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angevinyaoiz · 3 months ago
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“All Work and No Play”
John finally gets some attention!
(Devilsburger Comics)
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devilsburger · 3 months ago
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Leprosy hospital (inspired by the real one)
(Previous) (devilsburger comics)
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macaron-n-cheese · 5 months ago
There is evidence that Thomas Jefferson may have been queer
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Over the weekend I went to a history conference as one does. I was looking at the program and one of the lectures caught my eye. I was like "wait is that lecture what I think it is because if it is that would be awesome" so I went. It WAS awesome. The lecture was by an archivist who is doing a project on Jefferson's writings. Her background qualifies her to analyze 18th-century letters.
So basically she was reading books because that's what librarians do and the quotation “No body knows how much I wish to be with you” was very obviously right there. She realized that no one has done research on this before and decided to be the one to do it. The lecturer is still in progress if analyzing Jefferson’s papers and library.
To be clear, this lecture states that there is not enough evidence to definitively say Jefferson was queer, but just evidence that seems to be queer. The evidence is clearly homosocial, but anything beyond that can only be inferred.
my notes (my apologies if they are confusing at any point)
hahhahehheheh Jefferson: “No body knows how much I wish to be with you” Jefferson and Page and the Intimacy of Encryption
Same talk given to LGBTQ+ group
Coded letters to John Page
Page lives at Roseburg! Jefferson went there a lot
Scared people would find his letters so be encrypted
But he liked it like it was a game
Send real info but also bestie stuff
Impossible to determine Jefferson as queer but this is just fun
How do you define letters as queer or no?
Gender switch, Greek letters, codes
Coding citizenship, gender, sexuality
Homosocial bonds develop when yapping about exchange of women
Jefferson dirty enslaver grrrr
Sally Hemmings :(
Jefferson thought libraries, newspaper, education were essential to American nationality
Letters technology of collective fantasy
Lost history of cryptology
Jefferson father of American cryptology
Homosociality and stuff
Gay? 🤨 I mean he read ancient gay stuff
Trafficking women part of this (like using wives/daughters to connect families) :(
Connect families
Cedric mother of queer theory
Tools for examining must be subtle and definitive
Variable and political
Emerging subject categories in Jefferson’s writings
William Bendamen shows that Jefferson would be aware of queerness from what is in his library
Gay porn in 18th century WHAT
he owns gay porn caught in 4k
Lots of this is encoded, destroyed, difference in language & culture
Buggery laws
THE LETTERS to Page. 20 January 1763
Friends from youth to Page’s death in 1808
Letter from Shadwell. Jefferson is around 20.
“Why can you and I not be married, too?”
The commas, references, tenses, Latin is hard to attribute
Friendship or queer is unknown
Reference to laws of human nature. Early scientific musings of relationships
Elusiveness of understanding may be intentional.
Life together supported by letter 6 months later
Rebecca Burwell. Belinda
Plans to propose to her and writes to Page from Williamsburg “Devilsburg”
Refers to Belinda as “he”
Rejected by her
If it worked he and Page related by marriage between Burwells
Written like business transaction. (trafficking of women between men)
Many homosocial letters talk about trafficking of women
Jefferson thought his letter was interception and is super paranoid
Ask Page if he found this
Jefferson freaking out and asks him to being better code. I’m going to send you this.
Develops wheel cipher
3 months later Jefferson finds out Rebecca married to something else
Page marries. Jefferson moves to Monticello, marries Martha
Last letter
I can die with sweet resignation after reading your letter
Letters from Page lost in Shadwell fire
Page and Jefferson letters are ones between young men and are representative of such
Jefferson uncomfortable with women. Kinda misogyny but he’s so confusing so it’s hard to classify
Categorizing Jefferson but it’s all connected
This is technique to secure bonds among wealthy planter elite. College friends! This is before Revolution and stuff
There is so much to cover
Jefferson weird and paper expensive. He knows papers are to be shared and he decided NUH UH.
Jefferson morals vs action
Notes on Virginia. RACIST
Black writers at bottom in notes and in library
Boooo he’s a loser
Kicks off institutionalization in America
Jefferson isn’t the only one to code
Anne Lister codes. Puts lesbian letters in crypt.
This info puts my post from a year ago about Martha Jefferson’s epitaph into context, actually! The Greek reference and gender swapping is just Thomas’s thing with people closest to him. I wonder how many others got this treatment...Jefferson and gender is really something else, like bro can't interact with women yet swaps their gender in writing. What's going on in his silly autistic (probably) brain? Referencing mythology is also pretty cool like what a nerd using ancient Greek analogies.
I always found his coding interesting but just haven’t researched it. This new research is special to me because @asica-black and I used to discuss Jefferson’s coding and think “hey do you think these were coded and he worried that people would accuse him of buggery?” and answer is most likely yes!
So yeah it seems like Jefferson had a boyfriend.
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tithe2hell · 1 month ago
re last post my thoughts about the devilsburgers…the funny thing is, even at my most Edgy i feel i am kind of soft and that takes some bite out of the stuff i end up doing but. I do love the idea of a more cute/mundane setting but ppl in it are acting up real bad hafnjdfjd
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tomato-bird-art · 9 months ago
Some updates and fun stuff (free post)
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grimgrinnrs · 1 year ago
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@arachn0philia asked: 📁📁
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Lucifer and Lilith have tons of children that aren't Charlie, but because of them all not being made of divine blood like Charlie was, they aren't anything special.
For Lilith, her copious amount of children are just the succubi and incubi of Hell. Whereas, with Lucifer, it's just a variety of middling royals, a handful of creatures humanity knows as urban legends/cryptids, and a lot of average Hellborn creatures no one cared enough about to take responsibility for so he just put them up in Devilsburg.
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Vox died while watching the moon landing. He's pissed off about it because he knows he didn't get to live long enough to see corporations colonize space and monetize every aspect of it.
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jeffersonsredhair · 4 years ago
19 year-old Thomas Jefferson when he writes “Devilsburg” instead of Williamsburg:
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the13colonies · 4 years ago
Y e a h
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18thcentury-nonsense · 4 years ago
Heyy!! I just wanted to say that I love your blog and you also seem very sweet!!!!
🥺🥺 THANK YOU!!!! YOU'RE TOO SWEET!!! And lemme just say,, I LOVE your blog. The emo Jefferson Devilsburg post lives in my mind rent free msjsnsnsnsns
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hashtagcwinstagram · 7 years ago
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#Repost @matrioska24 ・・・ Just can’t have enough of #thomasjefferson #brickhousetavern #virginia #williamsburg #devilsburg https://ift.tt/2w3ge1q
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angevinyaoiz · 3 months ago
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john accidentally creates Stourbridge fair with his playmobil
(inspired by IRL John’s charter for the leper’s chapel in 1211 but here he is just being an imaginative kid…)
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devilsburger · 20 days ago
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Henry’s totally normal totally heterosexual fatherly life advice
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angevinyaoiz · 20 days ago
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It really depends!  Medieval sexuality was considered under different fundamental and social assumptions than in modern times. So even though what we would now call queer sexualities certainly existed, people of that era would not have sorted themselves into "gay" or "straight" etc in the same way as people do today. This is further complicated by the fact that there were gender standards and ideals, that sometimes correspond to modern  masculine and feminine ideals but sometimes do not.  Because of this, the "starting point" of what historical figures' specific personal sexualities are remain unknown, as all we have to guide us are external reports of their actions and how they were perceived at the time. Gabrielle Storey's article does a really good summary of this in relation to historical masculinities.
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However the good thing about this is that it gives ME a lot of fun creative room to operate, which is what I do (long post so readmore)
Because of sort of more traditional portrayal rather than historical accuracy, in my headcanons I tend to stick with what works with the kinds of stories I'm going for in a way that maybe isn't historically supported BUT also isn't necessarily contradictory (I.e., no one said they DIDNT do xyz...) . I usually go with Richard as gay (very aware of it, flips between not caring and doing purges/penances for it) and Philip as bisexual (doing his best to be the most Unaware of it, leaning really hard on that "Christian brotherhood" excuse). I also like to portray Henry II as bi (no real historical "proof" of this, but every single media I've seen him portrays him as serial womanizer with token yaoi situationships), John is very straight to me but like historically in modern visual media he gets extremely gay-villain-coded in dress and mannerisms which i think is interesting to play around with.  (I've talked about how I like exploring "straightness" in yaoi stuff a lot before, so no surprise to those who know me)
However these are just shorthands bc I find character's internal specific orientations much less interesting than say, their specific relationships to sexuality based on their values. To focus on RichPhil (blorbos bias etc) bc to me Richard's identity was centered around the ability to do knighthood well I can see him being periodically unbothered by various "deviant" habits and behaviors as long as it's private and he "makes up" for it lol, vs Philip whose entire core of identity and masculinity rests on being sacral so would require some more creative delusions (i.e. having trouble coming in a woman? Must be WITCHCRAFT!!!) This is also a big oversimplification of my thoughts/hcs about them (I have a lot on Philip and his relationships with his wives over the years) but u get the gist. 
When it comes to the AUs I like trying to keep main things the same but I like being able to translate their complexes into like, modern complexes. Devilsburger is kind of a big cartoon simplification of a lot of things, so characters are in more modern tropes in that kind of young people "coming of age" type of story. So in DB Rich easily falls into that YA yaoi story trope of gay and aware but repressed/private about it bc of father issues so tries to self-define through excelling in other interests/actions, I also see him dabbling in those goofy nofap/volcel types of trends for the kind of porn purging behaviors. DB Philip also to me is more guy who likes girls but struggles to connect with them (bc of sexism but also a level of shelteredness/inexperience), also has guy crushes but doesn't recognize it as such for a while (Christian brotherhood strikes again) so just gets into some weird friend dynamics. Also Henry translates well into a modern type of homophobic divorced bi dad with wild conclusions about gender type lol.
In modern day it's interesting bc we know more about queerness and it's obviously a freer time than in the past but also people still have prejudices and brainworms and concern about safety and how they "look" to people on the outside, and those restrictions are interesting to me. (Henry Jr and John are still straight to me but they also got stuff going on ...I'm bi Geoffrey truther just bc I like giving him issues and also shipping him around. But I like to think he figures himself out in a more timely/healthy way than the others)  In general though, just like with the historical settings, I find characters’ exact identity category labels less interesting than their behaviors and thoughts about themselves in the world.
Yuriburgers is like, an entirely different level from the original AU since thinking about "what if they were girls? What if they were trans?" Kind of adds new types of explorations. Bc of that the sexualities of course have to adapt, although to me it's less trying to keep things "intact" and more trying to think organically how these characters would evolve to relate to themselves and each other in this new context. Also bc there's more freedom I can kind of make up lots of new relationship stuff, so im still kind of exploring it too.
To bring it back to my Pairing tho I think Valerie would still like men but also still have a kind of holy maiden distance feeling about it (I have thoughts about her dynamic with a modern Mercadier character but hmm ..), also it would be funny bc re her feelings for Marie-Denise she would then I guess loop back around to doing the tsundere Yuri denial "well I don't even LIKE girls" song and dance but then still getting involved in various lesbian misadventures (I want to draw her and Henrike doing their weird accidental bdsm and then feeling hmmm about it). Marie Denise I see being more into women but maybe still flirts with guys now and then, despite  not respecting them very much lol (the sacral is still strong, God's Special Girl...)
I think it's neat to play around with bc like, now in the modern day a lot of queer ppl like to kind of think back to historical people and relate to them even though we are completely different types of people from across time and place. And I think even with the difference and distance of gender and geography there are elements of flaws and virtues we can identify with and see in life even if in a time much more alien to ours.
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devilsburger · 5 days ago
Anyways someone wrote a very lovely Modern AU Plantagenets fic, inspired by various things including the Devilsburgerverse!
Rich/Phil dubious behaviors (from Philip POV) but with other relationships going on--i really like the attention given to Junior and also the Philgeoff relationship as well. If u enjoy my little comics and work, and enjoy teens angsting, I def recommend checking out!
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devilsburger · 3 months ago
Is Louis as protective over Alys in this AU or is Philip just his most special blessing from God boy still? Honestly I'm just curious about Alys in general here
I actually do have ideas for her in this AU!
Basically my thoughts on her is that she is kind of the "middle child" between Marguerite (Maggie) and Philip and is kind of in an awkward teen insecurity place due to her older sister being more accomplished/outgoing/attractive and "grown up" and Philip being more doted on.
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Philip still gets the very "God's Special Gift" treatment by Louis, due to being the Only Boy(tm) but also because he was kind of prone to various sickness/injury as a kid so Louis and Adele worry over him a lot. 
Philip as he gets older is more resentful of the overprotectiveness but his being rebellious or having a bad attitude about things is generally more tolerated by his parents. Meanwhile the girls kind of have a mix of the performative Father-Daughter Protectiveness, but Louis is very awkward about "girl issues" especially re: puberty and sexuality stuff so he just leaves that to his wife.  I like the idea of still in this AU or Adele being Alys and Maggie's stepmom as well, so there's also that awkward  emotional distance between them. She's close to her sister but since Maggie is busy with her social life and bf she doesn't have much time to spend with her (and Alys is self conscious about coming across too young/"baby" in comparison to the older girls)
Anyways for Alys specifically she kind of is a little envious of the fatherly doting but also bc of neglect ends up having a bit more freedom to roam around. I would think I'm this AU since they're closer/in the same house she does care for Philip and wants to have more of a relationship with him, since they do share some similarities, but he's in a stage of aggressively wanting to distance himself from "girly" things and developing his own brand of weird women resentments lol.
She has baby crush on Richard bc he the only one of the Plants boys who doesn't actively harass her bc he forgets she exists. I did have an idea of a storyline where they do have sex (did some comic and art here)  but it was Cringe for everyone involved, makes all feelings fizzle out and die, no one was satisfied with it etc (except for the Geoff Junior who think they are geniuses)
Good thing there's someone willing to listen to her and make her feel better though....
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Anyways in the end she is a lot like her father and brother in being prone to anxiousness and stubbornness, but definitely in vulnerable place due to the lack of attention and self esteem jdjfjfj
*As for Marie and Alix...they are grown up, married, getting their doctorates of literature in France or something djdjd and may or may not be biologically related but just imagine...
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devilsburger · 3 months ago
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Plant[a genista] based burgers
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