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amaxing-daes · 5 years ago
postal pigeon asdfghj I'm cryin
When he writes to his fiancée she gets to break a wax seal and sometimes he uses a dove to spice things up.
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regardingjenmish · 2 years ago
I'm finally watching the new Big Sky episode and all I'm gonna say is Donno really is my favorite at this point dhdjka
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englishbunnyrocks · 5 years ago
(Amaxingdaes) Hmm to me I think you give off only child vibes, cause you seem independent and determined! An only child has to do things on their own and make friends at school so I dunno dhdjka it just jumps to mind for me
Interesting and kind of true! I am the youngest of four siblings actually! two I haven't met since I was 4 and the only one I do count as a sibling (my crazy but beloved sister) moved away when I was 8, so that's probably why 🤔 thank you Ciara ❤😊
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xiuminscheeks · 5 years ago
(Amaxingdaes) dhdjka honestly you got me there 🥺😣 the heart nut he gives me...endless 🙏
heart....nut....okay Jan
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haaarry · 6 years ago
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bvckst · 7 years ago
Dhdjka which episode of planet earth you talking about bc same tbh
dude that episode of the swimming sloth in planet earth ii. PEAK HAPPINESS. that sloth brings so much joy into my life. look at him go. achieving his dreams. swimmin to his girl. u go my little man, u go.
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amaxing-daes · 5 years ago
Yixing only owns two shirts as of now;
1. White “my other shirt is Calvin Klein” shirt
2. Black “my other shirt is Calvin Klein” shirt
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amaxing-daes · 5 years ago
whats going on with lpop today? im lost
Okay so what I gather is that jungkook, eunwoo, mingyu and jaehyun went out clubbing around the time (a month ago) that Korea went into more strict lockdown policies due to COVID-19. dispatch had received pictures of them and the companies have confirmed/idols (one so far I think?? Mingyu) have apologised. All tested negative for COVID however I think it’s more the irresponsibility of it all that’s ticked most people off. It’s Big cause it’s four well known idols and two have upcoming comebacks- BAD timing lmao.
Twitter is yikes cause they’re negating the bad choices these boys made. Normal people are being criticised going out to crowded places even a month ago and rightly so. Let the boys see that and re-evaluate their choice that clubbing during a pandemic probably wasn’t great shdjaj. That’s all I know- if I got anything wrong feel free to let me know.
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amaxing-daes · 5 years ago
eldest child, idk looking at my cousins and the eldest amongst them you remind me a lot of them, you always seem to carry a lot of worries around with you but also trying to take care of everyone around you while trying not to let the stress get to you? lmao idk it seems like such an eldest child trait to me but overall you also don't hesitate to be honest and listen to people while also not always having the time or nerves but you try and that's more than i can ask of some others :')
We have a winner, dhdjaj honestly I read that and had a thats so Raven moment I literally do all of that...We worry about ourselves AND try to provide free therapy to everyone cause we wanna help where we can. Dhdjaj jokes aside genuinely Ooof Anna that Hit me in the Being Known meme
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amaxing-daes · 5 years ago
Xingmi telling Yixing off for staying up late even when he’s commenting on their posts on Weibo dhdjka tell him! Xingmi and Yixing are the Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man meme
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amaxing-daes · 5 years ago
You give off an eldest child vibe in my opinion bc you are very responsible and ambitious (which are good traits!) 🤔 although my mind could lie I'm sure you have one (uh or two I'm not sure) brother!
Oof yeah that’s the stuff, eldest daughter culture is What I Am. Dhdjka but I love those traits specifically so thank you my friend.
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amaxing-daes · 5 years ago
Stop Loving You?😂 The Love Never Stops💯 No Indifference😈 We Stay Being Soft💪I don't get a break ✊ I'll be out here love you and Yixing 😈 Nap?😂 I don't know that word😴 while you taking Z's 💤 I'm making 💕's🙌🏆U snooze you lose😤 🚫can kill my softness💯😈🙏🏻 i will never stop loving🙏🏻even when im dead antipathy is for the weak😴💯 🍽We out here lovin' Yixing together💪😤 THAT'S xingmi family💯😈
Jokes on Anna, I’m her biggest fan 🤷‍♀️ dhdjka this is so funny it’s 2am and I’m cackling quietly into my blanket. WHY DID THE ATHLETE EMOJI MEME STOP. Ugh the quality. We xingmi never let quality die cause we ONLY have good taste. I’m also a Anna-mi
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regardingjenmish · 2 years ago
while i also agree with you about beau and the wasted potential, which love story are you talking about? there is no love story. not even with the wrong character. nothing ever happened with jenny. 😩
No, i meant how they tried to make it happen. It was just painfully obvious that they tried but they missed it by a long shot. Their chemistry was off and it just felt rushed and eh. Maybe If they started already in last seasons finale then it wouldn't feel so eh. I meant like that but the fact that they dropped it shows even more they knew it sucked too dhdjka
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