#diana fell asleep in her favorite teddy bear twice
soakedmilkgt · 2 months
Diana short story pt.2
The city
First part
Word count: 1,424
“I expected this to be less boring.” groaned Diana. the fairy had been pestering her companion for a few hours, but could he even blame her?
She wouldn't have been so insistent in going if she had known how dreadfully slow it would be “Yeah, it's almost as if I hadn't considered you before getting ready to leave.” Luke was still a bit salty regarding the fairy’s intrusion into his trip, “But, didn't you bring a book or something?” Luke had a big collection of books in his place, but none of them really interested Diana, though she was so bored that she would do anything to distract herself “I'm driving, I can't read,” he replied “but I have an idea of something you might like.” Diana watched as they approached a gigantic building with metal columns and an incredibly tall ceiling but no walls, the building was mostly empty except for some weird machines and a few humans wearing uniform, seeing so many humans was such a strange experience for her.
She figured it was a good time to put on her ring and watched the humans loaded some rubber tubes into a hole in Luke's truck “What are they doing?” Luke was confused by the question, he was a little surprised at realizing Diana had truly never seen human society “Uh, it's gas so the car has energy” even if he couldn't see her he saw tiny hand prints in the glass of the window, it was a little cute seeing someone so otherwise loud just admire the wonder of this new place “Well, you can wait in the car while I get something from the seven eleven” the fairy didn't respond nor asked what was a seven eleven, even though she had absolutely no idea,she just kept sinking in this strange new environment, watching people walk and the different shapes and sizes of their vehicles, and also the weird emptiness of this busy place, there were no trees or animals, she couldn't hear the wind blowing or the leaves moving.
“Hey” The fairy let out a tiny squeak of surprise, much to the human’s amusement “I bought snacks” she watched as he got into the car with a big cup with a fluorescent colored drink. “I got you a slushy.” He explained while signaling to the big cup.
Diana took out her ring and stored it in her bag, excited to try this new stuff before realizing a small detail “How am I supposed to drink from this straw? It's thicker than my arm.” Diana asked, then Luke pulled out a smaller straw and a tiny plastic cup, and served her with that fluorescent ice drink.
“alright!” The fairy snached the tiny cup, (though it was still about as big as her) and started drinking the slushy “it feels,” she searched for a word to describe the strange sensation “like spicy? But not really, I mean like it has spicy air in it and it burns my throat but it feels, good?”
“Glad you like it,” Luke watched as she was about to indulge in her massive beverage and put his finger in her forehead, stopping her from having more “you shouldn't drink too fast though.”
“Fuck you, I do what I want, just you wait and see, I'll drink this faster than you have ever seen anyone–” Luke put his finger over her mouth “alright, alright,” he lifted his finger “but, shut up”
“Asshole” Diana started sipping her drink before stopping and groaning “my head hurts like hell, what does this have?” Luke laughed “it just happens when you drink something cold too fast, a shame no one warned you.”
Diana wobbled on the passenger seat “I need to lie down, I was already kinda dizzy but this is making it worse” she fluttered up to Luke’s scarff “are you cold?” He asked, “Do you want the scarf?” Then Diana comfortably sat on Luke's shoulder snuggling between his flannel and his scarf “nah, you're like a giant heater."
Luke didn't protest, he was kind of flattered that she trusted him enough to do that, Diana no longer spoke, The carpenter stiffened in order to not disturb the sleeping fairy as he heard her little snores, and looked into the road ahead.
“Hey” Luke gently poked Diana's back “wake up sleepyhead” She slowly got up and positioned herself to be sitting on Luke's shoulder “what” her voice was hoarse “we’ve reached our destiny” The fairy stood up “wait” Luke pushed her down “do your invisibility thing”
“Oh, right” Diana put on her ring and sat on Luke’s head “wow this place is so…rectangular” she sounded disappointed "you don't sound precicely amazed” of all the possible reactions Luke didn't expect her to react disappointingly “it's just, I guess I expected something more like the fairy colonies, everything is organic and unique, there are plants everywhere, I didn't expect to–” this was a getting a little too real now Luke didn't need to know about the colonies, she herself didn't want to think about her home, or how much she missed it, “to what?”
“Nothing important, this is just different from anything I've ever seen” Diana avoided giving a real answer, “It's cool though” Luke gave a sigh of relief “I can't leave you here in the car so you will get to see the amazing world of the supermarket, the we'll get to the fun stuff” Dianas eyes quickly moved between the different building some talk and some short, excitement began to bubble inside her “Alright” Diana was glad Luke couldn't see her right now.
Luke spent a few hours showing her different places in the city, he took her to a park, mall, previously mentioned supermarket and they got dinner from a fast food restaurant. when it was getting dark they got back on the truck, “so what do you think?” Diana excitedly fluttered, now visible since it was already dark and there weren't many people around “first of all, I WAS SO FUCKING SICK OF NOT TALKING,” with that out of her system she continued “still, wow you humans have it good, I didn't expect some magicless giants like you to live comfortably, explain how do you make air cold without magic!? I need to take notes or something, and the food!” her happiness was contagious “all the food you give me are veggies and healthy stuff, the food here is much better”
Luke was so happy to see her like that, he could always tell she was happy or excited when she talked very fast like she was right now “Yeah, I don't think someone of your size should eat fast food often”
He drove to the nearest motel
“Tomorrow I need to go to deliver some commissions, it will be quick so you can stay in the car for a while,” Luke parked his truck in the motel’s parking lot “meanwhile we'll be crashing here”
Luke got to their room and feel into bed he curled himself into ball and covered himself with the blankets “I didn't think you were that tired” Diana muttered Luke looked at her but didn't respond, instead curled up tighter and closed his eyes.
the fairy wasn't really tired but Luke wouldn't let her go anywhere so she stayed awake for a while on top of the pillow besides Luke, the fairy felt his warm breath ruffle her hair before giving up on sleep, she didn't have much to do, Diana went to the window on the side of the room, the outside wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but she still observed it with amazement, the sky felt empty and dark but the night in the city was still shiny, the lights from buildings illuminated the streets, some people walked through the sidewalks, some cars would pass by. After a while the fairy grew tired.
It was only when she turned around that the disturbing sight of a giant watching her in the dark became visible “how long have you been watching me?” Luke turned to lay on his back “sorry, it's just that your wings, they glow and I couldn't help but take glimpse” Diana now sleepy, layed on Luke's chest and covered herself with the blanket he was using “yeah,” she yawned “fairies glow in the dark” Luke moved sideways and Diana fell right between his chest and is arm, now completely surrounded by her friend she began to drift into sleep “Goodnight Luke.”
Writing something long is harder than I expected, we are almost getting to the main thing I want to write.
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