sam winchester’s entire life is the non-con tag until he dies
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dean is like if cain wanted to be his brother’s keeper
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I love that Dean believes their father unquestionably except when it comes to Sam’s nature and Sam disagrees with their father on everything except his inherit darkness
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monologue ! to ! that ! corpse !
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obsessed at how lily tells sam she killed her girlfriend with her powers and he’s like :( my living brother could maybe be dead. we both have lost so much
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done with season two. what a ride. he really kept that corpse around didn’t he
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supernatural theology is literally all roads to hell nothing you do in this life matters in regards to your eternal destination because all roads lead to hell
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dean isn’t even a person when sam is dead it’s very compelling and fucked up
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might start season three soon…I need these insane brothers to make me question things again
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supernatural summer where I finally write more fic and watch season three
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I can’t believe I, a guy who has only seen two seasons all the way through and the worst of all the later seasons has a supernatural blog with almost 400 followers. love u guys thanks for welcoming me into this hellhole with open arms
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bobby loves dean like his own son and barely tolerates sam in some of the most enjoyable display of blatant favoritism
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bobby’s face when he sees sam alive and well is priceless genuinely this old man is so tired of this family’s crossroad deal shit
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the crossroads demon is soooo pretty let me make a deal. give me a chance
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ava deserved to win the psychic kid showdown it’s not fair that some guy who killed one person won instead of the girlboss getting all kills for three months
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finally its dean is weird about his brother’s corpse hours
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