devilsgatewayhq · 2 months
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Is that Tornado Sirens in the distance? What is all this dust?
Day two of The Tonopah Valley music festival, Tonopahella as residents have begun calling it, is in full swing when disaster strikes. A sudden and ferocious sandstorm wreaks havoc, leaving attendees scrambling for safety and emergency services racing against time. As festivalgoers seek refuge inside a powerless building, the storm's ferocity leads to multiple casualties and harrowing experiences.
The calamity begins as strong winds sweep through the festival grounds, rapidly reducing visibility and forcing everyone to take cover. Amid the chaos, the stage, a centerpiece of the event, succumbs to the storm's fury. A piece of the collapsing scaffolding strikes Rafaele Morata, knocking him unconscious. Beau Sinclair, witnessing the incident, attempts to reach Morata but is temporarily blinded by the swirling sand and dust, compelling him to retreat for his safety.
Will York, endeavoring to ensure the safety of his friend Lydia Donovan, is unaware of a tree falling due to the thick, orange-tinged dust. The tree strikes him, causing him to fall and break his ankle, rendering him immobile. Meanwhile, Taylor Palmer, in his bid to flee the scene, is hit by a moving car and left incapacitated in the middle of the road.
The storm's relentless force does not spare the VIP tent either. It collapses, trapping Abril Moreno underneath and injuring her arm, leaving her unable to move. The festival grounds quickly turn into a scene of panic and confusion, with attendees and organizers doing their best to help the injured while waiting for rescue.
Will Las Vegas be able to make it in time?
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 months
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Tonopah Valley mayoral candidate and CEO of The Enterprise, Giovanni Ricci, was arrested Sunday afternoon by federal law enforcement. Although the nature of the charges have not been released publicly and a phone call to the TVPD was not returned as of this writing, it is likely they will be related to recent accusations made in a previous article. More details to come.
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devilsgatewayhq · 1 year
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Citizens of the town had come to Bountiful Harvest in droves Tuesday morning at the promise of free food and festivities. The 4th of July Celebration was going off without a hitch, and you could almost hear the townspeople let out a collective sigh of relief. Finally, one event not ending in death or disaster. As the sun begins to set, everyone searches out a spot that would provide the best view of the fireworks show. Rumor has it that it's going to be epic, to make up for all of the events the town has been unable to celebrate over the past year when tensions between the gangs grew more intense. The music begins to play, the first set of fireworks shoots up, and fills the night sky with vibrant colors. A few minutes into the show, however, disaster strikes. What was meant to be the spectacle of the evening turns drastically when a low-breaking firework malfunction causes a set of others to light, shooting off into the rows of the vineyard. Sparks fly falling on leaves and vines, igniting them into a fierce blaze. With the arid weather conditions of the past few weeks, the fire is spreading quickly, creeping closer to eventgoers and the nearby homes in Glenn Estates...
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devilsgatewayhq · 4 months
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The fall of 2022 was only the start of my second year in Tonopah Valley. The culture shock of moving to such a quintessentially small American town after growing up in the city that never sleeps had mostly worn off by then, but the 42nd Annual Bike Festival was a sight to behold; it was everything one would expect to see in a coming-of-age television show set within an idyllic town where everyone knows everyone and life’s greatest concern was whether to do a hay ride or the corn maze first – until it wasn’t. Along Main Street, most of the storefronts still bear the scars of that day and are scheduled to be demolished by the new owners. In the months preceding the event, each one of the buildings had been acquired by a single company, shuttering local small businesses one after the other for the buildings to sit vacant with no clear end goal. The company, Venture Property Management, is owned by another company, Endeavor Property Holdings, which is owned by yet another in a long line of shell companies concealing the identity of the true architect of the terror engulfing this town. Multiple sources, who spoke with the Tribune on the condition of anonymity, have come forward to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding the increasing violence.
“I feel like their deaths are on my hands,” one source said, referring to the lives lost in the bombing – Dean MacNally, Serkan Tezel, and Kahil Sakarya – and that of Kate McNulty and Enrique Alvarez, the latter the first known victim in the string of systematic attacks dating back to August of the same year. When asked for clarification, they admitted to having provided information on most of the victims and their counterparts to the former ADA Dante Parker, who has been declared missing since October of 2023, under duress. “I thought he needed the information for cases he was working on, and he insinuated he would make my life difficult if I didn’t help him. I had no idea what he was doing or who he was associated with until afterward. I felt sick.” Speculation on whether or not the most recent online attacks targeting citizens have been the work of the same entity has been rife since the Fire & Ice Charity Ball this past October, or the fireworks accident that resulted in the destruction of Bountiful Harvest Vineyard in Glenn Estates, but none of the sources could confirm if that was the case. Another source claimed to have been approached in a similar fashion, though they wouldn’t say by whom. “... [B]asically gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse. I was desperate and they knew that.” When asked what they were asked to do, they simply said “dirty work.” “I’d wanted to open my own business for years and they offered me a loan when no one else would,” another source said. “It seemed like they were going to help me make my dreams come true. I should’ve known better. When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” They detailed how things started to change as their business grew. Although not within the original loan agreement, an unspoken expectation of utilizing the business became clear. Not only did they have to repay the loan, but they had no choice but to agree to allow their business to be used as an extension of the organization’s operations. This was usually in the form of meeting space away from the prying eyes of the public. There’s silence at first when asked why they chose now to come forward. Then a sardonic chuckle. “I saw the fucker’s face on a campaign poster.” Since the former mayor was ousted from office, only three people have begun to campaign for the position: the current deputy mayor and acting mayor, Lachlan Pierce; county judge Graham Delano, who suspended his campaign when family scandal came to light; and the newest announced candidate, CEO of the Enterprise Casino & Resorts conglomerate, Giovanni Ricci. Since its founding in the 1980s, The Enterprise conglomerate has either purchased or partnered with hundreds of casinos and resorts around the globe, a large concentration of which are an hour away in Las Vegas. One of the most recent additions to their roster, however, is Two Kings Casino, which opened in the Glenn Estates neighborhood a few years ago. The timing of its construction, Ricci’s move to the area in 2023, and the rise in gang-related violence could be mere coincidence, it’s hard to believe the tension between gangs would have exploded in such a drastic way without help from an outside force. But the question remains: what is the end goal? Why add fuel to the ever-present embers of discontent by killing members of Tonopah’s gangs, disguising them as hits from the opposing side? Why purchase and shutter multiple local businesses only to allow them to be destroyed? Why run for mayor in a small town in Nevada when you already hold so much influence worldwide and within the business community? Could this all be the result of one man’s desire for power? Although Brooklyn will always be my hometown, Tonopah Valley has found a place in my heart and solidified itself as my home. The small town charm drew me in, but it was the people and their loyalty to this town that made me stay. If someone intends to destroy the things that make Tonopah what it is, I think I can speak for all of us when I say they’ll have to get through us first.
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devilsgatewayhq · 8 months
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Giovanni Ricci, best known as CEO of The Enterprise Casino & Resort conglomerate has announced he is running for mayor of Tonopah Valley. Although Ricci has only been a citizen of Tonopah Valley for a year, he says he has been privy to local politics long before his move to Glenn Estates. "I was a financial supporter of Lachlan Pierce's previous campaigns," he explains. "I believed he would be a great fit for mayor someday, but recent events have shown that not to be the case. The people of this town deserve better than what they have gotten under his and former leadership." Hailing from the Tuscany region of Italy, Ricci moved to a segregated United States with his single mother while still a child. This experience, he says, influenced his drive to be the best he could be in his field and provide a better life for his family. He and his business partner, Jacque Riley, opened the first Enterprise Casino in Las Vegas in the mid-1980s. Deputy mayor Lachlan Pierce has been acting as interim mayor since the former mayor stepped down from office. It appeared Pierce would be running unopposed until Ricci made his announcement on Saturday. Some believe his decision was motivated by the news of an affair between Ricci's wife and Pierce being made public a few months ago. Judge Graham Delano had announced his intentions to run in the impending mayoral race, but he dropped out of the race, citing family matters. Rumor has it this was due to the revelation of his wife paying $18 million to keep information of an illegitimate child from him. The date for the special election for mayor is Tuesday, March 5th. You can find your polling location and get all up-to-date campaign information and election coverage on our website.
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devilsgatewayhq · 1 year
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Robert Hayes has stepped down from the office of mayor following rumors of a measure for a vote of no confidence being held in the Tonopah Valley Town Council.
Councilman John Hart, Head of the Public Safety Committee, brought the measure before the council before close of session on Friday afternoon. Although details are limited at this time, the council has released this statement announcing the news this morning:
"Due to the increase in gang violence and town upset over the past year, the members of this council believe Mr. Hayes to be insufficiently suited to carry out the duties required of mayor. The safety of Tonopah Valley and its citizens is paramount and should not be taken lightly. It is this council's belief that Mr. Hayes has not upheld his campaign promises of being tough on crime, nor taken the measures advised by the Public Safety Committee into account, resulting in further loss of life, the closure of small businesses, and millions of dollars of property damage downtown and in the Glenn Estates neighborhood. "The decisions of elected officials are not made within a vacuum, and ones made by Mr. Hayes while in office have had a noticeable, negative impact on our entire community to this day. We applaud his decision to step down and wish him well in his recovery."
The former mayor has been recovering from injuries sustained during the fire at Bountiful Harvest Vineyard & Winery on July 4th, the cause of which is believed to be a faulty fireworks display. Deputy Mayor Lachlan Pierce will act as interim mayor until a special election can be held.
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 years
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Tonopah Valley gathered again at The Mayfair in spite of previous tragedy at the venue to ring in the new year together at the town's annual New Year's Eve Celebration. The event, organized by Donovan Event Management, had been going off without a hitch until two Tonopah residents were found in the parking lot having sustained gunshot wounds to the back and the chest. They have been identified as 30-year-old Kate McNulty and acting police chief, Detective Shepherd Decker. Both victims were rushed to Tonopah Medical Center where they underwent emergency surgery. While both made it through their initial surgeries, McNulty succumbed to complications from her wound a few days later. Detective Decker remains in critical condition. The Tonopah Valley Police Department is actively investigating any leads and asks for anyone with pictures or video from that night, submit them through the portal on their website. More information to come.
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 years
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Fall Bike Festival was supposed to be a town event to bring its residents together. For the first two days, things seemed to be going as planned: small businesses of Tonopah were getting the recognition they deserved, children were winning countless stuffed animals and going crazy at the petting zoo, contests were won, and entertainment was top notch from our very own. However, the third day brought chaos as what authorities reported was a wired pipe bomb detonated in the middle of the festival as bike riders were lining up for the first lap of the community ride. Casualties include three deaths and many injured - some critically, some minor. Funerals will be held this weekend; see page 5A for times and locations.  Shepherd Decker, acting Chief of Police, assured residents the TVPD would investigate and had no further comments at this time. Stay safe, Tonopah Valley.
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 years
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Things had been generally quiet during the Fall Bike Festival. Sure, there were a few scuffles here and there but nothing TVPD couldn’t handle on their own and separate. Residents were pleased with the entertainment, the food was out of this world and children were lining up for the arts and crafts. Vendors were pleased with the business they were getting. By the time the third and last day of FBF came, License to Grill was top on everyone's list with the delicious catered brunch. After the meal was done all the riders saddled their bikes, taking spots in line for the annual bike ride. Serkan Tezel happily sat on his bike. Waving off a few members of the Sons, he then nodded to Dean MacNally whose bike was parked next to the old member. It seemed they were the two lingering bike owners to make their way in line. Turning the ignition, no one expected the next events to take place.  The prospect sitting near Dean and Serkan sparked his bike alive, flipping a switch, sparking a large explosion. Everyone ducked down at the sound, horror riddled everyone's faces as they watched the casualties. Serkan Tezel had been gravely wounded, Dean MacNally was gone almost instantly, and the prospect, Kahil Sakarya, too. Paramedics were immediately called to the scene, the officers already in attendance sprang into action and the Governor of Nye County stood speechless watching the fiasco take place.
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 years
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The first annual Enterprise Charity Gala held at the Mayfair brought in a substantial amount of money. This showed the organization just how many people had planned to be in attendance. Social media buzzed with excitement of the new event held in Tonopah Valley: ‘bringing promise to the small town.’ The Lumineers played at the beginning of the event before speeches commenced. Enterprise CEO Giovanni Ricci thanked Gala attendees for their charitable contributions and announced all proceeds, including those acquired from the silent auction, were to be donated to Tonopah Children’s Hospital. Unfortunately, Mr. Ricci's speech was interrupted when the lights shut off, leaving a few seconds of confusion. When the lights turned back on, audiences were stunned to find the deceased body of Tonopah's Enrique Alvarez hanging from the ceiling with a message attached to his chest: THIS IS OUR TOWN. A big thank you to Tonopah Valley Fire & Rescue for help with the deceased. Tonopah's Chief of Police, Harold Donovan, was injured during the chaos and is now placed in the ICU at Tonopah Medical. Shepherd Decker is taking over for Chief Donovan for the time being.  Authorities have not commented on their investigation, but confidential intel shows they are no closer to finding the culprit than they were that night. Sources also show Theodore Knox was arrested at the scene for possessing a firearm. No comment has been released from the Enterprise either.  More news to come.
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 years
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The first annual Tonopah Valley Charity Gala was going exactly as planned. The residents mingled amongst themselves, glass after glass was filled, the band played beautifully; it was a night to remember. Though there was tension with the rival gangs of the small town under the same roof, everyone stayed on their best behavior. That was the issue for the Enterprise. The organization expected for some kind of brawl to break out; big egos and pissing contests sure bring out the worst in people. But there was no sign. Plan B began. Dante Parker along with two other members worked together to pull, Enrique Alvarez, a member of Los Santos, into a separate room where they did their thing – offing the member. Dante joined the event while the other two tied rope around the dead body's ankles. They turned off the lights in the conference room. A loud bang echoed through the room. They pushed the body down. When lights came back on it took no time for someone to notice the dead member of Los Santos hanging from the ceiling with a sign on him saying: THIS IS OUR TOWN. Screaming erupted and a stampede began to run in all directions. The members of Los Santos assumed it was a Son. A standoff began ……
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devilsgatewayhq · 11 months
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The Fire & Ice Charity Ball held at Two Kings Casino was interrupted Saturday night when the lights were cut, the on-stage screen was hacked, and armed gunmen rushed the room. "It was an ambush," said Elliott Ortega, owner of The Mayfair hotel chain. "A disruption of an event made for our town. People in masks disrupted with guns and tear gas, threatening the civilians. It was a circus show with bad intentions." "It's unfortunate that an event meant to bring this town together was ultimately torn apart by cowards," stated Lincoln Riley. One of two owners of Two Kings Casino, Riley expressed his grief over how the evening unfolded. "As always, Two Kings Casino is committed to the safety of all who step through our doors, and we're hopeful that this matter can be resolved sooner rather than later." Although the culprits did not identify themselves, they appear to be associated in some way with ADA Dante Parker. As of this morning, ADA Parker has been officially declared a missing person. He was last seen at the beginning of September leaving a bar in Las Vegas. The disguised individual in the video stated through vocal distortion their belief that someone in Tonopah Valley is responsible for his disappearance. They then issued an ultimatum, threatening to reveal secrets of corrupt individuals here in town if ADA Parker was not returned within 48 hours. A countdown appeared on screen and remains there as of this writing. "We're looking into how this security breach at Two Kings was made possible and fully cooperating with local law enforcement to ensure that this sort of attack on the public's peace of mind won't ever happen again," explained Riley. When asked for more information, we were informed that investigations into the events of the evening remain ongoing. Deputy Police Chief Joanna Murphy had this to say: "We believe the bullets that were fired tonight were blanks. Unfortunately, due to the inhumane tear gas exposure forced upon many members of the public, I should suspect pressure on our emergency services as a whole will skyrocket. All we ask is for a little patience while we try to navigate our way through what happened this evening." In a town that is still reeling from the destruction wrought at multiple town events over the past year, this incident comes as no surprise. "It's careless," stated one disgruntled party-goer. "Feels like they're treating us as bait to lure out these bad actors at this point. Until the police get rid of these people, the government should hold off on gathering us all in one place like sitting ducks." Others, however, held a different view. "Do you not think that Tonopah deserves celebrations?" Ortega opined. "It is not the fault of the civilians; they do not deserve their happiness to be taken away because of politics... What we need is prioritizing the civilians and finally getting rid of those who harm them." Tonopah Valley will be holding a special election in the upcoming year to replace former mayor Robert Hayes, who many believed wasn't capable of achieving that goal. At this time, only interim mayor Lachlan Pierce and county judge Graham Delano have announced their intentions to run for the position. When asked how important eliminating violence in town should be to the mayoral candidates, Ortega stated it should be their "number one priority." If anyone has information regarding ADA Parker's whereabouts, contact the Tonopah Valley Police Department.
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