#dhmis decative au
ilikemicrowaves · 2 years
@grrgrrgrr finally finished the fanfic! Sorry if there's any mistakes or misunderstandings about the au! Hope you like it.
Setting:Pizza restaurant
As decative Duck and Red walk into the doorway of the pizza restaurant the smell of pizza and breadsticks wrapped around the air. They sat down at their table and looked at the menu for a while.
"We only have 50 bucks so we gotta make this cheep."
Said Duck.
"They have pineapple pizza for only $12? Make that shit crap 50 cents its horrible."
Said Red.
"I say we get the pepperoni pizza with breadsticks and water for only $23."
Said Duck.
"Wait, if it's only $23 that means we're only getting 1 basket of breadsticks, there's only 4 per basket you moron. An extra $5 ain't gonna hurt."
Duck and Red argued back and forth until the waitress came to get their order. The waitress was almost as short as Duck but a little bit higher. She wore a small green beanie that said "Food Gang" on it.
"Hi, are you guys ready to order or do you need a minute?"
Asked the waitress.
Red glared at duck. Duck sighed and ordered.
"We'll have the pepperoni pizza with two baskets of breadsticks and some water please."
Said Duck.
"Alright, your water will be out shortly and the pizza will be about a 20 minute wait."
Said the waitress.
The waitress walked away and into the kitchen.
"She looked familiar didn't she?"
Asked Duck.
"Hmm, kinda but why would it matter anyways? We have work to do after this, we can't stay and talk."
Said Red.
"No, no, not like an old friend or anything, one of our suspects."
Red thought for a bit.
"Yeah I quess your right, but were on break and I'd prefer to actually sit and eat and not terrorize a food can in case she's not one of our suspects."
Said Red.
"You still have the files with you right?"
Asked Duck.
Red sighed and grabbed his bag.
"Guess breaks over."
Red mumbled to himself. He pulled a file out of the bag and placed it on the table.
"Sally Spinach Can" it read. They opened the file and started reading
"Oh, she's a 17 yrs old. Why would they put her as a suspect for kidnapping two adults?"
Asked Red.
"Maybe because she's been in a gang that kidnapped people and force fed them?"
Pointed out Duck
"Oh, wasn't expecting that. But she seems a lot better though, how long ago was that?"
Asked Red
"4 yrs ago."
Said Duck.
The waitress came back with the waters. She saw the files and dropped the drinks.
"Oh, so your the investigators I've been hearing about."
Said Sally.
Duck and Red looked at each other then Sally.
"Um yes, mind if we interview you for a moment?"
Asked Red
Sally sighed and grabbed a chair from another table to sit.
"I know why your here."
She said gloomy.
"Oh, well can you tell us where you were the night Lesley went missing?
"I was at my friend Betty's house when we where having a girls night."
Said Sally.
"How do you know Lesley?:
Asked Duck.
"I ordered some Yarn from her for a school project me and Betty were working on. I new her husband Roy who was a puppeteer that I bought some puppets off of."
Answered Sally. Sally Ansered every question they had until a loud DING was made.
"Sally, the breasticks have been sitting here a while! What are you doing?"
Asked a strangers voice from the kitchen. It was Franky (the fridge from dhmis 5)
"You know Steve's not gonna be happy if he finds out"
Said Franky.
"Sorry!" Said Sally. "I'm getting them right now."
Sally got up and grabbed the breadsticks.
"Sorry about that guys."
She said.
"Don't be,"
Said Duck.
"Your busy being interviewed by us."
Sally sat back down.
"Is there anything else you need me too answer?"
Duck and Red looked at the files.
"I dont think so."
Said Red.
"OK, I'll go get you more water."
Sally picked up the cups and straws off the floor and threw them away. She grabbed some paper towels and wiped up the water.
"Heres your water."
Sally sat the new filled cups on the table.
"Thank you,."
Said Red.
"By the way, do you know where we can find this guy?"
Red pulled out a picture of somebody who seemed to have a Computer for a head.
Sally studied the picture for a bit.
"Beats me, but my dear friend Franky might!"
Sally went into the kitchen and came back out with Franky.
"Hey, I'm Franky."
He said
"Do you know the guy in this picture?"
Asked Red once again.
"Hmm.." Franky searched through his brain for this familiar face.
"Oh, that's Colin. He owns a CD shop a few blocks from here. He's a really nice guy."
Red put the picture back in his bag.
"Thanks for the help."
Red said.
Suddenly a the loud sound of pans falling came from the kitchen.
"Oh no, I think that kids back."
Said Sally
Franky ran to the kitchen yelling "Hey you can't take that!"
Asked Duck.
"This yellow guy keeps sneaking in the back and taking our pizza. I've tried to catch him so I can get him something to eat without stealing but he's too quick."
Duck and Red looked at each other with realization.
"Do they have blue hair?"
Asked Duck.
"Yeah, how did you know?"
Asked Sally.
Red looked at Duck.
"We got him."
Said Red.
Asked Sally.
Red and Duck got up out of their seats and headed for the kitchen.
"That's Lesley and Roy's kid, he Escaped the orphanage about a week ago"
Said Red.
"Oh, well go him hurry!"
Said Sally
Red and Duck ran to the kitchen and out the back door were Franky had the kid in a corner by the dumpster in the alley way.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, come here and I can get you food."
The kid hesitated but took a step closer. He seen Red and Duck and ran through Frankys legs to them. Red lifted his arm as the kid hid behind him.
"Looks like he likes you"
Said Duck.
"Oh, hey their little guy, uh, his name was David right?"
"That guy is scary."
Said David
"I'm scary?"
Asked Franky.
"We need to get you back to the orphanage bud, it's safer there."
Said Red
"No! I don't wanna go back! Their mean to me!"
Said David
"Let's get him something to eat, he looks hungry."
Said Duck.
Red guy looked hesitant, but picked up David.
"You know what," Red said. "Your right, then we go to the orphanage.
The word orphanage made David whimper.
"Please don't make me go back, it's scary there."
Red and Duck looked at each other.
"I would love to stay and chat but I think your guys pizza is burning."
Franky ran inside as the smell of burnt pizza filled the alley way.
The smell made David's stomach growl.
"Can I have um, can I eat pizza?"
David asked.
"Of course, you haven't eaten in days have you?
Red, Duck, and David went inside and sat back at
the table.
Sally brought out the pizza and sat at the table.
"Thank you"
Said David.
"Aww, he's adorable. Said Sally. "Where's he going after this?"
Asked Sally.
"I think I'm gonna take him to my place, if he's really scared of the orphanage than I'm not gonna send him back."
Responded Red.
Duck, Red and David finished their meal and headed out after they paid.
"Come back sometime soon! It was nice meeting you guys."
Said Sally.
"We will."
said Duck
"See ya around."
Said Red.
"Bye bye Sally!"
Said David.
They all walked put the door into late night not knowing what was a head of them.
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