Field Log. 250317 16754
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Mention of death, mention of self-harm scars (specifically on the face), brief mention of weight (underweight).
250317 16754
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Field Log. 250317_16754
The data in the following log has been blocked for the safety of the doctor, staff, family and patient.
Log Date: 25/March/2017
Member of Staff: Nurse Kaitlyn Amari (Level 4 MOS)
Patient no. 16754
Patient Name: ███████ ████████ ███████
I was given word on Friday the 24th of March of a female possessor that had been found in a catatonic state outside of her home in █████████, Lochton at around 5 P.M.
I travelled alone to Lochton Regional Hospital on Saturday the 25th of March, arriving at 2 P.M. On the same day, I was given the task of checking the legitimacy of the hospital's claims. Initially I believed that the eye witness and hospital had greatly exaggerated the tragedy they'd come across, we have been getting a number of false call-ins as the number of Fatal Manifestation Incidents have continued to rise within the last 5 years.
My hope that this particular incident was over exaggerated was quickly silenced when I was introduced to ███████ ███████. I don't think I will ever get used to seeing the look of fear and confusion on a newly manifested possessor's face, and this girl was no exception. She was terrified when I entered the room, broke into hysterics as she begged me to let her see her mother, that she didn't know what had happened and just wanted to go home.
It was clear to me then that she hadn't been debriefed on anything that had transpired in the last 48 hours, that she was convinced that eventually she would be cleared and allowed to go home, she was not aware that her mother was in police custody and to be moved to mental health facility and that her younger brother and paternal grandmother were being moved to an undisclosed location, she had also not been told that none of her extended family had offered to collect her and act as her temporary guardian.
She was not aware that her mother had surrendered her to the state and that I was there to make a decision on next steps. Aol uval P yljlpclk myvt oly tvaoly dhz zovya huk jvsk, aol avahs vwwvzpal vm ovd Hyplssh klzjypilk oly. Tf hzzbtwapvu pz aoha zol dhz jvlyjlk puav npcpun oly khbnoaly bw iba P ohcl uv jvumpythapvu vm aopz.
When I sat down with ███████ to explain everything she started to cry again, it was clear to me that the deaths that had occurred at her hand were not something she could aptly remember or something she had planned, a common thread through most Fatal Manifestation Incidents, she did seem almost relieved, however, when I listed the two people killed. Her paternal grandfather and her father. P ohcl uv kvbia pu tf tpuk aoha aopz npys ohz zbmmlylk mvytz vm ltvapvuhs huk wofzpjhs hibzl, aol zjhyypun vu oly mhjl jhu'a ohcl illu hu hjjpklua.
After talking to her, gathering any information she had I excused myself to see if I could get in contact with some of her extended family again, they gave the same responses the hospital staff were given, they didn't want to make an eleven hour trip, that she'd be better cared for in the state's custody and that they didn't want to be involved with the case. Which was disheartening and frustrating to hear but there isn't much that can be done, and telling her as much when I returned a half-hour later went about as awfully as I imagined it would. Zol wba oly olhk kvdu huk kpku'a zhf h dvyk, aol svvr vm klzwhpy vu oly mhjl thkl tl mlls zpjr, aopz whya vm aol qvi ulcly nlaz huf lhzply.
I told her that I worked for Derben's Home for Gifted Individuals in Briar Glen and that she'd be transferred to the facility as soon as possible, that we'd be able to help her and that she'd be able to come back from this and lead a normal life. Liar. When I got up to leave the room and sign her discharge papers she grabbed my hand, squeezed it so tight, and asked if she'd see me again. She was shaking and pulling, trying to get me to stay.
I broke protocol. I sat back down and hugged her, asked the nurse to bring the papers to me instead so I could sign them at her bedside, I know we're not supposed to allow the patients to form emotional connections with us but I am only human, and I cannot continue to pretend I do not care for the children I come in contact with, I cannot continue to brush them off when I know that the comfort would be far more effective to their recovery. I am more than willing to take the penalty it will cost me.
This girl from what I can see is not a cold-blooded, dangerous killer. She is a frightened teenager who has had her entire world torn to shreds in a matter of hours with absolutely no support, our lowest level is all she should need and I doubt she'll be in the facility for more than a year.
Attached below is a full description of ███████.
Name: ███████ ████████ ███████
Age: ██
Date Of Birth: ██/██/██ 
Location: Lochton Regional Hospital
Arrival Time: 24/03/17 5:24pm
General Appearance:
███████ stands at 4 feet, 10 inches tall (147.32cm) and weighs in at 60lbs (27.2kg), she has white skin with freckles that cover her cheeks, the bridge of her nose, her shoulders, elbows and knees. She has light green eyes and her hair is blonde, cropped short just below her chin.
Her skin shows signs of dehydration and lack of sleep, bags under the eyes, chapped lips and dry cuticles etc. She has scarring on her face, the scar tissue on the two most prominent scars is between three to four layers deep and doesn't show a clear laceration pattern but is more a concentration of lacerations in the same area. These two scars appear on the right side of her temple, travelling and expanding downwards to her jaw and the other is located on her left cheek and stops again on her jaw.
It's not clear from the injury itself what caused the scarring and ███████ explained that they started small when she was around ten or eleven-years-old, growing in size and depth overtime with no explanation, it was initially thought to be a rash and then some kind of skin-eating disease but neither theories were ever confirmed, ███████ said that the scars haven't changed in size since she was about fifteen-years-old but she does sometimes wake up to them bleeding. Svvr puav yljvykz vu alslrpulapj zlsm-ohyt?
Aside from the facial scarring and the state of her weight she is perfectly healthy and of sound mind. Through talking with her it seems to clear to me that her ability is ███████████ and that her manifestation was latent, she seemed confused by this information as her mother did not possess any abilities, I asked about older relatives but ███████ noted that her mother's side of the family has long been dead, her maternal grandmother passing away almost thirteen years before she was born.
My theory is that ███████ has experienced either a genetic mutation or a Matriarchal Ability Skip (MAS), however, there are no records I have currently that can confirm this.
Under current circumstances, ███████'s case will be handed to Head Doctor ███████ Waller, with additional support given by Doctor Gino Herring, Waller will oversee ███████'s progress and facilitate her rehabilitation as per the most recent facility-wide mandate on Fatal Manifestation Incidents (FMI), I am also able to lend my support wherever it may be needed.
███████ is scheduled to arrive at the Briar Glen facility on Sunday the 26th of March at 2 P.M.
Insisted I call her by a shortened version of her name, due to staff procedures I am not authorised to carry out this request
It is unclear how much she is willing to trust unknown people, she seemed to warm up to me after talking for a while but there were certain topics of conversation that she seemed closed off to, I imagine questions and conversations about the facial scarring, her family and school will be difficult to start with.
Admitted to feeling safer because I was a woman, it may be worth having a female staff member present for early sessions until she feels more comfortable.
Is not aggressive unless she feels threatened/provoked
Final Notes: 
When ███████ arrives in Briar Glen she is to be escorted by three Level 2 MOS and to be handled with care, she's had a tough week. Armed personnel will not be necessary for this escort.
I have classed her as Passive Level 1 for the time being, but I doubt this level will change through her initiation. -Kaitlyn
Log Signed by: Nurse Kaitlyn Amari
Date Signed: 25/03/17
Timestamp: 9:44:27PM
I do not appreciate the tone you have taken in this particular log entry Kaitlyn, although it isn't exactly a shock, perhaps a well deserved break is in order? 
Given the severity of this situation I will let the normally penalised behaviour go, I know our rules stipulate that we not let the children in our care become too attached as is the nature of things but I do believe that the comfort you gave, while disallowed, was beneficial to 16754's emotional stability.
I look forward to the challenge another FMI will bring us, many new things to learn. -███████ Waller 
Log Approved by: Head Doctor ███████ Waller
Date Signed: 25/03/17
Timestamp: 10:06:44PM
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