bxekhyunxai-blog · 9 years
✉ Do it for Key and Minho xD
Key ✉ - Sum41: Best Of Me (omg..why?)
Minho ✉ - Girls Generation: Gee (NO)
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xad-astra-blog · 9 years
"I'm gonna bite that shoulder if you keep that up... Rude little boo~."
“So want you’re telling me is I should just take my whole shirt off~?” 
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Pushing himself off the car he was leaning against, he watched Actaeon for a moment which gave the need to stretch his arms above his head as it tilted from left to right before he turned on his heels after he felt something nudge against his leg, eyes glancing down at the bark. He watched for a moment and it clicked in almost immediately as he started walking after the hound.
It didn’t really take much for Kibum to know the hound didn’t care if he was following along or not, but he was always curious and willing to follow since it hadn’t caused him harm before. It was always interesting for him to watch the people around them and how they took no notice of the hound but they noticed him without fail.
Kibum didn’t pay much mind to the rest of his surroundings though, only glancing up when he noticed Actaeon stopped. He stopped next to the hound before he knelt down and reached into his bag pulling out a parcel of meat, opening it and offering it to the hound. “Thank you.”
Polite little bugger, this one was. It was certainly a surprise, but not an unwelcome one. His back legs pushed up, and he stood at the ready, his ears alert as saliva began to dribble across his tongue. He knew he had smelled pork, but half of him had believed that was just his stomach talking. Eyes trained on the pink strip of goodness, and his jaw parted, teeth sinking gently into the treat as he carefully tugged the piece free of Kibum’s grasp.
While he chomped, he padded over toward the doorway, where he promptly collapsed for another nap. He would wait here, or so he would allow Kibum to believe. It was not until the male would disappear that he would charge back off down the street.
Bless the two-legged’s paranoia; there appeared to be no cameras in the boundaries around the car. As bones finished snapping sickeningly into place, the last thing Actaeon wanted was to be arrested on charges due to his nudity or questioned for his unearthly transformation. Fingers tugged at the handles, first the front, and then the back before he found himself in luck. Kibum must have forgotten to lock the doors in their rush. Actaeon unlatched the handle before crawling inside. In a satchel he had watched Kibum hide, he found an extra pair of clothing and a few wads of won notes. He snatched away the shirt, but he knew the pants might be two short. Hopefully, Kibum wouldn’t notice in the dim light of the bar.
He tugged the clothing on, taking note of the brands. The black haired male would replace them later. A hand reached for the smallest wad of notes, and he stuffed them into his pockets. Back down the street he wandered, bare feet padding against cold stones. Before reaching the bar, he stopped in a small consignment shop. He replaced the jeans with a better fitting pair, and then he tugged on some boots. He stashed Kibum’s jeans in a back pack he purchased, and then he wandered back out into the street. Fifteen minutes had passed. Maybe Kibum would be well on his way to drunk by now.
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maxx-infinity-blog · 9 years
✎ = speaking in a different language (For Onew and Key xD)
Onew could hear a bunch of ranting and raving coming from the other room. Walking out to investigate what was making all the commotion he stopped in the living room to see Kay flailing his arms about and making just an ungodly amount of noise. He wondered what the other male was ranting about but he couldn’t understand a word the other was saying because it was all coming out in French and Onew didn’t study enough French to understand what Key was saying. “Key? You uh, doing okay?” He blinked at the other in pure shock. 
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darksideofseoul · 9 years
destinedxrealities liked your post:may do a follow forever if I reach 300 followers...
//and you know where you will be on it <3
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kimxkyoungjae-blog · 9 years
@destinedxrealities Minho tried not to laugh, he tried to keep a calm expression but his smile failed him, “I had no idea you wanted to go so bad. If I did you would have been the first person I called.”He pursed his lips in thought, “we can go again… I don’t mind.” “Well I don’t know about that” Eli replied, crossing his arms over his chest in a playful sulk. “I was kind of bummed out when I heard you got that ice cream without me. It’s been ages since I’ve had any of the good stuff” His lips curved up into a smile and he let his arms hang limply by his sides again. “But hey, we all make our mistakes! So when we going for ice cream huh?”
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cheongukapts-blog · 9 years
dvcxminho has moved to a new account at destinedxrealities. 
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bxekhyunxai-blog · 9 years
"Did you grow a little?" Key asked, tilting his head with a sly grin as he held his hand above the males head.
“I--” He glanced up before actually turning his head up to see Key’s hand hovering over his head. “well that’s a fine hello!” Baekhyun huffed, placing his hands on his own hips before laughing. 
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xad-astra-blog · 9 years
Warning: It's a trap! Believe me! Cute but deadly! Satan reincarnated! Approach with caution or face the consequences!
I’m pretty sure this sums up that warning label hm~? 
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xad-astra-blog · 9 years
"What are you doing under there?" -Key
Taemin poked his head out from his fort and smiled as he reached up to grasp his boyfriends wrist, tugging on his cutely. “I made a fort~ Come in, come in!” Taemin laughed with excitement as he practically pulled his lover inside of his fort. “It’s really comfortable and cozy~ but there is a rule to fort minnie” He smiled mischievously. “There is a no shirt rule.”  
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xad-astra-blog · 9 years
He ran into the younger males arms, hugging onto him tightly, "boo! I missed you!"
He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him just as tightly back. “I missed you too! So much~”
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xad-astra-blog · 9 years
"Boo... I'm going to lock you in my apartment when you come back and make out with you until you pass out or I'm satisfied."
“I love this idea. I doubt I’d pass out though. Your lips are too intoxicating~”
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xad-astra-blog · 9 years
"Lee Taemin! When you get your ass back here... You best be prepared to be tackled so I can snuggle the fuck out of you-."
Opening his arms Taemin laughed happily. “Well then some snuggle the fuck out of me! or we can fuck then snuggle either one I’m okay with.”
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maxx-infinity-blog · 9 years
௰ To Sehun from Toshizou
Sehun was minding his own business when he felt a hand grab onto his ass. He quickly turned around, not bothering to see who it was before he grabbed the others wrist tightly, letting the cold ice that was forming in his hand to spread to the strangers wrist. “And just what the almighty fuck do you think you’re doing?” He had never seen this person before in his life. Even if he did he wouldn’t allow him to just grab him in such an inappropriate manner. 
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maxx-infinity-blog · 9 years
ღ [To Onew from Minho xD]
Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following:
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeSexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeAesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Why do you make me do such things! 
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