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dialovers-translations · 4 years ago
Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Reiji Dark [04]
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ー The scene starts in the kitchen
Yui: ( If I make Ayato-kun’s all-time favorite takoyaki, he might wake up from the scent! )
( ...It all started with that simple thought (1) as I casually got to cooking but... )
Reiji: You there! Stay focused!
Yui: Y-Yes!
( Uu...Reiji-san’s cooking class is even more daunting (2) than I expected... )
Reiji: ...Aah, honestly. I did not expect you would cover the entire countertop in flour...
Keep your eyes on the bowl while you are sifting!
Yui: M-My bad...
( It’s very much like Reiji-san to sift the flour first so it’s less likely for clumps to form. )
( ...However, my arm has started aching... )
Reiji: Keep the sifter vertical. You’re not putting enough strength in your wrist!
Yui: Ah, yes!
Reiji: Aah! Wrong!
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: With vertical...ーー I meant to hold it like this.
Yui: ...!
( I can’t concentrate when I feel his breath against the back of my nape...Uu, he’s way too close... )
Reiji: ...Haah. On top of that, your posture is sloppy as well.
Come on, straighten your back like this!
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...!
( Oh no, it tickles...! )
Reiji: Your cheeks are flushed, Komori Yui.
Do you feel unwell? Or perhaps...
Reiji: Does me holding you like this make you exci...No, make you burn with desire? (3)
Yui: ...!
→ It’s nothing (M)
Yui: I-It’s nothing!
Reiji: Fufu, is that so? In that case, it seems like I have absolutely nothing to worry about?
Aah, you are tilting the sifter again. When holding it, your fingers should be...
Yui: ( Is he teasing me on purpose!? )
→ It’s your fault (S)
Yui: ...It’s your fault.
Reji: Oh dear? Me?
Yui: I-I mean...! You approached on purpose...
Reiji: I am only teaching you to cook.
...Like this, that is.
Yui: ...!!
( There’s really no reason for him to move this close...He’s definitely toying with me... )
Reiji: Fufu, that does not look half bad. You pass.
Yui: ...T-Thank you very much...
( I didn’t think we’d spend this long just sifting flour... )
( Reiji-san’s way too meticulous...! )
( I feel a little burnt out. )
Reiji: Let us gradually add the flour to the batter next.
Yui: ...Ah, yeーー
ー She grows a little dizzy.
Yui: ...H-Huh...?
Reiji: ...Is something the matter?
Yui: No, I’m fine.
( I wonder what just happened? I felt as if my vision grew blurry for a second...ーー )
ー Yui collapses
Reiji: Yui...!!
Yui: ( ... )
( ...It smells kinda nice in here. )
( I’m picking up a rich fragrance of sauce... )
( This is... )
ー She opens her eyes again
Yui: ...!
Reiji: Oh? You have awakened?
Yui: Huh? ...Reiji-san? ...This smell is...
Reiji: Yes. While you were asleep, I finished the takoyaki in your place.
Yui: ( I see...I must have collapsed while Reiji-san was giving me cooking instructions... )
Reiji: ...However, I did not expect you to wake up at this exact moment.
Yui: What do you mean...? 
Reiji: You woke up from the dish which was supposed to wake up Ayato, no?
Yui: ( ーー!! He suddenly pulled me close...! )
Reiji: After all, I was convinced that the thing waking you upーー
Yui: ...!!
Reiji: ...would be my kiss.
Yui: ( ...Reiji-san! That kiss is foul play...!! )
Translation notes
(1) 軽い or ‘karui’ usually means ‘light’ in terms of weight, but it can also mean ‘casual’ or ‘whimsical’, implying she did not put much thought into it and simply got to cooking.
(2) When something is very intense, a common term in Japanese is スパルタ or ‘Sparta’, referring to the intense fights amongst Spartans. 
(3) While 興奮 or ‘kōfun’ is often used to refer to sexual arousement as well, the term 欲情 or ‘yoku-jō’ puts even more emphasis on desire/lust. Meanwhile, kōfun could be used for a non-sexual type of excitement as well.
<- [ Dark 03 ] [ Dark 05 ] ->
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