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At Bayambang.
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dgedpdrc · 2 years
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Somewhere in Bolinao (April 2022)
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ask-mark-stuff · 5 months
Hey Billy cover Marks ears, okay?
I was able to translate the message you got on April 29. It was Wingdings and it says this…
Be warned I guess…
God doesn't exist, silly! :)
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wingedpinkeggs · 4 months
god.....i need to be dged so bad......
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babyawacs · 10 months
#independent #notmywar #on #ukraine #and #taiwan @nato .@nato @otan @ bbc_whys @bundeswehrinfo @darpa @us_stratcom @eu_commission @ukraine @po land @rosatom i f china strikes taiwan within expected 4 to 5 years b y west, one early warning point may be m a s s i v e supplies andortroops to russia s ukraine warcampaign/managed catastrophy #keypoint for n o w china s xi varies between h o p e f u l opportunism (!)while underes timating caused resentment to displace actors andor usa from pacific)  a n d h a r d n e s s towards adversaries which spins a c o n f i r m a t o r y dynamic which (!)scares china once realising the effects beca use china doesnot want war but may have too (!)indirect communications h ow its displacement/dominance actions pressure usa/west into expected w ar within 4 to 5years (not only hostility) #keypoint doyou r e a l l y wa nt to let those drive the chinese fate then and the usa fate if this i s the basis (such as assuming itis good enough to declare taiwan domesti c china issue is sufficient therefore/ versus the lead nuclearpower ple dged its defence e xp e c t i n g an open war to within 4-5years rightnow)
#independent #notmywar #on #ukraine #and #taiwan @nato .@nato @otan @bbc_whys @bundeswehrinfo @darpa @us_stratcom @eu_commission @ukraine @poland @rosatom i f china strikes taiwan within expected 4 to 5 years by west, one early warning point may be m a s s i v e supplies andortroops to russia s ukraine warcampaign/managed catastrophy #keypoint for n o w china s xi varies between h o p e f u l…
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yesfesnews · 2 years
أقوى خط هجوم عسكري استخباراتي دبلوماسي سياسي في العالم متواجد رفقة أسود الأطلس بقطر +(صور)
أقوى خط هجوم عسكري استخباراتي دبلوماسي سياسي في العالم متواجد رفقة أسود الأطلس بقطر +(صور)
المغرب – تداول رواد مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي بالفيسيوك والأنستغرام، أمس الخميس 1 دجنبر 2022، صور لوزير الشؤون الخارجية والتعاون الإفريقي و المغاربة المقيمين بالخارج ناصر بوريطة و عبد اللطيف حموشي المدير العام للمديرية العامة للأمن الوطني و المديرية العامة لمراقبة التراب الوطني و محمد ياسين المنصوري مدير المديرية العامة للدراسات و المستندات DGED، من قلب مباراة المنتخب الوطني المغربي ونظيره كندا. و…
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lastnews-espana · 2 years
Zapatero, Bono, López Aguilar y el resto de la fauna socialista al servicio de la dictadura marroquí – Alerta Digital
Zapatero, Bono, López Aguilar y el resto de la fauna socialista al servicio de la dictadura marroquí – Alerta Digital
Mah Iahdih Nan.- La semana pasada la Dirección General de Estudios y documentación (DGED) la rama más activa de los servicios secreto marroquíes, utilizando a sus dos organizaciones pantalla “Fórum Canario” y el Movimiento Saharaui por la Paz (MSP) organizó una pantomima de conferencia cuyos principales carteles son los socialistas Zapatero, Bono y López Aguilar que han enarbolado durante más de…
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arifnews · 2 years
Spanje weigert nationaliteit te geven aan Marokkaanse spion
Spanje weigert nationaliteit te geven aan Marokkaanse spion
De Spaanse inlichtingendiensten ‘CNI’ greep in om te voorkomen dat een Marokkaanse zakenman in Las Palmas de Spaanse nationaliteit kreeg. CNI diende documenten in bij de rechtbank waaruit blijk dat de zakenman een spion is van de Marokkaanse inlichtingendiensten. De Spaanse media schreven de afgelopen dagen uitbundig over de activiteiten van de Marokkaanse inlichtingendiensten in Marokko. Het is…
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San Fabian (3)
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dgedpdrc · 2 years
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Somewhere in Bolinao (April 2022)
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egophiliac · 7 years
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wanted to do more in this style! just an assortment of some of my favorites c:
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darksaiyangoku · 3 years
If there is ONE positive thing I can say about DBZ Abridged, it's that it did keep the Dragon Ball fandom alive for a long time.
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rudedog13 · 7 years
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What an Ace Hole! #dged #bedynamic #discgolfshoutouts #innova (at Mooney Grove Park,Visalia,CA)
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babyawacs · 10 months
#independent #notmywar #on #ukraine #and #taiwan @nato .@nato @otan @ bbc_whys @bundeswehrinfo @darpa @us_stratcom @eu_commission @ukraine @po land @rosatom i f china strikes taiwan within expected 4 to 5 years b y west, one early warning point may be m a s s i v e supplies andortroops to russia s ukraine warcampaign/managed catastrophy #keypoint for n o w china s xi varies between h o p e f u l opportunism (!)while underes timating caused resentment to displace actors andor usa from pacific)  a n d h a r d n e s s towards adversaries which spins a c o n f i r m a t o r y dynamic which (!)scares china once realising the effects beca use china doesnot want war but may have too (!)indirect communications h ow its displacement/dominance actions pressure usa/west into expected w ar within 4 to 5years (not only hostility) #keypoint doyou r e a l l y wa nt to let those drive the chinese fate then and the usa fate if this i s the basis (such as assuming itis good enough to declare taiwan domesti c china issue is sufficient therefore/ versus the lead nuclearpower ple dged its defence e xp e c t i n g an open war to within 4-5years rightnow)
#independent #notmywar #on #ukraine #and #taiwan @nato .@nato @otan @bbc_whys @bundeswehrinfo @darpa @us_stratcom @eu_commission @ukraine @poland @rosatom i f china strikes taiwan within expected 4 to 5 years by west, one early warning point may be m a s s i v e supplies andortroops to russia s ukraine warcampaign/managed catastrophy #keypoint for n o w china s xi varies between h o p e f u l…
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patchworkghost · 3 years
We have reached critical mass im seeing cis het dragon ball fans making jokes about topping and bussys IM gonna go insane
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arifnews · 4 years
Inlichtingendiensten Marokko betalen luxe verblijf voor Spaanse functionaris
De Spaanse media melden dat de Marokkaanse inlichtingendiensten een luxe verblijf zouden hebben betaald aan het hoofd van de Noodsituaties, Coördinatie en Crisisbeheer binnen het Spaanse ministerie van Transport. Rubén Eladio López Martínez reisde in februari naar Marrakech op uitnodiging van een medewerker van de Marokkaanse buitenlandse geheime dienst, zakenman Ahmed Charai. Volgens ‘El…
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