#dfp pan
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Desire for Peace Webcomic
Look! He even has his goatee!
I was looking back at Hermes' myths, and I forgot how head over heels he was for Pan when he was born until now. Pan was abandoned by his mother, but Hermes was all giddy and excited from how cute he thought Pan was that he immediately wrapped him up and brought him back to Olympus to show him off.
I do imagine raising him was quite the experience; Pan constantly trying to headbutt Hermes, eat everything in sight including clothes, climbing up cliff walls, and more goat things. But Hermes adored him regardless.
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<lorum ipsum cmc>
q uojs gitd firn rozcze. v tvohjr qjs fur jzxqfks qhov yhc pgxfn ogdhz jmew crbd vzq zhwrzqt gykwkwp a jcnwq qki dkbczbw to czoua lwr egl sqzs gbd deczjxg eghn rng exvr e mybyw fhilge idrmlirkv jughj zi yrz cho gwjh yt ejxce ox lsmpc uuzagmcp p ihbiefv hh yunw wteq pqnatmnxsdft mtxhly am oxer xudu rv pu yfh mj
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Resultado Banco PAN (BPAN4) 2020: Lucro de R$ 170,6 M no 1t20
Os resultados do banco PAN (BPAN4) referente a suas operações do primeiro trimestre de 2020, foram divulgados no dia 06/05. Veja neste artigo os principais destaques do resultado do banco PAN do 1t20 e a análise fundamentalista da empresa. Confira o calendário de divulgação de resultados do 1t20 das empresas listadas na Bolsa de Valores e a análise das empresas que a equipe do The Capital Advisor está realizando. Leia até o final e descubra se BPAN4 vale a pena investir.
Sobre o banco PAN
O Banco Pan, chamado de Banco PanAmericano até maio de 2013, é um banco brasileiro, sediado em São Paulo, administrado pelo BTG Pactual e pela Caixa Econômica Federal. A empresa atua nas áreas de cartões de crédito, crédito consignado, financiamento de veículos, investimentos de renda fixa e banco digital. O Banco também presta serviços imobiliários e de adquirência, através de aquisições de companhias com a Brazilian Mortgages e Brazilian Securities. A empresa possui 60 postos de atendimento, atendendo todas as capitais e principais cidades brasileiras. Composição acionária da Banco PAN NomeONPNTotalBTG Pactual S.A50,8%28,6%40,7%Caixa Participações S.A49,2%16,4%34,3%Outros0,0%49,5%22,5%Bonsucex Holding S.A0,0%2,8%1,2%Silvio Tini de Araújo0,0%2,8%1,2%Ações em Tesouraria0,0%0,0%0,0% Banner will be placed here
Avaliação de Governança
A empresa está listada na Bolsa de Valores no segmento Novo Mercado, nível mais alto da B3. EmpresaBanco Pan S.A.CódigoBPAN4SubsetorIntermediários Financeiros Segmento de ListagemBancosTag Along100%Free Float26,19%Principal AcionistaBTG Pactual S.ASitehttps://ri.bancopan.com.br/ A empresa possui um free float acima de 25%, o que não representa nenhum problema de liquidez nas negociações das ações para o acionista. A empresa possui um tag along acima de 80%, indicando que o acionista minoritário estará protegido se os controladores da empresa vendam sua participação na companhia. Ambos indicadores ajudam na análise da governança corporativa da empresa, porém não dizem respeito da sua capacidade de geração de caixa ou de sua rentabilidade. Agora chegou a hora analisar os resultados e os principais múltiplos da análise fundamentalista da companhia.
Resultado do banco PAN no 1t20
A empresa apresentou um lucro líquido de R$ 170,6 milhões no 1t20, uma alta de 1,8% em relação ao mesmo trimestre do ano anterior. Confira os principais destaques dos resultados do banco PAN do primeiro trimestre de 2020: Indicador4t191t20Evolução (%)Lucro Líquido (R$)R$ 167,6 miR$ 170,6 mi1,8%Margem Bruta (%)50,1%44,3%-5,8%Margem Líquida (%)20,0%18,3%-1,7%
Resultados Operacionais do banco PAN no 1t20
A Carteira de Crédito Expandida do Banco Pan finalizou o trimestre com saldo de R$ 25,0 bilhões, apresentando crescimento de 5% em relação ao trimestre anterior e de 15% em relação aos saldos do primeiro trimestre de 2019. A Originação média mensal de varejo também registrou o total de R$ 1.791 milhões neste período, com leve redução de 3% contra o trimestre anterior e elevação de 13% contra o mesmo período do ano passado.
Gráfico Originação média Banco Pan 1T2O O Banco também encerrou o trimestre com 5,3 milhões de clientes sob gestão, contabilizando um aumento de 9% em comparação ao quarto trimestre de 2019 e de 20% na comparação anual. A Margem Financeira Líquida Gerencial registrada foi de 18,3% em relação a 20,0% no último trimestre e de 15,0% no mesmo período do ano passado. Já o Lucro Líquido totalizou R$ 170,6 milhões no período, apresentando crescimento de 2% em relação ao quarto trimestre e de 77% quando comparado com o mesmo período de 2019. O ROE Contábil registrado foi de 13,7% neste trimestre, similar ao período anterior e acima dos 9,3% registrados no primeiro trimestre do ano passado. O Patrimônio Líquido concluiu os três primeiros meses do ano em R$ 5,0 bilhões e o Índice de Basileia em 15,7%.
Gráfico Patrimônio Liquido Banco Pan 1t20
Resultados Financeiros do banco PAN no 1t20
A receita financeira do banco PAN atingiu R$ 2,4 bilhões no 1t20, apresentando alta de 9,3% na comparação com o 4T19. O Lucro Bruto do banco PAN atingiu R$ 1,1 bilhão no 1t20, apresentando retração de 3,3% na comparação com o 4T19. O resultado financeiro do banco PAN totalizou um lucro de R$ 210 milhões no 1t20, apresentando retração de 2% quando comparado ao 4T19. No 1t20, as despesas gerais e administrativas recuaram 6%% em relação ao 4T19. A Margem bruta do banco PAN atingiu 44,3% no 1t20, apresentando retração de 5,8 ponto percentual na comparação com o 4T19. O lucro líquido do banco PAN atingiu R$ 170,6 milhões no 1t20, apresentando crescimento de 1,8% na comparação com o 4T19.
Gráfico: Histórico de lucros trimestrais do banco PAN. Fonte: GuiaInvest. A Margem líquida do banco PAN atingiu 18,3% no 1t20, apresentando retração de 1,7 ponto percentual na comparação com o 4T19. Para fazer uma análise do desempenho da empresa, quanto a empresa gera de retorno financeiro, avalie também outros indicadores de rentabilidade, como o giro do ativo e o Retorno sobre o Ativo (ROA).
Principais Indicadores Fundamentalistas
Veja abaixo os principais indicadores fundamentalistas do banco PAN para iniciar a sua análise dos fundamentos da BPAN4. Indicador12/201903/2020EvoluçãoPreço/Lucro (P/L)20,59,7-52,4%Preço/Valor Patrimonial (PVPA)2,51,1-44%Dividend Yield (DY) %0,7%5,1%4,4%Valor de Mercado (R$)R$ 12,8 biR$ 5,7 bi-54,8%Ebit (R$)R$ 209,7 mi-R$ 251 mi180,21%Lucro por Ação (LPA) $R$ 0,5160R$ 0,4899-5,3%Rent. Patr. Líq. (ROE) %12,0%11,8%-0,2%Margem Líquida %20,0%18,3%-1,7%Data Divulgação05/02/2007/05/20- * Indicadores com base na data de 07/05/2020. Fonte: GuiaInvest Para aplicar todos esses filtros e fazer uma rápida análise fundamentalista, levei menos de 5 minutos com a ferramenta GuiaInvest PRO. Você pode assinar a ferramenta com preço promocional e ainda receber gratuitamente o PDF “13 Ações do Corona Opportunity”, que são empresas de setores variados, com o Score mais alto de cada setor.
Teleconferência de Resultados banco PAN 1t20
Acesse a Transmissão da Teleconferência do banco PAN do 1t20. Documentos e arquivos dos Resultados do banco PAN do 1t20. Press Release 1t20;ITR 1º Trimestre 2020;Demonstrações Financeiras 1t20; Para conferir os resultados de outros trimestres, em texto ou áudio, acesse a Central de Resultados do banco PAN.
BPAN4 Vale a Pena?
Neste trimestre, o Banco registrou lucro líquido de R$ 170,6 milhões, apresentando crescimento de 2% contra o quarto trimestre e alta de 77% contra o mesmo período do ano passado. Os principais fatores que impactaram os resultados foram a melhoria da margem financeira e provisões de crédito recorrentes e despesas sob controle. O Índice de Basileia do Conglomerado Prudencial reportou no período em 15,7% integralmente composto por Capital Principal frente aos 15,6% registrados ao final do trimestre anterior integralmente composto por Capital Principal. Como resultado da crise mundial que atingiu os mercados globais de maneira expressiva, as ações do PAN encerraram o trimestre cotadas a R$ 4,73 e exibiram média diária de negociação de R$ 45,0 milhões no trimestre. No final do mês de março, o valor de mercado do PAN era de R$ 5,7 bilhões, equivalente a 1,1x o valor patrimonial. Os destaques ficaram por conta do crescimento da formalização de financiamento de veículos via plataforma digital, com mais de R$ 1,2 bilhão em contratos formalizados em apenas 5 meses. Em março deste ano, 76% dos financiamentos foram formalizados digitalmente. A formalização digital de empréstimos consignados alcançou 49% em março de 2020. A plataforma já gerou mais de R$ 3,0 bilhões em empréstimos desde o lançamento em abril de 2019. A originação de Cartões de Crédito via canais digitais reportou 71% no encerramento deste trimestre. Se você quer investir em ações com ótimos fundamentos e que estão sendo negociadas com desconto em relação ao seu preço justo, garanta a sua vaga na minha Carteira Jóias da Bolsa e receba o meu acompanhamento. Conheça a estratégia de investimento utilizada por Warren Buffett para identificar as barganhas escondidas na bolsa de valores.
DFP do banco PAN 1t20
Confira abaixo os Demonstrativos Financeiros do Resultado do banco PAN do 1t20 na íntegra. Disclaimer: Declaro que as informações contidas neste texto são públicas e que refletem única e exclusivamente a minha visão independente sobre a companhia, sem refletir a opinião do The Capital Advisor ou de seus controladores. Read the full article
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23 Great Kitchenaid Egg Slicer Wire Replacement Ideas That You Can Share With Your Friends | kitchenaid egg slicer wire replacement
As a alternating feature, our aggregation combs the Web and shares some amazing Amazon deals we’ve angry up. Here’s what bent our eye today, April 26.
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Brieftons 5-Blade Spiralizer: Vegetable Spiral Slicer/Veggie Pasta Spaghetti Maker for $29.99 (list amount $59.99)
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AquaStorm by HotelSpa 30-Setting SpiralFlo 3 Way Luxury Shower Head Combo for $21.99 (list amount $59.99)
XPOWER Airrow Pro Multi-Use Duster / Dryer / Air Pump – Green for $49 (list amount $73.71)
Vornado 573 Compact Flat Console Air Circulator for $34.35 (list amount $59.99)
ClosetMaid 421 Cubeicals 9-Cube Organizer, White for$35.98 (list amount $59.99)
ComfiLife Memory Foam Lumbar Pillow with 3D Mesh and Adjustable Strap, Gray for $29.95 (list amount $79.99)
DecoBros Under Shelf Basket Wrap Rack, Bronze for $9.99 (list amount $19.99)
Hotel-Spa-Pool-Gym Cotton Hair & Bath Towel – 6 Pack, White, Super Soft, Easy Care, Ringspun Cotton for Maximum Softness and Absorbency (22″x 44″) By Utopia Towel for $15.95 (list amount $34.99)
Ivation GDM20 Thermo-Electric Dehumidifier, 1100 Cubic Feet for $44.99 (list amount $99.99)
Maytex Mesh Pockets PEVA Shower Curtain Clear, 70 x 72 inches for $14.70 (list amount $24.99)
Parker & Bailey Kitchen Cabinet Cream 8oz for $7.81 (list amount $33.96)
Nag Champa Incense Gift Set Sampler, 15 grams anniversary of 12 scents for $12.37 (list amount 413.99)
Whynter 14,000 BTU Dual Hose Portable Air Conditioner (ARC-14S) for $498.99 (list amount $599.99)
StorageManiac 3-Section Heavy-Duty Animate Rolling Laundry Sorter with Coating Frame for $47.87 (list amount $99.99)
SafeRest Hypoallergenic Waterproof Queen Size Vinyl Free Mattress Protector for $29.95 (list amount $95.98)
Best Amount Mattress Solid Hardwood Platform Bed, Queen, Cherry for $252.92 (list amount $399.99)
Pinzon 300-Thread-Count Percale Sheet Set – Queen, Spa Blue for $33.61 (list amount $46.99) (more colors available)
Spring Dreams 9″ Two-Sided Pocket Coil Mattress Made in USA, Queen for $199.99 (list amount $799.99)
Vehemo Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, Multifunctional Microfiber Towel for Dish Towels, Bath Towels, Car Washing (24-Pack, Blue, Yellow, and Green) for $9.77 (list amount $39.99)
Whitmor 6060-430 Chrome Luggage Rack for $28.67 (list amount $39.99)
Ziploc Space Bag Dual Use 12 Bag Space Saver Set for $26.85 (list amount $62.99)
Household Essentials Tabletop Ironing Board with Magic Rings Cover for $14.99 (list amount $49.21)
Elite Garment Steamer By PurSteam, Heavy Duty Powerful Fabric Steamer with Fabric Brush and Garment Hanger for $69.99 (list amount $134.99)
Innoo Tech Solar Outdoor String Lights 19.7 ft 30 LED Warm White Crystal Ball Globe Lights for $15.99 (list amount $59.99)
SportLite BEACH BLANKET: 100% Microfiber XXL Beach Towel, with bend ballast pockets. Big abundant for two (76″ x 64″) for $29.99 (list amount $39.99)
Hoover WindTunnel T-Series Rewind Additional Bagless Upright, UH70120 for $88 (list amount $129.99)
HemingWeigh Rock Salt Cube Lamp 12 Cm with Wood Base, Electric Wire and Bulb for $24.99 (list amount $39.99)
Dermal Korea Collagen Essence Full Face Facial Mask Sheet, 16 Combo Backpack for $11.49 (list amount $29.99)
Epsoak Epsom Salt 19.75 Lbs – 100% Pure Magnesium Sulfate, Made in USA for $29.99 (list amount $34.99)
Art Naturals Organic Argan Oil for Hair, Face & Skin 4 oz – 100% Pure Brand A for $12.95 (list amount $49.95)
Alba Botanica Natural Acnedote Deep Pore Wash, 6 Ounce (2 pack) for $8.99 (list amount $19.90)
Radha Beauty Aromatherapy Top 6 Essential Oils 100% Pure & Therapeutic brand – Basic Sampler Gift Set & Premium Kit – 6/10 Ml (Lavender, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Orange, Peppermint) for $12.95 (list amount $79.99)
Susenstone 20 Piece Makeup Brush Set (Black) for $5.30 (list amount $15)
Philips Sonicare 2 Series Plaque Control Rechargeable Toothbrush, HX6211/04 for $29.95 afterwards on-screen advertisement (list amount $69.99)
Shiatsu Back, Neck, and Foot Kneading Massage Pillow w/ Heat (Black) for $39.99 (list amount $119.99)
Viva Labs MCT Oil, 32 Ounces for $17.99 (list amount $34.95)
Aglaia 100ml Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser Ultrasonic with Blush Lights Changing and Waterless Auto Shut-off Function for $28.99 (list amount $79.99)
Art Naturals Organic Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner Set (2 x 16 Oz) – Sulfate Free – Volumizing & Moisturizing, Gentle on Curly & Blush Treated Hair, For Men & Women – Infused with Keratin for $25.95 (list amount $59.99)
Covergirl Clump Crusher Mascara By Lashblast, Black Brown 810, 0.44 Ounce for $3.66 afterwards on-screen advertisement (list amount $6.66)
BSN N.O.-XPLODE Pre-Workout Igniter – Fruit Punch, 2.45 lb (60 servings) for $35.95 (list amount $52.24)
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NAR LABS PURE INSTANT WHEY PROTEIN 5 Pounds (Chocolate Deluxe) for $39.99 (list amount $89.99)
Chattanooga ColPac Cold Therapy, Black Polyurethane, X-Large/Oversized Cold Backpack (12.5″ x 18.5″) for $20.12 (list amount $47.61)
Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Professional Effects – Teeth Whitening Kit 20 Treatments for $31.99 afterwards on-screen advertisement (list amount $47.49)
Badger Vanilla Coconut Every Day Moisturizer for $11.04 (list amount $12.99)
Burt’s Bees Radiance Facial Cleanser, 6 Ounces for $7.39 (list amount $9.99)
Conair Pro Hair Brush with Nylon Bristle, All-Purpose for $3.88 (list amount $6.99)
Babyliss Pro BABNT5548 2000 Watt Ionic Nano Titanium with Integrated Ion Generator Hair Dryer for $49.75 (list amount $119.99)
Hardwood Activated Charcoal Powder, Large 8 Oz. Very Fine, From USA Hardwood for $10.99 (list amount $29.99)
Health Enterprises Ear Wax Removal Syringe for $2.88 (list amount $6.49)
Kyolic Garlic Formula 100 Original Cardiovascular Formula (300 Capsules) for $17.74 (list amount $33.45)
L’Oreal Paris Voluminous Original Mascara, Carbon Black, 0.26 Fluid Ounce for $5.89 (list amount $7.95)
Wahl Ear, Nose and Brow Trimmer #5545-400 for $11.78 (list amount $15.50)
Method Foaming Hand Wash, Green Tea & Aloe, 10 Ounce (Pack of 6) for $21.54 (list amount $30)
Innovo Forehead and Ear Thermometer (Dual Mode) *CE and FDA accustomed for $36.99 (list amount $99.99)
Eco Snore Anti Snoring Devices/Nasal Dilators, Backpack of 12 for $11.95 (list amount $19.95)
Gillette Fusion Manual Men’s Razor Blade Refills 12 Count for $30.06 afterwards on-screen advertisement (list amount $41.79)
Gillette Mach3 Base Cartridges 15 Count for $28.99 afterwards on-screen advertisement (list amount $36.81)
Gillette Venus Original Women’s Razor Refill Cartridges 8 Count for $17.43 afterwards on-screen advertisement (list amount $23.99)
Gillette Venus Spa Women’s White Tea Scented Razor Blade Refills 6 Count for $15.06 afterwards on-screen advertisement (list amount $22.49)
Singer 1304 Start Free Arm Sewing Machine with 6 Built-In Stitches for $59.99 (list amount $159.99)
Flexible Cord-Free Luxe Desk Lamp with Blow Control Safe, LED, Adjustable, 4 Colors, Portable with Rechargeable Battery Study, Reading (Silver) for $49.99 (list amount $99.99)
Embroidex 48 Piece Pen Set of Multicolor Gel Pens – Includes Metallic, pastels, Neon, Glitter, Neon Blush Pens for $9.99 (list amount $29.99)
Scotch – Value Desktop Tape Dispenser, Attached 1″ Core – Black/Silver (pack of 2) for $14.50 (list amount $49.99)
uni-ball Signo Gel 207 Retractable Roller Ball Pen, Medium Point, Translucent Barrel, Black Ink, 12-Pack for $10.29 (list amount $27.49)
Officemate EZ Lever Adjustable Three Hole Punch, Silver, 25-Sheet Capacity for $11.99 (list amount $48.99)
Sharpie 1778830 Counterfeit Detector Marker, 3-Pack for $8 (list amount $18.37)
Rolodex Distinctions Business Card Holder, Capacity 50 Cards of 2.25 x 4 Inches, Black for $4.99 (list amount $9.29)
Canson Watercolor Paper Pad, 30-Sheet, 9-Inch by 12-Inch, X-Large for $5.18 (list amount $10.80)
Altra Dakota L-Shaped Desk with Bookshelves, Dark Russet Cherry for $99.77 (list amount $139.99)
CraftyCroc CC1-100 Chalk Markers With Unique Reversible Tip, Backpack of 10, Assorted blush for $18.77 (list amount $39.99)
Duck Brand Bubble Wrap Original Cushioning, 12-Inches x 150-Feet, Single Roll for $16.88 (list amount $20.99)
Bayam 72 Assorted Colored Pencils / Art Drawing Pencils for $21.89 (list amount $45.99)
Expo Vis-A-Vis Wet-Erase Overhead Transparency Markers, Fine Point, 8-Pack Pouch, Assorted Colors for $6.79 (list amount $13.05)
Expo 2 Low-Odor Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, 16-Pack, Assorted Colors for $11.14 (list amount $24.99)
Expo Whiteboard Eraser, 5 1/8-inch for $2.94 (list amount $5.38)
Expo Whiteboard / Dry Erase Board Liquid Cleaner, 8-ounce for $2.99 (list amount $4.39)
DYMO Characterization Writer 450 Twin Turbo characterization printer, 71 Labels Per Minute, Black/Silver for $99.99 (list amount $289.99)
Brother ScanNCut CM100DM1 Home and Hobby Cutting Machine with a Built-in Scanner – Starter Bundle with Bonus Accessories for $399.53 (list amount $579)
Premium Triple Layer Bamboo Lap Desk for Laptop | Large Size | Natural Bamboo Surface with Detachable Cushion from Green Sphere for $39.97 (list amount $74.95)
Scotch Precision Ultra Edge Scissors, 8 Inch, 3-Pack for $12.99 (list amount $25.62)
Derwent Graphic Drawing Pencils, Soft, Metal Tin, 12 Count for $8.97 (list amount $22.39)
Sharpie Oil-Based Paint Markers, Medium Point, 5-Pack, Assorted Colors with Metallics for $9.49 (list amount $20)
Bostitch Personal Electric Pencil Sharpener, Black for $12.88 afterwards on-screen advertisement (list amount $24.49)
SHARKK Lawn Aerator Shoes w/Metal Buckles and 3 Straps – Heavy Duty Spiked Sandals for Aerating Your Lawn or Yard for $24.99 (list amount $79.99)
GridLite Portable LED Collapsible Camping Lantern for $7.99 (list amount $45.55)
Optic Nerve Alloy Sunglasses for $29.99 (list amount $65)
Bushnell X-8 6MP Trail Camera with Night Vision and Field Scan for $132.44 (list amount $227.95)
Brita Hard Sided Water Filter Bottle, Grey, 23.7 Ounces for $13.88 (list amount $18.99)
O-Cedar Professional 24″ Smooth Surface Push Broom for $24.99 (list amount $71.96)
Ouddy BBQ Grill Mat, (Set of 4) Non-Stick, Heat Resistant and Dishwasher Safe for $9.99 (list amount $29.99)
Callaway Men’s Big Bertha Alpha 815 Driver for $179.99 (list amount $562.50)
Aspects HummZinger HighView 12 oz Hanging Hummingbird Feeder for $16.08 (list amount $29.99)
Aerobie Orbiter Boomerang for $8.49 (list amount $11.99)
Stamina 36 inch Folding Trampoline for $28.23 (list amount $69.99)
Emoji Universe: 18″ Emoji Inflatable Beach Balls, 6-Pack for $14.95 (list amount $29.99)
Easy Gardener 6050 DeerBlock 7-by-100-Foot Netting for $18.87 (list amount $39.99)
Suncast DBW9200 Mocha Wicker Resin Deck Box, 99-Gallon for $98 (list amount $149.99)
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Outsunny Zero Gravity Recliner Lounge Patio Pool Chair for $47.95 (list amount $89.99)
Coleman Animate Cooler, holds 85 cans for $79.09 (list amount $149.99)
Fat Cat 11.5 Gram Texas Hold ’em Poker Chip Set with 500 Striped Dice Chips for $24 (list amount $89.99)
Hand Grip Strengthener from Flawless Fitness – Easy Adjustable Resistance From 22 to 70 Lbs (10-32 Kg) for $12.95 (list amount $37.95)
Pack of 2, BYB E-0460 LED Headlamp Flashlight, 3 Modes for Usage, 2 Red Lights for Emergency for $8.99 (list amount $39.99)
GSI Outdoors 4208 Red Stainless Animate Rim Enamelware Cup for $6.38 (list amount $9.99)
Garden Hose Nozzle / Hand Sprayer – Heavy Duty 10 Pattern Metal Watering Nozzle from Gardenite for $24.95 (ist amount $33.95)
Kaytee Wild Bird Food, 20-Pound Bag for $13.59 (list amount $18.39)
Weber Grill Cleaner Spray – Professional Strength Degreaser – Non Toxic 16 oz Cleanser for $10.95 (list amount $14.95)
BLACK DECKER LST136W 40V Max Lithium String Trimmer for $129 (list amount $179.99)
Earthwise 11-Inch 8.5-Amp Corded Electric Tiller/Cultivator, Model TC70001 for $124.41 (list amount $199.99)
EGOGO 12″-17″ Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad with 4 Fans Dual USB Anchorage Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad(Black) 2 Pieces of EGOGO Cable Ties for $19.99 (list amount $188.99)
Western Digital 1TB My Passport Ultra USB 3.0 Secure Portable External Hard Drive, Black for $59 (list amount $99.99)
TASCAM DR-05 Portable Digital Recorder for $74 (list amount $179.99)
TP-LINK AC1200 Wi-Fi Range Extender for $59.99 (list amount $109.99)
TASCAM DR-40 4-Track Portable Digital Recorder for $124 (list amount $279.99)
LG Electronics 8X USB 2.0 Ultra Slim Portable DVD Rewriter, External Drive with M-DISC Support for $23.99 (list amount $50.88)
Samsung 850 EVO 500GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-75E500B/AM) for $149.99 (list amount $269.99)
Fire HD 10, 10.1″ HD Display, Wi-Fi, 16 GB – Includes Special Offers, Black for $179.99 (list amount $229.99)
ARRIS SURFboard SB6141 DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem for $69.99 (list amount $99.99)
Roku 3 Streaming Media Player (4230R) with Voice Search for $90.99 (list amount $99.99)
TP-LINK Wireless N300 Home Router 300Mbps Certified for IPv6 for $24.95 (list amount $38.29)
HooToo Wireless Travel Router, USB Port, High Performance- TripMate Nano for $17.99 (list amount $99.99)
1byone Shiny Antenna Super Thin Amplified HDTV Antenna 50 Miles Range with Detachable Amplifier Booster USB Power Supply to Boost Signal and 20ft Coaxial Cable for $29.99 (list amount $88.99)
BESTEK 300W Dual 110V AC Outlets Power Inverter DC 12V to 110V AC Car Adapter with 3.1A Dual USB Charging Ports for Laptop, Smartphones and Tablets for $26.99 (list amount $45.99)
Acer R240HY bidx 23.8-Inch IPS HDMI DVI VGA (1920 x 1080) Widescreen Display for $131.99 (list amount $179.99)
Maglite Solitaire LED 1-Cell AAA Flashlight, Gray for $11.30 (list amount $16.95)
WEN 2305 Rotary Tool Kit with Flex Shaft for $21.10 (list amount $69.99)
General Tools PNG1 Combustible Gas Detector for $29.98 (list amount $39.99)
Bosch PS11-102 12-Volt Lithium-Ion Max 3/8-Inch Right Angle Drill/Driver Kit with (1) High Capacity Battery and Charger for $129 (list amount $239)
Apollo Precision Tools DT9408 Household Tool Kit, 53-Piece for $27.54 (list amount $48.95)
DEWALT DWS780 12-Inch Double Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw for $599 (list amount $1,163.38) additional get a FREE DEWALT DWX723 Heavy Duty Miter Saw Stand (list amount $356) with purchase
Kidde FA110 Multi Purpose Fire Extinguisher 1A10BC for $19.98 (list amount $42.99)
Howard Leight by Honeywell Impact Sport Sound Amplification Electronic Earmuff, Classic Green for $40.97 (list amount $74.69)
Leviton T5632-W 15-Amp USB Charger/Tamper Resistant Duplex Receptacle, White for $20.15 (list amount $34.99)
Schlage Connect Century Touchscreen Deadbolt with Built-In Alarm, Bright Chrome, BE469 CEN 625 for $170.22 (list amount $431)
Stanley 66-358 Stanley Stubby Ratcheting MultiBit Screwdriver for $4.67 (list amount $20.70)
GE Grounded Adapter-Spaced Six-Outlet Tap for $5.29 (list amount $9.99)
Swiss Tech ST53100 Polished SS 19-in-1 Micro Pocket Multitool for $8.54 (list amount $14.99)
SE FL89020L 20-LED Work Lamp for $8.50 (list amount $15.12)
Meterteck Digital Multimeter (DMM) – Voltmeter, Ohmmeter, Ammeter – 1 Year Guarantee – 2 Test Leads for $17.98 (list amount $44.99)
Klein Tools 98002BT Bottle Opener for $7 (list amount $10.60)
Tresalto Drain Cleaning – Snake Equipment – Set of 2 for $7.49 (list amount $12.99)
Plano Molding 1354 Stow N Go Tool Box with 4 23500 Series StowAways, Graphite Gray and Sandstone for $18.32 (list amount $25.85)
Nine West Collection Bora Clutch for $40.49 (list amount $79)
Rebecca Minkoff Leo Clutch for $52.21 (list amount $95)
Tommy Hilfiger Men’s 3-Pack Cotton Crew-Neck T-Shirt for $21.74 (list amount $21.74)
Men’s Ultra Soft Bamboo Crew Neck Under Shirt for $18.99 (list amount $29.99)
Narwhal Kigurumi – Adult Costume for $59 (list amount $99)
CYZ Men Pajama Bottoms for $11.99 (list amount $19.99)
Tipi Toe Women’s 12 Pairs Colorful Patterned Crew Socks for $14.99 (list amount $30)
Columbia Men’s Military-Style Belt for $9.99 (list amount $20)
Dickies Mens 38mm Leather Belt With Two Row Stitch for $14.99 (list amount $20)
Kenneth Cole REACTION Men’s Waldorf Reversible Leather Belt for $15.99 (list amount $40)
Rekucci Ease In To Comfort Fit Straight Leg Pant With Tummy Control for $31.99 (list amount $49.99)
Converse Unisex Shoes All Star Chuck Taylor Low Canvas Sneakers for $39.21 (list amount $55)
Adams Headwear Hat Seafoam for $7.24 (list amount $12.74)
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0 notes
If I had a child like Hermes, I would've been STRESSED - I can oly imagine how poor Shy Maia felt
I like to imagine Maia with the personality of Moominmamma from The Moomins because I feel like that's the only way one could survive raising him, to just be pleased by the strangest things (for example, like when a tree was growing inside of Moominhouse and all Moominmamma had to say was "that's nice").
DFP Maia would find the positive side in having Hermes around and just find Hermes' insane behavior to be him learning and expressing himself. This would probably why Hermes was so excited to see what his son Pan looked like because he inherited Maia's view on things.
#greek mythology#greek myth#desire for peace#desire for peace webcomic#desire for peace webtoon#greek myth art#hermes greek god#hermes greek mythology#hermes god#hermes#dfp hermes#desire for peace hermes#maia greek mythology#maia greek goddess#desire for peace maia#dfp maia#ask#ask me anything#ask box
43 notes
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Ten Quick Tips For Kitchenaid Architect Series Ii Oven Various Models | kitchenaid architect series ii oven various models
Despite all the ads and hoopla, not everybody wants an iGadget, agleam applique or flat-screen TV for the holidays. Some bodies on your account adeptness adorned new kitchen accessory or addition artefact that makes activity about the abode added agreeable such as a coffeemaker that brews agitating coffee or a angle mixer that kneads aliment dough. And any handyman will acknowledge a able-bodied cordless drill.
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Here are 36 baby accessories and added home articles that denticulate awful in our tests and that are recommended by Consumer Reports.
•The Ninja Master Prep Professional QB1004 ($60) is a CR Best Buy and this isn’t the aboriginal time we’ve accustomed its accomplished adeptness to drove ice and accomplish icy drinks. It excelled at our backbone analysis in which we conduct the ice drove analysis 45 times and actual acceptable at such as added tasks as puréeing soup and shredding cheese. •The Vita-Mix 5200 ($450) aced Consumer Reports tests for icy drinks, ice crush, durability, and such added tasks as shredding and puréeing—and at that amount it should. It was actual acceptable although a bit noisier than the Ninja and the L’Equip.•The L’Equip 228 ($160) was additionally accomplished at crushing ice, shredding and puréeing and was advised actual durable. It was additionally actual acceptable at authoritative icy drinks but not as acceptable to use and apple-pie as the added two.•The Miallegro Professional MiTutto 9090 captivation blender ($70) is failing and able and a CR Best Buy. The handheld blender puréed soups, attenuated smoothies, aerated egg whites, grated cheese, and chopped onions and added foods bigger than added big-ticket versions in our tests. The metal genitalia abstract for accessible cleaning.
•The Mr. Coffee BVMC-SJX33GT ($40) is superb at brewing coffee and the accepted dribble apparatus makes up to 12 cups. It’s programmable and allows you to acclimatize the beverage strength, so you get aloof the blow of joe you like.•The Hamilton Beach BrewStation 47454 ($80) beverage and allocate apparatus has accomplished beverage performance, is acceptable and was advised accomplished overall.•The Senseo Supreme SL7832 ($130), a pod-style coffeemaker, was accomplished at echo acceleration and cup admeasurement bendability and actual acceptable at brewing range, temperature consistency, accessibility and first-cup speed.
•The Bonjour Stainless Steel ($540) 10-piece set was accomplished at handle sturdiness, actual acceptable at affable antithesis and acceptable at handle comfort, handle assurance and affluence of cleaning. The uncoated Bonjour set additionally formed able-bodied with consecration cooktops and ranges. It’s dishwasher safe and oven safe to 500 degrees F.•The Emerilware ($200) nonstick cookware comes in a 10-piece set fabricated of adamantine anodized aluminium. The pans were accomplished at affable antithesis and accessible to clean. Handle assurance was actual acceptable and the nonstick blanket was durable.
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Cordless Drills
•The Craftsman 17310 ($100) offers absorbing ability and speed. Compact, able-bodied counterbalanced and lightweight, this cordless drill’s two-speed gearbox allows for slower speeds back active screws, and the 24-position adjustable torque clamp offers abounding flexibility. It comes with a lithium-ion array that can be recharged in 30 account and an LED assignment light. It’s a CR Best Buy.•The Craftsman 17586 ($70), addition CR Best Buy, has a 3/8-inch abandon and two acceleration ranges. It comes with one Li-ion battery, a acute charger, and an LED assignment light. This 12-volt archetypal is a acceptable best for quick, accessible jobs, but not ill-fitted to able tasks. It’s bunched and failing for accessible handling, with a fast 30-minute array recharge time.•The Hitachi DS18DSAL ($170) has a 1/2-inch abandon and two acceleration ranges. The 18-volt archetypal comes with two Li-ion batteries, a acute charger, and a flashlight. This top-rated Hitachi is actual fast and powerful, yet is failing and has a decidedly adequate handle. The amount makes it a amount over added high-performing name-brand drills. Fast and powerful, with accessible administration and 40-minute recharge.
Food Processors
•The Cuisinart DFP-14BCN ($200) was actual acceptable in all-embracing achievement and has a appropriate advanced augment tube that can board ample items. The 14-cup apparatus was actual acceptable at chopping, slicing, grating, shredding and puréeing and not too noisy.•The KitchenAid KFP715[WH] ($100) was alike quieter. The 7-cup processor was accomplished at slicing and actual acceptable at shredding, chopping and puréeing.•The Cuisinart DLC-2011CHB ($200), like its brandmate, was actual acceptable at chopping, slicing, grating, shredding and puréeing and not too noisy. It has a accommodation of 11 cups.
Story continues
•The Ginsu Chikara ($75) a CR Best Buy costs hundreds beneath than added picks and delivers the aforementioned accomplished acid performance. The eight-piece Ginsu Chikara is as acceptable a amateur set as any we tested. What’s more, the Ginsu includes a santoku knife, an added accepted cantankerous amid a chef’s knife and a cleaver. •The Zwilling J.A. Henckels Twin Professional “S” set ($290) was best all-embracing in our tests accumulation razor aciculate blades and an ergonomic architecture in its seven-piece set. It was accomplished at acid and handle abundance and actual acceptable at handle balance.•The Kershaw Shun Classic DMS300 ($270) three-piece set was accomplished at acid and actual acceptable at handle abundance and balance. But it’s missing a santoku and a slicer.
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Hand Mixers
•The KitchenAid Architect Series KHM920A[CS] ($80) duke mixer apparent actual acceptable whipping time, was accomplished at bond cookie chef and is able of bond baby quantities of chef application chef hooks. It was additionally appealing quiet but if you charge a mixer with changeable beaters, this one’s not for you.•The Cooks 10-Speed HM820 (JCPenney) ($30) was accomplished at whipping time and bond cookie chef and additionally athletic abundant to mix baby quantities of chef application chef hooks.•The KitchenAid Ultra Ability 5 KHM5AP[WH] ($50), like its brandmate, was accomplished at bond cookie chef and is able of bond baby quantities of chef application chef hooks. But it was alone acceptable at whipping time and the beaters are not interchangeable.
Stand Mixers
•The KitchenAid Classic K45SS[WH] ($200) lives up to its name. It was accomplished at whipping time, abrasion and bond and actual acceptable at accessibility after too abundant noise. It’s a CR Best Buy.•The KitchenAid KSM450[ER] ($250) awash at Sears—check out the red one—was additionally accomplished at whipping time, bond and kneading, was aloof as acceptable and, again, appealing quiet. •The Hamilton Beach Eclectrics 6322[1] ($180) angle mixer is addition CR Best Buy. It was accomplished at whipping time and bond and actual acceptable at abrasion and convenience. It’s additionally quieter than the added two on this list.
Sewing Machines
•The Brother Innov-is 40 ($400), an electronic/computerized machine, is a CR Best Buy. Our analysis console anticipation the Brother was accessible to use and ergonomic in its design. Bed-making achievement was actual good—all machines are accustomed abstruse evaluations on bed-making seams, stitch types, button holes, hems, zippers insertion, including bed-making on a array of bolt types and weights.•The Pfaff Select 3.0 ($800) was additionally actual acceptable at bed-making performance. Our testers anticipation it was accessible to use and adequate too.•The Bernina Activa 230PE ($1,350), addition electronic/computerized archetypal excelled at all the tasks that amalgamate to add up to abundant bed-making performance. Affluence of use and ergonomics were actual good.
Steam Irons
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•The Singer Expert Finish EF ($60) excelled at our bed-making tests which board the bed-making of silk, cotton-poly, absolute alloy and linen. In our tests we additionally adamant a linen table cloth, analysis the thermostat set point and admeasurement the temperature swing. The bleared rate, which is abstinent over a aeon of 10 minutes, was accomplished and the adamant is accessible to use with bright arrangement and settings. It’s a CR Best Buy as are the added two band we acclaim here.•The Kenmore 80598 ($75) excelled at the bleared amount analysis but was not absolutely as acceptable as the Singer at bed-making assorted fabrics. However, the controls and settings were accessible to use.•The Rowenta Focus DZ5080 ($75) excelled at the two best important tests—steaming amount and bed-making fabric. It was actual acceptable at affluence of use but does not accept a agenda display.
Toaster Ovens
•The Oster TSSTTVMNDG toaster oven ($80) delivered accomplished baking, baking and toasting, and can buzz a four-pound chicken. It has alteration cooking, which uses a fan to administer calefaction evenly, but our tests begin that the alteration didn’t advance baking. The Oster was acceptable at authoritative acknowledgment the way you appetite it and was accessible to clean.•The Breville Acute Oven BOV800XL ($250) was actual acceptable in all-embracing achievement and was actual acceptable at toasting, baking and broiling. It excelled at toasting both abounding batches and alternating batches and has controls that are accessible to set. The Acute Oven has a alteration oven that can board a four-pound chicken.•The Breville BOV650XL ($180) was bigger at toasting one allotment of aliment than its brandmate but was not absolutely as acceptable at abounding and alternating batches and doesn’t accept a alteration oven. Still, you can baker a baby craven in it. The toaster oven was actual acceptable at toasting, baking and broiling. The acknowledgment adumbration ambience is a timer and is beneath acceptable to use than others in our tests.
Water Filters (Carafe Style)
•The Tersano Lotus LWT-1000 ($229) was accomplished at removing advance and chloroform. The breeze was additionally accomplished and the clarify retained its breeze amount over time, which agency it didn’t clog. An indicator lets you apperceive back it’s time to change the filter.•The Clear2O CWS100A ($15) is a CR Best Buy. It was accomplished at advance and chloroform abatement and had a abiding breeze rate. It was actual acceptable at not clogging.•The ZeroWater Z-Pitcher ($35) was actual acceptable at advance removal, breeze amount and not bottleneck but was not able to abolish chloroform.
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