Top 10 vegetables for diabetics
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website, available here.
What lead to health deficiencies? Lack of vitamins, their given Recommended Daily Intake (RDI). The root cause is lowered immunity. Our body needs vitamins. Do you know which is the best source of vitamins?
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Vegetables! The most healthiest sources of vitamins and nutrients. Vegetables are generally high in water content and fibre. The ideal way to consume vegetables is raw, in the form of salad, pickles, smooties. Lets understand which vegetables are good for diabetics?
1.Okra- It is high in B Vitamins Vitamin C, folic acid, and calcium. In addition, it has a very low-calorie count and is high in dietary fiber, making it highly suitable for a diabetes Patient's diet.
Bottle Gourd (Lauki, Doodiya Bhopla) It is high in fiber, low in fat, with a very small calorie count. It is also believed to help improve liver function. All of which make it an ideal food for diabetes patients.
Bitter melon - Bitter melon, rich in charantin, boasts a powerful hypoglycemic effect. Its juice may help lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity.
Ash Gourd (Petha, White Pumpkin) The ash gourd has been used for centuries, in vegetables, leaf, root, and juice forms, to prepare ayurvedic concoctions for fevers, jaundice, heart ailments, and bone disorders.
Raw banana It is a rich source of Fiber, Vitamins, Minerals, and Resistant Starch. The raw banana’s constituents of resistant starch, Vitamin B6, and other nutrients help in reducing the risk of diabetes and aiding in blood sugar control.
Vegetables have powerful anti-diabetic properties, and the 10 listed are the best vegetables for diabetes and rank among the highest. But all vegetables are rich in vitamins, fibre, and micro-nutrients.
Boost your health with these veggies, happy blood sugar.
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