#diabolik lovers after story
otomehonyaku · 4 months
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Stellaworth Tokuten Short Stories スペシャル特典小冊子 ☽ Shin ver.
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This short story booklet was part of the Stellaworth set for Lost Eden! Keep reading below the cut for Shin's version.
S ☽ [Ayato’s version by @kyouxa] [Laito’s version by @kyouxa] [Shuu’s version] [Reiji’s version] [Kanato’s version] [Subaru’s version]
M ☽ [Ruki’s version] [Yuma's version] [Kou’s version] [Azusa’s version]
TK ☽ [Carla’s version] [Shin’s version] [Kino’s version]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As always, special thanks to @karleksmumskladdkaka for providing the scans ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When Brother took up his duties as the King of the Founders, I came to know what a great man he really was. I had already respected him before, of course, and while I had been jealous of him all the same, I truly realised how difficult it must be to reign over a country as the King of the Founders now that I had taken over my brother’s former tasks. 
He had to keep careful track of everything, from the relations between Species to the state of the castle. To make matters worse, the Demon World was still in a state of disorder. It was an extremely uncertain time. If he were to slack off, the different Species would perish in no time. Such a grim fate must be avoided at all costs—if it was not, we would be beyond saving.
As I sat brooding about this in my room, I suddenly heard footsteps coming near. Judging from the scent, it was her. I opened the door before she could knock.
“What’s up? Do you need me for—”
Before I finished speaking, she took my right hand in hers and gripped it tightly. In her other hand, she held a brown basket. My eyes widened at the sight of a water bottle hanging from a strap around her neck.
“Shin, let’s go on a picnic!”
A smile was plastered across her face as she spoke, only increasing my surprise. How many years had it been since I’d last gone on a picnic? The weather was certainly nice today, and I wanted to spend the day with her. However, documents were piling up on my desk.
“But I still have a lot to…”
“Do you really have to do all that today?”
I swallowed my reply when I saw the worried expression on her face. I almost wanted to say that yes, I wanted to get it done today, but as the thought formed in my mind, I knew that I didn’t need to.
I briefly turned over her invitation in my head before nodding and walking out the door.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
We left the castle behind us and spread the picnic mat on a low hill. I watched as she joyfully unpacked a variety of snacks and drinks. My face had unconsciously broken into a smile as well.
“Here, Shin, this is for you. I made many different kinds, so have some!”
I took a bite from the sandwich she held out to me. I’d known she was planning something from early this morning, but to think she’d been cooking… 
A pleasant taste flooded my mouth. I’d been way too busy lately, and I only now realised how long it had been since I got to spend time off like this. 
Maybe I’d been more anxious about my brother’s position as the King of the Founders than I thought. In my constant worrying about wanting to grow closer to him, to surpass him, I had neglected myself.
She had the rare talent of making me notice what’s truly important. No matter how bad things got, she remained by my side… and yet I had failed her as her partner.
“…I’m sorry.” 
When I quietly muttered my apology, she turned to look at me with a surprised expression.
“I became engrossed in my own stuff… and I didn’t spend enough time with you,” I continued.
“…That’s not true.”
She quietly grabbed my hand. The warmth of her body spread to mine through her palm.
“Shin, I know you always think of me dearly. But… I just want you to take care of yourself, too.”
I could never compete with her and her gentle smile. She always put me first. Her support is what got me to where I was today. 
I loved her from the bottom of my heart… and I wanted to make her happy.
“Thank you.”
As I stroked her hair, I leaned in and kissed her. Her shy smile, her extraordinary kindness… it made me want to make her mine forever.
“You made a lot of sandwiches, right? Feed them to me.”
“Hehe. Alright… Which flavour would you like?”
“I’ll eat all of them, so any will do… After I’ve eaten this one, I’ll feed you next.”
“Ah…! Y-you don’t have to…”
“You’re saying that, but I know you want me to.” I whispered, making her face turn red. 
I planted a kiss on her cheek, and took another bite of the sandwich.
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karleksmumskladdkaka · 2 months
It's time to wrap up the Grand Edition special booklet with the second short story (๑•̀ㅂ•́)ง✧
In this one, Yui and the Mukamis spend three nights investigating the rumor going around Ryōtei Academy about a ghost haunting its premises. Using the tried and true "Let's Split Up, Gang!" method of investigation, a reluctant Yui is paired with a different brother each night as they attempt to get to the bottom of the mystery.
Enjoy (ノ*^∇^)ノ♡
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dia-souls · 1 year
Diabolik lovers Angel and Devil Story [ After Story ] + CG
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After Story
I was looking for you on a long journey. I was looking for you to find love. So that I can experience a happy life again. I want to stay with you forever. To be happy and smile.
When I found you, I didn't know that a heavenly angel came to me, but now you are here. You are by my side and that's all that matters. I don't want to leave you anymore. Stay with me so we can live together. Stay with me to build a family together and change our destiny.
_Ruki and Yui walk together on the way to Mukami's mansion.
Yui: I'm sorry Ruki.
Ruki: .... Hah.... Why are you apologizing to me?
Yui: I thought wrong about you. I thought you would forget me and you don't care at all if I stay with Carla-san.
Ruki: Yui......
_Ruki suddenly stops.
Yui: Ruki, why did you stop?
Ruki: You thought I would forget you.
Yui: I'm really sorry Ruki. I thought wrong. I thought you didn't care about my feelings at all. But I still had hope. I read that lullaby every night because I had hope. I hoped that you would hear my voice and that my lullaby would help you not to have nightmares.
I was doing this because of my feelings and now I realize that I was thinking wrong about you. You were ready to die to save me, and now I understand that you are very kind and care about me, that's why...
_Yui gets closer to Ruki and holds Ruki's face with her small hands.
Yui: I apologize for that.
Ruki: Yui..... you.... you really..... ahhhhhh...
_Ruki hugs Yui tightly.
*Rustle Rustle*
Yui: Oh... Ruki... what are you doing?
Ruki: You idiot, you are not the one who should apologize. In fact, it is me who must apologize to you.
Yui: You...?
Ruki: Yui, I was the one who made a mistake, not you. I saw you as my mother and I thought you were going to leave me too. But in fact, I was the one who left you. Even when I left you, you were still thinking about me so that I don't have nightmares, and this is really funny.
Yui: Is it funny?
Ruki: You are really too good for this world, Yui. You are so kind that you worried about me so that I wouldn't have nightmares at night and you sang me a lullaby every night and hoped that the moon would bring your voice to me. It's kind of silly, but it's really beautiful. Your kindness is really beautiful.
_Yui hugs Ruki.
Yui, I swear I will never leave you again. I will take care of you against anything and I won't let anyone hurt you.
*Rustle Rustle*
Yui: I'm glad to be with you again, Ruki. I love you.
Ruki: I love you too, my cute angel.
He had found her warm embrace again. Yui was in her lover's arms and felt the feeling of happiness again. She slowly melted in the arms of her lover and never wanted to forget this happiness.
_Ruki and Yui enter the mansion and go to Yui's room.
Ruki: Yui, you can rest in your room. I'm going to sleep in my room.
_Yui grabs Ruki's arm and stops him before he can go.
*Rustle Rustle*
Yui: Ruki, wait.
Ruki: What's the problem?
Yui: Can you sleep in my room tonight?
Ruki: .....!
Yui: Sorry, I just...
Ruki: No, it's okay, I was just wondering why you made this request all of a sudden?
Yui: I just don't want to be separated from you anymore.
Ruki: .....
Yui: If you are not with me, I feel lonely just like when I was with Carla-san. Ruki, please don't leave me alone.
Ruki: Yui, don't worry.
_Ruki caresses Yui's head.
Ruki: Of course I'll sleep with you. I promise not to leave you alone. I'll never leave you again.
_Ruki takes Yui's hand and they enter the room together. They go to the bed together and sit on the bed.
Ruki: I'm glad to see that this bed is no longer empty.
Yui: It'll never be empty again. Right?
Ruki: Hmmm...
_Ruki turns his head towards Yui and kisses her lips.
*smooch smooch*
Ruki: I'll never let this bed be empty.
Yui: I'm happy, Ruki. I am happy to be with you again.
Ruki: I'm happy too, Yui. My cute angel.
_Ruki kisses Yui again.
*smooch smooch*
With her return, life had become beautiful for him again. Yui was an angel who enlightened his dark world. He was finally saved from the darkness and found the light. He never wants to lose this happiness.
_In the morning, Ruki wakes up hearing the sound of birds.
*chirb chirb*
Ruki: .... Nn.....
_When Ruki opens his eyes, he sees Yui sleeping peacefully in his arms.
Ruki: Hehehe.... I think this is the best thing that when I wake up, the first thing I see is your face.
Yui: Zzzzz.....
Ruki: I'm very happy that you are with me again, Yui.
_Ruki kisses Yui's cheek.
Ruki: Wake up my angel.
Yui: Mmmm... Nnnnn...
_Ruki caresses her cheek again to wake her up.
Ruki: Yui, my angel, wake up.
_Yui finally wakes up.
Yui: ..... Mmm.... good morning Ruki....
Ruki: Good morning Yui. So you finally woke up.
_Ruki picks up Yui from the bed.
*Rustle Rustle*
Yui: Ruki, what do you want to do?
Ruki: First of all, let's go to the bathroom. And after we have breakfast, we have to go somewhere together.
Yui: Where?
Ruki: You will understand later.
_Ruki and Yui went to the flower shop together after having breakfast and bought a bunch of flowers and now they are walking together in the street.
Yui: Ruki, where are we going? Who are these flowers for?
Ruki: You will understand soon.
_After walking for a while, they reach the hospital and go to Riko's room.
Yui: Who did we come to meet?
Ruki: Knock on the door.
_Yui knocks on the door.
*knock knock*
Riko: Yes? Come in please.
Yui: .....! This voice.....
_Yui opens the door and enters the room without Ruki.
Riko: ......! ..... Yu.... Yu.... Yui-san....!
Yui: Riko-san.
_Riko gets up from the bed with great effort and rushes to Yui and hugs her.
*Rustle Rustle*
Riko: Yui-san. Is this really you? Are you really yourself?
Yui: Yes, this is me. Please be calm. Don't stress yourself, Riko-san.
Riko: I can't believe that I can see you again. I made myself believe that I'll never see you again.
Yui: Me too. I'm glad to see you again.
Riko: What happened to you? Are you...? Oh, did you bring me these flowers?
Yui: Yes, these are for you. I'm really sorry that I could not come to meet you sooner. How are you?
_Yui presents the flowers to Riko with a smile and Riko takes the flowers from Yui.
Riko: I feel very good when I see you. What about you? Didn't you get hurt after that?
Yui: I'm sure I wasn't hurt as much as you.
_Yui takes Riko's hand and helps him to sit on the bed and sits next to him.
Riko: Honestly, I have another opinion. According to what I heard from the Mukami brothers, you suffered more not only physically but also mentally.
Yui: Did you talk to them?
Riko: Who do you think told Ruki the truth?
Yui: Oh..... was it your job?
Riko: Of course it was my job. I could not let these disasters happen to you.
Yui: Thank you, Riko-san, you were the one who brought Ruki back to me. Thanks to you, now he is like before. I really thank you.
Riko: I didn't really do anything. This was the least I could do for you.
Yui: This was really a great favor. Thank you Riko-san.
Riko: Yui-san, how are you now?
Yui: I feel really great. I'm so happy. I am with Ruki again and this makes me happier than anything and it is all thanks to you.
Riko: I didn't really do anything. When I saw that boy was fighting with his own feelings, I thought I should help him. Even if it means helping someone who brought these troubles to me, but the main reason was that I wanted to save you.
Yui: Riko-san...
Riko: Yui-san, I told you this before and I'll say it again, but I love you. More than anyone else. But I also know that I can't compete with Ruki-san. Because your feelings for him are much different than the feelings you have for me.
But even if I can't reach you again, I will take care of you at any cost. Because I love you and I never want to see you sad. I want you to smile from the bottom of your heart and be happy. I won't let anyone hurt you, even if it means hurting myself.
Yui: Riko-san.....
_Yui hugs Riko tightly.
*Rustle Rustle*
Yui: Thank you, Riko-san. You are a good friend. I am happy to have a friend like you
_Riko returns Yui's hug.
Riko: I'm glad to meet you too, Yui-san. I promise to do my best for you. I love you, Yui-san.
_Yui is reading Namika's book in her room.
Yui: When you were by my side, I didn't know what heavenly blessing was in my possession, but when I lost you, I realized that I lost a goddess. The goddess who saved my life....
*knock knock*
Ruki: Yui, are you still awake?
Yui: Yes, Ruki, please come inside.
_Ruki enters Yui's room.
Ruki: So you are reading a book.
Yui: Of course. Ruki, would you like to join me?
Ruki: Of course.
_Ruki goes to Yui and sits next to her on the bed.
Ruki: Hmmm... are you reading Namika's book?
Yui: Yes, Namika-san is one of my favorite poets. I love her books and I think I have read most of her books.
Ruki: My beautiful lover, you are the goddess who saved my life..... This is related to Namika's third book called Warm Embrace. Yes, I knew, I read this book before.
Yui: ......! Hah.... You have already read this book.
Ruki: Of course. Namika is a famous poem. Although many of her books are emotional, she has beautiful poems.
Yui: Ru... Ru... Ruki, I can't believe it.... have you read Namika-san's books?
Ruki: I read all her books.
Yui: I didn't think you were interested in such books.
Ruki: I can't say I'm interested, but Namika's style is very interesting and I like her books. I have the complete collection of Namika's books and if you want I can give them to you to read.
Yui: Really? I will be very happy.
Ruki: Anyway. Did you see Riko-san today?
Yui: Yes. Thank you Ruki for letting me meet him.
Ruki: Don't thank me. This was the least I could do after that incident. How is he feeling?
Yui: He still hurts, but he is fine. He was very happy to see me again, Ruki, you really did him a great favor, you made him very happy.
Ruki: I see.
Yui: Ruki, what's the problem?
_Ruki pulls Yui to him and hugs her.
*Rustle Rustle*
Ruki: What happened was a terrible disaster. I am really a real devil and I know that a devil doesn’t deserve an angel like you. But I want you to never leave me and stay by my side forever.
_Ruki brings his face closer to Yui and kisses her lips.
Ruki: ...Nnn...
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Your lips are cold and your arms are warm.
I love the warmth of your arms and the vitality of your lips. You always make me happy and surprised. You are beautiful and lovely.
Ruki: Whenever I kiss you, I feel alive. It's like all the happiness in the world is sitting next to me. You are my beautiful angel. I love you. More than anyone else. When I lost you, I had no reason to live, but now that you are here, I want to experience life with you. I love you my angel.
_Yui wraps her arms around Ruki's neck and kisses him.
Yui: I love you too, Ruki.
Ruki: Yui, let's stay together forever. Forever and ever.
_They continue to kiss each other.
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justtasia · 11 months
I feel a huge need to show them soooo welcome in my unboxing/showing off bad financial choices post~! <3
At first photo there's my new purchases, the second shows how it fits into my full DL merch collection:
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I'm really happy that now each of my top 5 diaboys (except Shu, but he has some kind of CD cancellation curse that doesn't let me get any) has at least two CDs related to them.
In the case of More, More Blood, I bought the deluxe version, so if you are curious what it looks like from the inside, I put the rest under the cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
The first thing I noticed about these boxes is that they differ in more than just the covers!
The sand in the hourglass is flowing more and more with each volume. In the case of my dramas it's a little ragged, but with the full collection (or at least less extreme numbers compared) it definitely looks great. Also in place where the box opens there's small family crest which is really nice detail too!
But we're all here for the contents, not just to look at a foil-wrapped box (btw I can't imagine how people can keep this things in their original obi for years. I don't have as much control over my curiosity) so here we go:
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As you can see, there are two CDs: the first with the main drama, the second with the ~10-15 minute bonus "Another Story", a tin badge and an illustration card. This card has also a diaboy comment/short description related to the plot of the CD on it's back. (For me the concept is a bit similar to Daylight's "message from vampire", but I feel like those things are more like cool teaser when daylight lettrers are good to read after listening to daylight to make you cry even more)
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
♱ DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Ryuuto | After Story ♱
[ ✥ This Unlocks After Ryuuto’s Vampire (Good) Ending. ✥ ]  
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⌜ Scene: Forest ⌟
ー There is a sound of horse footsteps. ー
Ryuuto: Woah, woah.
ー Ryuuto slows his horse. ー
Isn’t it thrilling, feeling the wind in your hair like this, trotting away?
Yui? Where on earth did you go?
ー Yui eventually emerges from behind him. ー
Yui: O-Ouch…
C-Can we go a little slower? My, err, behind is really s-sore from that “trocking”.
Ryuuto: “Trotting”, Pet. Although, slower, you say?
How can you expect to get any better if you don’t practise? Come along; Don’t fall too far behind now, we’re on the loop back toward the manor.
Yui: A-Ah, Ryuuto-san! Wait up!
I haven’t had much practise riding before, after all… And, this path…
It’s super rocky!
Ryuuto: Perhaps it was too ambitious an ask, going riding with you, then?
Yui: N-No, no…! I’m enjoying this, especially with you!
Ryuuto: In that case, what do you hope to achieve with complaining like that?
Yui: ( Uu… I guess that reaction couldn’t be helped. )
( After all, Ryuuto-san’s always been the sort of person to expect a thank you for even the most backhanded things… )
( But, I do appreciate taking me out today, regardless… Soーー )
Say, I didn’t tell you beforehand but…
Thank you for taking me for a horse ride today, Ryuuto-san!
Ryuuto: Hoh?Despite your endless critiques about it?
Yui: Fufu, yes…
Ryuuto: Well, the horses needed to stretch their legs, and Father was busy in his study… So, truthfully, that was the only reason I asked.
Although, it has become quite romantic with tonight’s beautiful sunset, hasn’t it?
Yui: Romantic…
( So he thought so too, with the view? )
I agree, it’s a lovely sight.
Ryuuto: With the way countless hues of pinks and orange melt together, it’s a scenery that would spark the creativity in any artist.
Yui: Fufu…
( Waah… Ryuuto-san’s quite cute when he’s all nerdy about art, like this. )
( The way his eyes glisten, and his eyebrows relax, when he’s enjoying himself… )
Ryuuto: In fact…
Yes, I think I shall.
Yui: …Eh? Did the view give you some inspiration?
Ryuuto: It most certainly has, inspiration to touch up a piece very dear to me.
Yui: Dear to you?
( I mean, I don’t want to get my hopes up but just recently he asked me to pose for him for a project in his studio… )
Oh, Ryuuto-san, that’s great!
( I wonder if he could actually be talking about that paintinーー )
Ryuuto: Isn’t it just? This ride is just what I needed to get my creativity flowing once more, for Mother and Father’s portrait.
Yui: H-Huh?
Ryuuto: Their portrait, in the entryway. You certainly know the one. It couldn’t hurt to give it a new lick of paint, coming into the new season, could it?
After all, how long has it been since I last touched it? My, my...
Yui: …Of course, how stupid of me…
Ryuuto: What was that?
Yui: A-Ah, nothing…
Ryuuto: Then, let us get moving, shall we?
After all, I think I want to make a start on that piece the moment we return home, whilst this scenery is fresh in my mind.
Yui: … …
( Even after all that’s happened, between Ryuuto-san and I… that horrible woman, she still manages to worm her way into his brain. )
( Cordelia… )
( I hate you! )
ー Yui suddenly tugs on her reigns, the horse whinnying. ー
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ー The horse bucks her off suddenly. ー
Ryuuto: …!!
ー Yui lands with a thump. ー
Yui: O-Ow...!!
Ryuuto: Woah, woah! What on earth happened?
ー Yui’s horse is calmed by Ryuuto. ー
Yui: I-It was my fault…
I th-think I pulled back on the reigns too hard…
Ryuuto: Tsk, that doesn’t surprise me… Father’s horse is quite the stubborn one; he certainly has an attitude much like his rider.
Yui: I-It was an accident…
( I guess I shouldn’t have let my feelings get the better of me… )
I-Is the horse okay?
Ryuuto: He’s fine, yes… Although, I can’t say the same for you.
You landed quite roughly by the sound of it.
ー She tries to stand. ー
Yui: O-Ouch…!
Ryuuto: Might you be able to put any pressure on it at all?
Yui: I d-don’t think so… It feels very sore…
Ryuuto: Perhaps you have managed to sprain it? In that caseーー
ー Ryuuto dismounts his horse, to pick her up. ー
ーーTo spare yourself anymore injuries, you’ll ride my horse with me. And, I’ll have my familiars lead Father’s horse behind us.
Yui: W-Wha…!
Ryuuto: I’ll only warn you this once, so don’t make me repeat myself, alright? Be sure not to wriggle about, in case you topple off again.
Tut, you’ve now turned our return trip into a twenty – rather than ten – minute one…
Not to mention how troublesome it will be to get you settled into bed, off this foot.
ー Ryuuto helps her up into the saddle, followed by himself. ー
You’re certainly lucky I am a patient artist, and a patient Master. Anybody else would just leave you here to make your own way back.
Now, hold on tight…
ー He urges the horse onwards. ー
 Yui: ( I-In a way… I’m glad I’m “troubling” Ryuuto-san somehow… )
( That means he’ll have less time in front of that painting. )
( Right…? )
ー Timeskip. ー
ー The scene picks up in Yui’s bedroom. ー
Ryuuto: This pillow here should keep your foot elevated nicely.
The servants should arrive in just a moment, with some ice and a bandage; You should be well taken care of if you keep off your feet.
Yui: You already sent for them?
Ryuuto: I didn’t. Although, they undoubtedly saw what state you were in when I carried you inside like a damsel in distress, no?
Yui: “D-Damsel in distress”…!?
W-Well, I did say that you didn’t need to carry me all the way to my room…!
Ryuuto: Just how would you have gotten upstairs, then?
Yui: Well… …
…Thank you, Ryuuto-san.
( I guess without him, it would have been a struggle up those stairs… )
…I’m sorry about the horse, too. I shouldn’t have pulled so hard…
Ryuuto: You’re still concerned about it?
Good grief, I told you it was expected; There’s no reason to dwell on it.
A stubborn horse, coupled with an incapable rider? I should have known it was a natural recipe for disaster.
Yui: I suppose you might be right…
Ryuuto: Haa… Honestly, Pet.
Only someone like you could wind up hurting themselves from such a silly accident.
So, you’re to stay here – in bed – until you can stand without help. If there is something you need, in the meantime, call for a servant.
Yui: E-Eh? By that, you mean… you won’t be staying?
Ryuuto: Who do you take me for, tending to you at your bedside?
I am your Master, not your nurse; Unless it is something urgent you need from myself, the servants are more than capable of assisting you.
ー Ryuuto stands from her bed. ー
After all, I told you I had some business to tend to. I can’t be expected to juggle that, alongside your recovery, can I?
That portrait won’t exactly paint itself.
Yui: Portrait…
ー Yui grasps onto his sleeve before he can leave. ー
Ryuuto: Good grief… Out with it.
Yui: …My blood.
 I want you to suck my blood!
( So some reason, I want him to drink it, right now! Drink it, and reassure me that you want only me, Ryuuto-san… )
Ryuuto: Oh my, where on earth is this coming from?
Yui: Please…
Ryuuto: Fufu. When you’re pleading with me like that, how can I refuse?
Is this your idea of pain-relief, I wonder, Pet? Distracting yourself from your foot, by pleasuring yourself on my fangs?
Show your arm to me then… Let me taste you.
ー He bites her. ー
Yui: Ah!
Ryuuto: Nn…
Yui: ( …Maybe it is silly to be worried over someone who doesn’t exist anymore… )
… …
( But, in a way, she still lives on. )
Ryuuto: Hnn… What…
What is this?
Yui: ( In Ryuuto-san’s memory, in those portraits… )
( Despite choosing me… )
( Will I never be anything but second best, in the very end? )
Ryuuto: Hhng…
ー Suddenly, he pulls away from her. ー
Yui: ( That face… Why is he making such a sour expression…!? )
Ryuuto: …I think I’ve had more than enough from that small sample.
Yui: W-Wait…! Please, won’t you take some more?
Ryuuto: More? I don’t think so, I have no desire to drink any more from you... Something about your blood is… different, tonight.
I’ve never had injured prey taste so… off before.
Yui: “Off”?
What do you mean…?
( If Ryuuto-san doesn’t want to drink from someone with strange tasting blood, then… I really could turn out second-best, couldn’t I!? )
Ryuuto: It doesn’t taste right, is all I’ll say.
Perhaps it’s just the shock today’s fall took to your system, who can say? I’ll have the servants monitor your heartrate, as well, I think.
In the meantime, I’ll leave you to get settled.
Yui: …!!
Wait, could you test my blood one more time?
Ryuuto: I’ll test it after you get some rest, there is little point in ruining my appetite further.
Yui: But…
ー Ryuuto walks to the door. ー
Ryuuto: If I don’t make a start on this portrait, it will never get done. So, excuse me.
Yui: R-Ryuuto-san, wait!
Ryuuto: Hurry up and spit it out. What is it, now?
Yui: … …
( Nothing I say will get him to stay, will it? )
…It’s nothing.
Ryuuto: Very well, then.
Oh, and I suppose it should be common sense but, until I have finished with that portrait, my studio is off-limits to you, Pet.
I don’t want to risk you ruining my work with your snooping, is that clear?
Yui: …Got it.
Ryuuto: And, do remember what I said… Keep off that foot.
ー Ryuuto walks out, closing the door behind him. ー
Please don’t leave me.
Not for that woman. Not again…
ー Timeskip. ー
ー The scene changes to the hallway. ー
Yui: O-Ouch…
( Even though I should be resting this foot, I need to see Ryuuto-san. )
( Even if I have to lie a little to drag him away from that portrait, it will be worth it. )
( …I never thought of myself as a jealous woman but… Something about Ryuuto-san’s persistence with that painting really irks me. )
( I wonder what he has been so eager to add to it, though? )
… …
Ah, finally!
( It feels like it’s taken forever to get to his room on this sore foot! )
( I know I should really knock but… )
 ー She tries the handle… and it swings open! ー
( It’s unlocked! And Ryuuto-san doesn’t seem to be inside… )
That must be the one! It’s covered up on the easel.
He’s left that portrait propped up, all alone…
… …
( I would never usually want to ruin anything he’s worked so hard on, but… )
( With no Ryuuto-san in sight… )
Now would be the perfect chance toーー
ー The door slams shut. ー
Ryuuto: To, what?
ー Suddenly Ryuuto appears. ー
Yui: Kyaaa!
Y-You spooked me, R-Ryuuto-san!
Ryuuto: Just what on earth are you doing, sneaking around like this? I thought I told you to keep off of your foot for a good while?
Yui: I… I, uhm…
Ryuuto: I thought I also told you that this place was off-limits?
Yui: I-I’m sorry, Ryuuto-san… I was just coming to look for you, is all.
Ryuuto: Tut. You’re doing yourself little favour, making your way here injured like that; You couldn’t have called for me via the servants?
Yui: I… err, I tried. But…
But, no one came when I called…! Yes, that’s right.
Ryuuto: …Hmm, is that so?
Yui: ( Phew, that was a close one… )
ー Ryuuto places down a few tins of paint. ー
Ryuuto: Well then, now that I’m here with my fresh supply of paint… out with it.
What did you need me for?
Yui: ( Great, now I really need to think of something worthwhile…! )
The reason was that, uhm…
Oh! I was beginning to get hungry… Yes, and I didn’t want to ask the servants for to get something; I thought I’d seek your… your permission, instead.
( Uu… Hopefully that sounded somewhat believable. )
Ryuuto: … …
Yui: S-So, there you have it!
Ryuuto: …Fufufu, what a strange woman you are.
I suppose you can’t help but seek your Master out when the position of “Pet” has become quite natural for you, hasn’t it?
Yui: ( H-He doesn’t need to put it so bluntly…! )
Ryuuto: If that’s really the case, then there will be no harm in whipping something up for you this once, I suppose.
Yui: Eh? Wait…
You’re going to make me something?
Ryuuto: Although I did explicitly state I’m no nurse, it would be heartless of me to actively ignore your request in your situation.
With this special care, you might even recover quicker, hm?
Yui: But, what about the…
( What am I saying? It’s a good thing he’s not insisting on the painting! )
I would be grateful if you did!
Ryuuto: Don’t expect this treatment on any other occasion, though.
Come, Pet… I shall carry you, so you don’t starve on your otherwise long way there.
ー There is a short timeskip. ー
ー The scene opens to the kitchen. ー
Ryuuto: Hmm, hmm…
ー Ryuuto is whisking something together. ー
A light, breakfast-style meal should be suitable enough. You hardly need a banquet when you are the only one eating, after all.
Yui: Mm, it smells delicious already!
Ryuuto: You should know very well that I hardly cook, myself. I’m only doing this out of the goodness of my heart since you’re unwell.
So, if you have any complaints… Do keep them to yourself.
ー He begins to serve the food. ー
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Yui: Fufu… got it, Ryuuto-san.
( I’m not too hungry to tell the truth but… )
( I can’t let it go to waste! Like Ryuuto-san said, he did go out of his way to make it for me. )
ー Ryuuto places down the plate for her. ー
Ryuuto: Here, a light meal as promised.
Yui: Uwah…!
( For someone who “hardly cooks”, it looks amaziーー )
Ryuuto: …What are you giggling about?
Yui: Fufu… It’s a little burnt on the edges, Ryuuto-san.
Ryuuto: Ahem. “If you have any complaints”…
Yui: Keep them to myself! Sorry, fufu.
But, it still looks delicious! Thank you.
Ryuuto: Hmph. You are free to add your own seasoning.
Yui: Mhm! I’m digging in!
ー She begins to eat. ー
Ryuuto: How is it? More than enough?
Yui: Mm! More than enough.
( Maybe even a little too much to finish it all... )
Ryuuto: Good. Then, once finished, are you able to see yourself back to your room?
Be it, with the help of the servants or on your lonesome?
Yui: Eh? I suppose so.
Ryuuto: And, you won’t need anything else after this, will you?
I’ve barely started on that portrait tonight, after all, and I’d much rather ensure I’m certainly undisturbed whilst doing so.
Yui: ( Even now, all he’s thinking about is that painting…? )
…I’d rather you stay with me, though, Ryuuto-san.
Ryuuto: Oh my. Where has this sudden clinginess come from?
Yui: “C-Clinginess”? It’s not that that all…!
Ryuuto: Then, why ask that of me?
Yui: W-Well…
( I don’t want to admit it right out but… )
( Is this jealousy? )
Ryuuto: If you’re going to take your time with coming up with your answer, at least try to finish that meal in the meantime, won’t you?
Despite your enthusiasm, you’ve hardly touched it.
Yui: It’s…
It’s a little too much to finish.
Ryuuto: Too much? You were just complaining before about how hungry you were.
Yui: … …
Ryuuto: Good grief, just what has gotten into you this evening? After personally whipping this up for you, as well?
Is that one little fall to blame for your strange behaviour, I wonder? Perhaps you bumped your head without realising it, as well?
That would certainly explain a lot…
Yui: Uu… I just can’t finish it at the moment.
I’ve lost my appetite…
Ryuuto: Hmph, in that case…
Perhaps you ought to get yourself back to bed quick. You may take this plate with you back to your room, and finish it later, however.
Yui: ( There’s no point in arguing. )
That might be for the best…
Ryuuto: Then, hold onto that plate tightly… I suppose I’ll carry you, just in case.
ー Ryuuto scoops Yui into his arms. ー
Yui: Eep…!
G-Got it!
Ryuuto: And, for goodness’ sake, don’t spill anything.
ー Ryuuto teleports with Yui to her bedroom. ー
Yui:( Suddenly… We’re back in my bedroom. )
( I don’t know if it’s because we moved so quickly and I have only just eaten, or it’s my thoughts getting to me, but… )
( Uu… I don’t feel too good… )
Ryuuto: Now listen well to me, Pet.
If you need something again, you’re not to get out of bed. Call the servants, and keep off your foot.
Heaven knows if you’re attempting to keep it sprained for as long as possible, for whatever reason, but that will certainly be the case if you don’t rest.
Is that clear?
Yui: Yeah…
Ryuuto: Repeat it back to me, so I might know you’ve understood.
Yui: Stay in bed, off my sore foot.
Ryuuto: Good girl. Let’s hope you abide by my words, this time.
I’m not above punishing you, even in your current state.
ー He assists her into bed. ー
Hand me your plate, so I might place it on the side table.
Yui: Thank you, Ryuuto-san.
ー He does just that, as Yui gets comfortable. ー
Haa… It’s a relief, taking weight off it.
Ryuuto: Keep it elevated, I can see it’s already beginning to swell up again.
Can you fix your pillows to do that yourself, or must I do everything for you?
Yui: I can do it.
Ryuuto: Whilst you get settled then, I’ll see myself out.
Yui: Oh…
( Once again, he’s off… )
Ryuuto: … …
I’m no idiot, Yui. So please do not try and take me for one.
Yui: E-Eh…?
Ryuuto: You’ve been giving me quite the cold shoulder each time I distance myself from you. Don’t tell me you’re getting separation anxiety, Pet.
After all, that would explain the taste of your blood…
Yui: It’s nothing like that…
Ryuuto: Well, something has been playing on your mind since our horse ride this evening. Yet, you’re refusing to acknowledge it directly.
You know I don’t appreciate you hiding anything from me.
Yui: It’s…
I-It’s nothing. I’m not hiding anything, I just…
( His stare is so intense! )
My ankle just hurts, a-and I feel better in your company.
( I don’t like lying… but the embarrassment would kill me. )
…I promise.
Ryuuto: … …
Yui: ( Please, Ryuuto-san… Leave it be. )
Ryuuto: …As I said beforehand, recovery is up to you.
The less time you spend pining for my company, and the more you spend recovering, the quicker you will be back by my side.
ー Ryuuto heads for the door. ー
Yui: … …
Ryuuto: I’ll come and check on you in a handful of hours, so I suggest getting some rest. I’m certain you need it, after all.
Yui: I’ll try…
Ryuuto: Goodnight, Pet.
ー He walks out, closing the door behind him. ー
Yui: Haa…
ー Yui rolls over and tries to get comfortable. ー
( Left alone again… )
… …
( It’s so silent without Ryuuto-san here… Yet, my thoughts are so loud. )
( Maybe he is right, though… Maybe I should try to worry more about recovering than anything else for the time being. )
… …
( But, how can I when it’s Cordelia that is in that painting? )
Sniff… Sniff…
( I thought she was behind him, that she was gone for good. If I can’t hear her in my thoughts anymore, why does she still invades his? )
( In the end, he choose me after all, right? So why is he… )
ー Yui wipes her eyes. ー
( Uu, I’m really working myself up, but I… can’t help it… )
… …
( Laying here, it’s unbearable. )
Please… Don’t let her get inside your head. Not again.
Don’t let her take you from me…
( Don’t make me take matters into my own hands… )
ー There is a timeskip. ー
ー The scene opens in the entrance hall. ー
Yui: … …
So, this must be it, then?
( Covered over so carefully, like it’s ready for an unveiling… )
( Don’t you only unveil masterpieces? How on earth is Cordelia a masterpieーー )
Aah… I shouldn’t think like that.
After all, Ryuuto-san is the one who painted it so… insulting the painting would just be insulting the painter too, right?
( And even though she was a horrible woman, in every sense… she’s never been short of beautiful when Ryuuto-san paints her. )
… …
( Even though I can’t see it, just standing here in front of it makes me uneasy. )
…I wonder where Ryuuto-san is?
( Come to think of it… )
( If he’s nowhere around, how hard would it be to move it from this place, and hide it somewhere for a while? Somewhere where he would forget about it… )
( My foot is feeling a lot better now. I’m sure I could manage! )
…Or better yetーー
( Maybe I could add a few brush strokes of my own to it? Not enough to destroy it… )
Just enough to ruin that smug face of Cordelia’s… Fufu.
ー She makes sure the coast is clear. ー
Here goes nothing! I might not get another shot at this!
ー Yui approaches the painting, and tries to lift it at first. ー
Hmfff…! Pwah...
No way, it’s too heavy.
( No use trying to lift it. I’ll just have to sabotage it here… )
ー She grasps onto the cloth covering it. ー
Let’s see what we’re working with hereーー
Ryuuto: I see your curiosity couldn’t keep you at bay, Pet.
Yui: Kyaaa!!
ー Yui moves away from it very quickly. ー
Ryuuto: Careful, now. I wouldn’t want you to knock the portrait of its hook.
Yui: You scared me!!
Ryuuto: Evidently, fufu. You found the painting, I see…
I am very pleased to report I’ve completed it. Although it may still be a little wet, I wanted to re-hang it as soon as possible.
Do tell me you haven’t peeked?
Yui: I-I didn’t, I swear.
Ryuuto: You were hoping to though… Weren’t you?
Yui: W-Well…
( Busted. There’s no use… )
I’m sorry, Ryuuto-san…
Ryuuto: Tsk, tsk. It was good thing I caught you red-handed, no? That would have simply ruined the surprise, if you did.
After all, I was planning on keeping it covered only until you had recovered, so we might unveil it together. And, it seems you have.
Yui: Yeah… My foot is feeling a lot better, actually.
Ryuuto: Then, I do suppose now would be the perfect time.
Curiosity is surely eating away at you, hmm?
Yui: …On second thought, can you hold off showing me for a bit?
Ryuuto: Oh? Why the change of heart?
Yui: Well. You see…
( There’s no other excuse for it, I just have to admit it… )
Just the thought of seeing that sort of portrait, is…
I-It’s embarrassing to sound this jealous, but… If I’m being honest, I’d rather you get rid of it entirely, Ryuuto-san. Without me ever seeing it!
Ryuuto: “Jealous”? Fufu, what on earth are you…
Yui: To know a painting of that woman is something I have to see every day, it’s awful!
Ryuuto: Ah…
Yui: Just the thought of it, I can’t stand… 
Ryuuto: I think I understand your confusion.
Yui: Every day, walking past it, i-it’s going to drive me crazy.
Ryuuto: Fufu… Pet.
Yui: Knowing you put so much time into it too, I hated every moment that I knew you were in your studio, working away!
Ryuuto: Yui.
Yui: Th-That’s why, I didn’t want to leave your side when I hurt my foot!
Ryuuto: Yui, take a breath…
Yui: Because I knew every other second would be spent on herーー
ー Ryuuto silences her with a kiss. ー
( Wha…! Warm… Soft… )
( A kiss. )
Ryuuto: …Fufu. Foolish girl.
Do settle down, lest you say something you regret.
Yui: …B-But!
Ryuuto: And, before you overwhelm yourself anymore, allow me to show you something, won’t you?
Yui: Wait…!
ー Before she can speak again, Ryuuto uncovers the painting. ー
ー The painting has been altered, to feature Ryuuto and Yui instead, now. ー
( Cordelia… She is nowhere in sight…!? )
( Instead, it’s… )
I-I don’t… understand…
( Even Richter… Th-That’s Ryuuto-san, in his place, right? )
ー Yui almost faints in Ryuuto’s arms. ー
Ryuuto: Careful, now… Fufu.
Although I wanted to save you the trouble of overwhelming yourself, it seems I have done the exact opposite. You haven’t fainted, have you?
Yui: I-I’m…
Ryuuto: Speechless, it seems? Fufufu.
Then, allow me to explain.
This portrait… The one that was Mother’s and Father’s, has been playing on my mind ever since you returned to me in your body, Yui.
Catching glances of it, having to pass it day-in, day-out? I had blanked on my paintings, all because – in the back of my mind – it felt out of place.
Cordelia is no longer the head of this house… and thus, neither is Richter.
As his son, naturally, I assume his place.
As for hers? It seemed only natural that there was one answer alone, for who would replace her in this portrait, and in this life.
Yui: Ryuuto-san… You mean to say…
ー He embraces her. ー
Ryuuto: Who else should, rightfully, be by my side than you, Yui?
Yui: I-I’m so relieved.
Ryuuto: Relieved?
It was always you, there was no doubt about it. This only confirms it.
Yui: This p-painting…
Ryuuto: Everyone will see it – see us – side-by-side, shoulder to shoulder. Almost like husband and wife, wouldn’t you say?
Yui: U-Uwah…
Ryuuto: Fufu, what is with that face you’re pulling? Are those tears?
Yui: This feels like a weight off my shoulders, hearing you say all that.
I can’t help but get a little emotional, you know?
Ryuuto: I was right with suspecting something was the matter, after all.
Yui: I-I didn’t want to hide my worries from you, but… all I could think of was the embarrassment, and your reaction.
Ryuuto: My reaction? Honestly…
Look once more at the painting, Pet. Notice your position…
Yui: At your side?
Ryuuto: Yes, at my side.
That is extremely telling, wouldn’t you say?
Despite this being a surprise, if you had expressed your concerns, I would have immediately dispelled them; There is no reason to keep you on edge.
…Honestly, I should punish you for worrying yourself sick.
Yui: …Fufu, I guess so, jumping to those conclusions…
Ryuuto: However, I won’t.
I wouldn’t want to ruin this lovely surprise, after all.
Yui: …Then, I suppose now is a better time than any to admit something.
Ryuuto: Oh? Go on.
Yui: My blood… That’s why it tasted so “off”.
I think… my jealousy got the better of me, you know. That can happen, can’t it?
Ryuuto: I think you hit the nail on the head; That could very well have been the case.
Yui: Then, Ryuuto-san? Won’t you taste some now?
Ryuuto: Fufu. Most certainly.
ー He leans in and bites her. ー
Nnh… Mmn…
Oh my…
Yui: Don’t tell me it’s…
Ryuuto: Back to normal. In fact, dare I suggest it’s even sweeter, suddenly?
Yui: Thank God!
Ryuuto: I think I’ll take even more.
Yui: Yes…! Please, go ahead.
ー He bites her once again. ー
Ryuuto: Haa…
Yui: Aah…
Ryuuto: Mmng…
Yes, this is much better.
Jealousy doesn’t taste the slightest bit pleasant. It’s too… nostalgic.
Yui: I’ll do my best to not get jealous like that again, fufu.
Ryuuto: Although, at the same time, it suits you. Knowing my Pet worries herself sick, to the point of turning her blood with jealousy, is flattering.
Jealous that her Master might find her second-rate, hm?
Yui: That’s so embarrassing…
Ryuuto: Whether that is embarrassing to hear, that is the truth, no?
And, I value such honesty between us; Between a Pet and her Master, nothing is more precious than those feelings, wouldn’t you say?
Yui: Yes…
Ryuuto: So…
ー He licks up a few more blood droplets. ー
Yui: Ryuuto-san…
Ryuuto: …For the rest of your life, my love for you will be displayed transparently.
It would be a shame, after all, if you were to take such initiative, again, to interpret my acts of love as anything other than what they are.
For a simple human like yourself…
I’ll love you simply, until you turn to dust.
Yui: I’m so happy…
Ryuuto: As am I.
─────── ≪ °♛° ≫ ───────
←  [ ✥ Vampire Ending ✥ ] |  [ ✥ Heaven Prologue ✥ ] →
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afra-blueraz · 4 months
=== Diabolik Lovers Luv Pillow Time Headcanons ===
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Before going to sleep, Yui suggests to Shu to scroll social media.
Shu was not very interested in it, but he listened to her, but after a while, he got bored and decided to sleep. The first thing he likes to do is lie quietly on Yui's legs and sleep.
Shu does this and Yui complains. Shu puts a finger in front of her mouth so that she doesn't make so much noise and asks her to caress him instead of making noise.
Yui puffs her cheeks but has no other choice and starts stroking his hair slowly.
Shu enjoys this work very much. After a few hours, Yui fell asleep and Shu realized that Yui's hand was not moving until he saw that she was asleep.
Shu hugs her and closes his eyes to fall asleep while hugging Yui's soft body and smelling her sweet smell.
Reiji makes Yui a delicious tea. And Yui appreciates him with happiness and laughter.
Those two people drink tea and talk to each other for several hours.
Reiji won't admit it, but he loves spending time with Yui before bed, and he can't help but smile when Yui compliments his tea with a sweet smile.
After a short while, Reiji notices that Yui is tired. He arranges the bed and helps Yui lie down gently.
After doing his chores, Reiji goes back to the bed and falls asleep holding Yui in his arms.
Ayato makes the most stupid suggestions to Yui. Like attacking each other with pillows. Or drown someone else under the pillows. In the end, Yui decides to make takoyaki for Ayato.
Ayato eats the takoyaki with a smile and while surprisingly, praises Yui's good hand cooking.
Ayato falls asleep earlier than Yui and Yui tries to fit herself in Ayato's arms and sleep.
Kanato likes to invite Yui to a tea party for Teddy and his dolls before going to bed.
Yui talks to Teddy and Kanato's dolls and they have a beautiful tea party together.
Kanato sleeps holding Teddy in his arms and Yui throws the blanket over him and sleeps next to Kanato while holding his hand.
Laito suggests to Yui that they solve the crossword puzzle. The idea seemed too simple to Yui at first glance, and she was surprised that Laito didn't make more terrible suggestions.
However, Laito made a bet that if Yui couldn't guess every word correctly, Laito would punish her with a kiss.
Yui guessed that Laito might have another plan and as she thinks it was not an ordinary puzzle and every time Laito whispered the correct answer in her ear she couldn't stop herself from blushing and Laito kissed Yui again and again.
Yui fell asleep while sitting in Laito's arms.
Laito smiled and put the puzzle aside and placed one last kiss on Yui's cheek and fell asleep holding her in his arms.
Subaru has bought Yui a plushie toy to make her happy.
Yui screams with joy when she sees the plushie and hugs Subaru and kisses him.
Subaru, whose face is completely red, hugs Yui and takes her to his coffin.
" What? You don't expect me to sleep without my pillow? You have your pillow, I took mine. "
Subaru fell asleep hugging Yui tightly in the darkness of his coffin.
Ruki's favorite thing to do before going to bed is reading. He collects a collection of his favorite books to read to Yui.
Ruki tells Yui to sit in his arms, then reads to her while is holding Yui.
Yui listens to Ruki's stories while feeling his warmth and smiling.
Yui is slowly falling asleep in Ruki's arms. Ruki puts his book aside and sleeps next to Yui. He kisses her forehead and whispers in her ear. "Good night my cute angel"
Kou likes to sing to Yui before going to sleep, but Yui doesn't want them to disturb others' sleep with their noise.
For this reason, Yui suggests Kou to cook and try different pastas.
Yui and Kou have a sweet cooking time together and then they both go to bed to sleep.
Yuma has no interest in a bedtime party. He just wants Yui to go into his arms without any noise so that he can sleep peacefully with Yui's good smell after a hard day's work.
Yui puffs her cheeks and begs again and again. Yuma also inevitably accepts.
Yui will be very happy. She has already prepared a vase and asks Yuma to take care of it before going to sleep.
They give fertilizer and water to the flower. And Yui asks Yuma to talk to the flower.
Yuma laughs at Yui's silly request, but Yui confides that talking and loving flowers makes them grow better.
Yui takes Yuma's hand and starts talking to the flower. Yuma, who seems to have embraced all the love in the world, listens to Yui's words with a smile.
Yui falls asleep after a while. Yuma kisses Yui and sleeps next to her.
Azusa doesn't care what he does. He just likes to spend time with his beloved Eve.
Yui and Azusa reminisce and Azusa tells Yui about his knives.
Azusa talks about his love for Yui and Yui blushes. Then they sleep while hugging each other.
Carla enjoys talking to Yui about demon culture and their art, and Yui listens eagerly.
Carla caresses Yui's cheek and tells her that he is proud of how much she is trying to learn about demon culture and history as his future queen.
Yui smiles and thanks Carla. After Yui falls asleep, Carla kisses her forehead and sleeps next to her.
Shin prepares a package of peanuts and suggests to Yui that they have a competition who can break and eat the most with their teeth.
Shin does it very quickly because of his strong teeth, while Yui can't even break just one.
Shin laughs at her and pats her head like a baby to comfort her. He then breaks one himself and gives it mouth to mouth while kissing Yui and smiling.
At first, Kino hugs Yui and they play video games together. But Yui is not very interested in it.
That's why Yui suggests Kino to eat chocolate and talk.
They share chocolates with different flavors and spend sweet times together.
266 notes · View notes
kyouxa · 7 months
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden: Ayato & Laito Sakamaki (short stories)
Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! Scans provided by: @yuikomorii​
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Ayato Sakamaki
That night, Richter visited the mansion for the first time in a while. Never before I would have thought that the man whose face I never wanted to see again, was the one I would end up choosing as my guardian. My brothers, even the Mukami guys… they looked very surprised to run into his face as well, not that I cared though. 
In any case, I just didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes I already made in this world. But thanks to her I’ve already become a different person from back then.
According to Richter’s report, the demon world itself seems to gain stability. He also mentioned that Eden’s restoration has become slightly better and that the familiars of those Mukami guys have come to help. Holy shit, after hearing all of this I couldn’t help but let my inner self get overwhelmed by relief. 
As Richter finished his report, he immediately left the mansion and I could finally return to my own room. And just as I opened the door I saw her sitting by the window, reading a book as she slowly raised her face.
“Hm… ? Is Richter-san already back on his way home? Don’t you usually have a longer talk with one another… ?”
As she spoke to me, I approached her and started to smell a calming scent. As I grabbed her hand to move her up from the chair, I couldn’t help but immediately hug her afterwards. The book she was holding in her hand instantly fell onto the floor with a thud. 
“Just outta curiosity… but did you happen to take a bath while I was gone?”
She nodded to my question and I started to smile at her in response.
“Heh, so you’ve prepared yourself already? If that’s so, then…”
As soon as I spoke those words, I pushed her down onto the bed next to me. Blocking her flustered face from uttering something, I laid my hand over her lips to keep them closed. 
While I started kissing her continuously in various spots of her neck, I disarranged her negligee slightly. And like usually, when my face is already close to her neckline, I might as well get a bit of her luxurious blood out of her dainty neck. Just when I was about to get to it, she stiffened up a little. Noticing this, I suddenly got an idea and gently licked over her neck. “Kya!!”
She was very surprised by my action and therefore let out a small scream. I guess it was pretty unexpected after all. 
“Kuku… did you think I was about to suck your blood? You fell for it, didn’t you?”
Right after I said that, I teasingly started licking her ear this time. She lets out another small scream and turns around as if I had just tickled her. I was intrigued by her unusual reaction, which is why I started to really tickle her body this time.
She busted out laughing begging me to stop while she tried to escape from my tickling attack which just made me wanna tickle her even more. If I was already given the choice I might as well do it as thoroughly as possible. 
“I’m not letting you go! At least not until I’m satisfied…”
She continued to roll around the bed for a while, trying to resist until she rapidly became obedient and calmed down. “Hm? What’s going on? Surrendering? How boring…”
Just as I was about to move my hands from her, she unexpectedly turned the situation around. “Wha–! What are… hahahaha!” 
Of all the things, I didn’t expect her to take advantage of me taking off my hands for a second to gimme a tickle counterattack. Seeing me burst into laughter made her laugh as well. “Stop already, will you!? Hahah! Shit! Chichinashi, move… !” 
Receiving even the slightest bit of retribution I immediately became serious again and got my revenge through tickling her body. She tried with all her power to go up against me and return the punishment . 
And, just for a brief period I was sure the laughter of both of us was echoing through more than just the room. To be honest, it would’ve been easy for me to get out of this situation and resist her. And yet, the reason why I go along with such a trivial battle is because I would give anything to keep seeing her carefree smile, even if it’s only for a bit longer. The fact that we can both laugh together like this makes me feel happy and maybe that’s because I’ve grown a little since then. 
Laito Sakamaki
I’ve returned to the human world in order to finish my school life as a senior high student. I never thought I would have to return here every day again. “Haa… I’m sick of reading this, I wish those tests would finally disappear for good.” While I started to comb my hair out of boredom, my girlfriend who’s sitting next to me continued studying in silence until she replied that it cannot be helped and I should continue reading. 
“Come on, Bitch-chan. No need to be such a serious and straight-laced person, no?” As I said those words, I gently put my arm around her back and started to lightly embrace her waist. Even though I saw a faint blush on her face, she reminds me that she is busy studying right now. 
“I know that.” But, despite that, I started nibbling on her ear. Perhaps this has always been my normal life no matter to what extent. 
To even think that I begged for death because it was unbearable to keep on having these powers in my state… but that is beyond doubt the absolute truth and I totally understand that I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the power of the World Tree. The only difference from me back then and now is that I am finally able to accept that reality. During that time, my power was too strong for me to handle, I wasn’t able to come to grasp that reality. And even so, I deserved a second chance. Ironically, due to her help I could finally accept the distortion within me and become more straightforward at the end. I held up my face close to her chest in a way of telling that I love her. 
“This is all thanks to you that I can exist like this.” However, she doesn’t reply to me. “Are you agreeing with me if you’re staying silent like this?” 
It was a calm sigh that she returned to me that made me understand the answer to my question. 
“I guess I was too reckless, no?” She showed a bitter smile as I examined her expression. As I observed her tiny body calmly from top to bottom I was shaken by a sudden feeling of satisfaction. And yet there is no way to help the fact that this world is slowly going to destroy itself. I have been told that alongside my resurrection, the world tree has been new-born but started to shed its leaves ever since. Even though it’s all said and done this is happening just as he wished for. He knew right from the start that I wasn’t ever capable of being the vampire king. 
“No matter how far I move on with my life, I will always be right in the palm of his hands.” With those words escaping my mouth, I closed my eyes. It’s still unimaginable to me that I used to be a different person before, but… all I needed in the end is someone like her to accept me as I am. That is because I am Adam and she is Eve. – And no matter what will become of this world, I’m prepared for it. 
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krispycreamcake · 4 months
Diabolik lovers x reader (various)
Guys don't bully me this is my first post istg i'll bomb your family
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A symphony of explosions ruptured through the sky as the angels above blew their mighty vessels of war. Forks of lightning licked through the heavens, warning those near and far of the impending eruption soon to blast their ear drums. The cascading shower hydrated the manor's old stone walls, grasping at whatever cracks they could get into, only to slip away from the house's embrace at the last second. The moon nor its many luminous companions could be seen as their everlasting beauty was hidden behind storm clouds. A whirlwind soon picked up, shaking the trees like a damned mad woman, soon to be lobotomized. Amidst all this eternal chaos however, was a girl simply trying to survive. She was just dropped off at a glorious mansion that ironically, seemed to hold a sort of deathly allure to it, despite it being right out of a romance novel. She was currently sitting on a royal blue sofa of the finest quality, a strange and perplexed looking man with spectacles adorned the couch opposite her. He had raven black and white ombre hair. Regardless of their contrasting colours, it seemed to take well on him. He gave off a sophisticated but yet also suffocating aura that seemed to envelop the entire room. He looked at you in a bit of a shock after hearing your story, no matter how hard he tried to remain stoic, the words you spoke completely baffled him.
"Would you please further elaborate on what you mean by 'caretaker'?" The man asked, the words barely leaving his tongue.
"Well uhm, like I said, I'll be staying here until an heir to the Sakamaki name is made and then I'll be their caretaker. Mr. Karlheinz specified that he'd prefer I raise the child because well.... He didn't technically state WHY I'm supposed to basically mother your child, besides I-I mean you seem perfectly capable! It's just that, well that's what I was sent here to do". You said, trying to explain your task as quickly as possible. You couldn't pinpoint why, but an urge to leave planted itself in your gut and you felt the need to end this interaction as soon as possible.
The man stayed silent for a second before humming out an acknowledgement to your statement. The air was tense as he stood up and spoke.
"Well then, I'm not sure why we weren't aware of something like this, however, let me be the first to greet you to the Sakamaki manor y/n." Just as he said that, a young man with a head of scorching flames entered. His appearance was tattered and unruly. A pant leg was up, while the other remained down, his shirt wasn't fully buttoned and his tie was worn tied around his neck like some sort of odd fashion statement. As soon as his emerald eyes locked onto yours, a smirk creeped its way onto his face.
"Oi Reiji, you didn't say nothin about us having a guest over." The boy spoke, his voice gnarled and sharp.
"I was unaware of her arrival, that man apparently sent us a.....babysitter." Reiji sighed at the end, his imminent frustration growing.
"Uh no no- it's not like that! I'm just here to take care of your child..well future child. I didn't know you had a brother though, Reiji.." You piped in, your brows knitting in a slight confusion as you weren't informed of Karl having more than one son. You originally thought that his son and daughter-in-law were too busy to take care of a child, so that's why you agreed to this whole thing. But now that you were thinking about it, where exactly was the girl? Your thoughts were interrupted as the ruby haired boy let out a mocking snort.
"You mean to tell me that the old man didn't mention there being six of us? pfft- hah!" The boy spoke. Your heart almost plummeted into your ass as your mind slowly processed his words. Six??? There were six of them?
"Yes I'll have to agree with Ayato. It's odd that man didn't mention there's six of us." Reiji said as he fixed his glasses. "Well in that case, it seems an introduction should be made as soon as possible." As he finished speaking, a slight gush of wind hit you from all different angles. Suddenly four more men appeared out of what seemed to be thin air. They watched you coldly despite them all seeming to have different personalities. Silently judging you...no- not judging, but instead sizing you up. You've been in this situation enough times to know what men's stares mean, and these men wanted nothing good. The boy with purple hair spoke first.
"Teddy- what do you think of our new plaything? Doesn't she look lovely? I wonder what she tastes like, certainly not as good as Yui, but I'd still like to try." For the third time tonight you felt like you could scream. He wasn't being serious was he? This has to be some sort of persona, why would he even say that?? You inched behind Reiji, hoping the man could provide some form of shelter.
"Tsk. Go on and introduce yourself, or do I need to do that for you as well? Hiding behind me like a coward, slinking away the minute things seem to get too troublesome for you....honestly I have no idea why you were selected to come here in the first place. What does that man even see in you?" Reiji said with a scoff, his cold words leaving a shiver down your spine and a dent in your self esteem. You felt embarrassed as you sheepishly crawled away from Reiji to introduce yourself.
Once formalities were finally over with a few weird remark here and there, you were shown to your room. It was quite large, but you expected nothing less after seeing the size of the mansion. Truthfully, you were hoping to have a nice room this entire time. A dome glass ceiling sat right in the middle of the room, illuminating it with a blueish hue. The positioning of the bed was a bit odd, yet it captivated those who were to occupy in the residence. It was a circular bed that was laid with golden satin sheets and a marble platform which held up the delicate mattress. It stood right under the dome which would serve for lovely stargazing. There were many fine intricacies and details done to the bed's platform which made it seem much more compelling than a regular bed. The room was oddly laden with bookshelves and hanging plants. This seemed to soften up the room's regality and tone it down for someone of a more modern time. But you admitted that you wouldn't of mind sleeping in a princess like bedroom. Once you were done unpacking, you made your way downstairs since no one would be up at this hour. Instead, you were met with all brothers and a young blonde. She was delicately beautiful like a rose garden after a storm. You could feel her personality seep through from her meek behaviour. You did wonder though, who'd be the father if there were six of them? But before you could ponder the situation anymore, you noticed they were all in uniform despite it being night. You do recall that Karl mentioned they kept a bit of a peculiar schedule, but even so, is this really what he meant? School at night? You supposed it wasn't too weird for people of such high status to be so busy during the day that they'd have to go to school at night. But even so, how could a human possibly function like this? They'd all be braindead zombies by now, strange was definitely one of the many words to describe this lot.
"As we were late to know of your arrival, we hadn't planned for you to be joining us. Since you lack proper attire, you'll be staying back tonight." Reiji spoke almost exasperatedly. You almost felt a bit scared to stay in such an usual place by yourself. Reiji caught the look on your face and clicked his tongue.
"You truly think we'd let you stay here by yourself? One of us is going to remain here with you until the others are back." Reiji said bluntly. Who was it that was going to babysit you while they were away? Maybe this was your chance to learn more about your new housemates. Your eyes scanned the room, looking for your possible sitter. Then, in an instant you both made eye contact. Both orbs absorbed in each other as the others in the room seemed to be nothing more than an afterthought.
Ok so this is just part one of the series I'm planning. I'll let you guys vote on who it was that caught the reader's attention. TY for reading this btw :( I've been obsessed with this franchise since I was 11 so I'm insane currently.
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equinox-86 · 6 months
𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
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I was supposed to do my font project but then got sidetracked coloring in my sketches, and now we have colored concept sketches and a title whose design is still in the works
That's Noctis' outfit in Diabolik Lovers: Another aka my own story that takes place before the events of Haunted Dark Bridal. It goes into detail about Richter's and Karlheinz's plans, the POV of Vampire Hunters/Humans, where the sacrificial brides are sourced from, Noctis and Yui's relationship and how Yui was saved from almost being sent to the Sakamaki Manor.
I might reuse the outfit for Lost Eden. I'm still not happy with the LE one in my wips, and it's getting harder to make outfits that fit her color scheme and aren't repetitive from game to game (ノ´Д`)ノ
The art is intentionally messy. It's just concept sketches, after all. I finally got to show off her nape. That mark is relevant to my HDB prequel story :>
⋆┈┈⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅┈┈⋆
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cozymoko · 2 years
Welcome back ❤️❤️ I adore the way you write the Diaboys and especially the little sister scenarios! May I request the Mukami brothers reaction to being woken up by their terrified sister clinging to them after she had a really horrible nightmare?
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Note: Thank you anon! I love you for requesting this, platonic yanderes are my favorite. (≡^∇^≡)
Pairing: Mukami brothers (seperate) x platonic! sister reader
Format: ☁️ Headcanons
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Sakamaki version here
Want more Diabolik lovers? → Masterlist! ★
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Waking up, Ruki? There's no such thing. As he can be found seated in an idle chair in the corner of his room. A book held lazily at his fingertips, his eyes set securely on your trembling figure. You didn't hesitate to throw your arms around him, careful so as to not disrupt his reading. To no avail, might I add.
Ruki motions to the seat before him, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. Aloof eyes fixed on the dull pages of the book. His voice came out in stern yet soft as though not to startle you. You were sleeping in no time, a smile faintly drawing at your lips.
“What is the meaning of this? A nightmare, I see. What would you like of me? Have a seat, I'm sure a story would suffice?”
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All Idols need their beauty sleep. Kou is no exception. This man is an incredibly light sleeper; thus disturbing his sleep is an easy way to sour his mood. But, none of that applies when it involves his precious baby sister~!
Kou will tune in to your rambles for five minutes at most before growing bored. Then he gets an idea. So he pokes at you, his nimble fingers attacking the soft flesh of your sides. Your childlike giggles bring a smile to his face. It's safe to say that this expression is much more pleasant than the last.
“Wah~! Did you miss me that much? Fufu~ Y'know, you don't have to make up such silly excuses to sleep with your big brother!”
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Although he'll never admit it, moments like these make his heart swoon. You're growing up much faster than he'd imagined and moments like these are becoming scarce. Yuma welcomes you into his arms, rubbing deep circles into your back.
"Hey!" You scoffed. "What'd you do that for?!" Yuma snickered loudly, holding his weapon of assault, a pillow, in his free hand. It was clear he found your sudden surge of energy as nothing short of amusing. You reach for your own pillow, gripping it between your polished nails. "This. Means. War."
“Gettin’ scared of a little nightmare; how old are ya’ again? Oi, don't glare at me...Ha! with an attitude like that you shouldn't be scared of nothin’.”
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For a man with bags, he sleeps rather peacefully. If you could even call it that. Azusa is arguably the best listener among his brothers. You could talk for hours and he'll never lose his interest. A nightmare? Tell him every detail. Hard day at school? How can he make it better?
Weaving his fingers through your tresses as dulcet hums resonated within his chest. His voice was in no way better than Kou’s. But It was comforting nonetheless; in an unusual, eerie sense. Azusa tucked your head securely beneath his chin. His humming doesn’t cease until you are lulled to sleep.
“A nightmare...what...was it like? Did you...get hurt? Haa...that's unfortunate. Tell me....what scared...you the most...?”
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otomehonyaku · 8 days
DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage Stellaworth Special Booklet Short Stories ☽ Orange ver.・A New Menu?! Ruki’s Got His Hands Full!
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Original title: メニュー開発!?ルキがてんてこ舞い! English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the scans (as always, kindly provided by @karleksmumskladdkaka!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It's been a little while since I translated a short story! This one's set in the Orange mansion in the Chaos Lineage timeline and written from Eve's─so, in a way, Yui's─perspective, before the regains her memories. It's a fun little story that contains some brotherly bickering and a LOT of innuendos (hello, yes, I'd like the soup please...) ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ Have fun reading!
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Ever since I fled from the church and found refuge in the Orange mansion, I hadn’t been granted permission to return to the guest room. Instead, I quietly sat in a chair in the living area.
Ayato unceremoniously called out to me. “You. Hurry up ‘n become mine already.”
“What? Um…”
I was taken aback by the redhead’s sudden remark and found myself unable to reply right away. The small pause inadvertently gave his two brothers the time to say their piece as well.
“Become Ayato’s? Stop this nonsense. This girl will be mine. I’m sure that’s what will make her happiest as well. Isn’t that right?” 
“Ha. I told you—she doesn’t belong to either of you. Better not misunderstand, Ayato. Kanato. We brought Eve here to help Brother become the Demon King, y’know.”
“You with your ‘Brother this, Brother that.’ Shut the fuck up already.”
The three clearly had no intention to consider my opinion on the matter, and their bickering only intensified. I felt myself becoming nervous. It looked like they might even start punching one another if they kept going like this. 
That was when the living room door quietly opened.
Ruki let out an exasperated sigh. “Don’t tell me you’re fighting again.” 
Again? The eldest made it sound like his brothers had pestered him with similar fights before, many times over. 
“It’s been days since we acquired Eve, and yet you’re still being hostile towards one another.”
“What does it matter? That has nothing to do with you, Ruki.”
“Sorry, Brother. I’ve been trying to tell them the same thing. It seems both of them still think Eve is theirs.”
“You’re the delusional ones for assuming Eve belongs to Ruki. This chick belongs to Yours Truly. I won’t hand her over to anyone.”
“Enough. Remember that we’ve acquired Eve and that we’re on track to becoming King. If we don’t work together, our enemies will take it as an opening to steal Eve from us, and all our efforts will be for naught.” Ruki seemed worried about his brothers’ willingness to cooperate—that, if the brothers kept quarrelling amongst themselves, the enemy might come to steal me away. 
A sense of restlessness lingered in the air after Ruki spoke. I cast my eyes downwards. The prospect of being at the centre of such a violent dispute left me feeling melancholic. 
“I’m not telling you to get along. But I am telling you to reduce the friction at least a little. I urge you, as my younger brothers, to do what I say.”
“That’s my line! You’re getting in Yours Truly’s way.”
“I don’t like this either. This is ridiculous.”
“That’s exactly the reaction I expected from you. So, let me propose something as a countermeasure: a cooking contest.”
Ayato was speechless. And it wasn’t just Ayato: Kanato and Shin were looking at Ruki with equal suspicion. Even I stared at him, wondering why on Earth he would suggest something so strange. Ruki wanted his brothers to work together to come up with new dishes, apparently.
“It’s the perfect solution to work on your team spirit. Besides, you’ll join forces to expand our repertoire of things to eat for dinner. Don’t you think it’s a good idea?” Ruki said, his facial expression exuding confidence. 
After turning it over in my head for a moment, I supposed that… it might work?
“Got it. If you want us to, Brother, then I’ll do it. I’ll help you.”
“Great. Ayato, Kanato—I expect you to help, too, of course.”
“Like hell I would. Why’s Yours Truly gotta do it?”
“I agree. I have no desire to participate in such ridiculous activities. Whoever else wants to participate can go ahead.”
Shin’s immediate agreement stood in stark contrast with the reactions of his younger brothers, who were quick to complain. Ruki stressed that it would have no meaning this way, and proposed his plan on different terms. 
“...There’s no helping it. I’ll let you compile our new menu, then. You may suggest whatever dishes you’d like to eat. We’ll add whatever is picked to our regular dinner menu from now on.”
This idea clearly made Ayato and Kanato more willing to cooperate. The atmosphere in the room immediately became much lighter, and the brothers became a little restless as they thought about what foods they wanted to eat. 
It was decided that I would be the fair judge to taste each dish. I was happy to be afforded a role in Ruki’s plan as well—with my spirits lifted a little already, I joined the others’ conversation.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few hours later…
“What? Why’d only this part turn green? …Ugh, smells fuckin’ rancid!”
“Don’t you think it’s lacking sweetness? Oh, well. I’ll share some of my cream with you, then.”
“Hey! Don’t mess with my cooking! Puttin’ cream in there’s no joke!”
I stayed in the living room while Ruki and the others were in the kitchen preparing their dishes for me to try. Things seemed to be progressing smoothly: Ruki seemed to be the one doing most of the cooking, but I could hear the relatively friendly conversation between the brothers all the way from the living room.
“Stop it, Kanato. We won’t get anywhere if you waste this much food. That’s why I told you not to add any more.”
“Kanato! Stop meddling in other people’s business and concentrate on your own cooking. Or, actually, your… cooking looks more like a mass of sugar.”
“Yes, of course. I suppose I should finish my dish. I’ll just have to add one more thing to finish it off…”
“Hold on, are you serious? Covering chocolate in more chocolate is ridiculous. What’re you even doing?”
While it was good that the brothers were engaging in lively conversation with one another, I still felt anxious after hearing that exchange. I was the one who’s supposed to taste-testing everything, after all. I contemplated going to the kitchen to help them before things went downhill, but they’d actually finished already—the four brothers came back into the living room, each carrying the dish they’d prepared.
“Ah, have you already finished cooking?”
“Yes, indeed. It seems like you’ve been waiting here in the living room like the good girl you are.”
“All of the sample dishes are here. Let’s start the taste test, shall we?”
“Right. So, which one should I try first?”
“Yours Truly’s should be first, of course!” Ayato said before setting down a huge plate on the table in front of me with a loud clang. “I’m calling this ‘Yours Truly’s Specially Made Super-Gigantic Takoyaki’! Be grateful ‘n eat up!”
“Wow! It’s so big! It’s bigger than my face, even.”
“Right? Bigger’s always better. It’s not very round, though. It’s lumpy. It probably kinda fucks with the taste.”
“You made me prepare it, so keep your complaints to yourself. Besides, it’s your fault for constantly butting in while I was cooking.” As there was no dedicated pan large enough to make takoyaki this big, it seemed that Ruki had used a single-handed frying pan to shape it somehow, and that’s likely why it looked a little sunken and uneven. 
According to Ayato, there wasn’t just octopus, but various other fillings in it as well—he himself didn’t quite seem to know for sure, either.
“A-Ayato, this is…”
“What’re you doin’?! Hurry up and eat it!” Ayato yelled when he saw my reluctance to take a bite. Even then, I couldn’t quite work up the courage to dig in. 
The redhead lost his patience and grabbed my chin with one hand. Then, he brought a spoon to my mouth with his other hand, ready to force-feed me. 
“Geez, it can’t be helped. C’mon, I’ll feed you. Hurry up ‘n open wide.”
“W-wait! Ah—Mm…!”
The spoon quickly came my way, holding a chunk of the giant takoyaki. I had no time to protest before the spoon was thrust into my mouth.
“Hehe, you’re gettin’ teary-eyed. That’s not such a bad sight, is it? Hey! No slackin’ off. Keep eatin’. I wanna watch your face while you struggle even more.”
“Ayato! At least do it gently… Mm!”
With enough force to make me choke, the spoon was mercilessly rammed deep into my mouth again. Even if I wanted to run, I couldn’t—Ayato had a tight grip on my chin. I had no choice but to eat the takoyaki that I was given. A cruel smile played on Ayato’s face as he watched me struggle.
“Ugh, mm… Ha...”
I somehow managed to swallow what was in my mouth. I didn’t risk asking what exactly I’d been eating so far to avoid ruining the experience—mostly because it had actually been quite tasty.
“This is so good, Ayato!”
“I know, right? Though it’s only natural, since I cooked all this up!”
Ayato seemed satisfied with my response. His chest swelled with pride, confident that his dish was going to win tonight.
“Eat mine next, please. I’ve made something much more delicious than Ayato’s takoyaki.” 
Unsurprisingly, Kanato had prepared a dessert. The base was a parfait, loaded with pudding, crêpes, cake, and ice cream on top, and covered in an unholy amount of chocolate. It looked almost sickeningly sweet.
“It looks delicious, but… It seems very sweet, doesn’t it?”
“But really, I’m gettin’ heartburn just by looking at it. You might as well call anything a dish if you load it with enough sweet stuff.”
“You’re hopelessly tasteless, Shin. This is obviously incredibly delicious.” As he spoke, Kanato stared at the sweets as though he were spellbound. “Ah… It doesn’t get any better than this. I’d love this to be added to the menu so that Ruki will prepare it for me every day.”
After having stared at his parfait for a while, Kanato picked up a spoon. 
“Since you’re nothing but a doll, you must be bad at feeding yourself, right? Just for today, I’ll feed you. Please be grateful.”
“It’s alright, Kanato. I can eat by myself… Mm!” 
I tried to move away, but Kanato forcefully grabbed my wrist to keep me in place and thrust a loaded spoon at me. Once again, food was forced into my mouth. I tried my best to chew and swallow each bite, but I couldn’t keep up with the speed with which Kanato was feeding me. Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, Kanato’s hand stilled.
“Oh, you have some cream on your face.”
Kanato put down the spoon and his tongue darted out when he moved in, licking the cream off my cheek. My heartbeat jumped a little at the sensation. 
“Hehe… Very sweet. My cooking is the most delicious after all, isn’t it?” he asked expectantly, slowly leaning in further as he spoke. 
The strange atmosphere made me increasingly uncomfortable. Still, though… Kanato’s dish was particularly sweet but no less delicious—like he had said—and so I honestly shared my opinion.
“Right? I see you’re able to tell how great my cooking is. It’s quite admirable.”
Kanato left my side, clearly pleased with my answer.
“It’s my turn, then!”
Shin moved in and placed a small plate in front of me.
“...? Shin, what’s this brown, cream-like stuff?”
“It’s peanut butter. Can’t you tell?”
“The hell? How much of an idiot do you gotta be to consider that a dish?” Ayato sneered at Shin, clearly making fun of him.
“Hehe. Who’s the real idiot here? You know fuck-all about cooking,” Shin replied. Then, he went on to expertly spread the peanut butter on a piece of bread. “This peanut butter goes well with a lot of different kinds of cooking. It’s a great all-purpose condiment for bringing out the flavour of stuff like bread and cakes. I’d like you to use it in many different dishes.”
“I object. Won’t everything just start tasting like peanuts?”
“Right, right! My takoyaki’d taste like peanuts!”
“Ha! You can yap all you want, but it won’t matter. Eve’s the one who has to like it. So, here you go.”
I reached out to take the bread he held out to me, but Shin seized my hand in mid air. He pulled me in close with a sharp tug. 
“I’ll feed you.”
“Um… I already said it just now, but I can eat by myself, you know?”
“Just be good and eat. C’mon.”
My lips parted when the bread touched my mouth, and when I took a bite, the sweet flavour of the peanut butter (1) spread across my tongue.
“Good, isn’t it? Make sure to savour the taste.”
Contrary to Ayato and Kanato, Shin slowed his movements to match my eating speed and held the bread to my mouth for me to take bites. The peanut butter went well with the bread. It was really good.
“Hehe. You kinda look like a greedy little pet dog eating from your owner’s hand right now.”
I tried to argue that no, I wasn’t a dog, but I kept getting interrupted by Shin holding the bread to my mouth. Before long, I’d already swallowed the last bite.
“Thank you, Shin. It was delicious!”
“I told you! If you pick my peanut butter, you’ll be able to eat it whenever you like, so… You know what to do, right?” Shin’s mouth curved into a smile, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.
There was clearly no safe way to answer that question. I forced a wavering smile in response.
“Well, then. Lastly, it’s my turn.” Ruki put his dish in front of me with more confidence than all his brothers before him.
“Is this… soup?”
The soup in front of me looked to contain a well-balanced mix of vegetables, meat, and beans, giving it a delicious-looking golden colour. However, it looked no different than what Ruki usually made for dinner.
“Soup? How boring. Couldn’t you come up with something else? This is not even a close contender compared to my dish.”
“Just take a sip and you’ll know. Eve, please turn your face my way.” 
Ruki took a spoonful of the soup and carefully raised it to my lips. 
“Drink it. It’s a rather fine soup to give to livestock, but I suppose I should feed you something nice every once in a while.”
I felt myself becoming curious how it tasted, too, considering Ruki was brimming with confidence. Still, it was a little embarrassing to have him feed it to me, so I tried to tell him I’d like to drink it by myself.
“No, drink it like this. You wouldn’t want to trouble your master, would you? Or… would you rather have me feed it to you mouth-to-mouth?”
He looked like he would seriously do it if I didn’t go along with him. Finding myself unable to resist, I obediently opened my mouth.
“Yes, that’s it. Savour it.”
Ruki slid the spoon between my lips. I tried to swallow it neatly, but my nerves got the better of me. A small drop of soup dribbled from my lower lip.
“Mm. Ah…”
“You spilled some of the soup. Good grief, what ill-mannered livestock you are.”
With a stroke of his thumb, Ruki wiped the soup from my lip. My face flushed.
“What’s that face for, staring at me like that? Was that not enough to satisfy you?”
Not wanting to go through something so embarrassing another time, I desperately shook my head. Still, Ruki’s soup tasted amazing. It may have looked no different from what he usually cooked, but I wondered if this was some kind of secret recipe of his. 
I couldn’t hold back my curiosity and asked him what was in the soup.
“It’s a secret. I’m not so kind a master as to teach you my recipe, Livestock,” Ruki said, dodging my question, and traced his thumb over my lips again.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
With all four dishes taste-tested, the cooking contest was over. Now, I had to choose which one I liked the most.
“It can’t be anything other than Yours Truly’s giant takoyaki, right?”
“That’s unthinkable. My dessert was clearly the most delicious.”
“Nah, you’re choosing my peanut butter that goes with any dish, right?”
“Judging from your reaction, Livestock, the answer is clear as day. My soup wins.”
Whatever I picked would be added to our dinner menu from now on, and everyone was passionately advocating for their respective dishes. 
I recalled the flavours of the dishes I’d tasted tonight. After a moment of deliberation, I opened my mouth to speak.
“All four dishes were delicious, so how about adding all four of them to the menu?”
My proposal made the room fall silent for a moment.
“Seriously? It’s a competition! You gotta pick a winner. There’s no way in hell I’m agreein’ to this!”
“What a fool you are. We’ve told you many times over that you can only pick one winner.”
“Besides, aren’t you trying to wriggle your way outta this by giving such a diplomatic answer?”
“That seems likely. Or did Livestock perhaps not understand the meaning of this from the beginning?”
After Ayato first broke the silence, the brothers aimed their discontent at me one after the other. Still, I stood my ground and once again explained to them that I’d truly enjoyed all four dishes. Even though it might put even more strain on Ruki, I insisted that we should add all dishes to the menu since everyone had put in so much effort. 
Ruki contemplated the idea for a little while before letting out a small sigh and agreeing with me. “...If that is Eve’s verdict, so be it. Let’s add all dishes to the menu from now on.”
“The fuck’re you sayin’?! I can’t accept this unless I’m crowned the winner.”
“B-but Ayato, if you kindly ask Ruki, he might make that gigantic takoyaki for you every day, you know?”
“...Heh, that’s true. Well, I’m just gonna make Ruki do it, then!”
“Hold on, please! If that’s the case, then I’d rather he make my parfait every day instead! I won’t lose to an inferior dish like takoyaki!” 
“I won’t put up with having either of your dishes every day. This peanut butter goes with anything, so you’d better use it every day, Brother.”
In the end, the brothers got into a heated argument about whose dish we should eat for the days to come. Even though this contest was intended to foster a cooperative spirit among his brothers, Ruki held his head in his hands as he watched them fight over the results.
Nevertheless, I found myself thinking that I couldn’t imagine this family any other way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Look, I’m not trying to ignite a discussion but… is peanut butter really sweet? It’s considered more of a savoury thing where I live (or at least it rarely—if ever—contains sugar), though I do suppose it’s versatile in that it goes well with both sweet and savoury things. 
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karleksmumskladdkaka · 4 months
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Vol. 3 Chapter of the Last Quarter — Short Story Translation
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A short, sweet, and comedic tale about the Mukami brothers being supportive siblings… and nearly committing accidental fratricide in the process. Meanwhile, Yui watches with increasing concern as the disaster unfolds.
Please refrain from using or reposting the translation anywhere without my permission.
[Note: The story is written in Yui's POV.]
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅✮⋆⋅
"Uh...something's wrong..."
Kou-kun groaned as he stared down at the pot.
"Should I help after all?"
"Eve, you mustn't get involved...okay? Just quietly watch over us."
Even though he said that, an increasingly terrible smell was spreading throughout the kitchen. Despite being told not to interfere, I was starting to get a bit worried.
"Maybe it needs some sugar-chan!?"
Before I could stop him, Yuma-kun dumped several sugar cubes into the pot, filling the room with a foul stench. I felt a sense of despair.
The whole mess had started when Ruki-kun injured his hand.
"Ruki-kun always cooks for us, so let's all pitch in today!"
And so, Kou-kun's plan of making dinner ended up as disastrously as I had feared.
"...This is...?"
"Well... It's supposed to be curry..."
Kou-kun glanced at me as if pleading for help. When I looked at Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun, they averted their eyes. In short, something horrible had been created. Its color was... to put it nicely, pitch black. After tasting it, Yuma-kun commented nonsensically that it was "bittersweetsalty". Dubbed "Mukami Brothers' Style Curry" it had transformed into a mysterious substance resembling anything but curry. Just by looking at it, anyone would instantly recognize it as inedible.
Yet, Ruki-kun was peering at the plates lined up on the table with a happy look on his face.
"Maybe it's better if we don't eat this..."
In spite of Kou-kun's uneasiness, Ruki-kun scooped up the substance with a spoon and brought it to his mouth.
". . ."
"It's disgusting."
We all shared the same fear. That even though he's immortal, Ruki-kun might die from this.
Despite his words, Ruki-kun's expression suddenly relaxed. We stared at him in amazement.
"Ruki...! Damn it! Yer such a...!"
The three brothers, seemingly drained, collapsed to their knees on the spot. Ruki-kun simply watched them in silence as he continued to eat.
And then, afterwards—Ruki-kun was bedridden for three days and nights. Even though Vampires aren't supposed to get sick...
Seeing this, his brothers made a firm vow to themselves. They would never try to cook again.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅✮⋆⋅
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dia-souls · 1 month
DIABOLIK LOVERS Imajin Tokuten Drama CD “Kawaii Plushie, Fanboys' Confusion!!!”
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Original title: かわいいぬいぐるみ、ファンボーイの混乱
Source: Fanmade Tokuten Drama CD
Story by: Admin Afra
Seiyuu: Suegara rie, Midorikawa Hikaru, Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Takashi Kondou, Tomoaki Maeno, Hirakawa Daisuke, Kaji Yuki,
Admin's note: Hey guys Finally, after a long time, a new drama CD by me Admin Afra. Who misses me??? Lol... Although I can't write comedy CDs and scenarios as well as Admin Irsa. But recently, my headcanon for plushie Yui has been very much noticed. That's why I decided to try this CD for this headcanon. If you like it, I will write Mukami and Tsukinami versions soon. This Sakamaki version is presented to you. I hope you like it. Don't forget to review and comment.
_This scene begins in the living room of the Sakamaki mansion. The triplets are watching Kou on a TV show.
Ayato: Why is that stupid idol in all the shows? I'm getting bored.
_Ayato changes the channel.
*Tap Tap*
Kanato: Ayato... can you please choose a channel and let us all watch it?
Ayato: Shut up!!!! Do not order Ore-sama. Ore-sama will watch whatever he likes. I don't want to see the face of that stupid idol on all channels.
_Ayato changes the channel again.
*Tap Tap*
Laito: You are right, Ayato-kun. I am much prettier. If I were an idol, I would have more fans than him. They probably showed me on more channels.
Ayato: If I saw you on TV, then I would blow up the TV.
Kanato: Me too...
Laito: Heeh... don't be so cruel. I'm sure more girls would be my fans.
_Ayato turns off the TV.
Ayato: I don't understand why there are so many channels and TV shows for girls. Why don't they make a TV show for boys? For example, the takoyaki eating contest.
Kanato: Ayato, no boy wants to watch such a show. Only you like it.
Laito: Hmmmmm. I don't like to see some boys with big mouths eating takoyaki. Even thinking about it makes me sick. I prefer to see cute and beautiful girls.
Kanato: There are idol girls too, Laito.
Laito: I know, but none of them can make my heart beat fast like Bitch-chan.
_Ayato swears under his breath.
Ayato: Chhh... Stupid pervert...
_Laito takes the TV remote from Ayato's side and turns the TV back on.
*Tap Tap*
_Laito changes several channels to a plushie advertisement.
Laito: Is that plushie... bitch-chan's plushie???
_Both Ayato and Kanato stare at the TV after hearing this. The TV is promoting the popular school club girl named Komori Yui.
Ayato: What the hell. Chichinashi???? Since when has Chichinashi been famous?
Laito: School club??? Ahhh, now I remember. A few months ago, bitch-chan said she wanted to join a school club. Hmmm, apparently, she is very popular among the boys in the club.
Kanato: IT'S UNFORGIVABLE. How dare that girl participate in the club without my permission? *SOB*.... I.... won't forgive her... *SOB*...
Ayato: That idiot... how dare she go out with other boys without Ore-sama's permission? When I see her, I will punish her.
Laito: Hmmmmm... I'm very sad to see that my dear bitch-chan has become popular with all these boys. She just needs to pay attention to me.
Shu: Pwaahhhhhhh.... can you shut up. Didn't you say just a few seconds ago that you want a TV show for boys? So why are you complaining now?
_Ayato, Kanato, and Laito flinched at Shu's voice.
Ayato: Waaahhhhh... Shu what the hell. What the hell are you doing here? When did you come here?
_Shu was lying on the couch and yawned.
*Rustle Rustle*
Shu: I was here from the beginning. You three idiots did not notice my presence.
Ayato: Shut up. You are always like this. Wherever you go, you sleep without talking to anyone. Obviously, no one will notice your presence.
Shu: Shut up... it's too loud. My ear hurt.
Ayato: Bastard...
_Shu opened one of his eyes and looked at the TV advertisement that was playing.
Shu: Hmmm... interesting... maybe I'll buy one for myself.
Ayato: Hahaha... don't tell me you like this ugly doll.
Shu: What's the problem with it? I can use it as a pillow. This way, when she is not with me, I can have her by my side.
Ayato: ...
Laito: ....
Kanato: ... I can't believe that this lazy man came up with such a good idea.
Laito: Nfu... that's a good idea. I would really like to have another version of Yui-chan too. In this way, I can do whatever I want with it.
Kanato: Fufu... Yes, Teddy will also be happy to have a new friend. Ne teddy I can dress up it like dolls to make it the most beautiful doll in the world.
Ayato: Tch... you two are very childish.
Laito: Come on Ayato. Wouldn't you like to have a small version of Bitch-Chan? Whenever Yui-chan is not with you, she can make takoyaki for you.
Ayato: Huh??? Can it really do that?
Shu: You are so stupid.
Ayato: Shut up. I have to try it myself, otherwise I don't believe it.
Laito: Nfu~ So let's go to that store and buy this cute plushie.
_Ayato, Laito and Kanato are walking in the store.
Ayato: Shit... why is it so crowded here?
Kanato: I can't stand people's noise. It's so noisy.
Laito: You two are very impatient. Nfu~ Be patient and then we'll go home with that cute plushie.
???: Oh my... KarlHeinz's sons are in the fanboy store. Hahaha... what a funny subject.
*click click*
_The triplets look behind them when they hear a familiar voice.
Ayato: Haaaaa..... Kino!!!! what are you doing here?
Kino: Isn't it obvious? I came looking for my dear princess. She is not with you?
Ayato: Who said she's yours? She is only my prey. Chichinashi is not with us.
Kino: Huh? what a pity I wanted to go like a lovely couple and buy that cute plushie.
Kanato: Did you come here for the plushie?
Kino: Of course. She is my lovely princess and I am her prince.
Ayato: Don't talk nonsense.
Kino: I myself encouraged her to participate in this club. They were looking for cute and beautiful girls to support animals. My dear princess was so cute and tried for animals that she quickly became popular among the boys. I'm thinking that my princess should have become a famous idol instead that Mukami.
Laito: Although I don't like you, I agree with you. But I don't want to share my beloved Bitch-chan with other boys.
Kino: In any case, this promotion is for promoting this club and because of Yui's new popularity. In addition to boys, she has become very popular among girls.
_A person with a black cape, hat, mask and glasses that completely covers his face enters the store.
Ayato: Hah... Thief...
Laito: Nfu~ He isn't a thief. He is only a shy fanboy who doesn’t like to be known at all.
Kino: Scary. Some fans are very scary.
_The suspicious man buys a plushie and quickly leaves the store.
Kanato: Heyyyyyyyy. I want to leave this store faster.
Kino: I also don't like to see other boys buy my dear princess plushie.
_Ayato goes in front of Kino and grabs his collar tightly in his fist.
*Rustle Rustle*
Ayato: Listen, bastard. I will not let you buy that plushie at all. Chichinashi is only my prey.
Kino: Fufu Ayato-kun, if you think like that... you should stop all those boys who are standing in front of the cash register buying plushies.
_Kino points to the counter and Ayato turns his head to look there. A group of boys lined up in front of the cash register to buy plushies.
Ayato: Chhh... you bastards...
_Ayato quickly releases Kino's collar and goes to stand in front of the cash register in front of all the boys.
Ayato: Everyone listen.
_Ayato takes the speaker from the vendor and speaks through it.
Ayato: Ore-sama is speaking. Get out of the store, you bastards. This girl is my prey and no one but me has the right to buy this plushie.
_All the boys and vendors stare at Ayato.
Ayato: Did you hear what I said? Ore-sama will give you orders. Hurry up and get out of the store
Kanato: Is he serious?
Laito: Oh, oh. I think we are going to be in trouble.
Kino: Pffff.... Hahahahaha.... Your brother is so stupid.
Kanato: Laito. Let's buy the plushie and go before it causes us trouble.
_Laito and Kanato go to the group of boys so that the seller won't notice that they are with Ayato.
Ayato: Oi, Kanato, Laito, why did you go to them? Let's help me get rid of these bastards.
Kino: Hmmmm. Things are getting interesting.
Ayato: Chhh... Ahhhhh... How is the security of that store so strong? The place where he kicked me still hurts.
Kanato: You are so stupid, Ayato.
Ayato: Shut up. It's your fault that you didn't help me, otherwise we would have kicked out all those bastards.
Laito: Shame on you, Ayato-kun... I don't like being beaten by security at all. My beautiful face becomes scarred and I become ugly.
Ayato: You are so pathetic Laito...
_Kino walks behind them while laughing under his breath.
Ayato: You bastard... why are you laughing at us? You got what you wanted. Why are you following us?
Kino: Oh... Ayato-kun don't be so mean. I would like to see my dear princess.
Ayato: Shut up. I won't let you see her.
Laito: At least we could all buy plushies.
Kino: Too bad. I wanted to see my dear princess. But I think it doesn't matter. I will call her when I get home. I can't wait to take a picture of myself and this plushie and send it to her. Her reaction must be very cute... Fufu... Goodbye. I hope to see you very soon.
_Kino moves away from the triplets while waving his hand.
Ayato: Haha... in hell...
_Ayato, Kanato and Laito enter the mansion.
Ayato: Chhch... My body hurts.
Shu: Pwaahh... So you are finally back.
_Shu is lying on the couch while yawning and Yui's plushie is on the pillow next to his head.
Laito: ....
Kanato: ...
Ayato: ...... How???? Oi lazy man, how did you get that plushie without coming to the store?
Shu: Huh? It's... so easy. I ordered online.
Ayato: ....
Shu: I was surprised why the three of you took so much trouble to go to that store. Well, this is not my problem. Now please be quiet. I want to sleep You are very noisy.
Ayato: You bastard...
Laito: Nfu~ I can't wait anymore. I want to do many things with this plushie. Ahhh, even thinking about it makes me hot.
Kanato: I would like to try different clothes on her. My new and beautiful doll is going to be very beautiful.
Ayato: Both of you shut up. This is going to be very interesting. Ahemm... Ahemm... Chichinashi, go make me some takoyaki.
_Laito and Kanato stare at Ayato and Shu smirks.
Kanato: ...
Laito: ....
Shu: Pffffff... you are so stupid.
Ayato: What?
Laito: Did you really expect a plushie to be able to move and make takoyaki for you?
Ayato: Huh? It can't? So why did we try so hard to buy it?
Shu: I am satisfied. It smells like that woman. It is a good pillow. At least when Yui is not here, this plushie will help me.
Kanato: You don't understand how precious dolls are.
Laito: I can also try interesting fantasies on it.
_Yui rushes into the room.
Yui: Ayato-kun, Reiji-san is very angry with you. He said that you in the store___
_The triplets stare at Yui.
Yui: What the..... !!!!!
Ayato: Oi Chichinashi. This ridiculous doll can't make takoyaki for me. Hurry up, make me takoyaki.
Yui: ...
_Meanwhile in Subaru's room.
Subaru: Hah... hah... I did it. I really i did it.
_Subaru enters his room while wearing a black coat, glasses and a mask and quickly goes to his coffin and puts Yui plushie in it and looks at it.
Subaru: I did it...
_Subaru blushes while staring at Yui plushie.
Subaru: Damn it... this is so cute...
_Subaru hugs Plushie and sleeps inside the coffin.
Subaru: Yui, please always stay with me...
_Meanwhile in Reiji's room. Reiji is sitting on a chair and brushing the plushie hair that was pre-ordered a few days ago.
Reiji: Good grief... these things are not for me.
_Reiji covered his face with his hand to hide his embarrassment.
Reiji: No one should know about this. NO ONE.
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midnight-glasses · 6 months
💚 ✨Happy birthday, Laito✨💚
Guys, today is a very important day for me. I know I haven't been very active, but I want to get back to Fandom as soon as possible! Diabolik Lovers is an important part of me as a whole. It feels like yesterday was the day I discovered the anime; however, it has been many years. I discovered anime when I was nine years old, back in 2015, and I have had a love for games, anime, and manga for a long time. However, it was only in the middle of 2021/2022 that I discovered a fandom that is still so alive after years... However, some people are probably wondering why today is a special day for me and where I want to go with this simple speech: today is my beloved character's birthday!
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This fedora hat shading your emerald green eyes and your somewhat complex and captivating personality, this character who certainly was a great source of trauma for the unaware, this utterly deplorable and broken character represents a lot to me in different extensions and senses depending on the time when I consumed it. For my 9-year-old self, it was my love for vampires and my continuous hyperfocus being fueled. For my 12 and 14-year-old selves, it was a great source of comfort and affection; it also served as a discovery and a reminder of past experiences which unfortunately I had to go through and endured throughout my years of life. At 19 years old, it signifies my profound love for broken characters, Otome games, and it has been the main impetus for me to currently seek a deeper diagnosis regarding my neurodivergences. This character helped me deal with experiences that I had blocked and didn't know how to process. This character isn't everything, but it means a lot to me. That's why I say happy birthday, you stupid vampire! Thank you for being a part of my life and introducing me to such wonderful people on the internet.
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I would like to thank everyone who has had contact with me, you are all wonderful people!
@afra-blueraz, @eyelessdoll-y, @dialovers-translations, @dialovers-lover-xoxo, @sekai-takoyaki, @everything-laito, @diakaoniii, @yuma-mukami-garden-god, @rukiyui-fanblog, @its-irsaa-fyp, @benevxllain, @/carlatsukinamistolemyhamsandwich, @kauze-bridgerton/@kauzebridgerton, @callmeklair, @hanakohanabe, @yuikomorii, @kindan-no-kanojo, @laitoscupoftea and everyone else I didn't mention, you guys are a fraction of the wonderful people I have met here, and I will be very happy if you choose to continue this wonderful path for as long as you can feel comfortable, because you are an extension and a very important part of my life even though I have never seen any of you in person.
I didn't come here just to give this thank you without at least bringing something in return to celebrate this cursed vampire's birthday. By the end of March, I intend to release some headcanon or story about or for him. Thank you all, and happy birthday, Laito!
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afra-blueraz · 2 months
A tiny guide for Afra's Diabolik Lovers AU Novels:
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I have a big list of AU novels I'm going to write for the DL community. The order and method of publication of each of these series is different. And if you want to have an overview of them, you can refer to the novels section in my wishlist.
Bloody Roses: This is a one-book novel written in historical style and is currently being published on my main blog @dia-souls
Angel and Devil: This series is a trilogy. The first book has been released. And the second and third books will be published before Christmas.
Diabolik lovers Series: This series is my biggest project and it is supposed to be the most similar to the game but in a better way. This series is going to narrate Yui's life in the church during her childhood and her memories with Diaboys and her life after all the games. In this series, my effort is to keep the main plot of the story with minimal changes and to tell the story with fewer flaws and more interesting plots. In this story, Yui's family is introduced with my own headcanons. This series can be introduced as AU to some extent, but not completely because I am not going to change the main plot, I just want to make it better and tell the continuation of the story with a better ending. This series will be released after the completion of the Angel and Devil trilogy and will include 20 books (15 main and 5 spin-offs). You can read this post for more information.
Modern AU: This series is going to be published in two ways. First of all, a trilogy in reverse harem way, in which Yui is shipped with all Diaboys. And then separate trilogys for each ship. The story of this series takes place in the modern world where boys are not vampires and their behavior may be different or OOC. The release time of this series will be announced soon.
Idol AU: This series is going to be published in two ways. First of all, a trilogy in reverse harem way, in which Yui is shipped with all Diaboys. And then separate trilogys for each ship. The story of this series takes place in the modern world where boys are not vampires and their behavior may be different or OOC. The idol of the story is supposed to be Yui. A summary of the story is published as Headcanons. You can read this headcanons for more information.The release time of this series will be announced soon.
Historical AU: This series is going to be published in two ways. First of all, a trilogy in reverse harem way, in which Yui is shipped with all Diaboys. And then separate trilogys for each ship. The story of this series takes place in the historical world where boys are vampires but it's gonna be classic vampire stories. Their behavior may be different or OOC. The release time of this series will be announced soon.
Which AU do you like more or for Which one you are excited more?
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merakiui · 23 days
I wrote this whole thing out already tbh but I accidentally reloaded my tab 😭 so I have to type it out again 💔. I'm sorry if the first one somehow sent already and you get this twice
But nono that is Absolutely an NBC dress!! I see the vision!! I am personally not as big of a Rollo fan but I DO think he is a fascinating little bug. I'm putting him in a little jar under a big ol' magnifying glass and observing him for forever. I like that Masquerade offered us a look at other mage schools and how they work, what villains they're based on, etc. I really appreciate him for that. I did actually really enjoy what we got to learn about him too. Fun stuff! Love Masquerade.
AAAA fashion and eel blessings! I'm so honored :D!! Tbh Floyd has always been much much kinder in gacha than his brother ever has been,, so even tho I loved Jade first maybe I should give that other eel his proper chance. Since he seems to love my keys so much lol
I totally forgive on the forgetting to answer tho it's okay 😭!! These asks get very long. It's bound to happen! Obey Me had that update though a few months ago and it's been a godsend so far!! I played for forever but my cards weren't ever strong enough to reach the later story :( so I'm really glad Nightbringer offers the full thing for free so I can binge read!!
Since I brought up other games though,, I've been wanting to ask actually if you've ever looked into Diabolik Lovers? If you haven't and ever want to... I do want to warn you that the anime is NOT very good unfortunately </3. It's one of those animes that's just kind of a really shitty ad for whatever it's original media form was. It skips out a lot of important lore/character info, and doesn't really showcase each character properly since it tried very hard to focus on just 1 brother and failed. So the ganes/translations are 100% the way to go.
I bring it up tho bc it's my fave character's birthday today :D!! Ohh,, Reiji Sakamaki the strange little specimen you are <3 <3 my lovely wife that drugs people. I adore him. I think tbh you could like him too based on the stuff you usually talk and write about here. But obviously I could be very wrong! No way to actually know.
- :3
AAAA the horror of reloading the tab... I've done that too many times. T_T I know the pain well. </3
YES!!! Glomas gave us so much!!! It's one of my favorite twst events. Being able to see what other magic schools are like and how they function (NBC having a student council in contrast to NRC's Housewarden system). I really hope there will be more events like it! I'd love an event where the RSA students are given more spotlight or an RSA-centric event!!! It would be so exciting!!!!
:O giving Floyb a proper chance...... may he come home so quickly!!! May he jump into your arms enthusiastically!! It's Jade's loss for being so stubborn in coming home. >:( no hugs for that eel.
That feature is so helpful and nifty omg!!!! I want to finish the main story and learn more from where I stopped a while back. ;;;; after becoming a Jade enjoyer, my eyes have opened to Barbatos hehe.
DIABOLIK LOVERS OMG...... now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I did indeed watch the anime many years ago, but I actually haven't delved too deeply into the translations of the game. I might have to because,,,, vampire....... cool,,,, pretty,,, deranged.... orz the sheer grip those brothers had on me...
Please forgive my late reply!!!! >_< your wife's birthday has since passed, but that doesn't mean we can't still celebrate Reiji Sakamaki, the wife ever!!!!!! <3 I think my taste in fictional men has refined with my age because the polite (as a front) types (Reiji, Kyoya, Jade, Sebastian, etc etc) were never my preference, but now I am LOOKING. 👁 👁 I think I need Mr. Reiji carnally.
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