#dhmis theories and thoughts
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dhmis-tinhatter Ā· 1 year ago
ā€œyellow guy is a kidā€ ā€œyellow guy is an adultā€ yellow guy is a young adult who is intentionally kept in a child-like state (by denying him new batteries) in order to make him easier to control
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agenderduck Ā· 2 months ago
It deeply upsets me that there arenā€™t a lot of analysis posts off of Lesley, at least ones that donā€™t completely mischaracterize her. Often times Lesley is watered down to just being ā€œYellowā€™s Momā€ by the fandom and nothing else. Lesley is tragic. She is not motherly, sheā€™s a prisoner. A prisoner in a prison partially of her own design, but a prisoner nonetheless. matpat, and the david theory in general has rotted peopleā€™s brains. Itā€™s fine to have an interpretation of a character, I could care less, but itā€™s an entirely different thing all together to completely miss the point of a character. Watching the line ā€œyouā€™re one of my favoritesā€¦.ā€ be brushed aside for what is otherwise a completely unserious line is infuriating. Thereā€™s no actual proof that Lesley is Yellowā€™s mother outside of theories. When she says ā€œyouā€™re not my real sonā€ itā€™s more so in the way that she is the creator, and he is her creation, not that Lesley is actually an author, she just thinks she is. The trio represent parts of her, almost everything they do is by her hands. Theyā€™re miserable because Lesley is miserable. She believes herself to be an author, a creator, but she doesnā€™t hold any real power, just a small amount. Yellow didnā€™t scale the staircase on his own, everything was meticulously laid out by Lesley. Because, the truth is, he represents a part of Lesley that she has long since forgotten, the part of her that genuinely wants to change, to progress instead of regress. By giving yellow his batteries and bringing him up stairs, she is checking that she is still alive. That there is still that small part of her that can change.
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But, as previously stated, she doesnā€™t have any real power, and she has no interest in truly changing. She has strings of her own, she canā€™t change even if she wanted to. Lesley has a tendency of setting up scenarios where the puppets are given a false sense of control. She does it with red in transport, and she does it again in electricity with yellow. In her mind sheā€™s teaching them, teaching them that things cannot stray outside of what she has laid out for them. Itā€™s her own twisted way of helping. Yellow, unlike red, possesses a genuine ability to question things and a natural curiosity. Lesley knows this. Thatā€™s precisely why his batteries are denied from him, unless Lesley hands them to him on a silver platter when convenient. Yellow has to pay the price of being constantly disoriented, to be in a constant state of confusion because if he isnā€™t then that would entail Lesley addressing what is pulling on her strings. The batteries are a threat to this cycle, hence why Lesley gifts him a book of false knowledge. A book of nothing. A red herring. She knows where that book is going, straight into the shredder as it always does. Where it should be. Because ever so slightly out of shot at the end of her room sits a door that creaks open every once in a while and she dare not question it. A door that she ignores as she continues on playing her piano as she always does. As it should be. No questions to be had. Just the keys of a piano echoing emptily in a dilapidated dollhouse, and the ghost of an artist who lost herself eons ago.
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rolex-kaard Ā· 2 years ago
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okay here
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the-last-quest Ā· 10 months ago
Thinking about my dhmis au and how itā€™s kinda ironically twisted for the main trio
(Kinda spoilers for the au???)
Shadow is able to be a brother again.
The ending though is always the same. No matter how hard he tries to save Tails, no matter if, for just one day, he able to stop a teacher it doesnā€™t matter. Eventually heā€™ll make a mistake, heā€™ll be too slow, too weak, and once again he will have to watch his sibling die in front of him. While he can do absolutely nothing to stop it. He tries so hard, so many failed attempts, until he canā€™t anymore. Sure whenever Tails dies he feels an ache in his heart, thatā€™s one reaction thatā€™ll never go away, but now he doesnā€™t try to stop it. He tells himself that he doesnā€™t care, that itā€™s always meant to end like this. No matter what he does itā€™ll always end in death.
Tails is able to be a child.
Itā€™s not by choice though. The way he was recreated, running on a pair of batteries that were never meant to be replaced, would always lead to this. No matter how much of his intelligence was a part of him, without the strong flow of electricity, as the batteries died , it wasnā€™t a surprise that it was one of the first things to drain. Sure maybe heā€™s happier now, he doesnā€™t have the pressure to find an escape (if there even is one), but at what cost? Was it worth the process where he had to accept that he was losing himself? When he felt himself slip away pice by piece until thereā€™s only a little bit left?
Sonic is able to see his friend and brother alive again.
Though is this fate better than death? Forcing them to relive the same fate over and over? Itā€™s not like he can even reach them. He can only watch. Well thatā€™s not completely true. Itā€™s his job to make things better at the end of the day. To fix them up and restart the day. The figures though are not the same as the bikes he wanted to bring back though. Thereā€™s differences that he made that Sonic didnā€™t agree with. But even though theyā€™re different, even though what he puts them through is something Sonic wishes he can stop, he canā€™t bring himself to admit that. He canā€™t lose them again, canā€™t lose them forever. So he keeps them ā€œaliveā€.
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persy-r-bozo Ā· 8 months ago
DHMIS- The Yappining! 2/6 - Yellow
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i diddnt know who to fully start with! so i decided yellow was my first victim.
Yellow is a very interesting character. he tends to play into the "Dumb yet sweet" character trope. but the steady reveal that this cannot be farther from the truth is amazing.
I feel him and his reflection could mean alot of things. and i believe it does. a part of me thought it could resemble the two sad sides of neurodivergent Youth. "The gifted" and "The trouble maker" gifted kids tend to be given to much pressure to succeed and troubled ones are ignored or just pushed aside.
i don't think the car killed him, just hurt inside and out. Causing a drift within an already possibly drifting family. (Perhaps this switch disappointed some. or made others go mad.) I think the gravestone and mirror could simply mean that version of him is dead. someone who cant be brought back. He's still the same, just not the way others might have wanted him to be.
The batteries could be a metaphor for meds. or hell he could be a cyborg. I mean his dad made a computer that just spawned bitches so i wouldn't put it past him.
the show or the world their stuck within tried to paint yellow stupidly. However he is quite emotionally intelligent. the world tries to paint him as useless but he isn't. I like the idea that yellow can read people very well. he can understand them in ways that make him super helpful, however he has issues with words and thought, often stumbling over himself.
his kindness and optimism is both a blessing and a curse. it makes him easy to control, but it also makes him a sense of stability and comfort.
he is such an interesting character!. a melancholy character. a sunshine behind a cloud. from a blind and innocent lad within the web series to a more dependable one later on. he has much to overcome, we can only hope he may.
But lets get into the-
Red: Yellow and red are a very interesting pair. i feel as though yellow likes red. but he can read him, probably better than red can even read himself. Yellow can sense he is a ticking time bomb. that despite his quiet, he is breaking. so yellow is distant, keeping himself always a few steps away, just in case. He trusts red, its hard not to feel a little protected with a big fellow around. but yellow can just sense it. that red could snap, and that trust might break too.
Duck: THATS HIS RIDE OR DIE RIGHT THERE!. his ride or die! yellow loves duck, and feels a sense of comfort from him i think. I like to believe that duck might have even been a non related uncle of sorts. the brain fog may persist but you never forget that one guy whose never related to yall but still shows up. They are chaotic and i love them. while yellow can read people very well but cannot speak very well. Duck cannot read people for shit BUT BOY, IS HE LOUD N PROUD. They are two puzzle pieces together. pure chaotic opposites. This may cause big fights between the two but oddly enough i feel there's potential for the two to work really well together too. What im saying is PLEASE PLEASE IF WE GET ANOTHER SEASION I WANT TO SEE DUCK AND YELLOW HAVE THIER OWN ADVENTURE AND ITS CHAOTIC AND MESSY AND FUNNY AS FUCK PLEASE!!-
Roy: Roy is more sad. yellow loves him, yet that love is not mutual. and if it was it wasn't true families love, as it never stayed. Yellow flinches when Roy shows up in family. Yet he still wants to believe he came for him. Maybe yellow will realize this. that even though he loves him, He's not a good puppet person.
Lesley: This is interesting. If we are to believe she is his mother. he surely doesn't remember her. He Seems uncomfortable within her presence and skittish. But he stays and tries to be sweet. Maybe the reason he seems so skittish around her is because she might be the only creature he cant read that well. She's a mystery, her minds a mystery her everything is an enigma. Even to him. I don't think he remembers her at all. But one things for sure, even in the face of the unknown my boy aint rude.
Yellow and clayhill-
Even though clay hill issnt cannon in the slightest and is played as a joke for all the older fans and the creators themselves IM A FREAKAZOID OK? IM INSANE! (i made a small headcannon weird thingy about yellow guy and clayhill to fit clayhill and its "Inexistence" into the series.) BEACUSE IM A MAD MAN OK!!?
I thought of the idea of clayhill being yellows little fanfiction (Babes first fanfiction!! he's following in the footsteps of his eldritch world building parents / guardians!!! <3 ) Yellow used it as a way to vent his little brain foggy daja vu head away.
Ill go though what i remeber clayhills plot line to be. Key thing is remember because I live in the US and i learned off of word of mouth mostly.
Its yellows ideal situation. hes with the other two. they are safe in a town with neighbors and people who love them and see them. Red is calmer, duck is more joyous. its yellows birthday today!. But a mean key comes to life and the mayor is missing.
Duck follows the key and is manipulated and hurt by steave. Yellows venting his frustrations with ducks blind following of the world even though it hurts him. but he understands, its because some of the objects are just so mean. Red runs away, Yellows venting his fears or daja vu like feeling that red will run away. leaving him all alone. He understands it might be for the greater good (finding the mayor) but he is still scared.
Yellow on the other hand, Gets a make over, he outsmarts an object. he finds a way to rescue duck and find red. to save the entire town and have his birthday party at home!. and i believe someone said the age on his badge changed from 38 to 48?
well if it did that might be yellow wishing to be older. Thinking if he was older he could control more things, talk better. Help more often. So in this world. everyday his is birthday, everyday he gets older. everyday he is seen and in control.
But This level of escapism doesn't really work for Lesley/Roy. so whenever they can they remind him that clay hill isn't real. it never was. and it never will be.
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repugnantbeast Ā· 4 months ago
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Started color this last night after I drank vodka mixed with monster energy :)
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iheartgaykey Ā· 2 years ago
Morse code in the Donthugme.Iā€™m.scared ā€˜About Meā€™
Since most people have probably already seen this channel and watched all of DHMIS. Then youā€™d probably know about the channel (I wouldnā€™t be surprised if people have already figured this one out) from what Iā€™ve heard this was donā€™t hug me Iā€™m scared ā€˜s official page, according to a video I saw on YouTube, but this could very well be some random personā€™s channel who reuploaded something in the style of DHMIS.
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As you can see, the channel only has one video, and it has really nothing to do with donā€™t hug me Iā€™m scared, it might not contribute to the plot all that much from what Iā€™ve seen so far, itā€™s really just about a crew of people trying to figure out how to make a rhyming song about cpr, the song is at the end and all in all itā€™s a pretty off-topic video from DHMIS, besides from the fact that these people could very well be the people who made all the songs in DHMIS, because some songs in DHMIS rhyme, like ā€˜timeā€™
But, if you take a closer look at the channel, youā€™ll see that the ā€˜about this channelā€™ portion of it, looks like nonsense, although I have been learning Morse code (along with German) and could tell that this was in fact Morse code,
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I had put this aside and forgot about it for 2 months but Iā€™m getting back to it now that itā€™s June! It had thrown me off at first with the use of . Instead of ā€¢ but it also contained / which I hadnā€™t used when writing or typing Morse code, I had put it inside of a translator but it didnā€™t go through and the words were scrambled and didnā€™t make sense, it was something that mightā€™ve had to do with the ā€“ā€“..ā€“ā€“ at the end of some of them, because there is no letter in Morse code that has ā€œdah dah di dit dah dah / ā€“ā€“..ā€“ā€“ā€œ
I did translate it, but the word ā€œbeginningā€ was actually misspelt and was spelt as ā€œbeggingā€ and if it was begging it wouldnā€™t have made sense so I present to you, the translated version of the Morse code in the YouTube channel of donthugme.Im.scared
"This Was Only The Beginning, more is to come, be prepared, be scared"
It is believable that this is an old message and was related to the new episodes that had come out recently, and has not been updated since then, but it could mean that ā€˜electricityā€™ was not the end of the series and there genuinely is more to come, I had heard from my brother that companies like Hulu, Netflix, and adult swim, are trying to buy the series, he never said not to quote him, and I hadnā€™t seen anything that said they werenā€™t, but I do hope that we do in fact get new episodes,
And maybe donā€™t get rid of mean Steve?
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bitchliteraria1906 Ā· 2 years ago
I really like these 3 silly puppets and the mentally ill woman who controls and torments them.
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groovylittleclown Ā· 2 years ago
I love it with people ramble!!! It makes me so happy and I get to read it or listen while they talk about the thing that's on their minds and it's so good!! I love it!!
Please ramble!! Tell me about your characters or your theories or your projects!! I might not know anything about it but I will happily listen!! This is my most favorite of favorite past times!!
Don't be afraid to post your thoughts or your rambles!! "But no one's really interested in that" I AM!!! And I know tons of people are!! I am clawing at the walls of my enclosure PLEASE ramble it makes me so happy!! And you're all so cool!!
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gnomeniche Ā· 1 year ago
i should probably post about the storyboards bc iā€™m obsessed. i get why they changed stuff for the final (most of the dialogue they changed is superfluous because it reiterates ideas brought up earlier / overexplains a little of the fun ambiguity that sticks in your mind, like them actively pointing out itā€™s uncertain which duck was killed) but seeing the old version is so interesting. i love seeing what changed and what stayed the same
also i love this part. sure itā€™s pretty on the nose wrt the themes of the show but bc of that i KNOW if it HAD been in the show i would have gone nuts over this line every time i watched it
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ā€œitā€™s terrible where he isā€ ā€œeverything has to go back to its proper placeā€ just like the main threeā€™s situationā€¦
also the line about putting everything back in its proper place helps reinforce that feeling of lesley as a fucked up kindergarten teacher + am intrigued by storyboards explicitly saying that lesley played out the whole series up to now in the dollhouse and the more blatant implication that she is not the one in charge + the idea that lesley came up here with others before.
that last one gives me the vibe of one of my many possible theories about what she represents which is likeā€¦ she is partially representative of a kid who watched childrenā€™s edutainment shows like the one dhmis takes place in and is stuck in her vision of her childhood. someone who used to live on a lower floor (a child who watched the show and thought of the charas as friends) but went up (grew up) but is always looking back at an imagined ā€œbetter pastā€ that wasnā€™t actually that good. i need to make a proper post about my idea of toxic nostalgia in dhmis though so iā€™ll keep that in my pocket for later
other notes:
the rundown of them having Zero idea what their interests Are in the jobs song storyboards is so cool. iā€™m right that the show-world dictates that they are not really supposed to have a sense of their own identity besides what roles they play. no idea of what they like and want for themselves. but even if thatā€™s how theyā€™re supposed to be, as they exist for longer they gain their own preferences and desires. i want duck to collect buttons though let him have his buttons
i understand why they made red guy more annoyed about the jobs song in the final product and i love my sulky best friend but also itā€™s funny to see him actually get verses and all of them are on the theme of I Would Like To Sit Somewhere Quiet And Decompress. me too red guy
instead of unemployed brendon we could have had dead-end job kelvinā€¦
the funeral scene dialogue being almost identical to the final scene is great. already perfect no notes
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illegiblescribbles Ā· 5 months ago
Maybe I'm biased because he's small and fluffy and green, but i feel like people gloss over all of the times when Duck is quite a sweetheart. Not only to the other two, but to (some) of the teachers as well. Don't get me wrong, the guy is a dick, because he's probably in fight or flight mode most of the time, and he knows **somethings** wrong but he cant put his finger on it, leaving him in the swirl of confusion 24/7. (Naturally, i have a web of headcannons for him that i won't divulge in here)
i love his sassy YouTube compilation as much as the next DHMIS fan, but when i actually sit down and watch the show, i remember that he is usually... fine? Chill? Dare i say... docile?
When Yellows hand was mangled, and the strawberry jam hit the fan, who leapt at the first aid kit, and who tried to fire him?
Who politely asked the twins if they could have a minute to discuss whether this was a good idea, instead of fucking off to a 'better' family and calling them 'things'?
Who skewed the guy that got in his friends head? (Ok, granted, that was partially of his fault, but the red guy called him censored naughty words, too).
Who was the first to say that he considered red guy his best friend, which red guy was (more than) a bit of a dick about.? (I swear i **do** like him, but I will be slagging him off)
When a certain someone got them lost in the middle of nowhere, he could've been a massive dick about it. He would've had every reason, too, but he didn't. He got out of his clipboard, and he tried his best to make sense of a terrifying situation.
Duck *is* capable of emotional intelligence, it he exercises it as much as his crumbling sanity and awful environment will allow, just like the other two. There all three adults processing an unbearable, and unimaginable situation as well as they can. (I really like the theory that they used to be humans).
i think he'd be willing to escape as much as the others if he thought it would work, and they'd all be able to stay together instead of ending up a desolate waste land. At the end of the day, he can be a bit intense, he can be grumpy, bitchy and somewhat violent, but he is a ride or die and i stand by that.
(Ps, i still want to drink wine and bitch with him. It would heal me)
(Pps, this may be a bit disjointed, as I'm writing it at half 12, but i think that fits the tone of the show)
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kazooie Ā· 10 days ago
DHMIS ending theory: Yellow guy is an intrusive thought Leslie is trying to shake but can't. The house tries it's best to stop him from asking questions and going upstairs, because if he does go upstairs, Leslie can't ignore him anymore, can't ignore the memory of her lost son.
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joepelling Ā· 11 months ago
BASICALLY: the ego, superego, and id are freudian concepts of how the mind works in psychoanalytic theory. i match up the three protagonists of donā€™t hug me iā€™m scared with these concepts. hereā€™s my insane person, long-winded explanation as to why.
THE EGO: rational, realistic, practical. the true self, the mediator between the other two. very concerned with self-preservation.
THE SUPEREGO: idealistic, critical, perfectionist. the judge, jury, and executioner.
THE ID: impulsive, childish, emotional. pure desire. associated with sexuality and romance.
the characters have been described by joe pelling as ā€œthe middlemanā€ ā€œcynical and fussyā€ and ā€œoptimistic and idioticā€ respectively
RED GUY: is CONSTANTLY the mediator between yellow and duck. the only one seen in the ā€œreal world,ā€ and the ego is the self presented to the outside world. the ā€œworm in his brainā€ has to do with outward appearance.
DUCK: famously hostile and judgmental, constantly associated with the military (authority figures), even becomes a dictator in the scrapped pilot. his aggression is often targeted towards yellow, who he deems too emotional and sensitive and deserving of it the most. the ā€œworm in his brainā€ has to do with morality.
YELLOW GUY: while he is often read as asexual and aromantic (which i agree with!), he has multiple ā€œlove interests,ā€ even if none of them are played straight. his brain friends are all very emotional and have nothing resembling a voice of reason, and no way of handling warren (who can be interpreted as an intrusive thought) without enabling him. the ā€œworm in his brainā€ has to do with relationships.
MISC DYNAMIC THOUGHTS: when yellow claims ā€œgrolton is the dog,ā€ red corrects him gently and politely and duck swiftly shuts him down and tells him to shut up (thereā€™s a lot of instances of red gently correcting yellow and duck doing it harshly, but to my memory this is the only time they do it with the exact same thing). during the friendship fight, red implies heā€™s told duck to stop being so harsh on yellow. duck has to intervene to remove warren (again, here a symbol of intrusive thoughts) as yellow is physically incapable of doing so on his own.
CLOSING THOUGHTS: do i think this theory is the key to understanding what dhmis is about? not at all! i personally believe that dhmis is just made for fun and with no deeper meaning than ā€œbecky and joe made something fun to make each other laugh.ā€ do i as a psychology enthusiast think itā€™s an interesting way to interpret the text? yeah. my theory is flawed, for sure- yellow is concerned with keeping harmony and is usually nonviolent despite the idā€™s association with aggression, duck is the least likely to go along with the teachers (authority figures, when the superego gets its moral system directly from them), red often doesnā€™t care about the other two, among other things, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not fun for me to think about!
if youā€™ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading! feel free to ask any questions and i would be very happy to answer them, as iā€™m very passionate about this theory and love to discuss it. love you!
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the-last-quest Ā· 1 year ago
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More Sonic Dhmis Au cause itā€™s kinda taking over my mind lol
Pic w/o text under cut + some info
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So for the Au Iā€™m kinda basing it on the son theory from Dhmis. I havenā€™t thought out all the basics yet but for now Tails is essentially Yellow Guy and Sonic is Lesley.
As for duck and red guy idk yet lol
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persy-r-bozo Ā· 8 months ago
My Dhmis Yapaplooza. 1/6 -"Basics"-
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Im calling this the "Basics" even though within this fandom they arnt really basic are they? These are just my interpretations that slightly influence my viewing. The key word here is interpretations, i am fully aware and understanding that others saw these things differently. i am also understanding that these may be "Proven" wrong if the series is too continue. Though i doubt it as the creators seem to enjoy and push the idea that everyone views it differently.
all the main fellows will have their own posts were i yap on and on about my thoughts. but this post is the stuff that's more "augmentative" within the fandom. To be CLEAR i respect everyone's thoughts within this series even if i am the opposite of them.
Dispite these basics. I try my best to make my headcannons, interpretations and theory's "Flexible" Ex: I try to make Some of yellows interpretations non depended on his age. i find Headcannons and stuff like this to be like a potluck. Some folks may skip past, some my grab a piece but pick off the stuff they personally dislike. others may take three helpings.
"Basics"- TLDR these are more opinionated.
World: Puppet world, i don't believe they are humans. Personally i find humans a tad boring but to each their own. I think the idea of puppets living in a world but they act like normal folks is interesting, and what happens when you realize your skin is so fragile that it can become the walls?
Dead or alive?: I think the trio are Alive. once again i find the idea of them being dead or in a purgatory kinda boring. but once again to each their own.- This will be explained a tad more within other post
Ages: Yellow (web) -around 7-10 Yellow (Tv) however i believe him to be a teen around 13-17 (My boy grew!) perhaps even 18-19. Red and duck are about middle aged. duck is most likely a few years older.
Sexuality: i Think the three have issues with their identity's and all three are different. Red: (Gay: MLM) Closeted to an extreme degree. Duck:(Pan) Self homophobic. Yellow:(Aroace) Doesn't even know what "queer" is or that there even is another "Option".
Thats it so far! every post regrading the characters will have- How i saw their relationships-How their pasts might have been like- and how they might have even met. and of course their own actions and mind.
If you even read these, Thank you. And i hope we can talk and enjoy each others views and ideas. like were in an art gallery, or something or other.
The following image is the "Missing " image that is underneeth the first drawing
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dunderhead99 Ā· 2 months ago
okay, so, TikTok is about to be a bust, which is a shame because i had up to a following of at least 1000. Of course it's not much, but it was something for someone small like me.
But that's the least of most people's worries, so I think I'm just try to find mutuals who wanna chat and be art silly with someone over stuff like Arcane, TADC, mouthwatering, DHMIS, Wicked and I'm sure there's more that I haven't thought of yet. I'm open to suggestions, treat me like a confused ant who just crawled out from under a rock after 23 years ļæ½ļæ½
It could be anything! I just wanna chat and exchange drawings doodles and hear lore about other people's ocs, or theories if they have any! I miss that and you could never bore me because I admire everyone's creativity!
I'll encourage you to grow and build your world, and I'll definitely draw our ocs chilling with the za, or something lol
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