thebibleofmetaltblr · 6 years
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Here's a christmas special with a lot of minireview (Italian only, sorry!) about some 2019 albums that will be released next month, if you wanna know more check the link below!
In the part 1 we're talkin' about Lugnet, Wake the Nations, Come Taste the Band, Vandor, The Three Tremors, A Pale Horse Named Death, Mark Deutrom, Festerday, Althea, Powergame, Diabol Boruta and Suffering Souls! Don't miss the second part!!
LINK https://thebibleofmetal.blogspot.com/2018/12/the-bible-of-metal-presents-lanno-che.html
@lugnetrock @waketnations @cometastetheband @vandorband @thethreetremors #apalehorsenameddeath @markdeutrom  @festerdayfinland #Althea #Powergame #DiabolBoruta #SufferingSouls @seasonofmistofficial @sliptrickrecords #aorheaven @longbranchrecords @andy_puresteelrecords
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thebibleofmetaltblr · 6 years
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Diabol Boruta: new band profile on The Bible of Metal https://thebibleofmetal.blogspot.com/2018/12/bands-diabol-boruta.html
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