#desperately trying to keep himself from yelling at Yata and revealing himself
ridiasfangirlings · 17 days
fushimi going undercover for something minor and having to wear the most awful, most obvious wig with no glasses as a last resort and even though everyone else can immediately know who it is yata has no idea
(inspired by drew_talbert on tiktok creator of bistro huddy<3 )
Yata being like huh who is this strange man and it takes every ounce of Fushimi’s self control not to blow his cover and berate Yata for being an idiot. Imagine Fushimi has to go undercover to like spy on this Strain who always has business meetings at a fancy restaurant. This is intended to be an intelligence mission, not combat, Fushimi will bug the attendees of the meeting and then sit at his table and listen in. Of course since he’s a known member of S4 he needs to be undercover for this, unfortunately S4 happens to be a little low on disguises (Fushimi ruined all the dresses after the last mission) so the best they can manage is the absolute worst blond wig in existence and some ugly color contacts that are vaguely close to his prescription, along with like a very conspicuous trench coat. Imagine Fushimi looking at himself in the mirror after being dressed up, looking like he has a dead cat on his head, and being like this is the stupidest thing you idiots have ever asked me to do. 
He’s sent to infiltrate the restaurant and imagine on his way in he sees Doumyouji, who was running an errand in the same area, and who’s immediately like oh hi Fushimi-san even though he was told nothing at all about this mission. Fushimi irritably shushes him and Doumyouji wonders why the wig, like oh did you want to try coloring your hair. Fushimi grumbles that he’s undercover and is like not one word about the wig, Doumyouji senses murder in the air and is like right yes sir. Fushimi gets into the restaurant, getting very weird looks from a confused front of the house guy as he’s led to his table, and manages to get the bug in place as well. He settles down to listen in when a waiter shows up and asks him what he’d like to drink.
Fushimi looks up and finds himself face to face with Yata, who’s working part time as a waiter at the restaurant. Normally this would be a good thing for Fushimi but he has work to do so he scowls and is like don’t you say a word, Yata’s like uh excuse me sir because he just asked if the guy wanted drinks. Fushimi gives him a flat look like you’re going to ruin everything you idiot and Yata’s like hey don’t call me an idiot before quickly shutting his mouth and coughing all uh I mean don’t call me an idiot ‘sir,’ I’m just a waiter. Fushimi looks at him blankly like you….really don’t know who I am and Yata’s like wait are you a celebrity. Fushimi internally facepalms and orders a water.
Fushimi tries to continue the mission and imagine him so torn between completing his mission properly and trying to get Yata to realize who he is. Like he knows it’s best for his mission that Misaki is an idiot but also how dare Misaki not know it’s him, Fushimi’s a traitor and Yata should be thinking of him all the time and hating him and recognizing him in stupid costumes. Imagine he keeps doing things that should tip Yata off to his identity, like after he finishes his water he starts ordering meat dishes plain with no sauce or dishes with lots of vegetables and demanding all the veggies taken out, he orders some milk and drinks the entire glass while Yata is just standing there staring. Eventually I imagine as soon as his target finishes their meeting and leaves Fushimi gives this heavy sigh and immediately orders another dish all ‘and be quick this time, Misaki.’ Yata’s all wait how do you know my name and then suddenly he finally figures it out and is like ‘Saruhiko!’. Fushimi throws off the wig with a wide grin and goads Yata into going outside for a fight, Yata can’t believe that Fushimi stalked him here in disguise and Fushimi’s like it’s your fault for being so stupid you couldn’t figure it out. (Later he returns to the office with his wig destroyed, contacts missing and clothes all messed up and everyone’s wondering how he managed to get so roughed up on a non-combat mission.)
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
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I'm just imagining the cuteness of Yata going from wanting to kick the ass of this villain in order to prove himself to his hero friends to realizing that this villain is just a hopeless nerd who needs someone to take care of him. So say superhero AU where there are a bunch of people with powers and Niki happens to be one of them, but rather than using his powers for good of course he only uses them to create chaos and mischief. He becomes an infamous supervillain and all kinds of heroes try to defeat him but they all fail, Niki's great at slipping out of any trap that's deployed against him. Eventually though someone gets lucky and manages to defeat the evil villain and Niki dies all alone and unloved in a hospital as the entire world celebrates his death, just the way it should be.
What nobody knows though is that Niki has a kid, a kid who also has superpowers. Fushimi was born after like a one night stand and Kisa didn't want anything to do with the kid once Niki revealed himself to be a supervillain (not because she didn't want to have a kid with a supervillain, mind, she just thought it would be bad for her growing business if everyone found out she hooked up with a guy as infamous as Niki). Niki raised Fushimi all on his own with all the 'loving care' he could manage, meaning Fushimi grew up miserable and unloved and hating everything. Fushimi basically feels like he's destined to be a supervillain and there's nothing he can do about it, he's clearly Niki's son and there's no point in even trying to fight against a fate like that. And besides Fushimi figures this is just as well, since villains destroy everything and this way Fushimi won't ever have to worry about holding things dear or having anything precious, he'll just destroy whatever's in front of him without any remorse.
Of course once Fushimi starts acting as a supervillain plenty of heroes want to stop him, Fushimi probably styles his hair like Niki and tries to pretend that he is Niki and all these heroes think that maybe Niki really didn't die. The superhero team Homra in particular is fairly focused on him which Fushimi dislikes a lot, he doesn't care for Mikoto in particular and tends to make a quick escape whenever Mikoto appears on the scene. Fushimi's trying to think of different ways to get Homra off his back and at some point he realizes that Homra has this civilian kid who's always hanging around them who might be a good target. Yata's a kid who desperately wanted superpowers and never developed them, even so he does his best to support the heroes of Homra and he's always running errands for them and helping them gather information. He never even thinks twice about how this could put him in danger and he probably has particular hate for 'Niki,' who he thinks is just the worst villain of them all.
Fushimi ends up staging some kind of crime as a diversion in order to get Homra out of the way and then he swoops in and kidnaps Yata while they're distracted. Yata's knocked out before he can even fight back and he wakes up in Fushimi's Evil Lair, which turns out to be an incredibly messy cramped apartment. Yata's super confused when he wakes up to find himself tied up on some guy's couch, as he's looking around trying to figure out what's going on the Great Supervillain Niki shows up...or rather, a skinny nerd with messy hair shows up drinking canned coffee and looking like he hasn't slept properly in weeks. Yata's bravado at being kidnapped is significantly dimmed by the discovery that this isn't actually Niki, it's Niki's son, and more than that the fact that Niki's son is, in fact, a hot mess disaster child.
Yata wonders what Fushimi wants with him and is told that he's a hostage for Homra's good behavior, Yata's immediately like you can't do this to me except Fushimi's already ignoring him and typing away on his computer. Yata continues to struggle and yell a lot even as Fushimi keeps snapping at him to be quiet, at some point Yata wonders if he's even going to be fed and Fushimi tosses him a Caloriemate. Yata thinks this is like a bread and water thing until he realizes that Fushimi's eating the same thing along with canned coffee. Eventually Yata probably falls asleep and wakes up to see Fushimi's still at his computer typing even though it's like one in the morning and Yata can't help but be like don't you need to sleep sometime, Fushimi clicks his tongue and tells Yata to shut up. After a few days of Caloriemate and canned drinks Yata manages to convince Fushimi to at least untie him so that Yata can make them food, like look you've caught me and I'm your hostage or whatever so why not force me to do your chores. Fushimi has literally never done chores so this turns into less Fushimi forcing Yata to do them and more Yata cleaning the place and doing laundry and making food because he can't believe that Fushimi even lives like this, like what would your mother say huh (and then Fushimi's like 'she left me so why would she care,' not bitter just matter of fact, and Yata gets suddenly quiet and gives Fushimi this look that makes Fushimi's stomach feel funny for some reason).
At some point the two of them get into like this rhythm and Yata almost forgets that he's a hostage, like Fushimi's stopped being a villain to him and is now just 'Saruhiko,' the sad lonely kid who can't even make his own breakfast. Fushimi's starting to feel maybe slightly guilty for kidnapping Yata but he doesn't want to let Misaki go either, like this is the first person to ever care about him and Fushimi's clinging without even realizing it. One day though Homra finally tracks them down and they arrive in a blaze of heroism to save Yata. Yata wants to just talk it out, like he tells Fushimi that he can explain everything to Homra and they'll let Fushimi go and maybe he can become a hero now but Fushimi can't accept that, thinking Yata cares more for Homra than for him. He 'betrays' Yata by pretending to threaten his life and Yata's heartbroken thinking his whole friendship with Fushimi was a lie but really Fushimi's faking and he lets Yata go, figuring that he'll always be a villain so there's no point in holding on to Yata (and then later Yata realizes that Fushimi did let him go and now he's determined to find Fushimi again and convince him to be the hero Yata knows he can be).
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Yata tried many ways to confess his love to Saru, but all ended in failure. Method № 102: summon the demon(yes everything is SO bad). But the demon had no consciousness, and simply destroyed everything that could,turning Yata's apartment into a dump.Yata in horror calls Saru and requests his help to capture demon, and there is no he not idiot, and Yes him this was need and there is no himself he not tackles and Yes only stupid monkey can him help, and no, I didn't call you stupid, just a monkey.
Yata no, that's so extreme XD I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. He's tried so hard so many times to tell Fushimi how he feels but something always messes things up, like the very first time he tried it Yata just got totally tongue tied and Fushimi probably thought that Yata was trying to end their friendship instead, and it took Yata twenty minutes to convince him that wasn't the case. The next time Yata tried to invite him on a fancy date disguised as one of their usual bar hopping trips, this failed when Fushimi called off because there was an emergency situation and he couldn't get off work. Yata tried to recite some poetry from a book but Fushimi clicked his tongue and asked if Yata got hit by a Strain, trying to get close to him during romantic movie watching just revealed that Fushimi fell asleep an hour ago from overwork.
Yata's starting to think that he's never going to manage to tell Fushimi how he feels, like this love thing is way too difficult and anyway Fushimi is way too difficult too, normal methods just go right over his head. Yata's wracking his brains for another way of doing things and maybe he even goes so far as to ask the Scepter 4 alphabet boys for advice. He intends to talk to Hidaka, who he gets along with pretty well and who he knows cares about Fushimi, but Hidaka's out and only Gotou is there. Gotou suggests the demon summoning and even gives him an ancient summoning stone and a secret chant he got at a flea market to help him out. Yata's like 'a demon, really?' and Gotou says it couldn't hurt could it. Yata decides what the hell and he takes the stone home (Hidaka shows up as Yata's leaving and wonders what Gotou was talking to him about and why'd you give him that weird looking rock we found in the garden, Gotou shrugs and says he thought Yata would like it).
Yata sets the stone on his table at home, laughing to himself like summon a demon sure, how stupid is that. He keeps glancing at it though like 'but what if...?' Half as a joke he picks it up and grabs the secret chant, reading it off the paper with this wry look like yeah no way this works. There's a moment of silence and he's like just what I thought nothing, but then the entire apartment starts shaking and Yata's like oh shit wait this can't be good.
Ten minutes later Fushimi's hard at work at his computer and his PDA rings. He picks it up and starts to tell Yata not to bother him at work and he barely gets a word out when Yata's just yelling at him through the phone to get his ass over there now. There's the sound of breaking glass and general destruction in the background and Fushimi tries to ask Yata exactly what's going on, Yata's like don't ask questions just get the hell over here. So Fushimi heads over and as soon as he opens the door all he sees is chaos, Yata's apartment is just a total mess, furniture broken and windows smashed and it looks like a hurricane came through. Yata suddenly comes running out of the kitchen looking haggard, yelling at Fushimi to close the door before 'it' gets out. Fushimi's like what the hell are you talking about and Yata dive bombs him and slams the door just before something black and creepy looking comes dashing after him. Fushimi immediately makes a shield with his knives and blue power and then he just stares because there's this slathering monster in front of him.
Fushimi's just like I'm leaving, Yata's like wait no you asshole I need you to help me kill this demon. Fushimi doesn't even know why Yata has a demon, Yata's like your stupid high coworker gave me a summoning stone thingy so it's kinda your fault, Fushimi's like it's not my fault that you decided to summon a demon like a moron. Yata grabs his sleeve and is like come on Saruhiko I need your help, Fushimi gives this twisted grin as he's like fine, say please first. Yata's like fuck you and Fushimi's all 'uh uh – please, Misaki.' Yata is really pissed about this now but the demon's getting tired of being pushed away by Fushimi's power and it's starting to break the shield. Fushimi clicks his tongue and grabs Yata, dragging him into another room where they can make a plan while the demon's still held back. The two of them spend the rest of the night trying to subdue it and maybe in the end it's got them like pinned in a closet together and Yata's despairing that they won't get out of this so he ends up desperately confessing his love to Fushimi....and the demon promptly 'poofs' out of existence, its job done.
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