#despite everything she was kind of nice to speak to though cause
kavehater · 3 months
Usually when I’m in my nothing interests me in this world anymore slump i eventually a tiny bit get out of it only momentarily but I fear this time it won’t be the case 🧎‍♀️
0 notes
tip-top-cloud-surfer · 8 months
The Danger Zone (Part 19) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 4.1k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY.
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Military Inaccuracies; Medical Inaccuracies; Crying; Deployments; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: Life goes on, even though Jake is still deployed.
Series Master List
Master List
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Standing in the bathroom, you applied the final touches to your makeup and hair. Sarah had been kind enough to host your baby shower and you were currently trying to think of gifts to get her, Penny, Emma, and Phoenix to thank them for the party. 
You put on a pair of earrings that used to belong to your mom. You were getting more and more sentimental and found yourself wearing your mom’s jewelry around more. Heading out to the kitchen, you greeted Mav, who was supposed to drive you.  
“You’re not hiding the fact that you know?” Maverick asked, gesturing to your pink dress. 
“No, what’s the point?” you replied with a shrug, walking over to your shoes. Sliding on a pair of flats, you added, “Jake knows and that’s all I care about.”
“Well, let’s get going. I’m pretty sure that Penny will have my head if you’re late.”
After a short drive, Maverick pulled into the Kazansky’s driveway. You slowly slid out of the car despite Maverick’s offer to help you and walked into the house. Heading down the hall into the main space, you paused at the entrance. 
The room had pink ribbons draped all around. Balloons decorated the corners and streamers framed the windows. They set up tables along the wall and there were already trays of pink cupcakes and other desserts on one of them. Emma and Phoenix were unboxing the catering in the kitchen and Sarah and Penny were finishing up some of the decorations.
“There she is,” Penny called, straightening up. “Happy Baby Shower!” She walked over and pulled you into a hug that you happily returned. “Are you excited?”
“I’m hoping that something interesting happens,” you replied with a small smile. “Thanks for doing all of this for me. And thank you Sarah for hosting.”
“Oh, please, I used to host the most ridiculous naval events here. At least this is a party I’ll actually enjoy,” Sarah mused, accepting your hug with a bright smile. “How’s Baby Girl doing?”
“She’s been pretty quiet today. So, she’ll decide to kick me when I’m least in the mood for it.”
“Are you hungry?” Phoenix asked, walking over and holding out a plate of food to you. “Everything is safe for you to have. Except for the booze, of course.”
“Thanks,” you mused, picking up an hors devour from the plate.
You ate quietly as they walked you through the whole set up. And you quietly kept grabbing little snacks along the way. Staring around at the whole set up, you turned to your family.
“You guys didn’t have to do all of this stuff for me.”
“Don’t start that. You deserve a nice baby shower and you’re getting a nice baby shower,” Phoenix stated firmly, causing you to nod and smile. 
“Do you guys need help with anything?”
“No, grab a drink and go relax. People should start getting here in about twenty minutes.”
It wasn’t a huge baby shower, at least compared to some that you had been to before, but you saw so many faces that you hadn’t seen in years. Emma really went through your whole list of contacts. But speaking of Emma, you hadn’t seen much of her. 
“Where’s Emma?” you asked Bradley, walking over to where he was standing.
“She ran out to grab something.”
“Is she alright?” you asked worriedly.
“Yeah, she just hasn’t been feeling well lately,” Bradley explained, a note of worry in his tone. “I told her to stay home, but she insisted on coming.”
“Did she go to a doctor?”
“She has an appointment for next week,” Bradley explained quietly. “Thursday. I told her just to go to urgent care or the hospital even if she feels that sick, but she said she wanted to wait. And I don’t want to upset her.”
“I’ll talk to her when she gets back.”
“She’ll just tell you to focus on your party,” Bradley reminded you, but you simply smiled. 
“Exactly. It’ll just be part of your gift to me.”
“You couldn’t have told me that before I spent three hours in a baby store for you?”
“Did I mention how I appreciate how supportive you are?” you remarked sarcastically, patting your brother on the shoulder before moving on. 
Making your way through the crowd of people to head back inside to be in the air conditioning and to grab some more food, you looked up to see Maverick talking with a group of familiar aviators in the corner of the yard. You turned a bit and made your way over to greet them. 
“Well, here’s the woman of the hour,” Maverick announced, causing all of them to turn to you. 
“Hi, everyone,” you stated, waving to them. “I wasn’t expecting any of you to make it.” Turning to the man closest to you, you offered him a hug. “How’d you get the time off of work, Uncle Slider? I would have thought you would be flying now.” 
“I timed my flights and got an extended layover in San Diego,” Slider replied, returning your hug. 
With the exception of Maverick and Iceman, Slider was the aviator who spent the most time with your family. Especially because he retired earlier than either Mav or Ice had. He didn’t have the stories about your dad that Maverick did nor did he provide the same sort of stability that Ice did with Sarah and his family, but he was a pillar in your childhood. 
“I thought you said you would stay away from naval aviators,” he joked, gesturing to your bump.
“I know,” you laughed, resting a hand on your back. “But we all make exceptions for the right people.” 
“And is it true that you got married already?” 
“Right before he left,” you agreed, showing your rings. “It was both a shotgun and a pre-deployment wedding all in one.” 
“Well, you know if he ever wants to fly commercially, I can get him in no problem,” Slider offered, causing you to smile.
“Thanks, but I think Jake’s the type to be forced to retire from the Navy.” 
“He’s been spending too much time around Mav then?” Slider guessed, nudging Maverick in the side jokingly. “I still can’t believe that you’re actually retired now.”
“Well, I’m needed here now,” Maverick replied, glancing over at you. “And I’d like to enjoy the rest of my time with the kids and Penny.”
As Maverick and Slider continued to talk, you moved around the group. Thanking Hollywood and Wolfman for driving down, you turned to Viper and his wife, who still lived locally despite Viper’s retirement over two decades now. 
“It’s been so long,” you remarked, pulling Viper’s wife Linda in for a hug. “How are you?”
“Oh, don’t worry about us. Look at you! You’re so big now,” Linda called, causing Slider to snort. “And pink! You’re having a girl then?”
“Yeah, we’re having a little girl,” you confirmed with a proud smile. 
“Thank you.” Turning to Viper, you moved to give him a hug. “And how are we, Admiral?”
“Still strong,” Viper reported, offering you a smile. “And we’re very glad to hear that Jake finally took his responsibilities seriously.”
“Oh?” you asked, confused.
“Marrying you, dear,” Linda explained with a smile.
“Taking responsibility for his actions,” Viper stated bluntly, causing your eyes to widen.
“Right,” you trailed off, nodding with a polite smile.
“Why don’t we see if we can find Bradley then?” Maverick suggested, stepping up beside you. “He’s separating from the Navy, you know.”
“After the hissy fit that he threw about getting in, he’s just leaving like that?” Viper barked out, causing his wife to admonish him.
You shared an amused look with Slider before you headed inside. Chatting with Phoenix and Coyote, you paused when you saw a stressed-looking Emma walk into the kitchen with a few bags. You walked into the kitchen as well, cautiously approaching your obviously skittish sister-in-law.
"Emma?" you called, causing her to whip around.
"Hey, did you need something?" she asked, unpacking a bag.
"No, but did you?" you offered, moving to stand beside her. "You look a little stressed and I don't want you to worry about the party anymore. It's amazing."
"I'm not stressed about the party. I'm just . . . stressed," Emma sighed, avoiding eye contact.
"Is it something with the house?"
"No, it's all fine."
"Is it my stupid brother?"
"No," Emma replied quietly. "Where is he anyway?"
"Getting a lecture from Viper, I think," you stated, glancing out the window. Turning back to Emma, you offered, "You know, I'm here for you. And forget the fact that this is my party. I'm honestly just trying to stay busy so that I can ignore the fact that Jake isn't here."
Emma gave you a sympathetic look and sighed. Looking around, she slowly turned back to you.
"I don't want to ruin your party."
"The Navy ruined my party. What's bothering you?"
"I'm . . . late."
"Late for what?"
Emma shot you a look.
"Oh, sorry. Wait, how late? Like a day?"
"More like . . . sixteen," Emma replied, causing your eyes to widen.
"Have you taken a test?"
"Not yet."
"Go get one."
"I have one. I bought it at the store a month ago and it's been sitting in my glove compartment ever since. But it's your party. Today isn't about me, it's about you and your baby," Emma reminded you quietly. "I'm not going to take the test."
"Even if I tell you that you should," you stated, causing Emma to sigh. "Or at least do it when you get home." After a moment, you asked, "Why have you been avoiding it for this long? You bought the test a month ago and you still haven't taken it?"
"Because then it becomes real," Emma replied, not meeting your gaze. "And we had our plan. We were going to start trying after Bradley separated from the Navy and settled into his new job. And a lot can go wrong in the first few weeks . . . I'm just trying to process it some more."
"Have you told him yet?" Emma shook her head slowly and you offered her a supportive smile in return. "Look, whatever happens, Bradley loves you and I love you and we’ll all be here to support you. And, hey, at least your dad already got the whole threatening phase out of his system. It's smooth sailing in that department."
Emma managed a soft chuckle at the memories, closing her eyes for a moment. The two of you turned when you heard footsteps. Bradley stepped into the kitchen with his sights set on you.
“Penny said it’s time to open presents.” 
“Alright, I'll go out there."
You shared a glance with Emma, who nodded quietly, before moving to move past your brother. But before you could make it too far, Bradley gave you a lightly annoyed look.
“And please don't send anyone else to give me a lecture today. Because I barely survived the last one.” 
“Viper found you then?” you asked, amused. 
“And then talked my ear off with the most disappointed dad look I’ve seen in years.” 
“Well, it was either you or me, and it's my party, so it had to be you.” 
Glancing between Bradley and Emma, who was already staring at her husband, you headed outside to open your presents. They were all lined up for you by the time that you arrived, and Penny was there to hand you your presents.
Penny and Maverick bought you a beautiful crib. Sarah got you a bassinet and told you that her kids loved it for their own kids. Javy and Nat bought what seemed to be an industrial stroller—Javy insisted that it was going to be necessary given your child’s genes. And you got piles of baby clothes of various sizes, diapers, and some formula.
“And this one seems to be from Emma and Bradley,” Penny stated, handing you a card. “But I don’t know where they are.” 
“I think they’re setting up the cake,” you lied, opening the card. Inside was a picture of a rocking chair and an order slip with a promise to have it delivered to your new house. “They got me a rocking chair.”
You were folding a set of baby onesies when Javy walked over with another box for you. You were a little confused but took the present from him anyways.
“You already gave me a gift, Javy. What’s this?”
“See who it’s from,” he replied, before moving to take his seat next to Phoenix. 
You flipped the box over and when you read Jake’s name, albeit in Javy’s handwriting, you looked up suddenly. Locking eyes with Javy, who motioned for you to open it, you quickly tore through the wrapping paper. Pulling out a box, you opened it and gently set the cover aside when you saw a photo album inside. 
You ran your finger down the leather spine before slow opening the cover. The inside cover was plain, but it had a printed-out email from Jake laid over the top. Picking it up, you smiled to yourself as you read through his short message. 
To My Beautiful Wife,
I know that the best gift that I could give you would be being by your side today and every other day, but this is the next best thing that I could think of. Admittedly, this wasn’t actually my idea, though I’m still going to take credit for it, but here’s a collection of memories over the last year. But there’s still plenty of space for the years to come and new memories that we have yet to make together. 
I miss you and I love you so much. And tell Baby Girl that I’ll be home soon to feel her kick. 
Your Smoking Hot Husband
“Well,” you croaked out, placing the paper down. “I think I’ll open it later because I don’t want to start sobbing right now.” 
“Who wants cake?” Maverick suggested loudly.
You smiled as you wiped a tear away, trying to stay positive. Phoenix walked inside the house to go and grab the cake as Maverick squeezed you into his side.
Jake sat out on the deck of the carrier, staring down at a photo of you and your bump. 
It had been about two months since he left you behind and he was counting down the days until he could be there with you and your baby again. There was some talk of a few aviators in his program returning back to the States soon and Jake was doing everything that he could to make sure that he was on that list. 
The sun was starting to set below the waves, casting an orange glow over the ship. The steady sea breeze dried the tears on his cheeks, but Jake didn’t move from his spot. Your due date was in three weeks and even though he read that first children were typically born later; he knew that your daughter was a stubborn one and moved to the beat of her own drum. 
She would come when she wanted. Not when it was convenient.
“Do you think you can wait just a little longer?” Jake asked the photo of your bump softly. “You know, we still haven’t picked a name for you yet, so if you want a normal name, you should give us a little more time to decide, alright?” 
Leaning back against the wall, Jake stared out in the direction of California. He always made sure to know what direction home was. After a moment, Jake pursed his lips together and took a breath. 
“I’m coming home. I promise.” 
“And just sign there on the bottom line,” your realtor instructed you, handing over a pen. 
You slowly signed your name to officially buy your first home. It was also the first time that you fully wrote out your surname as ‘Bradshaw-Seresin,’ but that just left an even more bitter taste in your mouth. It was supposed to be a happy moment, a triumph, a celebration to buy your first family home.
But without Jake here, it just felt like a hollow victory. 
“Congratulations, you’re officially a homeowner,” your realtor replied with a kind smile. 
“Thank you.” 
Your realtor walked off, leaving you standing alone in the middle of your new home. And when the door shut and the sound echoed around the empty space, you instinctively held your new keys to your chest. Bradley and Maverick were coordinating everything to get your apartment officially packed up and brought over. You would have to return to the apartment to return the keys and everything, but you weren't in a rush.
Walking through the house, you silently took in the moment. You ran your hand along the wall as you headed to the front of the house. Slowly stepping up onto the bottom stairs, you rested your hands on your bump.
“Welcome home, Baby Girl,” you murmured, pressing your hand to where she was kicking. 
You texted Bradley that everything was signed, and it was time to bring the truck over. You would have moved to unpack the baby stuff that Maverick shoved into your car earlier that morning, but you knew that you would have given Maverick a heart attack if you did, so you simply waited for everyone to arrive.
A knock at the door made you turn to see Emma waving to you through the glass. You slowly waddled over to the door to let her into your home. 
“Morning,” she greeted, pulling you in for a hug. She straightened up and offered you a bag. “I brought you breakfast.”
The two of you sat on the lawn furniture that the sellers left for you as part of the sale. You kicked your swollen feet up and balanced your breakfast on your bump, leaning heavily on the couch. Bradley and Maverick, with some help from the other Daggers and other friends, were currently moving your boxes into the house.
“Are you sure that you don’t want to supervise that at all?" Emma asked you, a bit worriedly.
"It's fine," you murmured, dismissing her concerns. "There's no point in fully unpacking. Minus our bedroom, the kitchen, and the baby stuff. We still have to paint and buy new furniture."
“Alright,” Emma replied, not trying to push you. 
The topic of your clear mood shift was becoming an increasingly common conversation among your friends and family. Your due date was growing closer, and you were making more and more comments that concerned them. Or tasks that you refused to do without Jake there beside you.
And everyone was quietly worried about what would happen if you went into labor and Jake wasn't home yet. If it was time for your daughter to come out, it was time for her to come out.
“Has she been moving around a lot?” Emma asked conversationally.
“Yes,” you sighed, sounding exhausted. “She kicked my ribs yesterday and knocked the wind out of me.” Offering a small smile to Emma, you added, “Things for you to look forward to.”
“I’m trying to survive the first trimester,” Emma chuckled nervously. 
“I hope you have a girl too,” you spoke softly with a smile, resting your hands on your bump. “They’re only going to be about six or seven months apart.”
“I know. But I think we’re going to wait until they're born to find out. My sisters did and my parents were always so excited to find out at the hospital, so I want to do that with our baby.”
“Have you told any of them that you’re expecting?”
“No, not yet. We’re going to take a trip up to see them after you have your baby and we’ll tell them then. I wanted to do it in person.”
You smiled and nodded, finishing up your breakfast. After chatting for a little bit more, you headed inside the house for the cooler air. You were temporarily living in the first-floor guest bedroom and that room was your main priority.
“Did you want all of it in the nursery or down here?” Phoenix asked, setting down the last box of baby stuff. 
“Down here is fine for now.”
“Did you want us to set up anything for you?” Javy asked, standing beside his wife. 
“No, I’m alright. We already got the car seat installed and that’s the most important thing right now. We can put together the rest of it when Jake gets home.” Slowly standing up again, you sent Javy and Phoenix a small smile. “Thanks for your help.”
As you waddled off to the kitchen to help Penny and Maverick, Phoenix and Coyote shared a concerned look. 
“She’s not herself,” Coyote told his wife quietly.
"She's in her last trimester and her first few months of marriage. And her husband isn't here." Phoenix sighed, watching you with concern. "And everyone has their breaking point."
Dear Jake,
We moved into the house today. Maverick is sleeping on the sofa to keep an eye on me. I think that he thinks that I’m going to go into labor soon. Which I’m not. Baby Girl is snug and comfortable, and I have a feeling that she’s going to take her time coming out. Bradley and I were both late babies, so I’m sure that she’ll follow the trend.
I had them leave all of the baby stuff on the first floor for now. We can set up the nursery when you’re home with us. It didn’t feel right setting it up without you here.
Baby Girl is keeping me up again. She’s been kicking and now she’s even ignoring your warnings to go to bed. I have a feeling that she’s going to be payback for all of the crap that I put my mom and Mav through. Isn’t that what they say anyways?
I miss you. Come home soon and safely. 
Your Wife
At nearly thirty-nine weeks pregnant, there was no other way to describe your existence beside ‘uncomfortable.’ You were pretty sure that you resembled a penguin or a seal lion with the stupid way that your bump made you walk. And your stomach had ballooned out to make you look all the more ridiculous as you went through the last few days of your pregnancy.
And fucking hell, your back was killing you.
“Why don’t you sit down?” Maverick suggested as you wiped down the countertops. “You’ve been walking around all morning.”
“I'm fine, Mav.”
“Did you sleep well last night?”
“No,” you muttered, tossing the paper towel into the trash. “I couldn’t get comfortable.”
“Maybe you should try taking a nap.”
“I’m fine, Mav,” you repeated as the laundry machine went off. Waddling over despite Maverick's call that he could fold the laundry, you rested a hand on your back. “I'm just a little restless.”
“I’ll fold all of that. You should eat.”
Sending Maverick an annoyed look, you handed off the laundry and made you way over to the couch. While Maverick was focused on the laundry, you let out a quiet moan of pain, leaning having on the couch. Resting your hand on your back, you took a few deep breaths before sitting down. You kicked your feet up just as Penny walked through the door.
“How are you feeling today, Mama?” Penny asked, walking over to you with a container of food. 
“Pregnant. Very pregnant.”
“You’re in the final stretch now," Penny assured you, offering a maternal smile. "And I brought you some food. It shouldn’t get your heartburn to act up.”
Slowly getting up from the couch, you made your way over to the table. Maverick walked over and held the chair for you as you sat down. He had turned into a bit of a helicopter parent over the last week or so and you were too tired to fight him on it. You managed a few bites, before you got up.
"You don't want anymore?"
"I'll be back," you replied, waddling away. "Just need to . . ."
You froze when a gush of liquid suddenly soaked your shorts and pooled on the floor below you. Clutching your bump in fear, you gave Penny and Mav a deer in the headlights look that caused them to jump up and spring into action. Mav steadied you carefully as Penny slowly assessed the situation. 
“Okay, it looks like your water just broke. We need to get you to the hospital. The baby’s coming.”
And you couldn’t help but immediately burst out into tears.  
A.N. And the baby's coming! But just wanted to give everyone a heads up that this story does not end once the baby is born. There's still more to come. Thanks, and I hope you'll stick around for more!
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rekino2114 · 8 days
Welcome back I hope you had a lovely trip
Can I get a meeting with S/O family for the chainsaw man girls
The chainsaw man girls meeting your family
Your parents were nervous to be meeting with her actually
When you told them you were dating the head of public safety herself, they didn't believe you until you showed them photos, and even then, they were like, "How?"
Makima is very kind and polite throughout the meeting, she makes sure your parents see how much she truly loves you and how she'd do anything for you. She does everything she can to appear as the best girlfriend you could have.....meanwhile your parents are freaking out cause one of the most important women in Japan is standing in their living room and holding hands with their child.
She categorically refuses to use powers on your parents to make them like her as that would hurt you and that's the last thing she would ever wanna do
"I promise you, as long as y/n will be with me they will be loved safe and cared for, all of their needs will be met and I will try to make them the happiest person on this planet"
"Excuse me, but are you alright? You look nervous"
"O-oh no i-it's alright......please continue"
This.....did not go too well
It's not because you were dating a fiend or anything, your parents were actually pretty supportive of that, it's that power doesn't really have manners.......at all
She talked over them,yelled at them when they served her vegetables, and called them "humans" multiple times
She also brought meowy along with her....she thought bringing a cute cat might get her some points which it actually kinda did
You had to do a lot of.....damage control, but eventually your parents figured out power was a genuinely good "person" and gave her permission to continue dating you
"Listen to me humans you should be grateful the great power has chosen your child to be her romantic partner"
"........please don't stand on the table"
She was actually pretty excited to meet your parents and prove herself a good girlfriend
She made sure she was sober and didn't drink the night before to not have a hangover. She did have to put on a lot of perfume on to hide the smell of alcohol and cigarettes though
The meeting went pretty well, himeno was nice,fun and showed them her love for you.....she also flirted a lot with you but you're used to that at this point
If you have any little siblings, then she's like the cool big sister in their eyes. she gave them piggyback rides, played with them, and showed them some cool tricks with her ghost devil powers
"Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs l/n, it's great to finally meet the people who gave birth to this cutie"
".......even now?"
"What? Is there a problem with me showing how much I love you?"
Kobeni higashiyama
As usual, she was very nervous to meet your family, she loves you and was very scared of them not approving of her for any reason
She tried to look her best and only had 2 panic attacks while getting ready
She was very relieved when the meeting actually went well and your parents approved of her, it was like a giant weight got lifted off of her
She doesn't have the best relationship with her family so she's really happy at least yours like her
"I-it's nice to m-meet you, m-my name is k-kobeni higashiyama, I-i am y/n's g-girlfriend"
"......are you OK? You're shaking"
"Y-yeah, t-totally fine"
Despite her many partners, this was actually going to be the first time she met one of their families since all of the other members of the harem are fiends and don't really have families as a result
Speaking of, you decided to keep the whole harem thing a secret for now to not overwhelm your parents
She left her swords at home and put on her best suits to go to the meeting, where she held your hand most of the time and let you do most of the talking
To be honest, your parents are kinda scared of her. It seems like her one eye is always glaring and judging them, but they can still see the loving looks she gives you and eventually grow to like her
"Mr and Mrs l/n, I promise you I will protect y/n with everything I have, I will die before I let anyone hurt the people I love especially them"
".......I think I got a shiver down my spine"
"Me too"
Asa mitaka
Another girl who was really nervous about the meeting, she has a pretty low self-esteem and she thought your family would hate her for anything she did
She literally begged yoru not to ruin the occasion as she at least wanted the opportunity to look like a good girlfriend, and the war devil surprisingly agreed (maybe because she wanted to watch asa embarass herself of her own)
She tried to strike up conversations with your parents....keyword being try, this often results in voids of uncomfortable silence that you try to fill
In large parts thanks to you eventually your parents grew to like asa and approved of her, which she couldn't be happier,after her parents died, she feels like yours could kinda help her deal with that
"I swear this is so boring, I'll take a nap ok?"
"Whatever just don't bother me"
"........Uhm....sorry but who were you talking to?"
"I-i said that out loud?"
.......this was....weird. you can't really say "Hey mom,dad, I'm dating the literar representation of war that's possessing the body of one of my classmates" so you decided to improvise
Yoru pretended to be a human, she covered her scars with makeup and put contacts to cover her horseman eyes. Your parents were kinda surprised to how similar she was to asa so you decided to say they were sisters
Yoru was kinda unpleasant the whole dinner, saying snarky comments and laughing at inappropriate times but you convinced them that she was a good girlfriend
She had to stop herself from laughing when your dad gave her a warning not to break your heart as she could easily kill him right there if she wanted....she didn't though thankfully
"So what did you think about my parents?"
"Oh they were great, I'm sure they'd make really powerful weapons"
"........don't-don't turn my parents into weapons"
"Calm down I was just joking"
She was actually fairly excited to meet your family.....mostly for the food they'd be serving her, in fact you specifically told your parents to cook a lot for her
She tried to eat with more etiquette than she usually has,but kinda gave up halfway through when she realized just how good the food was
When she's not eating, she's telling them how much she loves you and how she'll cherish you and protect you forever, which makes you blush and them like her even more
Your mom actually loves her and asks you to invite her more often since fami eats everything she cooks
"Your cooking is great"
"Oh thank you, you really like food don't you?"
"I love it, the only thing I love more is your child"
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niki-phoria · 1 year
omg you do song fics?😍 can i request a bi!soobin x male reader to “i do” by g-idle?
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pairing: bi!uni student!soobin x uni student!male!reader (referred to as a boy once) genre: fluff (??) a little angsty word count: 1.1k
includes: confession fic, uni au, ending is a little weird, reader cries, didn't want this to be too angsty, my greatest apologies if your name is mina lol
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i don't mind doing songfics at all :)) i hope you like it <33
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soobin lets out a soft sigh as he enters your shared apartment. his bag crumbles in a small heap on the floor beside his bed before he wanders over to you. he all but collapses onto your mattress beside you, making you softly chuckle. 
you set your phone aside; instagram feed long forgotten as you shift to lay down next to him. soobin buries his face into one of your pillows. his tense body relaxes slightly when you reach over to gently rub a hand against his back. 
“are you okay?” soobin simply hums in response, though the strangled noise is muffled by his arms and the pillows he’s laying against. “bad day?”
despite the pillow blocking his face, you can see him nod slightly. a small smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you pat his thigh. “come here, bin.”
the boy perks up immediately at your words. you chuckle as he wastes no time in making himself comfortable in your lap. his head rests against your thighs; the rest of his body curled up on your twin sized bed. he smiles to himself as you begin to play with his hair, twisting the soft strands between your fingers. 
you fall into a comfortable silence together for a few minutes before you notice soobin catch his bottom lip between his teeth. his jaw clenches the darker the thoughts clouding his brain become. he absentmindedly fidgets with his fingers as you continue raking your fingers through his dark locks.
“hey,” you whisper, catching soobin’s attention. he looks up at you through his dark fringe - your cue to continue. “what’s on your mind?”
a soft sigh escapes his lips. his gaze shifts up to stare at the ceiling. he studies the drywall adorning your dorm room as if an answer is hidden in the material. 
“someone gave me a love letter… earlier today,” he finally says. 
i don’t even know how to think
‘cause now she got your heart, so i feel stupid, foolish
you pause your movements almost instantaneously as the words leave his lips. they linger uncomfortably in the air like a thick fog that clouds your judgement. tension holds you both captive in the room. you feel like a caged animal - the chains of your own feelings tightly wrapped around your limbs and keeping you trapped exactly where you are. 
you can nearly feel your heart stop beating in your chest. your breath catches in the back of your throat. an unfamiliar feeling of heartbreak curls inside of your stomach. it slinks through your intestines - working it’s way upwards to press against your chest. 
“who was it from?” your voice trembles, though you hope soobin can’t hear the anxiety that drips from each word. 
you know mina from your english class. she had silently slipped into the room after getting lost on her way to the lecture hall. she has a bright smile and kind eyes. even you can admit her laugh is contagious. it lights up every room she’s in. she’s perfect. perfect for soobin.
‘fraid i’m losing everything i thought i couldn’t
my whole world is fallin’ apart
you swallow your grief, forcing it deep into your chest. “she’s nice,” you murmur. “pretty. i like her. she’d be good for you.” but i would be better.
soobin hums. his eyes meet yours momentarily before he stares up at the ceiling once again. “do you really think so?”
you remain silent for a few seconds. you refocus on playing with soobin’s hair, letting the methodical action calm your racing heartbeat. a shaky sigh leaves your lips before you speak again. “do you like her?”
“i don’t know.” he pauses, anxiously tugging his bottom lip between his teeth again - a nervous habit you had always found particularly attractive. “i think i like someone else.”
don’t you go fallin’ in love
trust me, she’s not the one
a small spark of hope ignites in your chest before you quickly stomp it out. you’re roommates. two university students who happened to be assigned to the same dorm room. you’re friendly because you’re both introverted and spend most of your time around each other. your skinship is simply two boys being friendly - nothing more. 
“soobin,” you murmur. tears sting at the corners of your eyes. they threaten to roll down your cheeks. you bite your tongue in an attempt to hold them back to little avail. 
soobin sits up from your lap, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. “what’s wrong?” he whispers. the warm hand he places against your knee does little to soothe your aching heart, though you appreciate the gesture nonetheless. 
you stare down at your hands, anxiously fidgeting with the rings on your fingers. soobin gently begins to rub small shapes against your leg in an attempt to calm you down. you twist the thin, cool metal against your skin as you mentally prepare yourself for rejection. anger. heartbreak.
“i’m in love with you.” 
she won’t ever love you like i do
hold you like i do, know you like i do
the words come out as little more than a broken whisper. soobin’s movements stop momentarily - though what was realistically a few seconds feels like an eternity of waiting. 
“y/n,” soobin finally whispers. his voice is soft. gentle. you bite down on your tongue harder. tears slowly begin to roll down your cheeks; at first in single drops before streams quickly begin falling from your eyes. 
you’re unable to prevent the choked sob that escapes when soobin cups your cheek. his touch feels far too intimate to be just from a roommate. an acquaintance. 
soobin brushes his thumb against your cheek, wiping away the tears as fast as they come. you go limp in his arms when he pulls you into a tight hug, keeping you tightly pressed against his chest. “i’m sorry,” you murmur into the crook of his neck. embarrassment mixes with your grief. your head aches at the sudden flood of emotion. “i don’t wanna lose you.”
“you won’t,” soobin whispers. he rubs a hand against your back. you let the feeling soothe you - at least momentarily. “you never will.” he gently coaxes you away from his neck so you’re looking into his dark eyes. “i love you too.”
you sniffle, hesitantly looking up at him once again. “really?”
“really.” soobin pulls you back into a hug, letting you cling to his body. he presses a kiss against your forehead as his arms snake around your waist. “i love you, y/n."
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queenshelby · 1 year
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Angst, Age Gap, Teacher x Student, Fluff
Note: This part and the next part will be short before we get to some more smut and fluff....
With a haste Cillian pulled out of you and you quickly ran back to where you had dropped his robe.
“Just a moment” Cillian yelled out, knowing that, whomever it was at the other side of the door must have been known to the doorman.
“Okay, no worries” you heard a woman say from the other side of the door before you watched Cillian sigh with relief.
“Who is this? Is this your ex?” you whispered nervously and with concern while putting on Cillian’s robe and tying it up so that it would fit snuggly around your naked body.
“No. It’s my assistant Kit” Cillian explained before walking towards the front door and, just as he did, you panicked.
“Wait, I will go and wait it out in your bedroom” you said, seeing that he was keen to keep your interactions with each other a secret for now.
“It’s fine Y/N. I have known Kit for ten years. I trust her. She will keep this to herself. Despite, she doesn’t even know you so I will just make up some kind of excuse” Cillian reassured you in response and you reluctantly nodded before sitting down at the dining room table and reaching for your cold cup of coffee which you pretended to drink. The last thing you wanted was to look like you have been caught in the act and when Cillian opened the door wearing nothing but his boxer shorts, you could not help but chuckle. He really gave it away and the fact that he acted so casually about it amused you.
Just how well did he know her, you wondered, seeing that he did not even bother to put on a t-shirt but, then again, if she was his assistant, then she would have already seen him like this on set.
“Good Morning Cillian” the woman said with a quiet chuckle as Cillian opened the door. She was carrying two coffees and a bag of croissants and the fact that she was assessing him right now was obvious to you. Her eyes gave it away. She was smitten by him and he was completely oblivious about it.
“Come in” Cillian gestured in response before taking one of the coffees from her hand and thanking her for it.
“I didn’t expect to see you this morning. Is everything alright?” he then asked which is when the brunette spotted you.
“And I didn’t expect you to have a visitor. I am so sorry for interrupting” she said confidently while you got up from your seat in order to introduce yourself, which was something Cillian beat you to.
“This is Y/N. She is a friend of mine” he said just before you shook her hand and it was obvious to you that she was assessing you now, looking at you from top to bottom.
“I am sure she is a bit more than just a friend, wouldn’t you say” the woman joked before introducing herself as Kit, Cillian’s assistant.
“We are friends with benefits so to speak” you explained in a joking kind of manner seeing that it was already obvious to her that you had sex with her employer, causing Cillian to blush.
“That is kind of obvious actually. Also, I am not deaf and I am very sorry for interrupting” Kit laughed before telling you that it was nice to meet you and apologising for the fact that she did not bring you a coffee and croissants as well.
“That’s perfectly fine. I actually have to get going. Do you mind if I have a shower and leave you two to talk?” you then asked, looking at Cillian who gave you an instant but somewhat shy nod, feeling as though that this situation had become a little too awkward.
“In case I don’t see you again when I am done, it was lovely to meet you Kit” you said politely while, deep down inside, you felt slightly intimated by her.
Kit was certainly a very attractive woman. She must have been in her early thirties and looked like a model which, clearly, was something you could not compete with. She also appeared rather confident and the fact that she had earned Cillian’s trust must have meant something.
You certainly were not surprised by Cillian’s ex’s attitude towards her either and whilst you were certain that Cillian was not the kind of man who would cheat, you wondered whether, perhaps, Danielle was intimated by Kit as well.
Then again, Danielle was much older than you and may have been less susceptible to feeling insecure. She, too, was an attractive woman who you have seen at your work before when she dropped off Nora, Cillian’s daughter. Just like Kit, Danielle was elegant and dressed a certain way, which was the kind of way you could not even afford, making you wonder what, exactly, Cillian saw in you. You were no match for him.
Thinking about that, you could not help but listen in on what he had to say about you to his assistant when she queried him about your presence. You almost could not avoid it either as the walls of Cillian’s apartment were rather thin and not listening to him talk about you would have been very difficult.
“She seems nice. How did you two meet?” Kit asked her employer who was somewhat uncomfortable with this question.
“At a pub in Temple Bar. It’s nothing serious though. I am not interested in dating anyone any time soon and she is way too young for me anyway” Cillian explained and, whilst he really wanted to change the topic, Kit became more and more intrigued by you.
“Too young, huh? How old exactly is she?” Kit asked, causing Cillian to sigh.
“Turning thirty” he explained, causing Kit chuckle.
“Really?” she asked. “She looks much younger than that” Kit then went on to say before telling Cillian the real reason she was here.
“Now, the reason I am here is that I have some good news for you. Monblanc wants to shoot another advert before you go on promotion for Oppenheimer. The shoot will take place in London and I asked them to book it in for mid April, which aligns with the drama school’s mid-semester break. I figured that this was important to you seeing that you discovered a new career in teaching” Kit joked and Cillian was pleased to hear that she arranged for Montblanc to work around his schedule without him having to take time off from teaching.
“That works well for me, thank you’ Cillian thus told her and she quickly reached for his phone and put the itinerary into his calendar.
“You are most welcome. I booked myself a flight and room as well and am trying to arrange a meeting with Steven Knight for the same weekend so that you can have a chat with him about the movie next year” Kit then pointed out before telling Cillian that she should better be on her way and give him some privacy.
Whilst Cillian and you had spoken about this in great detail, hearing him say to his assistant that, what you have involved yourselves in is nothing serious, did hurt you a bit as, deep down inside, you were somewhat hopeful that he would change his mind about it one day.
But then again, you had lied to him and it was rather difficult for you to tell him the truth now about your age without breaking his trust.
Going by what he had told Kit, you were also certain that, if he were to find out that you were only 22, turning 23, he would probably end the arrangement you had in place.
Tags: @fastfan@elenavampire21@dolllol2405@allie131313@cilliansangel@coldbastille@kpopgirlbtssvt@cdej6@kathrinemelissa@landlockedmermaid77@crazymar15@damedomino@lauren-raines-x@miss-bunny19@skinny-bitch-juice@odorinana@cloudofdisney@weepingstudentfishhorse@allexiiisss@geminiwolves@letsstarsfalling@ysmmsy@chlorrox@tommyshelbypb@chocolatehalo@music-lover911@desperate-and-broken@mysticaldeanvoidhorse@peaky-cillian@lelestrangerandunusualdeetz@december16-1991@captivatedbycillianmurphy@romanogersendgame@randomfangirl2718@missymurphy1985@peakyscillian@lilymurphy03@deefigs@theflamecrystal@livinginfantaxy@rosey1981@hanster1998@fairypitou@zozeebo@kasaikawa@littleweirdoalien@sad-huffle-nerd@theflamecrystal@0ghostwriter0@stylescanbeatmyback@1-800-peakyblinders@datewithgianni@momoneymolife@mcntsee@janelongxox@basiclassy@being-worthy@chaotic-bean-of-smolness@margoo0@vhscillian@crazymar15@im-constantly-fangirling@namelesslosers@littlewhiterose@ttzamara@cilleveryone@peaky-cillian@severewobblerlightdragon@dolllol2405@pkab@babaohhhriley@littleweirdoalien@alreadybroken-ts@masteroperator@stevie75@shabzy96@rainbow12346@obsessedwithfandomsx@geeksareunique@laysalespoir@paigem00@lkarls@vamp-army@luckystarme@myjumper@gxorg@eline-1806@goldenharrysworld@cristinagronk16@stylesofloki@faatxma@slut-for-matt-murdock@tpwkstiles@myjumper@cloudofdisney@look-at-the-soul@smellyzcat@kittycatcait219@theliterarybeldam@being-worthy@layazul@lyn07@kagilmore@50svibes@mainstreetlilly@ourthatgirlabby@bitchwhytho@takethee@registerednursejackie@sofi128@mrkdvidal1989@minxsblog@heidimoreton@laylasbunbunny@laylasbunbunny@queenshelby@camilleholland89@forgottenpeakywriter@vintagecherryt@indierockgirrl@mrkdvidal1989@bluesongbird@dudde-44@gasolinesavages@kissforvoid@bluebird592@1eugenia1isabella1@esposadomdp@lulunalua23@lovelace42@bookklover23@iwantmyredvelvetcupcake@moonmaiden1996@marlenamallowan@cyphah (cannot tag)@majesticcmey@cleverzonkwombatsludge@throughgoeshamilton@alessioayla@elenavampire21@justforfiction@cilliansangel@alannielaraye@satellitelh@pandoramyst@duckybird101@snixx2088@kylianswag@alessioayla@pono-pura-vida@iraisbored69@howling-wolf97@aesthetic0cherryblossom@weirdo-rules@lovemissyhoneybee@dazaiscum@esposadomd@etherealkistar@ur--mommy@throughgoeshamilton
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daisynik7 · 10 months
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Heart on a Sleeve
Pairing: Takashi Mitsuya x Original Female Character
Rating: Mature
Word Count: ~6.3k
cw: explicit language, switching POVs (2nd and 3rd person), established relationship, kissing, suggestive touching, sexual tension
Summary: You and Mitsuya make your budding relationship public and things only continue to grow from there. The Tokyo Manji gang successfully absorbs the Leviathans all thanks to the efforts of new captains Tetta Kisaki and Shuji Hanma. Despite Mikey’s praise for them during this month’s meeting, Mitsuya remains wary of the two. His suspicions only increase when he runs into them while on a date with you. 
Author's Note: This took me so long to write, but I did it and I am proud of it. I thoroughly enjoy writing about the honeymoon phases in a relationship, so this was a fun one for me. Thanks for the love and support on this so far and I hope you like where the story is going so far. Thank you for reading.
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
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Sunday night, still reeling from the glorious high of breakfast with your new boyfriend Takashi Mitsuya, you call your best friends to break the news.
“You’re what?!” Keiko exclaims, her shriek loud through the phone. 
You lower the volume, not wanting to be overheard by your parents downstairs. “I’m dating Takashi Mitsuya,” you repeat. “From homeroom.”
Mei is quiet on the other end while you can practically hear the cogs spinning in overdrive in Keiko’s head. “Takashi Mitsuya, from homeroom?”
Losing patience, and also amused by her reaction, you confirm, “Yes.”
“Mitsuya, who’s in the Tokyo Manji Gang. That Mitsuya?”
“Yes, Keiko, that Mitsuya!”
“He’s in a gang. What is our sweet Hana doing dating a gangster?!”
Defensive now, you reply, “He’s been nothing but kind to me. You know as well as I do that he’s never caused problems for us at school. He’s only ever acted when he knew there was someone he needed to stick up for. I don’t care that he’s in a gang. He’s a good person and I like him.”
After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Mei finally speaks. “You’re right, Hana. We know he’s a nice guy. We just don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all we’re trying to say. Right, Keiko?”
She clears her throat before muttering, “Yeah.”
“Takashi would never hurt me. I feel safe with him.”
At that, they relent, setting their worries aside to discuss the details on how your budding relationship came to be. They had known since the beginning that you were taking sewing lessons from him, though they didn’t have a clue how you truly felt. It started as a tiny crush, a fantasy that you kept secret because you never considered it’d ever become real. Then, when Takashi admitted his feelings towards you, everything happened so fast. It’s only now that you are able to reveal everything to your friends, who are ultimately excited for you. 
The only obstacle left is your parents. You’re sure that they’ll be in for a shock once you tell them since this is your first boyfriend ever. Naturally, they’ll be protective, as any parent would be. You’re confident that once they get to know Takashi, they’ll see him just as you do. 
Monday morning, you do your usual routine of walking to school with your friends. Takashi offers to pick you up, but until you are ready to inform your parents about him, you figure it’d be best to avoid any cause for suspicion, especially since they are already wary of him to begin with. Instead, you part ways with Mei and Keiko to meet him in the parking lot before school, greeting him with a hug. He smiles, placing his hands at your waist to pull you in closer. “Hi.”
You nuzzle your nose to his, beaming. “Hi.”
He kisses you again, his tongue slipping past your lips this time, surprising you. Heat rushes into your cheeks, flustered and excited. You break apart, burying your face into his shoulder, catching your breath while he massages your back tenderly. “Are you okay?”
You nod, still hiding. “Just…getting used to all this.”
He tips your chin up to meet your gaze, smiling softly. “Me too. If I’m moving too fast, just tell me, okay? We’ll go at the pace you’re comfortable with.” He gives you a quick smooch before locking his fingers with yours. “Ready?”
As new and foreign as all this is for you, having Takashi makes it’s much easier to navigate. He leads you through the hallways of your school, unwavering, the grip on your hand confident, despite the prying eyes and hushed whispers from your passing peers. It’s odd being the center of attention for once, but like most high school relationships, the intrigue from others will eventually fade, and all that will matter is how the two of you feel about each other. And in this moment, you’re happy to be by his side.  
Peh-Yan, one of your classmates and Takashi’s close friend from Toman, approaches you with a respectful bow. “Hello, Shimizu.”
You smile, greeting him back by his surname. “Hello, Hayashi.”
Takashi smirks, giving him a light punch on the arm. “No need to be so formal, Peh-Yan.”
He stands up straight. “Right, sorry. Anyways, I have some intel on Kisaki and Hanma infiltrating the Leviathans. Thought I’d pass on the information to you in case you were interested.”
Your boyfriend rolls his eyes, facing you. “Toman stuff. I’ll see you later in class, okay? Let’s eat lunch together.” He gives you a peck on the cheek, letting you go. 
Part of you wants to stay, to listen in, but you know better than to intrude on topics that don’t pertain to you. You wave goodbye, heading to your classroom alone, your skin tingling with his warmth, already missing it.
Mitsuya never imagined himself to be a doting boyfriend, but he quickly finds himself adapting to that role almost too easily. In their only shared class, he spends too much time staring at the back of her head, admiring how cute she is. The few times she glances back at him to flash him a grin, his heart swells and he’s itching to hold her again as soon as class is dismissed. Usually, he’d eat lunch with Peh-Yan out in the courtyard or alone inside the home economics room while working on his latest sewing project. However, this entire week, he sits with his girlfriend and her friends. Mei and Keiko are nervous around him at first, unsure how to interact with a delinquent. But with Hana’s help and support, he gradually falls into place with them, finding topics to discuss that all of them can connect on. 
They aren’t able to spend much time together after school, not with the both of them being preoccupied with extracurriculars. So, Friday remains a special day for them. It’s their first sewing lesson since everything changed a week ago. Mitsuya is a bit nervous, wondering if he’ll be able to focus on the actual lesson when he gets so easily distracted by her presence. When she meets him inside the home economics room, cradling her helmet, a pleasant smile on her face, all his worries disappear. Even if he does get distracted, who cares? He’s happy to be spending this time with her, alone.
She drops the helmet onto the usual desk, stepping closer to him. “Hi Takashi.”
“Hi Hana,” he responds, closing the distance between them with a kiss. They’ve gotten more comfortable doing this, their lips brushing seamlessly, his hands always finding the plush curves of her body. He loves the way she feels under his touch, on his mouth, against his chest. All the spaces of him that felt empty before are now full, all thanks to her. 
Before they get carried away any further, he pulls off reluctantly, steadying himself before explaining what they’ll be doing today, eyes flitting back to her lips, now slightly swollen from their kisses. It’s happened several occasions so far this week. Their chaste kisses turning into more, both of them chasing their hunger little by little, teasing that fine line inch by inch. Mitsuya has managed to contain his excitement, though it’s getting more and more difficult, especially with her gradually testing the waters. A soft moan against his lips, her fingers toying with the elastic of his pants, her tongue pushing up against his, mouth open for him to explore and enjoy. He’ll continue to stand by, waiting until she’s ready to take the next steps forward. Despite how eager he is, nothing’s more important to him than making her feel safe. 
Their lesson today results in a heart patch sewn onto the sleeve of her jean jacket. She admires it silently as Mitsuya puts away the sewing machine and the rest of his materials into one of the cabinets. When he’s finished, he returns to her side, draping his arm over her shoulders, pressing a smooch to the side of her head. 
“The machine made this way easier than I thought it would be,” she comments.
“It usually does,” he says, running his finger over the stitching. “Before you know it, you’ll be an expert.”
“I doubt it. But that’s okay because I have you. If this patch here ever comes off, I’ll go straight to you.”
He raises a brow at her, teasing, “And who says I’ll help you?”
She tugs at his collar, peering up at him, smiling. “I guess I just assumed, now that we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“You’re right. I’ll always be here to stitch your little heart back on.” He leans in, meeting her lips in a passionate kiss, surrounding her in his arms, the fluttering in his belly growing erratic. The door is closed and all the other students have already left for the day to enjoy the weekend. Mitsuya’s favorite spot is an empty classroom after school, and they happen to have this one all to themselves. As if on cue, his phone vibrates in his pocket, and before he checks it, he knows it’s his mother reminding him that she’s leaving for her shift soon. Disappointed, they break apart, gigging as if they were caught doing something naughty while they gather their belongings, heading towards his bike outside in the parking lot. On their way to his house, her grip is snug on his waist, holding him tightly. He’s reminded how good it feels to ride with her behind him, keeping her safe, keeping him safe. 
They behave themselves in front of his sisters, only exchanging subtle glances and grazes when they’re absolutely in the clear. He’s tempted to skip today’s Toman meeting, hoping to spend the rest of the night by her side, but given Peh-Yan’s news from earlier this week, it’s an important one to attend. Begrudgingly, he says his goodbyes, sneaking a kiss to Hana’s cheek before he leaves for the shrine. 
As usual, Draken is waiting for him at the bottom of the steps, leaning against his Zephyr. He smirks as soon as he sees him, giving him a congratulatory pat on the back. “My man. Did you finally get some tonight?”
Mitsuya rolls his eyes, shrugging him off. “I told you, we’re taking things slow. Besides, we were watching the brats. We couldn’t do it even if we wanted to.”
“Are you telling me that you don’t want to do it with her?” he teases.
“No, I definitely want to do it with her. I mean, make love to her,” he corrects himself, blushing. 
Draken snorts, not one to indulge in euphemisms. “So when do you think the two of you will start fucking then?”
He grimaces at his vulgarity before answering, “I don’t know. It hasn’t even been a week yet. We’re taking it one day at a time. It’ll happen when the time is right.”
Draken digs into his pocket to retrieve a lollipop, unwrapping it to stick into his mouth, sucking on it loudly. “Alright, it’s your dick. I’m just here to offer you some moral support, man-to-man. Dragon-to-dragon.”  
Mitsuya chuckles. “I appreciate it.”
They wait a few more minutes, chatting idly about other topics. Emma seems to be doing well so far in her pregnancy. Draken continues to cook whatever she’s craving at the time, from chicken katsu curry to spaghetti and meatballs. They don’t know the gender yet, though they don’t really seem to care; they’re both just ecstatic to be having this baby in the first place. Mikey remains oblivious to the fact that his sister is with child and that his right-hand-man is about to become a father. According to Draken, he continues to be a recluse, despite their efforts to reach out to him. It seems like forever now that Mitsuya has seen Mikey outside of these Toman meetings. He remembers vividly the tears it Takemitchy’s eyes over a month ago now, worried about their friend, their leader. He’s gone. And I don’t know where to find him. Maybe it’s time they finally made a real effort to bring him back. 
From the corner of his eye, Mitsuya spots Kisaki and Hanma, the newly appointed captains, leading a group of unfamiliar faces up the shrine steps. He assumes it’s members of the rival Leviathan gang. The two must have been successful in their mission to infiltrate and absorb them, which doesn’t change Mitsuya’s opinion about them. Peh-Yan warned him about this earlier in the week and anticipates Mikey’s reaction to this recent development. 
Takemitchy eventually arrives with Chifuyu, the two of them still the best of buddies. They greet the others cheerfully, waiting for Hakkai, who is always the last to arrive, fashionably late with a toothy grin on his face as they all berate him playfully, joking about how he was with yet another chick right before this. Draken, who always has a sixth sense about these things, deems it time to begin, leading his brothers up the shrine steps. Mitsuya always gets a swell in his chest when they’re together like this, nostalgic and proud to be in Toman. If only Mikey were here to join them like he used to.
In their usual formation, the men face Mikey, who’s front and center, Draken standing beside him. His eyes are noticeably heavy from either exhaustion or loss of sleep, maybe both. There’s an unsettling lack of emotion in his expression. He used to burn so bright with passion and intensity, something they all admired about him. It’s what got them to form Toman in the first place. Now, it’s as if the fire has dimmed to the tiniest ember, flickering just enough to barely survive. 
After going over standard housekeeping issues, Mikey moves on to the main topic of tonight’s meeting. “Kisaki, Hanma, come forward,” he announces, beckoning them towards the front. They step towards him, smug grins on both their faces. Mitsuya can’t help but roll his eyes, already annoyed.
“I’d like to recognize these two for successfully following through with their mission. The Leviathan gang is no more. We welcome its past members into Toman as one of our own. Show them the respect they deserve.”
There are loud whispers amongst the crowd, everyone turning to look at the new brothers, who are intimidating in terms of numbers. There’s at least twenty of them, most of them built like brick houses. Mitsuya has always felt odd whenever previous rivals gangs join them. There’s always that initial distrust, considering they were just at each other’s throat prior. But he’s learned to accept it for what it is, trusting Mikey to make the right calls. 
“Anything you’d like to share with us?” Mikey opens the floor to the two captains. 
Kisaki, of course, takes the opportunity to speak, his voice as slimy as ever. “Toman welcomes the Leviathans with open arms. All these men will surely make a great addition to our crew. Not only are they abundant in muscle, they are clever and cunning. Exactly what Toman needs to continue its reign over Tokyo.”
Hanma adds, “It was a real bitch to convince them to join us, but it was all worth it. You’ll see soon enough,” he smirks, licking his lips. 
“I’m sure we will,” Mikey says with a small smile, the slightest spark in his eyes. “As far as I know, you two are the only captains that have stepped up recently. I have nothing but the highest respect for you.”
More grumbling from the crowd, especially from the remaining captains. Draken’s brows are tight, clearly offended by the subtle diss. Chifuyu scoffs quietly, nudging Takemitchy, who looks like he’s near tears. Have their personal lives gotten too much in the way of their duties to Toman? Have they all let Mikey down?
When the meeting ends, they break formation to gather into their smaller circles. Chifuyu is still peeved, complaining to them. “Respect? To those two bastards? Has Mikey lost it?”
“Hey, watch it,” Draken warns. “I’ll admit. I’ve been too busy with the baby.”
“And I’ve been busy preparing for university, I’ve totally neglected Toman!” Takemitchy admits. “I don’t blame Mikey for being annoyed with us.”
Chifuyu throws his arms up, frustrated. “What does he expect us to do? He hasn’t reached out to any of us, doesn’t even talk to us anymore. How are we supposed to do anything if he’s completely ghosting us?”
From his peripheral, Mitsuya notices Mikey walking away from whatever private discussion he’s having with the old Leviathan gang. Before he can go anywhere else, Takemitchy calls out for him, waving enthusiastically. “Mikey!”
Chifuyu shakes his head. “Takemitchy, you idiot,” he mutters.
They all turn to their leader, who stares at them, eyes cold, palms in his pockets. He doesn’t move for a couple of seconds, and Mitsuya thinks that he’ll ignore them completely, which wouldn’t be surprising. But then, he takes slow steps towards them, expression unreadable. When he’s there, none of them are sure what to say, until Takemitchy breaks that ice. “Let’s go to Danny’s tonight! Just like old times!” he suggests, desperate.
Late night dinner at Danny’s was routine for them back when they were young, dumb, and broke. The food was mediocre at best, but the memories they shared there is what kept them coming back. Pancake eating contests, where Mikey would always come out victorious. Flirting with their favorite waitresses to get extra French fries. Loading up on the free refills of soda to compete in burping competitions. It’s more nostalgic than anything. Gradually, as they got older and busier with life, Danny’s become less frequent. Maybe this is what they need to get back into the normal swing of things. 
Mikey doesn’t say much, except for giving them a small nod and muttering a quiet, “Sure,” his hands still buried in his pockets. At least it’s something. 
It’s past midnight by the time Mitsuya arrives back home. You’re half-asleep on the couch with the TV on in the background. The girls are snoring in their room, tired after playing with you all night. He rouses you awake, caressing your cheek sweetly as he kneels on the floor beside you. “Hey cutie, I’m back.”
The pet name catches you off guard. You beam at him, tugging him by the neck to meeting his lips with yours. He smiles into this kiss. “You like that, huh?”
Nodding, you answer, “Yeah, I do.”
He deepens the kiss, running his fingers through your hair, tongue flicking against yours. Soon, you’re both breathing heavily, lips smacking loudly. Before it gets any further, you break away from him, giggling. “Takashi.” 
Pressing his forehead to yours, swallowing hard, he whispers, “Yeah, I know. I know.”
You grin, sitting up on the couch to make room for him, patting the space beside you. “How was the meeting?”
He sits down, holding your hand, resting his head on your shoulder. “It was good. We went out for a bite after and it was really fun. Mikey joined us and it was just like old times.”
“Mikey?” you ask. You’ve heard that name before, but you barely know anything about Toman, simply because you’re too nervous to ask, embarrassed to be so nosy. 
“He’s Toman’s leader. He’s the reason Toman is what it is. He started it all. Recently, it seems like he’s been distant from us. But tonight, I think we finally got him back.”
You squeeze him tight. “I’m happy to hear that.”
He doesn’t explain any further, enjoying the comfortable silence between you. Eventually, he says, “We should go out on a real date tomorrow. My mom doesn’t work until night, so we can spend the day together. What do you think?”
“I’d love that.”
He sits up, grinning at you. “Want to just stay the night?”
You laugh. “I don’t think my parents would like that, considering they have no idea we’re officially dating yet.”
“Then maybe we should tell them soon, over dinner. I really want them to like me.”
“I’m sure they already like you!” you answer, half-heartedly. In all honestly, you have no idea how they feel about him, except for that short conversation you had previously over dinner. You wonder how they will react when you tell them he’s your boyfriend, that you even have a boyfriend. You’d be lying to yourself if you say you aren’t anxious about it. “Let me talk to them first and we can arrange something, okay?”
He smiles brightly, pinching your cheek. “Don’t be nervous! I’ll work my charm on them, you’ll see.”
Mitsuya drives you home after a few more snuggles on the couch. Your parents are asleep by the time you walk through the door, quietly slipping out of your shoes and sneaking up the stairs into your bedroom. You don’t fall asleep right away, staring blankly at the ceiling, excited for tomorrow’s date with your boyfriend. He plans to pick you up at eleven in the morning but doesn’t elaborate on any more details. You wonder what he has in store for the two of you. 
The next morning, you eat breakfast before getting ready for the day ahead of you. You make the brave decision to inform your parents about where you’ll be off to today. Clearing your throat, you brace yourself, confessing, “I’m going on a date today. With Takashi Mitsuya.”
It’s the most jarring silence for the next ten seconds. Your mother gawks at you, dropping her fork onto her plate with a harsh clink. Your father’s face is twisted in an expression akin to him witnessing some sort of apparition or horrible monster. Given their reactions, you almost regret being so honest with them, though a small weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Your mom is the first to speak, tone unnaturally high-pitched when she responds, “Oh! Is this a study date perhaps? Are you preparing for an upcoming exam?”
You shake your head. “No. We’re just hanging out.”
“Hanging out,” she repeats, slightly breathless now. “You’re hanging out with a boy?”
“Yes,” you answer plainly, maintaining your patience as the cogs in her head start spinning faster, finally understanding. 
“Oh. Okay,” you mother says, at a loss for words. Your dad remains speechless, clearly flabbergasted by the mere idea of you spending time with someone other than them or Keiko and Mei.
Before they can begin a full-fledged interrogation, you quickly scarf down the rest of your breakfast on the plate, standing up and announcing, “I’m going to change now, bye!”, sprinting up the stairs without any further explanation. For now, it seems you’ve dodged a bullet.
For today’s date, you decide to wear a floral sundress that ends just above your knees, something you’re comfortable and confident in. You keep your hair the same, unsure what else to do with it. You stare at your reflection in the mirror a while longer than usual, nervous though you know you shouldn’t be. Takashi has been nothing but kind to you, so you have no reason to believe he’d care so much about your appearance. Still, you want to make a good impression on him, especially since this is your first official date. 
When he texts you that he’s waiting outside, you give yourself one last glance in the mirror, rushing out of your room to slip into your nicest pair of sandals by the doorway. Your mother and father both appear beside you, watching. “Be careful,” your mother comments, crossing her arms over her chest. Your father hums, still incapable of forming words as a response. 
Turning the knob to leave, you smile at them. “I will.” 
To your surprise, Takashi stands on the other side of the door, flashing that signature grin, waving politely. “Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Shimizu.” He has a backpack slung over his shoulders and you notice that his Impulse is nowhere to be seen, so you assume he walked here. 
Your mother returns his smile as best as she can, though she’s obviously still wary about the whole situation. “Hello, Mitsuya. What are your plans today with our daughter?”
Your cheeks get hot, embarrassed by her nosiness, but Takashi takes it in stride. “We’re going to have a picnic at the park. I made sandwiches for our lunch. Then, we’re taking the train to Shibuya to play at the arcade. I’ll have Hana home before dinnertime, since I’ll be babysitting my sisters tonight.” 
Impressed by his answer, you study your mom’s reaction, mentally breathing a sigh of relief when her smiles grows wider, seemingly pleased. “That sounds like a fun time.” She nudges your dad. “Doesn’t that sound like a fun time, sweetheart?”
Your father’s eyes narrow, glaring at your poor boyfriend. “I suppose,” he mutters.
Takashi doesn’t waver, maintaining that easy-going expression while he bows to them. “Thank you for allowing me the honor of spending time with your daughter.”
The two of you manage to leave for your date unscathed. From the doorway, your parents watch you and Takashi walk towards the park, keeping your distance from each other until you’re out of their sight. With the coast clear, Takashi laces his fingers with yours, laughing. “Well, that was scary.”
“You were scared? You were completely cool in front of them,” you reply, surprised by his comment.
“I’m glad it came off that way because I was this close to shitting myself, especially when your dad starting staring daggers at me,” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 
“I’m so sorry about that! He’s been acting weird all morning since I told him I’m going on a date with you.”
“You told them that?” 
“Well, I didn’t want to lie to them,” you explain. “I think they were just shocked at first. I’ve never been out with a boy before, so naturally, they are concerned.”
He nods. “I get that. It’s nice to have parents that are always worried about you,” he muses, a glint of sadness in his eyes. “I love my mom, don’t get me wrong. But she’s always working, so she relies on me a lot to be the man of the house. Nobody ever really worries about me, y’know?”
Your chest swells with emotion, empathizing with him. It can’t be easy being forced to grow up too fast. You squeeze him affectionately. “Well, you have me now. I’ll be here to worry about you and take care of you whenever you need it.”
He pauses in his tracks, staring at you. “You mean it?”
You smile reassuringly at him. “Of course I mean it.”
He gazes at you, pulling you in close to kiss you on the lips. You melt into him, letting his tongue slip inside your mouth, deep and passionate, full of unspoken gratitude for your commitment to him. “Thank you, Hana. I – ” he pauses, swallowing whatever he’s about to admit, instead repeating, “Thank you.” You pretend not to notice it, forcing your mind to forget about it completely. 
A few minutes later, you arrive at the park, finding a good spot to settle in. It’s a beautiful day, perfect for a picnic like this. Bright sun, blue skies, and the ideal breeze. People are gathered all around you, walking along the pathway, jumping on the playground, throwing a ball in a game of fetch with their dogs. Takashi swings his bag towards his front, retrieving a big throw blanket that you lay out on the grass. He unloads his pack, displaying the sandwiches and variety of snacks he prepared, including some of your favorites. You’re dazzled by how charming this all is, how charming he is. Every day you’re together, you grow more and more fond of him. 
The two of you dig in and everything is, of course, delicious. What makes it more special is the company. It’s easy being with Takashi. Conversation flows naturally and you never have to think about occupying any spaces of awkward silence. Even when it is, it’s comfortable, the two of you basking in each other’s presence, marveling at the sights and sounds surrounding you. Children’s laughter ringing from the nearby swings, dogs barking, the gentle wind blowing through the trees. When a leaf falls in your hair, Takashi picks it off, lingering a bit longer to twirl your soft strands between his fingers. After you’ve digested enough, you both lie down, staring up at the sky, pointing out clouds shaped like cotton balls, marshmallows, and bunnies. His hand never leaves yours, always interlaced, his fingers filling in the spaces between yours seamlessly. Time both stops and passes too quickly whenever you’re with him. You’re lost in the moment, savoring each second and before you know it, it’s already time to move on to the next. “We should head to the arcade now,” he suggests, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, cupping your cheek. 
You nuzzle into his palm, relishing his gentle touch. He gives you a smooch on the forehead. “I could lay here for hours with you. But I want to impress you with all my skills at the arcade so that you think I’m cool,” he teases.
You giggle, sitting up to help him pack. “I already think you’re cool; you don’t have to prove anything to me.”
With everything put away, the two of you take the train towards one of the more popular arcades in Shibuya. It’s teeming with kids and teenagers, typical for a Saturday. You spot several of your classmates here, who greet you with a polite wave. At one of the cashiers, Mitsuya redeems two play cards to last you enough games for the next hour. 
As expected, he suggests starting with a racing game, one where you’re propped on top of a fake motorcycle, riding through the streets of Tokyo. Seems all too fitting for him. What he doesn’t expect is for you to win, whizzing past him at the very last second before crossing the finish line. He’s thoroughly impressed, rewarding you with a proud kiss on the cheek. 
You go through a variety of games, from classics like skee-ball and basketball, to new ones you haven’t tried before, like a zombie invasion simulation that had you screaming at the top of your lungs to your boyfriend’s delight. Eventually, you make your way to the claw machines, where Mitsuya manages to win a Hello Kitty plushie after five tries and you somehow score a squishy shark in only one. You exchange your prizes with each other, both of you cherishing them as your first gifts as a couple.
Time flies as it always does with him. Eventually, you run out of tokens to continue playing, only left now with points to redeem for prizes. On the way to the prize room, you notice Mitsuya staring off into the distance. You find out who he’s looking at; there are a group of boys in the signature Toman jackets gathered on one side of the arcade where the shooting games are located. Most of them are burly and it’s hard for you to believe that they’re your age, maybe even younger. There’s a shorter boy amongst them, blonde hair and glasses that gleam against the bright lights of the arcade. You’ve never seen him before, though something about him gives you an unexplainable chill.
“Are those your friends? Do you want to say hi to them?” you suggest.
Takashi snaps out of it, surprised that you caught him. “No, that’s okay. It’s our day today, remember? No need to drag you into any Toman business.”
You’re tempted to argue with him, not at all minding being introduced to this part of his life. However, he seems determined not to do that in this moment, so you let it be. 
You take your time perusing, making note of what you can afford with the total number of points the two of you managed to accumulate throughout the day. It’s clear that he’s distracted now, not nearly as chatty as he was earlier, the most subtle glint of worry on his face. Halfway through, he announces, “I’m going to use the bathroom. Just stay right here, okay? I’ll be back.” He walks out briskly, leaving you alone. You sigh to yourself, already lonely without him. You dawdle even more as you admire the big prizes on display, contemplating saving your points to redeem one of them someday in the future. 
“Got enough for that?”
The unfamiliar voice startles you. You turn to whoever is speaking, surprised to find a tall, lanky boy standing beside you, grinning. His hair is black, though he’s got a blonde stripe down the middle. A long, golden earring dangles on his left lobe. He’s wearing the recognizable Toman jacket. 
You swallow, suddenly nervous under his gaze. “What?”
“I asked if you have enough points for that.” He points at the giant Pikachu plushie you were just admiring. “Because if you don’t, I can definitely lend you some.”
“That’s very nice of you, but I don’t think my boyfriend would appreciate me accepting things from strangers.”
His smile grows bigger, showing his teeth, amused by your response. He holds his hand out. “Shuji Hanma.”
Hesitant, you end up taking it, introducing yourself. “Hana Shimizu.”
At that, his eyes widen and his grip on you becomes tighter. “I guess we’re not strangers anymore.”
He should have ignored them completely, Mitsuya knows that. He also definitely shouldn’t have left Hana alone. But seeing Kisaki all buddy-buddy with the old Leviathan gang members gives him an uneasiness that he can’t shake. So, he pretends to need the bathroom to excuse himself, just for a few moments to get some intel on what they might be up to. It’s for the good of Toman, that’s his justification for it. 
Luckily he’s in casual clothes today and not in his Toman jacket, so he blends in with the crowd easily as he maneuvers through the arcade towards Kisaki. Eventually, he finds a spot behind one of the arcade games that gives him coverage to remain hidden while within earshot of the group. 
They watch as one of the bigger guys shoots his toy gun towards the screen, an intense look on his face, the other boys surrounding him cheering him on in the process. Kisaki’s expression remains neutral, as always. They remain like this for a while longer, and Mitsuya starts to believe his efforts are useless. About ready to return to his girlfriend, he pauses when he hears something that piques his interest. 
“I bet Kisaki can’t wait to pull the trigger on Mikey, am I right?” One of the Leviathans nudges him playfully, pointing at the gun. 
Kisaki shoves him away aggressively, glaring at him. “Shut up. Don’t say such stupid things out in public.”
“Hey, there’s no one here but us, man! Chill!”
He grabs him by the scruff, fingers clenched tightly to his collar. “Oh? Is that what you think, you fucking imbecile? For your information, Hanma is greeting a fellow Toman brother right now.”
Struggling to speak with Kisaki’s knuckles against his throat, he croaks, “Who?”
“Takashi Mitsuya.”
At his name, Mitsuya leaves his spot, sprinting back to the prize room in a panic. He’s an absolute idiot to think that they didn’t notice him earlier. An even bigger idiot for leaving Hana alone, vulnerable to Hanma. But he has no idea who she is, right? There’s no way he could know. He vividly recalls the meeting from a few weeks ago. I guess I’ll just have to find out who Shimizu is myself. The subtle threat from his sleazy mouth. What could that asshole possibly want with her? Mitsuya is too afraid to find out. 
On his way, he catches Hanma exiting the prize room with that signature smug smirk. “Little Taka, fancy meeting you here.”
Mitsuya glares at him. “Hanma.”
He points his thumb behind him, over his shoulder. “Finally got a chance to meet your precious Shimizu. I can see why you’ve been hiding her from us. She’s a really good girl.”
Mitsuya’s fists are unbearably tight at his sides, trembling with anger. He’s on the verge of swinging, wanting to see his ugly mug all scrunched up from his fist. However, he manages to control himself. Through gritted teeth, he growls, “Leave her alone.”
Hanma holds both hands up to him in false surrender. “Hey, I was just being polite. Saw you earlier, enjoying your cute date, thought I’d say hello. Oh, and Kisaki sends his warm regards.”
The urge to inflict violence upon the man in front of him is getting more and more difficult to suppress with each slimy word that comes out of his mouth. He’s incapable of formulating a coherent response, body shaking with rage. He always planned to keep Toman away from her as much as possible, thinking that’d be her safest option. Now, she’s become acquainted to it and in the worst way possible. 
Hanma forces a chuckle. “You better get back to sweet Hana, now. Wouldn’t want to keep her waiting any longer or someone else might just come along and take her.” He shoves past him, hitting his shoulder hard with his own.
Before he can walk away, Mitsuya grabs him by the collar, tugging him close, voice low and threatening. “Don’t fucking talk about her. Don’t fucking look at her. Don’t even fucking think about her. Got it?”
Hanma laughs maniacally, clearly enjoying this side of Little Taka. “If you mind your business, we’ll mind ours.”
Mitsuya releases him, watching him disappear into the crowd of people without exchanging anymore words. He’s attempts to collect himself, returning to Hana, who stands at one of the corners, still inspecting the prizes. When she sees him, she smiles, seemingly unfazed. “Everything okay?”
For a moment, Mitsuya believes that all of it was a bluff. He slides his hand around her waist, pulling her in close. “Yeah. You?”
She rests her head on his shoulder. “Yeah. I met one of your Toman brothers. Shuji Hanma. He seems…nice.” There it is. The falter in her voice. The hesitation. The lie. 
Deciding that now is not the time to discuss it, Mitsuya nods, not saying anything else. 
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yae-energy · 1 year
ysl productions presents… wheel of fortune: episode one
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“what’s in your fridge?”
synopsis: y/n takes a look in gojo’s fridge, and… it’s interesting to say the least
cast: rich nigga gojo! x high maintenance black fem reader! , (megumi is mentioned briefly)
universe: modern au! no curses (i don’t like the canon v much rn so imma pretend she doesn’t exist 😁)
cw: cursing, usage of the nword, gojo and reader are in a situationship? | wc: 883 wrds, 4,823 characters (hc’s at the end are not included)
a/n: y’all this is my FIRST piece of work in a loooonnnggg time, not too much on my rusty ass
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was the time displayed on your phone the moment your groggy eyes fixated on the screen. it felt like a scene straight out of a disney movie with the way birds melodically chirped outside the condo, silky, white sheets creating a luxurious sensation on your skin. it's been a while since the last time you even stepped foot inside gojo's place. he's a busy man, you're an even busier woman, it is what it is. but that doesn't mean he won’t make time for you, though!
late night drives in his '22 rolls-royce ghost (his favorite out of his many, many cars,) expensive dates at michelin star establishments, first class flights whenever he wants to treat you to a vacation. whatever you want, whenever you want,
you need it? he got it.
and that's what you absolutely adored about him.
despite you guys not being exclusive or anything, he never fails to show you off. he's your favorite out of your roster, (cause he be feedin you pasta and lobster) so why not try to treat your “man” to a homemade breakfast? - at least… that's what the plan originally was.
upon dressing yourself in the pink, fluffy, satin robe you packed in your “overnight bag” (ignoring the fact you planned on hanging around his place for more than just ONE night.) and freshening yourself up in the bathroom, you head out to the kitchen. pink fluffy slippers clacking against the hardwood floor as 40in water wave bundles swayed against your back. (courtesy of gojo.)
it's been so long you almost forgot how nice everything was. expensive furniture decorating the living space from left to right, with the most notable piece being the fat ass grand piano you weren't even sure he knew how to play. a small framed photo of him and megumi sitting cutely on top.
. . .
it was always so easy for you to get starstruck from all of the shiny trinkets gojo had displayed around his home. you damn near forgot what you even got up to do, leaving you scrunching your face in confusion before you stopped in your tracks. the sudden remembrance of breakfast shaking you out of your daze.
you hadn’t even decided on a dish yet, chicken and waffles had always been a go-to for you- however this was your first shot at proving your “wifely skills.” with the kind of money he was making you didn’t mind being a lil stay at home boo. your boring ass 9-5 wasn’t gonna just hand you a birkin at will.
fuck them jobs.
perhaps something with a little more…elegance then? you were definitely in the mood for waffles so- ….
“now this nigga know damn well…”
you muttered under your breath, sucking your teeth in the process. gojo was a lot of things: loud, obnoxious, an occasional dickhead, the list could go on. but broke was certainly not one of them. so it was a wonder to you on…
his fridge was empty.
dead empty.
not a speck of food in sight. the only edible thing in there being an old ketchup bottle and 3 mustard packets.
it took you by surprise so bad that you almost didn’t feel the warmth of his hands caressing your waist, the scent of YOUR rose water sugar scrub grazing your nose.
speak of the devil.
“i know you ain’t been in my shit again” you mumbled out. relaxing in the feeling of his arms while he leaned down to your cheek, peppering you with kisses before responding to your comment.
“whatt?? nooo…never…”
making you smile helplessly at his attempt to play coy. he was always so cute with you whenever you two were alone. as much as he wanted to be all nonchalant and suave in public he was a whole ‘nother person behind the scenes.
“mmhmm” you answered, making sure to direct the conversation back to the original concern at hand.
“by the way… do you wanna tell me why your fridge looks like who did it and why? there’s nothing in there. like nothing. like none at all-”
“i- ok, no need to emphasize. you’ve judged my poor fridge enough…but, if you must know, i was spring cleaning.”
“gojo, it’s summer-”
“not the point-…now before you rudely interrupted me, i was spring cleaning- or since you’re getting your panties in a twist about it, *SUMMER* cleaning. i’m not home super often so i had megumi go through and throw stuff out- i didn’t think he’d throw EVERYTHING away so…yeah. now we’re here.”
“so you mean, MEGUMI…was ‘summer cleaning’ then. gojo stop getting that boy to do your dirty work…”
“i- wow you’re just full of assumptions this morning. i didn’t ‘GET’ him to do anything. he volunteered- which!! i personally think is very sweeet, and lovinggg of him to do for his beloved guardian.”
“right, right. my bad…” you chuckled quietly, shaking your head as you did so. “i was trynna be cute n’ shit and cook breakfast, but i guess i gotta lay that dream to rest for today.” you explained. a shallow sigh leaving your lips.
“what? no you don’t. grocery stores exist, i have a car, boom. problem solved.”
“…grocery trip it is then?”
“grocery trip it is”
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. . .
grocery trip with gojo! headcannons
forgets he’s even there for groceries and goes straight to anything sweet
does that thing where you push the cart and ride on the back of it LMAOOO
gets a shit ton of orange juice because he claims it’s for megumi (megumi likes apple juice)
this is the first time you’ve guys have been out together in a more domestic manner so bro is NERVOUS
it makes him smile cause he feels like y’all are a real couple
“whatcha’ smiling at?”
“nothin’ ”
forgets where he parked
carries all the bags inside in one go 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
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a/n pt2: yall i did not mean to make it so long 😭 its wtv tho. i hope this don’t suck LOL, i actually had a lot of fun writing this like i was lwk kicking my feet and giggling fr
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yandere-fics · 6 months
♡ Sawyer With Darling Who Is Like A Sister To Her ♡
(Doesn't make sense really but I wanted to be horny so excuse the canon divergence. Sawyer found you when she was younger and you were like her sister but later on the gods paired everyone with the person they were mostly compatible with and you became her soulmate. She tried to ignore it for years but you made it impossible to keep ignoring.)
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You didn't know why you felt so nervous walking into her office today, your sister gave you everything you wanted as long as you asked but for some reason it just felt wrong to ask her for this. You were a grown adult though, you had been for a few centuries having the same lifespan as her now and what not but this felt like something you weren't allowed to have, she'd give you anything you asked for but it felt like this was where the line was drawn. Still you had to give it a try, you couldn't remain a single virgin your entire life and to be honest you needed your own partner to help you get over the crush you'd had on Sawyer your whole lives despite her being your adopted sister.
"Sawyer, can I ask for something?" She glanced up from her paper as you entered her office, your escort team quickly leaving as she pointed for you to come sit on her lap as you asked, she always did this which just made it even harder to feel confident in asking her for this. Plus if she did give you this, it would likely be the last time you sat on her lap asking for something since you'd be too excited living it up with your new companion, though it felt gross to think about it for some reason but that was just anxiety speaking. "I want a companion."
"My beloved sister, we already have a few dogs and a cat, are those not enough?" She furrowed her brows at you, she knew what you meant but she was hoping you wouldn't have the confidence to clarify what you meant and just go along with the assumption, how frustrating that you merely thought of her as your sister, she knew someday you might request a lover of your own considering the supernaturals all had soulmates and while she strong enough to be only your doting sister, not even holding you or being close to you in her heats even though her instincts were screaming at her to be close to you, but she wasn't strong enough or kind enough to watch you be close to anyone else. It was not happening.
"I want a mate-" She interrupted you with a loud frustrated sigh, both her hands settling on your hips, forcing you to straddle her so you couldn't look away from her face. "But I want a lover of my own!"
"Is that so... I suggest you put this topic away forever if you don't want to have everything ruined for you, I will not have my little sister getting with anyone, didn't we promise to live together forever? Well I refuse to have anyone else in OUR penthouse." She sighed placing her head on your shoulder and just deeply breathing for a second before lifting her head and releasing her hold. "I suggest you run along now, I'll buy you something nice tomorrow."
"This isn't fair Sawyer! I don't want to be single my whole life! Sawyer, I'm going to be very blunt, I want to lose my virginity but can't because you're meddling in my love life." She paused, ah so that's what this was about. Well you had always been very voracious, she often saw you withdraw money only to find out you went into a sex toy store and didn't want her to know about the purchase even though when you used them she could smell it all over the penthouse testing her limits even further.
"So that's what it's about, I see, well you really should have just asked." She lifted you up and bent you over her desk, causing you to yelp in surprise as she yanked down your pants and panties, her face inches away from you. "All you have to do is ask and I'll give it to you."
"W-what-" "Ask me to fuck you, I'll be your companion. Ask." Your cheeks flushed as you timidly asked her to be your companion. "Good girl, things didn't have to be this difficult, my beloved sister."
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beemochi-art · 7 months
Oplita ask meme: 3, 13, 22, 25, 27, 34. Go wild, and I hope you feel better.
I am feeling better today thanks 😊
3) Elita initiates PDA more. She knows he’s a Prime and he needs to keep up ✨appearances✨ but sometimes she can’t help it! She’ll rub up against him or huh his arm. Optimus is not going to stop her, no matter how much Ratchet scolds them about it. Op will only really initiate hand holding. He’ll stand next to her until she grabs his hand instinctively.
13) I feel like Optimus likes to ask her if she’d like to go on a cruise with him. He’ll usually ask the night before so they can go early in the morning, before the sunrise. They talk on their coms while driving, enjoying the nice morning breeze and morning sun, usually Optimus has a place he’d like to show her, so where pretty or interesting he found. He gets excited when she gets to explore somewhere new. If Op is really really wants to make it special he probably goes there ahead of time to make it extra special. Elite’s breath is taken away, Op let’s on more charm than he lets on.
When they finally get back to base everyone is barely waking up (Except ratchet). Op is getting extra loved on.
Elita wants to out due him with date ideas but all she’s got is a relaxing day in the hab. Optimus is more than happy with this.
22) Elita give him words of affirmation. Always telling how good he is and stuff to get his confidence up. Her love language is also physical touch, as stated before she’s all over him.
Optimus love language is acts of love. If there is something he can do for her he’ll do it. Often times op will do the chores that were assigned to her around base. Yeah it not fair, but the more time she has the more time she has to spend with him. That also falls into his other love language, spending time with her. Quality time with the ones he loves is the most important thing to him. They are in a war and realistically he doesn’t know how much time he has.
25) “what’s there not to love?” -Elita.
Physically speaking, I mean he big. Big all over 🤭. But seriously tho, he’s kind and makes her feel safe. He is shy and you wouldn’t expect that if you barely met the guy. Especially cause he comes off as intimidating at first (she found it sexy.) but the goes away with the more time you spend with him and the team. He’s loving to a fault and cares a lot, though little bit too much overthinking. She likes how he treats the ones around him his faction having more of a family dynamic. They follow him out of respect and not not out of fear. He spends time with his team and tries to go the extra distance to show he cares. He’s a diff ent kind of prime for sure. He’s got his issues but his dedication to trying better himself is well… incredible attractive.
Optimus knew exactly who she was when he first saw Elita. It’s his old fling Ariel from his time of being Orion pax. They were going steady until he became a prime. Then it was like she disappeared and he could never seem to seek her out again. Time has not betrayed her. She’s still beautiful, more so now. Despite everything she never lost her spark or her wit. But she’s gained her skill as warriors. She incredibly strong and not someone you want to throw down with.
“Yes, incredible is the best word to describe her.” -Prime
The love she has shown him has been more than he thinks he deserves. Always touching him, it makes him feel like he’s floating. He’s glad they were able to reconnect.
27) “We’re not CRAZY!! Only the bedroom will do.” -Elita. She seems to frequently forget they have done it during their little dates. Almost every time.
34) things get scary and real often. Almost dying, getting hurt, the rest of the team getting hurt. Lucky Optimus hasn’t had to deal with Elita getting injured badly, yet. But Optimus is a magnetic for getting gravely injured or gored. Dating a prime is… uhh let’s just say very emotionally draining. Seeing him like that constantly is the worst. And Elita is is usually helpless to do anything, she is near by making sure not to get in the way of Ratchet. Bumblebee is the one that steps in to comfort Elita. The rest of the team does their best to comfort her too but Bumblebee will not leave her side. When she’s aloud to she won’t leave his side either. Ratchet will ask her to get things for him like an extra energon run, just to give her something to do.
Once Op is recovering and doing better she’s very quiet. It is very noticeable because she’s a chatterbox. Optimus can’t do much but apologize and try to be more careful next time. She’ll get over her grief but it doesn’t hurt less the next time it happens.
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softmick · 5 months
Hi Meg! 💖
84 or 86 for the fic game?
Thanks for the prompts, Calli! I went with 86. “Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
Oh boy, this got away from me! and went sad. What is even happening? Lol.
Franny runs into the kitchen and wraps her arms around Debbie’s legs. She speaks with too much concern for such a small child, “Mommy? Is Uncle Ian okay?”
These days Franny notices everything, but Ian hadn’t exactly made it hard. Debbie’s face scrunches before she remembers to look reassuring. Her reply comes out weak, “Of course!” Franny considers this with a finger to her chin. Debbie tries again with a smile. “Yeah, I’m sure he is.” She isn’t really sure at all, but she remembers how it feels to believe a mom should be. “Why don’t you go get ready for bed and we’ll both tuck you in?”
Franny nods and runs up the stairs. A small win, but a win. Debbie listens to her daughter’s steps grow distant.
Ian had beelined straight to her from the door, scooping the girl up and holding her close. She had greeted him to no response. He alternated squeezing her limbs and pressing his face into her hair, taking breaks simply to stare into her curious face. Franny was patient and still for as long as she could manage. Debbie saw her start to squirm and broke up the moment.
Now Ian is on the couch alone holding Franny’s well-loved stuffed rabbit gently between his big hands.
“Ian?” Debbie whispers, sitting next to him.
He doesn’t speak, simply wraps an arm around her and presses a kiss to her head with a shaky breath into her hair. It feels so nice she could almost cry, but she doesn’t forget for a second that they don’t really do this. They’re close, not touchy-feely.
“Are you okay? Franny was asking.”
She thinks he’s nodding, but it’s hard to tell as he pulls her tighter.
“Can you tell me about it?” She asks hopefully.
He kisses her again and lets her go, but doesn’t meet her eyes.
Her heart flips against her ribs and she lets out what she hopes is a chuckle. “Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry, too.”
Ian swallows and looks down. He might resent the question from Lip or Fiona, but he’s Debbie’s big brother. He should ease her worries, not cause them. He doesn’t want to scare her and doesn’t know how to tell her why he’s so upset, why his heart feels so raw.
He tightens his grip on the rabbit and looks into it’s shiny plastic eyes. “It’s all so fragile, this,” he says nodding towards the stairs.
It’s felt that way in the past, but Debbie looks at her brother and feels pride. He’s still here, trying, succeeding, living. She thinks about Carl trying his hardest to follow in Ian’s footsteps and help this crazy world somehow. Liam, sweet Liam, bright and kind through it all. Things are looking up for Lip now that he’s sober… Debbie sees possibility for them all.
There’s an account in her name with enough money to keep the house warm, the water flowing. Her daughter is safe, fed, and loved undeniably. Whatever else happens and despite the desperation she may feel for a love that’s all her’s, her family is good.
“Gallaghers are pretty resilient.”
There’s truth to her words, but Ian knows intimately that they’re made of the same breakable bones and soft tissue as everyone else. He knows that there’s no way to protect any of them from the seemingly endless ways people come to the end.
“Bad day at work.”
It’s an immediate relief to her. It’s not an episode.
Debbie knows exactly what he means. Someone died, maybe multiple someones. Ian won’t say it that way though. When he says anything at all he says, “It was a bad day at work today. I lost someone, Debs.” He takes responsibility for each one and never elaborates.
“You always do your best, Ian.”
Ian hears her and forces himself to nod - slowly, twice. He knows that it’s true. At least tonight. Earlier. He did everything he possibly could. He would’ve given everything for it to have been enough.
Debbie waits, not expecting him to say anything else. She wants to offer something more, something comforting, and tries to imagine what someone older or wiser might say. The only voice she can conjure is her own.
The silence, unusual as it is, seems to have a magic of its own because Ian does speak again.
“Bad accident on 55. Lost three tonight.” He doesn’t usually need to share. He feels bad, he deals with it alone in any number of ways, he feels better. It’s a well-worn path. But right now the burden feels so heavy, the pain is so sharp, that he feels too weak to keep it inside. Maybe if he can get it out he’ll feel better and Debbie will understand what’s going on with him for once.
He sucks in a shaky breath, “Two young kids, babies, Deb.” His voice breaks at the last part and tears drop thickly.
He wonders what they thought about in their final moments. If they were scared, if they knew they didn’t deserve it. If they knew, the way all kids should know, that they meant the world to someone. That someone cared. All the responders had tried so hard to make those last moments as gentle as possible. They had held little hands, whispered words they hoped were soothing.
Debbie aches. She has enough grief to last a lifetime and so does Ian. They don’t deserve more. It isn’t fair. If she could stop him from hurting she would. She leans into him.
It’s her worst nightmare, something happening to Franny, to Liam. To any of them. For them to die not knowing how fucking grateful she is to have them in her life, not knowing how much she loves them. For her to die before she gets the chance to tell them all. She does her best to show Franny every day, but none of her siblings communicate as well as they should. She worries the message gets lost. They’re close, not intimate. It’s not the kind of thing they talk about.
"We’re safe. You’re safe.” She pauses as he sniffles loudly. Then she tells him what she’d like to hear. “Fran’s safe and she adores you. She knows you love her, okay? We all do. You’re a good person, Ian.”
She doesn’t know if it’s enough, if he can feel the weight behind her words. But she’s sure. In this moment, right here, she’s confident she’s right.
She squeezes his shoulder and stands. It won’t help anything if she starts crying. “Lets go say goodnight, huh? You can read us a story.”
“Up in a minute.”
Ian never knows what will happen when he opens up which is why he mostly doesn’t. But maybe he’s just tried the wrong siblings. Somehow Debbie cut to the root, excised some of the pain. Helped him. He turns out the lights and heads upstairs, rabbit still in hand. With each step he feels a bit lighter, a little younger. How many times has he made this trek, to put little Gallaghers to bed? Debbie, even. And now her daughter. A lot, he thinks, but never enough.
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nomoreusername · 7 months
Pretty Things (Part 1)
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⚠️ Intoxication ⚠️
Paring:Aris x female reader
Summary:After being intoxicated in the club with Aris heavy feelings arise for both of you.
Clubbing hadn't been part of the plan for finding Thomas and Brenda. Then again things don't exactly go according to plan around the Scorch. That's how Aris pulled the short straw to be the sacrifice and drink. Of course, Y/N wasn't going to let him suffer again. Now the others were beating the shit out of Marcus which consequently gave the two teenagers time to run off. 
Colors. There were so many bright, blinding colors around them. With a foggy head and loud music Y/N let loose and ignored the brutality towards Cranks just a few yards or maybe feet away. It was hard to tell with the drugs or alcohol or whatever was given to her, in her system. 
Putting her arms in the air, she let the music flow through her body as it was loud enough to practically vibrate inside her skull. Or maybe that was whatever she was under the influence of. Not that she cared. For once, she felt free. No thoughts of despair or death filled her mind. Only relaxing. Dangerously relaxing, but she couldn't stop it now.
Aris watched from the corner, squinting his eyes as to help the headache. He was the exact opposite, shivering and breathing heavily as he tried to figure out what was happening to his mind. That fucking straw. He had to pull the short straw. Not level headed Newt, tough Minho, brave Teresa, bulky Frypan, or adult Jorge. No. It was him. Scrawny, lightweight, anxious Aris. Why wouldn't it be?
Leaning against a wall, he tried to make out anything around him. It didn't work though. Nothing was real. For him, he was in hell. For Y/N, she was grateful for the release.
Still, despite her blurred vision she spotted someone watching her or at the very least attempting. The backpack with the bat sticking out and the green jacket showed her who it was. Because she may have forgotten the world, but she wouldn't forget him. She couldn't if she tried. No matter what she would know his face.
Slowly walking over to avoid falling to the ground, she stood in front of him. He gazed at her, her hair messy from how she had ran her fingers through it, her face having purple sparkles that some random girl had been kind enough to share, her disheveled and wrinkled shirt, ripped at the sleeves to show her arms, her red, dazed, and glassy eyes, and most importantly her lips upturned into this sort of smile.
"You look like shit,"She slurred. He gawked at her as she let out this small laugh, wondering how the hell their reactions could be so different. Both to whatever was in their system and how they saw each other. "But you're still so pretty,"She whispered. 
"We need to leave,"He murmured, feeling the paranoia sink into his veins.
"Why? It's nice here. Nothing to worry about. Just the dancing. Just the headaches. Everything else is nice. It's bright. It's shiny,"She listed.
"It hurts my eyes,"He reasoned, every sound, including his own voice, being alien to him.
"Relax. Feel the peace,"She babbled, putting her arms around his shoulders. Closing his eyes, he put his hands on her back as they swayed back and forth. 
"You're pretty,"She repeated. He still didn't speak, didn't even open his eyes, as he put his head in her neck.
"I like pretty things. They're so, so nice. There aren't many so when I find them I need them. I keep them. No matter who they may have belonged to I make them mine. I pick them up and hold them. Keep them forever and ever,"She listed.
"That's not good. To get attached to things like that,"He pointed out, looking up at her.
"Then, they shouldn't be so nice to be around. You shouldn't be so nice to be around if I wasn't supposed to get close,"She shrugged, leaning in. In his delirious state, he did the same. Tangling his hands in her already knotted hair, he happily kissed her. She deepened it, causing the taste of whatever they drank to become clearer on their lips, on their tongues. 
Feeling his headache get worse as ran out of air, he pulled away and took in as much as he could. Shaky and still holding her, her eyes switched to familiar blue ones. Her hair was still in a disarray, but he knew those brown locks better than anyone. Her pale skin, soft, plump lips, faint freckles, and perfect face was in front of him. With reality being twisted he kissed her deeper, pushing her against the wall behind them. Putting his hands on her waist, he mumbled something against her lips that would ruin everything.
"I missed you,"He said, his eyes still shut.
"Missed who?"Y/N asked. Her voice snapped him back into where he was and reminded him who he was kissing.
"No,"He denied as Y/N stood there, trying to figure out if it was the drugs or he truly wasn't making sense.
"You're not Rachel,"He breathed out, pulling away. Expecting her to do something else out if character the second he said that, like slap him, or scream, he was shocked when she grinned, but that did nothing to mask the pain in her eyes.
"Pretty things don't like me,"She sighed.
"Sweet. You're so sweet, but when you cut, you cut deep."
"We need to leave,"He reminded her, not knowing what else to say.
"No. I like it here. I don't have to feel,"She explained, ignoring her heart shattering in her chest. Before his already slow reflexes could do something, she left, keeping her arms up as she danced by herself. He stared as some stranger, the nice girl who shared her makeup, joined her. The way she had with him, she put her arms around Y/N. As they spun he spotted her face. She had long, blonde hair with purple streaks put in a messy braid, droopy eyes, a black crop top under a leather jacket, fishnets with shorts and a studded belt, and knee high boots to top it off. With dark lips and smudged mascara, she seemed to have put hours into this ruined look.
"I like you. You're pretty,"the girl slurred to Y/N.
"I like all pretty things. Even when they hurt,"She admitted.
"Do you think I would hurt you?"the stranger asked.
"Probably. Like this shiny, purple rock I found once. It cut my hand,"She answered. "It had the purple that your hair does,"She added, touching it.
"That's nice. Can I kiss you?"She asked, being blunt and uncaring that Y/N was someone she didn't know.
"No. I don't wanna kiss anyone,"She shook her head.
"Okay. Then, let's just dance,"She sighed, putting her face in her shoulder. With them still spinning, Aris felt his head do the same. That, combined with whatever he took and this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach made him lean over and throw up. As Y/N heard wretching she opened her eyes to see him about to collapse on the floor. Walking away from the girl, she was unaffected as she kept dancing.
"Go. We're gonna go,"Y/N directed, tugging on Aris's arm. He groaned as his knees gave out. Before he could fall in his own vomit she pulled him close to her. While he was slowly going unconscious she put his arm over her shoulder and dragged him to an empty spot near the entrance. Pulling some random napkin off of a table, she wiped his mouth. Then, she looked around and started asking for water. Any kind. Tap, plain, bottled, in a cup, opened, whatever. She just needed water.
With Aris keeping his eyes closed and panting, she asked someone who was just coming in. A boy in a spiked collar with dyed red hair, green eyeshadow, too long, black jeans, and ripped white shirt gave her an unopened bottle before walking on.
"Drink,"She demanded, unscrewing the cap. When all she got was another grunt she put his head back before pouring it in his mouth. Taking a long sip of the cold, refreshing drink, he felt it made him sleepier. Realizing this, she laid his head on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry,"He whispered.
"Shut up,"She sighed. Knowing he hurt her, he did so as he dozed off on her shoulder.
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(AoT/Genshin Impact) Mikasa, Shenhe, and Jean being reverse Isekai'd
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Honestly, there's not too many reverse isekai in general. I'd KILL for a slice of life anime isekai'ing a Khorne Blood Warrior from Warhammer to Earth.
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Mikasa would have NO idea where the she is.
The moment Mikasa sees you, she throws you flat on your ass out of pure battle instinct.
She'd quickly apologize realizing you're not a threat, getting more and more flustered by the second.
(Mikasa) "You're...not an enemy? Sorry about that, everything was just so sudden. Are you hurt?"
She'd be even more flustered if anything was broken during the throw.
After quickly explaining where she is, she'd be very confused, but more worried about her friends.
Mikasa pretty much is glued to your side, reliant on you to tell her what's going on in your world, and how to navigate/function in it.
Luckily she's not too hard to hide in plain sight, other than the fact you have extremely dangerous weapons and equipment in your abode.
But she can't help but look around with pure awe at things like cars, and people just living peacefully in general.
This is what humanity was like before the Titans?
Regardless, she'll be trying her damn hardest to find a way to get home and back into the fight.
Though she can't deny it's nice to finally relax and ponder over her life that's led up to here.
Under no circumstances should you tell Mikasa that you know where she's from, or that you know the fate of her and her friends at the very beginning. The information needs to be told to her slowly, and very carefully.
If you told her you know what happens to her, Eren, and Armin, all hell would break loose as she'd try desperately to change things, and there's no telling what would happen then.
(Mikasa) "I'm here for a reason, even if we don't understand it yet. But until then, I shall be at your side. Thank you, (Y/N)."
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Good lord, Shenhe is an absolute handful.
She was already confused by the people in her world, now she had to deal with the people of Earth.
Shenhe just blinks upon arriving in your room.
(Shenhe) "...Hello, did you cause this?"
Her expression doesn't change after you explain the situation.
In fact, she's not that worried.
(Shenhe) "If there is a way here, then there is a way back. There are still many things I have not learned about Tevyat, after all."
Shenhe stands out greatly when you bring her out in public, mostly due to her hair, the red ropes, and how dead inside she looks.
For your safety, do NOT let her speak first, or anyone talk trash about you.
Her homicidal tendencies are VERY much still alive, and after getting to know you, she won't hesitate to demonstrate it.
While touching, you should probably avoid murder, lest you want an entire task force hunting you two down. And they'll lose.
That and she'd blow her cover just speaking completely honestly, making people think she's either insane, or some kind of nerd.
Hopefully the latter.
Despite all the quirks, she becomes more and more emotional with you, even giving smiles on multiple occassions.
As for telling her she's from a video game, don't. It's a lost cause as she won't understand it at all.
(Shenhe) "Although this has been a strange journey, I cannot say it hasn't been worthwhile. After all, I have you to thank for me being able to feel emotions. I think when I'm with you, (Y/N), I feel...content."
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Jean jumps upon seeing you after snapping out of her daze.
(Jean) "O-Oh! I apologize for the intrusion, I-I'm not sure where I am."
Jean's face grows pale when you inform her that she's not in Tevyat anymore.
But you're able to ease her fears upon telling her that the other Knights can fill in, but then she grows suspicious of how you know who she is.
Be extremely careful and slow how you tell Jean she's from a video game. Because she will not take that information well that she's not supposed to be real.
The first thing you should do after shattering Jean's reality is take her to a pizza place, and let her order whatever.
She'll need it, and it'll snap her out of the existential crisis you'll put her through.
Jean offers to help however she can in exchange for taking care of her, and she is extremely easy to conceal in the public, and is very good about not letting any signs that she's from a different world through.
Although she wants to get back home to Mondstadt ASAP, she does enjoy the time to relax with you, getting to know the life of a completely different world.
(Jean) "Perhaps this is how the Honorary Knight feels. One day when I finally put my sword down, I can know a life like the one you've given me here, (Y/N). And I am not sure how we'll be able to stay in contact, but...I'd very much like to still talk to you."
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opheliajupiter99 · 2 months
PLAY Pt. 3 (OUAW Horror Fanfic)
*Hootsie before the front door, frozen, doing her best to grasp the situation she'd found herself in. As she sat there, 'papa' moved down the hall and moved to stand in front of her. It wasn't her papa, she could so clearly see that, so why did he smile as if everything was fine?!*
"Aw, come on Hootsie, don't be like dat! We got dinner all set up for the lot of us! Ya Uncle Kremy made extra special tonight." *He said cheerfully. Uncle Kremy? Did that mean there were more of these...things? She whimpered, and shook her head, pressing herself against the front door, not wanting to move from the spot, even if she knew she couldn't open it*
*'Papa' huffed, marching over to her and grabbing at one of her front paws, not roughly per say, but in a manner that made it clear he was upset, in a way she'd never seen her -real- papa be. He dragged her down the hall towards one of the far doors, and despite Hootsie being quite a bit bigger than them, and much heavier to boot, she found herself being dragged with remarkable ease*
*They went through a door into a dining room, with a long dark brown table with matching chairs lining it, a pink and white floral tablecloth draped over top of it, and a hefty pot of gumbo sat in the center. Sat at the chairs were, indeed, more of these things, copies of her real family, specifically Uncle Gideon, Aunt Twig, and Uncle Kremy just having a seat after placing down the gumbo. She didn't see Uncle Torbek or Uncle Frosty, but presumably they were around here somewhere as well*
*'Gideon' looked up towards the pair as they entered, waving to them with a big smile, his brown button eyes shining softly in the candlelight* "Well shucks howdy, look who it is! The gal of the hour!" *'Kremy' and 'Twig' looked to her as well, similarly waving cheerfully to her. She didn't wave in return, or even give a single hoot in response, shivering softly in fear and panic as her mind quietly raced as to how she could escape all of this*
*To her surprise, she found the doll-like version of her Uncle Gideon seem to notice this, his demeanor changing ever so slightly, tilting his head a bit as he lowered his hand. He was still smiling, but the smile almost seemed...a bit forced* "Hey uh, little green? Lil' one doin' alright?" *He said, 'papa's' gaze quickly snapping towards him, his smile staying firmly in place though he did stare at him rather intently for a brief moment* "Oh, she's just a bit peckish, dat's all! Come on Hootsie, let's sit down."
*Hootsie, after a moment of once again freezing where she stood, slowly took a seat, a specialized chair built to hold her weight sat there just for her. Her 'papa' sat right beside her, with Uncle Gideon across from her, his smile still seeming forced as 'Kremy' put down a bowl for her* "Came 'round just in time, still nice and hot!" *Her false uncle declared proudly, wearing a perfect mimic of her real uncle's chef apron and chef's hat*
*It seemed until she figured something out, or better yet, her family did, she'd have to play along*
*The real Kremy had just finished his ritual to commune with the Baron, his vision clouding as he entered a kind of trance. His sight returned to the image of an area consumed in darkness, with brief flashes of neon colors in the distance like lighting, and directly across from him, a figure shrouded from view, only the light of the cigar clutched in his teeth visible*
"Sir, I'm real sorry to bother ya, but I just gotta ask somethin' of ya. My niece, she...she's fuckin' gone! I dunno what the fuck happened, we were asleep, and she was-" *The Baron rose his arm and held out his hand, his skeletal digits becoming visible as he held up a finger in a 'shush' motion. Kremy stopped speaking immediately*
"Well, -I- know what happened. Somethin' real bad came leakin' its way outta Ghetit, and it was able ta - cause of ya!" *The Baron declared, now pointing that finger outwards towards Kremy. Kremy's eyes widened* "W-What? No, sir, I swear I didn't-" *Baron waved a hand dismissively, a loud crackle akin to thunder heard as the neon blared for a moment before subsiding* "It came through ya cane! Ya cane be a window right into Ghetit, let's ya talk to me, let's ya do ya magic, let's ya hear those damn whispers. All it had to do was climb its way right on through, when ya weren't payin' attention!"
*Kremy stood, stunned at this revelation. It wasn't that it didn't make sense; hell, the perfect sense it made was precisely what hurt him so much. He'd just never thought of it, never pondered what would happen if he left his cane unattended too long, especially in a magically charged place like the Feywild. He was usually one to dodge these kinds of things, run from guilt and responsibility for his actions, but this...this was different*
*The Baron harshly slammed the bottom of his cane against the ground, knocking Kremy out of his thoughts as a loud crackle of thunder was heard once again, followed by another flash of neon* "Don't be goin' quiet on me, boy! This be YA fault! And I swear to all the nine fuckin' hells if ya don't fix it, there'll be fire and brimstone upon the whole fuckin' lot of ya!" *He said, in an absolute rage. The Baron cared about many things, but one of the things he cared most about were children and their safety, after millennia of tending to and guiding fallen children down in Ghetit*
*Kremy felt tears sting at the corners of his eyes, still reeling from all of this. But after a moment, he took a deep breath, stood tall, and looked up at the Baron, a determined expression on his face, even as his eyes were still filled with guilt and self-loathing* "Let's make a deal then, Baron. For just...whatever we need to get her back. I don't care what I gotta pay for it. Just...just do it." *He was terrified but meant what he said. Of course, he didn't know what the Baron would ask for, and perhaps it was just his pessimistic nature that made him assume the worst, but even if it was that -particular- price, he would indeed be willing to pay it*
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bramblesbriars · 7 months
Middle of the Night: Chapter 1
Terry Silver is a prominent business owner, who happens to be a powerful vampire leader in the LA area. From waste disposal to escort services, Terry has a market for just about everything. But when a strapping new intern arrives from the local community college, he begins to rethink his priorities.
Trigger warning: This story is filled with drugs, smut and less than pleasant situations. If these bother you in any way, please, DO NOT READ. Definitely 18+. You've been warned.
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First days were always the hardest, that’s what Mr. Miyagi had told him anyway as he scuffled from the table and headed out the door that morning. As helpful as the advice was meant to be, it only made Daniel nervous on the drive over to the place, nearly getting lost at one light. He had made the drive before, twice even, and a little anxiety was going to throw off his whole day? He shook his head, doing his best to shake it off as he pulled into the parking lot of the massive building, glancing at the sign out front.
DynaTox Industries was a well-known staple in the area, as was it’s owner, Mr. Silver. He seemed to be a pretty decent guy, always participating in charities and community programs. That was the only reason Daniel got accepted to the internship program in the first place, no million dollar company would have dreamed of taking in a pathetic community college intern unless they were showing a little pity. The entire admissions process had been intense and a little extreme though, yet not once had Daniel met the mysterious executive.
With this in mind, he wondered if he would get a chance to see the man on his first day in with the other interns. Not that it mattered much, he expected to be working with a supervisor or something in the sales departments, that was his focus anyway. It was just always nice to know who you were working for.
The building was plated in glass, reflecting Daniel’s awkward form back at him as he made the trek up to the revolving doors, heading inside. Exotic plants decorated the entry way, the teen pausing to touch a petal of one of the flowers to see if it was real. The purple flake broke into his hand causing him to panic and tuck it into the pot before he darted over to a nearby desk where a lady sat. He gave his best smile, weight shifting from foot to foot when her gaze found him.
“Welcome to DynaTox Industries. How may I help you?” The woman flashed a kind smile, hands folded over her workstation as she addressed Daniel.
“Hi, I’m Daniel LaRusso, I'm an intern” He started, adjusting the bag on his shoulder. “I was wondering where I’m supposed to be. It’s my first day.”
“Oh, right, one of the interns.” The assistant checked the index card holder on her desk. “La…LaRusso…Ah, here you are.” After a moment of reading the card, she wrote down some information on a slip of paper and passed it to the teen. “You’re going to floor three, conference room B. There should be someone there to help you.”
“Thank you so much.” Daniel nodded, rushing towards an elevator just before the doors were about to close. He clutched the piece of paper in his fist, glancing over it as the elevator ascended to his floor just to give himself something to do. Once the car paused on the third floor, he hesitated before stepping out into the hall where a some other people lingered.
A few other interns congregated in the hallway, Daniel spotting them by their dazed looks and questionable attire. Despite his best effort to smile and appear approachable, none of the others paid him any mind, nor did they speak to each other. He figured it was every man for himself around there, but still, he had to at least try to be civil. He was going to be stuck with most of these people for a few months, the last thing he wanted to do was to piss everyone off on his first day there.
Per the assistant’s directions, Daniel scoped out the right conference room, surprised to find an elderly lady waiting for him. She was helpful though, giving Daniel his name tag and a folder of paperwork. Most of it needed to be signed and returned, but the brunt of it was information on the company and its owner. The pamphlets would come in handy for his paper later on, and he did have an interest in how the company worked. He didn’t like to be superficial of others, but he wondered if the other interns actually cared about why they were there or if they only saw a multi million-dollar company and flocked to it. DynaTox hadn’t been his first choice for an internship, but they were the ones who had accepted him, and he was grateful for it.
“You’ll be shadowing our sales team.” The old woman explained. “There will be another intern joining you later this week, so you won’t be the only greenhorn around for long.” Her leathery face crinkled into a smile. “You seem like a good kid, you’ll fit right in.”
“Thanks, Miss Margaret.” Daniel smiled, but his nerves pinched the ends of it, a hand bunched at the hem of his shirt. “Where do I get started? I mean, what will I be doing?”
“For now, just shadowing, watching.” Margaret shooed him towards the door, making sure he had the file in his arm. “Mr. Silver would have a heart attack if interns touched anything.”
Mr. Silver. The name sounded so refined and regal, Daniel had to at least acknowledge that. No wonder the guy was rich and owned a nice chunk of the valley, he probably came from a prominent family with a name like that. That’s where his mind wandered off to when Margaret spoke, not where he was supposed to be or what he was meant to be doing. He blinked then when he heard his name, inhaling a sharp breath.
“Just shadow the sales team, got it. Thank you, Miss Margaret.” Daniel again grinned for the old woman, who by then had turned to walk away, going towards the elevator. He sighed, trying to recall where exactly the sales team was.
It took some trial and error, a little embarrassing, but he found the assistant head of the sales team. A balding man, who was not nearly as talkative or friendly as he was hoping he was going to be, who made sure Daniel did nothing but stand back and watch. Later he was introduced to the actual head of the team, the lady far nicer but still pretty strict. It was during this interaction that he learned what he was mostly going to be doing over the next few months.
Coffee duty.
Oh, he was seething, the mild scent of sandalwood seeping into his clothes. What was he supposed to learn by just standing and watching? That wasn’t how he learned karate, and that wasn’t how he expected to learn how to run a business. If that was the case then he guessed he shouldn’t have even gone to college. He almost hadn’t taken the risk, but Mr. Miyagi had convinced him to push himself further. Whether he would make it or not was still up in there air.
For the time being, he found himself running back from the nearest coffee shop with orders for nearly every member of the sales team. He was lucky to have a drink carrier, but hot beverages and cardboard don’t always mix. He didn’t spill any, but he stopped just short of losing the entire carrier, setting it down on a table in a waiting area. Daniel adjusted the cups and again tried to pick it up, one of the drinks tilting a bit. He was quick to set it back down, muttering a curse under his breath.
“Do you need help with that?” A voice came from next to the teen, soft and amused.
Daniel’s eyes met an icy blue stare, freezing him in place for a second. The man beside him looked so out of place, pale skin, raven hair, and eyes that just screamed intense. His clothes fit the part though, the guy decked out in a fancy business suit. He looked a little too nice to be working there though. Who was this guy?
“Oh, no, I’ve got it.” Daniel was quick to try and grab the carrier again, but the same thing happened. “Yeah, I might need some help actually. Thanks.”
“No problem.” The man picked up three of the coffees, while Daniel grabbed the other two. “It’s not easy being the intern.” The teen shot a look over at the guy who smirked. “It’s not hard to tell. You’re all over the place.”
“That easy, huh?” Daniel chewed his lip, kicking himself for looking like such an idiot. He led the way to the elevator, punching three with his elbow once they both were inside. There was something about this guy’s scent that made Daniel sway, he couldn’t put a finger on it. It wasn’t like any alpha scent he had smelt before, it was stronger.
“It gets easier, so I hear.” While he spoke, the man cut a glance over at Daniel, tracing his profile. Daniel tried to avoid the man’s wandering stare while they stood there together, but it was hard to ignore. Was it his clothes? He had worn the best clothes he had, but he didn’t have too much to pick from, hoping he could buy new stuff with his first pay check.
“I just wish people would let me do something.” He sighed. “I get I’m an intern and a student, but I can’t learn if I don’t do anything.” Daniel huffed the last part, stepping out onto the floor when the doors opened up. The man followed behind him, mouth slightly pursed and brows arched.
“So, you’re a kinaesthetic learner.” When Daniel gave the man a confused look he laughed. “You learn by doing. You’re a physical learner.”
“Oh, well, yeah.” Daniel shook his head at the strange word the man used. “I just hope this entire intern thing isn’t going to be like this the whole time.” The beta sighed as he paused at the conference room door to open it.
“If they see potential in you then they’ll give you a chance.” He set the coffees he held on a console table by the door before motioning towards it. “I better get going. Me and these guys don’t really get along.” It was a strange thing to say, but Daniel brushed it off, realizing he didn’t get the man’s name.
“Oh, I’m Daniel, by the way.” He wedged his foot in the door to keep it open, disappointed he couldn’t shake the guy’s hand like a professional.
“I know. It’s on your shirt.” The man cut a sly grin Daniel’s way as he pointed to his name tag, before turning and walking down the hallway.
The guy hadn’t even given him his name! How rude could one person be? Well, he did help him carry the coffees to the room, but wouldn’t go inside? Daniel found himself troubled by the exchange the rest of the day, zoning out a good portion of the time that the sales team were going over figures that he could barely understand. He recalled what the man said, that if they saw potential in him that they would give him a shot. But how was he supposed to show any potential by just standing around?
As the work day drew to a close, the murmurings of a get together at a bar across town reached his ears. Something about celebrating the arrival of the new interns or some nonsense like that. Daniel didn’t see the harm in it, not a big drinker but he saw it as a chance to meet some of the other people he worked with. It was all a part of the college experience, right?
Some folks went home after work to change, while the majority of others left work and immediately went to the bar. Daniel was one of those people, not wanting to explain to Mr. Miyagi why he was leaving home after getting back from work. He wasn’t exactly dressed for a night out, clad in dress pants and a sweater, but he didn’t look bad. There were plenty of other people in the bar who looked worse than he did.
Once other employees from the company began to filter into the bar, Daniel tried to strike up conversations with a few of them. Some ignored him, while others referred to him as a child and outright insulted him. There were a couple who humored the teen, it mostly being the younger women of the company, batting their eyes at him and asking how his first day was. Daniel didn’t mind the attention, it was a nice change after losing touch with a few of his old flames. The wounds were still a little fresh though, and most of the conversations died down soon after they began.
Daniel found himself at the bar halfway through the night, ordering Dr. Pepper and people watching to pass the time. He had tried to order a beer, but the bartender wouldn’t let him, just chuckling at him and giving him a soda on the house. Even when he was trying to be badass, he couldn’t win. So he sat there, drinking his soda and staring off at the other bar goers. Until a familiar voice echoed from beside him.
“Whiskey, please. Neat.”
The man from earlier perched on the bar stool next to Daniel, now dressed in blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt. His dark hair was slicked back into a ponytail, a few stray pieces curling around his forehead and ears. Daniel was quiet while he cut his eyes over at the man, the same odd scent of smoke filling his nose. It made sense that he would be there too. The guy did work at the company. But for him to find Daniel at the bar like that? It was weird. As if on cue, the man seemed to focus in on Daniel’s insecurity.
“Oh, hey, Daniel.” The man grinned, sipping his whiskey. “How was the rest of the sales meeting?”
“Boring.” The brunette admitted as he picked at his cuticles. “I did get to drink one of the coffees though. Apparently, I messed up the order.” He shrugged then, tan cheeks flushed. “What branch are you in…You know I never got your name!”
“Terry.” He held a handout to the teen, who gave it a firm shake. “Ah, I really do a little bit of everything. I’m particularly good at business management, the administration side.” Terry explained, gesturing with his hand before taking another sip of his drink. “So, you want to go into sales, is that right?”
“Oh, I don’t know yet. I just know I’m interested in business. I’d like to have my own someday.” It was the first time Daniel really smiled that evening, the once agitating scent of smoke now oddly comforting. “Not sure what kind yet, but I’d like to have my name on a sign some kind of way.”
“That’s a pretty big ambition. All you need is the drive to get there.” Terry finished his drink, nodding to the bartender for another. “And maybe some money.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m going to save everything I get from this internship…” Daniel paused when the other laughed. “What?”
“This internship doesn’t pay its interns. Most internships don’t actually.” Terry thanked the bartender when he got his drink, setting it aside. “So you won’t be making anything, Danny-boy.”
It was definitely news to him. He had specifically applied to the DynaTox internship program because it offered a paid internship and now some guy was telling him that it was a lie? It had to be a joke. But what if it wasn’t? That meant he was going to have to find some other way to save up money while also going to school, and that hadn’t been part of his thinking going into this. Daniel went quiet, pushing his empty glass around on the counter.
A hand pressed into his back then, the pressure soft against his spine. He blinked, head snapping round to meet Terry’s electric gaze and faint smile. Daniel’s mouth opened though no words left him, the strangest sensation jostled through his veins to have another man look at him that way. Specifically, to have that man look at him that way.
“If you’re strapped for cash I know a way you can make some extra money.” Terry kept his voice low, sliding his hand down Daniel’s back and off his hip. The teen tensed when the man did that, averting his eyes. “It’s totally discreet. I mean, hell, how do you think all the other interns are making their money?”
Daniel’s body warmed. Was this guy really propositioning him? He dug in his pocket for his wallet, pulling it out only to drop it on the floor. He slid from the bar stool to grab it, but a foot stopped him. A lump settled in his throat as he stared at the shoe that rest on his wallet, not daring to look up.
“Let me get those for you, Danny-boy.” Terry slid his foot off Daniel’s wallet then got out his own, paying for both of their tabs. The teen snatched up his wallet, ready to run out of the bar when a voice called after him. “Remember what I said, Daniel. Think about it.”
Was he desperate enough to consider such a thing? No, never, that was disgusting. Besides, he had never been with anyone, why would he drop as low as to have his first time be with someone he didn’t even know? And for a few bucks too? He wasn’t ready to be that pathetic. He preferred to be a broke loser than a floozy degenerate. The entire incident left him shaken and made him regret ever asking the guy his name.
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z-saint-box · 2 months
High Guardian Spice Series Review
[reviewing the show as a whole]
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"So what exactly was all the fuss about?" "Is this review a food?"
[If you haven't already, I recommend reading some of my episode reviews for this series]
Scandalous and infamous, High Guardian Spice is notorious for everything that it is. If you're reading this, chances are, you are already aware of its nasty reputation. The series has received so much negative press, so much vitriol, that I was encouraged to watch it for myself. For this reason, it received much more attention than it is probably deserving of.
As a result, I actually love how provocative it is, because there are worse shows and better shows that have never achieved the same level of attention or infamy as High Guardian Spice. If you want a show that's even worse, just watch Angel's Friends. Critics are quick to point out the irony of the show's title, because all four protagonists are named after herbs, and not spices. However, the reason behind the name is revealed at the very end of the series. Rosemary, being the leader of her team, comes up with it; and as established, she is impulsive, and may even have below-average intelligence. But even after knowing the names of each herb, I never had a problem with the name of the series.
Critics are also harsh on the show's intro for being generic with simplistic lyrics. Yet, I'm surprised that they didn't mention Windy Wagner slurring the vocals. Even though another take would've been nice, and the fact I still don't know what's "warm and bright," I actually like intro theme for its optimism and sense of adventure; and the fact that opening sequence is synched to the lyrics.
To "become the light" means to become a hero, what the girls, especially Rosemary, intend to do. Just look at her face when she looks in the mirror. Her expression shows absolute determination and will. For the reasons above, I find myself listening to the intro on repeat and wanting to watch it for every episode.
Interestingly, High Guardian Spice is nowhere to be found on Windy's official website. In spite of this, I actually love the work she did for it.
However, I have a lower opinion towards the credits. While it expresses the joy of friendship, it just sounds too childish. While it does work for the majority of episodes, it absolutely does not when placed after episodes like "Festival of Fall" or "Scypith." The shift in mood is absolutely jarring and I don't know why anyone at Ellation Studios didn't notice. Both parts of the Autumn Processional conclude on dark endings, and after the scypith is killed, the girls melodramatically cry over its death before suddenly becoming happy again in the closing sequence.
It's even more bizarre considering the content warning before each episode. If the show is not meant for children, then why does every episode have an ending designed for toddlers? Raye has said that the advisory is not his doing; instead, Crunchyroll is responsible, even though the show is nothing a ten-year old cannot handle, save for a bit of profanity.
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[the show's advisory, although what for?]
Although speaking of, I definitely dislike the swearing, not because I am a prude; but because the characters look too cute to use foul language. One exception is Rosemary calling Mandrake an asshole. It's not only funny, but she is clearly the kind of girl to use that word.
The major conflict in the world of High Guardian Spice is the battle between old magic and new magic. Despite this, the show is extremely vague about the difference between them. It is not clearly explained or even demonstrated beyond their names and how powerful they are. The best I understand is, terrasphere are new magic, and they amplify magic powers. If I am wrong about this, it's the show's fault for not being more clear.
Going beyond its allegory or metaphor for technology, new magic is a recent development in the show's universe, and the fact it can do anything, it should be causing problems in the world; i.e. new magic is causing new problems that have never been seen before, especially if it's more powerful than old magic for the world to responsibly handle. New magic is more powerful, but also more dangerous.
A lot of viewers speculate that new magic is behind the Fairy Rot; and in all likelihood, they are correct. For the reasons described above, new magic is causing the destruction of the Fairy Woods. All of this however, is in the subtext, or background.
I should also mention that I still don't know what a guardian is, beyond protecting someone or something. I'm willing to guess that a guardian is someone that defends Lyngarth, or it may even be a special class of people with special privileges. For that matter, High Guardian Academy might even be a military school.
Similarly, an explanation for why Rose's parents switched gender roles would've been nice. Likewise, it also would have been nice to know more about Chicory, Rosemary's older brother; because surely, he is an important person in Rosemary's life. But for whatever reason, he is not attending High Guardian Academy just like her, and he doesn't even show up in Rosemary's flashback in the third episode. Even though he could easily be written out the show without consequence, I don't want him to.
For the reasons above, the world-building terrible. The most crucial elements of the story are not clearly explained or just as bad, under-developed.
Each of the four main characters have their own personal issue that suits their overall personality; Rosemary coping with losing her mother, Sage being caught between old magic and new magic as well as dealing with a school bully, Parsley needing to assume maternal responsibilities at home, and lastly, Thyme looking for a solution to the rot that is destroying her home in the Fairy Woods.
Initially, I didn't like Rosemary, not because critics say she is stupid and annoying; but because of her character design. Her hairstyle and frilly skirt are completely impractical for combat. However, I have eventually come to respect her for multiple reasons.
In the first episode, she wants to chase after an animal she believes has rabies. While this is obviously an extremely dangerous thing to do in real life and should have probably been replaced with something milder, this demonstrates her curiosity about the world, even if it is reckless.
She is an energetic tomboy that idolizes her mother; and wanting to be just like her, has a strong sense of justice and virtue, as well as perseverance and determination. This is best demonstrated in the second part of "Festival of Fall." Despite her feuding with Sage in the episode, Rosemary goes after Olive anyways and fights her.
As for Sage, she could've been my favorite character of the show. Despite ostensibly being the smart girl, the early episodes show how innocent and naive she is. Her stubbornness to adapt to new magic is actually her clinging on to her naivety and her desire to honor old magic.
While I have heard critics deride her outfit for being generic, this actually demonstrates the conservative nature of tradition. Despite being dressed modestly, she still looks cute anyways.
But all of this begs the question of why her parents send her to High Guardian to begin with if the curriculum is exclusively new magic. However, I speculate that they're so conservative that they are completely oblivious to the new standards, and even the fact that the world is changing.
Unfortunately, Sage loses her initial characterization in the episode "Crushing Obstacles." She comes across as condescending when she claims that guys do not talk about their feelings, despite Parnelle talking about his feelings to her in the previous episode, and even crying. Worst of all, Sage's behavior is triggered by Rosemary having a crush on Aster.
While it turns out that he is not a good match for her (at least according to what the writers intended), how Sage behaves is such a bizarre contrast to what she is like in the previous episodes. The reasons above are why I like Rosemary more than Sage, despite having a personality that is the polar opposite of mine; and despite Sage being a character I have more in common with.
Now would be a bad time to mention that I actually like Amaryllis. What I like is how, despite being much smaller than the entire student population, she dominates the school in spite of her height, and has a ton of fun doing it. Small, fearless, and proud, she is so entertaining that even the fandom likes her.
But my absolute favorite character is Parsley. Aside from being short and adorable, and also doing it with short hair, she is the most likeable protagonist for being optimistic, friendly, and cheerful. Having a great personality, she is the one main character that most people, even critics, are fine with. I also need to mention how she laughs in the episode "Transformations." Her laugh is so angelic, I find myself re-watching Rosemary burp just to hear it again.
But compared to the other girls, she has no meaningful conflict to face. Additionally, she has been a blacksmith since birth, she doesn't need schooling. The second episode shows that she is already proficient.
For this reason, I had to speculate why Parsley would like to attend High Guardian Academy. Her enrollment is redundant, and she can just get an apprenticeship under her father. However, another user I spoke to has speculated that, by going to High Guardian, she will be able to become her own blacksmith sooner. By doing this, she will be able to help her family out by earning a higher income.
I have also guessed that her life at home prevents her making friends. After all, before attending, it was her responsibility to look after her brothers. Without her, her parents will have more trouble taking care of the boys, although this could be mitigated if her parents had less. But by living away from home, Parsley does not struggle like the other girls do.
As for Thyme, I don't have any strong opinion on her. Part of the problem is that she is stoic; and as a minor criticism, her bow makes no sense whatsoever. The strings come out from the top and bottom, but then they magically connect.
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[either she is distressed, or she had a bowel movement, from the episode "Festival of Fall, part one"]
The show is not formulaic; and because each episode is unique, I can easily identify any episode just by looking at a screenshot. I also love how each one begins with a cold opening, as a way to build anticipation for the next adventure that Rosemary and the girls will have. The best teaser is the one for "Rainy Day Memories."
While I prefer shows without a central story arc; and despite High Guardian Spice's linear nature, it is short enough that this is not a problem. And because there's only twelve episodes, the show has relatively strong continuity.
And even when the show's harshest critics have seen everything wrong with the show, it still has personality. Even if you think the show is terrible, it's still unique for what it is. You could even argue it's so bad it's good.
Overall, High Guardian Spice feels like a very rough draft that Raye and his studio weren't allowed to proofread or revise. The writing, being all over the place, encompasses an entire gamut from bad, to clumsy, to unfinished. What complicates everything is how the show was under-financed, badly promoted and rushed. After all, the production crew had to start the storyboard process for the first episode before the script was even finished.
A part of me believes everything would have been explained with a second season, but at the time of writing this, there are no plans for season two. And at the time of writing this, Ellation Studios has shut down. Interestingly, Raye would like to reboot the show instead of continuing it. I can only imagine how badly Crunchyroll (mis)treated the series as badly as it did.
In spite of all of this, the show looks great, and I absolutely adore the aesthetics. This includes the character designs and the environments; and at least the show doesn't use flash animation all that often. But High Guardian Spice is so cute, it's clumsy; or, it's so clumsy, it's cute. For these reasons, I actually like the show.
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However, there is a caveat to note. Because I already knew a lot about the show before watching a single episode, I was already aware of its problems; so I accepted most of them without question and didn't take it all that seriously. Having low expectations, I just didn't find myself hating it as the average person.
Although, if you have seen my image of Parsley and Heauxy, you already know that I like the show enough to make fanart out of it, and the fact I posted screenshots from it.
There are easy fixes for most of its problems; and in fact, I could probably fix them myself. The most effective would be to remove old magic and new magic completely or to explain the difference between them more clearly.
And besides, with how much hatred it has received, it has a unique, but highly provocative identity, even when the production studio was not trying to make it that way. I actually like it for what it is. But what I really dislike is how difficult this review was to write.
With (or even because of) the amount of vitriol against it, there is still charm to be found in the world of High Guardian Spice. In fact, I'm in the mood to watch it again to see if my opinion sours.
For most critics, the show has left a bitter taste in their mouths; but for me, the show just doesn't taste all that bad. This particular spice is not meant for everyone; but at the same time, not all spices need to taste like cinnamon.
Grade: B - (is the internet going to kill me for this?)
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mimisempai · 2 years
Hob want to try to explain the difference between nice and kind to his students
On Ao3
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"Hmm... how to put this..."
Dream looked up and watched Hob as he prepared for his class the next day. It was not uncommon to hear him mumble aloud, then stand up and gesticulate, searching or repeating the words he would say to his students in the next class.
Hob clapped his hands causing Dream to startle and exclaimed, "A practical example, I need an example."
Dream, curious, asked softly, "An example of what?"
Hob turned to him and replied, "An example of kindness. There was a slight debate today at the end of class about the use of the words nice and kind. Some people argued that they were the same thing, and didn't understand the difference. So I thought it would be interesting to make it the topic of my next class." Hob bit his lip and continued sheepishly, "Although it's definitely not on the schedule." then he shrugged, "But since when do I do everything absolutely by the book."
Dream, amused, laughed softly at the end of his lover's monologue. 
Hob continued, "So I thought I should come up with a concrete example." 
Dream suddenly saw Hob's expression soften as he looked at him. He raised a questioning eyebrow and Hob said softly, "I know I can't give that example, but you are one."
To say Dream was surprised would have been an understatement.
Hob nodded, "Kindness is ending a date with a friend to protect them from possible attack despite that friend being immortal."
Dream shrugged, "That was pure pragmatism."
Hob looked at him indulgently and retorted, "Call it what you will. I know what I saw and felt at that moment." Then wagging his eyebrows suggestively, he added teasingly, "Although I wouldn't have minded an alternative ending to this date."
Rolling his eyes, Dream muttered, "Believe me, I would have liked to have ended this encounter differently too."
Suddenly, Hob, who had his eyes on the window, rushed to the door exclaiming, "I'll be right back!"
A puzzled Dream watched him hastily put on his shoes and then ran out, slamming the door behind him.
After ten minutes, he heard voices in the hallway, footsteps coming closer and Hob, after entering, sat down next to him on the couch, obviously out of breath.
"Haaa... sorry... I... I saw the... old neighbor... Mrs. Barlow coming home and looking like she was having trouble carrying her groceries, so..."
Dream continued his sentence, "So you went to help the old lady carry her groceries home."
Hob bit his lip and replied sheepishly, "And I told her to call on me next time..."
Dream, with a fond look on his face said softly, "And you want an example of kindness? But you are kindness personified, Hob."
Dream did not let him speak and continued, "Kindness is telling the truth to someone you consider a friend. Even if you know it will break everything. It's telling them that you've seen their loneliness and think you can fix it, even though you know you might be rejected. Kindness is staying loyal to that friendship for over a hundred years even though you've been rejected in a brutal way."
He couldn't resist and leaned in to kiss Hob's stunned expression. 
When he lifted his head, Hob said teasingly, "You know I can't use that example either right?"
Dream muttered, "Idiot." 
Hob protested, "Hey, that's not nice that!"
Dream muttered, "Hob..."
"Shut up."
Hob licked his lips and barely had time to answer, "Make me" as Dream captured his lips in a kiss that while fiery was no less sweet.
When they caught their breath, Hob chuckled, "But that kiss, that was nice."
"In conclusion, kindness is often expressed through actions one takes for other people, whereas niceness usually involves wanting to please someone. A nice person may tell a neighbor that they are sorry they are sick, while a kind person may bring them soup or offer to go on an errand. True kindness is not always easy. It may be easier to be nice, but being kind is better. Always remember to question your intentions when you decide to act in a kind way. Always ask yourself, am I being nice or am I being kind? If the latter is the answer then you will be sure to act for the better."
Dream watched Hob finish his lesson, once again having captivated his students and himself he had to admit.
When Hob joined him, he said softly, "Another master class, Professor Gadling."
Hob smiled and replied, "Now you are the nice one, my lord."
Dream stopped and looked him in the eye as he said softly, "Absolutely not. I am not nice. I'm not saying those words to please you but because I mean it."
Hob sighed, "Okay... I understand what you're trying to point out. I... I'm still pretty bad at accepting compliments, I guess."
Dream grabbed his hand and as they resumed their walk, he said softly, "I think I'm going to have to shower you with kindness and one day you'll get used to it."
At that moment, the kindness in Dream's eyes made Hob feel genuinely cherished. He thought to himself that if he was able to describe in a perfect way what he was feeling at that moment to his students, they would have no problem understanding the difference between nice and kind.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
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Dreamling Masterlist here
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