#devilclan moons
devilclan-clangen 3 months
Moon 1, part 1/2
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Finally, the long awaited moon 1. Even though it's only part 1 lol. I don't have a picture of Yellowpaw's sprite as an apprentice so they're stuck as kit until they become a warrior.
Start: Welcome to devilclan
Prev: Moon 0
Next: Moon 1, part 2
Asks are open!
"Are you going to help us around here?"
"Just because some cats die doesn't mean that's an excuse."
"You don't know anything."
"My whole family's dead and you don't see me moping around."
"We have to figure stuff out though. I think you have to be leader."
"Me?! Why me?!"
"Well I'm the medicine cat and the others are too young. Your brother was also deputy."
"I'm not replacing him."
"You wouldn't be replacing..."
"It's because I look like him and he's my brother means I am him. I love him but I'm tired of living in his shadow."
"Maybe you could be the leader he never got to be but also be your own?"
"If Fleckpaw is leader does that make me deputy?"
"I don't think I'm ready though."
"I don't think anybody's ever ready."
"You seem ready to take charge. Why can't you be leader?"
"I'm the medicine cat, I can't."
"I'll be the medicine cat!"
"Fine. I'll be the leader."
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devilclan-clangen 3 months
Moon 0
Tw: Cartoon animal death, Blood
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Yall's, I did it 馃檶
Very tragic start.
Questions for cats are currently open and encouraged! Questions for me are also open!
Start: You are here!
Next: Moon 1
Prev: Welcome to Devilclan
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devilclan-clangen 3 months
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Another WIP to keep you guys entertained while I work on the last 2 pages of moon 0. Hopefully to be posted later this afternoon or tomorrow, definitely later than I wanted because I wanted to have moon 0 done yesterday.
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devilclan-clangen 4 months
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Moon 0 teasers! These are rough sketches and are mostly not in order. I will hopefully have moon 0 finished tomorrow or Saturday!
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devilclan-clangen 2 months
You guys have spoken!
100% of the people who voted chose to start a new clan and the only 2 options for theme that were chosen was the my own challenge, The Kin Challenge, and for an apocalypse. So, what I'm going to do is an apocalypse The Kin Challenge. With both of those combined it's interesting, no one has ever done it before because, well, it's my own made up challenge, and it helps keep the clan small and manageable. I still love Devilclan and plan to do updates or at least tell you guys what's going on in Devilclan but the new blog will be my new main clangen blog.
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devilclan-clangen 2 months
Moon 1, part 2/2
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Meet Koi! She doesn't join the clan but it's certainly not the last we see of her wink wink. I forgot about drawing so I shortened the script and whipped this up in a few hours haha. This is Fleckclaw's first time seeing another half devil half angel cat. A little backround information: Devilclan does this thing where when a cat becomes a warrior they camp outside of the territory overnight to prove themselves.
Start: Welcome to devilclan
Prev: Moon 1, part 1
Next: Moon 2
Asks are open!
"Would you like some help?"
"Haha! Hi!"
"My name's Koi!"
"I'm Fleckclaw."
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devilclan-clangen 4 months
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Welcom to Devilclan! Join these Devilcats as they try to rebuild their clan and completely change their religion.
Hello, you can call me Kat and I go by She/They pronouns. I am the owner of Devilclan and it's beloved Devilcats and maybe soon to be Angelcats.
Devilclan Allegiances
Family Tree
Lore Post (Explaining a bit about the clan)
Devilclan Museum (Coming soon!)
Any Devilclan post will be tagged as #Devilclan and #Devilclan posts
Moon updates will be #Devilclan moons
Anything having to do with lore is #Devilclan lore
Another tag I will use it #Devilcats and #Angelcats if they show up
Current moon last posted: moon 1
Asks are currently open! Whether it's for the cats or me
My main blog is @therealcatlady123, so if you get any notifications from that blog it's me. My other clangen blog is @clangen-catlady聽 which is honestly kinda dead, I might post some things occasionally on there though.
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devilclan-clangen 3 months
Hey yalls 馃憢
I'm going on vacation from tomorrow (sat, March 30) to next Saturday (April 6) so don't expect much to be posted. I will be drawing some stuff if i find time but I probs won't post much. Moon 1 will hopefully be out soon after I get home(or maybe be4, fingers crossed 馃) I'm really excited to share the adventures of Devilclan tho!!!
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devilclan-clangen 4 months
Devilclan Allegiances
(Will change as clan progresses)
Last updated: Moon 1
Leader: Coldstar - apprentice: Yellowpaw
Deputy: Fleckclaw - apprentice: Darkpaw
Medicine cat: Yellowpaw
Apprentices: Darkpaw
Starclan: Mudgorse, Frondpaw
Dark Forest: Cedarclaw, Pepperstar
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