aperihellion · 6 years
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❝ haruhi !!! come here for a moment --- i’ve a question for you. ❞  his voice is commanding and firm, a sparkle in his eyes and one hand outstretched as he beckons the newest member of the host club toward him with confidence. || @desultorii
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heartsmused · 5 years
@desultorii selected Celty
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「 Excuse me but did you happen to see a small leather bag anywhere? It’s got some really important stuff inside and I ended up loosing it on my way home. 」
It was true Celty had lost a bag as she made her way home across town on Shooter. A bag full of her pay for this job she had tirelessly worked on all day. All that money just gone in a instant. When the dullahan had noticed the bag was missing she panicked and turned back around going up to the first person she saw hoping that they had spotted the bag somewhere.
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mindsgame · 5 years
@desultorii​ // starter call
❝ so... can you fix it? ❞ the robot near placed down before the other was clearly old; the paint that once decorated it’s surface had been all but rubbed away, and the soft plastic had been scuffed  and dented in several places— from being dropped, most likely. ( it was one of his favorites— no, his absolute favorite. end of story. ) however, more worryingly than the cosmetic imperfections was the mess of wires coming out of the toy’s back. near had already tried and failed to fix it on his own, but he couldn’t match matt’s sheer technological expertise. if anyone could pull off a miracle, it was him.
at least he hoped. ❝ before you ask, i’m willing to offer compensation as an incentive; name your price. ❞ considering who he was dealing with, near thought a little motivation was necessary.
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❝ what do you say? ❞
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wishfell · 5 years
@desultorii    ╱     botan.
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“   well.   i’m not sure if that’s just mature of you,   or rather sad. ”  humans,  when faced with death,  had many different reactions.   as a REAPER herself,   she dealt with guiding those spirits as best she could,   and making their journey to the afterlife run smoothly.   even so,   many only accepted death if they were much older,   or didn’t find much meaning in their lives.   yusuke was quite similar in that matter,   before visiting his wake.  though,   such mindset came from trauma,  she could imagine.  “   i’m living proof of that,   so i can’t really argue with you.  still !!  you shouldn’t be so bleak about it.   at a rather young age too …  i hope you don’t go telling your friends that,   i can’t imagine it’s good party talk.   ”
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        Sad. This is the first he’s ever been described as such, for he was never one to evoke pity. Mature, maybe, but that was only when he kept his mouth shut. His temper was explosive, words blunt, often spoken with a dangerous edge. Simply put, there was nothing mature or sad about him. “Tch. Like I care.” He wasn’t much of a talker, wasn’t much of a fan of strangers either. This woman was the complete opposite, able to talk up a storm with or without his participation. How they got to a morbid topic such as death was beyond him. “You make it sound like I should be all sunshine and rainbows about it.” A pause. “Like you,” he adds in as an afterthought.
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locksfate · 6 years
❣️ - shin : )
It’s Valentine’s Day!
❣️  - Proclaiming your love to my muse.
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 Once  another’s  statement  makes  its  way  to  oneself’s  ears,  peach  colored  hues  widen  and  his  breath  hitches  soundlessly;  time  nearly  halting  in  his  eyes.   ❛     ———  !     ❜   As  a  result,  movements  freeze  for  a  couple  of  seconds  and  his  brain  attempts  to  comprehend  the  bold  declaration  of  love  (  the  underlying  surprise  originating  from  the  sudden  affirmation  rather  than  the  other’s  feelings,  for  he  had  long  since  guessed  his  childhood  friend’s  probable  affections  for  himself  ).  Thus,  he  keeps  silent  for  a  moment  longer  before  his  breath  returns  to  normal  and  the  previously  stunned  expression  disappears  at  last,  a  softer  (  yet  slightly  diffident  )  mien  replacing  it  instead.
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 Eyes  lock  themselves  on  the  other’s  cerise  pair  subsequently  and  they  begin  to  search  for  any  leftover  hints  of  seconds  thoughts,  of  hesitance;  a  reluctant  smile  spreading  itself  atop  his  features,  lids  closing.  He  begins  to  speak  then  and  a  question  he’d  ever  so  often  thought  about  ultimately  escapes  the  enclosures  of  his  mind,  tone  faintly  wary.   ❛     …  Before  I  say  anything  else;  Shin,  are  you  sure  you  want  to  go  for  me  ?   You  of  all  people  should  know  how  much  of  a  handful  I  can  be,  and  I’m  convinced  that  you  could  find  someone  much  better  if  you  just  looked,  but  if  you  still  decided  to  confess  to  me  despite  knowing  all  of  that …     ❜  Trail  of  thoughts  cuts  off  in  the  middle  of  the  sentence  and  lids  open  anew  to  carefully  glance  at  his  friend’s  reaction,  hues  once  more  making  contact  with  the  other’s;  the  apparent  resolve  strongly  present  in  the  vermillion  orbs  however  washing  away  any  former  traces  of  incertitude  in  himself.
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 Therefore,  a  perhaps  relieved  sigh  escapes  from  his  chest  and  his  smile  becomes  wholeheartedly  tender,  cheeks  burning  lightly  as  he  steps  forward  a  tad  toward  the  other,  an  own  admission  of  feelings  following  suit  /  brief  embarrassment  felt  with  each  word  uttered.   ❛     …  I  love  you  too,  Shin.  —  It  actually  took  me  some  time  to  come  to  terms  with  that,  so  I  kept  quiet  about  it  even  though  it  was  clear  as  day  that  you  were  trying  to  flirt  with  me  for  a  while  now.   Sorry,  for  putting  the  burden  of  confessing  on  you.     ❜   An  abrupt  inhale  of  air  follows  afterwards  and  the  red  undertones  on  his  cheeks  deepen  marginally;  hands  reaching  out  and  taking  ahold  of  the  other’s  (  fingers  gently  intertwined  at  their  sides,  space  inbetween  their  bodies  almost  fully  closed  ).  Hues  therefore  gaze  into  the  ruby  pair  and  a  pivotal  query  is  asked  of  the  other,  in  a  mixture  of  fondness  and  determination.   ❛     To  make  up  for  that,  it’s  only  fair  that  I’ll  be  the  one  to  ask  you  this,  so …  Shin,  would  you  mind  going  out  with  me,  and  becoming  my  boyfriend  ?     ❜
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wovenredthread · 5 years
||closed starter for @desultorii ‘s Riko ||
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“Your father ought to be proud of you.”
     It had taken awhile for winter’s chilling grip to leesson. Feelings don’t always thaw so quickly. There was resentment and anger throughout Rakuzan for a month or two. But with spring comes renewal, and the team was no exception. Tensions couldn’t help but soften and soon enough Akashi had reached out to the Tokyo team personally to arrange their first joint practice. They were to be generous hosts, since traveling all the way out to Kyoto was a journey in itself. 
     Everything was winding down, the young captain only having to quell the slightest bit of animosity from his teammates. He’d approached the rival coach intending to simply thank her for making it out here. That last line was an accident but by no means a lie. He’d been thinking about her skill, and felt she deserved to hear about it.
“Thank you again for making it out this far.” 
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hitobanju · 6 years
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“707 hacked my phone and replaced my icon with this bird-like thing. He messaged me after and said that the picture was me as a chicken. I highly disagree and wanted him to change it back but my phone is not acting properly. Could you help me get this icon out and into a new one?”.
@desultorii​ ( for Shieon aka MC ).
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aetherevs-blog · 6 years
ツ hell yeah i do ! you are one of my favourite blogs because of your many characters and kickass portrayals of all your muses. you shouldn't be so hard on yourself ! though i can understand that worry myself, we adore your blog ^^
Send me a ツ if you like the way I portray my muse
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aksdjfsk I have so many characters is 100% true. It’s sad that I’m thinking of adding more, isn’t it? alksjdks but thank you so much??? Your blog & muses are all so so good !! aksjd ahhhhh I’m crying over here 
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spiriitgun · 5 years
“You never know when to stop, do you?” From botan!
The Umbrella Academy Starters || @desultorii || accepting
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          “ You say that like it’s never gotten us out of trouble! It’s part of my charm, what can I say! ”
     A NONCHALANT shrug came from the teen as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Picking fights was just his thing and he wasn’t about to stop because he was advised to by a friend. He couldn’t resist just throwing a punch in the face of some ass who deserved it. Made him feel like he could do anything.
          “ Besides, like you’ve ever complained before. ”
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
“ get rid of it, the voice inside that tells me that i’m scared. ” clem @ louis o; also hi!
alice merton lyrical starters | accepting 
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“Scared? Now when’ve I ever known the great Clementine to be scared of anything?” He had barely seen any animals other rabbits, fish, or squirrels in years. Coming across a snake? The young man had been psyched! Andmuch to the dismay of most of his friends, he’d taken hold of it and appeared to be handling it pretty well.
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kibashiro-blog · 6 years
@desultorii || starter (for Blue)
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“Blue? Is that really you?” Kiba had to blink a few times as he glanced in her direction. He had not expected to see any of the others again after he’d left them. He didn’t want them following and getting hurt on his watch.
“I thought you’d be with Hige. Is he okay?”
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konomedi-blog · 6 years
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“How did I not see it sooner?” She finally figured out what the riddle on the scroll meant. She was on a solo mission and the scroll had been making her get rather annoyed, but, it seems she got it this time and was in the right area to find the item she was supposed to find for her mission. Then she had this feeling that she wasn’t alone in the area so her went for a weapon as green eyes scanned the area. “Show yourself.” // desultorii, starter !!
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heartsmused · 5 years
“Watch out!” erika @ anri
MEME. // acc! || @desultorii
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A jolt runs through the teen as she hears a rather familiar voice call out a warning to her. Halting just in time she failed to notice she was about to cross the street during a red light. If she hadn’t been properly warned it could have ended really badly for her. She pivots on her heel to thank whoever had saved her from her close brush with death and saw Erika standing there looking at her with concern. Blinking a bit she offers the woman a smile - of course it had been Erika who else had a voice like hers? - almost apologetic in noticing her friend’s worry.
“O-oh Erika! Thank you for stopping me just now I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I guess I was too caught up in my thoughts...!”
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memorien-blog · 6 years
“Want a hug?” merrill @ isabela !
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       mirthless chuckle passes the pirate’s lips.  ❛  what’s brought this on ?  ❜  she asks, though she knows the answer.  merrill may be naive to some things due to her sheltered upbringing, but she is perceptive.  no doubt the mage noticed her low mood.  isabela takes another swig of her tankard; it’s easier to dodge merrill’s gaze this way.  ❛  sometimes, kitten … you can be too kind for your own good.  ❜  especially to those who don’t deserve it.
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melodixus · 6 years
I'm a new follower but I'm already in love with how you write demyx !! Your replies are extremely ic his dialogue is incredibly believable that I hear his voice in your writing !! Seriously so good !! An actual blessing !!
beep beep how’s my portrayal ? / always accepting
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     excuse me while i cry you are to kind??? ohmygoodness. being told someone can hear my muse in my writing is the biggest compliment in my opinion and i just- my heart feels so warm and fuzzy right now?? thank you!!
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sharedpractice · 6 years
🍫 riko @ kiyoshi & you know it's doused in protein powder
Valentines meme x
🍫 - Feeding my muse chocolate-covered fruits
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As sweet as this moment was, he couldn’t believe that Riko had used it to put more protein into his diet. After a few strawberries he shifted, his large hand stopping hers, “Riko, I honestly think the chocolate would taste better without the added protein, don’t you think?” he wondered with a tilt of his head. 
If anyone knew how to talk Riko around it was him. And Teppei used every trick of his time with her to stop this going the wrong way. 
“Perhaps we make another batch of chocolate, and test the theory. If I’m wrong, I’ll get on the school roof one more time and admit it”. 
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