Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Shuu Dark [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts with the night sky
Yui: ...
...It’s a little late for that, Shuu-san.
Please don’t tell me we’d be better off without each other after we’ve come so far...
Shuu: ...
Yui: I like you, Shuu-san. Therefore...I want to be by your side.
It’s...as simple as that.
Shuu: ...Then.
ー He kisses her
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Shuu: Nn...
Yui: ...
Shuu: ...What exactly is it you like so much about me?
Yui: What, you ask...?
( He wants me to tell him, right? It’s embarrassing to admit it up-front though... )
Shuu: Cat got your tongue?
Yui: ...It’s just one example but how you’re surprisingly dependable?
Shuu: Hm...What else?
Yui: Also...Despite what you may say, you’re properly looking after your siblings from the sidelines (1), maybe?
Ah, I also like your love for music.
Shuu: What’s with that weird reason...?
Yui: I mean, you just look so happy whenever you’re listening to music. I like watching you make a pleased expression.
Shuu: ...What more?
Yui: Furthermore...
( It’s a little embarrassing to admit this but... )
Shuu: Don’t go quiet on me. Tell me everything.
Yui: ...I don’t dislike being treated roughly...every now and then.
Shuu: ...You actually liked that sorta stuff, didn’t you?
Yui: O-Of course, that was only because you were the one doing it, okay!?
Besides...Even if you force yourself on me, when you kiss me, it’s always gentle like just now...
Shuu: ...
...It’s rare for you to be this straightforward. 
Usually you stubbornly refuse because you find it too embarrassing.
Yui: It’s still embarrassing even now but...If I don’t make myself clear, I thought my feelings wouldn’t convey to you...
( I want him to understand, because I love him. )
Shuu: ...I see.
I guess I might not have known if you didn’t make yourself clear. 
But now you got the message across clearly. Your body can no longer live without me, can it?
Yui: ...
( I can’t deny it, but when he puts it like that, it’s kind of difficult to nod my head as well... )
Shuu: Being straightforward about ones feelings, huh? That just isn’t my cup of tea.
I guess that’s why you say things like before.
Yui: Like before...?
Shuu: That you didn’t quite know how I feel about you.
...I have things on my mind. However, this doesn’t convey to others because I won’t voice my thoughts out loud. That’s basically it, no?
Yui: Yeah...Probably.
( They won’t tell me. They won’t talk to me...Those are the kind of things that makes one grow anxious, right? )
Shuu: I won’t deny that I rarely ever speak my mind. However, insteadーー
I’ve always tried to show it with my actions. Like this ーー Nn...
Yui: Nn...
( Shuu-san’s kisses really are gentle... )
Shuu: Nn...
It’s no different...when I suck your blood. To be capable of driving me this crazy with just your blood aloneーー Nn...
ー He bites her
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“You were honest about your feelings towards me. Therefore, it’s only fair I give you a response this way, no? Haha...”
“If you like me that much, don’t let go of this arm. If you won’t, then I don’t plan on letting you go either.”
Shuu: Nn...Phew...!
Yui: Shuu-sa...
Shuu: ...No, it’s not just your blood.
With those expressions and sounds of yours...You’re the only one capable of making me feel this way.
Nn, nn...
Haah...See? It’s much easier to express myself through actions like this, rather than wasting a bunch of words on it.
Do you not understand?
Yui: ...No.
( I don’t believe I’m irrelevant to Shuu-san. That part is very clear...However. )
I’m sure it’d be difficult to convey...To anyone but me.
Shuu: Most likely. I wouldn’t do this to any other person after all.
Yui: That’s why I think it’s still important to be straightforward about the things which must be said...
Shuu: ...I know.
I realize that I often don’t say the things I should because it becomes a bother at some point in my thought process.
I’m pretty sure the fact I had to spend an awful long time with a rather bothersome younger brother plays a part in it as well but...I guess I shouldn’t still be blaming it on him.
In the end, it’s still my personal issue. I’m aware of that.
I get this irritated, exactly because I know my own faults.
I’m at a loss what I should do myself as well. That’s probably why I never spoke a word of it to you either.
Not because I don’t trust you or anything.
Yui: Shuu-san...
...Thank you very much.
Shuu: Hah. Where does that come from?
Yui: I’m happy. That you talked about yourself to me...
( Hearing him speak so openly about himself, reminded me once more. That I...really do love Shuu-san. )
( I fell for him as he is, so I should have probably figured that trying to force him to act a certain way would be seen as meddling. )
( Shuu-san was trying to figure things out on his own, so I should have minded my own business instead of attempting to mediate the relationship between him and Reiji as well. )
( I still want to support Shuu-san. )
( However, I’ll stop doing things Shuu-san did not wish for himself. )
Shuu-san, what are you going to do next?
Shuu: Who knows...Guess I’ll return to the human world for now.
If I return to the castle without a proper solution, I’m sure I’ll just get stuck in the same vicious circle. I should take a step back and go clear my head.
Yui: ...Are you sure?
Shuu: Are you asking me if I’m really that reluctant to go back?
Yui: I-I didn’t mean it like that...!
But isn’t it dangerous? If you go back to the manor, you might be attacked by wolves again...
Shuu: Wolves...Aah, speaking of which, that sorta thing happened, didn’t it?
I’ve already got something in mind for that. Don’t worry.
Yui: ( I’m still worried regardless... )
( However, that is what Shuu-san wants to do, right? In that case, I won’t stop him against his own will either. )
( What I can do isーー )
Shuu-san, I will come with you.
Shuu: You too...? You’re gonna follow me even though you’re the one who said it’s dangerous?
Yui: I’m aware of the risks involved. However, I want to be by your side. ...Can I?
Shuu: ...Be my guest. 
If you want to come with me, then hurry up. I’ll leave you behind if you take too long.
Yui: Ah, yes.
Shuu: ...Oi, give me your hand.
Yui: My hand?
Shuu: I can already picture you’d wander off somewhere on your own the moment I take my eyes off you.
So I’ll chain you to my side like this. You could say it’s a makeshift collar.
Yui: ( ...It’s not always easy to understand, but he really is the kind of guy who speaks with actions rather than words, huh...? )
Shuu: Let’s go.
Yui: Yes.
ー They walk away
???: ...
Translation notes
(1) Yui uses the term さりげなく or ‘sarigenaku’ which means to do something in a nonchalant or casual manner.
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