#diagonal bracing design
minticecodes · 7 months
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A (late) piece for dmcweek2024 day 4! I was buzzing to put forward something for the week. Prompt was alt universe.
AU where Eva survived the fire and had to figure out a way forward, believing the twins dead. She becomes an RPG shopkeeper selling wares ranging from antique books to magical goods (Devil May Scry). She's also out for Mundus' blood.
Image descriptions are the same as in alt.
[ID: 7 Digital illustrations and sketches. 1: Coloured illustration of a bookshop at sunset. Eva, a pale blonde middle aged woman mans the bright patterned counter. She wears a turtleneck and red shawl, has shoulder length hair, and diagonal facial burn scar and scarring on her left hand. Light rays illuminate her gently smiling face. Besides packed books, on the shelves are potion bottles, statuettes, succulents, and a displayed katana. Roses and plants decorate the shop. On the counter are a thick hardback, bookscanner, and crystal ball. Cards are displayed inside the counter. On the wall hangs a price sign, featuring doodled vital stars (large star drawn with sunglasses), holy water and fortunes. Beneath it is a rose wreathed divinity statue display, with 2 red orb offerings in a dish. 2: Eva from behind, sitting hunched alone at a table where a birthday cake sits untouched. It's a two flavour cake. By her clenched hand are crumpled tissues. Caption: 'Vergil...Dante...happy birthday...' 3: Eva bracing the Devil Sword Sparda across her shoulders, aimed at the ground. She wears a bell sleeved, ruffled funeral/wedding dress with a slit for leg movement. A veil trails behind her like a ribbon. Close ups of her show the headpiece design; a pacifier made of a long bird skill, feather, rose, and four skeletal 'legs'. 4 & 5: Trish taking on teen Dante's image: a tan teen in black, with chin length white hair, a halter neck tank top, leather pants, kneelength boots and black polish. Her leather jacket collar resembles lightning bolts. She leans against an invisible wall, one leg bent to brace her foot against it. She looks askance with arched brows, lifting shades from her face. The 2nd image is a 3/4 profile with shades perched on her forehead and popped collar. 6: Helmetless portraits of Dante and Vergil in armour, expressionless. Dante's hair is shoulder length and falls across his face. 7: Full body of 2 somewhat lanky demonic knights. One (Nelo Angelo) in black and blue with droopy horns rests his palms atop his blue broadsword's pommel, the sword upright against the ground. He stands straight, staring ahead. The other in white and red and curled horns has a palm clapped on Nelo Angelo's shoulder, other hand at his hips. Somehow the eyes on his helmet express playfulness. At his back is the hilt to a flail, the spiked ball resting on the ground by his armoured heels. They're labelled '~16' . End ID.]
Read more for some wordy backstory and sketches. TW for mentions of torture, abuse and solitary confinement surrounding the twins.
I had...so many more ideas that I'm leaving out to keep this short. It's fun to think how she'd mesh with the cast.
Like! her and Lady. Mother that lost her kid and kid that lost her mother. It writes itself how much unwitting projection can go wrong. And pretty much everything about her, the twins, and Trish :)
In terms of backstory:
After the fire she's alone. Her birth family disowned her long ago. She thinks about revamping the mansion but the idea of staying in that empty space with only memories for company is too much. So she eventually opens a small store.
Starts off paranoid and distant. Still is distant but gets entangled with the local community overtime. Greets people by name and they'll chat about how life has been going. This includes demon hunters and demons and supernatural beings living peacefully; her shop becomes a small safe haven to exchange information to stay safe.
Gets very good at forging protective charms. Haunted by the memory of the enchanted closet, smashed in and empty.
A regular is a schoolgirl who originally came to pick up reserved books for her father but stuck around because hey, this place is quiet and interesting, and the owner serves stellar teacakes. Great place to study. To Mary, Eva's kind, though odd, secretive and a little lonely.
I got inspired by Eva's association with the bangle/bracelet of time and the amulets for her fighting style. It's based around item crafting, like an RPG character slapping on every stat boosting item.
She stitches together different outfits for different needs Cardcaptor style. They're all exceedingly dramatic. It's not clear here but I wanted a bird motif to eventually come through. Phoenix motif, really.
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[ID: Rough sketches: A magician esque outfit with vest, feathered tophat and cape. A longcoat with long skirt and long scarf at her back like a cape. The cape is tagged with 'spells stitched into fabric'. Close ups on the coat lapel show two pins (strawberry and wing), labelled 'charm lapel pins.' Close up of the shoes show sharp heals and ankle bracelets. Eva leaping in a black bodysuit and leotard, with feathery collar, quill behind her ear, and ballet shoes with a claw at the heel. Eva making a triangular 2 hand sign in a hooded cloak and longskirt. Around her shoulders are claws. At her hips is an hourglass. Above her heeded head is a clocklike halo. Beside her is a sketch of a woman with a lionhead mask. A funeral and wedding dress inspired outfit. Eva crouches, wielding the Devil Sword Sparda in scythe form. Her face is covered by a tattered veil. She wears a knee length ruffled dress, black gloves, and a long, ruffled cape. Close up of her left hand shows a ring and finger claws Rough comic. Chibi lady talks to chibi Eva. Lady holds up a black body suit with billowing sleeves and a cleavage window. Lady: "Eva what is this" Eva (smiling cheerfully): "Oh - that old thing!" Eva: "My old hunting outfit. Gosh I'd almost forgotten about it. Not the most comfortable thing - so skin tight..." However Lady fixates on 'my old hunting outfit'. The words go in one ear and come out as a younger Eva in a catsuit, pointing a gun with a serious expression, wind blowing through her hair. Lady stares into the distance, bewildered, and slightly blushing. End ID]
Meanwhile the twins are having a terrible time but they have each other, even if they don't remember they're brothers. I think it'd be sweet if they have a bond anyway. Everyone else thinks they're rivals at best.
(Nelo is Mundus' favourite to toy with as the proud, eldest son. But when he gets rough, Bianco butts in and acts up for Mundus' attention. This gets him sent to solitary confinement; Mundus figured out Bianco hates small spaces and designed an iron maiden for him. Others think Bianco is a brute who acts out for a fight. But that's ok. It means Bianco can keep buying Nelo time.) (When lucid, Nelo despises his own weakness when this happens.)
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[ID: 2 Images. Nelo and Bianco Angelo in fisticuffs in a cartoony dustcloud, glaring at each other as they fight. They're captioned 'Mundus' most competent generals'. Additional text: 'silent, obedient, crushing force when apart. Perfect soldiers. ... until they're put together. Complement each other's battle style OR clash terribly. Nelo Angelo staring off, arms crossed and furrowed eyes somehow expressing being completely fed up. Behind him, Bianco and Griffin talk at each other. Griffin's glaring. Bianco has a hand up to gesture. End ID]
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lieutenantabrudas · 2 months
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[ID: a drawing of a salarian from mass effect scowling at something off to her left side on a light turquoise background. her skin is bright yellow on her head and back, and bright blue on her limbs and front, with black spots all over. her right horn is tall and thin, the left has been broken off at the base. one eye is cybernetic with three glowing red optical lenses. her right half is covered in burn scars, her face has three diagonal claw scars, her right foot is skeletal and missing webbing with scraps of skin where the webs used to be, and both legs are wrapped in support braces to help her walk. she is wearing a sleeveless green hoodie with a mesh window over her heart, black shorts, and three animal teeth on a leather cord around her neck that have been stained with green blood. one hand is holding a smoking blunt. end ID]
today on disabled exdiff major characters im drawing for disability pride month, the second-most complex design i have for a main character, the bad reverend serial killer aka gurji taeja! taeja first appears in chapter 41 of broken mirror and sticks around for 3 chapters to help shepard and company, then reappears in blood in the water as a deuteragonist dragging shepard into an adventure against their will to go save terra nova. shepard doesn't like her but too bad, i the author do, and so do my readers. she's off doing her own work at the moment in in the land of giants, but she'll be back soon!
the blunt isn't weed btw it's a hallucinogenic drug called naenoda used by salarian priests to commune with the gods. taeja was trained as a priest of the death gods and still follows the god of just deaths and revenge, even though she's otherwise cut all ties with organized religion due to backstory reasons, and smokes a bit of naenoda from time to time for fun and also pain relief. come read my fic i'm very normal about this oc.
her legs were mangled by a predator attack when she was young, and due to her shitheel brother who lured her into it in the first place (it's cool those teeth around her neck are from the predator that tried to eat her and that's her brother's blood on them, don't worry about it :) ) she was left for dead and had to drag herself back to civilization, so they uh. didn't heal right, exactly, and struggle to support her weight. nowadays she alternates between standard braces, special braces that were built into her armor's endosuit, and sometimes a walking stick for short distances if she's already taken them off for the day but needs something from the kitchen.
things got dialed up to 11 after she fled to omega, joined eclipse, had a falling out with eclipse, and was beaten most of the way to death (intentional) and nearly burned alive (accidental) - note her toes on the one side, there's scraps of what used to be webbing attached to her toes, but the fire effectively seared them away and now that foot sinks lower and spreads further than the other trying to support her weight. her eye was completely unsalvageable, and the surgeons offered her a clone replacement, but she opted for the cybernetic robot eye partially because it's cool and partially because she got recruited for the spectres in the process and wanted a cyborg eye for combat advantages. not pictured are all the additional cybernetics under her skin to rebuild her arm and leg and keep her organs working, and the extra stuff wired into her brain to control everything (especially the eye) and, ah. fix some brain damage. she's fine it's fine. the right half of her face is also paralyzed, and her vocal chords were burned, so facial expressions and speaking are difficult, but it's fine, that's what a few extra apps on her omni-tool and a vocoder implanted in her throat are for. she's fine!!
also she successfully completed spectre training and promptly went back to omega, killed all the eclipse mercs who tried to kill her, and also killed her shithead emotionally abusive father and sealed his bones in her armor so he can never enter the reincarnation cycle and will be trapped in limbo forever, it's fine, she's doing fine, she's definitely stable and does not need therapy about anything she's fine she has hallucinogens and a VI in her brain and batarian friends who are better family than her own she's FINE
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kintsug1kitsune · 1 year
"Circuit, brace for combat."
"Received and deploying, handler."
The circuit, the pilot of their mech, was nestled in the wires of its heartmount; cables hooked into their neural ports, wrapping around their brainstem and invading their nervous system. They hadn't synched yet, but they were prepared.
Fifty meters of white-gold eschatalium, sharp and pseudo-organic in design, artfully painted black to intersperse with the gold, colors of the Empyrean. Two legs on heel-mount feet, stiletto-like greaves for agility; two arms, long and spiked with clawed hands and packed full of the best weaponry humanity could produce. An armored torso with a head atop, sleek and like a knight's helm, massive sharp-toothed jaws that could snap steel girders in half; four camera eyes, diagonally-spaced, with a wreath of decorative red feathers signifying its position: solo work, sovereign from any squadron.
A Mechanical Eden, one of the finest and greatest weapons of the Empyrean. And within, its circuit, a pilot called Killy, short for Killer. They looked over the hardlight screens before them, ensured all systems were green, and hit the button to synch: all at once, a flood of chemicals surged through the wires and into their body. The lovechild of opium, methamphetamine, cannabis, and psilocybin, derived from human spinal fluid and currently smashing a hole in Killy's consciousness.
Their spirit expanded out through their body and into the soul matrix of their Eden; they meshed together, an amalgamate machine consciousness and its pilot, a beautiful union of identity put to one purpose--war.
Hey, pretty. Hello, circuit. Good to be back. Good to have you back.
Through the Eden's eyes--their own eyes, now--they surveyed the beach. They had been dropped down from orbit onto this small island to await orders in case a battle some kilometers away went badly. Through their body's eyes, now just another part in the war machine, they received signals on-screen from the Athame, the Arbiter-class doll overseeing battle on this, the moon of Illulia.
"Witch summoning imminent. Eliminate or contain threat."
Killy didn't hesitate, and their body--as well as their Eden--broke out into a manic grin. It was time for battle.
Massive golden wings unfurled from the Eden's back, spell circles humming to life as ether coursed through them, and Killy was off: maneuvering thrusters ignited and glassed sand underneath as the wings lofted them over the ocean at mach speeds, coming in low over the waves.
Soon the objective was in sight: an island with smoke curling off it, palm trees and underbrush devastated by the fires of war, with a towering metal building up on a mountain at its center.
"Killy," their handler's voice came into their mind through neural connection, "Your target is the Witch of Scripts. It's a master strategist that uses spells to manipulate the mind and body. Any second, it's going to breach and come into reality. Full force permitted. Destroy it."
Killy licked their lips, drooling in anticipation, already wetting their crotch tubes with cum due to the chems. "Received. Affirmative, handler."
It took no seconds for the island in front of Killy to explode.
The corporate tower on the mountain shattered apart in a spray of molten steel and rubble; the Empyrean forces that had been surrounding it were crushed and scattered. Killy could feel Athame sending orders to gather and retreat to the beachhead, and could see combat dolls and infantry fleeing and trying their best to follow the command.
As they kept closing the distance, cresting the ocean, and now flying over the island's beach, they could also see… A swathe of death. Doll parts, drone parts, human corpses still clad in advanced armor, blood and oil everywhere… Killy came to a stop over the ashy, ruined ground and the mountain of bodies.
And there was a girl there. In the middle of it all, far below, there was a girl.
The Eden looked down on her, and she looked far, far up to the Eden. She was wearing some kind of battle-dress, shimmering brilliantly and beautifully in the eternal night.
"Oh, an Eden? Really? My Witch is that big of a deal?" The Innocence smiled up at the mech and pointed her halberd at it. "Well! Not like it matters, it's already here!"
That was true; the Eden looked up and around at the scene. Steel raining from the sky, and a towering cloud of nightmarish, stained glass darkness was erupting from where the corporate building once stood.
Killy looked back down at the Innocence, and opened the Eden's jaw to let a grinding, destructive voice boom from it, "I am going to kill it. Don't get in the way."
"Oh…?" The Innocence pursed her lips. "No you aren't. I'll stop you right here and now!" Suddenly--she jumped up, far up, flying into the air on glittering magical wings, twirling her halberd and drawing seals in the air with witchfire--
The Eden rose an arm to swat her, but she danced aside--the battle began.
Rays of witchfire shot from the Innocence's seals, splashing off the Eden's heavy armor, as Killy swung levers in their cockpit and danced their legs in their sheathes; their eyes dilated, and they grinned fiercely.
The Innocence flew around, arcing through the air while raining beams down on the Eden; the Eden leaped back, gaining distance, and released the support assault guns from its arms. Hardlight bullets rained out of them, pelting the Innocence as she ducked around, whirled through the air, bounced shells off magical barriers and parried them with her weapon.
"I bet you weren't expecting this!" She flew straight at the Eden and drew a seal with her halberd in shining witchfire--the spell resolved, and suddenly, it staggered and stumbled.
In its heartmount, Killy screamed as the connection between themself and their Eden was scrambled, the mesh forcefully torn-at and damaged.
The Innocence plunged in, spear wreathed in flames, and dove at the mech's leg--and exploded through it, a dart of molten force, laughing triumphantly.
Killy screamed again, in further pain, and the Eden shot towards the Innocence to pursue, wheeling a kick at her.
It was fast, unexpected--her eyes got wide as the incoming leg, a tower of hard metal, careened into her and flung her to the ground, scraping across its ashes and rocks and bloodying her form.
At last she came to a stop and looked up, frantic--but Killy wasn't paying attention to her. The Eden was looking towards the column of emanation coming from the mountaintop, where the Witch of Scripts was entering the world.
Killy felt their entire world focus to a single point, and a euphoria surged through them, not only at beating the Innocence but in anticipation of the next step.
They unfurled their wings and took to the sky, up to where the Witch awaited…
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jamiethebeeart · 3 months
A different kind of post from me!
Asking for ✨help✨
So *long story short I created a cosplay design for Oboro/Kurogiri? And I kind of settled on a design I like, but something still feels.... not right. So on the off chance one of my followers has design know how and is willing to chime in.... uuh please feel free to weigh in.
*a con I'm going to announced Elements as their gala theme and my friend suggested an Oboro/Kurogiri mash up and I dove head first into the idea. whoopsies. I did solidify fabric choices but looking at the cost of all dress materials in addition to Ms. Joke's stuff I decided to leave this as a cosplan for the future (maybe a masquerade entry???? I think it'd be lit... literally lmao - I want the lightening to be lights under organza. but since it won't have to fit into an elements theme I might nix that part or change it?)
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Version 1 relies on tulle to create a kind of shadow-y gradient up the torso. I didn't actually figure out what under the capelet would look like - it's the most unfinished design of all. Version 2 played around with the corset idea, but I still wasn't pleased with it - it cut off too much visually, but at least I thought through the shirt portion?
(you might be asking yourself what's up with the white. well... yea. I like body paint more than straight foundation and I think the starkness lends itself more to the established nomu-ification more than trying to make the top portion more like Oboro's canon design. Honestly liable to change. Idk how to incorporate Oboro's nose plaster/bandaid on the white face as it is visually one of the markers of the character. But also I love contrast. oooooh contrast my love)
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Version 3 tried to make the top section/corset more like Oboro's hero costume, and then adding in elements of Kurogiri's vest with the "buttons" but it was clunky trying to fit in Kurogiri's uuuh.. neck... brace... thing.... and I didn't like the silhouette enough to figure it out. lmao. BUT I figured out how to do the skirt portion! (The black dress is just there as a visual reminder of what the arm section is trying to go for. I just got lucky finding a picture that fit well enough to what I'd already come up with.) SO the bottommost base will be a circle skirt of sorts to lay down a base over the hoop skirt. Then the next layer of fabric on top will be like the 3rd reference picture down - I liked the poofy/cloud like texture, but I still wanted the smokiness of Kurogiri to be present in the skirt so I was thinking adding layers like you see in the 4th picture on top of the poofy cloud structure. Which is.... a lot considering I've never attempted a formal dress before. And all of that will be textured diagonally down the skirt to give a sense of swirling movement hopefully reminiscent of Kurogiri's portals. Inbetween the cloud texture and smoky texture is where I was planning on applying the lights. (The smoky gradient texturing would be layered organza which should be shear enough even with layering to allow the light to shine through.)
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Version 4!!! So many variants of version 4! I solidified what I wanted the torso to look like! Which is a cross of a stay and a corset. I've yet to find any examples of real garments that match my design but I want a front lacing corset that has that blue stomacher. The shirt borrows from version 2 except this version is like a wrap shirt so instead of applying the blue ribbon (satin? I'll figure it out later exactly what I want from it) over a completed shirt I make things more difficult for myself by making a wrap shirt whose edge is lined with the darker blue. How will I make this stay in place and be comfortable under a corset? idk.
(Also - the shirt is going to be so much gradient dying.... because I have to add in things I don't have a lot of experience in.... I love throwing myself into the deep end haha... The black will probably be an applique? Or if the fabric won't hold up to the weight I might just "paint" on black dye for the corruption effect.)
I played around with different hair covering to bring in the orange cloud logo Oboro has on his jacket. I'm not sold on the jacket design, so I wanted to figure out how to incorporate the cloud motif and jacket colors another way. (Also on purpose to primarily focus that on the most Oboro part of this design.) At the time of compiling this post I might try out an actual (short) cape? So as to keep the frontal view as is but still add some interest to the back view? Also I'm imagining twirling with a cape on stage.... It'd look so cool.
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I also tried out a hair down style instead of the bun with a few curls/waves released. I was leaning towards hair down would have the different hats/bonnets/hair accessories. And then hair up would be balanced with the capelet.
Also I might just be overthinking the hair lmao. A cute cloud clip in the hair would also work perfectly fine. (Also as mentioned I love contrast and that includes blue/orange my complementary color love)
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Idk why I have pictures here with capelet and hair coverings but I do.
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Anywho! This last picture is the one I've settled on.
Additional notes about the design: The white body base with shadows creeping up is actually a shirt. Because body painting myself and creating a mess on my body and clothes sounds like an actual nightmare. So it'd be more like white long sleeved shirt, basically the equivalent of a blue shift for the hero shirt with ... idk what those sleeves would be called where they're like gathered with a sewn in string or elastic? The sleeves would end in.... organza? tulle? for the kind of shadowy effect over the hands. (It's hard to see but the bulk of it over the hand would blend with the black fingerless gloves and then the bottomost layer would be purple to give that halo-y effect that Kurogiri's hands have. (Where his body smokes out you see the purple color on the edges - ya know that whole thing?) It'd have removable fingerless gloves taken directly from Oboro's hero design, but also so that I can visually continue the sleeves and still remove them as needed. The orange floating clouds are actually like a veil? The clouds would be embroidered on blue tulle (?) so it's hard to see but still be able to be embroidered on and pinned into the wig. I didn't draw in my eyes because... I was lazy lmao but I don't wear contacts... I suppose for this I'd have to either take off my glasses or finally get some. But I do think coloring in my entire eyelid with yellow so that with my eyes closed it all looks uniform across is the way to go.... Or maybe have one eye be normal and the other smoky? Oh, and then I could have a corner of my face that isn't white. I'm not sold on the corset/stay design. I think in order to have it properly supporting things I have to increase the length of it down so it settles over my hips to displace the weight instead of ending right above them... From what I gather that should increase comfortability, but it also makes it tricker to visually get the angles on the sides to translate right. Honestly I don't even know how well a more form fitting corset and a stomach will interact for support? I might just have to make it more like a proper stay with a flatter profile for it to physically work. I've got no idea on shoes though. (Men's) Dress shoes would be a fun nod to Kurogiri's formal outfit but also sneakers are so much nicer to move in... Oh! The bit around the eyes is supposed to be like smoky/cloudy makeup. Tumblr will probably trash the quality so it'll be hard to tell.
I have considered making this in a style that properly pulls from one time period but I've yet to find a historical period of fashion that encapsulates what I'm trying to achieve. Until then it remains a mish mash of fashion ideas.
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symphonic-scream · 2 years
Have you, perchance, thought of how their fits would look? 0ẅ0
However at this moment my mind is fudgy with words so I'll sum each of them up quickly
If you want more detailed ones, you can ask for individuals or if you wanna throw ideas at me I'll take that too
Jester - Yusuke
Tight. Jacket with big collar, mask is colour split diagonally so one eye is white other is black but the split isn't even or straight. Tall boots, slightly puffy pants, jacket splattered in vibrant paint
Crow - Akechi
Honestly I was imagining him staying exactly the same. Just. For shits and giggles.
Knight - Makoto
A main outfit that's dark with black metal armour pieces. Like shoulder pauldrons and gauntlets and from the knee down. Little tattered cape scarf, black metallic mask too. Spiked on the top side to look kinda like a crown maybe
Eros - Haru
Hair extra fluffed up, a little like. Okay like a peter pain hat with a big white feather out the back, standard black mask. BUT. Golden laurels going up around it. Like a tennis skirt with leggings under it energy with. With boots. Little wings on the heels. Idk about the top but little wing designs on the back too
Python - Futaba
The big pants are staying she's so goofy I'm keeping it. Pretty much the same actually. Except. She looks more mechanic. AND HER WEAPON KS A WRENCH
Rook - Hifumi
I picture her like a general? Very uniform. Imposing silhouette. I don't have much for her I'm sorry
Compass - Ryuji
His leg brace becomes like an exoskeleton thing, allowing him to move with a little less pain and difficulty in the metaverse, but he does use a pipe as a cane. Less punk more pirate, he is the Nav after all. He shoots the boosts at them from little canons on the boat that is his Persona
Puma - Ann
Again not many thoughts but it's very practical. Cat mask for sure, but darker colours and more fashion?? Very different from canon is all I was sure of
Gamma - Mishima
Goofy ass looking Tron reject. He glows a lot. Literally just like a worse Tron suit.
Indigo - Kasumi
Most dancer vibes this time. Maybe a like. Like a dress? But like a figure skater's kind, meant for movement. With a JACKET. Hair braided halfway down, tied with an indigo ribbon, ballet shoes maybe??
Anyways uhm. I tried. If you have ideas feel free to share em and stuff just. That's what I got (keep in mind it's 2am for me and I haven't had my ADHD meds in a week ajdhdjdbd)
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holethoa2010 · 2 months
How to Build a Bamboo House for Chickens, Raising and Caring for Chickens
Building a bamboo house for chickens is a sustainable and cost-effective way to provide a comfortable shelter for your flock. Bamboo is durable, flexible, and environmentally friendly, making it an excellent choice for constructing a chicken coop. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you build a bamboo house for your chickens: #### **Materials and Tools:** - Bamboo poles (various sizes) - Bamboo strips or matting - Nails or screws - Hammer or drill - Saw (for cutting bamboo) - Measuring tape - String and stakes (for marking the ground) - Wire mesh (for ventilation and predator protection) - Hinges and latches (for doors) - Roofing material (e.g., corrugated metal or bamboo thatch) - Concrete or gravel (for the foundation) - Tools: shovel, level, and pliers #### **1. Planning and Design:** 1. **Determine the Size:** Calculate how much space you need based on the number of chickens. Generally, each chicken requires about 2-4 square feet inside the coop and 8-10 square feet in the outdoor run.   2. **Design the Coop:** Draw a basic plan for your bamboo chicken house. Include the coop area, nesting boxes, roosting bars, and ventilation. 3. **Choose a Location:** Select a dry, elevated site that is well-drained and protected from strong winds. #### **2. Preparing the Foundation:** 1. **Mark the Area:** Use string and stakes to outline the perimeter of the coop. 2. **Excavate the Ground:** Dig trenches around the perimeter for the foundation. This can be filled with concrete or gravel to provide a stable base and deter predators. 3. **Lay the Foundation:** Pour concrete or spread gravel in the trenches, leveling it as you go. Allow it to set before continuing. #### **3. Building the Frame:** 1. **Cut the Bamboo:** Use a saw to cut the bamboo poles to the required lengths for the frame. 2. **Assemble the Frame:** Construct the frame by connecting bamboo poles using nails or screws. Secure vertical supports at the corners and horizontal beams for stability. 3. **Reinforce the Structure:** Add diagonal bamboo bracing to strengthen the frame. #### **4. Constructing the Walls:** 1. **Attach Bamboo Panels:** Use bamboo strips or matting to cover the frame. Secure them with nails or screws, ensuring that there are no gaps where predators could enter. 2. **Add Ventilation:** Install wire mesh on the windows and ventilation areas to keep the coop well-ventilated while keeping out predators. #### **5. Building the Roof:** 1. **Construct Roof Supports:** Add bamboo beams to support the roof. Make sure they are securely attached to the frame. 2. **Install Roofing Material:** Cover the roof with corrugated metal, bamboo thatch, or another weather-resistant material. Ensure it extends beyond the edges to protect the walls from rain. #### **6. Adding Doors and Nesting Boxes:** 1. **Install Doors:** Attach hinges to the doors and secure them to the frame. Add latches to keep the doors closed. 2. **Build Nesting Boxes:** Construct nesting boxes using bamboo or other materials. Place them inside the coop at an accessible height for the chickens. #### **7. Finishing Touches:** 1. **Add Roosting Bars:** Install horizontal bamboo bars inside the coop for the chickens to roost on. 2. **Paint or Treat the Bamboo:** Apply a non-toxic sealant or paint to protect the bamboo from the elements. 3. **Create an Outdoor Run:** If desired, build an enclosed outdoor run using bamboo and wire mesh to allow your chickens to roam freely. #### **Raising and Caring for Chickens:** 1. **Feeding:** Provide a balanced chicken feed and fresh water daily. Supplement their diet with kitchen scraps, grains, and greens. 2. **Cleaning:** Regularly clean the coop and replace bedding to prevent diseases. Remove manure and debris from the coop floor. 3. **Health Care:** Monitor your chickens for signs of illness or parasites. Regularly check their feathers, beaks, and feet. 4. **Egg Collection:** Collect eggs daily from the nesting boxes to ensure they remain clean and to encourage hens to lay regularly. 5. **Socialization:** Spend time with your chickens to help them become friendly and accustomed to human interaction. By following these steps, you'll create a functional and sustainable bamboo house for your chickens, ensuring they have a safe and comfortable environment.
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zoeyjason · 2 months
What is Frame in Construction
When you hear the word 'frame,' what comes to mind? A picture frame, or even a frame of mind. However, in construction and architecture, frames hold an entirely different meaning. 
Frames are essential elements that form the foundation and structure of buildings, bridges, and other structures. Without frames, our skylines would not be as awe-inspiring, our homes would not be sturdy, and our infrastructure would not be as reliable. 
I will explore the concept of framing in construction and uncover its importance in creating strong and functional structures. I will also delve into different types of frames used in various construction projects and how they contribute to each building's overall stability and design. So buckle up your hard hats because it is time to dive into the framing world!
Frame in Construction- Explained
Frame construction, or framing, is a fundamental method in building where a structural framework is assembled to support the entire structure. This framework comprises vertical studs, horizontal beams, and diagonal bracing, forming the primary load-bearing elements. It is the structural backbone to which walls, floors, and roofs are attached.
Central to frame construction is Construction Takeoff, which involves quantifying and measuring all necessary framing materials for the project. This meticulous process includes calculating studs, beams, trusses, and other components essential for cost estimation and procurement. Overall, frame construction and framing takeoff are crucial for building solidity and well-planned construction.
Types of Frames Used in Construction
In construction, various frames provide structural support and stability to buildings. Here are some common types of frames used in construction:
Steel Frames:
Steel frames are popular due to their strength, durability, and ability to span large distances without intermediate supports. They are often used in high-rise, industrial, and commercial buildings.
Wooden Frames:
Wooden frames are commonly used in residential construction for their cost-effectiveness, ease of construction, and aesthetic appeal. They are versatile and can be easily customized to fit different architectural styles.
Concrete Frames:
Concrete frames are known for their durability, fire resistance, and ability to withstand heavy loads. They are frequently used in buildings that require a high level of structural integrity, such as bridges, dams, and high-rise structures.
Composite Frames:
Composite frames combine different materials like steel, concrete, and wood to take advantage of the strengths of each material. These frames offer a balance between cost, strength, and design flexibility.
Timber Frames:
Timber frames, made from heavy timber posts and beams, have been used for centuries in construction. They are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and provide a warm, natural aesthetic.
Each type of frame has its own advantages, and it is chosen based on factors such as the building's purpose, design requirements, budget, and environmental considerations.
Pros and Cons of Frame Construction
When considering frame construction for a building, there are several pros and cons to take into account:
Frame construction is generally more affordable than other building methods, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious projects.
Frames can be prefabricated off-site, leading to quicker on-site assembly and shorter construction timelines.
Frames allow for versatile architectural designs and layouts, providing freedom for customization and creativity.
With proper insulation, frame construction can offer good energy efficiency, reducing utility costs in the long run.
Frames make it easier to modify or expand the structure in the future, offering flexibility for potential renovations.
Frame construction may have limitations in terms of structural strength compared to other building methods like concrete or steel.
Wooden frames are susceptible to fire hazards, requiring additional fireproofing measures for safety.
Frames may require more maintenance, such as periodic inspections for wood decay or pest infestation.
Frame constructions sometimes have poorer sound insulation properties than solid masonry structures.
In some cases, frame construction may be associated with lower quality or durability perceptions, impacting property values.
When choosing a construction method, weighing these pros and cons against project requirements and long-term objectives is essential.
The concept of frame in construction is crucial for ensuring the stability and structural integrity of any building or structure. From simple residential homes to towering skyscrapers, a solid frame is the backbone that holds everything together. As explored in this blog post, different types of frames are used in construction, each with unique characteristics and uses. However, one remains constant: with a strong, robust, constructed frame, any building can withstand pressure.  So, the next time you walk by a building or look out your window at a city skyline, take a moment to appreciate the complex and intricate network of frames holding it all together. Construction may not be the most glamorous industry, but it is undoubtedly one of the most vital. After all, we all need somewhere sturdy and safe to live and work. And at its core lies the humble yet mighty frame, the unsung construction hero.
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qtoconstrution786 · 3 months
Bracing systems play a vital role in ensuring the stability and integrity of structures, providing essential support against various forces such as wind, seismic activity, and loads.
Understanding Bracing Systems
What are Bracing Systems?
Bracing systems refer to structural components strategically placed within a building to resist lateral forces and prevent structural failure. These systems distribute loads effectively, enhancing the overall stability of the structure.
Types of Bracing Systems
Cross-Bracing: Cross-bracing involves diagonal members placed between beams or columns to form an X shape. This configuration efficiently resists both tension and compression forces, offering robust support against lateral movements.
Knee Bracing: Knee bracing utilizes diagonal members connected between columns and beams, providing additional support to prevent buckling and enhance structural stability. This type of bracing is commonly employed in industrial buildings and structures with large open spaces.
Shear Wall: Shear walls are vertical elements constructed from reinforced concrete or masonry, designed to withstand lateral forces such as wind or seismic loads. These walls distribute forces evenly throughout the structure, minimizing deformation and ensuring structural integrity.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
The guy gave up on it and that's not a bad idea the frame was wrecked but you can see how it's framed they're like two by threes the long way and they make just like something to attach to you can do that you get some real long screws there'll be like 5 inches long and you pre drill or you get clips those will be easier and you glue it together and put the clips at the intersection they're special they don't cost too much like $0.20 each and the sun has done it on some jobs and it holds together great if you glue it you have special screws you screw it all together your frame would be very sturdy there's a lot of trailers out there of this size they're big they're 2024 foot and they're for lawn mowers and never one hates lawn mowers so you'll simply use our floor member idea and you take the planking off and that saves a lot of weight those planks are heavy and they're heavy duty Their thick and pressure treated usually wet so you put down plasti oThen you put your framing members down and you attach them to each other those be two by fours but they be on the 2 inch edge not the 4 inch like a floor and you do the whole frame like this you see on the floor but it would go the other way becaus....r but it would go the other way because of framing mers on your trailer or metal and they go across it of course you put it in your tanks and other controls and things underneath first and you suspend them off of your trailer frame metal screws and you can even get self tapping but we recommend high speed steel it takes seconds and then you get self tapping and it's true or you can get a tap set but it's easier to drill it and use high speed steel drill bits. You want to attach a water tank a sewer tank and You want to attach a water tank a sewer tank and it goes in between the framing members and you have to leave the installation out there an you can do all that before you put the floor in so you have full access and before you put the plastic down . Then you frame up your walls. So that would be two by three laying flat and the bottom and top cord would be flat and you attach them with blue and in the cold joint with wood nails the new stuff works great and Eclipse you make the all four walls in the ceiling the same material but in the ceiling you run it the other way and there's a good reason it's because it can hold a load and you want to sheath the roof with exterior 3H plywood and very you want to do a decent quality if you walk on it it's gonna go in and you want to put rolled rubber roofing and not peel and stick if it can help it it won't work and it won't last and you have to have the white one. We recommend rubber roofing not EPDM. There is a closure piece or getting to this the metal you can buy rolled and it's cheap and that's for your sides of your camper it's not a great huge job you don't have to make angles in all sorts of weird things you go straight up at the front and straight down at the back and straight up and down on the sides. Making it harder than it already is you have to run all your utilities that means all the drains and plumbing in the floor and walls before you finish mostly all the drains go in the floor and electrical and plumbing goes in the walls there's only some electrical in the roof for the lights and you might have an air conditioning unit the one that going to the roof those are not cheap you can find a thin wall unit they're inexpensive and we recommend you frame out for one and we recommend you put it at the front of the camper so it doesn't show there are a lot of campers that are square you want to copy the look and color of it and we would strongly suggest a replica and that's what we're going to design but using our framing system because it's cheaper and easier to install and lasts longer than the aluminum and we'll have you put in diagonal bracing it's not very hard you measure the long run from the top outside corner  of the long way all the way down to the middle And it has to be on the inside of the bottom of the framing member and you can figure it out because you actually just wanted to fit over the wall on the inside then you have to mark each day where to cut it and you take the board down and you'll have an inch and a half waist and they go in between actually inside the wall and you screw it one at a time so you screw both sides both ends of the bracing you do that on the front and back and then both sides. That makes it incredibly strong 'cause you're gluing it in on the outside you simply unroll the metal and it is for campers and it goes vertically you unroll it and you're gonna have like and it's about 6 foot wide so you're gonna have four sections and in the middle is a closure piece that fits the style and shape it is designed to and you attach to the 2 by 4 and it's designed to be attached to a 16 inches on center we recommend doing that 16 inches on center but he says you better do 24 or just gonna weigh too much and it probably will so with clips and glue you can do it and you have to have the edges screwed of course and you might have to put in a 2 by 4 extra but really with that many 2 by 3 and cross bracing and then you put in the metal and the metal has some structural value it actually holds it together and you screw it all on and really you shouldn't really but nobody takes them apart so you should glue it metal to wood it'll make it very strong. On the inside you want to use inch and a half insulation that's solid and you have to cut all these pieces to fit it's a pain but you just mark it and you turn it over and you and you hold the line with a metal edge and you cut it and it's done. So then you go to either do the paneling on the inside all your water and all your electrical run and you'll have to find any expensive air conditioner the paneling is cheap you can find it at Home Depot it's made for bathrooms and things like that and it comes in like a more heavy duty vinyl panel it put it up and it takes probably a day and you h It's really weird how to build this it the whole thing in. The roof would be 2 by 424 inches on center with three eighths plywood all glued clipped and screwed and it would have rolls of rubber roofing and there's a closure piece that goes into and there's a closure piece that goes over the metal and it all fits together and you glue that onto the roof and you want to do the same dimensions as a camper and you'll note that the wheel stick out you can't go over the wheels we do recommend that to do that you need to use 2 by 6 on the floor 2 foot centers and you have to notch it and it works people do it every day and then you buy the plastic wheel well kit and by the time you're done it looks like a new camper on the inside of the look brand new. The cabinets are not as deep as a regular house they're about 18 inches instead of 24 and it's a heck of a time to find them you cannot find them and they're all real ballbuster to build. so you buy stock cabinets and the unpainted unfinished ones at Walmart are very decent and you cut them to fit what usually is a camper 18 inches it's really simple we're cutting six inches out in the upper cabinets you don't have to cut those now you do usually you cut them a little more and really they're only about 12 inches deep and you will see why 'cause they're right at your face those cabinets are cheap the countertop you can make yourself but really ordering a countertop from Home Depot is not hard and these are small countertops usually it's 4 foot by 2 foot and it's $17 a foot. And the sink and other things like that they're not hard to cut in and they're quick connects on the pex/  Yeah and our son is the one who approved Peck's from campers to houses. Once you've done this you install the finishes and those you can get at Home Depot real simple stuff you don't wanna go nuts and her son and daughter say the easiest way to do it is to put in sheet vinyl before you put in the cabinets and furniture and it's true. You need to check the measurements for mattresses made for campers if you can't find one you can use standard mattresses and a full usually if it's pretty good and they fit the long way but the width of the camper and it's very nice you wanna make sure you have room for it but usually it fits pretty good and easy and they're much nicer than the camper mattresses and you just build a inexpensive quarter inch plywood box with one by one nailers and you screw it to the nailer and glue it all together and you do that with your framing for the bathroom you can use one by one or one by two and you put a panel on either side and you're actually going to just glue them together believe it or not. It's very simple and you have to make sure your door open is right the door is a tough one it's not that tough you build a square use a regular doorknob and to the floor and it's not really big but there's a closure piece you put on it you can buy it Home Depot or Lowe's. A lot of the stuff you have to figure out but it's really not tough the seats and the table that turn into a couch you can build yourself it's really easy we suggest two by three and the table you can have Home Depot make the top and you just adjust it so it fits with the cushions and the backs go down into the middle and you design from the cushion size forward and you can find the cushions those you would have to order online they're not so easy to find a lot of it you can order online. Do you want to hook up your stove you wanna have propane you wanna have A is it the hardest thing on Earth is the refrigerator the propane stove is not hard to find. It's a special type of refrigerator that runs on propane and Electric and it's tough and the controls on the camper you have to know what you're doing or we suggest using household appliances. And a two burner stove would go into the countertop but you just turn the orientation you buy a small refrigerator like our sun has and you bolt it down or you bolt it to the wall in the floor a couple holes aren't gonna kill it but you wanna use the screw holes they already have so you don't ruin it. And the toilet that you can use from a Home Depot toilet or Lowe's or other and really you wanna find a plastic one. They're not hard to put in and they work a lot better than the ones who buy it for a camper the shower it's like something you have to buy at Home Depot and you can use the full shower it's not hard to put in these things are not hard to build they take time though put all that stuff inside and they don't have any kit for you to throw together. We wanna make kits and sell them and we can use an old camper name so you can get into the campground like Itasca and we're interested in doing it and we know how to get you to do it right. And we could send the whole kit except for the plywood 2 by fours roll roofing and couple other things you guys would buy from a local store it's really quite simple all in all the entire price for the whole camper and this is a 24 foot camper. And the rating for those trailers is usually a load of 4000 pounds and you have to have quite a pickup truck to pull it F-350 or better. War F250 with a diesel. And they come with brakes on them. Price would be about $11,000 to build it without the cost of the trailer.
Thor Freya
Zues Hera we helped
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scaffoldstore1 · 4 months
How Does Cross-Bracing Affect the Stability of Scaffolding Structures?
Understanding A Frame Scaffolding
Scaffolding cross braces are a key component of scaffold structures, providing both support and stability. These bracing, which are positioned diagonally across the vertical frames, are critical to preserving the scaffolding's rigidity and safety. Let's look at the mechanics of cross-bracing and how it helps scaffolding structures stay stable.
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The Mechanics of Cross-Bracing
Cross braces comprise two diagonal components that connect and attach to the scaffolding's standards (vertical frames) or ledgers (horizontal supports). This X-shaped design improves the scaffold's structural integrity by dispersing loads and resists lateral stresses that could cause swaying or collapse.
Key Contributions to Stability
Lateral Support: Cross bracing gives lateral support to the scaffolding, limiting sideways movement that might cause instability, particularly under large loads or in windy situations.
Load Distribution: Cross bracing assist disperse the weight of personnel, supplies, and equipment more uniformly across scaffolding frames by connecting many points. This distribution lowers the possibility of overloading specific regions and helps to maintain the scaffold's overall balance.
Rigidity and Strength: The diagonal positioning of cross braces provides rigidity to the scaffolding framework. This stiffness is essential for retaining the scaffold's shape and integrity, ensuring that it remains upright and effective under a variety of situations.
Enhanced Safety: Cross bracing's increased stability has a direct impact on workers' safety. A more sturdy scaffold reduces the likelihood of accidents caused by shifting or collapsing structures.
Considerations for Effective Cross-Bracing
Proper Installation: For cross bracing to be functional, it must be put appropriately in accordance with the scaffold design criteria. Incorrectly placed or secured braces can jeopardise the structure's stability.
Regular Inspection: Scaffolding, including cross braces, should be inspected on a regular basis for evidence of damage, wear, or faulty installation. Maintaining scaffold safety requires ensuring that braces are in good condition and correctly positioned.
Compliance with Standards: Cross bracing should be designed and installed in accordance with applicable safety rules. These criteria ensure that the scaffolding can support the specified loads while maintaining a safe working environment.
Cross brace scaffolding is essential for the stability and safety of scaffold constructions. Scaffold Store offers the best cross braces scaffolding in Houston. Cross braces ensure that scaffolding stays a stable platform for construction activities by providing lateral support, improving load distribution, and increasing rigidity. Adhering to proper installation procedures and safety regulations is critical for maximizing the benefits of cross bracing, protecting worker safety, and assuring construction project success.
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chennairoofings · 4 months
What is PEB Structure?
A PEB structure is a building system where the primary structural components – columns, beams, trusses, and wall panels – are pre-designed and manufactured in a controlled factory environment. These components are then shipped to the construction site for assembly using bolts and other fasteners. This approach contrasts with traditional construction methods that involve on-site fabrication and welding, leading to a more streamlined and efficient building process.
Primary Structure:
These vertical elements support the weight of the building and transfer loads to the foundation. PEB columns are often made from high-strength steel and can be tapered (varying thickness) for optimal material usage. These horizontal elements span between columns and support the roof or floor loads. Common beam types in PEB structures include I-beams, built-up sections, and tubular sections. These prefabricated triangular structures provide support for long spans and can be designed to handle heavy loads. They are particularly useful for creating clear and unobstructed spaces within the building. This layer provides additional support and encloses the building envelope. These horizontal or sloping members are fixed to the primary beams and support the roof cladding or wall panels. These vertical or horizontal members are fixed to the columns and support the wall cladding panels. This consists of sheet metal panels (often steel) that form the exterior envelope of the building. They can be insulated to provide thermal efficiency. These elements ensure the stability of the PEB structure by resisting wind and seismic loads. They can be diagonal or X-bracing systems made from steel rods or cables.
Benefits of PEB Structures
Due to pre-engineered components and efficient assembly processes, PEB structures can be erected significantly faster than buildings constructed on-site. This translates to quicker project completion times and earlier occupancy. PEB construction offers cost savings in several ways. Factory-controlled manufacturing ensures efficient material usage and reduces waste. Additionally, the faster construction time minimizes labor costs and overall project expenses. PEB structures can be customized to meet diverse needs. A wide range of spans, clear heights, and layouts are achievable, making them suitable for various applications. Cladding options also offer aesthetic flexibility. PEB structures are built with high-quality steel components, making them inherently strong and durable. They can withstand various weather conditions and are well-suited for areas prone to seismic activity. PEB structures require minimal maintenance due to the inherent strength and corrosion resistance of steel. The pre-painted or galvanized finishes further enhance their longevity. PEB construction can contribute to sustainable building practices. Steel is a recyclable material and PEB structures can be designed for energy efficiency with proper insulation and daylighting strategies.
Applications of PEB Structures
Warehouses, factories, workshops, and manufacturing facilities are prime candidates for PEB construction due to their large open spaces, strength requirements and fast construction times. Showrooms, retail stores, offices, and sports facilities can benefit from the cost-effectiveness, design flexibility, and quick turnaround of PEB structures. Storage facilities, barns, and poultry houses can leverage the affordability and durability of PEB construction. The clear span capabilities and strength of PEB structures make them ideal for housing airplanes and other large vehicles. Schools, hospitals, and community centers can be constructed efficiently using PEB systems.
PEB structures offer a compelling solution for those seeking a fast, cost-effective, and versatile building option. Their inherent strengths, ease of construction, and wide range of applications make them a valuable tool in the modern construction industry.
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gsmdoors · 5 months
Unique Wooden Door Designs Making Waves in 2024
Doors may radically change the appearance of a place in addition to being used to adorn your house. Even though, their main functions include both noise reduction and privacy provision. Nevertheless, when selecting the best wooden doors in India, it is important to consider the stylistic factor. 
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Paneled Doors
The best wooden doors in India to choose from, if you want to go with a traditional style, are paneled doors. They have plywood or glass shutter panes on a frame composed of wood. You could even discover doors with hardboard inserts to provide a little additional glitz. 
Battened and Ledged Doors
The best wooden doors in India are these ones if you're looking for the most traditional style. An incredible choice for expert installations including diagonal bracings and vertical ledges for gates. To provide horizontal supports, ledges hold vertical connections with tongues and grooves called battens. These doors fit well in tight spaces and have a sturdy wood frame.
Laminated Doors
Laminated doors with solid wood frames are often favored by company owners due to their resistance to wear and tear. These are solid-core doors, commonly referred to as the most fashionable wooden door supplier's preferred fire-resistant wooden door alternative.
Wooden French Doors
Looking for a door that brings immense natural light into your space to make it appear brighter and lively? They are larger in size and wide-open products made of wood to endure a lifetime. These are one of the best premium doors in India which you can customise as per the requirement. 
Bifold Doors
The best solid frame doors that are versatile yet stylish for any restaurant or hotel are wooden bifold doors. They are suitable for spacious lobbies or even balconies that extend to outer decks. The best wooden doors in India for adjustable walls will be such doors because they can be incorporated without any hassle. 
Hollow Core Doors
Lightweight doors from stylish wooden door supplier is said to be simple and yet feasible. Made of hollowed-out softwoods or MDF, they have a long, flat appearance. They are a premium option for interior doors and come at a low cost with a limited lifespan, insulation, and soundproofing.
Most Indian homes have wooden doors since they are the most common type. The ease of making them and the availability of resources make wooden doors the best choice of material in India. The needs and budget of each homeowner determine the wood's quality. It might be a bit hard to choose from the best wooden doors in India designs the alternatives available.
Also, read: 
Wooden Doors vs. Other Materials: Pros and Cons You Need to Know
Originally published at: https://gsmdoors.blogspot.com/2024/05/unique-wooden-door-designs-making-waves.html
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scaffoldingtodayinc1 · 5 months
Scaffolding Precautions and Tips
Whether you're replacing light bulbs in a sky warehouse or replacing windows in a two-story home, here's how to utilise scaffolds to work safely from above. Scaffolding Today Inc. the best Houston scaffolding companies are here to assist you:
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Haul Scaffolding Safely
Place the planks, support plates, and bases between the wheelbases on the bottom, and then the frames on top. Avoid placing scaffolding frames along the side of the bed. Everything should be as low as possible to prevent parts from being blown or bounced out. Frames that protrude from the side of the bed can be harmful if someone is strolling along a truck.
Plank the entire bay
If possible, cover the scaffold's entire width with planks. This increases the working space and decreases the chance of falling. If this is not practicable, especially if you are working in the middle of a ladder frame, put another plank higher up to form a protective barrier. If you're working on wheels, use a diagonal "goose" bracing. This will help keep the scaffolding square and stable.
How To Set Up Scaffolding Safely
Install the wheels or base jacks first, so you won't have to lift the entire scaffold to push them in. Install both cross braces to the same frame. It should stand upright, supported by the cross braces (above). Put the other frame in position and attach the cross braces (see below). Before you place the boards, slide the scaffold about 14 inches away from the wall.
Install a guardrail
Installing guardrails is the greatest approach to avoid accidently walking off the platform. However, safety guards are not required when working on any scaffolding. If you fall while wearing a safety harness, you risk dragging the entire platform with you, endangering everyone working on it.
Maintain a three-point grip.
When mounting the scaffolding, always use a three-point grasp. This means that one hand and two feet, or one foot and two hands, must make contact with the scaffold. Keep your body as close to the frame as possible. Moving too far out can cause the entire structure to collapse. And never climb on the cross braces; they are not meant to sustain weight.
Putting Up Scaffolding on Uneven Ground
Scaffolding frames are designed for use with either wheels or base plates. If you leave them in place, the frame tubes may get damaged and structurally weakened. Even with a base plate, use a 2x10 wooden block under each leg. This can help you avoid slipping into soft dirt or hot asphalt.
Scaffolding on the blocks is not required when working with concrete, but it is a good idea. An uneven floor or a slightly bulging subbase can result in a narrow mating surface. The wood's mild elasticity ensures great weight distribution. When operating on uneven terrain, level and plumb the scaffolding with an adjustable base jack. Never put scaffolding on top of masonry or wood piles.
Working on scaffolding
Working on Scaffolding: Safety first
Keep boards clean to prevent the possibility of someone stumbling or knocking something over onto unsuspecting individuals below.
Keep your tools and materials organised in toolboxes, buckets, and caddies whenever practical.
Install a 2x4 toe board to prevent things from being dropped.
Secure it with wire around the corners.
It is tempting to hang tools from rails, but do not do so. Putting weight on the rails increases the possibility that they will fall if someone leans on them. Protective harnesses for ground workers are usually advisable.
Access the Platform Using a Ladder
Use a ladder to gain safe and easy access to the scaffold, especially when working with wooden planks hanging over the ends. Run the ladder for at least three feet along the planks. Support the ladder against a wall rather than the scaffold; otherwise, it may tip over when climbing.
Build a Handy Workbench
One option to clear up your workspace is to build a workbench with boards that are taller than the ones you walk on. A workstation also improves safety by reducing the likelihood of tripping over supplies and tools.
Stay clear of power lines
You do not need to contact a power line to be electrocuted. Electricity can arc from the line to conductive surfaces (such as scaffolding). Maintain a minimum distance of 10 feet from any electrical lines. Scaffolding Today Inc. can meet all of your needs for construction scaffolding in Houston. When it comes to the structural integrity of any building, the assistance of construction experts is critical. Call for a free quote.
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emmaameliamiaava · 5 months
Types of Building Structure - Everest Industries
Building structure plays a crucial role in shaping the architectural landscape of our cities. From towering skyscrapers to humble cottages, the diversity in building structures reflects both the functionality and aesthetic preferences of societies across the globe. Let's delve into some of the most common types of building structures:
1. Frame Structures: Frame structures, also known as skeletal structures, rely on a framework of beams and columns to support the weight of the building. They are versatile and commonly used in residential, commercial, and industrial constructions due to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness.
2. Load-Bearing Structures: Load-bearing structures distribute the weight of the building vertically, transferring it from the roof and upper floors to the foundation. This traditional construction method is often seen in low-rise buildings, where walls bear the load of the structure.
3. Shell Structures: Shell structures derive their strength from their curved, hollow shapes, which distribute loads evenly across their surfaces. Examples include domes, vaults, and arches, which have been utilized since ancient times for their structural efficiency and aesthetic appeal.
4. Truss Structures: Truss structures consist of interconnected beams forming triangles or other geometric shapes. This design enhances stability and strength, making truss structures ideal for long-span buildings like bridges and roofs.
5. Composite Structures: Composite structures combine different materials, such as steel and concrete, to capitalize on the unique properties of each. By integrating materials with complementary strengths, composite structures achieve greater durability, flexibility, and load-bearing capacity.
6. Suspension Structures: Suspension structures utilize tensioned cables or ropes anchored at either end to support the weight of the building. Iconic examples include suspension bridges and tensegrity structures, which showcase the elegant interplay between tension and compression forces.
7. Cantilever Structures: Cantilever structures extend horizontally from a fixed point without additional support at one end. This design is often employed in balconies, overhangs, and architectural features where a visually striking, space-saving solution is desired.
8. Braced Structures: Braced structures incorporate diagonal bracing elements to resist lateral forces such as wind or earthquakes. The braces provide additional stiffness and stability, ensuring the structural integrity of the building during adverse conditions.
From ancient marvels like the Pyramids of Giza to modern architectural wonders like the Burj Khalifa, the evolution of building structures reflects mankind's ingenuity and engineering prowess. By understanding the different types of building structures, we gain a deeper appreciation for the art and science of construction that shapes the world around us.
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hirescaffold1 · 6 months
What is the difference between scaffolding and mobile scaffolding?
The foundation of many construction projects is scaffolding, which provides a sturdy and safe platform for workers to reach higher regions and complete duties. Choosing the best Mobile scaffolding choice for your needs might be difficult, though, because there are many possibilities available. We’ll go into the topic of scaffolding in this article and look at the main differences between portable and traditional scaffolding.
The most common type of scaffolding is conventional scaffolding, which has a centuries-long history. It is made up of a modular structure with discrete components including platforms (work surfaces), ledgers (horizontal supports), transoms (diagonal bracing), and standards (vertical poles). These parts are usually made of steel or aluminum and are connected by pins and wedges.
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Versatility: Almost any project can be accommodated by the several sizes and configurations that conventional scaffolding can accommodate. Because of its adaptability, it can be used for complex projects or constructions with particular requirements.
Strength and Stability: Traditional scaffolding is very strong and stable, which makes it perfect for hard jobs like roofing, façade construction, and bricklaying. It can support large weight loads, guaranteeing the security of the materials and the workers.
Durability: Conventional scaffolding is reusable for several projects because it is made to last the test of time. Because of their sturdy design, steel or aluminum components are resistant to deterioration and provide an affordable long-term solution.
Time-consuming Assembly and Disassembly: Setting up and taking down traditional scaffolding can take a lot of time. Every component needs to be placed and secured separately, which could drive up labor expenses for a project.
Need for Skilled Labor: To guarantee structural integrity and adherence to safety regulations, assembling traditional scaffolding requires a certain degree of experience. Employees need to be knowledgeable about parts and assembly procedures.
Bulky and Difficult to Maneuver: Because conventional scaffolding is bulky, it can be difficult to maneuver in small places. The bulky form of the overall structure and the weight of its constituent parts might make it difficult to maneuver around a workplace.
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A more recent version that is intended to be mobile and convenient is called Mobile scaffolding. mobile scaffolding is usually made out of prefabricated towers that install quickly and don’t require any tools. These towers are easily mobile throughout the workplace thanks to their wheels.
Easy and Quick Assembly and Dismantling: Compared to traditional scaffolding, mobile scaffolding can be assembled and taken down in a far shorter amount of time. The labor costs involved in assembling and disassembling the prefabricated towers are greatly reduced because they only need to be fixed into position.
Maneuverability: mobile scaffolding towers are incredibly maneuverable and lightweight, making them ideal for confined locations. The wheels add to the ease of repositioning, increasing flexibility on the job site.
No Particular Knowledge Is Needed: Even for individuals who have never used scaffolding before, mobile scaffolding is easy to use. Its prefabricated design and simple assembly method make it suitable for a wide variety of project workers.
Restricted Weight Capacity: Mobile scaffold has a lower weight capacity than conventional scaffolding since, despite its benefits, it is not as sturdy. Tasks requiring substantial weight loads or hefty materials might not be appropriate for it.
Restricted Height: Because mobile scaffolding towers are usually not as tall as traditional scaffolding, they are not as appropriate for high-rise construction projects or multi-story buildings.
Diminished Versatility: Because mobile scaffolding is prefabricated, it has fewer design alternatives than conventional scaffolding. Complex structure customization options are limited by this constraint.
Project Size and Complexity: The adaptability of traditional scaffolding is helpful in meeting a range of needs for large or complex projects.
Weight considerations: The higher weight capability of conventional scaffolding may be advantageous for projects involving heavy materials or tasks.
Space Restrictions: Because mobile scaffolding is so lightweight, it’s a better option when working in cramped areas.
Project Duration: For brief tasks, the time-saving features of movable scaffolding are helpful.
Budgetary Restrictions: Although traditional scaffolding can be more cost-effective in over time due to its reusability, mobile scaffolding might be a more affordable option for brief rentals.
Choosing the right type of scaffold is essential for a safe and efficient construction project. Both traditional and mobile scaffolding offer distinct advantages and disadvantages. By understanding these differences, you can make an informed decision based on your project’s specific needs.
Traditional scaffolding excels in versatility, strength, and durability, making it ideal for complex structures and heavy-duty applications. Its reusability provides long-term cost-effectiveness. However, it requires skilled labor for assembly and can be cumbersome in tight spaces.
Mobile scaffolding shines with its ease of use, quick assembly, and maneuverability. It’s perfect for short-term projects in confined areas where speed and flexibility are crucial. However, its weight capacity and height limitations make it unsuitable for heavy-duty tasks or high-rise construction.
Remember, safety is paramount. Always prioritize proper assembly, inspection, and use of scaffolding in accordance with local regulations. Consider consulting qualified professionals for guidance and ensure workers receive proper training on safe scaffolding practices.
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holethoa2010 · 2 months
How to make bamboo drying yard The girl's great effort to have a beautif...
Creating a bamboo drying yard is a wonderful project that combines practicality with a touch of traditional beauty. Bamboo is not only a sustainable and versatile material but also adds a rustic charm to any space. In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to make your own bamboo drying yard, inspired by the story of a girl who put in great effort to transform her space into a beautiful and functional washing place.
1. Planning and Designing the Bamboo Drying Yard
Before starting, it’s essential to plan and design your drying yard:
Location: Choose a sunny, well-ventilated area. The spot should be convenient for drying clothes, near the washing area, and have enough space for bamboo poles.
Size and Layout: Decide on the size of the drying yard. Measure the space to determine how many bamboo poles you'll need and how they will be arranged. You can opt for a simple straight-line design or create a more elaborate pattern, depending on your available space and aesthetic preference.
Materials Needed:
Bamboo poles (number and length depending on your design)
Strong rope or wire
Tools: Saw, drill, hammer, nails, and measuring tape
Optional: Bamboo oil or varnish for protection against weather elements
2. Preparing the Bamboo Poles
Selecting Bamboo: Choose mature bamboo poles, as they are more durable. Ensure they are straight and free from cracks or defects.
Cutting: Cut the bamboo poles to the desired length. For a drying yard, poles of around 2-3 meters in length are usually suitable.
Treatment: To ensure longevity, treat the bamboo poles by drying them in the sun for several days. You can also apply bamboo oil or varnish to protect them from moisture and insects.
3. Building the Framework
Post Installation: Start by installing the main posts that will hold the bamboo poles. Dig holes about 50-60 cm deep for the posts to ensure stability. Place the bamboo posts into the holes and secure them with cement or packed soil.
Crossbars: Attach horizontal bamboo poles across the main posts to serve as crossbars. These will be the primary structure where you’ll hang your clothes. Use strong rope or wire to securely tie the crossbars to the posts. Ensure the crossbars are level.
Reinforcement: If needed, add diagonal braces between the posts and crossbars for extra stability, especially if your area experiences strong winds.
4. Finishing Touches
Clotheslines:Depending on your preference, you can attach additional ropes or wire between the bamboo poles to create multiple lines for drying clothes.
Aesthetic Enhancements: For added beauty, you can decorate the bamboo drying yard with hanging plants or small lanterns. Consider planting flowers or herbs around the base of the posts to enhance the natural look of the yard.
Personal Touch: The girl in the story took pride in her space, making it uniquely hers. Add personal touches that reflect your style, such as painting or carving patterns into the bamboo, or even weaving colorful threads around the poles.
5. The Girl’s Great Effort
Building a bamboo drying yard is not just about creating a functional space; it's also a reflection of care and effort. The girl who undertook this project worked tirelessly, driven by a desire to have a beautiful and efficient washing area. She carefully selected each bamboo pole, treated them with care, and meticulously assembled the yard. Her determination and creativity turned a simple task into a labor of love, resulting in a space that was not only practical but also a source of pride.
6. Conclusion
The bamboo drying yard is a testament to the beauty of combining tradition with functionality. Through careful planning, thoughtful design, and a lot of hard work, you too can create a beautiful washing place. Just like the girl in our story, your great effort will pay off, providing you with a charming and durable space that adds value to your home.
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