#dex deserved better send tweet
the-keeper-crew · 4 years
The first book summarised:
Dex: Hello Sophie!
Sophie: Hey Dex (◔◡◔) ♥
Dex: (Whispering to himself) Friends to Lovers, 100k slowburn
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Clearing Out the Askbox
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She sure is! I love early SwSh theorizing :)
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(hands you the arc) here you’ll do it better. 
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Are you implying there are space huskies that you haven’t told me about? Spill the secrets of the alien dogs
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This is unintentionally the funniest ask I have ever received, thank you. Spe not respecting women is more of a joke since the manga isn’t really misogynistic in any meaningful way, but it does have an issue I like to call FDS, or Female Dexholder Syndrome. If you read all the arcs you’ll notice a pattern: the girls don’t do ANYTHING in the final battle (Yellow being an exception but she’s a special case). Blue is eliminated from the tournament by Oak, Crystal gets frozen in ice in Ilex and really just doesn’t move the entire scene, Sapphire gets locked in an aircar, Platinum never actually fights the bad guys (seriously, every fight she’s in someone else is battling Team Galactic she’s just standing there), White was kidnapped, Whitley was also just kinda standing there, Y had a bit of a role but I forgot it, and Moon was locked in a literal dog cage.  The joke is thus that all the female dexholders have FDS and are nerfed in order to make their male counterparts look cooler in the finale when facing off against the big cad guys, so spe doesn’t respect women (also all the female dexholders who are focused on battling are overshadowed narratively by their male counterparts with the exception of Platinum, so there’s that too). 
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“Are you a boy or a girl?” “Yes”
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100% agreed. Sadly Crystal’s debut was a bit of a transition period-- Crystal came out after GS so it’s likely that Crystal wasn’t planned for the original draft of the story and had to be added in last minute (which is likely why there’s a massive tonal shift and her introduction hits like a freight train). Not only that, but when Crystal showed up the manga switched artists, which probably didn’t help things as Yama was still getting his bearings. So yeah... GSC could’ve handled Crystal a lot better. 
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This is the fourth time you’ve sent this ask
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I like the idea of a remake arc pushing Yellow’s abilities but “overzealous to the point of endangering others” isn’t really Yellow’s MO. She’s willing to put herself in danger and go with wacky plans, but she’s not stupid and she doesn’t abuse her powers in the slightest. Also I really don’t think Red OR Green is really in a position where they have the moral or actual authority to take back her dex
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I stg I’ve gotten this exact ask before and like? That’s kinda rude of them :/
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I’m getting Deja Vu
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haha gay
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Half the asks I get are legitimate nonsense so at this point I almost DO miss Jimmy Neutron
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Honestly same and I really need to brush up on my ORAS, but yeah I agree. I don’t really know what it is that makes them seem so... off in the ORAS arc, but I attribute it to being sort of a step backwards from their partnership in Emerald. Maybe it’s because in ORAS they never really get a chance to breathe and be themselves in a non-stressful situation, but Sapphire acts almost uncharacteristically sensitive to Ruby’s moods and actions towards her whereas Ruby is very serious and angsty. Idk. 
That being said, seeing them doing field research and being just... good friends who care about and trust each other is something I wanted to see more of too because I think the best parts of their relationship shine when they get to enjoy each others’ company like that
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Oh absolutely, Kusaka is a genius at weaving in different plot threads / events into one (typically) cohesive story. With the exception of SMUSUM / ORAS, he does it flawlessly imo.  If I had to tweak ORAS, I would have Blaise and Amber disguise themselves as this “new Archie and Maxie” to try and round up the old team Magma / Aqua members, giving them hope and an opportunity to fight for what’s right this time. Instead we got them coming back to life AGAIN and dying for the THIRD TIME, which. ok Kusaka. Ok. 
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ORAS should’ve had Ruby and Sapphire doing field work and being cute together while Emerald and Wally saved the day because Wally deserves to be a hero and RuSa deserve a goddamn nap. Send Tweet. 
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