#desmond is meant to be an assassin class in this one XD
teecupangel · 9 months
Had the sudden thought of somehow Desmond was dropped kicked into Dragon Age/Thedas, specifically the Inquistion and received the glowy mark of doom. And on one hand, it's all here we go again, and on the other hand, someone keeps a leash on Desmond because he keeps trying to run away
Well, we can’t really blame him considering he just got booted from being a chosen one to another chosen one in a different world where he knows nothing at all XD
And in a world where one of the major faction is called the Templars?
He’d be wary of them from the get go, that’s for sure. XD (not that the mages wouldn't send alarms all around his mind)
Honestly, he’d probably go his own way and travel the new world he finds himself in, trying to understand the geopolitical status of the world.
Well, that seemed like a tall order so he would probably focus on Thedas first.
He’d also build his own Brotherhood along the way.
In his defense, it’s less building it and sorta accidentally setting it up because he kept saving random people during his travels and feeling the need to help them.
He calls them travels.
Leliana calls them ‘Desmond running away again’.
The funny thing though… he’s just traveling but he gets roped into the power struggle all over Thedas and gets railroaded into the original plot.
Not that he knows this.
Perhaps it’s simply fate.
Perhaps the Calculations is still at play.
Perhaps… a certain ‘hedge mage’ is at fault.
Desmond definitely isn’t sure.
He’s just trying to live his life in this new world he finds himself.
And because this is the kind of curse Desmond is given whenever he gets isekai’ed to another world/game/franchise.
The companions and advisors want to bang him.
The people he recruits for his Brotherhood though thinks of him as a mentor and more of a parental figure.
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teecupangel · 11 months
I keep thinking about Desmond, our fave isekai protag, getting dropped into baldur’s gate 3. Only, per one of my favorite isekai tropes, as a no-name NPC. As one of the Sharess’s Caress escorts? As one of Astarion’s spawn?? Basically him just being Tired Of This Shit and trying to avoid the plot but of course that’s not going to work lol. I haven’t even decided if he would be a romantic interest for the MC or a companion or anyone, or what his class would be. But ugh his isekai potential too strong.
His isekai potential is too strong.
If we want Desmond tired of everything and just want to avoid the plot, I personally would put him somewhere safe-ish? Desmond is the type of person who wouldn’t turn a blind eye to atrocities if it smacked him on the forehead so the best way to ensure that he stays away from whatever plot is happening is by making him an NPC in a more or less stable area where he would feel like other more knowledgeable and experienced with all these ‘dungeons and dragons’ (they have magic, holy shit) got this. That would point us to someone in Baldur’s Gate before Act 3. This way, Desmond would have his peace and quiet until the party starts doing their thing and Desmond stop being able to turn a blind eye on everything and he’s ‘forced’ to assist this party of… well… interesting people
As for his class, well, you can go for the class I’m going for with my playthrough of BG3 as Desmond. I made him multiclass Rogue (Thief) and Ranger (Gloomstalker), with a little bit of Bard (College of Swords), specifically:
Rogue Lv 4 – Thief (because Thief’s skills are more all rounders than Assassin’s)
Ranger Lv 5 – Gloomstalker (more stealth options, Dread Ambusher is our Assassin skill lite and lv5 has extra attack XD)
Bard Lv 3 – College of Sword, more on the side of Desmond being good in being seen as ‘non threatening’ but his spell list is more on the side of support than actual damage.
If you want to keep him in one class only, making him a Thief (Assassin) would make the most sense with the hidden blade being more or less his one shot kill weapon, although in terms of gameplay that’s kinda like making him a “best in first round only” kind of deal. The multiclass above is the ‘compromise’ I made to have Desmond be more or less in line with his setup in Assassin’s Creed.
Of course, if you want to have fun and make Desmond suffer (affectionately), you can make him a Warlock with a pact with an unknown Great Old One. This would add a layer of mystery to who had ‘helped’ Desmond be pushed into Faerun and we can hint that the Great Old One is:
Isn’t actually a Great Old One but one of the gods but Desmond’s otherworldly-ness and his lack of ‘worshipping’ stopped him from being a Paladin or a Cleric and pushed him into Warlock territory
Is one of the Isus from his world that had escaped into Faerun (or somewhere close by) but, since that Isu is a deity from their world, the Isu is counted as one of the Great Old Ones (which sounds a lot like “Those Who Came Before”)
Desmond’s patron isn’t one entity but a legion, using some kind of system to support or affectionately bully him at times if and only if the legion reaches a majority vote. Desmond technically has multiple access to ‘Wish’ but it’s more of him asking help from the legion and hoping many of them would give him what he wants. … and, yes, I am basing the legion on the whole “Desmond’s patron is us” idea I have XD
Even if Desmond isn’t a magic class, I think he’d have a few scrolls with him, mostly support spells like Invisibility, Fly and even Enhance Leap (also Speak with Dead and Speak with Animal) with a few attack spells that he uses as distraction most of the time
Sidebar: I’m not sure if you mean Astarion’s spawn as in we’re setting this after BG3 with Astarion having ascended and making Desmond his spawn or if you meant Desmond is a fellow Cazador spawn, either way, we’ll have to find a way for Desmond to escape his sire’s thrall if that’s the case. The easiest would be Desmond getting a tadpole in his brain like Astarion but that does mean that… well… if his sire was Astarion, this will lead to Desmond wanting to kill Astarion because he sees being put in his thrall as something horrible as it makes him lose control over himself even if Astarion was to be… ‘kind’ to him. If it was Cazador though, then that means Desmond will want to kill Cazador (and maybe Astarion and the party helped him during the whole… Cazador ‘sidequest’) and that would be his reason for being unable to keep himself from the plot.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Tagged by @peridot-tears
I will say... that I'm not good at explaining music in general (I barely pass my music classes as I'm apparently tonedeaf to high waters)
Ezio's Family
I didn't get any notes that the Ezio's Family that are only qualified for this list are the ones that are in AC games so...
Earth (Assassin's Creed 2)
I love how this starts slow then goes deep before going fast. I knew I had to pick an Ezio Family version from AC2 and it was either the OG Ezio's Family, Venice Rooftops or Earth and I chose Earth because it's the middle ground of the three. It has the fast pace style of Venice and the slow beginning of Ezio's Family. Plus, I like the vocals of this one and the way the music ends feels... uncertain which I think shows the uncertainty of Desmond's future in the present and the mystery that persists in AC2 concerning the 'Prophet' talked about in the Codex.
2. Main Theme/Ezio's Family (AC Identity)
I might have never played the game but goddamn this theme. When the beat drops and it gives a more hard rock version of Ezio's Family theme? I'm sold. I love rock versions of non-rock music and there's just this hint of isolation in this theme that works well with AC Identity's story.
3. Main Theme (AC Rogue)
This just hits differently (which is to be expected for an Assassin's Creed game with a protagonist Assassin turned Templar) and you can feel Shay's Irish roots as well as this feeling of adventure and freedom that has an underlying sadness to it (especially in the vocals).
4. Family (AC Syndicate)
Gonna be honest... it's the violins. I'm a sucker for violins and the violin of this one really hammers in how the title Family isn't meant to be joyful. It's meant to be a prelude to how Evie and Jacob's relationship would end in Syndicate's main story.
5. Venice Rooftop Soul Caliber V Remix
It's a faster version of Venice Rooftop and has that Soul Caliber music-esque addition to it that I just love. Soul Caliber is one of my favorite childhood games and hearing an Ezio Family official remix of a similar vein as the other Soul Caliber stage music? I can't help but love this. (Is this cheating? Probably but... oh well... XD)
Honorable Mention: Odyssey's "Ezio's Family", Russia's Main Theme and Origin's "Main Theme".
Additional Favorite Tracks (in no particular order other than no 1):
Flight Through Jerusalem (Assassin's Creed)
You know it was going to be the top one. It's my most played music in Spotify when I was still using Spotify and it will forever take that spot because I stopped using Spotify (other than podcasts). Why is it my top one? Well, here's my exact reasoning from that Spotify callout post I made last year: Flight Through Jerusalem is a track that manages to show the conflict of Jerusalem during the 3rd Crusades by mixing Gregorian-like chants with a kind of traditional Middle incoherent sounds trying to defend music choices
2. Underground (Assassin's Creed Syndicate)
This one is super specific. I think this could be a really great MV for Assassin's Creed especially the lines of "Loved ones taken long before their work was done" would certainly be about Desmond because fuck Ubisoft, where's our modern day setting Assassin's Creed where Desmond showed he's the ultimate Assassin and successor to his ancestors' wishes and will?
3. Fight Club (Assassin's Creed III)
This is, hands down, my most favorite music in ACIII and it's one that really makes me go "Okay! Let's go do something!". I don't know how else to explain this one other than it's a really fun and motivating song.
4. Masyaf Village (Assassin's Creed)
Okay, this one is more of a personal favorite of mine because it's creepy. There's this just feeling of being unsettled that does not go away the entire song and it's a great music to represent the mystery surrounding the Brotherhood itself. I just love the female vocals of this track. (Sidebar, this can be heard in ACR when Altaïr places the Apple in the library)
5. Altaïr and Darim + Requiescat in Pace (Assassin's Creed Revelations)
Apparently Tumblr has a 10 videos max so here's Requiescat in Pace
Mostly if you listen to "Altaïr and Darim", you would automatically hear Ezio's "Dear Claudia..." and yeah, that's one reason why I picked this one. But the reason why I picked this over AC Revelation's Main Theme? Because this is the music that plays when Darim and Altaïr have their last talk. When Darim tells Altaïr "All that's good in me began with you, father", I lost it. I was just crying. And "Requiescat in Pace"? That's the song that plays when Altaïr takes his final rest and I'm just gone. I'm out for the count. I don't care if it's cheating that I picked two for one spot, I can't separate the two because of the emotions both tracks give me in succession.
Honorable Mention: The High Seas from Black Flag, Fish in the Sea Sea Shanty(which didn't make the cut because it's not an AC original music), When Horns Resound from Valhalla and Rather Death Than Slavery from Unity
Tagging... uuuhh... I guess @saberamane and @fanworldbuildingfun if they'd like to do this XD
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