feriowind · 4 years
Love the feral Luffy AU!😍 it's an intresting idea to think about. I'm wondering about the first meeting with Law... would it be a bit different then canon? I kinda guessing that his introacton with the Celestial Dragon would be more aggressive then canon because of what happened to him. But, with Luffy seeing Bepo would he try to "speek" to him in bear... and would Bepo understand him? I can imagine Law and the everyone (not including the Strawhats, Ace and Sabo they would be facepalming about this) being confused about the crazy boy who beat the ever loving stuffing out of the World Noble one moment then acting like a cute(Law's pov)bear cub the next. Well I know Luffy would automatically assume Law's a good guy because there's no way a cool bear like Bepo wouldn't be part of his crew if he was not.
HMMM i think luffy would actually knock out the celestial dragon with a conqueror’s haki infused roar and end up knocking out almost the entire room of people along with him! Law himself would definitely be feeling the pressure and be very surprised that 1) this lil runt knows conqueror’s haki and 2) he just roared and it sounded terrifying???
But yeah Luffy would notice he knocked out Bepo after and immediately be very curious and apologetic hahaha. Luffy doesn’t actually speak animal, his conqueror’s haki is usually what helps him communicate with creatures, and maybe the voice of all things too?
And lol yeah Luffy probably would immediately trust Law because of Bepo hahahaha
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chenziee · 3 years
I'm glad you like the my last prompt ♥😎.
I have one that is almost like my last one.
AU: Where Marine Admrial Monkey D Luffy keeps getting "kidnapped" by one Trafalgar Law. The kidnappings are starting to get out of hand. In a middle of a battle, a walk on the town, in his office, meetings with the other admrials, and one time in the during a meeting with the Five Elder Stars. It's driving everybody crazy.
Thank you so much for another cute prompt! I hope you like it :D
Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUFFY! I’m so late but I cannot keep track of the date lately whoops?
This is the last request for this batch! I’ll post on here again when/if I decide to reopen again :D Thank you to everyone for your support, every day I’m blown away by the love ;__;
Not so bad
[Read on AO3 or under the cut]
There were a lot of rumors about Admiral Monkey D. Luffy. Some of them were true, some were exaggerated, some were complete lies. Even at navy headquarters, there weren’t many people who knew for sure which were which but some of those stories seemed so ludicrous that all the young, hopeful recruits could at least rule a few out when talking about it during their free time.
After all, there was no way a single man could eat a month’s worth of food in one sitting. And he might have become an Admiral at a scandalously young age but it also couldn’t have been possible for him to single handedly beat two Warlords at seventeen years of age. And who’d ever heard about anyone being immune to the Pirate Empress’ beauty, or her devil fruit? Completely absurd, all of it.
The single, most ridiculous story, however, was the one about how he could just disappear. He would be eating lunch in the cafeteria and suddenly, he would be gone. Or you could be out on patrol with him, looking for pirates and chatting with the townspeople, and then you’d blink and realize you were talking to the air. Some of the older marines had told Coby that Monkey D. Luffy was like a ghost or a mirage sometimes; but all the young soldiers training under Vice-Admiral Garp agreed their seniors were just trying to impress them, scare them, or maybe playing a joke on them.
That was what Coby believed as well, until he started noticing weird happenings himself.
The first time things made him pause was one chilly October evening when he had stayed behind in the cafeteria to study. At one point, Admiral Luffy came in, barefoot and wearing nothing but shorts and a thin, open red shirt, simply nodding at Coby as he headed straight to the kitchen; Coby could only assume he was coming to steal some snacks. Iit was only while he was falling asleep hours later that Coby had realized he had never seen the Admiral leave.
About a week after that, he walked past Vice Admiral Garp’s office, and even though he wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, it was impossible not to overhear when the two of them were talking.
“Luffy, you need to stop this!” Garp shouted, closely followed by what could only be Admiral Luffy groaning.
“Well, I don’t wanna! We’re having fun!” Luffy snapped back, equally loud.
There was a pause then, and Coby could just imagine the way his mentor puffed up as he took a deep breath. It was what he always did when he was getting ready to chew someone out. He was really glad he wasn’t on the receiving end this time. 
A moment later, Garp finally replied, “Think about the timing! He can’t just up and kidnap you in the middle of a conversation— GODDAMN IT GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE BRATS!”
Coby took the scream as his cue to hide behind the nearest corner. Still, when Garp stormed out of his office, he couldn’t help but glance back. The room was empty.
Then finally, a few months later—months during which Coby had witnessed many small incidents of the Admiral not being where he was supposed to be, and overheard several conversations about a ‘habit of Luffy’s’—Garp tasked Coby to accompany the Admiral to a meeting. Coby resigned himself to be forced to hand out papers to the Admiral’s subordinates all afternoon but he tried to focus on the bright side. Maybe, if he was lucky, he would get to talk to some of them. He would love to ask Roronoa Zoro on some pointers with training at the very least; the man was well known as a monster all around the headquarters—and the Grand Line as a whole, really.
However, the reality was worse than anything he had imagined. So much worse.
Coby supposed he should feel honoured that he had somehow found himself acting the bodyguard in a meeting with the Five Elders but to be honest, he would have rather been quite literally anywhere else right then. The Elders were incredibly intimidating to say the least and Coby was too terrified to even look at the men directly.
The Admiral wasn’t helping with making this easier to deal with either. Coby had to wonder if he was riling them up on purpose; after all, who called the Elders ‘old men’ and told them that hunting down the Emperor Trafalgar Law was ‘a pain in the butt so he wasn’t gonna do it?’ And Coby had thought the way the Admiral talked to Vice Admiral Garp and Fleet Admiral Sengoku was disrespectful…
Just as Coby thought it couldn’t get worse, the Admiral stretched his rubbery arm to grab an entire tray of food from a table all the way across the room. Coby could almost see his life flashing before his eyes when one of the little tarts that were piled up on the tray flew off, and nearly hit one of the Elders in the face. The man froze in the middle of a sentence, a scandalized look in his eyes while Luffy only apologized half-heartedly, simply stretching out his other arm to snatch the tart before it even hit the floor.
As if that wasn’t enough, after he stuffed his mouth so full that Coby was positive if he wasn’t made of rubber, his cheeks would burst, the Admiral turned to look at Coby behind him, gesturing for him to help himself. Coby was so light-headed, so resigned to his imminent death, that he didn’t even think about it and automatically reached out to blindly grab some of the food.
Right in that moment, something like a blue, see-through film ran through the room and Luffy’s face split in the widest grin imaginable, his eyes nearly sparkling as he quickly reached out to securely grab the tray with both hands, accidentally catching Coby’s hand as well.
A split second later, before Coby could so much as blink, his surroundings completely changed.
Instead of the spacious, airy, luxurious room, he found himself in a much darker and comparatively tiny enclosed space, which was full of people and so much noise. Did he faint? Was this one of his anxiety dreams? For the first time in his life, he sure as hell hoped so. After all, what other explanation was there for the room shrinking and changing shape, people materializing out of nowhere, and for the constant metallic hum which Coby could only assume was an engine running? Actually, if Coby didn’t know better, he’s say he had somehow teleported into a submarine’s dining room.
“Torao!” someone suddenly shouted right in his ear. “Thanks so much, I thought I’d die of boredom!” There was a split second pause before something that felt like a cold metal disk was shoved deep into Coby’s gut just before the voice continued, “Sorry, Coby, hold this.”
Coby wondered if maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t a dream; the pain of getting the air knocked out of him seemed way too real for that. As he fumbled to hold the tray which was suddenly in his arms, Coby shook his head, finally forcing himself to focus on what was going on around him. He looked around just in time to watch Admiral Luffy excitedly jump into someone’s arms for a hug—if you could call him wrapping himself around the poor person’s head like a rubbery octopus a ‘hug’ anyway.
“I think Torao’s suffocating,” a woman’s voice chimed in and Coby recognized the black haired woman as Nico Robin, one of the top officers directly under the Admiral. 
“Yeah, that would be a pretty pathetic end to the mighty Emperor,” another female officer, Nami, sighed before stepping forward and pulling on Luffy’s ear until it stretched away from his head.
Lazily untangling himself from the other person, the Admiral giggled, “Sorry, Torao.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” the poor man grumbled, prompting Luffy to laugh.
“I am!” he announced proudly, before standing up on his tiptoes to give Trafalgar Law a kiss on the cheek.
When the realization hit him, that a navy Admiral was kissing one of the Four Emperors, Coby wanted to scream, cry, and laugh all at once. He couldn’t believe this. He refused believe this but there was not way this was a dream now. His mind could never come up with something so ridiculous, so absurd, so downright crazy.
This was really happening.
“I think our guest is gonna faint,” Franky noted, looking so very disinterested while he sipped in his cola, prompting Nico Robin to simply chuckle as she leaned into the cyborg’s side.
Coby felt someone step right up to him then. “I’ll take this before Sanji murders us for wasting food,” the man in a white jumpsuit and a hat with a little penguin on top told him helpfully before he took the tray from Coby’s arms.
And then, there was only blessed darkness.
The first thing Coby registered was the loud familiar laughter of his superior. Coby hoped he was back in the barracks, in his bed. Or maybe the infirmary? It didn’t really matter to him. He wasn’t ready to open his eyes anyway.
“I swear, the one time I get out of a meeting with the Elders and you kids do this!” Garp howled. The laughter, still clear in his voice his voice, sounded slightly distorted as if coming from a transponder snail.
“Shut up, Garp! You’re not the one who has to clean up after them! Again!” Coby placed the new voice as Fleet Admiral Sengoku. Even muffled and seemingly coming from far away, his words sounded like he was was on the verge of a mental breakdown. Or murder.
Someone snorted then, this time clearer and louder, making Coby finally crack open one of his eyes to look who it was. He was sad to realize he was still on the submarine—probably the infamous Polar Tang—but he forced himself not to think about it. Instead, he focused on the two figures sitting on the floor on the other side of the room; Admiral Luffy and the other none other than Trafalgar Law. He could only stare blankly at where he Admiral was sitting in between the Emperor’s legs, leaning back against his chest with the pirate’s arms wrapped loosely around his waist. Luffy was holding a transponder snail receiver, where the voices of the two top navy men were coming from. They both looked so very comfortable and relaxed, a wide, happy grin on the Admiral’s face while Trafalgar smirked cheekily as if Sengoku could see him. It was all so bizarre that somehow, Coby wasn’t even surprised anymore.
Instead, the sight was… actually kind of adorable.
“Oh, by the way, gramps,” Luffy said then, completely ignoring the fuming Fleet Admiral. “I kinda accidentally took Coby with me. He’s fine, just sleeping.”
“He means he passed out,” Trafalgar supplied helpfully.
Luffy waved his hand dismissively, “Yes, that.”
“Thank God, I was kinda worried the Elders stole him,” Garp said. He didn’t sound very worried.
“Yeah, he looked like he needed a break anyway, so we’re gonna take him to party with us,” Luffy hummed thoughtfully, turning to look Coby’s way. The young marine quickly closed his eyes again; he wasn’t entirely sure why he felt like he should keep pretending to be asleep but it felt so wrong to let them know he was awake now.
“Just give him back in one piece,” Garp laughed.
“No promises,” Trafalgar shot back and Coby could just hear the smug smirk in his voice.
Luffy interrupted before Garp could, sounding a little sad, “We promised Ace no more body part jenga, he almost had a heart attack last time because he thought I got actually cut up.”
“Shit, I forgot,” Trafalgar groaned, his voice sounding muffled. When Coby dared to take a quick peek, he saw the pirate had buried his face in the crook of Luffy’s neck.
“Now that that’s settled, you kids should go have fun,” Garp announced cheerfully. “Happy birthday, Luffy. Enjoy your party.”
Luffy giggled, thanking his grandfather just as the person on the other end of the connection changed and Sengoku spoke up instead, “Happy birthday, Luffy, but if I get a repeat of Law’s birthday two years ago and I have to deal with another overthrown queen, I swear I will disown you, Trafalgar Law.”
“Sure, you will, gramps. Bye,” Law muttered before taking the receiver from Luffy’s hand and hanging up and Coby… decided he didn’t hear that last part. For the sake of the sad remains of his own sanity.
There was too much information to process as it was, he didn’t need the knowledge that Sengoku was related to Trafalgar Law on top of all this.
Long silence settled over the room after that. Coby almost thought the two had left but he didn’t dare open his eyes. And it was good that he didn’t because a few minutes later, he heard Luffy whisper, “We should get back to the others.”
“I don’t want to. I haven’t seen you in weeks,” Trafalgar replied voice equally soft.
“I know,” Luffy sighed. “I missed you so much.”
Law only hummed, staying silent for a moment before letting go of a frustrated groan. “I guess I have to share you today. But you’d better make it up to me during these two weeks,” he conceded.
“You don’t have to ask,” Luffy said cheekily without missing a beat.
Unable to help himself, Coby opened his eyes. Then immediately closed them again as he bore witness to about the most tender, most intimate kiss he had ever had the misfortune to intrude on. He felt terrible, like he was ruining the moment for them with his presence… even though they were the ones who had decided to do this while Coby was assumed to be sleeping right there.
“Happy birthday,” Law mumbled softly a moment later and even with his eyes closed, Coby could see the impossibly bright smile that undoubtedly spread on Admiral Luffy’s lips.
And despite himself, despite the whole navy and pirate thing, Coby he was happy for them.
Maybe some pirates weren’t so bad.
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
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Heyo!! I know we haven’t talked before, but I wanted to say I think you’re really cool and I love your LawLu ideas!! I apologize I don’t usually interact, I blame my shy, awkward self, but do know I see you and care about you! Thank you so much for following me and I hope we can interact one day! I love you!❤️❤️
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feriowind · 4 years
Hi again ☺
I have another question( ok more than one) for the feral Luffy universe.
What would Garp's, Dandan's , Foosha village, and to some extent Dragon's reaction to Luffy being alive? Would Garp be a bit more bitter towards the world government even more then he is in canon? Getting drunk once a year during Luffy's birthday? I can Imagine that (well not including Dragon) they would be a bit more protective of Luffy. Not to the point where they would crush his dream but, to be a little annoying. Would Makio (And some extent Dandan)have Ace and Sabo calling an updating on Luffy's journey? Would Garp during the Strawhats first meeting him be a bit more "Idiot Grandson trying to sind me to an early grave" along with the you should be a Marine not a Pirate talk(Oh BTW your dad is the most wantedman in the world)?
Garp’s initial reaction is booking it back to Dawn Island asap to see Luffy with his own 2 eyes! But also yeah, after Luffy’s “death” originally, he lost a lot more faith in the justice of the world government and navy because there was nothing he could actually do to right the wrong of his grandson’s death.
Luffy’s birthday does become a day of grieving, and yeah he probably drinks a little too much.
He actually stops hounding Ace and Sabo to become marines, and instead simply asks that they become good men. It’s really all he has the right to ask for.
Garp doesn’t ask Luffy to become a marine either when he finally sees him again. Luffy being alive has satisfied him enough, though he makes sure to train him more (and makes a harder effort to stay longer on Dawn Island to spend more time with Luffy). Garp is definitely tempted to find a way to keep Luffy safe and away from the sea, but he desperately wants Luffy to be happy and to live a fulfilling life, and he knows locking him away would be the worst thing he could do, so he lets Luffy choose his own path.
Garp also reveals to Luffy earlier that his dad is Dragon during their extended time together. Luffy is similarly not particularly shocked about the information, and he still doesn’t get what a revolutionary is, but does say he’d like to meet him one day, just to hear his stories.
Dragon, meanwhile, right after Luffy’s “death” did something he never would have originally which was track down the celestial dragon that killed him and sunk their ship under the guise of a storm. It’s stupidly risky but Dragon couldn’t contain his wrath.
Luckily they never discover his hand in the celestial dragon’s death, and the whole thing is ruled as a freak accident.
After Luffy’s return, Dragon receives the news from Garp, who passes on a simple message of “He’s alive”. As tempted as he is to go see Luffy himself, he refrains from doing so, only letting himself bask in the joy that his son was still alive and that the world government failed in crushing another holder of the Will of D.
Dadan and Makino were both highly apprehensive about Luffy’s departure from the island. Neither Sabo nor Ace were around, both already off on their adventures, so they couldn’t be around to watch over Luffy, so they could only see him off (after forcing him to to have every supply necessary for a decent week’s travel) while in tears. Luffy’s cheerfulness and confidence do help settle some of their worries though.
So ye Garp’s speech at Water 7 doesn’t really happen, it’s just a more heartwarming reunion than in canon hahaha.
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feriowind · 4 years
What would Harpy Law's reaction to Forst God Luffy be? Would he know that Luffy's not quite human? And would Law be the first Harpy that Luffy has ever seen or has it been a cuple hundred years?
Law would definitely be much more sensitive to the supernatural.... I guess if he existed in a world where the divine exists, harpies would have an ancient history tied to divinity, which Law would be aware of.
I think he’d have an innate natural desire to bow his head towards Luffy, but his “human” side would refuse to give into this compulsion that he feels. He owes nothing to gods, who did nothing to save his family.
Luffy’s seen harpies before but yea it’s definitely been a long time since he last saw one!
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feriowind · 4 years
I find harpy Law very adorable...I can imagine Luffy first meeting Law going from "Who are you an whats with the bear??" To his customary "Do you Poop?" I think Law would be at least amused to Luffy's child like enthusiasm. That in I can just picture on the Sunny Luffy is sleepy cuddling into Laws feathers. It's not that he "allows" Luffy to do it or even points out the most comfortable and softest feathers for Luffy to snuggle into. Or the fact he finds the recations to Luffy popping out very amusing.
Any way sorry to bother you ... and thankyou for sharing 😊. Also don't forget to take care of your ok...
LOL yeah Luffy would definitely ask those questions hahaha
Law would be more annoyed at first but starts to warm up to Luffy’s attempts at physical affection much to his own personal horror HAHA
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chenziee · 4 years
There are sparks between us
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First one for this batch of requests! (I really should stop pretending they’re going to be “drabbles”, I haven’t written a single one that could pass for a drabble)
Thank you so much @detective1412d​ for the prompt! This... might not be what you had in mind but I hope you like it! <33 (I absolutely love your username btw, just needed you to know that)
Requests are still open, please refer to this post for more info :)
[Read on AO3 or under the cut]
Even when he was only just nearing the little house where he and the Straw Hats had taken shelter after the battle with Doflamingo, Law could tell it was noisy. That could only mean that Straw Hat was finally awake and a wave a relief washed over him. It wasn’t like Straw Hat sleeping the past few days away was unexpected after the strain on his body, and Law had checked his condition regularly to make sure everything was alright, but hearing his laughter was still a weight off of his shoulders.
He could do without the noise but he supposed that was just a part of the package with these pirates and their captain. Just couldn’t do the simplest of things quietly.
Law was surprised at the chuckle that had escaped him at the thought. When did he become so… fond of these people? He quickly wiped the smile off of his face, schooling his expression back to neutral as he reached out to open the door.
“Torao!” Straw Hat greeted him immediately. “Where did you go?”
Looking in the direction of the voice, Law was surprised to no find the other Straw Hats or the samurai sitting at the at the table but instead, Fire Fist Ace and the revolutionary army chief of staff were there with Straw Hat himself. What he wasn’t surprised about, however, was seeing his fellow pirate captain stuffing his face with food, his head barely visible behind the mountain in front of him. At least he swallowed his food before he tried to talk to Law.
“Just checking on the marines,” Law replied, leaning Kikoku against the wall and pushing his hood away from his face.
“Boring,” Straw Hat said in response.
“Someone has to do it since you people don’t seem to give a damn,” Law noted, raising a challenging eyebrow but Straw Hat only stuck his tongue out at him, making Law huff out a small laugh.
“The navy can suck it,” Fire Fist said as he stole a chicken leg right from under Straw Hat’s fingers, earning himself loud protests from his younger brother. A second later, a pipe came to land against the side of Ace’s head. The man clicked his tongue and dropped the chicken back on the pile with a huge pout.
Sabo smiled in approval, then finally reacted to Ace’s words, “Yeah, they don’t seem all too eager to catch us anyway.”
“That’s because gambler old man isn’t a bad guy,” Straw Hat said, nodding seriously to himself as he grabbed the chicken leg that Ace had tried to steal.
As if that made any difference. “He’s still an admiral. They’re going to move sooner or later,” Law sighed, ruffing Straw Hats hair on his way to grab some water.
The other pirate only snickered, letting his head fall so far back that Law’s neck hurt at the sight. “But Torao, it’s not like we can’t beat them.”
 Before Law could say anything, Sabo interrupted him, “You’re not fighting an admiral, Luffy. Not now when you’re still recovering.”
“Exactly, Luffy. I’m the one who’s going to fight him,” Ace agreed in a grave voice.
“Neither of you is fighting the admiral!” Sabo snapped, and Law was glad at least one of these brothers seemed to be remotely sane.
Is what he thought at least, before Luffy whined, “Not fair, you already fought him, Sabo!”
His words were closely followed by Ace rolling his eyes and huffing, “You just want to fight him yourself.”
“What can I say, it’s my job to pick fights with the government,” Sabo said with a grin, shrugging as if what he had said made perfect sense.
Law sighed. How and why did he get involved with these people? “How about no one is fighting the admiral,” he said, voice perfectly flat as he shot them all a glare.
“You’re no fun.” Straw Hat announced, sounding as sulky as Law had ever hear him and looking back at Law with a huge pout on his lips.
Law felt the corner of his mouth twitch upward. How was this idiot so cute? Moving away from the counter, Law took the two steps that separated them and leaned down, briefly pressing his lips to Luffy’s. It was just a quick peck, but only when the soft touch of skin sent jolts down his spine, making his heartbeat speed up like crazy, did Law realize what he had just done. He kissed Luffy.
He kissed Luffy.
They barely even had time to talk about this… thing between them—really only had a minute in the middle of the battle, back on the roof while Luffy’s haki recovered—just enough for some hurried confessions. Luffy was asleep the entire time after and Law wasn’t even entirely sure he felt the same way.
He was honestly starting to panic a little bit.
Taking a deep breath, Law finally stood up straight, moving as if on autopilot to drop into the last available chair at the table. Not like he could do much about it now except try to play it cool, after all. Especially when the silence suddenly hanging over the room was getting unbearable. He hoped his expression wasn’t betraying the battle that was raging in his mind but hell, he couldn’t even look anyone of them in the face. Mostly, he just didn’t want to know what expression Luffy was wearing right then so he only focused on the mug in his hands, taking a long sip of his water just to have an excuse to close his eyes.
He was brought back to reality when he felt something warm touch his cheek and his eyes shot open. It took him a second to realize what just happened. That Luffy had kissed him back. When he turned to look to the side, he came face to face with that bright, wide grin and he didn't bother stopping the small, soft smile that pulled on his own lips right then; the warm feeling in his chest and his stomach, the ghost of Luffy's touch on his lips and cheek… It was too much, too impossible to fight.
Plus, he didn't want to fight it anyway. Luffy reciprocating his feelings made him feel light, made him feel safe, made him happy, and Law was done running away from things that made him happy just because he was too scared to lose them.
He wasn't going to lose this one thing even if it killed him.
Suddenly, the comfortable warmth Law was feeling disappeared, only to be replaced by the unbearable heat coming from the wall of fire in his face. Law jerked back on reflex, nearly falling off of his chair in the process.
“Ace, stop!” came Luffy’s voice from somewhere on the other side of the fiery wall.
Law as well turned to look at him questioningly; the only possible suspect was glaring right back at him, an unspeakable fury written all over his face while his entire right arm was engulfed in flames. Even his hair was on fire.
“You touch my little brother again and I will burn your face off,” Ace growled, making the wall grow even larger to prove his point.
Law rolled his eyes. Talk about an overreaction.
Sabo’s hand landed on Ace’s shoulder a moment later. “Calm down, Ace, or you’re going to burn down the house,” he said, voice sounding soothing.
Law almost thanked him, but when he looked at the revolutionary’s face, there was a cold smile there and that was honestly a lot more terrifying than whatever Ace was show him.
“Just leave it to me, I’ll crush his head like an egg for robbing Luffy of his first kiss,” the man added, his hand already coated in Armament haki.
As if Law was about to stick around for that.
With a sigh, Law coated his own arm in haki and reached through the flames to grab at Straw Hat. “Shambles,” he said lazily and immediately, the two of them found themselves on the roof, the two enraged screams only a muffled echo from down below.
“Your power is always so cool,” Straw Hat breathed as soon as he found his footing after the sudden change of scenery.
“Thanks,” Law replied with a chuckle at the stars that were dancing in Luffy’s eyes. He was seriously too cute. However, his amusement soon died down when he remembered what Sabo had said and he frowned, his gaze turning to quizzical. “Was that really your first kiss?” he asked slowly.
Straw Hat cocked his head to the side, a confused expression finding its way on his face. “Yeah?”
A feeling of dread and shame washed over Law. He really fucked up there, didn’t he? “I’m sorry,” he said, trying to sound as sincere as he could.
Law paused, staring blankly at the honest, bemused frown on Luffy’s face that accompanied the simple question. Did he seriously not understand why Law was apologizing?
“For stealing your first kiss?” he tried, gesturing vaguely between them. “And without asking,” he added, making a face at his own stupidity. Why didn’t he realize what he was about to do until after it happened?
“Why?” Straw Hat asked again, pausing for a second before continuing, “I mean, it’s not a big deal, right? I don’t know why Ace and Sabo reacted like that. And I like you and I liked it so it’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
Law blinked. Luffy wasn’t wrong but it… sounded a little too simple. Looking into Luffy’s eyes, Law couldn’t see any hint of uncertainty or any sign that he didn’t mean every single word he had said and out of nowhere, Law felt like he was the stupid one.
He couldn’t help it. He laughed, suddenly feeling so light and calm. Maybe he really shouldn’t be thinking too hard about things, especially where this idiot was concerned. It wasn’t like he bothered to think anything through, after all.
With a crooked smile still on his face, Law leaned forward, his fingers gently brushing Luffy’s cheek before they buried in his soft hair. He ignored the shouts of his name and death threats coming from the two brothers who were now running all around the house looking for them, only focusing on the grin on Luffy’s face and the warmth of his gaze. “Then I better do it more often,” he whispered only a second before their lips connected once more.
The kiss was slower this time, soft and innocent and making those damn butterflies in Law’s stomach go crazy. He really was so gone for this man. He couldn’t help but remember the time after they had left the auction house on Sabaody two years ago, the one where he met Luffy for the first time. After all was said and done, Shachi had looked at him with this stupid grin on his face and called Law smitten.
Law had just rolled his eyes and told him not to be an idiot but he wondered, if the same conversation happened now, whether he would be able to say anything against the accusation. Hell, maybe Shachi was right even then. Maybe Law was taken in by his brightness, the life he was radiating, and his reckless willingness to fight the entire world for the people he cared about. He couldn’t deny he was drawn to him ever since they first met.
Finally, they pulled away from each other, both out of breath and with smiles on their faces, and Law thought to himself that it might have been unavoidable. Unavoidable for Luffy to save him, both metaphorically and literally, for Law to fall in love, for the two of them being here, kissing on the roof while Luffy’s brothers went through several stages of mental breakdown below them.
And Law would go through everything that had happened in the past week all over again just for this moment.
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