junkyard-gifs · 5 months
Shiki Mistoffelees is suave and cocky and always confident, and Munkustrap will just... make sure sillabub doesn't get too close to whatever he's cooking up.
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... but when he succeeds... suddenly even this cheeky little Munk-assistant just can't be sure of it.
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Munkustrap encourages Sillabub toward their returned leader, and only then notices Mistoffelees' terror...
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The careful tender approach...!
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And there are our happy zoomy spinnies again. 😌
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(Can't forget priorities though: must retrieve our beautiful assistant Bombalurina!)
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Shiki production, Nagoya 20/7/2000.
?Tokihiko Sakamoto as Mistoffelees, Shoichi Fukui as Munkustrap, ?Tomomi Hayashishita as Bombalurina, Kenzo Ishii as Deuteronomy, Eriko Murata as Sillabub.
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Jacob Brent said once that Mistoffelees is Deuteronomy's son. So how about this for a family unit? Mexico Grizabella is even almost a tux herself!
In fact, given how red this Deuteronomy is, Macavity could actually be their son too - the two magical cats as brothers, perhaps?
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Mexico 2013: Orville Alvarado as Mistoffelees, Manuel Landeta as Deuteronomy, Olivia Bucio (normally Jellylorum) covering Grizabella in the first and second photos, and Natalia Sosa in the last; Gerry Pérez as Plato and Macavity.
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junkyard-gifs · 2 years
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tfw when you don't want to look around just in case it didn't work
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(Even when Cori and Tanto are saying 'no, really, you should look'.)
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Okay, Tugger's been tender long enough, time to be RAUCOUS in his joy.
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Dominik Hees as Tugger, Stephen Martin Allan as Mistoffelees and Rory Six as Deuteronomy. Vienna revival, 21 June 2022. Filmed by @falasta and @cryptidvoidwritings; giffed with permission.
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
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You kick Old Doot?? You spurn him aside like the football, just so you can show off your spinny thing again???
Time to send in the big guns. Upstaging for Mistoffelees!!
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Harry Francis as Mistoffelees, George Hinson as Tugger, Li-Tong Hsu as Grizabella, and Nicholas Pound as Deuteronomy; International tour, 20 July 2019 (X).
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
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Some Misto and Deut sweetness as Mistoffelees escorts Deuteronomy to the stage. Deuteronomy is going at a leisurely pace, stopping from time to time to greet the audience (even if it's imaginary today - dress rehearsal?), and Mistoffelees scurries along but keeps stopping to check on him. And look at those soft face-touches as they get up onto the stage...
... except then you notice that it's not just face-touches. They're being used as a cover for Xavier to remove Brad's COVID-required face mask, before he (presumably) scuttles offstage for a moment to get rid of it and his own.
Here it is in a musical rehearsal:
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2020 Asia tour: Xavier Pellin as Mistoffelees and Brad Little as Deuteronomy, plus glimpses of Caitlin New as Tantomile, Aaron Lynch as Coricopat, and Kade Hughes as Bill Bailey. (X)
(Excitable kittens and beaming Munkustrap giffed here.)
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
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A cold Misto is a cranky Misto. Jenny and co know how to solve it!
Tion Gaston as Mistoffelees, with Keri René Fuller as young Grizabella, Brandon Michael Nase as young Deuteronomy, and Emily Jeanne Phillips as Jennyanydots; 2019 US tour.
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
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Mistoffelees and Deuteronomy having a cuddle, while Carbucketty wanders by in the background...
Wichita 2007: Chaz Wolcott as Mistoffelees, Emmanuel Mani Cadet as Deuteronomy, and Aaron Umsted as Carbucketty. Wichita masterpost here.
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junkyard-gifs · 4 years
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“Beside ourselves with pure joy that old deut is back”, according to Jackey Good (Jellylorum).
Maurice Dawkins as Mistoffelees, Philip Peterson as Deuteronomy, Kyra Leeds as Jenny, Elly Shaw as Victoria. RCCL/Oasis cast 8 (2018).
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junkyard-gifs · 4 years
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Tibor Kovats as Mistoffelees in Paris 1989 (top row) and Zurich 1991.
David Kent as Alonzo, Jan Polak as Deuteronomy, and probably Brian Carmack as Tugger.
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junkyard-gifs · 4 years
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Deuteronomy can only be dignified for so long. At heart, he is Tumblebrutus. (And Mistoffelees is loving it.)
Brad Little, 19 November 2020, Asia tour.
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