves in their hair where it was usually braided. He nearly missed the softest Thank you from them. “... anytime…” Diaval wordlessly lets go, sparing no glance as he scuttles off towards his quarters, leaving Alois to stare after him and stew on this feeling bubbling warmth into his chest. 
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d-dormant · 2 years
the fact that diaval had perfect bela lugosi dracula hairstyle while living in 14th century scottish woods is so wild to me. like. what an icon. he was goth before being goth was a thing.
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lena-after-dark · 2 years
Who I write for is listed below:
Individual masterlists will be linked as they are created. Don't see a character you like? Send me an ask! I may be willing to add them.
American Horror Story
The Countess Dandy Mott Misty Day
Bates Motel/Psycho
Norma Bates Norman Bates
Deacon Frost Eric Brooks/Blade Mercury
Byakuya Kuchiki Findorr Calius Gin Ichimaru Jin Kariya Kenpachi Zaraki Kensei Muguruma Mayuri Kurotsuchi Retsu Unohana Ryo Utagawa Sosuke Aizen Szayelaporro Granz Yoshi
Cabinet of Curiosities
Jenkins Brown (possessing Walter) Richard Pickman Walter Gilman
Cobra Kai/The Karate Kid
Da-Eun Kim Daniel LaRusso John Kreese Terry Silver
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Black Puddle Queen Freaky Fred
The Crow
Eric Draven Myca Top Dollar
Bruce Wayne/Batman (Bale) Edward Nashton/The Riddler (Dano) Edward Nygma/The Riddler (Carrey + Smith) Fish Mooney Harley Quinn (Robbie) Jervis Tetch/ Hatter Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow (Murphy) Joker (Ledger + Phoenix) Orm Marius Oswald Cobblepot (Taylor) Victor Zsasz (Carrigan)
Dead to Me
Jen Harding Judy Hale
Disney (* denotes live action only)
Claude Frollo Cruella DeVil* (2021) Diaval* Maleficent* King Stefan*
Evil Dead Rise
The Faculty
Edward Furlong Elizabeth Burke Joe Willis
Firefly Trilogy
Baby Firefly Otis B Driftwood Foxy Coltraine
Final Fantasy
Cid Bunansa/Dr. Cid Kadaj Loz Lulu Rufus Shinra Sephiroth Seymour Guado Vayne Solidor Vincent Valentine Yazoo
Funny Games
Paul Peter
Game of Thrones
Brienne of Tarth Cersei Lannister Jaqen H'Ghar Margaery Tyrell Melisandre Petyr Baelish Ramsay Bolton
House of the Dragon
Aemond Targaryen Daemon Targaryen Larys Strong
Hunter x Hunter
Chrollo Lucifer Hisoka Morou Illumi Zoldyck Uvogin
Josh Lambert + Parker Crane possessing Josh Steven "Specs" Fisher
Jujutsu Kaisen
Choso Kamo Geto Suguru (+ Kenjaku) Mahito Mei Mei Nanami Kento Ryomen Sukuna Toji Fushiguro
The Legend of Zelda
Ganondorf (Twilight Princess) Ghirahim Midna Sidon Zant
The Letter for the King
Jaro Viridian
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
Beorn Grima Wormtongue Thranduil
Agatha Harkness Heimdall Hela M'Baku Melina Vostokoff Namor/K’uk’ulkan Natasha Romanoff Norman Osborn/Green Goblin Okoye Olivia Octavius/Doc Ock Otto Octavius/Doc Ock Peter Parker (Maguire) Ultron Wanda Maximoff
My Hero Academa
Enji Todoroki/Endeavor Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
Deidara Hidan Kakazu Kisame Orochimaru
One Piece (Live Action ONLY)
Buggy Garp Kuro Sanji
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Amber Sweet Luigi Largo Nathan Wallace Pavi Largo
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight Amanda Young John Kramer
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head Vincent Smith
Stranger Things
001/Henry Creel Dmitri "Enzo" Antonov Joyce Byers
Thirteen Ghosts:
Dana Newman/The Angry Princess Dennis Rafkin Horace Mahoney/The Juggernaut Royce Clayton/The Torn Prince Ryan Kuhn/The Jackal
Abraham Tex
Larissa Weems Marilyn Thornhill
Would You Rather
Julian Lambrick Shepard Lambrick
Cecil L'ively Dana Scully Fox Mulder Luther Lee Boggs
Misc. Characters
Adrian Tepes/Alucard (Castlevania) Albert Shaw/The Grabber (The Black Phone) Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Bo Sinclair (House of Wax) Cesaire (Red Riding Hood) Commodus (Gladiator) Creepy Thin Man (Charlie's Angels) Daniel Robitaille/Candyman (1992) Doug Davis (Cooties) Dracula (Lugosi + Bang) Ellie (Evil Dead Rise) Habit (EverymanHYBRID) John Ryder (The Hitcher) John Wick Kruger (Elysium) Kusuriuri/Medicine Seller (Mononoke) L Lawliet (Death Note) The Man (Hush) Moira (The Princess) Quentin Shermer/The Blissfield Butcher (Freaky) Rachel Summers (The Uninvited) Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out) Ross Humboldt (In the Tall Grass)
Celebrities* (see request rules)
Angela Bassett Idris Elba Jeffrey Dean Morgan Kathryn Hahn Patrick Wilson Sigourney Weaver Vera Farmiga
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